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1 目 錄 1. 簡 介 一 般 甄 試 程 序 第 一 階 段 的 準 備 第 二 階 段 的 準 備 每 間 學 校 的 面 試 方 式 各 程 序 我 的 做 法 心 得 及 筆 記 結 論..

P(x,y) P(x-1,y) P(x,y-1) P(x,y+1) P(x+1,y) Sobel LaplacePrewittRoberts Sobel [2] Sobel [6] 0 1 1: P(x,y) t (4-connectivity) 2: P(x,y) t 3:

a b

,.,, [9] Harris, Hausdorff, ; [10],,,. [11],,,,,., [12 13] ; [14], ;,,.,,., ( ), [15 17],. Tsang [15],,,. Tsang [16] (Simple genetic algorithm







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书 名 : 额 尔 古 纳 河 右 岸 作 者 : 迟 子 建 出 版 社 : 北 京 十 月 文 艺 出 版 社 出 版 日 期 : 开 本 : 正 16 开 页 数 :262 ISBN:



)001 (131 ) : ISBN / :


书 名 : 作 者 : 出 版 社 : 中 国 电 影 出 版 社 版 权 所 有 : 烨 子 工 作 室 类 别 : 中 国 传 世 情 爱 小 说 出 版 时 间 :2005 年 10 月 字 书 数 :150 千 字 号 :ISBN /B 0030






****************************************************** Fundamentals of TV Tracking ****************************************************** ( ),,, :,,,,,, 1998 9 ( ISBN 7-118-01911-9),,, 1999 5 20 Email: **********************************************************,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1997.6

...1 1.1...1 1.2...2 1.3...3 1.4...3 1.5...4...5 2.1...5 2.2...5 2.3...7 2.4...9 2.5...10 2.6...11...13 3.1...13 3.2...13 3.3...14 3.4...14 3.5...15 3.6...16 3.7...17...19 4.1...19 4.2...19 4.3...20 4.4...20 4.5...21 4.6...23 4.7...24 4.8 /...24 4.9...25...26 5.1...26 5.2...26 5.3...29 5.4...30 5.5...33 5.6...35 5.7...37 -M1-

5.8...38 5.9...40 5.10...42...43 6.1...43 6.2...43 6.3...43 6.4...44 6.5...46 6.6...48 6.7...49...50 7.1...50 7.2...51 7.3...53 7.4...54 7.5...56 7.6...57 7.7...58 7.8...60 7.9...61...62 8.1...62 8.2...62 8.3...63 8.4...65 8.5...65 8.6...66 8.7...67...68 9.1...68 9.2...68 9.3...69 9.4...70 9.5...70...71 10.1...71 10.2...71 10.3...71 10.4...72...73...74 -M2-

Fundamentals of TV Tracking CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction...1 1.1 Foreword...1 1.2 Constitution of TV Tracker...2 1.3 TV Information Processor...3 1.4 Classification of TV Tracker...3 1.5 Compatibility of TV and FLIR (Thermo-Imager)...4 Chapter 2 TV Camera...5 2.1 Introduction...5 2.2 Luminous intensity and Brightness Illuminance...5 2.3 Optical Lens...7 2.4 Image Pick-up Device...9 2.5 Auto-Iris and Filter...10 2.6 TV Signal...11 Chapter 3 Coordinate and Electronic Window...13 3.1 Image Function...13 3.2 TV Image Function...13 3.3 Frame Coordinate and Field Coordinate...14 3.4 Correspondence between Time and Position.14 3.5 Scanning Coordinate Generator...15 3.6 Application of Scanning Coordinate...16 3.7 Electronic Window Generator...17 Chapter 4 Video Processing...19 4.1 Introduction...19 4.2 Selection of Bandwidth of Video Amplifier 19 4.3 Exclusion of Average Background...20 4.4 Threshold Processing and Histogram of Gray Levels...20 4.5 Compensation of Black Spot...21 4.6 Edge Enhancement...23 4.7 Video Mixing...24 4.8 Video A/D Conversion...24 4.9 Brief Summary...25 Chapter 5 Contrast Tracking...26 5.1 Introduction...26 -M3-

