80 ROBINSON ROAD 售樓說明書部份 物業平面圖

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1 Legend 圖例 = ir onditioner = 冷氣機裝飾物 = ir onditioner = 冷氣機平台 w/. = ir onditioner with luminium Louver = 附有鋁百葉窗之冷氣機平台 lum. = luminium = 鋁料掛牆 = luminium Louver = 鋁百葉窗 rch. Feature = Feature = 外牆裝飾 rch. Feature bove = Feature bove = 上層之外牆裝飾 rch. = = 外牆裝飾物 rch.. bove = bove = 上層之外牆裝飾物 = ay Window = 窗台 ath = athroom = 浴室 = athroom 1 = 浴室 1 = athroom 2 = 浴室 2 ath 3 = athroom 3 = 浴室 3 = edroom = 睡房 1 = edroom 1 = 睡房 1 2 = edroom 2 = 睡房 2 uilding Line bove = 上層之建築邊界.. = able uct = 電線槽 at Ladder = 爬梯 = 掛牆 onc. Plinth = oncrete Plinth = 混凝土基座 = 幕牆 = ining = 飯廳 = own = 落 F.S. Pump = Fire Services Pump Room = 消防泵房 Family = Family Room = 家庭活動室 Feature = 裝飾牆 Feature bove = 上層之裝飾用的外牆 = 平台 H.R. = Hose Reel = 喉轆 = 廚房 = Lavatory = 洗手間 1 = Lavatory 1 = 洗手間 1 2 = Lavatory 2 = 洗手間 2 = 升降機 Lobby = 升降機大堂 Shaft = 升降機槽 Light ox = 燈箱 = Living = 客廳 = edroom = 主人套房 Metal Feature Egg Grille bove = 上層之金屬蛋格裝飾 Metal = 金屬裝飾物 Metal Gate = 金屬閘門 Metal Railing = 金屬扶手 rch. Feature = Feature = 非結構外牆裝飾 = 非結構外牆裝飾物 = 金屬穿孔板 Panel = 穿孔板 Panel bove = 上層之穿孔板 Pump = Pump Room = 泵房 R.. Feature = Reinforced oncrete Feature = 裝飾用的混凝土外牆 R.. Packing = Reinforced oncrete Packing = 石屎包裝物 Satellite T.V. Equip. = Satellite Television Equipment Room = 衛星電視器材室 Servant Room = 僱傭房 S. = Shower Room = 沐浴間 Steel = 金屬平台 / = Room = 儲物室 Study = Study Room = 閱讀室 T.. = Telephone uct = 電話線槽 Top of ay Window elow = 下層窗台之頂部 Top of uilding Line elow = 下層建築邊界之頂部 Top of elow = 下層幕牆之頂部 Trap oor = 活板門 = Up = 上 Upper Part Of Electrical Meter Room = 上層之電錶房 Upper Part Of Entrance Hall = 上層之入口大堂 Upper Part Of F.S. ontrol Room = Upper part of Fire Services ontrol Room = 上層之消防控制房 Upper Part Of Guard Room = 上層之警衛室 Upper Part Of Lobby = 上層之升降機大堂 Upper Part Of Management = 上層之管理處 Upper Part Of Switch Room = 上層之電掣房 Upper Part Of Water Meter Room = 上層之水錶房 Upper Roof = 上層天台 Void = 中空 Walk-in loset = 衣帽間 Water Meter = 水錶 Notes 附註 : 1. There are ceiling bulkheads and/or false ceiling for the air-conditioning fittings and/or mechanical and electrical services at some residential units, located at Living Rooms, ining Rooms, s, edrooms, athrooms, Study Rooms, Family Rooms and/or Walk-in losets. 部分住宅單位內客廳 飯廳 廚房 睡房 浴室 閱讀室 家庭活動室及 / 或衣帽間有假陣及 / 或假天花內裝置空調裝備及 / 或其他機電設備 2. Symbols of fittings and fitments shown on the floor plans such as bathtubs, sinks, sink counters, water closet, shower, etc, are for indication of approximate location only and not indications of their actual sizes, designs and shapes. 樓面平面圖上所顯示的裝置符號, 如浴缸 洗滌盆 洗滌盆櫃 坐廁 花灑等, 只作示意大概位置之用途及非展示其實際大小 設計及形狀 24

