(ii) 下列管理子基金資產之公司亦將更名 變更前公司名稱 保誠資產管理 ( 新加坡 ) 有限公司 Prudential Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 變更後公司名稱瀚亞投資 ( 新加坡 ) 有限公司 Eastspring Investments (Hon

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英國保誠國際基金公司可變資本投資公司註冊辦事處地址 :2-4 rue Eugène Ruppert L-2453 Luxembourg Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxembourg B 81110 股東通知謹通知英國保誠國際基金公司 ( 以下簡稱 本公司本公司 ) 之股東, 本公司董事會 ( 以下簡稱 董事會 ) 決議修訂 2011 年 6 月版公司公開說明書 ( 下稱 公開公開說明書說明書 ) 主要變動概述如下 : (a) 董事會決議自 2012 年 2 月 14 日起, 將本公司名稱變更為 瀚亞投資, 因此 : (i) 子基金更名如下 : 變更前基金名稱英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠全球科技基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠全球基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠亞太股票基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠亞洲基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠亞太基礎建設基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠中印基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠大中華基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠拉丁美洲基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠泛歐基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠中國基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠香港基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠印度基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠印尼基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠日本股票基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠泰國基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠亞洲債券基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠亞洲當地貨幣債券基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠歐洲投資等級債券基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠美國複合收益債券基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠公司債基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠美國特優級債券基金英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠美國高收益債券基金 ( 本基金主要係投資於非投資等級之高風險債券 ) 英國保誠國際基金公司 保誠美國優質債券基金 變更後基金名稱瀚亞投資 全球科技股票基金瀚亞投資 全球價值股票基金瀚亞投資 亞太股票基金瀚亞投資 亞洲股票基金瀚亞投資 亞太基礎建設股票基金瀚亞投資 中印股票基金瀚亞投資 大中華股票基金瀚亞投資 拉丁美洲股票基金瀚亞投資 泛歐股票基金瀚亞投資 中國股票基金瀚亞投資 香港股票基金瀚亞投資 印度股票基金瀚亞投資 印尼股票基金瀚亞投資 日本股票基金瀚亞投資 泰國股票基金瀚亞投資 亞洲債券基金瀚亞投資 亞洲當地貨幣債券基金瀚亞投資 歐洲投資等級債券基金瀚亞投資 美國複合收益債券基金瀚亞投資 公司債基金瀚亞投資 美國特優級債券基金瀚亞投資 美國高收益債券基金 ( 本基金主要係投資於非投資等級之高風險債券 ) 瀚亞投資 美國優質債券基金 1

(ii) 下列管理子基金資產之公司亦將更名 變更前公司名稱 保誠資產管理 ( 新加坡 ) 有限公司 Prudential Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 變更後公司名稱瀚亞投資 ( 新加坡 ) 有限公司 Eastspring Investments (Hong Kong) Limited (b) 公開說明書依照 2009 年 7 月 13 日 2009/65/ 歐盟理事會指令 ( UCITS 指令 ) 及 2010 年 12 月 17 日盧森堡集體投資計畫 ( 以下稱 2010 年法律 ) 規定修訂 ; (c) 承上所述, 公開說明書附錄四, 投資目標及限制, 已修訂包括 2010 年法律規定之新投資可能性, 交叉投資 ( 於 2012 年 2 月 14 日生效 ) 與主從結構 ( 亦於 2012 年 2 月 14 日生效 ); (d) 修訂公開說明書有關各子基金級別之章節 ; (e) 修訂並補充公開說明書附錄三風險考量 ; (f) 根據 2010 年法律修訂公開說明書 4.3 節 暫停計算資產淨值 之情形 ( 此變更將於 2012 年 2 月 14 日生效 ); (g) 公開說明書 8.2 節 清算 子基金的合併 修訂如下 (i) 修訂清算或合併各子基金級別之規定 (ii) 當淨值低於董事會就該子基金或級別決定之符合經濟效益方式運作之最低數額時, 授權董事會得清算或合併子基金 / 級別 ; 及 (iii) 根據 2010 年法律修訂以多數決議合併子基金之方式與最低法定人數規定 ( 此變更將於 2012 年 2 月 14 日生效 ); (h) 本公司年報將不再郵寄至股東登記地址, 股東得向本公司註冊辦事處索取 股東若不同意 c) f) 及 g) 之變更, 得於 2012 年 2 月 13 日以前申請贖回股份, 該贖回不會產生任何費用 此外, 董事會謹通知下列子基金股東相關異動 : 謹通知英國保誠國際基金 -- 全球基金之股東 英國保誠國際基金 -- 全球基金 : 目前, 保誠資產管理 ( 新加坡 ) 有限公司指派三位投資協管經理人負責該子基金資產之投資管理 :M&G Investment Management Limited 針對歐洲之投資,Prudential Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 針對亞太地區不含日本之投資,PPM America, Inc. 針對美國之投資 由於集團內部投資團隊組織重整,Prudential Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited 將自 2012 年 2 月 14 日起卸任英國保誠國際基金 - 全球基金在亞太地區不含日本的基金協管經理人職務 此變更將不影響子基金之投資管理或本公司應付之費用 ; 股東若反對上述變更, 得於 2012 年 2 月 13 日以前申請贖回股份, 該贖回不會產生任何費用 以下略 若您對上述之變更有任何疑問, 請與本公司或您當地之代表聯絡 修訂後之公開說明書將置於本公司註冊辦事處免費供投資人索取 2012 年 1 月 3 日英國保誠國際基金依董事會命令發佈 2

INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUNDS Société d'investissement à Capital Variable Registered Office: 2-4 rue Eugène Ruppert L-2453 Luxembourg Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxembourg B-81 110 NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS This document is important and requires your immediate attention. If in doubt, contact your professional adviser. Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of International Opportunities Funds (the "SICAV") that the board of directors of the SICAV (the "Board of Directors") has decided to amend the prospectus of the SICAV dated June 2011 (the "Prospectus"). The main changes made to the Prospectus can be summarised as follows: a) The Board of Directors has decided to rename the SICAV to "Eastspring Investments" with effect as of 14 February 2012. Consequently: (i) the sub-funds shall be renamed as follows: Current Sub-Fund Name New Sub-Fund Name New Sub-Fund Short Name Global Bond Navigator Bond Navigator Fund Bond Navigator Fd Global Equity Navigator Equity Navigator Fund Eq Navigator Fund Global Market Navigator Market Navigator Fund Mkt Navigator Fund Asian Dynamic China China China Dynamic Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa (ex South Africa) Dynamic Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Dynamic Global Emerging Markets Dynamic Japan Dynamic Global Emerging Markets Equity Global Mining and Energy Global Technology World Value Equity Asian Equity Income Asia G.E.M. Income Balanced Asia Pacific Equity Asian Consumer Equity Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa (ex South Africa) Emerging Europe, Middle East and Africa Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Mining and Energy Fund Technology Fund World Value Equity Income Fund Asia G.E.M. Income Balanced Fund Asia Pacific Consumer 3 EMEA (ex SA) EMEA EM EM Mining & Energy Fd Technology Fund World Value Equity Income Fund Asia G.E.M. Income Bal Fd Asia Pacific Consumer Equity Fd

Asian Equity Asian Infrastructure Equity Infrastructure Infra Asian Property Securities Property Securities Fund Property Sec Fund Asian Recovery Recovery Fund Recovery Fund Asian Small Cap Equity Small Cap Small Cap Equity Fd Dragon Peacock Dragon Peacock Fund Dragon Peacock Fund Emerging Asia Equity Emerging Asia Emerging Asia Greater China Equity Greater China Greater China Latin American Equity Latin American Latin American Equity Fd Pan European Pan European Fund Pan European Fund Brazil Equity Brazil Brazil China Equity China China China Nextgen Leaders China Nextgen Leaders Fund Eastspring Investments - China Nextgen Leaders Fd Hong Kong Equity Hong Kong Hong Kong ICICI India Multi-Cap ICICI India Multi-Cap Fund ICICI India Multi-Cap Fd India Equity India Infrastructure Equity Infrastructure Infra India Nextgen Leaders Nextgen Leaders Fund Nextgen Leaders Fd Indonesia Equity Indonesia Indonesia Japan Equity Japan Smaller Companies Smaller Companies Fund Smaller Co Fund Malaysia Equity Malaysia Malaysia North America North America Fund North America Fund North American Value North American Value Fund North American Value Fund Philippines Equity Philippines Philippines South Africa Equity South Africa South Africa Thailand Equity Thailand Thailand Vietnam Equity Vietnam Vietnam Asia-Focus Total Return Bond Asia-Focus Total Return Bond Fund Asia- Foc Total Rtn Bd Fd Bond 4

