目錄 Contents 壹 申請資格 Eligibility... 1 貳 招生系所與名額 Departments/ Graduate School & Quotas... 3 參 修業年限 Length of Study... 5 肆 申請期限 Application Deadline... 5

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1 致理技術學院 Chihlee Institute of Technology 2015 年外國學生招生簡章 2015 Application for International Students 校址 : Address: 網址 / Website: 中華民國台灣新北市板橋區文化路 1 段 313 號 313, Section 1, Wunhua Road, Banciao District, New Taipei City 22050, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 服務電話 / TEL: ext.1315 傳真電話 / FAX: 致理技術學院招生委員會編印 2015 年 3 月

2 目錄 Contents 壹 申請資格 Eligibility... 1 貳 招生系所與名額 Departments/ Graduate School & Quotas... 3 參 修業年限 Length of Study... 5 肆 申請期限 Application Deadline... 5 伍 申請應繳交文件 Application Documents Required... 5 陸 錄取 Admissions Announcement... 6 柒 報到 Registration... 6 捌 奬學金 Scholarships... 7 附件一申請注意事項 Application Instructions... 8 附件二外國學生入學申請表 Application Form 附件三財力資助證明 Affidavit of Financial Support...13 附件四自傳及讀書計畫 Autobiography and Study Plan 附件五切結書 Declaration 附件六健康檢查證明應檢查項目表 Items Required For Health Certificate 16 附件七致理技術學院外國學生申請入學規定 Regulations Regarding International Students Applying for Admissions...18 附件八致理技術學院外國學生獎學金設置要點 Guidelines for International Student Scholarship Program...26 I

3 壹 申請資格一 具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍, 於申請時並不具僑生資格者, 得依本規定申請入學 二 具外國國籍且符合下列規定, 於申請時並已連續居留海外六年以上者, 亦得依本規定申請入學 : 1. 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者, 應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍 2. 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍, 於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者, 應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年 3. 前二項均未曾以僑生身分在臺就學, 且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發 4. 本項所定六年 八年, 以擬入學當學期起始日期 ( 二月一日或八月一日 ) 為終日計算之 5. 本項所稱海外, 指大陸地區 香港及澳門以外之國家或地區 ; 所稱連續居留, 指外國學生每曆年在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日 但符合下列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 ; 其在國內停留期間, 不併入海外居留期間計算 : A. 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部認定之技術訓練專班 B. 就讀教育部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心, 合計未滿二年 C. 交換學生, 其交換期間合計未滿二年 D. 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習, 實習期間合計未滿二年 三 依教育合作協議, 由外國政府 機構或學校遴薦來臺就學之外國國民, 其自始未曾在臺設有戶籍者, 經主管教育行政機關核准, 得不受前二項規定之限制 四 具外國國籍並兼具中華民國國籍, 且於教育部 外國學生來臺就學辦法 100 年 2 月 1 日修正施行前已提出申請喪失中華民國國籍者, 得依原規定申請入學, 不受第二項規定之限制 五 學歷資格 : 1. 二技部學士班 : 經教育部認可之國外專科以上學校畢業者 2. 四技部學士班 : 經教育部認可之國外公立或已立案之私立高中 職或中五學制以上學校畢業, 並符合下列各該系特別要求申請資格者 3. 碩士班 : 經教育部認可之國內外公私立大學或獨立學院畢業者 附註 :1. 申請資格依本校外國學生申請入學辦法辦理 2. 本校課程以中文授課為主, 申請人須具備基本中文聽說讀寫能力 I. Eligibility 1. An individual of foreign nationality, who has never held nationality status from the Republic of China (R.O.C.) and who does not possess an overseas Chinese student status at the time of their application, is qualified to apply for admission under these regulations. 2. An individual of foreign nationality, pursuant to the following requirements and who has resided overseas continuously for no less than 6 years is also qualified to apply 1

