Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to this edition of Newsletter. Many wonderful events have taken place this term and I am happy to be able to share

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1 YAYASAN BUDDHA TZU CHI WIYATA Early Childhood - Primary - Secondary Primary School Newsletter this issue Welcome Remarks P.2 Parent Seminar P.3 Indonesian Cultural Week P.4 Basketball Team Update P.6 Competition P.7 Students Participation in HSK Test P.9 Filial Piety Event P.10 Teacheers Day Celebration P.12 Congratulations Scholarship Awardee P.14 Students Q&A P.15 Autumn leaf P1 Students

2 Dear Parents and Guardians, Welcome to this edition of Newsletter. Many wonderful events have taken place this term and I am happy to be able to share those with you through this Newsletter. I am glad to see our Primary 6 students win the scholarship offered by Tzu Chi Secondary School as well as many students winning several competitions out of the school. Be it Sakamoto Mathematics competition, participation in Basketball competition, Eye Level Math Olympiad and even ICAS. I sincerely congratulate our student from P5 Love, Ryan Suwandi who was awarded with not only one medal but two. In students daily lives, they also work hard to perform the Tzu Chi Values of independence. They were taught daily life skills in school and were assessed. Simple skills starting from clipping their own nails, cleaning their workspace until basic skills in the kitchen were taught in the lesson. This is to prepare the students for the real life situation and we believe this will help students enhance their problem solving and decision making skills. As a culmination event, we believe that filial piety is the core of all good deeds and by hosting 2016 Filial Piety event, we were touched to see so many parents participated in this event. Most importantly, seeing the children express their love to their parents inspired all of us to also show gratitude to our parents. Lastly, it is always our commitment to educate students to become a competent learner with good values and character. We believe they should also understand and appreciate the culture of the nation, Indonesia and this year s Indonesian Cultural Week was as entertaining and full of learning as before. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of Newsletter. I also would like to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year I hope you will have a great time bonding with your children during this break and I wish Year 2017 will be even better for all of us. Regards, Caroline Widjanarko 2

3 Parenting Seminar: Nutrition for Children s Growth and Development -Ms Mei - Healthy eating and proper nutrition are particularly important for children. This is because nutrition and lifestyle influence children s well-being, growth and development. On the contrary, trends in overweight and obesity in children have become worrying. Therefore, Tzu Chi Primary School held a parenting seminar themed Proper Nutrition for Children s Growth and Development. The keynote speaker, Dr Florentina M. Rahardja, M. Gizi., SpGK is a doctor specializing in nutrition who has a medical office in Royal Taruma Hospital and is also a lecturer at Atmajaya Medical School. Dr Florentina emphasized the importance of proper nutrition for children, because it affects the brain s cells and connections, which impact the physical and psychological health of our kids. Children need to consume carbohydrates, cholesterol, protein, vitamins, minerals and fats in sufficient amounts. However, in recent years, many children tend to consume more fats and excessive carbohydrates which come from junk food. Dr Florentina also mentioned the fact is that I in 3 children are overweight. Therefore, parents must gain more knowledge about the differences between good and bad carbohydrates. Parents were also advised to restrict their children s consumption of large amounts of sugar, syrup and honey. Instead, this can be replaced with more The material presented by Dr Florentina at the seminar attracted question after question from parents, especially the mothers. From the question and answer session, parents became more knowledgeable about nutrients contained in the food served to their children, as well as ideas on how to cook healthier. Before wrapping up her presentation, Dr Florentina also motivated the parents to always eat in a healthy manner and mentioned the old saying, you are what you eat. worrying. Therefore, Tzu Chi Primary School held a parenting seminar themed Proper Nutrition for Children s Growth and Development. The keynote speaker, Dr Florentina M. Rahardja, M. Gizi., SpGK is a doctor specializing in nutrition who has a medical office in Royal Taruma Hospital and is also a lecturer at Atmajaya Medical School. 3

