Swivi Seat 3-in-1 Booster 使用說明書 User Manual 2015 Graco NWL A 9/30

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Swivi Seat 3-in-1 Booster 使用說明書 User Manual 2015 Graco NWL00505508A 9/30

本產品可以下列模式使用 : This product can be used in the following modes: 新生兒模式 Infant Recline 嬰幼兒餐椅 Feeding Booster 固定於椅座 attached to chair 孩童用餐椅 Toddler Booster 2

警告 若不遵守這些警告和安裝說明可能導致嚴重傷害或死亡 請妥善收存使用手冊以供日後使用 為了您孩子的安全, 請於使用產品前詳細閱讀警告標示和使用手冊 每次使用前請檢查本產品是否出現硬體損壞 接頭鬆動 缺少零件或邊緣鋒利之情況 若零部件缺少或損壞時, 請勿使用本產品 請勿自行替換零件 摔倒危險 : 切勿於孩童乘坐時移動或拉高座椅 需由成人組裝 切勿讓孩童離開視線, 使用本產品時, 請勿讓孩子離開視線 為防止因滑出 掉落或翻倒所造成之嚴重傷害或死亡, 請務必使用安全帶, 隨時於傾斜或垂直時以產品所附之固定系統保護您的孩子, 餐盤並非用來將孩子固定於本產品中, 建議於孩童無需協助即可自己坐好時方使用本產品的坐立模式 切勿讓孩子自行從桌旁推開 切勿將餐盤強壓向孩童, 請使用兩個調整位置, 請確認兩個調整齒輪皆固定於於扶手槽內 窒息的危險 : 請勿將產品置於具繩索, 如窗簾繩 窗簾 電話線等之任何區域附近 請依照裝設說明謹慎操作, 若遇到任何困難, 請致電客服中心請參閱封底 若產品出現任何損壞或斷裂, 請停止使用本產品 請勿於機動車上使用本產品, 以防止造成嚴重傷害或死亡 請勿於孩童乘坐時調整產品靠背傾斜度 將本產品固定於椅座上時, 請務必使用固定帶並確保固定帶緊緊拉住 若本產品無法安全且牢牢固定於該成人座椅, 請勿於該椅子使用本產品 本產品適用於歲以下及體重公斤 ( 磅 ) 以下之孩童 本產品僅可使用 之附件 3

若不遵守這些警告和安裝說明可能導致嚴重傷害或死亡 在孩童能自行乘坐餐椅前 ( 約 2 歲半左右 ), 在任何時候皆應以約束系統將孩童固定於餐椅上, 餐盤並非使用於將孩子固定於餐椅上 請勿將本產品使用於凳子 旋轉椅 折疊椅或任何其他本產品無法牢固使用之椅子, 建議使用具有四腳 高靠背及具堅固座位之椅子 建議於新生兒頸部安定前 ( 約 4 個月左右 ) 將座椅角度調整至躺臥模式進行使用 警告 4

Failure to follow these warnings and the assembly instructions could result in serious injury or death. PLEASE SAVE THIS BOOK FOR FUTURE USE. FOR YOUR CHILD S SAFETY, read the labels and the owner s manual before using product. BEFORE EACH USE. Inspect the toddler booster for damaged hardware, loose joints, missing parts, or sharp edges. DO NOT USE toddler booster if any parts are missing or broken. DO NOT substitute parts. FALL HAZARD Never move or lift booster seat with child in it. ADULT ASSEMBLY REQUIRED. NEVER LEAVE CHILD UNAT- TENDED. Always keep your child in view in product. PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH FROM SLIDING OUT, FALLS, OR TIPPING OVER. Always use seat belt. Secure your child at all times with the restraint system provided, either in the reclining or upright position. The tray is not designed to hold your child in the product. It is recommended that the product be used in the upright position only by children capable of sitting upright unassisted. NEVER allow a child to push away from table. DO NOT FORCE TRAY against child. Use only the two adjustment positions. Be sure both adjustment fingers are engaged in armrest slots. STRANGULATION HAZARD: Do not place product in any location where there are cords, such as window blind cords, drapes, phone cords, etc. FOLLOW ASSEMBLY INSTRUC- TIONS CAREFULLY. If you experience any difficulties, please contact the Customer Service Department. DISCONTINUE USING YOUR TODDLER BOOSTER should it become damaged or broken. PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. Do not use in motor vehicles. DO NOT ADJUST the recline of product with your child in it. ALWAYS USE booster straps to attach feeding booster seat to any chair. Always ensure straps are pulled tightly. IF FEEDING BOOSTER SEAT CANNOT be securely and safely attached to the adult chair, do not use feeding booster seat with that chair. THIS FEEDING BOOSTER SEAT is designed to be used by a child up to 5 years of age and up to 50 lbs (22.7kg). USE ONLY Swivi Seat toddler booster accessories with this product. 5