2 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 11TH FLOOR 十一樓平面圖 rch. Steel Metal Railing at Ladder. W.. W. 1 Non-strutural Non-strutural. W.. W. 1 2 T.. Water Meter H.R. Upper Part Of Lobby Lobby Trap oor Upper Part Of Elect. Meter Upper Part Of Lobby Upper Part Of Water Meter.. uilding Line bove Upper Part Of Water Entrance Hall Light ox lum. Void each residential property on 11/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 11 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 11/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 11 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 2. W. R.. Feature uilding Line bove Fin in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 25

3 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 12TH-18TH FLOOR 十二樓至十八樓平面圖 each residential property on 12/F-18/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 12 樓至 18 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米. W.. W. Non-strutural. W.. W. 1 2 Light ox 12/F-18/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 12 樓至 18 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 2 1. W. T.. Water Meter H.R. lum Louver Lobby Void rch... Void 2 Void rch. 1 ath Void lum. w/. R. Feature Fin bove * This part in Unit on 12/F, 13/F and 15/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 27 for the latest layout. * 十二樓 十三樓及十五樓 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 27 頁之平面圖 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 26

4 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 12TH, 13TH N 15TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 十二樓 十三樓及十五樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : Non-strutural. W. 1. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代. W. 1 2 each residential property on 12/F, 13/F and 15/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 12 樓 13 樓及 15 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 12/F, 13/F and 15/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 12 樓 13 樓及 15 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 27

5 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 19TH-21ST FLOOR 十九樓至二十一樓平面圖 Non-strutural Non-strutural. W.. W. 1 2 ath rch. at 20/F to 21/F Only Metal at 19/F Only each residential property on 19/F-21/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 19 樓至 21 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 19/F-21/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 19 樓至 21 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米. W.. W. 2 1 T.. Water Meter H.R. Lobby W. lum Louver rch. rch. rch. Feature Panel R.. Packing t 19/F & 20/F. t 20/F in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 28

6 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 22N-31ST FLOOR 二十二樓至三十一樓平面圖 each residential property on 22/F-31/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 22 樓至 31 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 Non-strutural. W /F-31/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 22 樓至 31 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 2 1 T.. Water Meter H.R. Lobby.. 1 * This part in Unit on 28/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 29 for the latest layout. * 二十八樓 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 29 頁之平面圖 lum Louver rch. rch. rch. Feature 2 Panel R.. Packing t 22/F, 25/F, 27/F, 29/F & 31/F. t 22/F, 25/F, 27/F, 29/F & 31/F in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 29

7 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 28TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 二十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 28/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 28 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 28/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 28 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 29

8 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 32N-36TH FLOOR 三十二樓至三十六樓平面圖 at 32/F to 35/F Only at 32/F to 35/F Only Non-strutural at 32/F to 35/F Only at 32/F to 35/F Only each residential property on 32/F-36/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 32 樓至 36 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 32/F-36/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 32 樓至 36 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 2 1 T.. Water Meter H.R. Lobby.. 1 lum Louver rch. rch. rch. Feature 2 R.. Packing t 33/F & 36F Only Panel. t 33/F & 36/F Only in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 30

9 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 37TH FLOOR 三十七樓平面圖 Non-strutural each residential property on 37/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 37 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 37/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 37 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 2 1 T.. Water Meter H.R. Lobby.. 1 lum Louver rch. rch. rch. Feature 2 rch.. Panel in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 31

10 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 38TH FLOOR 三十八樓平面圖 each residential property on 38/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 38 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 Non-strutural. W /F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 38 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 T.. Water Meter H.R. lum Louver Lobby 2* rch... rch. rch. Feature 1 2 R.. Packing Panel. bove * This part in Unit, Unit and Unit on 38/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 32, 32 and 32 for the latest layout. * 三十八樓 單位 單位及 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 及 32 頁之平面圖 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 32

11 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 38TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 三十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 :. W. Non-strutural The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 38/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 38 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 38/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 38 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 32

12 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 38TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 三十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 1 2. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding folding door. 原有掩門改為趟摺門 each residential property on 38/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 38 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 2*.. rch. rch. Feature 2 R.. Packing Panel. bove 38/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 38 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 32

