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CONDITIONS 1. (1) In consideration of (a) the payment of the Initial Payment as stated in Schedule 2 overleaf, (b) the payment by the Hirer of the balance of the Hire Purchase Price by the rental instalments (monthly or otherwise agreed) as stated in Schedule 2 overleaf and, and (c) the compliance by the Hirer with these Conditions, the Owner will grant the Hirer the option contained in Condition 10 below to purchase the Goods ("Option to Purchase"). 作為租賃人就 (a) 依照背頁表 ( 二 ) 所述而支付的首期付款,(b) 依照背頁表 ( 二 ) 所述以分期付款 ( 按月或另行議定 ) 方式支付的租購價格餘款及 (c) 遵守此等條件的對價, 貨主將授予租賃人下列條件第十條所載購買貨品的選擇權 ( 承購權 ) (2) Punctual payment of each rental instalment shall be of the essence of this Agreement and the Hirer shall be deemed to have repudiated this Agreement if any rental instalment or part thereof shall remain unpaid after becoming overdue. 依期繳付分期付款租金, 係本合約之重要條件 ; 如有逾期而尚未清付全部或部份租金, 租賃人將被視為違反合約 (3) All sums payable to the Owner under this Agreement shall be paid to the Owner by such means as the Owner may from time to time specify. Payments shall only be deemed to have been made when actually received by the Owner. Payments made by post shall be at the risk of the Hirer. The Owner will apply the payments received by it in paying the unpaid balance of the Hire Purchase Price and then in paying any interest and other sums payable by the Hirer under this Agreement. 所有於本合約下應付予貨主之款項, 須以貨主不時指定的方式支付予貨主 款項必須在貨主確實收到之後, 始能視作已經清付 經郵政寄出之付款由租賃人承擔風險 貨主會使用其收到之款項先抵償未支付的租購價格餘款, 然後抵償租賃人在本合約下須付的任何利息及其他款項 (4) If rental instalments under this Agreement are specified in Schedule 2 overleaf under "Details of Hiring" as floating rate payments, the Hirer shall pay each instalment in an amount notified by the Owner prior to its due date. The length of each interest period will be as specified under "Details of Hiring" or as otherwise agreed between the Owner and the Hirer. 如本合約下的分期付款租金於背頁表 ( 二 ) 資料詳情 指明須以浮息付款方式支付, 租賃人須在到期日前按照貨主通知的金額支付每期分期付款的款額 每個息期的長短將在 資料詳情 指明, 或由貨主與租賃人另行商定 2. During the continuance of this Agreement, the Hirer shall: 在本租購持續期內, 租賃人必須 : (1) punctually pay all sums due under this Agreement notwithstanding that no demand thereof shall have been made by the Owner, and inform the Owner as soon as possible of any difficulty in paying any sum due to the Owner from time to time; 依期支付本合約內所有到期帳項 ( 即使貨主並無作出付款要求 ), 如在向貨主支付不時欠款方面有任何困難, 須盡快通知貨主 ; (2) pay to the Owner interest on any overdue instalment or other overdue sum at the Default Interest Rate from its due date or as demanded until the Owner actually receives payment in full (both before and after judgment, if applicable). Such interest shall accrue and be calculated on a monthly basis or on such other basis as the Owner may notify the Hirer from time to time. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Default Interest Rate shall mean such rate or rates as set forth in the Owner s fee schedule provided to the Hirer. Such fee schedule may be revised by the Owner from time to time; 自款項到期日起或應貨主要求按違約利率付予貨主任何逾期未付的分期付款或其他逾期未付帳項之利息, 直至貨主實際收到結清全數帳項的金額 ( 如適用, 裁判確定債務之前或之後 ) 為止 該利息均按月或按貨主不時通知租賃人的其他息期累算和計算 就本合約而言, 違約利率 指提供予租賃人的貨主收費項目表之中規定的違約利息金額或利率 貨主有權不時修訂該收費項目表 ; (3) keep the Goods in good and serviceable repair and condition and replace all missing, damaged, malfunctioning or broken parts with parts of not less than equal quality and value and in default of so doing permit the Owner to take possession of the Goods for the purpose of effecting repairs, and reimburse to the Owner the full cost and other outgoings in respect of such repairs and relating to the Owner s exercise of such right. The Hirer shall not be permitted to use and possess the Goods until full reimbursement, without prejudice to the accrual of rental instalments under this Agreement; 保存貨品於良好及可使用狀態, 任何遺失 損壞 故障或損毁配件, 均須以不少於相同品質及價值之配件替換, 否則貨主有權取回貨品之管有權以作修理, 租賃人並須付還貨主就該等修理和行使貨主上述權力相關的全部成本及其他支出 在未全數付還成本及支出前, 租賃人將不准使用及持有貨品, 且概不影響本合約項下繼續累計的分期付款 ; (4) punctually pay all registration charges, license fees, costs, rents, rates, levies, fines and penalties (imposed by the Government or otherwise in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ("Hong Kong") or elsewhere) and other outgoings payable in respect of the Goods or the use or possession thereof or in respect of any premises or location in which the Goods may from time to time be placed or kept and produce to the Owner on demand the relevant receipts for all such payments, and in the event of the Hirer s default in payment under this Agreement the Owner shall be at liberty to make all or any such payments and to recover the amount thereof from the Hirer forthwith together with interest at the Default Interest Rate, and such interest shall run and accrue as mentioned in Condition 2(2) above; 一切登記費用 牌照費用 成本 租金 稅項 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 ( 香港 ) 或其他地方的政府或其他機構徵收之罰款及其他應付開支, 不論與貨品有關, 或與使用或持有貨品有關, 或與不時存放或保管貨品的場所或地點有關, 均須依期繳交, 並應貨主要求交出所有該等付款之有關收據 ; 如租賃人欠繳本合約下的款項, 貨主有權支付該等款項, 並可隨即向租賃人收回該等款項, 連同按違約利率累算的利息, 而該利息按上列第二條第 (2) 節所述累算 ; (5) if so required by the Owner, cause to be affixed on, or attached to, the Goods a plate or other identification mark noting and distinguishing the Owner s interest in the Goods; 倘貨主要求, 則須在貨品上附貼或附加一個牌子或其他標誌, 註明及分辨貨主對貨品之權益 ; (6) permit the Owner and any person (with or without tools) authorised by it at all reasonable times to enter upon the premises or location in which Goods are for the time being placed or kept for the purpose of inspecting and examining