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長庚大學醫學系三年級 九十七學年第一學期 課程大綱

第一週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-09-15 ( 一 ) 2008-09-16 2008-09-16 2008-09-17 2008-09-17 2008-09-18 開始 / 結 束 節次 1-1 大體解剖 1-1 組織 5-8 大體解剖 1-4 大體解剖 5-6 影像解剖 1-4 大體解剖 科別授課教師教學進度 歐陽品 莊宏亨 莊宏亨 莊宏亨 醫放系 王俊杰 莊宏亨 Introduction Introduction to Histology and Basic Histological Techniques Overview of the back and vertebral column Vertebrae Structure and function of the vertebrae Regional chraracteristics fo the vertebrae Ossification of the vertebrae Variations in the vertebrae Vertebral column Joints of the vertebral column Movements of the vertebral column Curvatures of the vertebral column Vasculature of the vertebral column Nerves of the vertebral column Contents of the vertebral canal Spinal cord Spinal nerve roots Spinal maninges and cerebrospinal fluid Vasculature of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots Medical imaging techniques Muscle of the back Extrinsic back muscles Intrinsic back muscles Suboccipital and deep neck muslces 2008-09-18 5-8 組織 The Cell Cytoplasm

鄭授德 2008-09-19 2008-09-19 6-6 胚胎 7-8 公共衛生 歐陽品 公衛科 謝玲玲 Body Cavities, Mesenteries and Diaphragm P. 146-158 公共衛生定義及其發展史

第二週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-09-22 ( 一 ) 2008-09-23 2008-09-23 2008-09-24 2008-09-25 2008-09-25 2008-09-26 2008-09-26 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 柳文卿 Suboccipital region 1-4 組織 鄭授德 The Cell Nucleus 5-8 大體解剖 徐鵬偉 Suboccipital region 5-8 大體解剖 Bones of lower limb Fascia, vessels & nerves of lower 歐陽品 limb 1-4 大體解剖 Anterior & medial thigh 歐陽品 Bones of the Leg and Foot 5-8 組織 歐陽品 Epithelial Tissue 6-6 胚胎 The Pharyngeal Apparatus 歐陽品 P. 159-196 7-8 公共衛生 公衛科謝玲玲 臺灣地區公共衛生概況

第三週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-09-29 ( 一 ) 2008-09-30 2008-09-30 2008-10-01 2008-10-01 2008-10-02 2008-10-02 2008-10-03 2008-10-03 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 醫學系外 1-4 大體解剖 科 Clinical Correlation of Back 李石增 1-4 組織 歐陽品 Connective Tissue (I) 5-8 大體解剖 Gluteal region 歐陽品 Posterior thigh & popliteal fossa 1-4 大體解剖 Knee joint Tibiofibular & ankle joint 歐陽品 Leg 5-6 影像解剖 醫放系 Medical imaging of the back & 衛優遊 spine 1-4 大體解剖 Foot Ankle Joint 歐陽品 Foot Joints 5-5 組織 歐陽品 Connective Tissue (II) 6-6 胚胎 The Respiratory System 歐陽品 P. 197-210 7-8 公共衛生 公衛科謝玲玲 衛生統計及健康指標

第四週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-10-06 ( 一 ) 2008-10-07 2008-10-07 2008-10-08 2008-10-09 2008-10-09 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 柳文卿 Foot 1-4 組織 歐陽品 Cartilage 醫學系外 7-8 大體解剖 科 Clinical Correlation of Lower limb 許文蔚 Bones of the upper limb 1-4 大體解剖 Superficial structures of the upper limb 宋欣錦 Anterior axioappendicular muscles of the upper limb 1-4 大體解剖 Posterior axioappendicular and scapulohumeral muslces 宋欣錦 Axilla (I) 5-8 組織 莊宏亨 Bone

第五週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-10-13 ( 一 ) 2008-10-14 2008-10-14 2008-10-15 2008-10-15 2008-10-16 2008-10-16 2008-10-17 2008-10-17 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 歐陽品 Axilla (I) 1-4 組織 莊宏亨 Muscle 5-8 大體解剖 宋欣錦 Axilla (II) & Arm 1-4 大體解剖 宋欣錦 Forearm 5-6 影像解剖 醫放系 Imaging anatomy of the lower 傅真如 limb 1-4 大體解剖 宋欣錦 Hand 5-8 組織 莊宏亨 Blood 6-6 胚胎 The Skeletal System P. 338-356 歐陽品 The Muscular System P. 357-363 7-8 公共衛生 護理系黃子庭 老年衛生

第六週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-10-20 ( 一 ) 2008-10-21 2008-10-21 2008-10-22 2008-10-23 2008-10-23 2008-10-24 2008-10-24 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 宋欣錦 Hand 1-4 組織 莊宏亨 EXAMINATION I 5-8 大體解剖 宋欣錦 Joints of the upper limb 3-4 大體解剖 中醫系 Clinical Correlation of Upper 陳昭宇 Limb 2-4 大體解剖 歐陽品 Review 5-5 組織 趙春香 Nerve Tissue (I) 6-6 胚胎 The Limbs P. 364-379 The Integumentary System 歐陽品 P.439-456 7-8 公共衛生 寄生蟲科陳維鈞 傳染病防治 ( ㄧ )

第七週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-10-27 ( 一 ) 2008-10-28 2008-10-28 2008-10-29 2008-10-29 2008-10-30 2008-10-30 2008-10-31 2008-10-31 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 宋欣錦 examination I 1-4 組織 趙春香 Nerve Tissue (II) Thoracic wall Skeleton of the thoracic wall Joints of the thoracic wall 5-8 大體解剖 Movements of the thoracic wall 鄭授德 Muscles of the thoracic wall Fascia of the thoracic wall Nerves of the thoracic wall Vasculature of the thoracic wall 1-4 大體解剖 Breasts Viscera of the thoracic cavity 鄭授德 Pleurae and lungs 5-6 影像解剖 醫放系 Imaging anatomy of the upper 譚芷峰 limb 1-4 大體解剖 Mediastinum Pericardium 鄭授德 Hearts and great vessels 5-8 組織 宋欣錦 Integumentary System 6-6 胚胎 生物醫學 The Nervous System(Ⅰ) 所 P. 380-418 鄭邑荃 7-8 公共衛生 寄生蟲科陳維鈞 傳染病防治

第八週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-11-04 2008-11-04 2008-11-05 2008-11-06 2008-11-06 2008-11-07 2008-11-07 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 組織 鄭授德 Respiratory System Conducting system of the heart 5-8 大體解剖 Superior mediastinum 鄭授德 Posterior mediastinum Anterior mediastinum 醫學系外 1-4 大體解剖 科 Clinical Correlation of Thorax 林萍章 Anterior abdominal wall Fascia of the anterolateral abdominal wall 1-4 大體解剖 Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall 宋欣錦 Nerves of the anterolateral abdominal wall Vessels of the anterolateral abdominal wall 5-8 組織 宋欣錦 Cardiovascular System 6-6 胚胎 生物醫學 The Nervous System(Ⅱ) 所 P. 380-418 鄭邑荃 7-8 公共衛生 職治系劉嘉逸 公共心理衛生

第九週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-11-10 ( 一 ) 2008-11-11 2008-11-11 2008-11-12 2008-11-12 2008-11-13 2008-11-13 2008-11-14 2008-11-14 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 Muscles of the anterolateral 徐淑媛 abdominal wall (II) 1-4 組織 柳文卿 Lymphatic system (I) 5-8 大體解剖 Internal surface of the anterolateral abdominal wall 宋欣錦 Inguinal region Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity Embryology of the peritoneal 1-4 大體解剖 cavity 徐淑媛 Peritoneal formations Abdominal visera Esophagus, stomach, spleen 5-6 影像解剖 醫放系 Mid-term Examination ( 筆試及閱萬永亮片 ) small intestine, large intestine, 1-4 大體解剖 pancreas 徐淑媛 liver, biliary ducts and gallbladder 5-8 組織 柳文卿 Lymphatic System (II) 6-6 胚胎 The Eye and Ear 鄭授德 P. 419-438 7-8 公共衛生公衛科謝玲玲 婦幼衛生

