Group Profile D ongguan Industrial Park, Guangdong 东莞基地 东莞基地 占地面积约 67.7 万平方米 产品主要满足华南地区市场 拥有四条优质浮法玻璃生产线 共计 2600T/D 白玻 (2-22mm), 法国绿 (2.1-12mm), 灰色 (4-

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第五版 Fifth Edition 信义超薄玻璃 ( 东莞 ) 有限公司 ( 国内销售部 ) XINYI ULTRATHIN GLASS (DONGGUAN) CO., LTD. (Int l Sales Dept.) 地址 : 广东省东莞市虎门镇路东信义玻璃工业园邮编 :523935 Add:Xinyi Glass Industrial Zone, Humen, Dongguan, Guangdong, P.R.China PC: 523935 电话 :86-769-8526 6666 分机 :6100 6101 6103;8526 3100 8526 3101 8526 3103 Tel: 86-769-8526 6666 Ext: 6108, 6102, 8793, 8126, 8388 传真 :86-769-8526-5533 8523-8751 Fax: 86-769-8501 3663 E-mail: 信义节能玻璃 ( 芜湖 ) 有限公司 XINYI ENERGYSMART GLASS (WUHU) CO., LTD. 地址 : 安徽省芜湖市经济技术开发区信义路 2 号信义芜湖工业园邮编 :241000 Add:Xinyi Glass Industrial Zone2Xinyi Road ETDZ WuhuAnhui, P.R.China 241009 Tel:86-553-589 5518 Fax:86-553-589 5777 信义玻璃 ( 天津 ) 有限公司 XINYI GLASS (TIANJIN) CO., LTD. 地址 : 天津市武清开发区广源道北侧 Add:Guangyuan street north side Wuqing Development Area, Tianjin, P.R.China 301700 Tel:86-22-8215 9978 Fax:86-22-8215 9976 信义环保特种玻璃 ( 江门 ) 有限公司 XINYI ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIAL GLASS (JIANGMEN) CO., LTD. 地址 : 广东省江门市高新技术产业开发区信义路 1 号 Add:No.1 xinyi Road Hi-Tech Zone Jiangmen Guangdong P.R.China 529080 Tel:86-750-3798888 Fax:86-750-3779999 信义玻璃 ( 营口 ) 有限公司地址 : 辽宁省营口市经济技术开发区望儿山大街东信义路 Tel:0417-8201111 Fax:0417-8203355 XINYI ULTRATHIN GLASS (DONGGUAN) CO., LTD. (Int l Sales Dept.) Add:Xinyi Glass Industrial Zone, Humen, Dongguan, Guangdong, P.R.China PC: 523935 Tel: 86-769-8526 6666 Ext: 6108, 6102, 8793, 8126, 8388 Fax: 86-769-8501 3663 E-mail: XINYI GLASS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Add:Güterbahnhofstraβe 11, D-69151 Neckargemünd, Germany Tel: 49-6223-973824 Fax: 49-62 23-973825 XINYI GLASS JAPAN CO., LTD Add: 東京都千代田区岩本町 2-1-20 エステックヒ ル 7F Add: 7 Floor, S-tech Building, 2-1-20 Iwamoto-Cho, Chiyoda- Ku, Tokyo Tel:81-3-5809-3288 Fax:81-3-5809-3266 XINYI GLASS (AMERICA) DEVEL OPMENT INC. Add: Unit 1205, 13560 Maycrest Way, BC, Canada V6V 2W9 Tel:1-604-273-0813 Fax: 1-604-273-7571 E-mail: XINYI GLASS (NORTH AMERICA) INC. Add: Ste. 702-704, West Building,Markham Liberty Square 3601 Highway 7 East,Markham, ON,Canada, L3R 0M3 Tel: 1-905-947-8801 Fax: 1-905-947-8892 XINYI GLASS (YINGKOU) COMPANY LIMITED ADD: Xinyi Glass Industrial zone, Economic And Technology Development Zone, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province, P.R.China Tel:0417-8201111 Fax:0417-8203355 浮法玻璃 XINYI FLOAT GLASS

