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Kobe University Educational Program on Current Japan Course List & Syllabi for the 1 st and 2 nd s + 1 st Semester & Undergraduate Level

Core Subject Taught in English entirely or partly, and will aim at giving you a direct understanding of current Japan, Elective Subject Category 1: Taught in English (entirely or partly) and include subject elements of Japan as a comparison 1: Category 2: Taught in Japanese entirely, but open to exchange students with a higher level of proficiency in Japanese, and include subject elements of Japan as a comparison 2: CORE SUBJECT ( Course Lecturer Faculty Code Credit /Semester Day Period Room Remarks International Relations and Globalization 1 International Relations and Globalization MINOHARA Toshihiro Juan Luis Lopez Aranguren Law 1J104 1 1st Intensive 304 Intensive Course Lecture Schedule 4/10 (Wed) 3-4th period 4/17 (Wed) 3-4th period 4/24 (Wed) 3-5th period Registration period 3/27-4/5 17:00 Submit an application form to the academic affairs section at Graduate School of Law by the deadline. Campus @Rokkodai 1st campus Map no.29 Please register this class as a set with " Cultures and Societies in Japan B" in the 1st 2 Cultures and Societies in Japan A Terence A. Lancashire Global Human Sciences 1H075 1 1st Mon 3 F301 1"Cultures and Societies in Japan B" Campus @Tsurukabuto 1st campus Map no.18 Please register this class as a set with " Cultures and Societies in Japan A" in the 1st 3 Cultures and Societies in Japan B Terence A. Lancashire Global Human Sciences 2H075 1 2nd Mon 3 F301 1"Cultures and Societies in Japan A" Campus @Tsurukabuto 1st campus Map no.18 Japanese Legal System 4 Japanese Legal System KADOMATSU Narufumi Law 1J045 2 1st Semester Thu 5 161 Campus @Rokkodai 1st campus Map no.31 5 Advanced English on interdisciplinary Engineering V OGINO Chiaki Engineering Students of Faculty of Engineering 2T018 Others 2T032 1 2nd Intensive TBD Intensive Course Lecture Schedule 9.3 (Tue) - 9.6 (Fri) Announce the lecture details later. ELECTIVE SUBJECT CATEGORY 1 Course Gender and Feminist Studies in Japan and UK 1 /GH Lecturer SHIRATORI Yoshihiko Faculty Letters Code Credit /Semester 1L205 1 1st Day Intensive Period Room Remarks Intensive Course Lecture Schedule 4/15 3rd & 5th period 4/16: 5th period Student 4/17: 5th period Hall 4/18: 1st & 5th period 4/19: 3rd & 5th period Registration means is the same as other courses. Campus @Rokkodai 2nd Campus Map no.96