13 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 38TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 三十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 38/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 38 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 38/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 38 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 32

14 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 39TH-43R FLOOR 三十九樓至四十三樓平面圖 each residential property on 39/F-43/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 39 樓至 43 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 Non-strutural /F-43/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 39 樓至 43 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 T.. Water Meter H.R. lum Louver Lobby.. rch. rch. 1 2 Panel * This part in Unit on 43/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 34 for the latest layout. * 四十三樓 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 34 頁之平面圖 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 33

15 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 43TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十三樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Non-strutural Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 43/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 43 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 43/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 43 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 34

16 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 45TH-47TH FLOOR 四十五樓至四十七樓平面圖 Non-strutural. W each residential property on 45/F-47/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 45 樓至 47 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 45/F-47/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 45 樓至 47 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 1 H.R. T.. 2 Water Meter.. Lobby 1 lum Louver rch. rch. 2 Panel in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 35

17 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 48TH FLOOR 四十八樓平面圖 each residential property on 48/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 48 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 * 1 2* 48/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 48 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 Study 2* 5* 3* T.. Water Meter H.R. Lobby.. 3* 4* 2* Study * This part in Unit, Unit and Unit on 48/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 37, page 37 and page 38 for the latest layout. * 四十八樓 單位 單位及 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 37 頁 37 頁及 38 頁之平面圖 Top of uilding Line elow Servant Room lum. Louver 4* lum Louver 5* Servant Room lum. Louver lum Louver lum Louver uilding Line bove Panel in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 36

18 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 48TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. n island table has been demolished. The original kitchen setting has been replaced by kitchen setting with a different design. 拆除建島式枱面 原有廚房設置以不同設計之廚房設置取代 2. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding door. 原有掩門改為滑動門 3. Single sink has been installed replacing the previous sink. 安裝單洗滌盤取代之前洗滌盤 4. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 5*.. Servant Room lum. Louver 3* 4* lum Louver lum Louver 2* Study uilding Line bove Panel 5. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding folding door. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有掩門改為趟摺門 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 48/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 48 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 48/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 48 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 37

19 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 48TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. ouble sink has been installed replacing the previous single sink. The original kitchen setting has been replaced by kitchen setting with a different design. 安裝雙洗滌盆取代之前單一個洗滌盆 原有廚房設置以不同設計之廚房設置取代 2. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding door. 原有掩門改為滑動門 3. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 Study Top of uilding Line elow 2* 5* 3* Servant Room lum. Louver 4* 4. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding folding door. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有掩門改為趟摺門 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 5. The original door at kitchen has been shifted. 原有廚房門移位 each residential property on 48/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 48 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 48/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 48 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 37

20 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 48TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. swing door has been installed. 安裝掩門 2. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 2 1 3* 2* 3. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding folding door. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有掩門改為趟摺門 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 48/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 48 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 48/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 48 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 38

21 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF 49TH FLOOR 四十九樓平面圖 urtain bove 5* bove urtain each residential property on 49/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 49 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 Feature urtain Flat Roof 1 2 Family Shaft Shaft 3* Shaft Family 5* 4* 1 2* 2 Flat Roof urtain 49/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 49 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 1 ath 3 Fin 2 Family 2* urtain lum. Louver Fin S. Walk-in loset Fin T.. Shaft 3* Satellite T.V. Equip. Upper part of Lobby lum Louver 4*.. 2* Walk-in loset 3* 4* S. Family lum. Louver urtain Fin 6* 1 2 ath 3 Fin 4* 5* Fin Panel * This part in Unit, Unit and Unit on 49/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 40, page 40 and page 41 for the latest layout. * 四十九樓 單位 單位及 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 40 第 40 及 41 頁之平面圖 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 39

22 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON THE 49TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十九樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. wider swing door has been installed. 安裝較闊的掩門 2. The partition wall and door have been demolished. 拆除間隔牆及門 3. wardrobe has been installed. 安裝衣櫃 4*.. 2* 3* Wardrobe S. 4* Family lum. Louver urtain Fin 6* 5* 1 2 ath 3 Fin loset 4* Fin Panel 4. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 5. closet has been installed. 安裝櫃 6. The original partition walls have been replaced by wooden partition wall with different designs. 原有間隔牆改動為不同設計之木製間隔 each residential property on 49/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 49 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 49/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 49 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 40