4 for admission under this regulation. (i) An individual who also is a national of the R.O.C., but does not hold or has had a household registration in Taiwan. (ii) An individual of foreign nationality who was also a national of the R.O.C. but has no R.O.C. nationality at the time of their application shall have an annulled status regarding their R.O.C. nationality for no less than 8 years after an annulment of R.O.C. nationality by the Ministry of the Interior. (iii) Regarding individuals mentioned in the preceding 2 subparagraphs, they must not have studied in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student nor received placement permission during the same academic year of the application by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students. (iv) The six year/eight year calculation period as prescribed in Paragraph 2 shall be calculated from the starting date of the semester (February 1st or August 1st) as the designated due date for the time of study. (v) The term overseas as prescribed in Paragraph 2 is limited to countries or regions other than Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau; the term reside overseas continuously means that an individual may stay in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days per calendar year. The only exceptions to this method of calculation are for those who fulfill one of the following requirements with written supported proof; and the said domestic length of stay shall be excluded from the overseas length of residency: (1) Attended overseas youth training courses organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or technical training classes accredited by the Ministry of Education (MOE); (2) Attended a Mandarin Chinese language center at a university/college of which foreign student recruitment is approved by the MOE, and to which the total length of stay is less than 2 years; (3) Exchange students, whose length of total exchange is less than 2 years; or (4) An Internship in Taiwan which has been approved by an authorized central government agency, to which the total length of stay is less than 2 years. 3. According to the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement, a foreign national selected by a foreign government, organization, or school, and does not hold a household registration from the time of their birth is not subject to the limitations as prescribed in the preceding 2 paragraphs after receiving the approval from the authorized educational government agencies. 4. An individual, who has both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and has applied for an annulment of their R.O.C. nationality before February 1, 2011, the effective date of the amendment to Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, is qualified to apply for admission as an international student and will not be subject to the limitation as prescribed in Paragraph 2. 2

5 5. Degree Qualifications: (i) 2 Year Undergraduate Degree Programs: Applicants to any 2 year bachelor degree programs must hold an associate bachelor degree diploma recognized by the R.O.C. (ii) 4 Year Undergraduate Degree Programs: Applicants to any 4 year bachelor degree programs must hold a valid senior high school diploma (including Form 5) recognized by the R.O.C. (iii) Master Degree Program: Applicants to the master degree program must hold a valid bachelor degree recognized by the R.O.C. Applicants must: (1) Satisfy all applicable requirements stated in the Chihlee Institute of Technology (CIT) Regulations for International Student Admissions. (2) Most lectures are conducted in Mandarin. Applicants must possess basic Chinese reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. 貳 招生系所與名額 Departments/ Graduate School & Quotas 編號 (No.) 一 學位別 : 四技部學士班 Degree/Bachelor 4 Year Program 招生名額學系 (Department) (Quota) 國際貿易系 (Department of International Trade) 企業管理系 (Department of Business Administration) 財務金融系 (Department of Finance) 會計資訊系 (Department of Accounting Information) 行銷與流通管理系 (Department of Marketing and Logistics Management) 資訊管理系 (Department of Information Management ) 商務科技管理系 (Department of Commerce Technology and Management) 備註 (Remarks) 課程以中文授課為主, 申請人須具備基本中文聽說讀寫能力 Most lectures are conducted in Mandarin. Applicants must possess basic Chinese reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. 3

6 編號 (No.) 1 2 編號 (No.) 1 2 多媒體設計系 (Department of Multimedia Design) 應用英語系 (Department of Applied English) 應用日語系 (Department of Applied Japanese) 休閒遊憩管理系 (Department of Leisure and Recreation Management) 二 學位別 : 二技部學士班 Degree/Bachelor 2 Year Program 招生名額學系 (Department) (Quota) 財務金融系 (Department of Finance) 行銷與流通管理系 (Department of Marketing and Logistics Management) 三 學位別 : 研究所碩士班 Degree/Master 研究所 (Graduate School) 企業管理系服務業經營管理碩士班 (Department of Business Administration, Master Program of Service Business Management) 國際貿易系碩士班 (Department of International Trade, Master Program) 招生名額 (Quota) 課程以中文授課為主, 申請人須具備基本中文聽說讀寫能力 2. 視力正常無色盲 1.Most lectures are conducted in Mandarin. Applicants must possess basic Chinese reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. 2. Normal vision. No color blindness. 課程以中文授課為主, 申請人須具備基本中文聽說讀寫能力 Most lectures are conducted in Mandarin. Applicants must possess basic Chinese reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. 備註 (Remarks) 課程以中文授課為主, 申請人須具備基本中文聽說讀寫能力 Most lectures are conducted in Mandarin. Applicants must possess basic Chinese reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. 備註 (Remarks) 課程以中文授課為主, 申請人須具備基本中文聽說讀寫能力 Most lectures are conducted in Mandarin. Applicants must possess basic Chinese reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. 4

