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~ 10D7N ~

2008 Nankai Business Review 61

Contents Editorial 01 News Express 06 Travelog TT 16 Travel Sketch 21 Gap Year 28 Treasure Box 31 Recommendations 35 Interaction Copyright


4 天 3 晚泗水 / 婆罗摩托萨里 / 底特勒斯 / 诗都阿佐 4D3N Surabaya / Bromo Tosari / Tretes / Sidoarjo GROUND ARRANGEMENT (T/C: GA-SUB) PRIVATE TOUR UPDATED 01APR2015 Day

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PREMIUM 10D7N WINTER ADVENTURE IN FINLAND + NORWAY KING CRAB SAFARI TOUR CODE: EFN10W Indulge in a myriad of Arctic activities that brings out the best of this winter wonderland go on a reindeer sleigh ride, sleep in a glass igloo and chase the northern lights on swift snowmobiles. EXCLUSIVE An overnight stay in a Glass Igloo 4 Nights of Aurora Hunt Flight path Traverse by coach Featured destinations Overnight stays 1 NORWAY Arctic Circle SWEDEN DELICACIES Meal Plan 7 Breakfasts, 1 Lunch, 5 Dinners Helsinki 1 Kirkenes Rovaniemi Ranua FINLAND Ivalo Saariselkä HIGHLIGHTS FINLAND HELSINKI Senate Square White Cathedral Sibelius Monument Temppeliaukio Church ROVANIEMI Northern Light Chase by Bus Santa Claus Village Ranua Wildlife Park Reindeer Ride Arctic Circle Certificate SAARISELKÄ Snowmobile Aurora Hunting Husky Safari Overnight Stay in a Glass Igloo NORWAY KIRKENES King Crab Safari with Aurora Hunting 4 HOTELS HELSINKI Scandic Simonetta ROVANIEMI Santa s Hotel Santa Claus SAARISELKÄ Lapland Hotel KIRKENES Thon Hotel Kirkenes **Note: Hotels are subject to final confirmation. Should there be changes, customers will be offered similar accommodations as stated in this list. PHOTOS 13RF 10 Arctic Circle EU Holidays

DAY 1 HOME HELSINKI Meals on Board Assemble at the airport and take-off to the vibrant seaside city of Helsinki, capital of Finland. DAY HELSINKI Meals on Board Once you arrive, meet up with a local city guide for a sightseeing tour around the alluring city. Drive past the bustling Market Square and absorb its scents, sounds and atmosphere, then drop by the Senate Square for a unique and cohesive spread of neoclassical architecture, where you can take in the sights of the Helsinki Cathedral, the Government Palace, the National Library of Finland and the main building of the University of Helsinki all in one place. Continue on to the Sibelius Monument, a structure resembling organ pipes that is dedicated to world famous composer Jean Sibelius. Last but not least, visit the Temppeliaukio Church, where the interior walls are created naturally by rock, giving rise to its nickname as the Rock Church. DAY 3 HELSINKI Breakfast Enjoy the day free at leisure to explore Helsinki on your own, where there s plenty to do and see. You may wish to take up an optional excursion to Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, via ferry for the rich cultural scene and the stunning medieval and historical structures. DAY 4 HELSINKI IVALO KIRKENES Breakfast, King Crab Dinner Board a domestic flight to Ivalo, a small village in the municipality of Inari in Finland that is home to the northernmost airport in Finland and the whole of Europe. We will drive to up north and cross border into Norway, reaching Kirkenes, a small town but famous for it king crab. Tonight, embark on a phenomenal King Crab Safari with Aurora Hunting, where you will get a chance to catch the Northern Lights and the Arctic King Crab with your own hands (metaphorically, not literally) and learn how to cook and eat these huge creatures that can grow up to 15 kilograms in weight. Depending on the weather conditions, you will head out to the fjord either by snowmobile sledge or boat. Indulge in a hearty dinner and savour the sweet freshness of your king crab. Note: the appearance of the Northern Lights cannot be guaranteed as it is a naturally occurring phenomenon and is subject to weather conditions. DAY 5 KIRKENES SAARISELKÄ Breakfast, Dinner Enjoy a scenic drive along the way with a gorgeous scenery featuring the snowcapped mountains and crystal-blue fjords of Norway before you cross the border back into Saariselka, Finland. This afternoon, get set for KING CRAB SAFARI a night of wonder as we make arrangements for you to stay in a comfortable and unique glass igloo for tonight s accommodation. Be mesmerized by the clear starry skies as you cuddle up in the warm, toasty bed, and admire the unmarred beauty of the surrounding snowy landscapes. If conditions permit and sighting is good, take a walk in search of the Northern Lights with your Tour Manager. KELO IGLOO DAY 6 SAARISELKÄ Breakfast, Dinner Your day of adventure begins with a visit to a husky dog farm, where you will be greeted with the sight of these friendly and enthusiastic dogs. Discover more about these amazing huskies as well as life on the farm, before taking off on a husky safari where they bring you racing through the layers of snow. After dinner, embark on a thrilling Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) chase as you move around on snowmobiles through the dark landscape. If Lady Luck is on our side, you will be able to witness Earth s most magnificent and colourful lights show a once-in-a-lifetime experience you will never forget. Note: We are unable to guarantee that you will observe the Northern Lights as it is a natural phenomenon and is subject to weather conditions. Only two persons to each snowmobile, and the driver must be 18 years old and above with a valid driving license. EU Holidays Arctic Circle 11

