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HONG KONG PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL VOL 16 NO 1 (Supplement 1) Jan March 2009 ISSN 1727-2874 A Consolidated List of Poisons, Antibiotics and Dangerous Drugs Last update: February 2009 The Pharmaceutical Society of Hong Kong The Practising Pharmacists Association of Hong Kong The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong HK$80.00

Contents Preface P.1 Poisons List, Part I Division A P.2 - P.40 Poisons List, Part I Division B P.41 - P.42 Poison List, Part II Division A P.43 - P.44 Poison List, Part II Division B P.45 Dangerous Drugs, Part I First Schedule paragraph 1(a) P.46 - P.48 Schedule 1, Antibiotic Substances P.49 - P.50

PREFACE In Hong Kong, substances and pharmaceutical products are regulated under the Pharmacy & Poisons Ordinance & Regulations (Cap. 138), the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134) and the Antibiotics Ordinance (Cap.137). Under the Pharmacy & Poisons Regulations, poisons are further classified into the First Schedule and Third Schedule. First Schedule poisons can be sold in a pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist. Third Schedule Poisons can only be sold in a pharmacy upon a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon. Articles listed in the Second Schedule are exempted from the provisions of the ordinance & the regulations. Similarly, substances listed in the Part I Dangerous Drugs and Schedule 1 of the Antibiotic Regulations can only be sold in a pharmacy upon a prescription given by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered veterinary surgeon. The last issue of Poisons, Antibiotic and Dangerous Drug List was published in September 2004. In that issue, the Poison List only contained the list of Part I and Part II poisons. In this new issue, the First Schedule, Second Schedule and Third Schedule are incorporated in the list of Part I poisons. In looking up a particular poison or class of poison, the reader can tell at a glance whether the poison is also listed in the First Schedule, Second Schedule and Third Schedule of the Pharmacy & Poisons Regulations, or under what condition the poison is exempted. This consolidated list aims to provide a quick reference for pharmacists, doctors and the trade. If there is doubt, please refer to the Pharmacy & Poisons Regulations (Cap. 138 subsidiary legislation), the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap. 134) and the Antibiotics Ordinance (Cap.137). We have to thank the pharmacists from the Department of Health in providing assistance in the compilation of this book. We are always pleased to receive feedback from our readers. Anyone wishing to comment can contact us at the following email address: or mail to: G.P.O. Box No. 3274, General Post Office, Hong Kong Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Journal Editorial Board March 2009 1

POISONS LIST REGULATIONS (CAP.138 sub. leg. B) A The Poisons List Part I Division A 2








B 10


C 12



D 15



E 18

F 19

G H 20


I 22

K L 23

M 24




N 28

O 29

P 30




Q 34

R 35

S 36

T 37


U V 39

W X Z 40

Part I Division B 41


Part II Division A 43


Part II Division B 45

DANGEROUS DRUGS ORDINANCE (CAP.134) Schedule 1, Part I Dangerous Drugs, paragraph 1(a) 4 46



ANTIBIOTICS REGULATIONS (CAP.137 sub. leg. A) Schedule 1, Antibiotic Substances 5 49

Notes: 1 Some poisons are also classified as dangerous drugs; please refer to the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap.134) for further information. 2 Some entries are in the form of a class and may cover other substances; please refer to the guidelines: Poison or Antibiotic A Guide to Class Entries and Guidance Notes on Classification of Products as Pharmaceutical Products under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (Cap.138), issued by the Department of Health in September 2007, for further information. 3 General exemptions: Adhesives; anti-fouling compositions; builders materials; ceramics; distempers; electrical valves; enamels; explosives; fillers; fireworks; fluorescent lamps; glazes; glues; inks; lacquer solvents; loading materials; matches; motor fuels and lubricants; paints other than pharmaceutical paints; photographic paper; pigments; plastics; propellants; rubber; varnishes 4 This list only provides the names, both Chinese and English, of dangerous drugs listed under paragraph 1(a) of Part I dangerous drugs; please refer to the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap.134) for the full list of Part I and other parts of dangerous drugs. 5 According to regulation 2 of the Antibiotics Regulations, the substances specified and defined in Schedule 1 and their salts and their derivatives and the salts of such derivatives regardless of the method of production are also controlled under the Antibiotics Ordinance (Cap. 137). Last update: February 2009 50