4 Indonesian Cultural Week -Ms Putri- Indonesia adalah negara yang sangat kaya akan budayanya. Indonesia memiliki berbagai ragam suku, agama, dan bahasa. Setiap provinsi di Indonesia memiliki tradisi dan kebudayaannya masingmasing. Keanekaragaman dan perbedaan inilah yang menjadi ciri khas bangsa Indonesia yang memiliki semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, meski berbeda, tetap satu jua. Keanekaragaman ini tidak menjadikan bangsa terpecah belah, tetapi justru menambah kesatuan dan persatuan rakyat Indonesia. Membangun rasa kepedulian terhadap kelestarian budaya bangsa juga merupakan salah satu tujuan sekolah Tzu Chi guna mendidik dan menumbuhkan rasa cinta tanah air sebagai warga negara Indonesia yang baik. Melalui Indonesian Cultural Week, sekolah Tzu Chi mengajak para siswa untuk mengenal lebih dalam keanekaragaman budaya Indonesia melalui serangkaian kegiatan yang dapat menumbuhkan rasa bangga terhadap kekayaan budaya yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia. Indonesian Cultural Week tahun ini diselenggarakan pada tanggal Oktober Pada tanggal 26 dan 27 Oktober 2016, para murid mulai diperkenalkan dengan berbagai macam baju adat atau baju tradisional dari 6 provinsi yang berbeda, yaitu; Riau, Bangka Belitung, Jawa Tengah, Kalimantan Barat, Sulawesi Selatan, dan Papua. Para siswa juga mendengarkan broadcast pada saat snack time mengenai Candi Borobudur, angklung, dan makna Peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda. Di jam istirahat, para murid dapat mencoba beberapa permainan tradisional Indonesia, seperti bermain congklak, lompat gunung, lompat tali, bola pingpong, dan sepak takraw. Ketika jam makan siang, beberapa musik lagu daerah dari Indonesia mengiringi warga sekolah menikmati hidangan membawa nuansa yang berbeda saat itu. Puncak acara Indonesian Cultural Week jatuh pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2016, bertepatan dengan peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda. Oleh karena itu, acara ini diharapkan dapat memupuk rasa cinta tanah air siswa sebagai generasi penerus bangsa. Pukul pagi, seluruh siswa berkumpul di aula sekolah lantai 5. Beberapa penampilan dipertunjukkan di atas panggung, di antaranya peragaan baju adat dan vocal group oleh beberapa perwakilan siswa kelas 1 yang menyanyikan lagu anak Indonesia. Di penghujung acara, seluruh guru dan siswa senam poco-poco bersama. Kemudian, para siswa kembali ke kelas masing-masing dan bersiap-siap melakukan kegiatan berikutnya. Indonesian 4

5 Setelah acara pembukaan selesai, para murid pun melakukan projek kelas yang seru dan menyenangkan. Kelas 1 dan kelas 2 mewarnai layang-layang dengan pilihan warna sesuai kreasi mereka yang kemudian dimainkannya di halaman sekolah. Sorak riang anakanak saat bermain layang-layang tampak menggambarkan kegembiraan mereka hari itu. Kelas 3 dan kelas 4 melakukan projek menempelkan guntingan kain perca di atas pola topeng yang ditempel di atas karton yang telah dipersiapkan. Ketekunan dan kreativitas mereka saat menempelkan guntingan kain perca itu membuat kreasi topeng mereka menjadi sangat indah. Di waktu yang berbeda, kelas 5 dan 6 melakukan projek anyaman kertas. Kreativitas mereka dalam membuat pola dan ketelitian mereka dalam pengerjaannya mampu menghasilkan anyaman kertas dengan bentuk dan pola yang bervariasi. Pemilihan kombinasi warna juga membuat karya mereka terlihat hidup dan menarik. Selain melakukan kegiatan projek kelas, para siswa juga melakukan serangkaian kegiatan yang menyenangkan yang tidak kalah serunya, yaitu menari tarian tradisional, bermain permainan tradisional, dan mencicipi jajanan tradisional Indonesia. Antusias anak-anak saat mengikuti gerakan tarian tradisional bisa membuat siapa saja yang melihatnya tertawa geli. Para siswa juga terlihat sangat gembira ketika bermain permainan tradisional Tikus dan Kucing (kelas 3 dan 4) dan sepak takraw (kelas 5 dan 6). Jajanan tradisional Indonesia yaitu kue cubit dan kue putu bambu juga menjadi sesuatu yang spesial pada perayaan Indonesian Cultural Week tahun ini. Tidak hanya dapat mencicipi rasanya yang enak, para murid juga dapat melihat sekilas proses pembuatan kue tradisional tersebut secara langsung. Proses pembuatan kue yang unik ini mampu menarik perhatian siswa pada hari itu. Tiga hari yang penuh dengan suasana kebudayaan Indonesia sekiranya dapat menambah wawasan, pengalaman, dan menumbuhkan rasa bangga siswa terhadap kebudayaan Indonesia. Kebudayaan Indonesia yang beraneka ragam juga kiranya dapat terus dijaga dan dilestarikan oleh Indonesian 5