the condition of the Goods (including taking samples of, from or relating to the Goods); 准許貨主及其授權人 ( 可携工具 ) 在任何合理時間內進入貨品存放場所或地點, 以查驗及檢查貨品 ( 包括提取貨品樣本, 從中抽樣或提取跟貨品相關的樣本 ); (7) keep the Goods at all times in his possession and control and not remove the Goods from Hong Kong without the prior consent in writing of the Owner; 無論何時, 均須保有貨品及其控制權, 除經貨主事先書面同意者外, 不得將貨品運出香港境外 ; (8) notify the Owner forthwith of any change in the Hirer s address and upon request by the Owner immediately inform the Owner of the whereabouts of the Goods; 更改租賃人地址時須即通知貨主 ; 貨主查詢時須即時告知貨主貨品所在地點 ; (9) if so requested by the Owner, obtain from the landlord of any leased premises or location on or in which the Goods may be placed or kept for the time being a waiver of the landlord s right to distrain upon the Goods and ensure that all such steps shall be taken as are necessary to prevent title in the Goods from passing to the owner or occupier of the said premises or location; 如果貨主提出要求, 向在有關時候存放貨品的任何租用場所或地點的業主取得該業主表示放棄扣押貨品權利的聲明, 並確保採取一切所需步驟, 以避免貨品的所有權轉移給該場所或地點的業主或佔用人 ; (10) indemnify the Owner against loss of or damage to the Goods or any part thereof from whatever causes arising and whether or not such loss or damage results from the fault of the Hirer unless due to the negligence or wilful default of the Owner; 不論任何原因, 亦不論是否由於租賃人之過失導致貨品遺失或損毀, 均須就貨品或其任何部份的遺失或損毀對貨主作出彌償, 但由於貨主的疏忽或故意失責而導致則除外 ; (11) punctually pay for all work done to the Goods and for spare parts and accessories thereto and keep the Goods free from any distress, execution or other legal process; 貨品之修理及零件或配件等各項費用, 須準時支付, 並保障貨品免受扣押 執行或其他法律訴訟影響 ; (12) immediately after the signing of this Agreement, insure the Goods and keep the same insured during the continuance of this Agreement against loss or damage by accident, fire and/or theft to the full replacement value thereof with an insurance company to be approved by the Owner under a comprehensive policy of insurance or such other policy or policies of insurance as the Owner may approve ("Policy") free from restriction or excess (save insofar as the same may be approved by the Owner) and suitably indorsed with the Owner s interest and stating that no payment is to be made to the Hirer under the Policy until the Owner s interest has been discharged and, in default of the Hirer so doing, the Owner may insure as aforesaid and recover the cost thereof from the Hirer forthwith together with interest at the Default Interest Rate pursuant to Condition 2(2) above. The Hirer hereby irrevocably appoints the Owner as his agent for the purpose of receiving all moneys payable under the Policy (which moneys shall be applied as provided in Condition 4 below) and giving a good discharge therefor; 緊隨簽訂本合約後, 向貨主認可之保險公司就貨品投購並於本合約期間維持承保額為十足重新購買價值之全險保單或經貨主認可之其他保單 ( 保險單 ), 該保險單須適當註明貨主的權益, 並不得附有任何限制條件 或任何不負責賠償之數目 ( 除非該等條件或數目已獲貨主認可 ), 以保障貨品不受意外 火災及 / 或盜竊損失或損害 ; 保險單上須註明在貨主之權益獲得補償之前, 不得對租賃人支付任何款項 租賃人如違反本條規定, 貨主得依照上述方式投購保險, 並可向租賃人收回全部成本, 連同按上列第二條第 (2) 節的違約利率計算的利息 租賃人現不可撤回地委任貨主為其代理, 收取保險單之所有應付金額及為支配人 ( 按下列第 4 條分配 ), 並給予解除 ; 1

(13) lodge with the Owner for the Owner s custody the Policy (including all certificate and documents of insurance) when required and pay punctually all premiums payable under the Policy and produce the receipts for such payments to the Owner on demand and do everything necessary to maintain the Policy in full effect and not do anything whereby the effect or validity of the Policy will or may be revoked or adversely affected; 於貨主提出要求時將保險單 ( 包括所有保險證書及文件 ) 交由貨主保管, 並依期支付保險單下的所有保險費, 於貨主要求時出示付款收據, 並採取一切所需行動以維持保險單具有全面效力, 同時避免作出任何會引致保險單的效力或有效性被撤銷或受不利影響之行為 ; (14) obtain all necessary licenses, permits and permissions for the use of the Goods in Hong Kong or elsewhere and not use the Goods or permit the same to be used contrary to the aforesaid licenses, permits or permissions or any law or regulation for the time being in force in Hong Kong or elsewhere; 領取在香港或其他地方使用貨品之一切所需執照 准許證及許可證, 且不得就使用或允許他人使用貨品違反前述執照 准許證或許可證或者香港或其他地方的任何現行法律或規例 ; (15) pay the Owner on demand all reasonable costs and expenses (including all legal costs on a full indemnity basis) reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the Owner in (i) any debt recovery process, including fees paid to debt collection agencies or other service providers, (ii) ascertaining the whereabouts of, taking possession of, preserving, insuring and storing the Goods and putting the same in good order and repair and (iii) any proceedings, whether legal or other proceedings, taken by or on behalf of the Owner to enforce the provisions of this Agreement together with interest at the Default Interest Rate pursuant to Condition 2(2) above; 因以下各項由貨主或為貨主合理招致的所有合理成本及開支 ( 包括按完全彌償基準計算的法律費用 ), 須於貨主要求時支付予貨主, 連同按上列第二條第 (2) 節的違約利率計算的利息 :(i) 在任何債項追討過程中, 包括支付予債務追收機構或其他服務供應商的費用,(ii) 為確認貨品所在地 取回貨品管有權 保管貨品 為貨品投購保險及存放貨品, 以及維持貨品於良好狀態及維修, 及 (iii) 為執行本合約條款而由貨主或代貨主進行任何法律程序, 不論是法律訴訟或其他程序 ; (16) lodge with the Owner immediately for the Owner s custody all documents of title (whether original, duplicate or counterpart thereof) relating to the Goods, including but not limited to vehicle registration document and other registration document, licence, invoice, bill of lading and documents of similar nature whenever required by the Owner; 於貨主提出要求時, 立即將所有關貨品權益之所有文件 ( 不論是正本 副本或複製本 ) 包括但並不限於汽車牌照, 及其他登記文件 牌照 貨單 提貨單及其他類似性質之文件, 交由貨主保管 ; (17) not apply or by any means howsoever obtain any copy, duplicate or counterpart of any documents of title relating to the Goods, including but not limited to vehicle