第十週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-11-17 ( 一 ) 2008-11-18 2008-11-18 2008-11-19 2008-11-20 2008-11-21 2008-11-21 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 duodenum, pancreas, and 1-4 大體解剖 hepatic portal vein 宋欣錦 removal of the gastrointestinal tract 1-4 組織 趙春香 Digestive System (I) portal vein and portal-systemic anastomoses 5-8 大體解剖 kidney ureters, and suprarenal 徐淑媛 glands summary of the innervation of the abdominal viscera Diaphragm Posterior abdominal wall Fascia of the posterior abdominal wall 1-4 大體解剖 Muscles of the posterior 徐淑媛 abdominal wall Nerves of the posterior abdominal wall Vessels of the posterior abdominal wall 醫學系外 1-4 大體解剖 科 Clinical Correlation of Abdomen 黃燦龍 6-6 胚胎 鄭授德 The Midterm Examination 7-8 公共衛生 公衛科謝玲玲 期中考

第十一週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-11-24 ( 一 ) 2008-11-25 2008-11-25 2008-11-26 2008-11-26 2008-11-27 2008-11-27 2008-11-28 2008-11-28 開始 / 結束科別授課教師教學進度節次 1-4 大體解剖 Review 趙春香 1-4 組織 Digestive System (III) 徐淑媛 Pelvic girdle Bone and features of the pelvic girdle Orientation of the pelvic girdle Joints and ligaments of the pelvic 5-8 大體解剖 girdle Pelvic cavity 柳文卿 Walls and floor of the pelvic cavity Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity of the pelvis Pelvic fascia Perineum Fasciae and pouches of the UG triangle 1-4 大體解剖柳文卿 Features of the anal triangle Male perineum Female perineum 醫放系 5-6 影像解剖 Imaging anatomy of the thorax 黃耀祥 Pelvic viscera Urinary organs 1-4 大體解剖 Male interanl genital organs 柳文卿 Female internal genital organs Rectum 5-8 組織 Digestive System (IV) 徐淑媛醫學系病態生理學 The Cardiovascular System(Ⅱ) 5-5 胚胎科 P. 285-337 褚柏顯職治系 7-8 公共衛生藥物濫用楊庸一

第十二週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-12-01 ( 一 ) 2008-12-02 2008-12-02 2008-12-03 2008-12-04 2008-12-04 2008-12-05 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 男性組 Male pelvic cavity ( 下 ) 柳文卿女性組 Female pelvic cavity ( 下 ) 1-4 組織 徐淑媛 Examination II Neurovascular structures of the pelvis 5-8 大體解剖 Pelvic nerves 柳文卿 Pelvic arteries Pelvic veins Lymph nodes of the pelvis 1-4 大體解剖 中醫學系 Clinical Correlation of Pelvis and 外科 Perineum 莊正鏗 1-4 大體解剖 Male perineum 柳文卿 Female perineum 5-8 組織 宋欣錦 Urinary System (I) 7-8 公共衛生 公衛科黃文鴻 藥的管理

第十三週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-12-08 ( 一 ) 2008-12-09 2008-12-09 2008-12-10 2008-12-10 2008-12-11 2008-12-11 2008-12-12 2008-12-12 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 鄭授德 Review 1-4 組織 宋欣錦 Urinary System (II) 5-8 大體解剖 柳文卿 examination II Cranium (I) Facial aspect of the cranium / 1-4 大體解剖 886 Lateral aspect of the cranium / 趙春香 892 Superior aspect of the cranium / 895 5-6 影像解剖 醫學系 Imaging anatomy of the 饒啟明 abdomen Face / 933 Muscles of the face and scalp / 1-4 大體解剖 933 Nerves of the face / 939 趙春香 Superficial vasculature of the face and scalp / 947 Parotid gland / 953 5-8 組織 柳文卿 Female Reproductive System (I) 6-6 胚胎 The Digestive System (I) 柳文卿 P. 211-242 7-8 公共衛生 醫管系盧瑞芬 醫療經濟學與衛生政策

第十四週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-12-15 ( 一 ) 2008-12-16 2008-12-16 2008-12-17 2008-12-18 2008-12-18 2008-12-19 2008-12-19 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 Face 徐淑媛 Parotid region 1-4 組織 Female Reproductive System 柳文卿 (II) Cranium (II) 5-8 大體解剖 External surface of the cranial base / 895 趙春香 Internal surface of the cranial base / 897 Structure of the scalp / 906 Cranial meninges / 908 Dura mater / 908 Leptomeninx (arachnoid mater and pia mater) / 917 1-4 大體解剖 Brain / 921 Parts of the brain / 921 趙春香 Ventricular system of the brain / 923 Arterial blood supply of the brain / 927 Venous drainage of the brain / 932 Orbit, orbital region, and eyeball / 957 Eyelids and lacrimal apparatus / 1-4 大體解剖 961 The eyeball / 964 趙春香 Extraocular muscles of the orbit / 968 Nerves of the orbit / 972 Vasculature of the orbit / 973 5-8 組織 柳文卿 Male Reproductive System (I) 6-6 胚胎 The Digestive System (II) 柳文卿 P. 211-242 7-8 公共衛生 醫管系盧瑞芬 醫療財務籌集

第十五週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-12-22 ( 一 ) 2008-12-23 2008-12-23 2008-12-24 2008-12-24 2008-12-25 2008-12-25 2008-12-26 2008-12-26 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖鄭授德 Orbit 1-4 組織 柳文卿 Male Reproductive System (II) Temporal region / 976 5-8 大體解剖 Temporal fossa / 976 Infratemporal fossa / 978 徐淑媛 TMJ / 981 Pterygopalatine Fossa / 1010 Overview of the neck / 1046 Bones of the neck / 1047 Fascia of the neck / 1049 Superficial structures of the 1-4 大體解剖 neck: The cervical regions / 1053 徐淑媛 Sternocleidomastoid region / 1053 Posterior cervical region / 1055 Lateral cervical region / 1057 Anterior cervical region / 1065 5-6 影像解剖 醫放系 Imaging anatomy of the pelvis 王俐人 and perineum Deep structures of the neck / 1076 Prevertebral muscles / 1076 1-4 大體解剖 Root of the Neck / 1076 徐淑媛 Viscera of the neck / 1083 Endocrine layer of the neck 1083 Alimentary layer of the cervical viscera / 1101 5-8 組織 莊宏亨 Endocrine Organs (I) 6-6 胚胎 The Urogenital System (I) 歐陽品 P. 243-284 7-8 公共衛生 醫管系楊志良 全民健保的變革與實務

第十六週 上課日期 / 星期 2008-12-29 ( 一 ) 2008-12-30 2008-12-30 2008-12-31 2009-01-02 2009-01-02 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 Nose / 1013 External nose / 1013 1-4 大體解剖 Nasal cavity / 1015 趙春香 Vasculature and innervation of the nose / 1015 Paranasal sinuses / 1019 1-4 組織 莊宏亨 Endocrine Organs (II) Oral region / 987 Oral cavity / 987 5-8 大體解剖 Lips, cheeks, and gingivae / 990 趙春香 Palate / 996 Tongue / 1002 Salivary glands / 1008 1-4 大體解剖 Viscera of the neck / 1089 Respiratory layer of the cervical 徐淑媛 viscera / 1089 6-6 胚胎 The Urogenital System (II) 歐陽品 P. 243-284 7-8 公共衛生 醫管系李玉春 健康保險支付制度 ( ㄧ )

第十七週 上課日期 / 星期 2009-01-05 ( 一 ) 2009-01-06 2009-01-06 2009-01-07 2009-01-07 2009-01-08 2009-01-08 2009-01-09 2009-01-09 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖徐淑媛 Oral region 1-4 組織 鄭授德 Eye Ear / 1022 5-8 大體解剖 External ear / 1022 趙春香 Middle ear / 1026 Internal ear / 1033 1-4 大體解剖 Cranial nerves (CN I CN XII) / 徐淑媛 1124 5-6 影像解剖 中醫系 Imaging anatomy of the head & 黃敏政 neck 1-4 大體解剖 醫學系外 Clinical Correlation of Head and 科 Neck 陳國鼎 5-8 組織 趙春香 Ear 6-6 胚胎 醫學系 Human Birth Defects 陳光昭 P. 457-486 7-8 公共衛生 醫管系李玉春 健康保險支付制度