23 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON THE 49TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十九樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : Feature 1. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 2. cabinet has been installed. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 安裝儲物櫃 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 1 Family 3. shower seat has been installed. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 安裝沐浴座板 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 2* ath 3 Fin 2 urtain lum. Louver Fin S. Walk-in loset Fin 3* each residential property on 49/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 49 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 49/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 49 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 40

24 LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON THE 49TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十九樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. The original partition wall and door at edroom have been demolished and relocated. The original door at edroom 1 has been demolished and relocated. 原本主人房的間牆及門移除及移位 原本睡房 1 的門移除及移位 2. The original partition wall between edroom 1 and edroom 2 has been demolished. door at the original edroom 2 has been demolished and replaced by a sliding door at edroom 1. 原本睡房 1 及睡房 2 之間牆移除 原本睡房 2 門移除, 改為睡房 1 之滑動門 uilding Line bove 3. Original Family Room has been altered as edroom 2, and a partition wall with door between the staircase and edroom 2 has been installed. partition wall has been installed towards corridor. 原本之家庭活動室改為睡房 2, 並在樓梯與睡房 2 之間增設間牆及門 向走廊方向增設間牆 5* urtain 4. Original door at athroom 2 has been demolished and relocated. The swing direction of the door has been altered at athroom 2. 原本之浴室 2 門移除及移位 改變浴室 2 門之開門方向. 3* 2* 2 4* 5* 1 Flat Roof urtain 5. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 49/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 49 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 49/F of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 49 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 41

25 Feature LOK 1 FLOOR PLN OF THE ROOF 天台平面圖 onc. Plinth Void onc. Plinth rch. rch. rch. Feature bove rch. Upper Roof Upper Roof at Ladder at Ladder Metal Feature egg Grille bove Metal Feature egg Grille bove Feature uilding Line bove at Ladder Study Study at Ladder uilding Line bove each residential property on Roof of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 天台的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 Top of ay Window elow at Ladder urtain rch. Feature Study uilding Line bove Metal Gate at Ladder Shaft Shaft F.S. Pump Shaft Panel bove rch. Shaft Pump.. Metal Gate rch. Feature uilding Line bove Study at Ladder urtain Top of ay Window elow Roof of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 天台的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低樓層的內部面積稍大 at Ladder Light ox rch. Light ox rch. at Ladder each residential property on Upper Roof of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: Not applicable. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 上層天台的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 不適用 onc. Plinth Top of elow rch. Feature bove Upper Roof rch. Feature Panel bove rch. rch. Feature Upper Roof onc. Plinth Top of elow rch. Feature bove Upper Roof of lock 1 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: Not applicable. 按發展項目的經批准的建築圖則所規定, 發展項目 上層天台的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 不適用 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 42

26 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 11TH FLOOR 十一樓平面圖 rch. Upper Part Of F.S. ontrol Non-strutural uilding Line bove Upper Part Of Guard Upper Part Of Management Trap oor Non-strutural each residential property on 11/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 11 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 Light ox Upper Part Of Switch at Ladder 11/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 11 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 lum. Void Upper Part Of Entrance Hall Lobby H.R. T.. 1 Fin uiding Line bove.. Water Meter R.. Feature 2 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 43

27 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 12TH-15TH FLOOR 十二樓至十五樓平面圖 Light ox Non-strctural each residential property on 12/F-15/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 12 樓至 15 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 12/F-15/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 12 樓至 15 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 bove lum. Void w/. R. Feature 1 ath Void 2 Void Void.. Lobby H.R. lum Louver Water Meter T.. rch. 1 2 rch. in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 44

28 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 16TH-18TH FLOOR 十六樓至十八樓平面圖 Light ox lum. Void Non-strctural 1 Lobby H.R. T each residential property on 16/F-18/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 16 樓至 18 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 16/F-18/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 16 樓至 18 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 bove w/. R. Feature ath Void 2 Void Void.. Void lum Louver Water Meter rch. 2 rch. in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 45

29 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 19TH-21ST FLOOR 十九樓至二十一樓平面圖 rch. at 20/F to 21/F Only Metal at 19F Only rch. feature Non-strctural Non-strctural 1 2 each residential property on 19/F-21/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 19 樓至 21 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 19/F-21/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 19 樓至 21 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 Panel. t 20/F 2 1 rch. R. Packing t 19/F & 20/F rch. Feature rch... Lobby H.R. lum Louver Water Meter T in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 46