7 參 修業年限依據本校學則規定, 外國學生修習四技大學部者, 修業年限以四年為原則 ; 外國學生修習二技大學部者, 修業年限以二年為原則 ; 修習研究所碩士班者, 修業年限以二年為原則 III. Length of Study According to CIT regulations on academic programs, the length of study for students who pursue a 4 Year Bachelor Degree is 4 years; for students who pursue a 2 Year Bachelor Degree the length of study is 2 years, and for those who pursue Master Degree is 2 years. 肆 申請期限自即日起至 2015 年 5 月 31 日止受理申請, 將填妥之入學申請表及相關資料以郵戳為憑, 寄至本校招生委員會, 逾期不受理 IV. Application Deadline Applicants should submit their application forms and all related materials to the Admissions Committee before May 31, Applications received after the deadline will not be processed. 伍 申請應繳交文件一 入學申請表一式二份 ( 附貼 6 個月內 2 吋半身脫帽近照 ) 二 最高學歷或同等學力證明文件及成績單 ( 中 英文以外之語文, 應附中文或英文譯本 ): 1. 大陸地區學歷 : 應依大陸地區學歷採認辦法規定辦理 2. 香港或澳門學歷 : 應依香港 澳門學歷檢覈及採認辦法規定辦理 3. 其他地區學歷 : (1) 海外臺灣學校及大陸地區臺商學校之學歷同我國同級學校學歷 (2) 前二目以外之國外地區學歷, 應依大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法規定辦理 但設校或分校於大陸地區之外國學校學歷, 應經大陸地區公證處公證, 並經行政院設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體驗證 三 最近 3 個月內之健康證明書 ( 包括人類免疫缺乏病毒有關檢查 ) 四 足夠在臺就學之財力證明, 或政府 大專校院或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明 五 簡要中文或英文自傳及讀書計畫 六 切結書 七 護照影本 ( 有姓名及國籍之頁面 ) 八 中文能力程度證明 ( 華語文能力測驗 TOCFL ) 九 中 英文推薦書 ( 請儘可能提供 ) V. Application Documents Required 1. Two copies of the completed application form with 2 recent (6 months) passport-style photographs. 2. One photocopy of the applicant s highest education diploma and one original official 5

8 transcript of the highest education diploma notarized and stamped by the foreign representative office of the R.O.C. (if written in a language other than Chinese and English, these should be translated into Chinese or English and notarized.) (i) Academic credentials from Mainland China: The Regulations Governing the Accreditation of Schools in Mainland China shall apply. (ii) Academic credentials from Hong Kong or Macao: Academic Credential Verification and Accreditation Methods adopted in Hong Kong and Macao shall apply. (iii) Academic credentials from other areas: (1) Academic credentials earned at overseas Taiwan schools or Taiwan schools in Mainland China shall be regarded as the same as those at domestic schools with equivalent levels. (2) Academic credentials referred to the preceding 2 Items shall be subject to the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education. However, academic credentials earned from institutes or branches established in Mainland China by foreign schools shall require public notarization in Mainland China and be verified and examined by an institute established or appointed by, or through a private agency commissioned by the Executive Yuan. 3. Health certificate of the recent 3 months (including related HIV tests). 4. Financial proof that shows financial sustainability for study in Taiwan, or proof of full scholarship provided by a government agency, university, college, or private organization. 5. A brief autobiography and study plan in Chinese or English. 6. Declaration. 7. Photocopy of passport (including pages confirming name and nationality). 8. Certificate of Chinese language proficiency. (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language TOCFL ). 9. Letters of recommendation in Chinese and English. (Please provide, if possible) 陸 錄取 2015 年 6 月 30 日前郵寄錄取通知予申請人, 並可於本校網頁查詢 ( VI. Admissions Announcement The admission results will be sent to individual applicants by mail before June 30, Results are also accessible on-line at the school s website: 柒 報到錄取生依錄取通知之規定日期到校報到, 報到時繳交學歷 ( 力 ) 證明正本 逾期 未報到者, 即以自願放棄入學資格論, 其名額依次遞補 VII. Registration 6