6 Tim Basket Putra dan Putri SD Tzu Chi -Mr. Erick- Pada tahun ajaran , SD Tzu Chi telah membentuk tim basket putra dan putri U 10 dimana anggotanya adalah beberapa perwakilan dari siswa kelas 5 dan kelas 6. Pada bulan September yang lalu telah diadakan penyeleksian anggota untuk mempersiapkan kejuaraan SPH Cup yang diselenggarakan pada bulan November Tim basket Tzu Chi telah berlatih secara rutin sebanyak 2 kali dalam seminggu. Tim putra dan tim putri dilatih dasar-dasar permainan bola basket guna menambah pengetahuan mereka tentang peraturan bermain bola basket. Selain itu, kekuatan fisik para anggota, kecepatan dalam mempertahankan bola, dan strategi pola menyerang juga dilatih pada setiap pertemuan. Sebelum mengikuti kejuaraan SPH Cup, tim basket ini juga telah mengikuti pertandingan persahabatan melawan Sekolah Kanaan Global dengan hasil yang baik dan membanggakan yaitu tim putra menang dengan skor dan tim putri menang dengan skor Namun, pada kejuaraan SPH Cup itu sendiri, tim basket ini tidak berhasil memenangkan pertandingan. Meskipun demikian, sekolah sangat mengapresiasi semangat dan antusias para tim basket ini karena biar bagaimanapun mereka telah mengerahkan seluruh kemampuan yang dimiliki untuk dapat meraih kemenangan. Berdasarkan pengalaman ini, tim pelatih akan terus berkomitmen untuk mengasah kemampuan bermain basket para tim agar menjadi lebih baik lagi dan matang kedepannya. Dengan berlatih secara rutin, niscaya kemenangan akan dapat diraih pada kejuaraan basket lainnya. Tim Basket Putri Rakeisha Heidi Liem Ashley Thio Jennifer Colin Angela Maria Tandun Angelmeylie Hausen Kaneshia Caroline Ophelia Wijaya Maegan Felicia Chow Aurelia Clarice Chan Jennifer Effendy Jesslyn Aurelia Tjen Janice Elaine Kosasih Tim Basket Putra Austin Tjhai Ferio Hamlet Richard Keitaro Lau Arick Albert Angwyn Howard Sofjan Louis Garcia Calvin Stenny Wilbert Yang Jason Thamrin Richard Rimba Darrien Sky Foeng Brandon Wong 6