第十八週 上課日期 / 星期 2009-01-13 2009-01-14 2009-01-15 2009-01-16 2009-01-16 開始 / 結束節次 科別 授課教師 教學進度 1-4 大體解剖 徐淑媛 examination III 5-6 影像解剖 醫放系萬永亮 Final examination ( 筆試及閱片 ) 5-8 組織 柳文卿 EXAMINATION III 6-6 胚胎 柳文卿 Final Examination 7-8 公共衛生 公衛科謝玲玲 期末考

課程名稱 : 大體解剖學 (Gross Anatomy) 學年 :97 學期 :1 年級 :3 課程大綱教科書 : Clinical oriented anatomy, 5th ed. Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley.ISBN 0-7817-3639-0. 參考書 Gray's Anatomy, 38th ed. Peter L.Williams, Lawrence H. Bannister, Martin.Berry Patricia Collins, Mary Dyson, Julian E. Dussek, Mark W.J. Rerguson. By Churchill Livingstone. ISBN 0-443-04560-7 整體教學目標 : 大體解剖學為重要之基礎醫學科目之一 旨在使學生明瞭人體之基本結構與形態及其相關之位置, 以做為其他學科之基礎 教學方法 : 該科目配合實習課程, 共計 7 學分, 每週共 15 小時 平均約十位學生共同實際解剖一具人類遺體 中文課程簡介 : 本課程採用局部解剖教學, 每週四個上午 ( 或下午 ), 每次在 1 至 1.5 小時課堂教學之後, 隨即進入實習室解剖方才講授部位, 以達劍及履及, 立竿見影之效 解剖部位由淺入深, 由易而難 在每一部位授畢之後, 由資深臨床醫師概述該部位常見之臨床症狀, 期望同學明瞭解剖學知識日後在於臨床之重要性, 藉此提昇學習興趣 此課程基本上與組織學在進度上相配合, 上課之時間並不固定於星期中之某特定日上課, 依照當學期公佈之課表操課 英文課程簡介 : This course is designed specially for the students of the Schools of Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine to learn the human body structures on the eye sight level. The lecture and laboratory portions of Gross Anatomy take four credit hours each. It usually takes 4 blocks each week. Each block includes an hour of lecture, immediately followed by three hours of dissection and discussion to the lectured region. There are about ten students in a group dissecting a cadaver. The course begins with brief introduction to each system, such as skeletal, muscular, nervous systems, followed by regional study in eight sections including back, upper limb, thorax, head, neck, abdomen, pelvis, and lower limbs. In order to ensure the students the clinical usage of the knowledge learned in this basic course, after each section is accomplished a clinician will introduce the common diseases correlated with the knowledge learned in Gross Anatomy. The students taking the lecture portion of the course are evaluated by three segmental examinations, which is equivalent to 90% of the final score. The rest 10% is achieved from unannounced quizzes. The assessment to the lab portion is from three segmental examinations (90%), group dissecting performance and individual dissecting performance (10%). 成績考核 : 依照進度, 分為三階段, 每一階段結束後舉行段考 正課課程之成績來自於三次段考分別為段考一佔 31% 段考二佔 33% 段考三佔 26%, 三次段考成績共占學期總成績之 90%(31% + 33% + 26% = *90%), 其餘 10% 為隨堂平時考之平均成績 實驗課程之成績來自於三次段考分別為段考一佔 34% 段考二佔 32% 段考三佔 24% 三次段考成績共占學期總成績之 90% (34% + 32% + 24% = 90%), 另加上該組團體之解剖表現與個人之解剖表現占 10%

教學進度 項次 上課日期 / 星期 開始 / 結束節次 時數 授課教師 教學進度 1 2008-09-15 ( 一 ) 1-1 1 歐陽品 Introduction Overview of the back and vertebral column Vertebrae 2 2008-09-16 5-5 1 莊宏亨 Structure and function of the vertebrae Regional chraracteristics fo the vertebrae Ossification of the vertebrae Variations in the vertebrae Vertebral column Joints of the vertebral column Movements of the vertebral column Curvatures of the vertebral column Vasculature of the vertebral column 3 2008-09-17 1-1 1 莊宏亨 Nerves of the vertebral column Contents of the vertebral canal Spinal cord Spinal nerve roots Spinal maninges and cerebrospinal fluid Vasculature of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots Muscle of the back 4 2008-09-18 1-1 1 莊宏亨 Extrinsic back muscles Intrinsic back muscles Suboccipital and deep neck muslces 5 2008-09-24 5-5 1 歐陽品 Bones of lower limb Fascia, vessels & nerves of lower limb 6 2008-09-25 1-1 1 歐陽品 Anterior & medial thigh Bones of the Leg and Foot 7 2008-09-29 ( 一 ) 1-2 2 醫學系外科李石增 Clinical Correlation of Back 8 2008-09-30 5-5 1 歐陽品 Gluteal region Posterior thigh & popliteal fossa

9 2008-10-01 1-1 1 歐陽品 Knee joint Tibiofibular & ankle joint Leg 10 2008-10-02 1-1 1 歐陽品 Foot Ankle Joint Foot Joints 11 2008-10-07 7-8 2 醫學系外科許文蔚 Clinical Correlation of Lower limb Bones of the upper limb 12 2008-10-08 1-1 1 宋欣錦 Superficial structures of the upper limb Anterior axioappendicular muscles of the upper limb 13 2008-10-09 1-1 1 宋欣錦 Posterior axioappendicular and scapulohumeral muslces Axilla (I) 14 2008-10-14 5-5 1 宋欣錦 Axilla (II) & Arm 15 2008-10-15 1-1 1 宋欣錦 Forearm 16 2008-10-16 1-1 1 宋欣錦 Hand 17 2008-10-21 5-5 1 宋欣錦 Joints of the upper limb 18 2008-10-22 3-4 2 中醫系陳昭宇 Clinical Correlation of Upper Limb 19 2008-10-27 ( 一 ) 1-1 1 宋欣錦 examination I 20 2008-10-27 ( 一 ) 1-1 1 莊宏亨 examination I 21 2008-10-27 ( 一 ) 1-1 1 歐陽品 examination I Thoracic wall Skeleton of the thoracic wall Joints of the thoracic wall 22 2008-10-28 5-5 1 鄭授德 Movements of the thoracic wall Muscles of the thoracic wall Fascia of the thoracic wall Nerves of the thoracic wall Vasculature of the thoracic wall 23 2008-10-29 1-1 1 鄭授德 Breasts Viscera of the thoracic cavity

Pleurae and lungs 24 2008-10-30 1-1 1 鄭授德 Mediastinum Pericardium Hearts and great vessels Conducting system of the heart 25 2008-11-04 5-5 1 鄭授德 Superior mediastinum Posterior mediastinum Anterior mediastinum 26 2008-11-05 1-2 2 醫學系外科林萍章 Clinical Correlation of Thorax Anterior abdominal wall Fascia of the anterolateral abdominal wall 27 2008-11-06 1-1 1 宋欣錦 Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall Nerves of the anterolateral abdominal wall Vessels of the anterolateral abdominal wall 28 2008-11-11 5-5 1 宋欣錦 Internal surface of the anterolateral abdominal wall Inguinal region Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity 29 2008-11-12 1-1 1 徐淑媛 Embryology of the peritoneal cavity Peritoneal formations Abdominal visera Esophagus, stomach, spleen 30 2008-11-13 1-1 1 徐淑媛 small intestine, large intestine, pancreas liver, biliary ducts and gallbladder portal vein and portal-systemic anastomoses 31 2008-11-18 5-5 1 徐淑媛 kidney ureters, and suprarenal glands summary of the innervation of the abdominal viscera Diaphragm Posterior abdominal wall 32 2008-11-19 1-1 1 徐淑媛 Fascia of the posterior abdominal wall Muscles of the posterior abdominal wall