10D7N WINTER ADVENTURE IN FINLAND + NORWAY KING CRAB SAFARI SANTA CLAUS VILLAGE DAY 7 SAARISELKÄ ROVANIEMI Breakfast, Dinner Fulfil your childhood dreams as we depart for Rovaniemi, the official hometown of Santa Claus and land of fairytales. Pay a visit to Santa Claus Village where you can peruse through the numerous souvenir shops and send a postcard from the Santa s Main Post Office to receive a special Arctic Circle stamp. You will also be awarded with an Arctic Circle Crossing Certificate as proof of your journey across the Arctic Circle. On top of that, meet Santa Claus in the Christmas House of the Santa Claus Holiday Village and receive a lasting memory of the meeting in the form of a high quality photo. Last but not least, embark on an unforgettable reindeer sleigh ride and grab the opportunity to earn your very own reindeer driving license. Tonight, join us for a Northern Light Chase by bus and seek out the mysterious green light everyone wants to see. And if luck is with you, get ready for an amazing light show to remember! DAY 8 ROVANIEMI RANUA ROVANIEMI Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Visit the Ranua Wildlife Park, which consists of approximately 50 wild animal species and 00 individuals. Follow a local guide as he leads you around to see bears, reindeers, wolves, gluttons, lynxes, moose, birds and Finland polar bears up close and personal, and learn more about these Nordic and Arctic animals. Make your way back to Rovaniemi to rest for the night. DAY 9 ROVANIEMI HELSINKI HOME Breakfast Enjoy the rest of the day at leisure till it is time to transfer to the airport for your flight home. DAY 10 HOME SWEET HOME We hope you enjoyed your trip with EU holidays and we look forward to seeing you again for your next trip. Suggested Excursion: Tallinn: 150-180 (seasonal price subject These additional activities enrich your experiences; however it is entirely optional and will be at your own discretion. Minimum group size may apply and subject to schedule. Tipping Guideline: (based on 10D7N) 80 per person Note: A minimum group size of 15 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. The sequence of the itinerary, flight schedules and hotels are subject to change without prior notice in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Winter activities are subject to weather conditions. During major events, accommodation may be re-located to outside of the city or in another city without prior notice. 1 Arctic Circle EU Holidays

