CITIES! 城市! SLEEP! 住宿! Dubai - Abu Dhabi 迪拜 - 阿布扎比 4 & 5 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard: 旅游住宿 4 & 5 星级以类似为标准 Dubai (2N - C

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CITIES! 城市! SLEEP! 住宿! Dubai - Abu Dhabi 迪拜 - 阿布扎比 4 & 5 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard: 旅游住宿 4 & 5 星级以类似为标准 Dubai (2N - City Season 4*) 迪拜 (2 晚 - 城市季节 ) Abu Dhabi (2N - Royal Rose 5*) 阿布扎比 (2 晚 - 皇家玫瑰 ) 01 Kuala Lumpur Dubai, UAE (Local Dinner) Depart to Dubai, one of the most happening cities in the world with its ambitious projects and unique events. Dubai Creek: The historic focal point of Dubai, where significantly a trading hub for more than a century ago. Take a ride on an Abra (10 minutes water Taxi), crossing between the Bur Dubai and the Deira districts. You ll see some of the traditional dhows, historical houses, modern buildings and lively souks while enjoying the ride. Stroll through the Spice and Gold Souks to experience the busy world of the Souks and bring home some of the unique spices and astonishing gold accessories. Dubai Miracle Garden (include entrance): The world biggest natural flower garden and featuring millions of flowers planted in different design and colours. The blooms of these flowers have been fashioned to look like hearts, stars, igloos, pyramids and other figures. The floral patterns will change with the season, so any returning visitors will get a brand new experience (in the event it is closed for special occasion, it would be replaced by Butterfly Garden).

吉隆坡 迪拜, 阿拉伯联合酋长国 ( 道地晚餐 ) 出发到迪拜 : 一個繁华先进的城市 乘坐传统的木船 ( 十分钟 ) 渡河到有名的黄金市场, 它是世界上黄金价格最低的黄金市场和香料市场 ( 周五休息 ) 迪拜奇迹公园 ( 含门票 ): 世界上最大的天然花园 拥有超过百万种不同种类的花朵分布在其 72000 平方米的土地上 花园中的花卉被设计成不同的主题景观, 有迪拜塔, 金字塔以及汽车等形态各异的造型 花卉图案会随着季节而变化, 因此任何回访者将会获得全新的体验 02 Dubai (Full Breakfast / BBQ dinner with Belly Dance) Private Yacht Tour (90 minutes): Today, you ll enjoy the VIP feeling on a million dollar luxury yacht to cruise along the highlights of the New Dubai on a voyage around the World Islands to see Dubai Marina, the 7-star Burj Al Arab Hotel, the 6-star Atlantis Palm hotel, Jumeirah beach and Palm Island. Palm Island, an artificial archipelago in the shape of a palm tree, topped with a crescent located off the coast of The United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf. Experience a one way monorail ride between mainland and Palm Jumeirah. Desert Safari Dubai: This is one experience you can t miss when travelling in Dubai. The tour depart across the desert of Dubai with several photo-stops during an exciting dune drive and experience the spell of dune bashing till your final destination ~ the Camel Farm, watching the beautiful sunset, an opportunity to do a camel ride (own expenses) or try out a henna design. Enjoy a delicious BBQ dinner and try on the famous Arab water pipe ~ the shisha while watching the belly dancing performance.