Nerves of the posterior abdominal wall Vessels of the posterior abdominal wall 33 2008-11-20 1-2 2 醫學系外科黃燦龍 Clinical Correlation of Abdomen Pelvic girdle Bone and features of the pelvic girdle Orientation of the pelvic girdle 34 2008-11-25 5-5 1 柳文卿 Joints and ligaments of the pelvic girdle Pelvic cavity Walls and floor of the pelvic cavity Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity of the pelvis Pelvic fascia Perineum Fasciae and pouches of the UG 35 2008-11-26 1-1 1 柳文卿 triangle Features of the anal triangle Male perineum Female perineum Pelvic viscera 36 2008-11-27 1-1 1 柳文卿 Urinary organs Male interanl genital organs Female internal genital organs Rectum Neurovascular structures of the pelvis 37 2008-12-02 5-5 1 柳文卿 Pelvic nerves Pelvic arteries Pelvic veins Lymph nodes of the pelvis 38 2008-12-03 1-2 2 中醫學系外科莊正鏗 Clinical Correlation of Pelvis and Perineum 39 2008-12-04 1-1 1 柳文卿 Male perineum Female perineum 40 2008-12-09 5-5 1 柳文卿 examination II 41 2008-12-09 5-5 1 鄭授德 examination II

Cranium (I) 42 2008-12-10 1-1 1 趙春香 Facial aspect of the cranium / 886 Lateral aspect of the cranium / 892 Superior aspect of the cranium / 895 Face / 933 Muscles of the face and scalp / 933 43 2008-12-11 1-1 1 趙春香 Nerves of the face / 939 Superficial vasculature of the face and scalp / 947 Parotid gland / 953 Cranium (II) 44 2008-12-16 5-5 1 趙春香 External surface of the cranial base / 895 Internal surface of the cranial base / 897 Structure of the scalp / 906 Cranial meninges / 908 Dura mater / 908 Leptomeninx (arachnoid mater and 45 2008-12-17 1-1 1 趙春香 pia mater) / 917 Brain / 921 Parts of the brain / 921 Ventricular system of the brain / 923 Arterial blood supply of the brain / 927 Venous drainage of the brain / 932 Orbit, orbital region, and eyeball / 957 Eyelids and lacrimal apparatus / 961 46 2008-12-18 1-1 1 趙春香 The eyeball / 964 Extraocular muscles of the orbit / 968 Nerves of the orbit / 972 Vasculature of the orbit / 973 Temporal region / 976 47 2008-12-23 5-5 1 徐淑媛 Temporal fossa / 976 Infratemporal fossa / 978 TMJ / 981 Pterygopalatine Fossa / 1010 48 2008-12-24 1-1 1 徐淑媛 Overview of the neck / 1046 Bones of the neck / 1047 Fascia of the neck / 1049

Superficial structures of the neck: The cervical regions / 1053 Sternocleidomastoid region / 1053 Posterior cervical region / 1055 Lateral cervical region / 1057 Anterior cervical region / 1065 Deep structures of the neck / 1076 Prevertebral muscles / 1076 49 2008-12-25 1-1 1 徐淑媛 Root of the Neck / 1076 Viscera of the neck / 1083 Endocrine layer of the neck 1083 Alimentary layer of the cervical viscera / 1101 Nose / 1013 External nose / 1013 50 2008-12-29 ( 一 ) 1-1 1 趙春香 Nasal cavity / 1015 Vasculature and innervation of the nose / 1015 Paranasal sinuses / 1019 Oral region / 987 Oral cavity / 987 51 2008-12-30 5-5 1 趙春香 Lips, cheeks, and gingivae / 990 Palate / 996 Tongue / 1002 Salivary glands / 1008 52 2008-12-31 1-1 1 徐淑媛 Viscera of the neck / 1089 Respiratory layer of the cervical viscera / 1089 Ear / 1022 53 2009-01-06 5-5 1 趙春香 External ear / 1022 Middle ear / 1026 Internal ear / 1033 54 2009-01-07 1-1 1 徐淑媛 Cranial nerves (CN I CN XII) / 1124 55 2009-01-08 1-2 2 醫學系外科陳國鼎 Clinical Correlation of Head and Neck 56 2009-01-13 1-1 1 徐淑媛 examination III 57 2009-01-13 1-1 1 趙春香 examination III

課程名稱 : 大體解剖學實驗 (Gross Anatomy Laboratory) 學年 :97 學期 :1 年級 :3 課程大綱教科書 Grant s Dissector, 13th ed., Patrick W. Tank, by Williams & Wilkins, ISBN 0-7817-5848-3 參考書 Shearer s Manual of Human Dissection, 6th ed., Tobin and Jacobs, by McGraw-Hill 整體教學目標 : 大體解剖學為重要之基礎醫學科目之一 旨在使學生明瞭人體之基本結構與形態及其相關之位置, 以做為其他學科之基礎 教學方法 : 該科目配合正課之課程, 共計 8 學分, 每週共 16 小時 平均約十位學生共同實際解剖一具人類遺體 中文課程簡介 : 本課程採用局部解剖教學, 每週四個上午 ( 或下午 ), 每次在 1 至 1.5 小時課堂教學之後, 隨即進入實習室解剖方才講授部位, 以達劍及履及, 立竿見影之效 解剖部位由淺入深, 由易而難 在每一部位授畢之後, 由資深臨床醫師概述該部位常見之臨床症狀, 期望同學明瞭解剖學知識日後在於臨床之重要性, 藉此提昇學習興趣 此課程基本上與組織學在進度上相配合, 上課之時間並不固定於星期中之某特定日上課, 依照當學期公佈之課表操課 英文課程簡介 : This course is designed specially for the students of the Schools of Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine to learn the human body structures on the eye sight level. The lecture and laboratory portions of Gross Anatomy take four credit hours each. It usually takes 4 blocks each week. Each block includes an hour of lecture, immediately followed by three hours of dissection and discussion to the lectured region. There are about ten students in a group dissecting a cadaver. The course begins with brief introduction to each system, such as skeletal, muscular, nervous systems, followed by regional study in eight sections including back, upper limb, thorax, head, neck, abdomen, pelvis, and lower limbs. In order to ensure the students the clinical usage of the knowledge learned in this basic course, after each section is accomplished a clinician will introduce the common diseases correlated with the knowledge learned in Gross Anatomy. The students taking the lecture portion of the course are evaluated by three segmental examinations, which is equivalent to 90% of the final score. The rest 10% is achieved from unannounced quizzes. The assessment to the lab portion is from three segmental examinations (85%), group dissecting performance and individual dissecting performance (15%). 成績考核 : 依照進度, 分為三階段, 每一階段結束後舉行段考 正課課程之成績來自於三次段考分別為段考一佔 31% 段考二佔 33% 段考三佔 26%, 三次段考成績共占學期總成績之 90%(31% + 33% + 26% = *90%), 其餘 10% 為隨堂平時考之平均成績 實驗課程之成績來自於三次段考分別為段考一佔 34% 段考二佔 32% 段考三佔 24% 三次段考成績共占學期總成績之 90% (34% + 32% + 24% = 90%), 另加上該組團體之解剖表現與個人之解剖表現占 10%

教學進度 項次 上課日期 / 星期 開始 / 結束節次 時數 授課教師 教學進度 柳文卿 宋欣錦 1 2008-09-15 ( 一 ) 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Introduction 莊宏亨 鄭授德 歐陽品 2 2008-09-16 6-8 3 柳文卿莊宏亨歐陽品 Surface Anatomy Skeleton of the back Skin & Superficial Fascia 3 2008-09-17 2-4 3 柳文卿莊宏亨 Skin & Superficial Fascia Superficial muscles of the back 歐陽品 柳文卿 4 2008-09-18 2-4 3 莊宏亨歐陽品醫學系 Intermediate muscles of the back Deep muscles of the back 神經科 李世祥 柳文卿 5 2008-09-22 ( 一 ) 2-4 3 莊宏亨歐陽品醫學系 Suboccipital region 外科 廖正智 6 2008-09-23 2-4 3 柳文卿莊宏亨歐陽品 Suboccipital region 徐鵬偉 7 2008-09-24 2-4 3 柳文卿莊宏亨歐陽品 Surface Anatomy Superficial Veins & Cutaneous Nerves

8 2008-09-25 2-4 3 柳文卿莊宏亨 Anteromedial thigh 歐陽品 9 2008-09-29 ( 一 ) 3-4 2 柳文卿莊宏亨 Hip joint 歐陽品 柳文卿 10 2008-09-30 6-8 3 莊宏亨歐陽品醫學系 Gluteal region & posterior thigh 外科 黃毓智 11 2008-10-01 2-4 3 柳文卿莊宏亨歐陽品 Leg 張宗訓 柳文卿 12 2008-10-02 2-4 3 莊宏亨歐陽品醫學系 Knee & Ankel join 外科 詹益聖 柳文卿 13 2008-10-06 ( 一 ) 2-4 3 莊宏亨歐陽品醫學系 Foot 外科 袁立仁 柳文卿 14 2008-10-07 5-6 2 莊宏亨歐陽品中醫學 Foot 系外科 陳永仁 15 2008-10-08 2-4 3 宋欣錦 Bones of the upper limb Superficial veins and cutaneous