7 Sakamoto Maths Competition -Diana Tatamihardja- With the Jing Si Aphorism above used as a guide, several Tzu Chi Primary School students from Primary 1 to Primary 6 joined Maths Competitions on 2 occasions, Kompetisi Matematika Terbuka Sakamoto on 30 October 2016 and Eye Level Maths Olympiad on 12 November In these two competitions the students used their math skills learned in class in new and creative ways. The students competed against children from schools all around Jabotabek, and even though it was a competition and nerves were high, there was a real sense of excitement in the air. The students selected for these competitions have shown a love of Maths and enjoy tackling puzzles and riddles. It was truly a magnificent sight to see the students as they pit their wits against one another. We want to give a special thank you to all teachers who helped make these events run smoothly and especially to those students who worked their hardest in the face of many challenges. Here is the list of winners of the Sakamoto competition: Winners of KMT Sakamoto Tingkat 1 (Grade 1) Axel Troy Sugiarto (Juara 2) P1 Grateful Fayola Victoria Purnomo (Juara 3) P1 Joy Cainan Philipp Johannes (Harapan 1) P1 Love Samantha Audric Hsueh (Harapan 2) P1 Respect Winners of the KMT Sakamoto Tingkat 2 (Grade 2) Dave Bhiyan Bahary (Harapan 1) P2 Joy Thedrick Gregory Tedjaseputera (Harapan 3) P2 Compassion Winners of the KMT Sakamoto Tingkat 3 (Grade 3) Aurelle Faith Widjaja (Harapan 1) P3 Respect Annabelle Clarissa Susanto (Harapan 2) P3 Compassion Isabella Ho (Harapan 3) P3 Honesty Bella Eldora Zhang (Peringkat 7) P3 Kindness Winners of the KMT Sakamoto Tingkat 4 (Grade 4) Marbella Dharmawati Kusnadi (Peringkat 7) P4 Harmony Winners of the KMT Sakamoto Tingkat 6 (Grade 6) William Penn (Harapan 1) P6 Kindness Congratulations to all the winners and participants! 7


9 ICAS Medal Awarding Ceremony -Pia Padilla- Tzu Chi Primary School believes in providing our students with the opportunity to engage in various intra and interschool competitions. The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) was held last September 3, for English and Math and September 17, for Science at the Tzu Chi Primary School. The ICAS Awarding Ceremony was held last December 3, 2016 at the BPPT Auditorium Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 8 Kebon Sirih Jakarta Pusat. One of our students, Ryan Suwandi, had the honour of attending the said event upon the invitation of UniSadhuGuna Testing Centre. He had the distinction of being included in the multiple medal category for his Silver Medal in Mathematics and bronze medal in Science, both for Year 5. He was accompanied by his parents and Form Teacher Ms Risa Gutierrez. Congratulations Ryan! You made us all very proud. 8

10 撰文 : 符文明老师 汉语水平考试 ( 简称 HSK) 为测试母语非汉语者 ( 包括外国人 华侨和中国少数民族考生 ) 的汉语水平而设立的一项国际汉语能力标准化考试 截止 2014 年, 全球共有汉语水平考试考点 860 个, 分布于包括印尼在内的 112 个国家, 成为全球最有影响力, 最具权威性的汉语水平考试 印尼慈濟小学秉承着培养高水平汉 英 印三语人才的原则, 把华文教育融入本土实情积极开展灵活多样的教学活动, 在华文教育的实践中不断创新, 致力于把慈濟的华文教育竖立成印尼华文教育的标杆与旗帜 为了更全面的测试本校学生的汉语水平, 建立学生面向全球竞争的国际视野 慈濟小学从本学年起, 把 HSK 的汉设置为学生的必考项目 在得到报考工作通知后, 在学校和家长的支持与配合下完成了三年级和五年级的学生报名工作, 其中参加 HSK2 的考生有 202 人, 参加 HSK3 考试的学生有 148 人 从 9 月初的报名, 到 9 月中的备考,10 月初的模拟考, 学校的华文部的各位老师为了让学生在考试中取得优异的成绩做了大量的组织筹备工作 10 月 16 日, 慈濟小学的学生穿着整齐的校服, 一部分由家长陪同, 一部分由学校老师带队来到位于在雅加达中部的考场 在入场期间, 同学们整齐列队, 安静入场, 把慈濟学生的良好风范带到了 HSK 的考场, 赢得了考试组织人员的称赞 考试期间, 同学们认真审题, 细心作答 考试结束同学们也是整齐排队, 有序出场 整个考试过程进行地有条不紊, 慈济学生也把平时踏实认真的学习成果展现在汉语水平测试的考场, 绽放成离开考场时自信快乐的笑容 发稿前夕, 汉语水平考试的成绩发布, 慈濟小学也传出喜报, 在本次考试中, 在实际参加 HSK2 考试的 197 人中, 有 194 人合格, 合格率达到 98.4%, 在参加 HSK3 考试的 148 人中有 123 人合格 这样的考试成绩不仅得到了学校领导的肯定, 也赢得了中国国家汉办驻印尼办事处工作人员的表扬 祝愿慈濟学校的华文教育百尺竿头更进一步, 祝愿印尼的华文教育蓬勃开展, 硕果累累! 9

