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C H I N A P E T R O L E U M E X P L O R A T I O N structure has large amount of traps with 29 structural traps on top Aradeiba A. Abu Gabra formation source rock and multiple sets of reservoirs including Bentiu, Aradeiba, Zarqa, Ghazal and Baraka, etc, form the multi-oil-water system called "stacked plate pattern" reservoirs which have many oil-bearing formations and long oil-bearing well sections. Most are layered reservoirs. Analysis of key factors of reservoir accumulation indicated that the major faults are the vertical migration pathways of hydrocarbons. Oil and gas accumulated along the major faults. The lateral sealing condition was crucial to form an effective fault-block trap. Key words: Great Unity Oilfield; trap; reservoir accumulation conditions; reservoir feature; key factor Characteristics and Implications of Marcellus Shale Gas Reservoir, Appalachian Basin/Meng Qingfeng 1,2, Hou Guiting 1,2 //1. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belt and Crustal Evolution, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871; 2. Institute of Oil and Gas Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871 Abstract: With the development of horizontal well technique and hydraulic cracking skills, shale gas has been developed successfully and has become one of the most important unconventional gas types. In particular, Marcellus shale gas, which owns the largest resource in North America, has been paid great attention to. According to former research data, this paper analyzed the thickness, organic matter type and abundance, maturity, porosity and permeability, etc. of Devonian Marcellus black shale, and focused on the analysis of characteristics and formation mechanism of microfracture. Comparing the geological features of Marcellus shale gas reservoir with those of Barnett with the highest production in the Fort Work Basins, North America, it was discovered that both reservoirs owned similar structural and depositional settings, and Marcellus shale had better petroleum geology indexes in some perspectives and was considered to have broad prospect for development in the future. North America's shale gas play theory was not suitable for China, due to China's special geological conditions. A conclusion was drawn that with enough area and thickness, most black shale was likely to develop shale gas plays. It was indicated that several marine dark shale layers in the Upper Yangtze region and non-marine dark shale layers in other regions in China had great potential in shale gas storage, through integrated research and balance of geological indexes. Key words: shale gas; Marcellus shale; geological feature; Barnett shale; shale gas in China Application of Analogy Technology to CBM Reserves Evaluation/Li Mingzhai, Liao Qianyu, Ding Rong, Zhang Fang, Li Li//PetroChina CBM, Beijing 100028 Abstract: Distinctive CBM generation law determines that to generate CBM by adequate desorption needs longer production time. So it is difficult to obtain productivity data in a short time, affecting reserves submission. This paper used practical production data to probe into CBM generation law and discuss the characteristics and suitable conditions of various reserves estimating methods. On this basis, it proposed the application of analogy technology, and conducted analogy analysis from geological background, reservoir control and sufficient data recording, electrical property of coal bed, thickness of coal bed producing CBM, CBM content, reservoir property, and the ratio of critical desorption pressure to coal reservoir pressure, so as to comprehensively verify reserves parameters, recovery ratio, productivity potential, and reserves estimation, and make the results more rational, scientific, and accurate. The analogy technology has been applied well in practice and achieved good results. Key words: analogy technology; CBM; CBM generation law; proven reserves; estimation method Utilization Modes and Prospect of PetroChina Developing Geothermal Resources/Wei Wei, Zhang Jinhua, Wang Hongyan//Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development-Langfang, Hebei Province 065007 Abstract: This paper analyzed the geothermal resources characteristic of PetroChina, as well as the superiority of developing geothermal resources, summarized three basic types about the geothermal resources in oil regions, and proposed four modes for developing the geothermal resources, i.e. the mode for developing conventional geothermal water resources, the mode for developing oilfield production water type geothermal resources, the mode for developing shallow geothermal resources, and mode of utilizing mid-low temperature geothermal resource for power generation. According to domestic energy conditions and national policies as well as our own superiority, this paper looked forward PetroChina's prospect for developing geothermal resources. For PetroChina, geothermal resources were rich, and the development & utilization of geothermal resources should rely on oilfields and comprehensive utilization, taking advantage of abandoned wells and oilfield produced water, which could improve working and living environment in oil regions and reduce energy consumption. At the same time, the geothermal resources could be used to generate power in some areas of higher temperature geothermal resources. PetroChina consumed huge energy, owned large space to save energy, and had broad prospect for development and utilization of geothermal resources. Key words: PetroChina; geothermal resources; development and utilization; four modes China Petroleum Exploration