莊宏亨歐陽品 nerves Pectoral region 16 2008-10-09 宋欣錦 2-4 3 莊宏亨 Scapular region 歐陽品 17 2008-10-13 宋欣錦 2-4 3 ( 一 ) 莊宏亨 Axilla (I) 歐陽品 醫學系 外科 袁立仁 18 2008-10-14 2-4 3 宋欣錦 Axilla (II), arm and cubital fossa 莊宏亨 歐陽品 19 2008-10-15 宋欣錦 2-4 3 莊宏亨 Flexor region of forearm 歐陽品 宋欣錦 20 2008-10-16 2-4 3 莊宏亨 歐陽品 Extensor region of forearm 蔡旻虔 宋欣錦 21 2008-10-20 2-4 3 莊宏亨 ( 一 ) 歐陽品 Hand 許喻敦 醫學系 外科 周應照 22 2008-10-21 2-4 3 宋欣錦 Hand 莊宏亨 歐陽品 23 2008-10-22 宋欣錦 1-2 2 莊宏亨 Joints of the upper limb 歐陽品 24 2008-10-23 2-4 3 Review

宋欣錦莊宏亨歐陽品 25 2008-10-27 宋欣錦 2-4 3 ( 一 ) 莊宏亨歐陽品 26 2008-10-28 莊宏亨 6-8 3 鄭授德歐陽品 27 2008-10-29 莊宏亨 2-4 3 鄭授德歐陽品 28 2008-10-30 莊宏亨 2-4 3 鄭授德 歐陽品黃耀廣醫學系外科 29 2008-11-04 吳青陽 2-4 3 莊宏亨鄭授德歐陽品 30 2008-11-05 莊宏亨 3-4 2 鄭授德歐陽品 31 2008-11-06 宋欣錦 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香 32 2008-11-10 宋欣錦 2-4 3 ( 一 ) 徐淑媛趙春香 33 2008-11-11 宋欣錦 6-8 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Examination I Surface anatomy Removal of the anterior thoracic wall Removal of the lung Removal of the heart; Internal features of the heart Superior mediastinum Posterior mediastinum Surface anatomy Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall (I) Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall (II) Reflection of the abdominal wall

宋欣錦 34 徐淑媛 2008-11-12 Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity 趙春香 2-4 3 celiac trunck, stomach, spleen, liver 醫學系 and gallbladder 游明晉 劉二豪 superior mesenteric artery and 35 2008-11-13 宋欣錦 small intestine 2-4 3 徐淑媛 inferior mesenteric artery and large 趙春香 intestine 36 2008-11-17 duodenum, pancreas, and hepatic 宋欣錦 2-4 3 portal vein ( 一 ) 徐淑媛 removal of the gastrointestinal tract 趙春香 37 2008-11-17 醫學系 Posterior abdominal wall 2-4 3 外科 ( 一 ) Diaphragm 吳庭榕 宋欣錦 徐淑媛 38 2008-11-18 5-8 4 趙春香 醫學系 Posterior abdominal viscera 外科 陳煜 39 2008-11-19 宋欣錦 Posterior abdominal wall 2-4 3 徐淑媛 Diaphragm 趙春香 醫學系 40 2008-11-19 2-4 3 外科 徐潤德 Posterior abdominal viscera 41 2008-11-20 宋欣錦 Posterior abdominal wall 3-4 2 徐淑媛 Diaphragm 趙春香 劉耿豪 42 2008-11-24 宋欣錦 2-4 3 ( 一 ) 徐淑媛 Review 趙春香 43 2008-11-25 6-8 3 Skeleton of the pelvis, anal triangle

柳文卿宋欣錦鄭授德 44 2008-11-26 柳文卿 2-4 3 宋欣錦鄭授德 45 2008-11-27 柳文卿 2-4 3 宋欣錦鄭授德 46 2008-12-01 柳文卿 2-4 3 ( 一 ) 宋欣錦鄭授德 47 2008-12-02 醫學系 2-4 3 外科 張英勛 48 2008-12-02 柳文卿 6-8 3 宋欣錦鄭授德 49 2008-12-03 柳文卿 3-4 2 宋欣錦鄭授德 50 2008-12-04 柳文卿 2-4 3 宋欣錦鄭授德 51 2008-12-08 柳文卿 2-4 3 ( 一 ) 宋欣錦鄭授德 52 2008-12-09 柳文卿 6-8 3 宋欣錦 徐淑媛鄭授德 53 2008-12-10 徐淑媛 2-4 3 趙春香鄭授德 男性組 Male urogential triangle 女性組 Female urogential triangle 男性組 Male pelvic cavity ( 上 ) 女性組 Female pelvic cavity ( 上 ) 男性組 Male pelvic cavity ( 下 ) 女性組 Female pelvic cavity ( 下 ) 男性組 Male pelvic cavity ( 下 ) 女性組 Female pelvic cavity ( 下 ) 男性組 Urinary bladder, rectum, and anal canal 女性組 Urinary bladder, rectum, and anal canal 男性組 Internal iliac artery and sacral plexus 女性組 Internal iliac artery and sacral plexus 男性組 Pelvic diaphragm 女性組 Pelvic diaphragm Review Examination II Surface anatomy & Skull

54 2008-12-11 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香鄭授德 Face Parotid region 55 2008-12-15 ( 一 ) 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香鄭授德 Face Parotid region 56 2008-12-16 6-8 3 徐淑媛趙春香鄭授德 Scalp Interior of the skull Removal of the brain 57 2008-12-17 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香醫學系外科李石增 Removal of the brain Dural infolding and dural venous sinuses Gross anatomy of the brain Cranial fossae 鄭授德 58 2008-12-18 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Orbit 鄭授德 59 2008-12-22 ( 一 ) 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Orbit 鄭授德 60 2008-12-23 6-8 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Temporal region 鄭授德 61 2008-12-24 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香鄭授德 Posterior & anterior triangle of the neck 62 2008-12-25 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香鄭授德 Thyroid and parathyroid glands Root of the neck 63 2008-12-29 ( 一 ) 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Craniovertebral joints and removal of the head Pharynx

鄭授德 64 2008-12-30 6-8 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Nose and nasal cavity 鄭授德 65 2008-12-31 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Hard palate and soft palate 鄭授德 66 2009-01-05 ( 一 ) 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Oral region 鄭授德 67 2009-01-06 6-8 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Larynx 鄭授德 68 2009-01-07 2-4 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Ear 鄭授德 69 2009-01-08 3-4 2 徐淑媛趙春香 Review 鄭授德 70 2009-01-13 6-8 3 徐淑媛趙春香 Examination III

課程名稱 : 大體解剖學及實驗 第 1 單元授課主題 :Introduction 教師 : 歐陽品授課時間 :50 分鐘學習目標 :To learn the terminology and orientation of the laboratory. A. Introduction to anatomy B. What is anatomy? C. Anatomical Position D. Anatomical Planes E. Terms of Relationship and Comparison 1. superior (cranial)/ inferior (caudal) 2. anterior (ventral)/ posterior (dorsal) 3. medial/ lateral 4. proximal/ distal 5. internal / external 6. superficial/ intermediate/ deep F. Terms of Movement G. Lab: 1. Introduction of laboratory and anatomical instruments 2. Orientation 第 2 單元授課主題 :Overview of the back and vertebral column 教師 : 莊宏亨授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 : A. Vertebral Column B. Structure and Function of Vertebrae 1. Cervical vertebrae 2. Thoracic vertebrae 3. Lumbar vertebrae 4. Sacrum 5. Coccyx C. Ossification of Vertebrae: D. Joints of the Vertebral Bodies E. Joints of the Vertebral Arches F. Craniovertebral Joints G. Movements of the Vertebral Column H. Curvatures of the Vertebral Column

