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土壤 (Soils), 2016, 48(1): 000 000 DOI: 10.13758/ 1 奶牛粪蚯蚓堆肥的基质配方及对草莓育苗的影响 1,2 1,2 1,2 3 4 1,2 1,2,5* 3 (1 210095 2 210095 3 210046 4 210042 5 215155) ( ) 1/3 ( 50% ) (SPAD ) SPAD S604+.3 [1] [2] [3] 1973 2 (Eisenia fetida) [4-5] [6] Zaller [7] Wang [8] [9] (2015-Z42)(CX(13)3037) (1301070C) * ( (1990 ) E-mail: 2013103021@

2 48 1 1.1 1.2 5 1 4 25% 50% 75% 100%.... = 4.. 1.. 1(CK)...... = 3.. 1.. 1.. 1(T1)...... = 2.. 2.. 1.. 1(T2)...... = 1.. 3.. 1.. 1(T3).... = 4.. 1.. 1 (T4) 1 3 15 1 m 25 cm 15 cm 14 7 30 cm ( ) 15 cm (g/cm 3 ) Table 1 表 1 育苗基质材料的理化性质 Physical and chemical properties of substrate materials (%) ph EC (ms/cm) N P 2 O 5 0.75 69.20 6.85 1.13 385.6 13.4 23.4 21.2 0.26 63.08 5.39 0.11 448.9 7.0 2.7 9.0 0.39 74.42 7.03 - - - - - 0.11 76.17 8.44 - - - - - K 2 O 1 1 15% ~ 30% GM 20-20-20(N.. P.. K 20%.. 20%.. 20%) 8 ~ 10 g/ 3 15 ~ 20 20% 3% 70% 12.5% 10% 1.3 ph EC [10] (4 29 ) (5 19 ) (6 19 ) 3 (8 25 ) 105 30 min 80 [10] LA1600+ Canada Winrhizo2003b 2 [11] (SPAD ) SPAD502 2 [12] 1.4 SPSS 19.0 Origin 8 (LSD) 2 2.1 2 ph 6.4 ~ 7.0 ph EC 0.49 ~ 1.53 ms/cm 0.36 ~ 0.70 g/cm 3 71.18% ~ 82.08% 261.1 ~ 292.2 g/kg N P 2 O 5 K 2 O 40 ~ 56 g/kg ph EC

1 3 2.2 2.2.1 3 T2 17 T4 9 (g/cm 3 ) 表 2 不同比例复配的草莓育苗基质的理化性状 Table 2 Physical and chemical properties of different substrates (%) EC (ms/cm) ph N P 2 O 5 CK 0.24 86.03 0.16 6.37 335.4 7.7 12.4 15.9 T1 0.36 82.07 0.49 6.44 292.1 8.9 16.6 16.2 T2 0.49 77.78 0.67 6.64 276.5 10.3 19.9 19.1 T3 0.57 75.14 0.98 6.81 265.5 11.1 22.4 19.3 T4 0.69 71.18 1.52 7.00 261.1 12.1 22.6 20.5 表 3 不同处理基质对草莓繁苗数的影响 ( 平均值 ± 标准差 ) Table 3 Effects of different substrates on germination numbers of strawberry CK T1 T2 T3 T4 ( ) 16 0.33 a 13 0.33 b 17 0.67 a 14 0.88 b 9 0.33 c P<0. 05 K 2 O 2.2.2 1 T2 T2 CK T2 14.02% 20.37% 20.38% T2 43.47 cm ( CK) 22.56% T4 图 2 不同处理基质对草莓母株冠幅的影响 Fig. 2 Effects of different substrates on stem diameters of strawberry ( P< 0.05 ) Fig. 1 图 1 不同处理基质对草莓母株株高的影响 Effects of different substrates on plant heights of strawberry 2 T1 T2 T3 CK T2 T2 41.47 cm 2.2.3 4 T2 91.60 18.22 22.81 3.17 g/

4 48 表 4 不同处理基质对草莓母株生物量的影响 Table 4 Effects of different substrates on biomasses of strawberry CK 39.60 5.70 b 10.58 2.43 b 7.32 1.38 b 1.48 0.35 b T1 44.86 1.40 b 11.27 1.75 b 9.34 0.64 b 1.63 0.32 b T2 91.60 13.54 a 22.81 5.07 a 18.22 2.74 a 3.17 0.73 a T3 47.97 7.54 b 12.87 0.34 b 10.31 1.93 b 1.89 0.14 b T4 34.46 7.01 b 7.64 1.41 b 7.57 1.44 b 1.09 0.19 b 2.2.4 3 T2 CK 60.36% 56.32% 59.70% 77.04% T2 2.2.5 SPAD 4 Fig. 3 图 3 不同处理基质对草莓母株根系的影响 Effects of different substrates on root growths of strawberry 图 4 Fig. 4 不同处理基质对草莓母株 SPAD 值的影响 Effects of different substrates on SPADs of strawberry SPAD T2 SPAD T1 T2 SPAD SPAD SPAD ( ) 5 T2 T3 T4 2.3 5 T2 SPAD T2 CK 30.78% T2

1 5 图 5 不同处理基质对草莓母株叶片过氧化物酶活性的影响 Fig. 5 Effects of different substrates on peroxidase activities of strawberry 表 5 Table 5 不同处理基质对草莓一级子苗生长的影响 Effects of different substrates on growths of strawberry (cm) (cm 2 ) SPAD CK 13 1.00 ab 16.00 1.21 b 25.29 0.47 c 45.90 1.64 ab T1 10 1.00 b 19.03 0.50 ab 29.78 0.41 b 44.90 0.75 ab T2 17 1.20 a 22.90 1.22 a 32.15 0.47 a 57.53 0.54 a T3 10 1.00 b 17.23 1.29 b 30.25 0.24 b 46.37 0.41 b T4 10 1.00 b 16.43 1.83 b 25.05 0.85 c 43.00 0.81 c SPAD CK 43.13% 27.11% 25.34% T2 3 [13] SPAD [14] Premizic [15] Atiyeh [16] 25% ~ 50% ( ) 40% T2 (: : : 2.. 2.. 1.. 1) 0.20 g/cm 3 87.47% ph 6.64 EC 0.67 ms/cm T2 SPAD T4 (: : 4.. 1.. 1) (EC) [17 18] EC 2.6 ms/cm [19] 2.0 ms/cm [20] 1/3 [1],,,. [J]., 2013, 34(7): 2 766 2 774 [2],,,. [J]., 2010, 26(6): 1 459 1 464 [3],. [J]., 2006, 8(1): 6 13 [4],,,.., 2013, 45(2): 313 318 [5],,,. [J/OL]., 2015, 52(6): 1 209 1 225 [6] Hemati A, Alikhani H A, Marandi G B, et al. Assessment of the possibility of humic acid fxtraction from vermicompost with urea[m]//xu J M, Wu J J, He Y. Functions of natural organic matter in changing environment. Netherlands: Springer, 2013: 225 228 [7] Zaller J G. Vermicompost in seedling potting media can affect germination, biomass allocation, yields and fruit quality of three tomato varieties[j]. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2007, 43: S332 S336

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