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7 8 Vol. 7 No. 8 2016 8 Journal of Food Safety and Quality Aug., 2016 * 梁国华 (, 536000) 摘要 : 目的 (high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) 方法 10%, 30 min, - (35:65, V:V), 1.0 ml/min, Shimadzu VP-ODS (250 mm 4.6 mm, 5 μm), 290 nm HPLC, 结果 0.0216~0.216 μg/ml, 0.99998, 98.1%, 1.63%, 0.1 μg/ml 结论, 关键词 : ; ; Determination of cinnamaldehyde in Chinese Jing Wine by high performance liquid chromatography LIANG Guo-Hua * (Guangxi Beihai Institute for food and Drug Control, Beihai 536000, China) ABSTRACT: Objective To establish a method for the determination of cinnamaldehyde in Chinese Jing Wine by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Methods Samples were extracted with 10% methanol by ultrasonic for 30 min, and separated by a Shimadzu VP-ODS column (250 mm 4.6 mm, 5 μm) with acetonitrile-water (35:65, V:V) as mobile phase at the flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. Then the samples were detected by HPLC at the detection wavelength of 290 nm. Meanwhile, the mobile phase ratio and extractant were optimized. Results The cinnamaldehyde had a good linearity relationship at the range of 0.0216~0.216 μg/ml, and the correlation coefficient was 0.99998. The average recovery was 98.1%, the relative standard deviation was 1.63%, and the detection limit was 0.1 μg/ml. Conclusion The method is rapid, accurate and reproducible, which can be used for the determination of cinnamaldehyde in Chinese Jing Wine. KEY WORDS: Chinese Jing Wine; cinnamaldehyde; high performance liquid chromatography 1 引言, [1],,, [2] (high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC),,, * 通讯作者 :,, E-mail: *Corresponding author: LIANG Guo-Hua, Associate Chief Pharmacist, Guangxi Beihai Institute for Food and Drug Control, Beihai 536000, China. E-mail:

3104 7 2 材料与方法 2.1 仪器 LC-2010AHT ( VWD, ); XA205DU ( - ) 2.2 试剂, 111710-200513, ( ), (, ), 2.3 实验方法 2.3.1 色谱条件 : Shimadzu VP-ODS(250 mm 4.6 mm, 5 μm), ; : - (35:65, V:V); : 290 nm : 35 ; : 1.0 ml/min; : 10 μl; 3000 2.3.2 对照品溶液的制备 10.80 mg, 50 ml, ; 1 ml 100 ml, 35%, ( 2.16 μg/ml) 2.3.3 供试品溶液的制备 1 g 10 ml, 10%, 30 s, 0.22 μm, 2.3.4 空白对照溶液的制备,,, 2.3.3, 3 结果与分析 3.1 高效液相色谱流动相的选择 [3-22], - -0.085% -, - (35:65, V:V) -0.085% (25:75, V:V), -,, 20 min,, - (35:65, V:V) 3.2 样品提取溶剂浓度的选择 35% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5,, 10%, 3.3 方法学考察 3.3.1 专属性实验,, 1~ 3 1 Fig. 1 Chromatogram of reference substance

8 : 3105 2 Fig. 2 Chromatogram of sample 3 Fig. 3 Chromatogram of negative sample 3.3.2 线性范围 方法检出限 (2.16 μg/ml)0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 ml 10 ml, 10%, 30 s, 0.22 μm, 2.3.1, X(μg/mL), Y(A), 0.0216~0.216 μg/ml, : Y=84111.16803X+59.73361(r=0.99998), 2.3.3, 2.3.1, 3, 0.1 μg/ml 3.3.3 精密度实验 10 μl, 6,,, (relative standard deviation, RSD) 0.528% 3.3.4 稳定性实验, 2.3.1 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 h 10 μl,, RSD 0.701%, 24 h 3.3.5 重复性实验, 6 (n=6), 2.3.3

3106 7 表 1 回收率结果 (n=9) Table 1 Results of recoveries (n=9) (ml) (μg) (μg) (μg) (%) (%) RSD(%) 0.5 0.254 0.648 0.8786 96.4 0.5 0.254 0.648 0.8985 99.5 0.5 0.254 0.648 0.8971 99.2 98.1 1.63 0.5 0.254 1.080 1.2925 96.2 0.5 0.254 1.080 1.3031 97.1 0.5 0.254 1.080 1.3285 99.5 0.5 0.254 2.160 2.3306 96.1 98.1 0.5 0.254 2.160 2.4005 99.4 0.5 0.254 2.160 2.4050 99.6 表 2 桂皮醛测定结果 (n=3) Table 2 Results of cinnamaldehyde (n=3) (μg/ml) (μg/ml) RSD(%) A 0.4155 B 0.4118 0.4314 1.33 C 0.4670, 2.3.1, 0.4607 μg/ml, RSD 0.584%, 3.3.6 加样回收率试验 9 ( 1~ 1 ), 0.5 ml, : 1~ 1 0.3 ml 4~ 4 0.5 ml 7~ 1 1.0 ml, 2.3.3, 2.3.1, RSD, 1 98.1%, RSD 1.63%, 3.4 样品测定 3, 2.3.3, 2.3.1, 2 4 结论, 参考文献 [1]. ( ) [S]. Pharmacopoeia commission of the ministry of public health of the people's Republic of China. Drug standards of the ministry of health of the people's Republic of China(Chinese medicinal preparation)eleventh volumes [S]. [2]. [M]. :, 1991. Luo HS. Advances in pharmacology and clinical research of traditional Chinese medicine [M]. Guangzhou: South China University of Technology Press, 1991. [3],,. HPLC [J]., 2012, 24(4): 54 56. Cai SH, Wen YG, Mo YQ. Determination of cinnamaldehyde in Jiawei Lingguishugan decoction by HPLC [J]. Strait Pharm J, 2012, 24(4): 54 56. [4],,,. HPLC [J]., 2013, 34(2): 230 232. An Y, Zhang XX, Liang JR, et al. Content determination of cinnamaldehyde in Disinfectant of Ruikeweirui by HPLC [J]. Shaanxi J Tradit Chin Med, 2013, 34(2): 230 232. [5],,,. 4 [J]. -, 2013, 15(2): 254 259. Hou XY, Wu C, Zhou YT, et al. Study on the content and distribution of 4 active components in different parts of cinnamon [J]. World Sci Technol Mod Tradit Chin Med, 2013, 15(2): 254 259. [6],. [J]., 2007, 16(4): 35 37. Lei ZY, Ba GJ. Determination of content of cinnamaldehyde in Shenggui

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