I. Lab: 1. Surface anatomy 2. Skeleton of the back 3. Skin & superficial Fascia 第 3 單元授課主題 :Vertebral column 教師 : 莊宏亨授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 : A. Contents of the Vertebral Canal B. Spinal cord C. spinal nerve root D. Spinal Meninges and Cerebrospinal Fluid E. Vasculature of the spinal cord F. Vasculature of the Vertebral Column G. Surface Anatomy of the Vertebral Column H. Lab: 1. Skin & superficial Fascia 2. Superficial muscles of the back 第 4 單元授課主題 : Muscle of the back 教師 : 莊宏亨授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 : A. Superficial(Extrinsic)Back muscles 1. Latissimus dorsi 2. Trapezius 3. Levator scapulae. 4. Rhomboid major & minor B. Intermediate(extrinsic)Back muscles (respiratory muscles) 1. Serratus posterior superior 2. Serratus posterior inferior C. Deep(Intrinsic)Back Muscles 1. Splenius cervicis 2. Splenius capitis D. Erector spine 1. iliocostalis 2. longissimus 3. spinalis

E. Transversospinalis 1. semispinalis 2. multifidus 3. rotators F. deepest muscles 1. interspinales 2. intertransversarri 3. levatores costarum (elevator of rib) G. Suboccipital regions 1. muscles of suboccipital triangle a. rectus capitis posterior muscles b. oblique muscles (oblique of head) 2. boundaries of suboccipital triangle 3. contents of suboccipital triangle 4. nerve supply H. Lab: 1. Intermediate muscles of the back 2. Deep muscles of the back 第 5 單元授課主題 :Femur, Superficial Structures and Hip Joint 教師 : 歐陽品授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the femur bone and related superficial structures A. Femur 1.proximal end 2. body 3. distal end B. Superficial structures 1. Superficial fascia 2. Deep fascia (fascial lata) 3. Superficial veins 4. Cutaneous nerves 5. Saphenous opening 6. Lymph nodes C. Hip bones (Os Coxae) 1. Ilium 2. Ischium 3. Pubis D. Hip joint 1. Acetabulum 2. Ligament of head (ligamentum teres)

3. Fibrous capsule and ligaments 4. Blood supply E. Lab: 1. Surface anatomy 2. Superficial veins & cutaneous Nerves 第 6 單元授課主題 :Anterior & Medial thigh 教師 : 歐陽品授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures within the anterior and medial thigh A. Femoral triangle 1. Borders 2. Contents 3. Floor B. Adductor canal (subsartorius canal) 1. Walls of adductor canal 2. Contents C. Anterior thigh muscles 1. Flexor of hip joint: iliopsoas, pectinus and Sartorius m. 2. Extensor of the knee: Quadriceps femoris m. (innervated by femoral n.) D. Medial region (adductor region) of the thigh 1. Muscles 2. Nerves 3. Arteries E. Bones of the leg 1. Tibia 2. Fibula F. Bones of foot 1. Hindfoot a. talus b. calcaneus c. 3 cuneiforms d. navicular e.cuboid 2. Forefoot : 5 metatarsals and phalanges G.. Lab: 1. Anteromedial thigh 2. Hip joint 第 7 單元授課主題 :Clinical correlation of back

教師 : 李石增授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To understand the clinical correlation of the back A. Function of Spinal Column B. Spinal Curvature C. Factors Influenced Spinal Curvature D. Common degenerative cervical diseases E. Intervertebral Disc F. Ligaments G. Kinematics H. Spinal Instability I. Trauma J. Degenerative problems K. Mechanical Causes of LBP L. Lab: 1. Suboccipital region 第 8 單元授課主題 :Gluteal region and Posterior Thigh 教師 : 歐陽品授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures within the gluteal region and posterior thigh A. Gluteal region 1. Surface anatomy 2. Superficial structure 3. Deep structure a. greater sciatic foramen b. lesser sciatic foramen c. lateral rotators B. Posterior region of the thigh 1. Floor of the back of the thigh 2. Contents of the back of the thigh C. Popliteal fossa 1. Floor of the popliteal fossa 2. Boundaries of the popliteal fossa 3. Contents of the popliteal fossa D. Lab: 1. Gluteal region & posterior thigh 第 9 單元授課主題 :Leg and knee joint

教師 : 歐陽品授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 : To learn the organization and structures within the leg A. Anterior crural region and dorsum of foot 1. Arteries 2. Muscles 3. Deep fibular n. 4. Retinacula B. Peroneal (fibular) region 1. Muscles 2. Tibiofibular joints 3. Superior and inferior fibular retinacula 4. Superficial fibular n. 5. Dorsal digital n. (cutaneous) C. Posterior crural region 1. Muscles 2. Tibial n. 3. Arteries and veins D. Knee joint 1. Joint capsule of the knee joint 2. Extracapsular ligaments 3. Intra-articular ligaments E. Tibiofibular joints 1. Superior tibiofibular joint 2. Tibiofibular syndesmosis F. Lab: 1. Leg 第 10 單元授課主題 : Foot and Ankle Joint 教師 : 歐陽品授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 : To learn the structures of foot and ankle joint A. Sole of foot 1. coverings 2. superficial muscular layer 3. second muscular layer 4. third muscular layer 5. forth muscular layer 6. cutaneous nerve 7. plantar vessels

B. Door of sole of the Foot 1. door 2. doormat 3. guard C. Ankle Joint (talocrural joint) 1. bony part 2. ligament D. Foot Joints 1. Subtalar joint 2. Transverse tarsal joints a. Talonavicular joint b. Calcaneocuboid joint E. Joints distal to transverse tarsal joint F. Arch structure of foot 1. Medial longitudinal arch : vital 2. Lateral longitudinal arch 3. Transverse half-arch G. Lab: 1. Knee & ankle joint 2. Foot 第 11 單元授課主題 :Clinical correlation of Lower limb 教師 : 許文蔚授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To understand the clinical correlation of the Lower limb A. Orthopedic content B. Fracture and Dislocation C. Adult Reconstruction D. Spine Disorder E. Sports Medicine F. Tumor, Surgery G. Pediatrics H. Lab: 1. Foot 第 12 單元授課主題 : Bones of the upper limb 教師 : 宋欣錦授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the bones of the upper limb.

A. Bones of the upper limb 1. Clavicle 2. Scapula 3. Humerus 4. Ulna 5. Radius 6. Carpus (Carpal Bones; Carpals) 7. Metacarpus (Metacarpal Bones; Metacarpals) 8. Phalanges B. Superficial structures of the upper limb 1. Superficial fascia 2. Deep fascia i. clavipectoral fascia ii. brachial fascia C. Lab: 1. Bones of the upper limb 2. Superficial veins and cutaneous nerves 3. Pectoral region 第 13 單元授課主題 :Posterior axioappendicular and scapulohumeral muslces 教師 : 宋欣錦授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the Posterior axioappendicular and scapulohumeral muscles. A. Anterior axioappendicular muscles of the upper limb 1. Pectoral Muscles 2. pectoralis major m. 3. pectoralis minor m. 4. subclavius m. 5. serratus anterior m. B. Posterior axioappendicular and scapulohumeral muscles 1. trapezius m. 2. latissimus dorsi m. 3. levator scapulae m. 4. rhomboid major & minor m. C. Axilla (I) 1. Boundary 2. Apex 3. Base 4. Anterior wall 5. Posterior wall

6. Medial wall 7. Lateral wall D. Lab: 1. Scapular region 2. Axilla (I) 第 14 單元授課主題 :Axilla (II) & Arm 教師 : 宋欣錦授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the Axilla (II) & Arm. A. Axilla (II) & Arm 1. Contents a. Axillary Artery b. Axillary Vein 2. Brachial Plexus a. dorsal scapular n. b. long thoracic n. c. suprascapular n. d. n. to subclavius e. lateral pectoral n. f. musculocutaneous n. g. medial pectoral n. h. medial cutaneous n. of arm i. medial cutaneous n. of forearm j. ulnar n. k. median n. upper subscapular n. l. thoracodorsal n. m. lower subscapular n. n. axillary n. o. radial n. B. Cutaneous Nerves 1. superior lateral cutaneous n. of arm 2. inferior lateral cutaneous n. of arm 3. intercostobrachial n. 4. medial cutaneous n. of arm 5. posterior cutaneous n. of arm C. Superficial Veins 1. cephalic vein 2. basilic vein