Failure to follow these warnings and the assembly instructions could result in serious injury or death. ALWAYS SECURE CHILD IN THE RESTRAINT UNTIL CHILD IS ABLE to get in and out of the feeding booster without help (about 2 1/2 years old), the child should be secured in the feeding booster seat at all times by the restraining system. The tray is not designed to hold the child in the chair. DO NOT USE the booster on a stool, swivel chair, folding chair or any other type of chair to which this booster cannot be firmly attached. The recommended type of chair shall be with four legs, a high backrest, and a firm seat. Use the fully recline position until infant can hold up head without help (about 4 months old). 6

各部位名稱 Parts list 不同型號可能不包括下圖所示之配件, 安裝前請檢查所有零件, 若有缺少 弄錯或者破損時, 請與經銷商或者總公司連絡 ( 請參閱封底 產品保證書 ) This model may not include some features shown below. Check that you have all the parts for this model BEFORE assembling your product. If any parts are missing, call Customer Service. 所有型號 ALL MODELS 限定型號 CERTAIN MODELS 7

輔助靠背 Backrest 將輔助靠背安裝於餐椅上 Insert seat back guides into seat base. 1 8

將輔助靠背向後翻壓至固定卡槽內 Rotate seat back until it attaches to base. 2 喀擦! SNAP! 9

座椅保護套 Seat Pad 1 將安全腰帶由座椅保護套導孔中穿出 Pull waist straps through openings in seat pad. 2 將安全肩帶及安全股帶由座椅保護套導孔中穿出 Pull shoulder straps and crotch strap through openings in seat pad. 3 將座椅保護套由座椅上方套入 Wrap seat pad over the top of the infant seat. 4 如圖所示, 將座椅保護套固定於座椅前側 Secure seat pad to front of infant seat as shown. 10

新生兒守護墊 Body Support 1 如圖所示, 將新生兒保護墊固定於座椅上 Place body support on top of the seat pad. 2 將安全腰帶由新生兒保護墊導孔中穿出 Pull waist straps through openings in body support. 3 將安全肩帶及安全股帶由新生兒保護墊導孔中穿出 Pull shoulder straps and crotch strap through openings in body support. 11

餐盤的使用方式 To Use Tray 1 喀擦! SNAP! 按壓餐盤兩側之固定扣, 將餐盤卡進座椅側邊之餐盤卡榫內 Squeeze release levers on each side of tray, slide tray on seat, and snap into side tray locks. 2 不使用時, 請按壓餐盤兩側之固定扣並將餐盤滑出 To release squeeze release levers on each side of tray and slide off. 或 or 不使用時, 請按下餐盤前方之按鈕 To release push button on front of tray. 12

上層餐盤 Tray Cover 可使用洗碗機 Dishwasher safe. 1 將上層餐盤向下推至餐盤處來安裝固定 Attach tray cover by pushing it down on the tray. 喀擦! SNAP! 2 不使用時, 請由餐盤後方拉起 To remove pull up on the back of the tray. 13

警告 : WARNING 調整座椅角度 To Recline Seat 孩童乘坐時請勿調整座椅角度 當座椅處於躺臥模式時, 請務必移除餐盤 DO NOT adjust the seat recline with the child in it. Tray must be removed when the seat is in the fully reclined position. 1 按壓座位前側之按鈕並向下推或拉來調整座椅角度 Press button on front of seat and push down or pull up to adjust. 2 可 4 階段調整座椅角度 There are 4 recline positions. 座椅處於躺臥模式時, 請務必移除餐盤 Tray must be removed when the seat is in the reclined position. 14

警告 : WARNING 旋轉座椅 To Recline Seat 孩童乘坐時請勿旋轉座椅 DO NOT adjust the seat with the child in it. 1 將座椅兩側的把手向欲旋轉座椅的方向拉 Locate one of the handles on the side of the booster and pull towards the direction you want to rotate the seat. 2 可旋轉 3 方向 There are 3 positions. 15

警告 : WARNING 安全固定裝置 To Secure Child 跌落危險 : 請務必使用安全帶 Falling Hazard Always use the seat belt. 5 點式安全帶 5 Point Harness 1 4 2 移動安全帶環扣來調整安全帶鬆緊 Use slide adjuster at shoulder and waist for tighter adjustment. 3 5 16