30 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 22N-31ST FLOOR 二十二樓至三十一樓平面圖 1 2 each residential property on 22/F-31/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 22 樓至 31 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 Non-strctural Non-strctural 22/F-31/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 22 樓至 31 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 Panel. t 22/F, 25/F, 27/F, 29/F & 31/F 2 1 R. Packing t rch. 22/F, 25/F, 27/F, 29/F & 31/F rch. Feature rch.. W... Lobby H.R. lum Louver Water Meter T in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 47

31 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 32N-36TH FLOOR 三十二樓至三十六樓平面圖 1 1 each residential property on 32/F-36/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 32 樓至 36 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 32/F-36/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 32 樓至 36 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 at 32/F to 35/F Only at32/f to 35/F Only Non-strctural 2 2 at 32/F to 35/F Only at 32/F to 35/F Only Panel. t 33/F & 36/F Only 2 R. Packing t 33/F, 36/F, Only 1. W... rch. Lobby H.R. lum Louver Water Meter T.. 2* 1 2 * This part in Unit on 36/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 49 for the latest layout. * 三十六樓 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 49 頁之平面圖 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 48

32 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 36TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 三十六樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 at 32/F to 35/F Only Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 1 2. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding folding door. 原有掩門改為趟摺門 each residential property on 36/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 36 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 2* 2 36/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 36 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 49

33 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 37TH FLOOR 三十七樓平面圖 each residential property on 37/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 37 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 Non-strctural 37/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 37 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 Panel. 2 1 rch. Feature. W. rch... rch. Lobby H.R. lum Louver Water Meter T in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 50

34 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 38TH FLOOR 三十八樓平面圖 each residential property on 38/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 38 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 /F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 38 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 2 2 Non-strctural Panel. bove 2 R.. Packing 1 rch. Feature rch. 2* rch. Lobby H.R. lum Louver Water Meter T.. rch. 1 2 rch. * This part in Unit on 38/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 52 for the latest layout. * 三十八樓 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 52 頁之平面圖 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 51

35 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 38TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 三十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Non-strctural Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 1 2. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding folding door. 原有掩門改為趟摺門 each residential property on 38/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 38 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 Panel. bove 2 R.. Packing rch. Feature rch. 2* 38/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 38 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.80 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 52

36 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 39TH-43R FLOOR 三十九樓至四十三樓平面圖 Non-strctural Lobby H.R. Water Meter T each residential property on 39/F-43/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 39 樓至 43 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 39/F-43/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 39 樓至 43 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 Panel. W. rch. rch. lum Louver rch. in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 53

37 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 45TH-47TH FLOOR 四十五樓至四十七樓平面圖 Non-strctural each residential property on 45/F-47/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 45 樓至 47 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 45/F-47/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.80m. 45 樓至 47 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 2.80 米 Panel 2 1. W. rch. rch. Lobby H.R. lum Louver Water Meter T.. rch. 1 2 rch. in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 54

38 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 48TH FLOOR 四十八樓平面圖 each residential property on 48/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 48 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 * 48/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 48 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 Study.. Lobby H.R. Water Meter T.. 3* Study * This part in Unit and Unit on 48/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 56 and page 57 for the latest layout. * 四十八樓 單位及 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 56 頁及第 57 頁之平面圖 Panel uilding Line bove Servant Room lum. lum. Louver Louver lum Louver 2* Servant Room Top of uilding Line elow in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 55

39 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 48TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding door. 原有掩門改為滑動門 2* Servant Room lum. Louver 3* Study Top of uilding Line elow 2. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding folding door. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有掩門改為趟摺門 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 3. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 48/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 48 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 48/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 48 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 56

40 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 48TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十八樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 1. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 2 1 2* 2. The original swing door has been replaced by a sliding folding door. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有掩門改為趟摺門 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 48/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 48 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 48/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 48 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 57