registration document and other registration document, licence, invoice, bill of lading, insurance policy and documents of similar nature without having first obtained the prior written consent of the Owner, provided that in giving such consent, the Owner may impose such conditions as the Owner in its absolute discretion may consider appropriate and any breach of such conditions shall amount to a breach of this Agreement; 在未獲得貨主事先書面同意前, 不得申請或以任何形式或方法獲得有關貨品權益之任何文件 ( 不論是正本 副本或複製本 ), 包括但並不限於汽車牌照, 及其他登記文件 牌照 貨單 提貨單 保險及其他類似性質之文件 若貨主給予該同意, 貨主有絕對酌情權附加貨主認為適當之條款, 如租賃人違反該等條款, 則被視作違反本合約論 ; (18) not use the Goods or permit the same to be used for any purpose for which they are not designed or for which they are not reasonably suitable, nor if the Goods comprise a motor vehicle, use the same or permit the same to be used for racing or in any rally, trial or competition or permit the same to be used by a learner driver or for the purpose of instruction unless the prior written approval of the insurer has been given in a form acceptable to the Owner; 不得為貨品原定使用範圍之外的任何用途或為任何並非合理適宜的用途使用或允許他人使用貨品, 如果貨品包括汽車, 不得用於或允許他人用於賽車 越野賽車 試車或比賽, 亦不得允許學習駕駛人士使用或為教授駕車而使用貨品, 除非保險公司已經按照貨主接受的形式給予事先書面批准 ; (19) not remove, change or interfere with any nameplate, identification number, trade mark or any other identification mark (whether required pursuant to Condition 2(5) above or otherwise) affixed on, or attached to, the Goods or any part thereof; 不得拆除, 更換或干擾在貨品或其任何部份上附貼或附加的任何名牌, 編號, 商標或其他任何標誌符號 ( 不論是否按上列第二條第 ( 五 ) 節而須設定 ); (20) not sell, assign, let, pledge, mortgage, charge, incumber or part with possession of or otherwise deal with the Goods or any interest therein or in this Agreement or the Option to Purchase herein contained, or create or allow to be created any lien on the Goods whether for repairs or otherwise and, in the event of any breach of this sub-condition by the Hirer, the Owner shall be entitled (but shall not be bound) to pay to any such third party such sum as is necessary to procure the release of the Goods from any charge, encumbrance or lien and shall further be entitled to recover such sum from the Hirer forthwith together with interest at the Default Interest Rate pursuant to Condition 2(2) above; and 不得出售 轉讓 出租 質押 按揭 抵押 使其負有產權負擔或放棄管有, 或以其他交易方式處置貨品 貨品的權益或本合約下之權益或貨品之承購權, 亦不得因修理或其他原因而令貨品產生留置權 租賃人如違反本節的規定, 貨主有權 ( 但無責任 ) 向任何該等第三者支付所需之款項, 以解除對貨品之任何抵押 產權負擔或留置權, 並可即時向租賃人收回該等款項, 連同按上列第二條第 (2) 節之違約利率計算的利息 ; 及 (21) pay to the Owner all and any applicable fees and charges imposed by the Owner in connection with this Agreement including but not limited to early settlement handling fee, assignment fee, Option Fee (as defined in Condition 10 below), as set forth in the Owner s fee schedule provided to the Hirer. Such fee schedule may be revised by the Owner from time to time. 按貨主向租賃人提供之收費項目表支付予貨主所有及任何有關本合約之適用費用及收費, 包括但不限於提早還款手續費 轉名續供手續費 租購合約購置費 ( 定義見下列第十條 ) 貨主可不時修訂收費項目表 3. (1) Where the Goods are lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged by the negligence or wrongful act of a third party, the Hirer shall immediately notify the Owner thereof and shall not compromise any claim without the written consent of the Owner and shall allow the Owner to take over the conduct of any negotiations (except in relation to claims of the Hirer for personal injuries, loss of use of the Goods or loss of or damage to any other property of the Hirer) and shall at the Hirer s own expense take such proceedings in the Hirer s sole name or jointly with the Owner as the Owner shall direct, holding all sums recovered (together with any moneys received by the Hirer under the Policy or any other policies of insurance taken out by the Hirer pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise in respect of the Goods) on trust for the Owner and paying or applying as the Owner directs the whole or such part thereof as is necessary to discharge the Hirer s liability to the Owner hereunder at the date of such payment and to compensate the Owner for the loss, theft or destruction of or damage to the Goods with any surplus being retainable by the Hirer for his own benefit. 貨品倘由於第三者之疏忽或過失而被遺失, 盜竊損毁或損壞, 租賃人須立即通知貨主, 未經貨主書面同意, 不得擅自協議賠償, 並須由貨主進行交涉 ( 但有關租賃人的人身傷害或因不能使用貨品而招致之損失, 或租賃人任何其他財產遭受損壞之損失則除外 ), 並依照貨主之指示, 以租賃人本人名義或與貨主聯名採取法律程序, 費用由租賃人自行負擔, 所得賠償款項 ( 連同租賃人按本合約或與貨品有關條文投購的保險單或任何其他保單收取的金額 ), 由租賃人以信託形式代貨主保管, 但須依照貨主之指示, 將全部或部份款項用以於到期時結清對貨主之債務, 並就貨品遺失, 盜竊或損毁或損壞賠償貨主, 如有餘款, 則由租賃人自行保留 (2) The Hirer agrees that the Owner is entitled to the benefit of any insurance policy relating to the Goods and is hereby appointed attorney for the Hirer to recover, compromise or otherwise negotiate any claim for loss or damage or return of premiums and to give effectual release, discharge or receipt for the same on behalf of the Hirer. 租賃人同意貨主享有貨品任何保單之利益, 租賃人委任貨主為租賃人之受權人, 代租賃人就損失或損害追討 協議或商討任何賠償, 或收回退還保費等事宜, 並得代租賃人作有效之放行, 或解除, 或發給收據 4. (1) If the Goods or any part thereof shall be damaged during the continuance of this Agreement and in the opinion of the insurer it is economic that such damage be made good, all insurance moneys payable under the Policy or any other policies of insurance shall be applied in making good the said damage. 