D. Muscles 1. biceps brachii m. 2. brachialis m. 3. coracobrachialis m. 4. triceps brachii m. 5. anconeus m. E. Lab: 1. Axilla (II), arm and cubital fossa 第 15 單元授課主題 : Forearm 教師 : 宋欣錦授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the Forearm. A. Forearm 1. Cutaneous Nerves a. lateral cutaneous n. of forearm b. medial cutaneous n. of forearm c. posterior cutaneous n. of forearm 2. Superficial Veins a. cephalic vein b. basilic vein c. median cubital vein d. median antebrachial vein 3. Fascia a. antebrachial fascia B. Lab: 1. Flexor region of forearm 第 16 單元授課主題 :Hand 教師 : 宋欣錦授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the Hand A. Hand 1. Cutaneous Nerves a. palmar cutaneous n. of median n. b. palmar & dorsal cutaneous br. of ulnar n. c. superficial br. of radial n. 2. Superficial Veins a. palmar venous arches

b. dorsal venous network 3. Fascia a. flexor retinaculum palmar aponeurosis Muscles b. palmaris brevis c. abductor pollicis brevis m. d. flexor pollicis brevis m. e. opponens pollicis m. B. Lab: 1. Extensor region of forearm 第 17 單元授課主題 :Joints of the upper limb 教師 : 宋欣錦授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the Joints of the upper limb A. Joints of the upper limb 1. Sternoclavicular Joint a. Sternoclavicular ligaments b. interclavicular ligament c. costoclavicular ligament 2. Acromioclavicular Joint a. Acromioclavicular ligament b. coracoclavicular ligament 3. Glenohumeral (Shoulder) Joint a. glenohumeral ligament - superior, middle & inferior b. coracohumeral ligament c. transverse humeral ligament d. coracoacromial ligament 4. Elbow Joint 5. Proximal Radioulnar Joint 6. Distal Radioulnar Joint 7. Wrist (Radiocarpal) Joint 8. Intercarpal Joints 9. Carpometacarpal Joints 10.Metacarpophalangeal Joints 11.Interphalangeal Joints B. Lab: 1. Hand 第 18 單元授課主題 :Clinical correlation of Upper limb 教師 : 陳昭宇

授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To understand the clinical correlation of the Upper limb A. ORTHOPAEDIC REVIEW B. Section A. Hand Surgery 1. Brachial Plexus 2. Median Nerve 3. Ulnar Nerve 4. Radial Nerve Lab: 5. Joints of the upper limb 6. Musculocutaneous Nerve 7. Axillary Nerve C. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome D. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome E. de-qüervain s Disease F. Trigger Finger G. No man s Land H. Ganglion I. Kienbock disease J. Kienböck disease K. Scaphoid Fracture L. Osteoarthritis of hand M. Rheumatoid Arthritis N. Epicondylitis O. Bennett s Fracture P. Rolando s Fracture Q. Boxer s Fracture R. Lab: 1. Hand 第 20 單元授課主題 :Thoracic wall 教師 : 鄭授德授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structure and functions of thoracic wall Thoracic Wall (p. 77) A. Skeleton of the Thoracic Wall (p. 77) 1. Ribs, Costal Cartilages, and Intercostal Spaces 2. Thoracic Vertebrae 3. The Sternum B. Thoracic Apertures (p. 84) 1. Superior Thoracic Aperture

2. Inferior Thoracic Aperture C. Joint of the Thoracic Wall (p. 86) 1. Costovertebral Joints 2. Costochondral Joints 3. Interchondral Joints 4. Sternocostal Joints D. Movements of the Thoracic Wall (p. 90) E. Surface Anatomy of the Thoracic Wall Skeleton (p. 91) F. Muscles of the Thoracic Wall (p. 93) (see Table 1.2 on page 94) G. Fascia of the Thoracic Wall (p. 98) H. Nerves of the Thoracic Wall (p. 99) 1. Typical Intercostal Nerves 2. Atypical Intercostal Nerves J. Vasculature of the Thoracic Wall (p. 102) 1. Arteries of the Thoracic Wall 2. Veins of the Thoracic Wall K. Lab: 1. Surface anatomy 2. Removal of the anterior thoracic wall 第 21 單元教師 : 鄭授德授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures and functions of the breasts and the lungs A. Breasts (p. 105) 1. Vasculature of the Breast 2. Nerves of the Breast B. Surface Anatomy of the Thoracic Wall Musculature and Breasts (p. 111) Viscera of the Thoracic Cavity (p. 112) C. Pleurae and Lungs (p. 114) 1. Lungs 2. Trachea and Bronchi 3. Vasculature of the Lungs and Pleurae 4. Nerves of the Lungs and Pleurae D. Lab: Removal of the lung 第 22 單元授課主題 :Mediastinum, pericardium and heart 教師 : 鄭授德授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures and functions of heart and the rest of structures in mediastinum

A. Mediastinum (p. 135) B. Pericardium (p. 137) C. Heart and Great Vessels (p. 141) 1. Right Atrium 2. Right Ventricle 3. Left Atrium 4. Left Ventricle 5. Semilunar Valves 6. Vasculature and Innervation of the Heart a. Arterial Supply of the Heart b. Venous Drainage of the Heart c. Lymphatic Drainage of the Heart d. Conducting System of the Heart e. Innervation of the Heart D. Lab: Removal of the heart; Internal features of the heart 第 23 單元授課主題 :Conducting system of heart, superior mediastinum, and great vessels from heart 教師 : 鄭授德授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the conducting system of heart, and the structures in superior mediastinum A. Surface Anatomy of the Heart and Great Vessels B. Superior Mediastinum 1. Thymus 2. Great Vessels 3. Nerves in the Superior Mediastinum 4. Trachea 5. Esophagus C. Posterior Mediastinum 1. Thoracic Aorta 2. Esophagus 3. Thoracic Duct and Lymphatic Trunks 4. Vessels and Lymph Nodes of the Posterior Mediastinum 5. Nerves of the Posterior Mediastinum D. Anterior Mediastinum E. Lab: Superior mediastinum 第 24 單元授課主題 :Clinical correlation of thorax 教師 : 林萍章授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To understand the clinical correlation of the thoracic structures

A. Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (minimally invasive) B. Heart by-pass surgery C. Artificial tricuspid valve D. Surgery of aortic aneurysm E. Lab: Posterior mediastinum 第 25 單元授課主題 :Anterior abdominal wall 教師 : 宋欣錦授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the anterior abdominal wall A. Anterior abdominal wall 1. 4 quadrants of abdominal cavity 2. 9 regions of abdominal cavity B. Fascia of the anterolateral abdominal wall 1. Superficial fatty layer (camper fascia) 2. Deep membranous layer (scarpa fascia) 3. Deep fascia (3 layers) 4. Endoabdominal (Transversalis) fascia 5. Extraperitoneal fat 6. Parietal peritoneum C. Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall 1. external oblique 2. internal oblique 3. transverse abdominal 4. rectus abdominis 5. pyramidalis D. Nerves of the anterolateral abdominal wall 1. thoracoabdominal nerves (ventral rami of T7~T11) 2. lateral (thoracic) cutaneous beanches (T7-T9) 3. subcostal nerves (T12) 4. iliohypogastric nerves (L1) 5. ilioinguinal nerves (L1) E. Vessels of the anterolateral abdominal wall 1. internal thoracic a. 2. external iliac a. 3. femoral a. 4. Aorta F. Lab: 1. Surface anatomy 2. Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall (I)

第 26 單元授課主題 :Internal surface of the anterolateral abdominal wall 教師 : 宋欣錦授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the internal surface of the anterolateral abdominal wall. A. Internal surface of the anterolateral abdominal wall 1. internal surface 2. umbilical peritoneal folds 3. peritoneal fossae B. Inguinal region 1. inguinal canal 2. spermatic cord 3. scrotum 4. testis 5. epididymis C. Lab: 1. Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall (II) 2. Reflection of the abdominal wall 第 27 單元授課主題 : Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity 教師 : 徐淑媛授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the formation of the peritoneum & the structures of the peritoneal cavity A. Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity 1. Embryology of the peritoneal cavity 2. Peritoneal formations 3. Subdivisions of the peritoneal cavity B. Esophagus C. Stomach 1. Parts of the stomach 2. Interior of the stomach 3. Relations of the stomach 4. Vessels & nerves of the stomach D. Spleen E. Lab: 1. Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity 2. Celiac trunk, stomach, spleen, liver and gallbladder