迪拜 ( 早餐 / 烧烤晚餐与肚皮舞表演 ) 私人游艇观光 ( 约 1.5 小时 ): 验乘坐价值百万元迪拉姆的私人豪华游艇沿着迪拜新的亮点巡航, 途经由棕榈岛 迪拜码头 7 星级阿拉伯塔酒店 6 星级亚特兰蒂斯棕榈酒店以及朱美拉通海滩 人造棕榈岛 : 它被分成三个不同的人造岛, 体验单程空中电车游览岛上凤光 迪拜沙漠之旅 : 乘坐四轮驱动车飞驶在沙丘 滑沙等游戏 之后也可到骆驼园营地可骑骆驼 ( 自费 ) 晚餐将于月光下品赏传统阿拉伯烧烤晚餐和观赏到肚皮舞女朗随音乐起舞 03 Dubai (130km) Abu Dhabi (Full Breakfast / Hotel Buffet Dinner) Dubai s Premier Helicopter Tour (12 minutes): Enjoy a privilege aerial tours for an unforgettable experience with a glimpse of Dubai s historical past. Meandering above Dubai Creek to see the imposing Wind Towers and the city s oldest suburbs. This scenic tour highlights the contrast of a city where the past sits comfortably alongside the future, an amazing harmony cannot be missed! IMG World of Adventure (include full day admission): The brand new and largest indoor amusement park in the world. This theme park offer numerous excitement with its five Adventure Zones the fun of Cartoon Networks; the most exciting MARVEL Super Hero attraction; the tantalising mix leisure and thrilling experiences in IMG Boulevard; the thrilling world of Lost Valley; and the relaxing Nova Cinemas. Abu Dhabi: United Arab Emirates capital situated facing the amazing turquoise water of the Arabian Gulf. 迪拜 (130 公里 ) 阿布扎比 ( 早餐 / 酒店自助晚餐 ) 迪拜直升机观光 (12 分钟 ): 飞行于蜿蜒的迪拜河上欣赏雄伟的风塔和郊区最最古老的的城市以及其他风景优美的旅游景点 最后降落于迪拜节日城, 结束这趟难忘的冒险之旅 IMG 冒险世界 ( 含门票 ): 世界上最大的室内主题公园, 占地近十四万平方米 园内划分为四个主题区, 分别为美国卡通频道 漫威旗下的漫画故事 IMG 华丽大街以及史前迷失峡谷 共有逾二十個机动游戏及景点, 数十间餐厅及商店等, 等待着您一家大小前来体验 阿布扎比 : 阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都, 位于阿拉伯海湾

04 Abu Dhabi (Full Breakfast / Local Lunch / Hotel Buffet Dinner) Sightseeing tour of Abu Dhabi to see the Corniche, the majestic Emirates Palace (out view), Heritage Village and Sheikh Khalifa s Palace. Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque: Is the largest mosque in the United Arab Emirates and one of the world s top ten mosques. The Ferrari World: Visit the world's largest indoor theme park, features a host of ride and attraction to create an unforgettable experience for every member of the family. Guest of all ages experience every facet of the Ferrari story, go behind the scenes, live the triumphs, feel the passion, take on the most challenging F1 courses and see what a Ferrari-charged adrenaline kick at feels like at 240kph, if you re up to the challenge. 阿布扎比 ( 早餐 / 道地午餐 / 酒店自助晚餐 ) 阿布扎比市区游 : 途经外观酋长国宫殿酒店 究扎耶德大清真寺 民俗文化遗产村和哈里发宫殿 謝赫扎耶德大清真寺 : 是阿联酋最大的清真寺也是十大清真寺之一 法拉利主题公园 : 参观世界上最大的室内主题公园, 内设置了大量的游艺设施, 包括全年龄段的儿童游乐设施, 呈现出完整的法拉利体验 超过 20 个国家的景点, 每个设计中都体现法拉利主题的不同部分, 还包括世界上最快的云霄飞车, 时速可达每小时 240 公里 阿布扎比法拉利主题公园将提供大量的意大利美食和独特的购物经历, 这必将是一种美好的体验

05 Abu Dhabi (130km) Dubai Kuala Lumpur (Full Breakfast / Local Lunch) Sightseeing tour of Dubai to see the Burj Al Arab, Jumeirah Mosque, the Burj Khalifa Observation Deck (include entrance) for an unparalleled views of Dubai City and shopping at the Dubai Mall. The Dubai Fountain: View of the home to the world s largest performing fountain and witness the world s largest dancing fountain on a Burj Lake the best show in town! Time to bid farewell to these exciting destinations and bring home wonderful memories of Dubai! 阿布扎比 (130 公里 ) 迪拜 吉隆坡 ( 早餐 / 道地午餐 ) 迪拜市区游 : 游览卓美亚帆船酒店, 朱美拉清真寺以及登上哈里发塔 124 层观景台可看完整个迪拜的美丽市景和购物于迪拜商场 迪拜喷泉湖 : 观看世界最大的迪拜音乐喷泉 其设计之奇特, 造型之壮观, 形态之优美, 音乐之丰富, 都达到了登峰造极举世无双那样令人难以置信的程度 今日亲临现场耳闻目睹, 果然令人大开眼界, 心中暗叹名不虚传 结束后, 送往机场乘搭国际航班飞返吉隆坡 把迪拜美好的回忆带回家!

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