倘貨品或其任部份在本合約期間受損壞, 而保險公司認為修理損壞部份係符合經濟原則者, 則保險單或任何其他保單應付之一切賠償款項, 將用於修理該損壞部份 (2) If the Goods shall be lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged to such an extent as to be in the opinion of the insurer incapable of economic repair, the insurance moneys payable under the Policy or any other policies of insurance shall be applied in the following order: 倘貨品被遺失 盜竊或損毁或損壞, 而保險公司認為無法作出符合經濟原則之修理, 則保險單或任何其他保單應付之一切賠償款項, 應依照下列次序處理 :- a) In paying to the Owner the unpaid balance of the Hire Purchase Price together with any interest and other sums payable by the Hirer under this Agreement; and 將租購價之未付餘額 ( 連同任何利息 ) 及本合約規定租賃人應付之其他款項, 付給貨主 b) In paying any surplus to the Hirer. 如有餘款則付予租賃人 5. If after payment of the said insurance moneys to the Owner under the Policy or any other policies of insurance, any part of the Hire Purchase Price and interest or other moneys payable under this Agreement remains unpaid, the unpaid amount shall forthwith become payable by the Hirer. Upon full payment this Agreement shall come to an end and subject to any rights of the insurer therein the Goods shall vest in the Hirer. Subject as aforesaid the loss, theft or destruction of or damage to the Goods shall not discharge the Hirer's obligations under this Agreement including the Hirer s liability for payment of any sums payable hereunder. 保險單或任何其他保單的賠償款項如支付予貨主後, 仍有任何部份的租購價 ( 連同利息 ), 或本合約下租賃人應付之其他款項未被清還, 未付金額應由租賃人負責即時清付 清還所有帳項後, 本合約即告終止, 在無損於保險公司任何權益之前題下, 貨品亦歸租賃人所有 除如上述者外, 貨品之遺失 被盗或損毁或損壞, 均不能解除本合約項下租賃人的責任, 包括本合約規定租賃人支付任何應付款項之責任 2

6. (1) If the Hirer has failed to pay or give value for any part of the Initial Payment, or shall make default in payment of any sum payable hereunder, or shall fail to observe or perform any Condition of this Agreement or of any agreement or undertaking collateral or supplemental hereto or entered into in anticipation or in connection hereof and whether express or implied, the Hirer shall be considered to be in repudiation of this Agreement and the Owner may at any time without prejudice to any pre-existing liability of the Hirer to the Owner terminate this Agreement without notice; thereupon this Agreement and the hiring hereby constituted shall for all purposes be terminated; and thereafter the Hirer shall no longer be in possession of the Goods with the Owner s consent and, subject to Condition 7 below and any pre-existing liabilities of the Hirer hereunder, neither party shall have any rights against the other. 租賃人如不繳交或短交首期付款金額或不支付本合約規定之任何帳項, 或不遵守或未有履行本合約 ( 或作為本合約之附屬或補充, 或為簽訂本合約或就本合約而先行訂立之合約或擔保書 ) 各項不論明文規定或默認之任何條件者, 租賃人將被視為不履行本合約, 而貨主無需預先通知即可隨時廢止本合約, 且不會影響租賃人對貨主所負之債務責任 ; 此後本合約及租賃就各方面而言即告終止, 租賃人再無貨主的同意繼續保有貨品, 除遵照下列第七條規定及租賃人前欠債務之外, 任何一方簽約人對另一方再無任何權利 (2) If the Hirer being an individual shall have been convicted by a competent Court of a criminal offence or is unable to pay a debt or have a receiving order made against him or if the Hirer being a company shall enter into liquidation other than voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction or (whether being an individual or a company) if the Hirer shall make any arrangement with his creditors or any assignment for the benefit of such creditors or if distress or execution shall be levied or threatened upon any of the Hirer s property or any judgment against the Hirer shall remain unsatisfied for more than 7 days or if the Hirer shall abandon the Goods, then the Hirer shall be considered to be in repudiation of this Agreement and this Agreement and the hiring hereby constituted shall for all purposes automatically and without notice be terminated and thereafter the Hirer shall no longer be in possession of the Goods with the Owner s consent and, subject to Condition 7 below and any pre-existing liabilities of the Hirer hereunder, neither party shall have any rights against the other. 如租賃人係個人而觸犯刑事案被法庭判決有罪或未能償還債項, 或下令接管財產, 或如租賃人為公司而被清盤 ( 因合併或改組而自動清盤 ( 不論為個人或公司 ) 除外 ), 或如租賃人與其債權人訂立安排或轉讓利益予該債權人, 或租賃人之任何財產遭受或可能遭受扣押或沒收時, 或租賃人之判決確定債務於逾期七天後仍未清償時, 或租賃人捨棄貨品, 則租賃人將被視為不履行本合約, 即本合約及租賃就各方面而言將無需預先通知而自動終止 此後租賃人再無貨主的同意繼續保有貨品, 除遵照下列第七條規定及租賃人前欠債務之外, 任何一方簽約人對另一方再無任何權利 7. Upon termination of this Agreement pursuant to Condition 6 above the Owner may without notice retake possession of the Goods and for that purpose by himself, his servants or agents enter upon any premises or location on or in which the Goods are or are believed by the Owner to be situated and the Hirer shall upon such termination forthwith return to the Owner all registration documents and documents relating to title, certificates, policies and certificates of insurance and licenses relating to the Goods and pay to the Owner the unpaid balance of the Hire Purchase Price and all sums due under this Agreement (including any sums that may be recoverable from the Hirer under this Agreement) up to the date of termination less the aggregate of: 本合約在上列第六條所述情況下終止後, 貨主得無須預先通知而收回貨品的管有權, 並得為此目的而進入 ( 無論係其本人 僱員或代理 ) 存放貨品或貨主相信係存放貨品之場所或地點 ; 租賃人於合約終止後, 須立即將貨品之登記文件及與所有權有關的文件 證明文件 保單及保險證書 執照等有關文件, 全部歸還貨主, 並清付租購價餘額及計算至本合約終止當日的所有應付款項 ( 包括本合約規定可向租賃人收回之任何款項 ), 但可扣除下列各項之總數 : (1) the net proceeds of sale of the Goods if repossessed and sold or their value as determined by a dealer appointed by the Owner if repossessed but not sold PROVIDED THAT if the Goods are not repossessed by the Owner, then no deduction shall be allowed for the purpose of this sub-condition; and 貨主收回貨品出售所得之淨收入或 ( 如貨主收回但未能出售該貨品 ) 由貨主指定代理估定之價值 倘貨主未能收回該貨品, 貨主則無須根據本節作出扣除 ; 及 (2) a discount for the acceleration of payment in the amount calculated by the Owner. 提前付款之折扣, 其數額由貨主決定 For the purposes of this Condition the net proceeds of sale shall mean the proceeds of sale received by the Owner after deducting reasonable costs and expenses of repossession, storage, insurance and sale and also after deducting any reasonable sums expended by the Owner in putting the Goods in marketable order and repair. If the net proceeds of sale exceed the aggregate amount of the unpaid balance of the Hire Purchase Price and all sums due under this Agreement as aforesaid, the surplus shall be paid to the Hirer without interest. 