Group Profile D ongguan Industrial Park, Guangdong 东莞基地 东莞基地 占地面积约 67.7 万平方米 产品主要满足华南地区市场 拥有四条优质浮法玻璃生产线 共计 2600T/D 白玻 (2-22mm), 法国绿 (2.1-12mm), 灰色 (4-12mm) Dongguan Production Complex covers an area of 677,000 SQM. It is designated to produce float glass to meet the market demand in south China. There are four high quality float lines with capacity of 2600T/D. Clear(2-22mm), French green (2.1-12mm), Grey (4-12mm) W uhu Industrial Park, Anhui 芜湖基地 芜湖基地 占地面积约 126 万平方米 产品主要满足华东地区市场 拥 有四条优质浮法玻璃生产线 共计 2700T/D 白玻 (2-19mm) 超白 (3-12mm) 集团简介 Group Profile Wuhu Production Complex covers an area of 1,260,000 SQM. It is designated to produce float glass to meet the market demand in east China. There are four high quality float lines with capacity of 2700T/D. Clear(2-19mm), Ultra clear(3-12mm) 信义玻璃控股有限公司创建于1988年 2005年2月在香港联交所主板上市 是全球玻璃产业链的主要制造商之一 目 前 信义玻璃股份为恒生综合指数 恒生综合中小型指数 恒生综合行业指数 消费品制造业及恒生中国内地100 指数 集团目前拥有东莞 深圳 江门 芜湖 天津 营口 德阳七大生产基地 总占地面积500多万平方米 现有员工近1.5 万人 信义玻璃致力于为客户提供满足其需求的产品 服务和解决方案 为客户和合作伙伴创造长期价值和潜在增 长利益 信义玻璃产品和解决方案涵盖优质浮法玻璃 光伏玻璃 汽车玻璃和工程节能玻璃 超薄电子玻璃等领域 以柔 性的供应链能力 合理的生产成本 一站式供货方式 专业的物流渠道 将其产品送到世界各地的客户手中 Founded in 1988 and listed on the mainboard of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in February 2005, Xinyi Glass Holdings Limited is one of the major manufacturers in global glass industrial chain. Xinyi Glass Holdings has now been incorporated in Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng Composite Mid-Cap and Small-Cap Index, Hang Seng Composite Industry Index (Consumer Goods) and Hang Seng Mainland 100 Index. Establishing seven manufacturing bases in Dongguan, Shenzhen, Jiangmen, Wuhu, Tianjin, Yingkou and Deyang respectively which cover a total area of more than 5,000,000 m2, the Group has employed over 15,000 employees, dedicated to providing products, services and solutions to the satisfaction of customers, and creating lifetime value and potential increase for customers and partners. Xinyi Glass provides complete solutions in glass products including high-quality float glass, PV glass, automobile glass and energy-saving engineering glass. With one stop solution at optimized cost, we can deliver the products to our customers all over the world with professional logistic network. T ianjin Industrial Park 天津基地 天津基地 占地面积约 66 万平方米 主要面向华北 东北地区市场 拥 有三条优质浮法玻璃生产线 共计 2200T/D 白玻 (1.8-19mm), 法国绿 (2.1-12mm) Tianjin Production Complex covers an area of 660,000 SQM. It is designated to produce float glass to meet the market in north and northeast China, There are three high quality float lines with capacity of 2200T/D. Clear(1.8-19mm), French/Solar green(2.1-12mm)

Group Profile products Jiangmen Industrial Park, Guangdong 江门基地, 占地面积约 54 万平方米, 主要生产浮法玻璃, 产品主要满足华南地区市场 拥有三条优质浮法玻璃生产线, 共计 2400T/D 白玻 (4-12mm), 法国绿 (2.1-12mm), 灰玻 (4-12mm) Jiangmen Production Complex covers an area of 540,000 SQM. It is designated to produce float glass to meet the market demand in south China. There are three high quality float lines with capacity of 2400T/D. Clear(4-12mm), French green (2.1-12mm), Grey (4-12mm) Y ingkou Industrial Park, Liaoning 江门基地 辽宁营口基地 信义营口工业园建于 2011 年, 位于辽宁省营口市经济技术开发区滨海工业区, 总占地面积达 86.8 万平方米, 该生产基地主要生产优质浮法玻璃及建筑节能玻璃产品 拥有二条优质浮法玻璃生产线, 共计 2000T/D Built in 2011, Yingkou Industrial Park is situated in Binhai Industrial Estate, Yingkou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Liaoning. Covering a total land area of 868,000 m2, the park mainly serves as a manufacturing base of quality float glass and energy-efficient architectural glass. There are two high quality float lines with capacity of 2000T/D. 1. 质量等级 :Quality Standard 制镜级 / 汽车前档级 / 汽车侧窗级 / 一般深加工级 / 建筑级 Mirror Grade/Wind Shield Grade/Side Glass Grade/Common Processing Grade/ Architectural Grade 2. 尺寸和板宽 :Sizes&Ribbon Width 1) 尺寸范围 :Sizes: 720mm-11000mm 2) 板宽 :Ribbon Width: 2700mm-4880mm 3. 包装 :Packing 1) 裸包 :Nude glass with A-Frame 2) 木箱包装 :Wooden Cases 3) 铁架 :A-Frame PRODUCTS 4. 产品种类 & 厚度 :Products&Thickness 1) 透明浮法玻璃 : Clear Float Glass, Thickness: 2-22mm 2) 超白 :Ultra Clear/Low Iron Float Glass, Thickness: 3-12mm 3) 色玻 :Tinted Float Glass a. 法国绿 :French Green Float Glass, Thickness: 2.1-12mm b. 欧洲灰 :Euro Grey Float Glass, Thickness: 5-12mm c. 水晶灰 :Crystal Grey Float Glass, Thickness: 5-12mm d. 欧茶 :Euro Bronze Float Glass, Thickness: 4-12mm e. 浅蓝 :Light Blue Float Glass, Thickness: 5-12mm 5. 常规尺寸和板宽 :Packing 2.7mm 白玻 / 绿玻常规板宽 (Normal ribbon width for 2.7mm Clear/French green float glass )1350/1420/1460/ 1500/1550/1620/1690/1740/1780 3-12mm 浮法玻璃常规板宽 (Normal ribbon width for 3-12mm float glass)3050/3300/3660/4280/4880 4-19mm 浮法玻璃常规尺寸 (Normal sizes for 4-19mm float glass )2140/2250/2440*3050/3300/3660 D eyang Industrial Park, Sichuan 四川德阳工业园 信义四川德阳工业园建于 2012 年, 位于四川省德阳市经济技术开发区, 占地面积约 60 万平方米 该基地主要生产高档优质浮法玻璃 建筑玻璃和汽车玻璃, 建成后将成为西南地区规模最大 产品质量档次最高的玻璃综合生产基地 Seated in Deyang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Sichuan and founded in 2012, Deyang Industrial Park covers a land area of 600,000 m2, and mainly functions as a manufacturing base of high-end quality float glass, architectural glass and automobile glass. Upon completion, the park will be the largest comprehensive glass manufacturing base offering the highest quality products in Southwest China.

