3 Consevatoy of Music 单簧管教师 Clainet Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the development of wold-class ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talen

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附件二 赴德法海外高层次人才招聘职位信息表 -- 上海音乐学院 序号单位名称职位名称职责描述招聘人数学历 / 学位专业要求工作经验其他要求性别年龄薪酬情况备注 Consevatoy of Music 长号教师 Tombone Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the development of wold-class ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 长号 Tombo ne 5 yeas 从事长号专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 ; at least 5 yeas expeiences on tombone teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions Consevatoy of Music 长笛教师 Flute Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the development of wold-class ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 长笛 Flute 5 yeas 从事长笛专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 ; at least 5 yeas expeiences on flute teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat ability to lead the development of thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at education and excellent in both pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions

3 Consevatoy of Music 单簧管教师 Clainet Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the development of wold-class ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 单簧管 Cla inet 5 yeas 从事单簧管专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 have at least 5 yeas expeiences on clainet teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions 4 Consevatoy of Music Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the 小提琴教 development of wold-class 师 Violin ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 小提琴 Viol in 5 yeas 从事小提琴专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 have at least 5 yeas expeiences on violin teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions

5 Consevatoy of Music 大提琴教师 Cello Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the development of wold-class ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 大提琴 Cell o 5 yeas 从事大提琴专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 have at least 5 yeas expeiences on cello teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions 6 Consevatoy of Music 美声教师 Vocal Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the development of wold-class ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 美声 Vocal 5 yeas 从事美声专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 ; at least 5 yeas expeiences on vocal teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat ability to lead the development of thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at education and excellent in both pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions

7 Consevatoy of Music Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the 作曲教师 C development of wold-class ompositio ; Play a leading ole n in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 作曲 Compositio n 5 yeas 从事作曲专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 ; at least 5 yeas expeiences on composition teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions 8 Consevatoy of Music Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the 指挥教师 development of wold-class Conductin ; Play a leading ole g in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 指挥 Conducting 5 yeas 从事指挥专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 ; at least 5 yeas expeiences on conducting teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions

9 Consevatoy of Music 音乐剧教师 Musical play Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the development of wold-class ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 音乐剧 Musi cal Play 5 yeas 从事音乐剧专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 have at least 5 yeas expeiences on musical play teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions 0 Consevatoy of Music 钢琴教师 Piano Cultivate fist class musicians; Contibute to the development of wold-class ; Play a leading ole in a goup of talented musicians fom divese backgounds; Engage in the collaboative innovation of music in an effot to einfoce the wold-class ecognition of highly-anked 钢琴 Piano 5 yeas 从事钢琴专业教学或者主要演奏员经历 5 ; at least 5 yeas expeiences on piano teaching o pefoming. Pize winnes o majo intenational o domestic music competitions ae pefeed; Candidates should possess pofound pofessional level and good academic eputation, with geat ability to lead the development of thei discipline; Candidates ae expected to be enthusiastic fo at education and excellent in both pofessional skills and moal integity, thee ae no estictions 请以中英文填写职位信息表, 反馈至 email: shafealiukai@63.com 洽谈会报名方式 :( 扫码关注公众号 : 中德人才交流中心, 回复 报名, 索要报名表, 我们会有工作人员与您联系!)