Floor plans of residential properties in the development 發展項目的住宅物業的樓面平面圖 TOWER 1 3/F 第 1 座 3 樓 於 23 樓的建築物邊線 維修位置維修位置 Description 描述 Floor-to-floor hei

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TOWER 1 3/F 第 1 座 3 樓 於 23 樓的建築物邊線 維修位置維修位置 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B 3.275 175 於 23 樓的建築物邊線 於 23 樓的建築物邊線 3 樓 B 單位的空調機位置 3 樓 A 單位的空調機位置 20 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積

TOWER 1 5/F-12/F & 15/F-21/F (13/F & 14/F are omitted) 第 1 座 5 樓 -12 樓及 15 樓 -21 樓 ( 不設 13 樓及 14 樓 ) 於 23 樓的建築物邊線 於 23 樓的建築物邊線 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B 3.275 175 於 23 樓的建築物邊線 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積 21

TOWER 1 23/F & 25/F-31/F (24/F is omitted) 第 1 座 23 樓及 25 樓 -31 樓 ( 不設 24 樓 ) A B Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property (m) 23/F 23 樓 25/F-30/F 25 樓 -30 樓 31/F 31 樓 2.950, 3.450, 3.500 3.500 3. 3.500 3.500 250 23 樓至 31 樓 B 單位的空調機平台 23 樓至 31 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 22 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積

TOWER 1 32/F 第 1 座 32 樓 A B Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper 3.500, 3.800 175 3.000, 3.500, 3.800 250 32 樓 B 單位的空調機平台 32 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積 23

TOWER 1 33/F 第 1 座 33 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A 3.500, 3.750 175 24

TOWER 1 第 1 座 Roof 天台 25

TOWER 2 3/F 第 2 座 3 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B 3.335 150 維修位置維修位置 3 樓 A 單位的空調機位置 3 樓 B 單位的空調機位置維修位置維修位置 3 樓 A 單位的空調機位置 3 樓 B 單位的空調機位置 26 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積

TOWER 2 5/F-12/F & 15/F-21/F (13/F & 14/F are omitted) 第 2 座 5 樓 -12 樓及 15 樓 -21 樓 ( 不設 13 樓及 14 樓 ) Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B 3.335 150 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積 27

TOWER 2 23/F & 25/F-31/F (24/F is omitted) 第 2 座 23 樓及 25 樓 -31 樓 ( 不設 24 樓 ) A B Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property (m) 23/F & 25/F-30/F 23 樓及 25 樓 -30 樓 31/F 31 樓 3.500 3050, 3.500 3.500 150 23 樓至 31 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 23 樓至 31 樓 B 單位的空調機平台 28 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積

TOWER 2 32/F 第 2 座 32 樓 A B Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper 3.500, 3.800 200, 225 3.375, 3.500, 3.800 175 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積 29

TOWER 2 33/F 第 2 座 33 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A 3.500, 3.800, 4.290 175, 225 30

TOWER 2 第 2 座 Roof 天台 31

TOWER 3 5/F 第 3 座 5 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B 3.270 於 35 樓的建築物邊線 於 35 樓的建築物邊線 225 5 樓 B 單位的空調機位置 5 樓 B 單位的空調機位置 32 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾

TOWER 3 6/F 第 3 座 6 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B C D 3.270 (excluding plaster) of each residential 225 135, 200 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾 33

TOWER 3 7/F-12/F, 15/F-23/F & 25/F-27/F (13/F, 14/F & 24/F are omitted) 第 3 座 7 樓 -12 樓, 15 樓 -23 樓及 25 樓 -27 樓 ( 不設 13 樓 14 樓及 24 樓 ) Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B C D 3.270 (excluding plaster) of each residential 225 135, 200 34 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾

TOWER 3 28/F-33/F 第 3 座 28 樓 -33 樓 A B C D Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper 28/F-32/F 28 樓 -32 樓 33/F 33 樓 3.145, 3.270, 3.570 3.270 3.220, 3.270, 3.570 (excluding plaster) of each residential 225 135, 200 generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾 35

TOWER 3 35/F 第 3 座 35 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B 3.500, 3.750 3.500 (excluding plaster) of each residential 175 150 36 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾

TOWER 3 第 3 座 Roof 天台 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾 37

TOWER 5 5/F 第 5 座 5 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper (excluding plaster) of each residential A 3.270 B 175, 225 38 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾

TOWER 5 6/F 第 5 座 6 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B C D 3.270 (excluding plaster) of each residential 175, 225 135, 200 6 樓 C 單位的空調機位置 6 樓 C 單位的空調機位置 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾 Material Recovery Room 6 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 6 樓 D 單位的空調機位置 6 樓 D 單位的空調機平台 6 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 6 樓 D 單位的空調機位置 6 樓 D 單位的空調機平台 39

TOWER 5 7/F-12/F, 15/F-23/F & 25/F-27/F (13/F, 14/F & 24/F are omitted) 第 5 座 7 樓 -12 樓, 15 樓 -23 樓及 25 樓 -27 樓 ( 不設 13 樓 14 樓及 24 樓 ) Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A B C D 3.270 (excluding plaster) of each residential 175, 225 135, 200 40 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾 7 樓至 12 樓,15 樓至 23 樓, 25 樓至 27 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 7 樓至 12 樓,15 樓至 23 樓, 25 樓至 27 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 7 樓至 12 樓,15 樓至 23 樓, 25 樓至 27 樓 D 單位的空調機平台 7 樓至 12 樓,15 樓至 23 樓, 25 樓至 27 樓 D 單位的空調機平台