就本條款而言, 出售所得淨收入 指貨主售出貨品之收入減去收回貨品之合理成本及開支 倉租 保險 售賣手續費, 並扣除貨主為修飾及修理貨品至有市場價值而所需任何合理費用後之數額 如出售所得之淨收入超逾租購價未付餘額及本合約項下前述所有結欠款項之總額, 餘款將不計利息付還租賃人 8. If at any time this Agreement shall be terminated by the Owner as a result of any breach by the Hirer of any Condition herein and if at the request of the Hirer, the Owner agrees to reinstate this Agreement as if no termination has ever occurred, then at the time of reinstatement of this Agreement, the Owner may impose such conditions as it deems appropriate including a condition that the Hirer shall pay to the Owner all reasonable costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Owner prior to the reinstatement of this Agreement, including costs and expenses of making a duplicate key to the Goods, fines and penalties (imposed by the Government or otherwise in Hong Kong or elsewhere), and all other costs, expenses and outgoings paid by the Owner in respect of the Goods prior to such reinstatement. 倘租賃人於任何時間因違反本合約中任何條件而被貨主終止本合約, 又如因租賃人之要求, 而貨主同意使本合約繼續有效執行而當作未曾終止之情形下, 則於本合約得以繼績執行時, 貨主可加上認為適當之附加條件, 包括租賃人必須支付予貨主在重新恢復本合約前因收回貨品而代租賃人合理地所付之一切合理成本及開支例如複製貨品之鑰匙,( 香港或其他地方的政府或其他機構施加的 ) 罰款及罰金及在重新恢復本合約前貨主所支付的一切有關貨品其他成本 開支及支出 9. The Owner shall not be responsible for any claims in relation to any articles or property (whether belonging to the Hirer or otherwise) left in or attached to the Goods repossessed by the Owner. Any articles or property so found may be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Owner after 7 days from the day of notice to the Hirer of the Owner s intention to so sell or dispose if the said articles or property is not collected by the Hirer within the specified time. The net proceeds of sale (if any) shall be applied against any liability of the Hirer under this Agreement with any surplus paid over to the Hirer without interest. The Hirer shall indemnify the Owner against any claims by a third party to any articles or property so sold or disposed of. For the purposes of this Condition the net proceeds of sale in relation to articles or property shall be construed the same way as the net proceeds of sale as aforesaid in relation to the Goods. 被收回之貨品如有任何物品或財物放置其中或附着其上, 無論是否屬租賃人所有, 貨主均不對有關的任何申索負任何責任 倘租賃人在貨主發出通知後七日內, 仍未在指定時間內將上述任何物品或財物領回, 貨主有權將之出售或以其他方式處置 出售所得淨收入 ( 如有 ) 用以償付本合約規定租賃人之債務, 任何餘款不計利息交予租賃人 任何物品或財物售出之後, 倘有第三者提出此等物品或財物之所有權或利益, 而要求貨主賠償, 租賃人須償付貨主 就本條款而言, 出售所得淨收入 的解釋應與出售上述財物之收入減去各項有關費用後之數額相同 10. Upon payment by the Hirer to the Owner of such sums hereunder as shall amount in aggregate to the Hire Purchase Price together with interest and such other sums that may be payable to the Owner hereunder and provided that the Hirer shall in the meantime have duly observed and performed all the Conditions of this Agreement whether express or implied, the Hirer shall be granted an Option to Purchase whereby the Hirer may terminate this Agreement and the hiring hereby constituted by paying a purchase price to the Owner which price shall be determined according to the Owner s scale of charges in force from time to time ("Option Fee"); thereupon the Hirer shall become owner of the Goods but until such time the Goods shall remain the sole property of the Owner and the Hirer shall be a mere bailee thereof. The Hirer shall be at liberty to accelerate payments under this Agreement and in the event of his paying before the due date such sum or sums as may be necessary to enable him to be granted the Option to Purchase and to vest the ownership of the Goods in him pursuant to this Condition the Hirer may, at the sole discretion of the Owner, be granted a rebate or discount in respect of such accelerated payments. 租賃人向貨主付清本合約規定之租購價總額, 連同利息及其他帳項後, 若同時已全部遵守及履行本合約各項條件 ( 不論係明文規定或默認 ) 者, 租賃人將獲授予承購權以貨主按其不時有效的收費率所訂的價錢 ( 租購合約購置費 ) 購買該貨品, 從而終止本合約及其構成的租賃, 並成為貨品的擁有人 ; 但在此之前, 貨品仍屬貨主所有, 租賃人僅係受託保管貨品 倘租賃人自願提早繳付本合約規定之賬項, 或在期滿前付清合約規定承購貨品所需之全部款項, 使其能獲得該承購權, 以成為貨品之所有主, 貨主可全權酌情給予提前付款之回佣或折扣 11. It is hereby agreed and declared: 雙方同意並於此聲明 : (1) that the Conditions herein contained in favour of the Owner shall be in addition to and not in substitution for the terms and conditions implied in favour of the Owner under a hire purchase agreement at common law except in so far as such implied terms and conditions are inconsistent with these Conditions; 本合約維護貨主權益之各項條件, 是附加於而非取代普通法中就租購合約惠及貨主之默認條款及條件 ( 除與此等條款及條件有抵觸者外 ); (2) that any liability the Owner might otherwise incur and any right or immunity the Hirer might otherwise possess in respect of any conditions, warranties or representations relating to the condition of the Goods or to their merchantable quality or suitability or fitness for the particular or any purpose for which they are or may be required whether such conditions, warranties or representations are express or implied and whether arising under this Agreement or under any prior or collateral agreement or in oral or written statements made by or on behalf of any person in the course of negotiations in which the Hirer or his representative may have been concerned prior to this Agreement, are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law; 關於貨品狀態 貨品的可商售品質, 是否適合所需之特定或任何用途之任何條件, 保證或陳述, 無論係明文規定或默認, 亦無論是否因本合約, 或先前或連帶合約而產生, 或由任何人在談判中以口頭或書面提出, 若乃為租賃人或其代表於簽訂本合約前就該項交易而談及者, 則此等條件 保證或陳述所加於貨主之任何責任及賦予租賃人之任何權利或豁免, 在法律准許的範圍內一概免除 ; 3