3 點式安全帶 3 Point Buckle 轉換為 3 點式安全帶 To convert to 3-pt harness 6 8 7 移動安全腰帶環扣來調整安全帶鬆緊 Use slide adjuster at waist for further adjustment. 9 10 17

11 需改變安全帶導孔位置時, 請確認座椅保護套和椅背的肩部安全帶導孔位置相同 安全帶必須穿進導孔中, 甚至與肩同高或略高於肩膀, 請避免安全帶扭曲變形 When changing harness strap slots, MAKE SURE harness straps are going through same slots in seat pad and seat back. The harness straps must go into slot that is even with or slightly above the shoulders. Avoid twisting straps. 18

孩童用餐椅的使用方式 Using as Toddler Booster 1 解開椅座及椅背之卡榫 Disconnect seat back from base. 2 自椅座上移除椅背及座椅保護套 Remove seat back and pad from seat base. 19

將本產品固定於椅子上 Attaching booster seat to chair 1 將本產品下方翻轉至正面操作 Turn infant/toddler feeding booster seat over. 解開固定扣 Unfasten clips. 20

3 或 or 請將本產品置於沒有扶手但具靠背的椅子, 並確認固定帶沒有鉤住 Place feeding booster on a chair with no armrests and that has a back, ensuring that the straps are hanging freely. 確認椅子上沒有多餘的椅墊或墊子 Make sure that there are no extra seatpads or cushions on the chair that you are using with the booster. 4 喀擦! SNAP! 將上方固定帶繞過座椅並固定, 並拉動固定帶調節來拉緊 Wrap top straps around back of seat and secure clip. Tighten by pulling on the adjustment strap. 21

5 喀擦! SNAP! 將下方固定帶繞過座椅並固定, 並拉動固定帶調節來拉緊左右移動來確認做已被牢牢固定 Wrap bottom straps around base of seat and secure clip under the seat. Tighten by pulling on the loose straps. CHECK to make sure feeding booster is securely attached by moving from side to side. 6 將座椅向上拉動, 以確認其是否被確實固定 Ensure the feeding booster is attached correctly by pulling up on it. 或 or 22

從椅子上移除本產品 To Remove Feeding Booster from Chair 警告 : WARNING 孩童乘坐時請勿將座椅自椅子上移除 跌落危險 : 孩童乘坐時請勿移動或抬舉座椅 DO NOT remove feeding booster seat with the child in it. FALL HAZARD Never move or lift booster seat with child in it. 1 將椅座下方之固定扣打開 Unfasten clips on bottom of seat. 2 將固定餐椅背部的固定扣打開 Unfasten clips from back of seat. 23

3 或 or 從椅子上將座椅移除 Remove feeding booster seat from chair. 4 將固定扣扣上, 並拉緊 Attach straps to each other and pull strap to tighten to seat. 24

Notes 25

日常保養 Care and Maintenance 時常檢查您的兒童餐椅, 以防任何零件磨損 螺絲鬆動或縫製品脫線斷裂, 並根據需要維修或替換零件, 且僅可使用 Graco 之零件 FROM TIME TO TIME CHECK YOUR BOOSTER for worn parts, loose screws, torn vinyl or stitching. Replace or repair the parts as needed. Use only Graco replacement parts. 清潔餐椅架時僅可使用家用肥皂和溫水, 不得使用漂白水或清潔劑 TO CLEAN BOOSTER FRAME,use only household soap and warm water. NO BLEACH or detergent. 清潔可拆卸的座椅保護套 新生兒守護墊時, 請參閱座椅保護套 新生兒守護墊保養標籤上的洗滌說明, 不得使用漂白水或清潔劑 TO CLEAN REMOVABLE SEAT COVER, Refer to your care tag on your seat pad for washing instructions. NO BLEACH or detergent. 26