9 Accepted students should register on the date appointed or his/her qualification will be canceled. The original copy of diploma should be submitted upon registration. Vacancies shall be filled from among qualified applicants. 捌 奬學金經本校發給錄取通知之外國學生, 得依 臺灣獎學金作業要點 規定, 向相關部會申請獎學金 ; 外國學生亦可依本校 外國學生獎學金設置要點 之規定, 申請本校自設獎學金 各部會之獎學金, 不得重複領取, 亦不得重複領取本校獎學金 VIII. Scholarships Accepted students may apply for scholarships provided by the Taiwan government. Foreign students who have already received any kinds of Taiwan scholarships will relinquish other scholarships and the CIT scholarship. The qualifications of the applicants and the quota will be in accordance with those set by the MOE of Taiwan and CIT. 7

10 附件一 申請注意事項 Application Instructions 1. 申請人須以打字或正楷詳細逐項填寫一式兩份 To the applicant: Read carefully and complete in duplicate, type or print. 2. 四年制大學部入學申請人須為經教育部認可之國外公立或已立案之私立高中 職或中五學制以上學校畢業, 並符合下列各該系特別要求申請資格者 ; 二年制大學部入學申請人須為經教育部認可之國外專科以上學校畢業者 ; 研究所碩士班入學申請人須為經教育部認可之國內外公私立大學或獨立學院畢業者 Applicants to any 2 year bachelor degree programs must hold an associate bachelor degree diploma recognized by the R.O.C.; applicants to any 4 year bachelor degree programs must hold a valid senior high school diploma recognized by the R.O.C.; applicants to the master degree program must hold a valid bachelor degree recognized by the R.O.C. 3. 申請人須通曉中文, 對中華文化有興趣且品行優良, 經本校核准入學之學生 Applicants must have a reasonable command of the Chinese language and show a genuine interest in Chinese culture. 4. 申請來校留學之外國學生, 應於 2015 年 5 月 31 日前附下列文件向本校招生委員會提出申請, 逾期不予受理 註冊時, 新生應檢附已投保自入境當日起至少六個月效期之醫療及傷害保險或全民健康保險證明文件 : (1) 入學申請表一式二份 ( 附貼 6 個月內 2 吋半身脫帽近照 ) (2) 最高學歷或同等學力證明文件影本 1 份及成績單正本 1 份 ( 中 英文以外之語文, 應附中文或英文譯本 ) (3) 最近 3 個月內之健康證明書 ( 包括人類免疫缺乏病毒有關檢查 ) (4) 足夠在臺就學之財力證明, 或政府 大專校院或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明 (5) 簡要中文或英文自傳及讀書計畫 (6) 切結書 (7) 護照影本 ( 有姓名及國籍之頁面 ) (8) 中文能力程度證明 ( 如 : 華語文能力測驗 TOCFL ) (9) 中 英文推薦書 ( 請儘可能提供 ) Foreign students applying to Chihlee Institute of Technology shall submit the following documents to the Admission Committee prior to May 31, Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. At registration, international students shall present proof of a medical and injury insurance policy which is valid for at least 6 months, starting from the date of entry into Taiwan. Current student shall present written proof that they have joined Taiwan s National Health Insurance Plan. (1) Two copies of completed application form with 2 recent (6 months) passport-style photographs. (2) One photocopy of the applicant s highest education diploma and one original official transcript of the highest education diploma notarized and stamped by the foreign representative office of the R.O.C. (if written in a language other than Chinese and English, these should be translated into Chinese or English and notarized.) (3) Health certificate of the recent 3 months (including related HIV tests). (4) Financial proof that shows financial sustainability for study in Taiwan, or proof of full scholarship provided by a government agency, university, college, or private organization. (5) A brief autobiography and study plan in Chinese or English. (6) Declaration. (7) Photocopy of passport (including pages confirming name and nationality). (8) Certificate of Chinese language proficiency (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language TOCFL ). 8

11 (9) Letters of recommendation in Chinese and English. (Please provide, if possible) 9

