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土壤 (Soils), 2017, 49(2): 261 267 DOI: 10.13758/ 1 不同微量元素叶面肥对草莓育苗生长的影响 1,2 1,2 3 4 4 5 1,2 1,2 1,2* (1 210095 2 210095 3 210019 4 210046 5 210042) SPAD SPAD 0.2%0.2% S143.7 A [1] [2] [3 4] [5] [6] [7] [8 9] [10] [11 14] [15 16] (Fragaria ananassa Duchesne) (Rosaceae) Vc [17] (2015-Z42) * ( (1990 )E-mail:

262 49 (...... =2.. 2.. 1.. 1) [18] 1 1.1 () 1.2 1.2.1 14 ( 1)...... =2.. 2.. 1.. 1 ( 2) ~ 0.1% 0.2% 0.4% ~ 0.1% 0.2% 0.4% ~ 0.15% 0.3% 0.6% ~ 3 42 1 m 0.25 m 15 cm 6 3 30 cm ( ) 15 cm 2015 6 10 6 17 6 24 1 150 ml 表 1 各处理的施肥方式 Table 1 Fertilization treatments CK 0.15% 0.1% 0.3% 0.2% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% +0.2% 0.1% 0.2% +0.3% 0.2% 0.2% +0.3% 0.4% 0.2% +0.2% +0.3% (g/cm 3 ) Table 2 (%) 表 2 育苗基质材料的理化性质 Physical and chemical properties of substrate materials ph EC (ms/cm) N P 2 O 5 0.75 69.20 6.85 1.13 385.6 13.4 23.4 21.2 0.26 63.08 5.39 0.11 448.9 7.0 2.7 9.0 0.39 74.42 7.03 0.11 76.17 8.44 K 2 O 1 1 1 15% ~ 30% GM20-20-20(N.. P.. K 20%.. 20%.. 20%) 8 ~ 10 g/ 3 15 ~ 20 1 75 ~ 105 kg/hm 2 5 20% 3% 70% 12.5% 10% 1.2.2 ph EC [19] 3 (2015 7 3 ) [20] (SPAD ) SPAD502 2 GFS-3000

2 263 1.3 SPSS 19.0 Origin 8 (LSD) 2 2.1 2.1.1 1 3 () CK 32.8% 29.5% 32.8% CK 16.0% Fig. 2 图 2 不同微肥处理对草莓母株株高的影响 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on plant height of maternal strawberry seedlings 图 3 不同微肥处理对草莓母株叶面积的影响 Fig. 3 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on leaf areas of maternal strawberry seedlings ( P< 0.05 ) Fig. 1 图 1 不同微肥处理对草莓繁苗数的影响 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on germination numbers of strawberry seedlings 2.1.2 2 6.6% 11.0% 3 CK CK 2.1.3 SPAD 4 图 4 不同微肥处理对草莓母株 SPAD 值的影响 Fig. 4 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on SPADs of maternal strawberry seedlings

264 49 5 CK 20.7% 32.4% 23.6% 22.0% 0.6% CK CK 41.39% 2.2 2.2.1 7 图 5 不同微肥处理对草莓母株叶片净光合速率的影响 Fig. 5 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on net photosynthetic rates of maternal strawberry seedlings 2.1.4 [21] 6 0.2% 0.2% CK 53.0% 42.3% 图 7 不同微肥处理对草莓子苗叶面积的影响 Fig. 7 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on leaf areas of child strawberry seedlings 2.2.2 8 0.2% 0.1% 0.4% 图 6 不同微肥处理对草莓母株生物量的影响 Fig. 6 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on biomass of maternal strawberry seedlings 图 8 不同微肥处理对草莓子苗 SPAD 值的影响 Fig. 8 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on SPADs of child strawberry seedlings

2 265 2.2.3 9 CK 图 9 不同微肥处理对草莓子苗生物量的影响 Fig. 9 Effects of different trace element fertilizers on biomass of child strawberry seedlings 3 SPAD 4.3% ~ 24.4% 2.3% ~ 32.4% SPAD CK 55.4% 71.4% 77.8% 88.1% 37.6%(3.4% ~ 67.7%) 30.4%(6.9% ~ 71.4%) 42.9% (6.47% ~ 77.79%) 54.9%(16.0% ~ 88.1%) 3 [22] [23] [24] [25] 3 3 3 [26] [27 28] Arnon Stout [29] [30] [31] SOD POD

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2 267 Effects of Different Trace Element Fertilizers on Strawberry Seedling Growth ZHANG Shuxuan 1,2, NIE Xin 1,2, DU Juan 3, ZHAO Hejuan 4, WANG Lin 4, WANG Dongsheng 5, HU Feng 1,2, LI Huixin 1,2, JIAO Jiaguo 1,2* (1 College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China; 2 Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Solid Organic Waste Resource Utilization, Nanjing 210095, China; 3 Nanjing Agriculture Committee, Nanjing 210019, China; 4 Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210046, China; 5 Nanjing Institute of Vegetable Science, Nanjing 210042, China) Abstract: In this study, the boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), and iron (Fe) were compounded into single and compound foliar fertilizers, and applied to strawberry seedling growth, then the optimum application amounts of B, Mo and Fe fertilizers for the growth of strawberry were determined. The results showed that the single application of B, Mo, Fe, and compound foliar fertilizers could promote the number of strawberry breeding seedlings, maternal plant height, the net photosynthetic rate, leaf area, SPAD value, aboveground and underground biomass of maternal and child seedling in different degrees. The positive effects of B and Mo on propagation of seedling number and leaf areas, and the positive effects of Fe on chlorophyll and photosynthesis were obvious. Overall, with the increase of Fe concentration, the promoting effects on the maternal plant leaf area, SPAD value, maternal plant aboveground and belowground biomass and leaf area of the seedlings were more obvious. By contrast, the promoting effect of high concentration of B and Mo was weakened, and even inhibited the number of breeding seedlings. In different trace element fertilizers, B and Mo had the best effect, significantly improving the strawberry maternal and child seedling shoot and root biomass. In summary, the treatment of 0.2% B fertilizer, 0.2% Mo fertilizer, all of the concentration of Fe fertilizer, and B and Mo compound fertilizers were optimal for strawberry seedlings. Key words: Vermicompost; B fertilizer; Mo fertilizer; Fe fertilizer; Seedling substrate; Strawberry