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Dragon Pass Intercity Great Sights Fullers Great Sights Intercity 15, 1) 2) 3) Great Sights, 4) / / / 5), 6) 7) 2012 3 31 2012 1 22 29

Dragon Pass Dragon Pass is specifically designed for tourists from China and Hong Kong. Inside the pass, Intercity Group congregates its high quality sightseeing tours services from Great Sights, cruises and day tours from Fullers Great Bay of Island and transportation network from Intercity. It consists of 15 well-designed itineraries that cover most popular destinations in New Zealand. Some of the itineraries include entrance fee of well know attractions. We provide complimentary hotel pick up and drop off service. Benefits at a Glance 1) No minimum passenger required. Book passes get at least 15% off retail price. Five or more passengers get more discounts up to 35% off. 2) With guaranteed daily departure, you ll have the flexibility to stop anywhere on route. You can change departure time 2 hours prior to travel without extra fee. 3) Great Sights coaches are modern and specifically designed for sightseeing in New Zealand conditions. These low emission vehicles feature air conditioning, airbag suspension, spacious reclining seats, toilet equipped and a glass-top roof on the Milford Sound tour. 4) Multi-lingual headset commentaries are available in Mandarin, Japanese and Spanish on Bay of Islands, Waitomo Caves & Rotorua, Rotorua City Sights, Mt Cook and Milford Sound day tours. 5) Complimentary inner city hotel pick up & drop off services are provided (on selected tours). 6) Our highly trained and passionate staff will provide informative, entertaining commentary throughout your day tour. 7) The passes valid until 31 Mar 2012, excluding CNY period 22 Jan to 29 Jan 2012. Please visit www.greatsights.co.nz for full terms and conditions.

North Island ( ) NI - 1 Auckland -Paihia (GS8) - $104 Hole in the Rock Dolphin Cruise ( ) $94 Paihia - Auckland (GS24) $104 TOTAL $302 $257 ( 15%) $244 (5 ) NI - 2 Auckland Sights (GS1) - $75 Auckland / Waitomo / Rotorua (GS11AN) - $233 Rotorua Ho Ho 48 - Rotorua / Auckland (GS7230) $74 TOTAL $412 $330 ( 20%) NI - 3 Auckland Sightseeing (GS1) - $75 Auckland / Paihia (GS8) - $104 Hole in the Rock Dolphin Cruise $94 Paihia - Auckland $104 Auckland -Waitomo - Rotorua (GS11AN) - $233 Rotorua CitySights 48 - Rotorua - Auckland (GS7230) $74 $313 (5 ) TOTAL $714 $536 ( 25%) $509 (5 )

South Island ( ) SI - 1 Christchurch /Mt Cook / Queenstown (GS62)- $261 Queenstown /Milford Sound / (GS76) - $237 Queenstown /West Coast (ZQNWHO or ZQNFGL) - $138 West Coast Glacier / Greymouth (Intericty Coach*) $81 TOTAL $717 $574 ( 20% ) SI - 2 Greymouth / West Coast Glacier (Intericty Coach *) $81 West Coast / Queenstown (WHOZQN OR FGL/ZQN) $138 Queenstown / Milford Sound / (GS76) - $237 Queenstown / Mt Cook / Christchurch (GS83) $206 $545 (5 ) TOTAL $662 $530 ( 20%) SI - 3 Christchurch / Queenstown (Newmans Coach*) $96 Queenstown / Milford Sound / (GS62) - $237 Queenstown / Mt Cook / Christchurch (GS83)- $206 $503 (5 ) TOTAL $539 $458 ( 15%) SI - 4 Christchurch / Mt Cook / Queenstown (GS62) - $261 Queenstown / Milford Sound / (GS76) - $237 Queenstown / Christchurch (Newmans coach*) $96 $435 (5 ) TOTAL $594 $505 ( 15%) $480 (5 )