12 附件二 致理技術學院 2015 年外國學生入學申請表 2015 Application for International Student Admissions Admissions Committee, Chihlee Institute of Technology 313, Section 1, Wunhua Road, Banciao District, New Taipei City 22050, Taiwan (R.O.C.) TEL: ext FAX: 請以中文打字或正楷逐項填寫 /Please type or print clearly in Chinese 申請人姓名 Applicant s Name 住址 Home Address 現在通訊處 Mailing Address 出生地點 Place of Birth 監護人 Guardian 中文 In Chinese 英文 In English 出生日期 Date of Birth 性別 Sex 電話 Telephone 電子住址 男 Male 女 Female 國籍 Nationality 護照號碼 Passport No. 中文姓名 Full Name in Chinese 英文姓名 Full Name in English 國籍 Nationality 出生地點 Place of Birth 出生日期 Date of Birth 電話 Telephone 此處貼最近 6 個月內 2 吋半身相片 Attach a 2-inch bust photograph taken in the last 6 months here. 在台聯絡人 ( 無則免填 ) Contact Person in Taiwan (optional) 中文姓名 Full Name in Chinese 英文姓名 Full Name in English 與申請人關係 Relationship 住址 Home Address 電話 Telephone 教育背景 /Education Background 學程 Degree 學校名稱 Name of Institution 學校所在地 City and Country 主修學門 Major 副修學門 Minor 就學期間 Duration of Study 學位 / 證書 Degree/Diploma /Certificate 取得學位日期 Date of Degree Granted 高級中學 Senior High School 大學 / 學院 University/College 擬申請就讀之系 ( 所 ) 及學位 /Intended Degree of Study 系 ( 所 ) Department/ Graduate School 學位 Degree 中文語言能力 /Chinese Language Ability 二技部學士 Bachelor 2 Years 學習中文幾年? How many years have you formally studied Chinese? 學習中文環境 ( 高中 大學 語文機構 )? Where did you learn Chinese (high school, college, language institute)? 您是否參加過中文語文能力測驗? Have you taken any test of the Chinese language? 是 Yes 否 No 四技部學士 Bachelor 4 Years 碩士 Master 何種測驗 What kind of the test 分數 Score 10

13 中文能力自我評估 Self Evaluation of Chinese Language Ability 聽 Listening 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 說 Speaking 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 讀 Reading 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 寫 Writing 優 Excellent 佳 Good 尚可 Average 差 Poor 財力支援狀況 : 在本校求學期間費用來源? Financial Support: What is your major financial resource while you study at Chihlee Institute of Technology? 個人儲蓄 Personal Savings ( 金額 Amount of Dollars) USD. 獎助金 Scholarship ( 來源及金額 Sources & Amount of Dollars) 獎學金 : 是否申請本校獎學金? CIT Scholarship: Do you need to apply for Chihlee Institute of Technology Scholarship? 是 Yes 父母援助 Parent Support ( 金額 Amount of Dollars) 其他 Others ( 來源及金額 Source & Amount of Dollars) 否 No 備註 : 獎學金之申請及核發僅適用於第 1 學年 獎學金申請人於第 2 學年須重新提出申請 The duration of CIT scholarship covers the first academic year. All applicants shall reapply from the second academic year. 繳交資料紀錄表 ( 申請人務必就已繳交資料, 在下面表格之繳交註記欄內打 ) Please tick the items that you have submitted. 項次 Item 繳交資料項目 份數 註記 入學申請表一式二份 ( 附貼 6 個月內 2 吋半身脫帽近照 ) 1 Two copies of application form. (A 2-inch photo taken in the last 6 months must be attached to 1 the form.) 2 經我國駐外館處驗證通過之最高學歷證明文件影本 1 份及成績單正本 1 份 ( 中 英文以外之語文, 應附中文或英文譯本 ) One photocopy of the applicant s highest education diploma and one original official transcript of the highest education diploma notarized and stamped by the foreign representative office of the 各 1 份 R.O.C. (if written in a language other than Chinese and English, these should be translated into Chinese or English and notarized.) 3 最近 3 個月內之健康證明書 ( 包括人類免疫缺乏病毒有關檢查 ) A health certificate valid within the last 3 months including HIV test. 1 4 足夠在臺就學之財力證明, 或政府 大專校院或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明 Financial proof that shows financial sustainability for study in Taiwan, or proof of full scholarship 1 provided by a government agency, university, college, or private organization. 5 自傳及讀書計畫 Autobiography and Study Plan. 1 6 具結書 Declaration. 1 7 護照影本 ( 具姓名及國籍之頁面 ) One photocopy of the passport page bearing the name and nationality of the holder. 1 8 中文能力程度證明 ( 華語文能力測驗 TOCFL ) Certificate of Chinese Proficiency. (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language TOCFL ). 1 9 中 英文推薦書 ( 請儘可能提供 ) Letter of Recommendation in English or Chinese. (Please provide, if possible.) 以上資料確由本人填寫, 並經詳細檢查, 保證正確無誤 I have reviewed carefully the above information and hereby guarantee its correctness. 申請人簽名 /Applicant s Signature 日期 /Date 11