第 28 單元授課主題 :Small intestine, large intestine, pancreas liver, biliary ducts and gallbladder 教師 : 徐淑媛授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures and functions of the digestive organs A. Small intestine 1. Duodenum 2. Jejunum 3. Ileum B. Large intestine 1. Cecum & appendix 2. Colon 3. Rectum & anal canal C. Pancreas D. Liver 1. Surface, peritoneal reflections, and relationships of the liver 2. Anatomical lobes of the liver 3. Functional subdivision of the liver 4. Blood vessels of the liver 5. Lymphatic drainage & innervation of the liver E. Biliary ducts and gallbladder 1. Bile duct 2. Gallbladder F. Lab: 1. Superior mesenteric artery and small intestine 2. Inferior mesenteric artery and large intestine 第 29 單元授課主題 :1. Portal vein and portal-systemic anastomoses 2. Kidney, ureters, and suprarenal glands 3. Summary of the innervation of the abdominal viscera 教師 : 徐淑媛授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :1. To learn the connections & clinical importance of the portal-systemic anastomses. 2. To learn the structures & functions of the posterior abdominal organs. 3. To learn the overall innervation of the abdominal viscera. A. Portal-systemic anastomses B. Kidney, ureters, and suprarenal glands 1. Kidney 2. Ureter 3. Suprarenal gland

4. Vessels & nerves of the kidney, ureter, and suprarenal gland 5. Lymphatics of the kidney, ureter, and suprarenal gland 6. Nerves of the kidney, ureter, and suprarenal gland C. Summary of the innervation of the abdominal viscera 1. Sympathetic innervation 2. Parasympathetic innervation D. Lab: 1. duodenum, pancreas, and hepatic portal vein 2. removal of the gastrointestinal tract 第 30 單元授課主題 :Diaphragm, Posterior abdominal wall 教師 : 徐淑媛授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the diaphragm & posterior abdominal region A. Diaphragm 1. Vessels & nerves of the diaphragm 2. Diaphragmatic aperatures 3. Actions of the diaphragm B. Posterior abdominal wall 1. Fascia of the posterior abdominal wall 2. Muscles of the posterior abdominal wall 3. Nerves of the posterior abdominal wall 4. Vessels of the posterior abdominal wall C. Lab: 1. Posterior abdominal viscera 第 31 單元授課主題 :Clinical correlation of abdomen 教師 : 黃燦龍授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To understand the clinical correlation of the Abdomen A. THE ANATOMICAL REVIEWS AND THEIR CLINICAL PROBLEMS B. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE C. SEVERAL CLINICAL PROBLEMS AND THEIR ANATOMICAL SIGNIFICANCES D. Lab: 1. Posterior abdominal wall 2. Diaphragm 第 32 單元授課主題 :Pelvic girdle

教師 : 柳文卿 授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時 學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the pelvic girdle A. Pelvic girdle B. Bone and features of the pelvic girdle C. Orientation of the pelvic girdle D. Joints and ligaments of the pelvic girdle Pelvic cavity E. Walls and floor of the pelvic cavity F. Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity of the pelvis G. Pelvic fascia H. Lab: 1. Skeleton of the pelvis, anal triangle 第 33 單元授課主題 :Perineum 教師 : 柳文卿授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the perineum A. Perineum B. Fasciae and pouches of the UG triangle C. Features of the anal triangle D. Male perineum E. Female perineum F. Lab: 男性組 Male urogential triangle 女性組 Female urogential triangle 第 34 單元授課主題 :Pelvic viscera 教師 : 柳文卿授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the pelvic viscera A. Pelvic viscera B. Urinary organs C. Male internal genital organs D. Female internal genital organs E. Rectum F. Lab: 男性組 Male pelvic cavity 女性組 Female pelvic cavity

第 35 單元授課主題 :Neurovascular structures of the pelvis 教師 : 柳文卿授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the neurovascular structures of the pelvis A. Neurovascular structures of the pelvis B. Pelvic nerves C. Pelvic arteries D. Pelvic veins E. Lymph nodes of the pelvis F. Lab: 男性組 Urinary bladder, rectum, and anal canal 女性組 Urinary bladder, rectum, and anal canal 第 36 單元授課主題 :Clinical correlation of pelvis 教師 : 莊正鏗授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To understand the clinical correlation of the pelvis A. Urology B. Anatomy 1. Adrenal gland 2. Kidney 3. Ureter 4. Urinary bladder 5. Prostate 6. Reproductive organs C. Primary Hyperaldosteronism D. Symptoms of Disorders of the Genitourinary Tract E. Urothelial Tumors of the Urinary Tract F. Hematuira G. Bladder Tumors H. Anatomy of Prostate I. Innervation of the Penis J. Internal Iliac Artery K. Bladder Injury L. Urethral Injuries M. Lab: 男性組 Internal iliac artery and sacral plexus Pelvic diaphragm

女性組 Internal iliac artery and sacral plexus Pelvic diaphragm 第 37 單元授課主題 :Review of pelvic / perineal walls and contents 教師 : 柳文卿授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the pelvic / perineal walls and contents A. Review of pelvic / perineal walls and contents B. Lab: 1. Review the pelvic / perineal walls and contents 第 39 單元授課主題 :Cranium (I) 教師 : 趙春香授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the cranium A. Cranium (I) B. Facial aspect of the cranium / 886 C. Lateral aspect of the cranium / 892 D. Superior aspect of the cranium / 89 E. Lab: 1. Surface anatomy & Skull 第 40 單元授課主題 :Face 教師 : 趙春香授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the Facial muscle and nerve A. Face / 933 B. Muscles of the face and scalp / 933 C. Nerves of the face / 939 D. Superficial vasculature of the face and scalp / 947 E. Parotid gland / 953 F. Lab: 1. Face 2. Parotid region 第 41 單元授課主題 : Cranium (II)

教師 : 趙春香授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the external and internal surface of cranial base A. Cranium (II) B. External surface of the cranial base / 895 C. Internal surface of the cranial base / 897 D. Lab: 1. Scalp 2. Interior of the skull 3. Removal of the brain 第 42 單元授課主題 :Structure of the scalp / 906 Cranial meninges / 908 教師 : 趙春香授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the scalp A. Structure of the scalp / 906 B. Cranial meninges / 908 C. Dura mater / 908 D. Leptomeninx (arachnoid mater and pia mater) / 917 E. Brain / 921 F. Parts of the brain / 921 G. Ventricular system of the brain / 923 H. Arterial blood supply of the brain / 927 I. Venous drainage of the brain / 932 J. Lab: 1. Removal of the brain 2. Dural infolding and dural venous sinuses 3. Gross anatomy of the brain 4. Cranial fossae 第 43 單元授課主題 :Orbit, orbital region, and eyeball / 957 教師 : 趙春香授課時間 :50 分鐘學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the eyeball A. Orbit, orbital region, and eyeball / 957 B. Eyelids and lacrimal apparatus / 961 C. The eyeball / 964

D. Extraocular muscles of the orbit / 968 E. Nerves of the orbit / 972 F. Vasculature of the orbit / 973 G. Lab: 1. Orbit 第 44 單元授課主題 : Temporal region 教師 : 徐淑媛授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures & functions of the temporal region & pterygopalatine fossa A. Temporal region 1. Temporal fossa 2. Infratemporal fossa B. Temporomandibular joint C. Pterygopalatine fossa 1. Pterygopalatine part of the maxillary artery 2. Maxillary nerve D. Lab: 1. Temporal region 第 45 單元授課主題 :Overview of the neck 教師 : 徐淑媛授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時學習目標 :To learn the structures of the superficial part of the neck region A. Overview of the neck B. Bones of the neck C. Fascia of the neck D. Superficial structures of the neck: The cervical regions 1. Sternocleidomastoid region 2. Posterior cervical region 3. Lateral cervical region 4. Anterior cervical region E. Lab: 1. Posterior & anterior triangle of the neck 第 46 單元授課主題 :Deep structures of the neck 教師 : 徐淑媛授課時間 : 正課加實驗 4 小時