North & South Island NS - 1 Auckland / Waitomo / Rotorua (GS11AN) - $233 Rotorua CitySights 48 (GS39) - Christchurch / Mt Cook / Queenstown (GS62) - $261 Queenstown / Milford Sound / Queenstown / Christchurch (Intercity Coach*) $96 TOTAL $857 $686 ( 20%) NS - 2 Christchurch / Queenstown (Newmans Coach*) $96 Queenstown / Milford Sound / Queenstown / Mt Cook / Christchurch (GS83)- $206 Rotorua CitySights 48 (GS39) - Rotorua / Waitomo / Auckland (GS47AN) - $222 $651 (5 ) TOTAL $791 $633 ( 20%) NS - 3 Auckland / Waitomo Caves / Rotorua (GS11AN)- $233 Rotorua CitySights 48 - Christchurch / Mt Cook / Queenstown (GS62)- $261 Queenstown / Milford Sound / Queenstown / West Coast (ZQNWHO or ZQNFGL) $138 West Coast / Greymouth (Intercity Coach*) $81 $601 (5 ) TOTAL $980 $735 ( 25%), $698 (5 )

North & South Island NS - 4 Greymouth / West Coast Glacier (Intercity Coach*) $81 West Coast / Queenstown (WHOZQN or FGLZQN) $138 Queenstown / Milford Sound / Queenstown / Mt Cook / Christchurch (GS83)- $206 Rotorua CitySight 48 - $30 Rotorua / Waitomo / Auckland (GS47AN) - $222 TOTAL $914 $686 ( 25%) NS - 5 Greymouth / West Coast Glacier (Intercity Coach*) $81 West Coast / Queenstown (WHOZQN or FGLZQN) $138 Queenstown / Milford Sound / Rotorua City Sights 48 - Rotorua / Waitomo / Auckland (GS47AN)- $222 $651 (5 ) TOTAL $708 $566 ( 25%) NS - 6 Auckland / Paihia (GS8) - $104 Hole in the Rock Dolphin Cruise $94 Paihia - Auckland (GS24) $104 Auckland / Waitomo / Rotorua (GS11AN)- $233 Rotorua City Sights 48 - Christchurch / Mt Cook / Queenstown (GS62)- $261 Queenstown / Milford Sound / Queenstown / West Coast (ZQNWHO Or ZQNFGL) $138 West Coast Glacier / Greymouth (Intercity coach*) $81 $538 (5 ) TOTAL $1,282 $897 ( 30%),,,,, $853 (5 )

North & South Island NS - 7 Auckland / Paihia (GS8) - $104 Hole in the Rock Dolphin Cruise $94 Paihia / Auckland (GS24) $104 Auckland / Waitomo Caves / Rotorua - $233 Rotorua City Sights 48 - Greymouth / West Coast Glacier (Intercity Coach*) $81 West Coast / Queenstown (WHOZQN or FGLZQN) $138 Queenstown / Milford Sound / Queenstown / Mt Cook / Christchurch (GS83)- $206 TOTAL $1,227 $859 ( 30%),, NS - 8 Auckland / Waitomo / Rotorua (GS11AN)- $233 Rotorua City Sights 48 - Queenstown / Milford Sound / Queenstown / Mt Cook / Christchurch (GS83)- $206 $816 (5 ) TOTAL $706 $565 ( 20%) ; $537 (5 )

Terms and Conditions The Dragon Pass prices given are in New Zealand Dollars. The Dragon Pass prices are inclusive of the current rate of 15% Good and Service Tax (GST) 15% (GST) The Dragon Pass are strictly for Mainland China and Hong Kong market only, not apply to any other markets.,. Rates valid for bookings made from 12 Dec 2011 and travel from 12 Dec 2011 till 31 Mar 2012. 2011 12 12, 2012 12 12 2012 3 31. "5 or more" means 5 passengers or more travelling together 5 5 Child under 12 years are half price 12 Purchase of the Dragon Pass does not assure you a seat until you use it to make a reservation. Without using your pass to make a prior reservation a seat is not guaranteed.. Coach sector reservation must be made at least 2 hours prior to travel. Each pass has a specific set of valid coach services based on the routes and regions includes.. Alternative routes using other services is not permitted.. The Dragon Pass is not transferable and cannot be extended., The Dragon Pass is non-refundable once travel has commenced.. Standard Great Sights / Intercity / Fullers Great Sights terms and conditions apply Great Sights / Intercity / Fullers Great Sights : Those highlighted in Blue in the passes are on Intercity coach which do not provide commentary. Intercity Coach,. Those highlighted in Red are the tours / entrance that included in the pass,.