5.2 Contrast...26 5.3 Edge Tracking...29 5.4 Geometric Centroid Tracking...30 5.5 Centroid Tracking...33 5.6 Analogous Centroid Solver...35 5.7 Dual Gate Tracking...37 5.8 Peak-Value Tracking...38 5.9 Measurement of Target Image Feature...40 5.10 Brief Summary...42 Chapter 6 Introduction of Correlation Tracking...43 6.1 Foreword...43 6.2 Template and Similarity...43 6.3 Image Coordinate...43 6.4 Matrix and Vector Expression of Image...44 6.5 Distance Measurement of Similarity...46 6.6 Crosscorrelation Measurement of Similarity.48 6.7 Brief Summary...49 Chapter 7 Absolute Difference Method of Correlation Tracking...50 7.1 Introduction...50 7.2 Search Area and Template Area...51 7.3 Constitution of Correlation Processor...53 7.4 Arithmetic Unit...54 7.5 Clock Generator...56 7.6 Writing Address Generator...57 7.7 Reading Address Generator...58 7.8 Similarity Distance Comparator...60 7.9 Brief Summary...61 Chapter 8 Concepts of Pattern Recognition and Moment Vector Method...62 8.1 Introduction...62 8.2 Definition of Moments and Uniqueness Theorem Concerning Moments...62 8.3 Central Moments and Their Invariance under Translation...63 8.4 Moment Invariants under Similitude Transformations...65 8.5 Moment Invariants under Rotations...65 8.6 Moment Vector Method...66 8.7 Brief Summary...67 -M4-

Chapter 9 Realization of Some Special Functions...68 9.1 Introduction...68 9.2 Automatic Search and Automatic Capture...68 9.3 Detection of Moving Targets...69 9.4 Image Gray Level Transformation...70 9.5 Brief Summary...70 Chapter 10 General Parts of TV Tracker...71 10.1 Introduction...71 10.2 Tracking Platform...71 10.3 Constitution of Close-Loop Control System.71 10.4 Brief Summary...72 To Conclude...73 References...74

1.1,,,,,,, 1944 8, -4,,, 1991,, ; ( ),,,, ; --,, ; ;,,,,,,, (),,,,,,,--,,,,, -1-

,,,,,, 1.2 (),( ) 1.2.1 ;( ), ();, 1.2.1,,,,, ();

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,,,,,, :, 20-4-

9.1,,,,,, 9.2,, ;,, ;,,, 9.2.1 9.2.1 ( ) A B, AB : A A; B B ; B A C; B D, A, ; B, : B PB VB; A PB, A VA C VC; V =V A VC, V,, (

), A,, ( );,, -68-, 9.3,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ( ), 9.3.1 9.3.1 9.3.1,,,, ( ),

, C C XY ( ), ;,,,,,,, 9.3.1, 7.4.1 7.4.2 ; -69-9.4,,, R, S, ( ), S = (R) (9.4.1), f(x,y) f(x,y),

9.4.1 9.4.1 : EPROM R, S, EPROM, R S : S= (R) ;, R S, S EPROM,, EPROM,, 9.5,,,,,,,,,, -70-

10.1,,,,,,, 10.1.1 10.1.1 10.2,,,,,, ( ), :,,,,

, ; 10.3, ( ); ( -71- ) 10.1.1,,, ( ), ( );,,,, ( ),,,, ; ( ), 10.1.1,, 10.1.1, 400,,, 10.4

,,,, -72-,,,,,,, -73-1()(RCA)... :, 1978 2(). TTL.. :, 1982 3.. :, 1971 4. :. :, 1982 5.. :, 1979 6.. :, 1980 7Julius T Tou, Rafael C Gonzalez. Pattern Recognition Principles. U.S.A: Addison--Wesley Publishing Company, 1974 8Ming Kuei Hu. Visual Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariants. IRE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol IT-8, pp 179, february, 1962 9George S Sebestyen. Recognition of Membership in Classes. IRE Transactions on Information Theory,Vol IT-7,pp 44, january, 1961 10H S Ranganath. Hardware Implementation of Image Registration Algorithms. Image and Vision Computing, Vol 4 No 3, august, 1986 11.. :, 1985 12.. :, 1987

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