WARRANTY RECORD 產品質量及維修記錄咭保證書 用戶姓名 Name 地址 Address 電話 Tel 產品名稱 Product 產品型號 Model No. 購買日期 Date of Purchase 維修記錄 Maintenance Record WARRANTY 1. Please keep the purchase receipt as proof for warranty and repairing service. Please bring along with you the warranty record and purchase receipt when presenting the product for servicing. 2. During warranty period (first year after purchase), free repairing service will be provided given the below situations: (i) Short of spare parts when unpack; (ii) Improper processing by our company; (iii) Breakdown of product under normal usage and usage according to instruction manual. 3. Consumable parts, wearable parts, as well as other damage caused by improper usage of products are not applicable to warranty period. 4. Repairing service will be limited to the repaired parts only. 5. The designated color of the parts or fashion of the fabrics may not be available. 6. For the discontinued products, repairing service is not guaranteed as spare parts of the product may have worn off. 7. Stop using the product if the product (i) breakdown during use; (ii) repairing or replacement of parts is required after check-up; (iii) fixed parts start to loosen; (iv) squeaking during use; (v) missing parts; (vi) abnormal wheel rotation; or (vii) other abnormal conditions. 8. Check the product name, item number and lot number displayed at the bottom of the tray and contact our customer service. 品質保證 1. 請保留收據以作維修保養憑據 維修時務必攜帶維修記錄咭及收據 2. 品質保證期為自購買日起的一年內 ( 以發票為準 ), 期間由於零件短少 加工不良等可歸責於本公司者 依照使用說明書及注意事項而在正常使用狀態下故障者, 根據保固規定提供免費修繕服務 3. 由於使用不當或其它意外原因造成產品損壞, 不屬於免費保修範圍 4. 對於修繕以外的部分將不予品質保證 5. 零件之顏色 布料之花樣等方面, 亦有可能無法符合您所指定的, 敬請見諒 6. 關於生產停止的商品, 庫存的零件如果用完時, 將無法提供維修服務 7. 當您使用的過程中萬一發生故障時 / 檢查時發現問題時 / 若有零件需要更換或是修繕時 / 產品使用中察覺有異常時, 請勿再繼續使用, 並且向您所購買的商店或客戶服務聯絡 8. 聯絡客戶服務時, 請務必告知本產品餐盤底部所顯示之品名 型號 批號, 以利進行後續處理作業 CUSTOMER SERVICE 客戶服務 Newell Rubbermaid Asia Pacific Limited Unit 806, 8/F, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel.: 2665 9175 Email: graco_hkgcs@newellco.com 27 購買商店 Point of Sales 發票號碼 Invoice No. 僅限香港地區使用 香港九龍尖沙咀麼地道 63 號好時中心 8 樓 806 室電話 : 2665 9175 電郵 : graco_hkgcs@newellco.com

保證書 僅限台灣地區使用 保固規定 1) 消費者請於購買時要求經銷商在本保證書上蓋章 並填上銷售日期 2) 本公司產品之保固期間為自購買日起一年間 3) 產品在保固期間內需要維修服務時 請出示本保證書 4) 產品維修前 未出示本產品保證書或保證書尚未蓋店章 未填寫銷售日期時 即使於一年內購買 亦無法享有一 年保固之免費修繕服務 5) 於品質保證期間內 由於零件短少 加工不良等製造商所引起之原因 由製造商提供免費修繕服務 含運費 若為消費者之責任 則計費維修 6) 免費修繕服務不包含以下項目 非歸責於製造商責任之任何損壞與故障 坐墊 遮陽篷等刮傷 使用者任意變更所引起 由自然災害或事故等原因所引起 框架自然劣化 塗料部分需時常保養 錯誤的使用方法或保養不良所致 輪胎 車輪的自然消耗 使用時 如發生故障或強烈撞擊 不慎掉落等情況 及發現有零件需要更換時 台灣國內請向公司維修中心聯絡 海外地區請洽當地代理商聯絡 我們竭誠為您服務 Swivi Seat 3-in-1 Booster 產品 型號 購買日期 年 月 日 姓名 地址 經銷商 確認章 顧客資料 電話 E-mail 請務必蓋章 保證方為有效 請確認購買時之經銷商店名稱 填寫型號 購買日期 本保證書不另行補發 因此請小心保管 避免遺失 本保證書填寫之個人資料 僅使用於產品保固及修理事宜 委製商 Newell Pubbermaid Asia Pacific Limited Unit 806, 8/F, Houston Centre, 63 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong TEL +852-2665-9175 Email: graco_hkgcs@newellco.com 進口商 台灣愛普力卡股份有限公司 總公司營業部 地 址 新 竹 縣 竹 北 市 台 元 街2 8號5樓 之3 維修服務中心 地 址 新 竹 縣 竹 北 市 福興路885號 統一編號 22662003 信箱 0800@aprica.com.tw 電 話 (0 3)5 5 2 5 6 8 8 傳 真 (0 3)5 5 2 5 6 9 0 電 話 (0 3)6 5 6 1 2 6 1 傳 真 (0 3)6 5 6 1 2 6 7 網址 http:www.gracobaby.com.tw