11 孝亲节庆祝活动 孝顺的孩子最有福 撰文 : 许方怡老师 一年一度的孝亲节又在年末热闹登场了, 今年的孝亲日不同于以往, 首次分年级在不同的场地举办, 无论是学年性的大场次庆祝活动, 或是在教室内小而美的温馨聚会, 都使前来参与的家长留下深刻甜美的回忆 每位孩子们也带来自己的竹筒, 贡献一份爱心, 就让我们一起来看看各年级的孝亲节活动吧! 一 二年级 亲恩浴足 传递温情 在一 二年级的活动中, 前半段有孩子们劲歌热舞的舞台表演, 他们透过歌唱 舞蹈 手语表达对父母的爱 紧接著父母欣赏了孩子护蛋回顾影片, 孩子们透过保护蛋宝宝的活动, 体验妈妈怀孕过程的辛劳, 妈妈们看到孩子们在护蛋日的表现, 不禁会心一笑 此时, 孩子们在班主任的带领下, 手捧一盆温水, 从场外慢慢走到父母面前, 学生们跟著老师的口令, 轻轻的为父母脱下鞋子, 温柔的为爸爸妈妈洗脚 按摩, 父母感受到一股暖意从脚传递到心中, 最后以一个拥抱传递彼此最深的爱意 不仅是父母, 老师们对于孩子浴足时的用心也感到欣慰, 原来孩子有无限大的潜能 三年级 亲子合作 框住你我 四年级 奉茶喂食 心有灵犀 在教室举办活动的三 四年级, 各班班主任及学生们在活动前一天即紧锣密鼓地布置教室及亲子拍照空间 活动当天, 一进入教室, 孩子们便拉著爸妈一起拿著别致的小道具拍照, 氣氛特別溫馨 在三年级的活动中, 最特别的就是与爸爸妈妈们一起制作相框, 用彩笔 亮片 胶水等简单的工具彩绘及黏贴 对孩子们来说, 第一次与父母坐在教室完成作品, 心中雀跃不已, 而爸爸妈妈们也有许多巧思 创意, 这个相框再贴上全家的合照, 就成了意义非凡的手工艺术品 四年级的班主任也规划了温馨又有趣的亲子互动, 在活动一开始, 班主任就播放了孩子们对父母表达爱意的影片, 给爸爸妈妈一个惊喜 接著, 每位孩子们捧起一杯热茶, 慢慢的走向父母, 恭敬地为他们奉茶及一份小点心, 爸爸妈妈心中都甜滋滋的 孩子们也拿起用心制作的卡片送给父母, 卡片里尽是对爸妈的爱, 老师也邀请了几位孩子大声朗读内容 最后, 老师还出了几道问题要来考验亲子间的默契, 是否真的了解我最亲爱的人, 有的答案逗的大家呵呵笑呢!! 五年级 牵你的手 甜蜜相拥 六年级 花语传情 舞出幸福 五 六年级的孝亲活动各自在大型场地热闹展开, 这群大孩子们跟父母的距离也许没有像小时候那么贴近, 但透过班主任设计的活动, 让亲子透过游戏拉近距离, 也让父母暂时放下工作 生活的压力, 享受与孩子们相处的时光 像是五年级的孩子们与爸爸妈妈要想办法站在一块报纸上, 随著报纸面积越来越小, 难度也越来越高, 孩子与父母必须想办法紧紧抱在一起, 现场一片温馨又充满欢乐 而六年级的孩子们则是要与爸妈挑战两人三脚的游戏, 与父母的脚绑在一起, 搭肩向前跑, 也是考验著亲子默契, 有的爸爸妈妈不禁紧张起来, 不知道能否跑的快 会不会跌倒, 不过紧张之馀, 开怀的笑容都在脸上洋溢著 活动中有开心 欢笑的时刻, 也有温馨感人的时刻 在一连串的趣味竞赛后, 五 六年级的孩子们手拿一朵花及卡片, 蹲跪在爸爸妈妈面前, 或牵起爸爸妈妈的手, 或给他们一个大拥抱, 一股甜甜的爱流入彼此心中, 最后亲子在动人的歌曲中, 跳一支慢舞, 为今天的活动画下美好的句点 10