Course Lecturer Faculty Code Credit /Semester Day Period Room Remarks Global Human Sciences 1H306 This is a Limited Enrolment Course. As for the registration, exchange students at Faculty of Global Human Sciences, Economics and Law are preferred. Additionally, students who wishing to register this must attend the first lecture. EU - Japan comparative seminar IA 2 IA GATTA Gianluca HANADA Eva ERKAN Kivilcim Economics 1E373 1 1st Wed 4 503 1 Please register this class as a set with " EU- Japan comparative seminar IB" in the 2nd. Law 1J048 2"IB" Campus @Rokkodai 1st campus Map no.42 EU - Japan comparative seminar IB 3 IB GATTA Gianluca HANADA Eva ERKAN Kivilcim Global Human Sciences Economics Law 2H306 2E338 2J019 1 2nd Wed 4 503 Please register this class as a set with " EU- Japan comparative seminar IA" in the 1st. 1"IA" Campus @Rokkodai 1st campus Map no.42 Please register this class as a set with " Gender, Culture and Society B" in the 2nd Gender, Culture and Society A 4 A AOYAMA Kaoru Global Human Sciences 1H364 1 1st Wed 4 F301 2"" Campus @Tsurukabuto 1st campus Map no.18 Please register this class as a set with " Gender, Culture and Society A" in the 1st Gender, Culture and Society B 5 B AOYAMA Kaoru Global Human Sciences 2H364 1 2nd Wed 4 F301 1"A" Campus @Tsurukabuto 1st campus Map no.18 6 Introduction to Physics YAMAZAKI Yuji KOTEGAWA Hisashi Science 1S001 1 1st Thu 1 Z103 Campus @Rokkodai 2nd campus Map no.82 7 Introduction to Planetology HAYASHI Yoshiyuki Science 2S005 1 2nd Wed 1 Y203 Campus @Rokkodai 2nd campus Map no.82 8 Introduction to Biology SATO Takuya Science 2S004 1 2nd Thu 1 Y103 Campus @Rokkodai 2nd campus Map no.82 9 Introduction to Mathematics ROSSMAN Wayne Science 2S001 1 2nd Fri 1 Y203 Campus @Rokkodai 2nd campus Map no.82 10 Introduction to Chemistry Alvin Karlo G. Tapia Science 2S003 1 Intensive Intensive Course Announce the lecture details later. ELECTIVE SUBJECT CATEGORY Taught in Japanese Course Lecturer Faculty Code Credit /Semester Day Period Room Remarks Advanced Financial History of Japan 1 TAKATSUKI Yasuo Economics 1E359 2 1st Tue Fri 3 3 502 Campus @Rokkodai 1st campus Map no.42

Course Lecturer Faculty Code Credit Business Human Resource Management NIWAMOTO Yoshiko 2 Administration 1B305 2 /Semester 1st Day Tue Fri Period Room 4 263 4 B110 Remarks This lecture does not give special treatment for exchange students, such as making an examination-paper in English. Campus Tue: @Rokkodai 1st campus Map no.31 Fri: @Tsurukabuto 1st Campus Map no.21 Please register this class as a set with " Education for Inclusive Society 2" in the 2nd. Education for Inclusive Society 1 3 1 TSUDA Eiji Global Human Sciences 1H735 1 1st Mon 2 B212 2"2" Campus @Tsurukabuto 2nd campus Map no.7 2 Please register this class as a set with " Education for Inclusive Society 1" in the 1st. Education for Inclusive Society 2 4 2 TSUDA Eiji Global Human Sciences 2H735 1 2nd Mon 2 B212 1"" Campus @Tsurukabuto 2nd campus Map no.7 2 Please register this class as a set with " Trans-border Society B" in the 2nd. Trans-border Society A 5 PARK Sara Global Human Sciences 1H362 1 1st Mon 2 F301 2"B" Campus @Tsurukabuto 1st campus Map no.18 Please register this class as a set with " Trans-border Society A" in the 1st. Trans-border Society B 6 B PARK Sara Global Human Sciences 2H362 1 2nd Mon 2 F301 1"A" Campus @Tsurukabuto 1st campus Map no.18 Please register this class as a set with " Sports promotion 2" in the 2nd. Sports Promotion 1 7 1 CHOGAHARA Makoto Global Human Sciences 1H506 1 1st Tue 4 F257 2"2" Campus @Tsurukabuto 2nd campus Map no.8 2 Please register this class as a set with " Sports promotion 1" in the 1st. Sports Promotion 2 8 2 CHOGAHARA Makoto Global Human Sciences 2H506 1 2nd Tue 4 F257 1"1" Campus @Tsurukabuto 2nd campus Map no.8 2 Please register this class as a set with " Contemporary Social Theory B" in the 2nd Contemporary Social Theory A 9 A NISHIZAWA Akihiko Global Human Sciences 1H321 1 1st Tue 5 F301 2"B" Campus @Tsurukabuto 1st campus Map no.18