(3) that the Owner shall not incur any liability to the Hirer nor shall the Hirer be entitled to rescind this Agreement if the Goods do not correspond to their description as contained in this Agreement; 貨品如與本合約所述者不符, 貨主無需負上任何責任, 租賃人亦不得取消本合約 ; (4) that no liability shall attach to the Owner whether in contract or in tort for loss, injury or damage sustained by reason of any defect in the Goods whether such defect be latent or apparent on examination and the Owner shall not be liable to indemnify the Hirer in respect of any claims made against the Hirer by a third party for any such loss, injury or damage; 租賃人倘由於貨品有缺點 ( 無論顯著或隱藏 ) 而引致不論合約上或侵權法上的損失 損傷或損害, 貨主均無需負責;如有第三者向租賃人提出損失 損傷或損害之索償, 貨主亦無責任償付租賃人 ; (5) that no dealer or supplier through whom this Agreement was negotiated or by whom the Goods were supplied or any person in the employ of any such dealer or supplier is or is to be deemed an agent of or acting on behalf of the Owner for any purpose and no liability is to be attached to the Owner for any conditions, warranties or representations made by such dealer or supplier or person in the employ of such dealer or supplier; 協助訂立本合約或供應貨品之代理商 供應商或任何該等代理商或供應商僱用之人士, 不能視作貨主之代表或代辦 ( 無論任何目的 ), 對於此等代理商 供應商或其僱用人士所給予之任何條件, 保證或所作之陳述, 貨主概不負責 ; (6) where the Hirer has concurrently with this Agreement any other commitment with the Owner under one or more other agreements whether entered into before or after the signing of this Agreement by the Hirer, any breach of one agreement shall be construed as breach of the other agreement(s) and the Owner shall be entitled to terminate the hiring of the same and to offset any such due under one agreement by or to the Hirer against the other agreement(s); and 倘租賃人在簽訂本合約之前或之後, 與貨主同時訂有另一份或一份以上之其他合約者, 違反任何一份合約, 將作為違反其他合約論 貨主有權終止租賃, 並得以租賃人於一份合約項下的任何欠款或被欠款項抵銷另一份合約之欠款或被欠款項 ; 及 (7) in the interpretation of this Agreement, the expression Hirer shall include a company or two or more persons together constituting the Hirer and the liability of such two or more persons shall be joint and several. 就本合約而言, 租賃人 的涵義包括一家公司 或兩位或兩位以上共同租賃之人士;此等人士應共同及各別負擔彼等的責任 12. (1) The Hirer confirms that it is customary in the hire purchase business for an owner to pay or be paid a commission in respect of the supply of the Goods being the subject of a hire purchase agreement or otherwise in respect of a hire purchase agreement and hereby expressly agrees and consents to the Owner making or receiving any such commission in respect of the Goods or this Agreement ( Authorised Commission ) and acknowledges that the amount of any such commission may be reflected in the rental instalment payable under this Agreement and that the Owner has no obligation to disclose or account to the Hirer for the amount of any sum so received. The Hirer further agrees that it shall, on demand by the Owner, pay to or reimburse the Owner on a full indemnity basis for all Authorised Commissions which the Owner may, or has or may otherwise be under an obligation to, pay to any person in respect of the Goods and/or the hire purchase arrangement contemplated in this Agreement. 租賃人確認, 貨主就一份租購合約中所述貨品的供應或就一份租購合約支付佣金或收取佣金是在租賃行業中的一項慣例 租賃人在此明確同意貨主支付或收取有關貨品或本合約的佣金 ( 認可佣金 ), 而且承認任何該等佣金可以在本合約規定應付的租金中反映 貨主無責任向租賃人披露或說明收到的任何佣金款額 租賃人進一步同意其須應貨主要求, 以完全彌償基準支付或償付貨主所有核准佣金 此等佣金為貨主就貨品及 / 或本協議所述的租購安排可能或須或在其他方面可能有責任要向任何人士支付的 (2) The Hirer agrees that the Owner may collect, acquire, hold, store, use and/or disclose (in whatever manner and by whatever means) details of any information relating to all or any transactions or dealings between the Hirer and the Owner and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the Owner may disclose any such details or information as above to any credit information bureau or agency and/or any credit reference bureau or agency and/or any bank, credit card company, deposit taking company, or any other person who or which provides credit facilities for any purpose or is engaged in the provision of any financial or other service and the Hirer further agrees that any such person may utilise such information or details in the course of any business carried on by him or it and the Hirer further expressly disclaims or waives any right or remedy that he may have against the Owner and/or any such of the above mentioned person in respect of any of the matters set out above. 租賃人同意貨主可收集 獲取 持有 儲藏 使用, 及 / 或披露 ( 無論以何種方式及方法 ) 有關租賃人與貨主之間的一切或任何交易或買賣的任何資料的詳情 在不損害上述條文的一般性的原則下, 貨主可向任何資信調查當局或機構及 / 或任何信貸資料服務當局或機構及 / 或任何銀行, 信用咭公司, 接受存款公司或提供授信額度或在其他方面參予提供任何財務或其他服務的或任何其他人士透露有關租賃人與貨主間的一切或任何交易或買賣的資料, 而且租賃人更進一步同意任何該等人士可在營業過程中運用該等資料或詳情, 租賃人更同意放棄及免除就有關上述事宜可能追討貨主及 / 或上述有關人士的權利或補償 (3) The Hirer hereby agrees that in addition to any general lien or similar right to which the Owner may be entitled by law, the Owner may at any time and without notice to the Hirer combine or consolidate all or any of the Hirer s accounts with any liabilities due, owing or incurred to the Owner and set off or transfer any sum or sums standing to the credit of any one or more of such accounts in or towards satisfaction of any of the Hirer s said liabilities on any account or under or pursuant to any agreement or undertaking or in any other respect whatsoever, whether such liabilities be actual or contingent, primary or collateral or several or joint. Where the Hirer comprises more than one person or where there is more than one Hirer, the foregoing will not, solely by reason of their provisions applying to all amounts payable by such persons or Hirers and any of them, render a person or Hirer, who is a private individual (excluding sole trader, partnership, company, club and society) ("A"), liable for any separate facility or accommodation granted at any time to the other person(s) or Hirer(s) if the separate facility or accommodation is not known to or within A's contemplation at the time this Agreement is entered into or agreed by A. The foregoing is without prejudice to any guarantee, indemnity or other security of any nature at any time provided by any one or more person(s) or Hirers. 