优等配套 10 天 7 晚芬兰冬天的冒险 + 挪威帝王蟹 TOUR CODE: EFN10W 让您尽情享受无数的北极雪地节目冬天仙境般最精彩的活动 乘坐驯鹿雪橇, 玻璃冰屋留宿, 急速雪地摩托车上追逐北极光 独家 经典玻璃屋留宿 4 晚追寻北极光机会 Flight path Traverse by coach Featured destinations Overnight stays 1 餐食 7 早, 1 午, 5 晚 Kirkenes 1 Ivalo Saariselkä Rovaniemi 行程亮点 芬兰赫尔辛基 参议院广场 白色大教堂 l 西贝柳斯纪念碑 登培了奇欧教堂罗瓦涅米 巴士追寻北极光 圣诞老人村落 拉努瓦野生动物园 乘坐麋鹿拉车 北极光圈证书萨利塞尔卡 雪地摩托车追寻北极光 哈士奇狗拉车 经典玻璃屋留宿 SWEDEN Ranua FINLAND 挪威 凯可诺斯 捕抓帝王蟹 + 有机会一睹北极光 4 HOTELS NORWAY Helsinki HELSINKI Scandic Simonetta ROVANIEMI Santa s Hotel Santa Claus SAARISELKÄ Lapland Hotel KIRKENES Thon Hotel Kirkenes *** 注意 : 所有酒店需以最后确认为准, 如有任何更改, 客户将获得与此列表中所述类似的住宿.

第一天起点 赫尔辛基机上膳食机场集合, 起飞到充满活力的海滨城市 - 赫尔辛基, 芬兰的首府 第二天 赫尔辛基 船上膳食 国内转机飞往芬兰首府赫尔辛基 在这个迷人的城市周围游览 首先参观繁华的市中心广场, 闻一闻市集的气味, 吵杂的声音和体验热闹的气氛! 这是绝对是一个快速让您心情变好的方式 接下来来到了广场的其他地方, 参观新古典主义建筑独特的建筑物, 比如 : 赫尔辛基大教堂, 政府宫殿, 国家图书馆和赫尔辛基大学, 这些主要的建筑物景点都在不远的同一个地方 继续前往西贝柳施纪念碑, 一座由世界着名作曲家 Jean Sibelius 所设计出来的建筑物, 这座纪念碑的造型完全颠覆了同类作品的模式,600 余根银白色不锈钢管组成, 酷似一架巨型管风琴如同茂密的森林, 象征森林给予西贝柳斯无穷的创作灵感, 是西贝柳斯音乐的重要主题之一 最后游览最重点的地方, Temppeliaukio 岩石教堂, 教堂的外牆就是天然岩石的本身, 因此音響效果極佳, 經常用來舉辦音樂會 本名昵称 岩石教会 第三天赫尔辛基早餐享受自由休闲的一天 您可以自行探索赫尔辛基这个摩登的大城市 也可以选择自费游览前俄罗斯时代古镇爱沙尼亚首都 - 塔林, 必须搭乘渡轮前往这个充满丰富文化历史的中世纪古城, 这里的建筑物都非常有特色, 不仅仅只是建筑物还有当地的市场和文化风俗, 让当地导游带您走入时光隧道 第四天赫尔辛基 依瓦洛 凯可诺斯早餐帝王蟹晚餐飞往伊瓦洛 (Ivalo), 这是芬兰伊纳里市的一个小村庄, 是芬兰和整个欧洲最北端的机场的所在地 我们将开车向北和越界进入挪威, 到达凯可诺斯 (Kirkenes), 一个小城镇, 著名的帝王蟹产地 今晚您不但有机会捕抓帝王蟹, 在那里您也有机会亲手抓住北极光 ( 比喻 ) 学习如何烹饪和品尝这些巨大的生物, 每一只帝王蟹可重达 15 公斤 根据气候情况, 您将通过雪地摩托车雪橇或小船前往峡湾 尽情地享用丰盛的帝王蟹大餐, 品尝它带来的甜蜜和鲜度 注意 : 观赏北极光无法保证, 因为它是一种天然现象, 并受天气条件的影响 第五天凯可诺斯 萨利塞尔卡早餐晚餐沿着途中欣赏秀丽的风景, 经过挪威雪地覆盖的山脉和水蓝色峡湾感觉非常震撼, 越过边境返回芬兰的萨利塞尔卡 (Saariselka) 下午, 我们来为您安排一个奇迹之夜, 我们有机会入宿一个舒适并且独特的玻璃屋 清澈星空的夜晚, 你可以蜷缩在温暖的卧室里, 欣赏美丽的星空和周围浩瀚的雪景 如果条件许可请随领队一起步行寻找北极光的踪迹 捕抓帝王蟹 第六天萨利色尔卡早餐晚餐今天的冒险之旅开始于到访哈士奇狗狗农场! 友好和可爱的哈士奇狗狗将热情的迎接我们 了解更多关于这些赫斯基农场的生活, 然后乘坐哈士奇狗狗拉的雪氊飞行雪地中, 享受他们带你穿越层层雪层 晚餐后, 在漆黑乘坐雪地摩托车, 开始一段令人兴奋的北极光追寻活动 (Aurora Borealis)! 如果 幸运女王 在我们身边, 您将能够见证地球上最壮观和最丰富多彩的灯光秀, 让您永生难忘! 注意 : 我们无法保证北极光的观赏, 因为它是一种 自然现象, 并受到气候的影响 每辆雪地摩托只可乘坐 人, 司机必须年满 18 岁和拥有驾驶执照 KELO IGLOO