Course Lecturer Faculty Code Credit /Semester Day Period Room Remarks Please register this class as a set with " Contemporary Social Theory A" in the 1st Contemporary Social Theory B 10 B NISHIZAWA Akihiko Global Human Sciences 2H321 1 2nd Tue 5 F301 1"A" Campus @Tsurukabuto 1st campus Map no.18 Please register this class as a set with " Japanese Society and Culture B" in the 2nd. Japanese Society and Culture A 11 KARASHIMA Masato Global Human Sciences 1H314 1 1st Wed 1 F401 2"B" Campus @Tsurukabuto 2nd campus Map no.8 2 Please register this class as a set with " Japanese Society and Culture B" in the 1st. Japanese Society and Culture B 12 B KARASHIMA Masato Global Human Sciences 2H314 1 2nd Wed 1 F401 1"A" Campus @Tsurukabuto 2nd campus Map no.8 2 Please register this class as a set with " Music Therapy2" in the 2nd Music Therapy 1 13 1 OKAZAKI Kana Global Human Sciences 1H508 1 1st 3 C101 2"2" Campus @Tsurukabuto 2nd campus Map no.9 Please register this class as a set with " Music Therapy1" in the 1st Music Therapy 2 14 2 OKAZAKI Kana Global Human Sciences 2H508 1 2nd 3 C101 1"" Campus @Tsurukabuto 2nd campus Map no.9

1st April 5th June 9th *May 6 : It is a national holiday but lectures will be held. Examination Period May 31st June 9th

List of Core Subjects Core Taught in English entirely or partly, and will aim at giving you a direct understanding of current Japan. 1. International Relations and Globalization International Relations and Globalization 2. Culture and Societies in Japan A* 3. Culture and Societies in Japan B* 4. Japanese Legal System II Japanese Legal System II 5. Advanced English on Interdisciplinary Engineering V** V *The following subjects must register the classes in a set. Culture and Societies in Japan A& Culture and Societies in Japan B **The syllabus of Advanced English on Interdisciplinary Engineering V has not been released yet Please find the syllabus by yourself on the website later.

List of Elective Subject Category 1 Category 1 Taught in English (entirely or partly) and include subject elements of Japan as a comparison 1. EU-Japan comparative seminar IA IA 2. EU-Japan comparative seminar IB IB 3. Gender, Culture and Society A 4. Gender, Culture and Society B 5. Introduction to Physics 6. Introduction to Planetology 7. Introduction to Biology 8. Introduction to Mathematics 9. Introduction to Chemistry *The following subjects must register the classes in a set. EU-Japan comparative seminar IA & EU-Japan Comparative seminar IB (IA & IB) Gender, Culture and Society A & Gender, Culture and Society B ( & B) As a reference, the syllabus 2018 for this course is published in ths booklet

List of Elective Subject Category 2 2Taught in Japanese Category 2 Taught in Japanese entirely, but open to exchange students with a higher level of proficiency in Japanese, and include subject elements of Japan as a comparison. 1. Advanced Financial History of Japan 2. Human Resource Management 3. Education for Inclusive Society 1 4. Education for Inclusive Society 2 5. A Trans-border Society A 6. B Trans-border Society B 7. Sports Promotion 1 8. Sports Promotion 2 9. A Contemporary Social Theory A 10. B Contemporary Social Theory B 11. A Japanese Society and Culture A 12. B Japanese Society and Culture B 13. 1 Music Therapy 1 14. 2 Music Therapy 2 *The following subjects must register the classes in a set. 1 & 2Education for Inclusive Society 1 & 2 & Trans-border Society A & B 1 & 2Sports Promotion 1 & 2 & Contemporary Social Theory A & B & Japanese Society and Culture A & B 1 & 2Music Therapy 1 & 2

Kobe University Campus Map Rokkodai 1 st & 2 nd Campus Tsurukaburo 1 st & 2 nd Campus Myodani Campus

Tsurukabuto 1st Campus Riding ground Tennis court Campus Rokkoudai 1st Campus

Archery range Ground Tennis court Handball court Rokkoudai 2nd Campus

Tennis court Ground pool Rokkoudai 1st Campus Tsurukabuto 1st Campus

Ground Tennis court Pond Outdoor rehabilitation training facility