租賃人在此同意, 貨主除了享有法律規定的任何一般留置權或類似權利之外, 貨主可在任何時候無需通知租賃人, 把貨主保有的租賃人全部或任何帳戶或租賃人所欠貨主或貨主招致的任何債項加以綜合或合併, 把任何上述一個或多個帳戶中的結餘款項進行抵銷或轉帳, 以清償租賃人在任何帳項中的債務或根據或由於任何合約或承擔而存在的債務或在任何其他方面的債務, 不論這些債務是實際的或可能的, 基本的或附屬的, 各別或共同的 如租賃人由超過一人組成或如有超過一位租賃人, 上述條文將不因為該等條款適用於所有該等人士或租賃人及其中任何一位應付的所有款項, 而導致一位個人租賃人 ( 不包括獨資經營者 合夥企業 公司 會社及社團 )( A ) 對提供予其他一位或多位人士或租賃人的任何貸款或融通承擔責任, 如 A 在簽署本協議之時不知道或不預料到該等貸款或融通或 A 不同意該等貸款或融通 上述條文不影響任何一位或多位人士或租賃人於任何時間提供的任何性質的保證 彌償或其他抵押 (4) The Hirer further agrees that in so far as any of the Hirer s said liabilities are contingent or future the Owner s liability to the Hirer to make payment of any sum or sums standing to the credit of any of the Hirer s accounts shall to the extent necessary to cover such liabilities be suspended until the happening of the contingency or future event and the settlement of the Hirer s said liabilities. 租賃人進一步同意, 如果租賃人的任何上述債務是可能的或未來的債務, 則貨主可按償付這些債務所需款額暫緩支付租賃人帳戶中的任何一筆或多筆結餘款項, 直至可能或未來的債務確已發生並且租賃人清償該等債務後才予以支付 (5) The Hirer confirms and acknowledges that the Owner may appoint/commission third party agencies to collect overdue or other amounts owed by the Hirer and that any reasonable charges, fees, costs or expenses reasonably incurred by the Owner in so doing shall be for the account of the Hirer in accordance with Condition 2(15) above. The Hirer authorises the Owner to disclose to such third party agencies any or all information relating to the Hirer, this Agreement and the hiring constituted by this Agreement. 租賃人確認及認同貨主可委派 / 委託第三者機構收取租賃人之逾期供款或其他租賃人拖欠之款項, 而其間所涉及而貨主合理地招致之任何合理收費 費用 成本或開支根據上文條件二 (15) 均由租賃人支付 租賃人授權貨主向上述第三者機構披露任何或所有關於租賃人 本合約及本合約構成的租賃的資料 13. The Owner shall be entitled to assign, without the Hirer s consent, the benefit of this Agreement or any right or rights of the Owner hereunder including the licence conferred on the Owner to enter upon premises and land and inspect and/or repossess the Goods and any assignment of the benefit of this Agreement by the Owner shall be deemed to include an assignment of the Owner s rights to enter premises and land and to repossess the Goods. 貨主有權在無需租賃人同意的情況下將本合約規定之利益或任何權利, 包括進入房屋及土地查驗及 / 或收回貨品之許可, 轉讓他人 ; 貨主就本合約規定利益之任何轉讓, 均視作已包括貨主進入房屋及土地及收回貨品之權利在內 14. In this Agreement, the Goods shall include all additions and accretions thereto and all replacements and renewals thereof from time to time whether made before or after the date of this Agreement. 本合約所用 貨品 一詞, 其涵義包括本合約簽訂之前或之後一切增添或附加物品, 連同不時更換及翻新部份在內 15. Any notice required or permitted to be given to the Hirer under this Agreement shall (unless otherwise provided) be in writing and shall be deemed to have been validly given if served on the Hirer personally or sent to him by prepaid post to or left at the address of the Hirer stated in this Agreement or at the Hirer s existing or last known business or private address. Any such notice sent by post or by leaving shall be conclusively treated as having been received by the Hirer within 24 hours after the time of posting. 本合約要求或容許向租賃人發出之任何通知, 除另行規定外, 須為書面形式, 如已交與租賃人本人, 或以預付郵費信件寄往或置放於本合約所示之租賃人地址, 或其現時或最新之辦公或私人地址, 即被視為已經將通告以有效方式發出 以郵政寄遞或留交之任何該等通知, 於寄出二十四小時後即視為已由租賃人收妥 16. A certificate signed by the manager of the principal or any branch office of the Owner as to any amount due from the Hirer under this Agreement at the date of such certificate shall be conclusive evidence (save for manifest error) that the amount so certified was in fact due from the Hirer at the date of such certificate. 由貨主的主要或任何分公司經理署名之證明文件, 就本合約規定租賃人須於該證明文件發出日期清付之帳項者, 乃一項不可推翻的證據 ( 明顯錯誤除外 ), 證明文件所示金額確係租賃人在該證明文件發出日期應付之數 4

17. No relaxation, forbearance, delay or indulgence by the Owner in enforcing any of the Conditions of this Agreement or the granting of time by the Owner to the Hirer shall prejudice, affect or restrict the rights and powers of the Owner hereunder nor shall any waiver by the Owner of any breach hereof operate as a waiver of any subsequent or any continuing breach thereof. 貨主在執行本合約任何條件時之寛容, 延期 延緩或容忍, 或給予租賃人額外期限, 均不能損害 影響或限制本合約所定貨主之一切權利或權力 ; 貨主對任何違反合約行為之棄權, 亦不能作為對任何其後或持續違反合約行為之棄權 18. (1) Any provision (or part of a provision) of this Agreement prohibited by or unlawful or unenforceable under any applicable law actually applied by any court of competent jurisdiction shall, to the extent required by such law, be severed from this Agreement and rendered ineffective so far as is possible without affecting the remaining provisions of this Agreement. Where however the provisions of any such applicable law may be waived, they are hereby waived by the parties hereto to the full extent permitted by such law to the end that this Agreement shall be a valid and binding agreement enforceable in accordance with its terms. 本合約的任何條文 ( 或條文的一部份 ) 如根據任何具有司法管轄權的任何法院實際施行的任何適用法律受到禁止或成為非法或不可執行, 應就該等法律要求的限度, 將該等規定從本合約中剔除及作廢, 但盡可能不影響本合約其餘條款 但如果任何該等適用法律的規定是可以寛免的話, 本合約各方特此在該等法律允許的最大限度內寛免此等規定 ; 使本合約成為一份有效的和具有約束力的合約, 可根據其條款予以執行 (2) In the construction and interpretation of this Agreement, the English version shall prevail over any Chinese version to the extent of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions. Any Chinese version of this Agreement is provided for information only and is not intended to be of legal effect. 