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13 -Mr Mike- Benjamin Franklin once said, Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. Every day, teachers wake up early to get themselves ready for work. They come to school early to be ready for another day with their students. For the teachers of Tzu Chi Primary School, the 24th day of November would be a day to remember, it was teacher appreciation day. Weeks before, some teachers and students started planning and preparing how to celebrate the special day. Ideas were pitched and weeks later, D day arrived. Selected students from primary 5 were tasked to come early on that day to help prepare coffee for their teachers. These bunch of students were so excited to make the coffee and deliver them to their assigned teachers. It was just one tiny way to show appreciation for their teachers. The day continued on as the whole primary school gathered at the fifth floor hall for the teacher s day program. Jae Song and Nikita from primary 5 took charge in hosting the event. Grade levels were paired up and the students sang for their teachers when they were called on stage to receive their certificates of appreciation. The students were also able to enjoy the day by joining the guessing game. The hosts read clues about certain teachers and they needed to guess who the teacher was. Chosen students who answered correctly took home prizes from the hosts. The fun didn t stop there. The students went back to their classrooms and continued the fun. Two classes were assigned to join up in one classroom and play games prepared by the primary 5 students who volunteered as game masters. Everyone had fun playing Newspaper Dance, Tennis Ball Relay and Over-Under-Around with their teachers. It was quite tiring preparing and executing everything, but it was sure worth it for our beloved teachers. primary 5 took charge in hosting the event. Grade levels were paired up and the students sang for their teachers when they were called on stage to receive their certificates of appreciation. The students were also able to enjoy the day by joining the guessing game. The hosts read clues about certain teachers and they needed to guess who the teacher was. Chosen students who answered correctly took home prizes from the hosts. The fun didn t stop there. The students went back to their classrooms and continued the fun. Two classes were assigned to join up in one classroom and play games prepared by the primary 5 students who volunteered as game masters. Everyone had fun playing Newspaper Dance, Tennis Ball Relay and Over-Under-Around with their teachers. It was quite tiring preparing and executing everything, but it was sure worth it for our beloved teachers. 12

14 -Mr Brandon- Higher education is one of the most valuable investments any individual can make. It requires commitment to education and discipline to persevere through the academic rigors of daily school life. Merriam-Webster defines a scholar as an intelligent and well-educated person who shows exceptional knowledge in his/her studies. Being an exceptional scholar is not an easy task. Significant time and effort must be put in to many different subjects in order to succeed. But a scholar is not only someone who excels in the classroom, but outside the classroom as well. Our scholarship recipients have shown excellence in what matters most to Tzu Chi teachers, staff and parents, high moral values. Tzu Chi School recognizes the inducted members of the scholarship program who exemplify leadership accomplishments, as well as high academic standing. Congratulations to all scholarship awardees listed below for the academic year ! 13