Asian Bond Fund Bond Fund Asian High Yield Bond High Yield Bond Fund High Yield Bond Fd Asian Local Bond Local Bond Fund Local Bond Fund European Investment Grade Bond European Investment Grade Bond Fund Eur Inv Grade Bond Fund Global Emerging Markets Bond Emerging Markets Bond Fund EM Bond Fund Global High Yield Bond High Yield Bond Fund High Yield Bond Fd US Bond US Bond Fund US Bond Fund US Corporate Bond US Corporate Bond Fund US Corporate Bond Fund US High Investment Grade Bond US High Investment Grade Bond Fund US High Inv Grade Bond Fd US High Yield Bond US High Yield Bond Fund US High Yield Bond Fund US US Inv US Investment Grade Bond Investment Grade Bond Fund Grade Bond Fund (ii) the following entities involved in the management of the assets of the sub-funds shall be renamed: Current Entity Name New Entity Name Prudential Asset Management (Singapore) Limited Eastspring Investments (Singapore) Limited Prudential Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited Eastspring Investments (Hong Kong) Limited b) Relevant updates have been made throughout the Prospectus with regard to the implementation of Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Union Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 and the Law of 17 December 2010 (the "2010 Law"); c) In furtherance of the above, Appendix 4 "Investment Objectives and Restrictions" of the Prospectus has been amended to include most notably the new investment possibilities for cross-investment (effective from 14 February 2012) and master-feeder structures (also effective from 14 February 2012) as offered by the 2010 Law; d) The sections of the Prospectus relating to the characteristics of the sub-funds and their share classes have been generally revisited; e) Appendix 3 "Risk Considerations" of the Prospectus has been amended and supplemented; f) Section 4.3 "Suspension of the determination of the Net Asset Value" of the Prospectus has been amended to extend the situations in which the determination of the net asset value of a sub-fund can be suspended as per the 2010 Law (such amendment being effective from 14 February 2012); g) Section 8.2 "Liquidation Merger of Sub-Funds" of the Prospectus has been amended inter alia to (i) extend the provisions applicable to the liquidation or merger of sub-funds to share classes thereof; (ii) authorise the Board of Directors to liquidate or merge sub-funds/share classes when their assets fall below "a certain amount to be determined by the Board" as the minimum level for economically efficient operation of a sub-fund or share class thereof; and (iii) revise the quorum and majority requirements applicable to mergers of sub-funds/share classes decided by the shareholders in accordance with the 2010 Law (such amendments being effective from 14 February 2012); h) Financial reports of the SICAV will no longer be mailed to shareholders but shall now be made available only at the registered office of the SICAV. Until 13 February 2012, existing shareholders who do not consent to the changes stated under c), f) and g) shall be entitled to request the redemption of their shares without redemption fees. In addition thereto, the Board of Directors would like to inform the shareholders of the following sub-funds of the changes made to the sub-fund(s) in which they invest: Notice to the shareholders of the " World Value Equity" sub-fund Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of the " World Value Equity" sub-fund (the "Sub-Fund") that: Currently, the Investment Manager, Prudential Asset Management (Singapore) Limited, has appointed three Investment Sub-Managers in respect of the investment management of the Sub-Fund s assets: 5

M&G Investment Management Limited for investments in Europe, Prudential Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited ( PAMHK ) for investments in the Asia Pacific ex Japan Region, and PPM America, Inc. for investments in the US. Due to an internal re-arrangement within the Investment Manager s group, the management of assets in the Asia Pacific ex Japan Region will be moved from PAMHK to the Investment Manager, and therefore, with effect from 14 February 2012, PAMHK will be removed from the role of Investment Sub-Manager of the Sub-Fund. This change will not have any impact to the investment management of the Sub-Fund or to the fees payable by the SICAV. Until 13 February 2012, existing shareholders who do not consent to the above changes shall be entitled to request the redemption of their shares without redemption fees. Notice to the shareholders of the "International Opportunities Funds - Global Market Navigator" subfund Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of the "International Opportunities Funds - Global Market Navigator" sub-fund that the Board of Directors has decided to rename the current "D DJ -JPY" share class to "D JDQ JPY". Notice to the shareholders of the " Asian Equity Income" sub-fund Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of the " Asian Equity Income" sub-fund that the Board of Directors has decided to rename the current "D D -USD" share class to "D DH USD". Notice to the shareholders of the " European Investment Grade Bond" sub-fund Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of the " European Investment Grade Bond" sub-fund that the Board of Directors has decided to rename the current "D-EUR" share class to "D E EUR". Notice to the shareholders of the " US Bond" sub-fund Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of the " US Bond" sub-fund that the Board of Directors has decided to rename the current "D D -USD" share class to "D DQ USD". Notice to the shareholders of the " US Corporate Bond" sub-fund Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of the " US Corporate Bond" sub-fund that the Board of Directors has decided to rename (i) the current "D D -USD" share class to "D DQ USD"; and (ii) the current "C D -USD" share class to "C DY USD". * * * * If you have any questions or concerns about the foregoing, please contact the SICAV or the representative of the SICAV in your jurisdiction. The revised Prospectus will be at the disposal of investors, free of charge, at the registered office of the SICAV shortly. 3 January 2012 INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUNDS By order of the Board of Directors 6