技术设备 Technology & Equipments XYG 采用最先进的生产技术 并配备当今世界一流的生产设备和控 制 系 统 如 GRENZEBACH CNUD ZIPPE BOTTERO SEPR ABB FIC EMERSON 等 可生产 1.8mm-22mm 厚度的高档浮法玻璃 切 割尺寸流向方向为 720-11000mm 板宽方向为 2700mm-4880 mm XYG adopts the most advanced technology, and equips with the world class equipments and control system(grenzebach,cnud,zippe, BOTTERO, SEPR, ABB, FIC, EMERSON and so on), XYG is able to manufacture high quality float glass with the thickness from 1.8mm to 22mm, the longitudinal cutting dimension is from 720 mm to 11000mm, the width cutting dimension is from 2700mm to 4880 mm. 天然气清洁能源 Gas Clean Energy 浮法玻璃生产示意图 PRODUCTION OF FLOAT GLASS

quality assurance green action 质量保证 Quality Assurance 绿色行动 Green Action 信义玻璃从原料采购, 生产制造到售后服务的整个过程, 对产品进行严格的质量跟踪管理, 按照国际标准建立产品品质保障体系, 产品质量达到国际先进水平 Xinyi Glass strictly follows the international quality system to monitor the whole production process from raw material procurement, manufacturing and after sales services. This is to assure that the product quality meets the international standard. 随着自然环境不断恶化, 气候变化日益加剧, 全球可持续发展正面临着巨大的挑战 信义玻璃为建设节能环保的绿色空间而不懈努力, 使人们在享受舒适生活的同时, 也保持社会的可持续发展 信义玻璃以科学的态度 先进的技术 优等的质量 严格的管理, 实行 油改气 工程, 采用安全 环保的清洁能源 天然气, 改善了人们的生活质量, 优化了城市环境, 还大自然一份明净 信义玻璃站在社会前瞻的高度, 以广阔的视野不断为创造绿色生活努力着 为顺应国家对节能降耗的要求, 信义玻璃先后在东莞 江门投资建设纯低温余热发电站, 实现企业价值与社会价值的双赢 With worsening natural environment and aggravating climate change, the world s sustainable development is facing a huge challenge. Xinyi Glass has made continuous efforts for constructing energy-conservation and environmental-friendly space so as to make people have/live in a conformable life and maintain the sustainable development of the society. Based on scientific attitude, advanced technology, superior quality and rigorous management, Xinyi has finished the oil to gas conversion project and introduced the safe and clean fuel - natural gas, improving people s living quality and optimizing urban environment. on the perspective of the society, the Group has been working hard to create green life. To meet the requirements of the state on energy-conservation and consumption reduction, Xinyi Glass has built pure low temperature waste heat power generation stations in Dongguan and Jiangmen successively, realizing the win-win in enterprise values and social values. 低温余热发电站 low temperature waste heat power generation stations 硅砂检测 Silica detection 天然气清洁能源 Gas Clean Energy

Loading Loading 装柜 铁架 A frame 包装 Formwork (A-frame) PACKING Loading 木箱-端帽 Wooden Case (End-cap) 加固-2 Fixing-2 标签 Label A架 A Frame 端帽箱装箱 (End-cap) Packing 加固-1 Fixing-1 加固 Fixing 检查 Checking 装货完毕 Finish loading 装GP柜 Loading into GP container 装OT柜 Loading into OT container 汽车托运 Truck 装OT柜 Loading into OT container