14 系 / 所主任審查意見 ( 申請人免填 ) Opinion of Referees (This portion is filled out by the Department/ Graduate School Head) 同意錄取學生 為 : 四技部學士班 二技部學士班 碩士班正式生 不同意錄取學生, 不錄取原因請勾選 : 1. 審查成績未達入學標準 2. 語言能力不佳 3. 其他 : 系 / 所主任簽章 : 中華民國 年 月 日 12

15 附件三 財力資助證明 Affidavit of Financial Support 資助者姓名 : Name of Sponsor: 地址 : Address 與申請人的關係 : Relationship to the Applicant: 茲保證申請人 在致理技術學院就讀期間所需之學費與生活費由本人完全負責 I hereby assume the whole responsibility of providing all the tuition fee and living expenses of the applicant named during his/her study period at Chihlee Institute of Technology. 資助者簽名 Signature of Sponsor: 日期 Date: 注意 : 若為他人資助財力, 請繳交本財力資助證明, 並由財力資助者簽名 If you will be sponsored by others, please submit this Affidavit of Financial Support signed by your financial sponsor. 13

16 附件四 自傳及讀書計畫 Autobiography and Study Plan 申請人 Applicant 申請系所 Department/Graduate School Applied for 欲修讀學位 Degree Proposed 請以中文或英文 500 字左右撰寫, 敘述個人背景 來本校求學動機 在校求學期間之讀 書計畫等, 以及完成學業以後之規劃 本表若不敷使用, 請另加 A4 紙張書寫 In the following space please write a statement of approximately 500 words in Chinese or English, stating your background, motivation, and study plan at CIT & career plan after finishing your study. Add additional A4 size pages if needed. 14

17 附件五 一 本人保證 : 切結書 Declaration ( 一 ) 未具僑生身分, 且不具中華民國國籍 ( 二 ) 未曾在過去六年內擁有中華民國國籍 ( 三 ) 未曾以僑生身分申請本校或其他大學校院 ( 四 ) 申請學士班者, 須未曾在中華民國完成申請就學學程或遭任何大專校院退學 1. I certify: (1) I am neither an overseas Chinese nor a citizen of the R.O.C. (2) I have not possessed a citizenship of the R.O.C. within the past six years. (3) I have never applied for admission to Chihlee Institute of Technology or other colleges/universities in the R.O.C. under the status of an overseas Chinese. (4) As an applicant to bachelor degree programs, I have never completed any application for admission to a school in the R.O.C. nor have I been expelled from a college or university in the R.O.C. 二 本人保證所提供之所有相關資料 ( 包括學歷 護照及其他相關文件之正本及其影本 ) 為合法有效之文件 所提供之最高學歷畢業證書 ( 申請四年制學士班者為高中畢業證書, 申請二年制學士班者為專科畢業證書, 申請碩士班者為大學畢業證書 ) 在畢業學校所在地國家均為合法有效取得畢業資格, 且所持有之證件相當於中華民國國內各級合法學校授予之相當學位 2. All the documents provided (including diploma, passport, and originals or copies of related documents) are valid. The diploma presented (senior high school diploma for 4 year bachelor degree applicants, college diploma for 2 year bachelor degree applicants, university diploma for the master program applicants) is valid and has been awarded legally in the country where I graduated. My diploma is equivalent to that which is awarded by accredited schools in the R.O.C. 三 本人上述所陳之任一事項, 同意授權貴校查證, 如有不實或不符規定等情事, 本人同意貴校即取消入學資格或註銷學籍, 絕無異議 如在貴校畢業後始被發覺, 本人同意貴校取消本人畢業資格 3. I agree to authorize your school to check on all the statements mentioned above. If any statement is found to be forged or falsified, my admission to Chihlee Institute of Technology will be canceled, and my student status will be revoked. If the fraud is found after graduation, the degrees conferred will be annulled and their eligibility for graduation will be nullified as well. 申請人簽名 Applicant s Signature 申請日期 Date of Application 15

