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The Linguistic Turn 1967 25

Rorty 1967 14 1931 14 University of Chicago Rudolf Carnap 1891-1970 Charles Hartshome 1897-1997 Richard Peter McKeon 1900-1985 1949 1952 1 1952 1956 Yale University Carl Gustav Hempel 1905-1997 Paul Weiss 1901-1977 Robert Sherrick Brumbaugh 1918-1998 1956 The Concept of Potentiality 1957 1958 Wellesley College 1959 1 Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr. Rorty & Pragmatism The Philosopher Responds to His Critics Rorty s Pragmatism & Farewell to the Age of Faith & Enlightenment 26

Alan Pasch IJE 1959 75-77 1961 Pragmatism, Categories and Language Rorty 1961 197-223 Princeton University 20 Borradori 1994 106-107 1982 The University of Virginia Kenan Professor of the Humanities 1998 Stanford University Guggenheim Fellowship 1973-74 McArthur Fellowship 1981-86 1979 1983 1985 Northcliffe Lectures 1986 1987 1987 Clark Lectures at Trinity College Cambridge UK 1997 1997 Spinoza Lectures at the University of Amsterdam 1994 Academia Sinica Taipei The Institute of European and American Studies National Taiwan University National Chung Cheng University 27

Hope in Place of Knowledge Academia Sinica 1999 2 Dagobert D. Runes Pragmatism Pragma Things done William James 1842-1910 Socrates 470-399 BC George Berkeley 1685-1753 David Hume 1711-1776 Runes 1983 Popular Science Monthly 2 New York Times 1990 12 2 28

Peirce 1878 278 Runes 1983 261 Hartshorne & Weiss 1998 5.18 David Jary & Julia Jary John Dewey 1859-1952 instrumentalism conventionalism Jary & Jary 1998 527-528 3 29

Smith 1978 1-2 13-14 Peirce 1903 5.3 Hartshone & Weiss 1998 166 Burks 1998 8.218 How to Make Our Ideas Clear Smith 1978 13 30

White 1986/1983 162 Ayer 1968 3 4 Philosophical Conceptions and Pratical Results 1898 What Pragmatism Means 1907 5 Bertrand Russell Charles Moore F. H. Bradley 31

Protagoras 490-421 BC 1 Murphy 1990 7 The Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edwards 1967 idea The Third Meditation Edwards 1967 23-24 6 Protagoras The Sophists 7 1839 Benjamin Peirce 1855 Chauncey Wright Nicolas St. John Green Oliver Wendell Holmes 1850 32

Chauncey Wright Frank Abbot skepticism Moore 1972 125 Menand 1997 12 pragmatisch state of mind Peirce 1903 5.369 Thompson 1953 69 Charles Darwin 1809-1882 8 Chauncey Wright Frank Abbot 1860 33

Peirce 1903 5.212 Thompson 1953 202 Thompson 1953 203 Peirce 1903 5.553 Hartshorne & Weiss 1998 390 Peirce 1903 5.565 Hartshorne & Weiss 1998 394 Realism Richard Rorty 1931- Malachowski 2002a 56 34

Malachowski 2002a 126 Menand 1997 4 idea Anthony Kenny Murphy 1990 8-9 the idea of idea adventitious ideas mental images mental pictures self-consciousness 35

1877 Thayer 1968 80 Rosenthal 1994 27 36

Bertrand Russell 1872-1970 1986 369 Bjork 1988 43 truth 9 10 37

Thayer 1982 230 true false Thayer 1982 229 C. Renouvier Myers 1986 45 Burkhardt et. al. 1979 11 closet philosophy practical philosophy Burkhardt et. al. 1979 12 18 19 11 The New York Times November 3 1907 An Interview Pragmatism What It Is Edwin Bjorkman 38

James 1976 21 Perry 1996 292 James 1975 259 pragmatism 12 39

practicalism pragmatism James 1978 30 Morton Gabriel White White 1986 175 George Mead 13 40

Dewey 1977 8-9 Dewey 1977 10 Experience and Nature West 1989 86 McDermott 1981/1973 76-77 14 20 1917 1951 1975 41

Dewey 1950 23 Dewey 1950 40 Protestant Dewey 1950 41-42 Dewey 1955/1916 152-153 Platonism 15 42

Wheeler 1993 75 Leon Trotsky 1879-1940 Bertrand Russell 1872-1970 The Vienna Circle 16 43

Hilary Putnam 1926- Mounce 1997 175-176 Maund 1937 273-274 reality Rudolf Carnap H. Heigl 44

Rosenthal 1994 21 Thompson 1953 80 终 45

Thompson 1953 39 Richard Bernstein 19 The Faculties of Knowledge Manley Hawn Thompson Pragmatic Philosophy of C. S. Peirce 20 Alexander Bain 1818-1903 1970 46

Marxist Sociology Sandra B. Rosenthal Maurice Merleau-Ponty 20 James Rorty Sidney Hook 1902-1989 47

1982 1998 1996 77-79 The Oxford School Philosophical Investigation 1996 81-82 21 1960 22 23 Wilfrid Sellars 1912-1989 21 22 23 48

The Myth of the Given 1996 83 24 25 Nelson Goodman 49

Gunn 1992 98 appearance-reality Rorty 1997 13-14 Ferdinand C.S. Schiller Charence Irving Lewis Charles Mooris 26 50

Rorty 1980 207 Nelson Goodman Gilbert Ryle Jean-Paul Sartre Jean Francois Lyotard to be made not be found Rorty 1989 3 Rorty 1999a 97 51

1961 1979 Allan Bloom 1930- Jacques Derrida 1930-2004 Bernstein 1983 205 Malachowski 2002b 146 52

Edmund Husserl 1859-1938 regulate transcendental approach bracketing logical form Rorty 1992/1967 1 a linguistic turn postmodern 53

Positivism Romanticism reality bracket postmodernism Rorty 1980 327 a new practical pragmatics a self-deceptive attempt Rorty 1992/1967 3 54

Zeno Vendler Vendler 1984 11 Rorty 1992/1967 4 Knowledge and Human Interests 1968 Arcilla 1995 499-500 55

1992 256-257 20 existentialism Letter on Humanism 27 Heidegger 1964 1 Krell 1978 217 Neo-Marxism 27 1947 David Farrell Krell Martin Heidegger Basic Writings 1978 56

Post-Philosophical Culture 28 Rorty 1980 6 2003 177 28 57

1995 79 Rorty 1980 394 1992 14 Arcilla 1995 105 58

Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900 modernity Benjamin 1989 317 59

metaphysical comfort Rorty 1997 14 Roland Barthes 1915-1980 Cogito Foucault 1977 12-13 60

1970 61

29 Dews 1995 62 30 31 29 Hilary Putnam Realism and Reason Peter Hylton 30 31 Hans-Georg Gadamer 1900-2002 62

Objectivity, relativism, and truth 1991 Essays on Heidegger and others 1991 Karl-Otto Apel 32 20 32 63

logos (1967) Rorty 1992/1967 2 64