10 天 7 晚芬兰冬天的冒险 + 挪威帝王蟹 圣诞老人村 第七天萨利塞尔卡 诺瓦涅米早餐, 晚餐到访圣诞老人的故乡 - 一个类似童话般的土地诺瓦亚米 您可以通过众多的纪念品商店挑选一张美丽的明信片, 贴上独特的北 极圈邮票, 然后由圣诞老人村的邮政局总部发送一张明信片给自己! 在这里您还可以获得北极圈交叉地证明书, 证明您在北极圈的旅程里到此一游 除外, 您还可以在这里的圣诞之屋里拜访并认识和蔼可亲的圣诞老公公, 并以一张高清的照片形式获得一个永远的回忆时, 以满足您小时候的梦想 最后开始难忘的驯鹿雪橇骑行, 我们也有机会获得自己的驯鹿驾驶执照 今晚, 乘坐巴士加入北极光追逐活动, 去寻找每个人都想看到的神秘天光 如果运气好的话, 您将观赏一个永生难忘的极光表演! 第八天诺瓦涅米 拉努瓦 诺瓦涅米早餐午餐晚餐参观由大约 50 种野生动物种类和 00 种其他生物组成的拉努阿野生动物园 跟随当地导游带领你们看看有趣的北极熊, 北极驯鹿, 雪狼, 狼獾, 雪狐, 麋鹿, 各种鸟类等等 与白白的芬兰北极熊做最亲密的接触, 并了解更多关于这些北欧北极的动物种类 返回罗瓦涅米 第九天诺瓦涅米 赫尔辛基 家园早餐享受自由活动时间, 直到载送到机场, 回返家园 第十天抵达甜蜜的家 我们衷心希望您喜爱这个与欧美假期的旅行, 让我们期待再次见到您! 建议游览 : 自费项目由您自行决定, 完全可选择参与或不参与 * 自费项目价格与成团率将于园队大小为准 * 一切自费项目需要气候与基本条件许可方可成团 破冰船巡航 :350 欧元 / 人 塔林 : 150-180/ 人 ( 季节性价格 ) 小费准则 :( 根据 10D7N) 每人 80 注意 : 团队出发需要人数最少 0 人 行程, 航班和酒店的顺序如有变动, 恕不另行通知, 即使有突变情况 活动将受天气条件的限制而作出安排 在重大活动和旺季节日期间, 住宿地点可能重新安排城市外或其他城市内, 恕不另行通知