18 Personal Health Personal Health Life History Self Assessment 學號 Student 附件六 健康檢查證明應檢查項目表 Items Required For Health Certificate 大學部 Undergraduate 轉學生 Transfer student 外籍生 僑生 Overseas 請勾選類別 : Course applied: (Chinese) student 碩士班 Master 為協助學子能平安健康在校就讀, 您同意本校應教學需要 輔導 醫療或法律規定而須提供健康檢查之資料予相關單位知悉之作法, 同意 Yes, 簽名 不同意 No, 簽名 For student safety do you agree to let the school to provide the necessary health examination information for the purpose of medical counseling or legal requirements to relevant offices. No 身分證字號 Identification No 血型 Blood Type 姓名 男 女 出生日期 年 月 日 Name Male Female Birth date Year Month Day 科別系所系班 Department Department Class 聯絡住址 Mailing Address 電話 Tel 手機 Cell phone 緊急聯絡人 Emergency liaison 姓名 Name 關係 Relation 電話 Tel 手機 Cell phone 曾患下列疾病者? 請打勾 (Do you have any following disease? Please check all that apply) 過去病 History 史 過去一年生活回顧 1. 肺結核 Tuberculosis 7. 癲癇 Epilepsy 13. 重大手術 Major Surgery 名稱 : 2. 心臟病 Heart disease 8. 紅斑性狼瘡 SLE 14. 糖尿病 Diabetes 18. 精神疾病 Mental Disease 3. 肝炎 Hepatitis 9. 血友病 Hemophilia 15. 藥物過敏 Drug Allergy 19. 代謝症候群疾病 4. 氣喘 Asthma 10. 小兒麻痺 Polio 16. 食物過敏 Food Allergy Metabolism syndrome disease 5. 腎臟病 KidneyDisease 11. 關節炎 Arthritis 17. 蠶豆症 Favism 20. 其他 Other 6. 癌症 Cancer 12. 地中海貧血 Thalassemia 請勾選最合適的選項 (Check the item that best describes you): 1. 睡眠習慣 (sleeping habits): 每日睡足 7-8 小時 (7-8 hours) 不足 7-8 小時 (less than 7-8 hours) 時常失眠 (insomnia) 2. 早餐習慣 (breakfast habits): 每天吃 (Everyday) 偶而吃 (Occasionally) 不吃 (No) 3. 若以每週運動 3-5 次 (exercise habits), 每次 分鐘, 您做到了嗎? Do you exercise at least 3 times a week and at least 30 minutes each time? 有 (Yes) 沒有 (No) 4. 抽菸習慣 (Smoking): 不吸菸 (No) 吸菸 (Yes) 菸量約為 支 / 天 ( Cigarettes/day.) 您若抽菸希望為您提供戒菸資訊嗎? (If you smoke,do you want to be provided with information to help you quit smoking? ) 願意 (Yes) 不願意 (No) 5. 喝酒習慣 (Drinking): 不喝酒 (No) 偶爾喝 (Occasionally) 時常喝 (Often) 酒量約 杯 / 天 ( Glasses/day.) 6. 嚼食檳榔 (Betel nut): 不嚼食檳榔 (No) 嚼食檳榔 (Yes), 量約 粒 / 天 ( /day.) 7. 是否曾覺得焦慮 憂慮 (Anxiety)? 很少或沒有 (Never or Seldom) 偶而 (Occasionally) 時常 (Often) 8. 是否曾覺得胸悶 (Chest pain)? 很少或沒有 (Never or Seldom) 偶而 (Occasionally) 時常 (Often) 9. 是否曾覺得胃痛 (Stomach pain)? 很少或沒有 (Never or Seldom) 偶而 (Occasionally) 時常 (Often) 10. 是否曾覺得頭痛 (Headache)? 很少或沒有 (Never or Seldom) 偶而 (Occasionally) 時常 (Often) 11. 月經史 menstruation history ( 女生回答 ) (Female students only): 初次月經年齡 歲 (At what age did you have your first menstrual period?) 月經是否規律? (Do you have regular period cycles?) 有無經痛現象? (Do you suffer from painful menstrual cramps?) 自我健康評估 整體而言, 你覺得自己的身體健康狀況與同年齡的人比較是如何 : How do you feel about your health condition compared with other people the same age as you? 非常好 Very good 稍微好 Good 沒有差別 Same 稍微差 A little different 非常差 Worse 整體而言, 你覺得自己的心理健康狀況與同年齡的人比較是如何 : How do you feel about your mental health condition compared with other people the same age as you? 非常好 Very good 稍微好 Good 沒有差別 Same 稍微差 A little different 非常差 Worse 16