15 Tzu Chi Students Celebrate Teachers Day Tzu Chi Primary students celebrated Teachers Day on 24th on November It seemed unusual for expat teachers, as they usually celebrate international Teachers Day in October. However, it is part of Indonesia s culture to celebrate Hari Guru Nasional. To begin the day, we made our way to the 5th floor hall where we all played a guessing game. It was a game where the hosts gave clues through some pieces of a teacher s face and students had to guess who he/she was. After playing the game, we all had our snacks in our classrooms. We got extra snacks and a goody bag filled with treats. One of the snacks was a biscuit stick called Pretz. It was everyone s favorite! The students were all happy with the food they received. Then, we all played some games with our form and partner teachers inside the classroom. Some of the games we played were newspaper dance and pass the ball game. All good things must come to an end, as we had to get back to our regular class schedule at 11am. After all the fun we had, we at the Journalism and Broadcasting Club want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to our beloved teachers from the bottom of our hearts. - Isabella Ho (P3 Honesty) On November 24, 2016, the teachers and students at Tzu Chi Primary School celebrated Teachers Day. On that day, both students and teachers wore their PE uniforms. There were games for students and teachers at the 5th floor hall. The school gave certificates to teachers represented by the principal, Ms Caroline. After they went back to their respective classrooms, each student also received a bag filled with snacks and a class photo. They all ate their snacks together during snack time. Classes were then matched up to play fun games together. Two P5 students would come to each classroom and explain the rules of the games. Here was how they played the first game. A teacher from each class had to choose a student of the same gender as them. After that, they would turn on the music. When the music stopped, the teacher and students must stand on a piece of newspaper provided by the student. Each round, the newspaper was folded into 2 so it became smaller and smaller. The next game was passing a tennis ball in a certain way. Each group consisted of 6 students lined up who then had to pass the ball to their friend behind them. The final game was funniest. The students had to put a ball between their legs, jump and then pass the ball to their teammate. Then, it was a race to cross the finish line. The students played until 11 am. After that, they returned to their class and had their regular Thursday schedule. It was great to have fun with the teachers and our friends! The event created bonding between the teachers and their students. Happy Teachers Day! -Graciela Tamnerton (P4 Grateful) 14

16 10 WHY DO YOU LOVE YOUR PARENTS? - Mr Sigit and Mr Ronnel- Our parents raise us so we can grow not just biologically, but also personally, emotionally, and spiritually. Without them we wouldn t survive. In fact, we wouldn t even exist. (Matthew Boody) Tzu Chi Primary School will celebrate Filial Piety in the month of December. In connection to this, the school conducted an interview with some students to ask them this big question, Why do you Love your Parents? Their responses were remarkable: It is because they buy the things I need and want like toys and food. Most of all, I can t live without them. - Mira Hong, P1 Love It is because they take good care of me and love me. They support me with whatever needs and trials may come into my life. - Sherina Susanto, P2 Compassion They always keep an eye out for me and they take good care of me. They understand my feelings when I am down. They are my best friends. I love you mom and dad. Be safe. - Nicole Lien, P3 Respect 15

17 10 We need to love our parents because they are the ones who will help us immediately at any time. They face so many problems to raise us. They support all of what we need in life. - Nicolyn, P4 Grateful It s all because of our parents that we now live a wonderful life. They provide whatever their children need. I respect my parents for this. I am so grateful for my parents love. - Natasha, P5 Harmony All parents have sacrificed so many things in their lives for their children.a mother has given birth to her children. A father has worked hard to support the family, even sometimes he has to come home almost at midnight. Parents teach their children to be disciplined, respectful and successful for the future. I am willing to do anything to pay back what parents have done. - Aurelia, P6 Compassion It is truly amazing that despite of their young minds, they were able to express the reason why they love their parents. Some of them have the same responses and some have different perspectives, but they have only one message that they want to instill in each and every one's mind - 16 Layout editor: Ms Yubao

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