本合約之條文闡譯概以英文原文為準, 中 英文文本之間如有任何不一致均以英文文本為準 本合約中文翻譯乃係供參考之用, 並無法律上效用 19. The Hirer authorizes the Owner to disclose to the Guarantor and all persons providing guarantees or security to assure or secure the Hirer s obligations under this Agreement all documents and information held by the Owner relating to this Agreement, including this Agreement, the latest statement of account from time to time provided to the Hirer by the Owner in relation to this Agreement, any reminder or formal demand for overdue payment sent to the Hirer in relation to this Agreement and any other financial information relating to the Hirer held by the Owner. 租賃人授權貨主向提供擔保或保證租賃人於本合約項下責任的擔保人及所有人士披露貨主就本合約所持有的所有文件及資料, 包括本合約 貨主不時就本合約提供予租賃人的最新會計報表 就本合約發送予租賃人有關逾期未付款項的任何催繳通知或正式要求, 以及貨主所持有有關租賃人的任何其他財務資料 20. In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires or the contrary intention appears: 除文意另行規定或出現相反意向外, 於本合約內 : (1) the use of any gender shall also include all other genders; 任何性別的使用應包括所有其他性別 ; (2) the use of the singular shall include the plural and vice versa; 單數的使用應包括複數, 反之亦然 ; (3) where the context so admits, the expression "Hirer" or "Guarantor" shall also include their respective legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns and persons deriving title under the Hirer or the Guarantor, as the case may be; the expression "Owner" shall include its successors and assigns and any of its branches and persons deriving title under the Owner; 在文意容許的情況下, 租賃人 或 擔保人 一詞亦應包括其各自的法定代表 繼承人及受准許的受讓人, 以及從租賃人或擔保人 ( 視情況而定 ) 取得業權的人士 ; 貨主 一詞應包括其繼承人及受讓人及其任何分支機構, 以及從貨主取得業權的人士 ; (4) the "dissolution" of a person also includes the winding-up, liquidation or bankruptcy of that person, and any equivalent or analogous procedure under the law of any jurisdiction in which that person is incorporated, domiciled, or resident or carries on business or has assets; 一名人士的 解散 亦包括該名人士的結束 清盤或破產, 以及該名人士註冊成立 作為居籍 居住於或經營業務或擁有資產的任何司法管轄區的法律項下的任何同等或類似程序 ; (5) "including" and any similar expression shall be deemed to mean "including without limitation"; 包括 及任何類似用語應視作指 包括但不限於 ; (6) the expression "person" shall mean and include a company, society, corporation, firm, partnership, joint venture, trust, state, agency of a state, or an individual and in the case of an individual his or her executors, administrators or trustees, and any other person lawfully acting on behalf of every such person; 人士 一詞應指及包括一家公司 社團 法團 商號 合夥經營 聯營 信託 國家 國家機構或個人, 以及 ( 就個人而言 ) 其遺囑執行人 遺產管理人或受託人, 以及代表以上各人士合法地行事的任何其他人士 ; (7) a reference to any document, including this Agreement, includes a reference to that document as amended, varied, supplemented or modified from time to time; and 對任何文件 ( 包括本合約 ) 的提述包括不時經修訂 更改 補充或修改的該文件的提述 ; 及 (8) references to Conditions, paragraphs and Schedule are to conditions and paragraphs in and the Schedule to, this Agreement. 對條件 段及附表的提述是對本合約條件 段及附表的提述 21. (1) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. 本合約應受香港法律管限, 且於各方面應按其解釋 (2) The Hirer irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts, but it shall be open to the Owner to enforce this Agreement in the courts of any other competent jurisdiction. 租賃人不可撤回地服從香港法院的非專屬司法管轄權, 但其應公開予貨主在任何其他具司法管轄權的法院執行本協議 (3) If the Hirer is not a resident in Hong Kong or a company incorporated in Hong Kong, the Hirer hereby appoint(s) the person named hereunder as its/their agent(s) to accept service of any legal process in Hong Kong in connection with this Agreement. The Hirer agrees that any such legal process shall be deemed duly and sufficiently served on the Hirer if delivered to the said agent at any address from time to time designated by such agent whether or not such agent gives notice thereof to the Hirer. The foregoing shall not limit the Owner's right to serve process in any manner permitted by law in any jurisdiction. 假如租賃人並非香港居民或於香港註冊成立的公司, 租賃人謹此委任本合約所列的人士為其於香港接收有關本合約任何法律程序文件的代理人 租賃人同意, 任何法律程序文件如已交付予上述代理人不時指定的任何地址, 應視作正式及充分地交付予租賃人, 不論該代理人有否給予租賃人有關通知 前文所述概不限制貨主以任何司法管轄區法律所准許的任何方式送達通知的權利 Process Agent 法律文件程序代理 Name of Process Agent:: 法律文件程序代理姓名 : Address of Process Agent: 法律文件程序代理地址 :: Contact Telephone Number: 聯絡電話號碼 : Facsimile Number: 圖文傳真號碼 : 22. 23 Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this Agreement or other documents, the Owner may from time to time in its absolute discretion by giving prior notice of not less than 30 days to the Hirer vary or supplement the interest rate(s), rental or any payment amount(s), the number and/ or mode of payment and / or commissions, fees and charges (including the basis of calculation of any interest, commissions, fees or charges). The Owner may give notice by such means as the Owner may consider appropriate. 即使本合約或其他文件另有任何規限, 貨主可不時以其絕對酌情權, 通過向租賃人提前發出不少於三十日之通知, 變更或補充利率 租金 任何款項的數額及 / 或期數 支付方式及 / 或佣金 費用及收費 ( 包括任何利息 佣金 費用或收費的計算基準 ) 貨主可按其認為適當的方式給予通知 A person who is not a party to this Agreement (called third party under this Clause) will have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to enjoy any other benefit. For the avoidance of doubt, this Agreement may be rescinded, varied or supplemented without consent by, or notice to, any third party in all circumstances. 本合約立約方以外的其他人 ( 在本條下稱 第三者 ), 並沒有 合約 ( 第三者權利 ) 條例 項下享有強制執行本合約任何條款的權利或其他任何利益 為免疑問, 本合約可被撤銷 更改或補充, 而在所有情況下毋須徵求第三者的同意或給予第三者任何通知 5