41 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 49TH FLOOR 四十九樓平面圖 urtain 1 ath 3 2* ath 3 1 urtain each residential property on 49/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 49 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 ath Family lum. Louver Fin urtain S. Walk-in loset Shaft Shaft Upper part of Lobby Family Family Shaft Shaft lum Louver Satellite T.V. Equip. 2* T.. Walk-in loset Fin urtain S. Family 2 1 ath 3 Fin 49/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 49 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 * This part in Unit and Unit on 49/F as indicated with green wavy line ( ) has been altered by way of minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance after the completion of the evelopment. Please refer to the floor plan on page 59 and page 60 for the latest layout. * 四十九樓 單位及 單位以綠色曲線 ( ) 顯示之此部份因在發展項目落成後進行了小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程而有所改動, 現狀間隔請參閱第 59 及 60 頁之平面圖 in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 58

42 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 48TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十九樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : Walk-in loset S. Family 2 1 ath 3 1. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 each residential property on 49/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 49 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 49/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 49 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 Fin Fin the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 59

43 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF UNIT ON 48TH FLOOR SHOWING LTEST LYOUT 四十九樓 單位現狀間隔平面圖 Minor works or exempted works under the uildings Ordinance made: 已完成的小型工程或獲 建築物條例 豁免的工程 : 2* ath 3 1 urtain 1. swing door at has been demolished and replaced by a sliding door. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原本浴室 1 之門移除並改為滑動門 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 2. The original sanitary fittings have been replaced by sanitary fittings with different designs. 原有潔具以不同設計之潔具取代 Family 2* 2 urtain each residential property on 49/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 49 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 49/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 49 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 60

44 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 50TH FLOOR 五十樓平面圖 each residential property on 50/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 50 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 50/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 50 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 Panel Flat Roof Study uilding Line bove.. Servant Servant Room Room lum. lum. Louver Louver lum Louver Lobby H.R. Water Meter T.. Study uilding Line bove in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 61

45 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF 51ST FLOOR 五十一樓平面圖 bove bove urtain urtain ath Family urtain S. Flat Roof Walk-in loset Family Shaft Shaft Upper part of Lobby Shaft Shaft Family Satellite T.V. Equip. T Walk-in loset Flat Roof urtain S. Family 2 1 ath 3 Feature each residential property on 51/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 51 樓的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 125 毫米 51/F of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 51 樓的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 Fin lum. Louver urtain Fin lum Louver Fin lum. Louver Fin urtain Fin in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 62

46 LOK 2 2 座 FLOOR PLN OF THE ROOF 天台平面圖 Feature onc. Plinth Void onc. Plinth rch. Feature bove rch. Upper Roof Upper Roof rch. rch. at Ladder at Ladder Metal Feature egg Grille bove Metal Feature egg Grille bove at Ladder uilding Line bove Study Metal Gate uilding Line bove.. at Ladder Study Shaft Pump Shaft F.S. Pump Study Shaft Shaft at Ladder uilding Line bove at Ladder Metal Gate uilding Line bove Study at Ladder Feature each residential property on Roof of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 125mm. 天台的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 :125 毫米 Roof of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: 2.975m. 天台的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 :2.975 米 upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低樓層的內部面積稍大 Top of ay Window elow urtain rch. Feature Panel bove rch. rch. Feature urtain Top of ay Window elow at Ladder Light ox rch. Light ox rch. at Ladder each residential property on Upper Roof of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: Not applicable. 上層天台的每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度 : 不適用 Top of elow onc. Plinth rch. Feature bove Upper Roof rch. Feature Panel bove in the evelopment. 請參閱本售樓說明書第 24 頁之圖例以協助閱讀此部分的及其顯示之名稱和簡稱 rch. rch. Feature Upper Roof onc. Plinth Top of elow rch. Feature bove Upper Roof of lock 2 of the evelopment as provided in the approved building plans for the evelopment: Not applicable. 上層天台的每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度 : 不適用 63

The floor-to-floor height of each residential property on the 5th 12th, 15th 23rd, 25th & 26th Floor is 3.040m. The internal areas of the residential

The floor-to-floor height of each residential property on the 5th 12th, 15th 23rd, 25th & 26th Floor is 3.040m. The internal areas of the residential FLAT ROOF = 平台 U.P. ABOVE = Utility Platform Above 上層工作平台覆蓋部分 The floor-to-floor height of each residential property on the 3rd Floor is 3.040m. The internal areas of the residential properties on the

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