TOWER 5 第 5 座 28/F-33/F 28 樓 -33 樓 A B C D Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property (m) 28/F-32/F 28 樓 -32 樓 33/F 33 樓 3.145, 3.270, 3.570 3.270 3.270, 3.270, 3.320, 3.495, 3.570 3.570 3.220, 3.270, 3.570 (excluding plaster) of each residential 28/F-32/F 28 樓 -32 樓 33/F 33 樓 175, 225 175 135, 200 135, 200 generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾 28 樓至 33 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 28 樓至 33 樓 D 單位的空調機平台 28 樓至 33 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 28 樓至 33 樓 D 單位的空調機平台 41

TOWER 5 35/F 第 5 座 35 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper (excluding plaster) of each residential A B 3.500, 3.750 3.500 175 35 樓 A 及 B 單位的空調機平台 35 樓 A 及 B 單位的空調機平台 42 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾 35 樓 B 單位的空調機平台 35 樓 B 單位的空調機平台

TOWER 5 第 5 座 Roof 天台 MAF = Metal Architectural Feature 金屬建築裝飾 43

TOWER 6 3/F 第 6 座 3 樓 維修位置 維修位置 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A 3.335 B 175 維修位置 3 樓 A 單位的空調機位置 維修位置 3 樓 B 單位的空調機位置 44 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積

TOWER 6 5/F 第 6 座 5 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A 3.335 B 175 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積 45

TOWER 6 6/F-12/F, 15/F-21/F, 23/F & 25/F-31/F (13/F, 14/F & 24/F are omitted) 第 6 座 6 樓 -12 樓, 15 樓 -21 樓, 23 樓及 25 樓 -31 樓 ( 不設 13 樓 14 樓及 24 樓 ) A B Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor) of each residential property (m) 6/F-12/F & 15/F-21/F 6 樓 -12 樓及 15 樓 -21 樓 23/F & 25/F-30/F 23 樓及 25 樓 -30 樓 31/F 31 樓 3.335 3.500 3.075, 3.500 3.500 175 6 樓至 12 樓,15 樓至 23 樓及 25 樓至 31 樓 B 單位的空調機平台 6 樓至 12 樓,15 樓至 23 樓及 25 樓至 31 樓 B 單位的空調機平台 6 樓至 12 樓,15 樓至 23 樓及 25 樓至 31 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 46 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積

TOWER 6 32/F 第 6 座 32 樓 A B Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper 3. 3.500, 3.800 3.200, 3.500, 3.800 225 175 32 樓 B 單位的空調機平台 32 樓 B 單位的空調機平台 32 樓 A 單位的空調機平台 3. The foyer (private lift lobby) forms part of a residential property, and is not a common part of the Development. The saleable area of this residential property specified in the section Area of Residential Properties in the Development includes the floor area of that foyer (private lift lobby). 3. 前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 屬住宅物業一部分, 並非發展項目之公用部分 發展項目中的住宅物業的面積 一節所列出該住宅物業之實用面積包括該前廳 ( 私人升降機大堂 ) 之樓面面積 47

TOWER 6 33/F 第 6 座 33 樓 Floor-to-floor height (refer to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper A 3.500, 3.750, 4.290 225 48

TOWER 6 第 6 座 Roof 天台 49

There are architectural features, metal grilles and/or exposed pipes on the external walls of some of the floors. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. Common pipes exposed and /or enclosed in cladding are located at/adjacent to the balcony and/or flat roof and/or air-conditioner platform and/or external wall of some residential units. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans and/or approved drainage plans. There are sunken slabs (for mechanical and electrical services of units above) and/or ceiling bulkheads for the air-conditioning fittings and/or mechanical and electrical services at some residential units. There are exposed pipes installed in some stores and toilets. There are exposed pipes located at the upper part of some utility platforms. Balconies and Utility Platform are non-enclosed areas. Symbols of fittings and fitments such as bath tub, sink, water closet, shower, sink counter, etc. are prepared based on the latest approved building plans and are for general indication only. 部分樓層外牆範圍設有建築裝飾 金屬格柵及 / 或外露喉管, 詳細資料請參考最新批淮的建築圖則 部分住宅單位的露台及 / 或平台及 / 或空調機平台及 / 或外牆上 / 附近設有外露及 / 或外牆裝飾板內藏之公用喉管, 詳細資料請參考最新批准的建築圖則及 / 或排水設施圖 部分住宅單位天花有跌級樓板 ( 用以安裝樓上單位之機電設備 ) 及 / 或假天花內裝置空調裝備及 / 或其他機電設備 部分儲物房及洗手間內裝有外露喉管 部分工作平台上方裝有外露喉管 露台及工作平台為不可封閉的地方 樓面平面圖上所顯示的裝置符號, 如浴缸 洗滌盆 坐廁 花灑 洗滌盆櫃等乃按最新的經批准的建築圖則繪製, 只作一般示意用途 Legend for floor plan 平面圖圖例 50