19 Routine Exam. Physical Exam. Laboratory Exa. 性別 Sex 一般檢查 男 Male 女 Female 本次健康檢查前 8 小時內是否有進食? Have you taken any food within the past 8 hours before the medical examination? 是 Yes 否 No 女生填寫 : (Female students only) 生理期 Menstruation: 是 Yes 否 No 懷孕? Pregnant 是 Yes 否 No 檢查項目 Item 檢查結果 Examination Result cm / kg 身體質量指數 Body Mass Kg/ m2身高 Weight / 體重 Height Index 血壓 Blood Pressure / mmhg 脈搏 Pulse 次 / 分裸視左 Left 矯正左 Left 視力 Vision Naked 右 Right Corrected 右 Right 辨色力 Color vision 正常 Normal 異常 Abnormal 口腔檢查 Oral 牙齒檢查 Teeth Exa. Exa. 牙結石 Tooth stone 牙周病 Periodontal disease 齟齒 Decayed 缺牙 Agomphiasis 理學檢查 頸部 Neck 淋巴腺 Lymph Nodes 甲狀腺 Thyroid 胸部 Chest 無異常 Normal; 心跳 Heartbeat 次 / 分 心律不整 Arrhythmia 心雜音心臟 Heart Heart murmur 肺臟 Lung 無異常 Normal 氣喘 Asthma 其他 Other 腹部 Abdomen 無異常 Normal 肝脾腫大 Hepatosplenomegaly 其他 Other 肌肉骨關 Musculoskeletal system 無異常 Normal 其他 Other 皮膚 Skin 無異常 Normal 其他 Other 胸部 X 光 Chest X-ray 正常 Normal 異常 Abnormal 尿蛋白 Protein 尿糖 Sugar 潛血 OB 實驗室檢查 尿液常規 Urine Routine 血液常規檢查 Blood Routine Exam 酮體 KET 膽紅素 Bilirubin 白血球 WBC 比重 Sp.gr 酸鹼值 PH 血色素 HGB gm/dl 紅血球 RBC x10/mm 白血球 WBC x10/mm 血小板 Platelet x10/mm 血球容積 HCT 血球平均容積 MCV /fl 平均紅血球血色素量 MCH 平均紅血球血色素濃度 MCHC 紅血球大小分佈寬度 RDW 血型 Blood type 血糖 Sugar( 飯後 ) ( 定量 ) 肝 膽 Liver Gall 血清麩草酸氨基 SGOT 血清麩丙酮氨基酶 U/L SGPT 肝炎檢查 Hepatitis Exam B 型肝炎表面抗 HBsAg B 型肝炎表面抗體 HBsAb A 型肝炎病毒 M 抗體 HAV igm( 定量 ) e 抗原 HbeAg 腎功能檢查 血尿素氮 BUN 尿酸 Uric Acid Renal Function Exam 肌酸酐 Creatinine 血脂肪檢查 Blood Fat Exam 醫師總評及建議 Summary and Recommendation 矯正追蹤紀錄 Reclamation follow 特殊記載 Special record 三酸甘油 Triglyceride 高密度脂蛋白 HDL-C 總膽固醇 T-CHOL 低密度脂蛋白 LDL-C 醫師簽章 Doctor s signature U/L 17

20 附件七 致理技術學院外國學生申請入學規定 學年度第 4 次教務會議通過 學年度第 1 次教務會議修正 教育部台文字第 號核定 學年度第 7 次教務會議修正 學年度第 2 次教務會議修正 教育部台文字第 號核定 學年度外國學生申請入學招生委員會第 1 次會議修正 教育部臺文 ( 二 ) 字第 號核定 學年度外國學生申請入學招生委員會第 1 次會議修正 教育部臺教文 ( 五 ) 字第 號核定第 1 條為辦理外國學生申請就讀本校, 依據教育部 外國學生來臺就學辦法 第 6 條 及本校學則第 3 條之規定, 訂定本規定 第 2 條具外國國籍且未曾具有中華民國國籍, 於申請時並不具僑生資格者, 得依本規 定申請入學 具外國國籍且符合下列規定, 於申請時並已連續居留海外六年以上者, 亦得依本規定申請入學 : 一 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者, 應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍 二 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍, 於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者, 應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年 三 前二款均未曾以僑生身分在臺就學, 且未於當學年度接受海外聯合招生委員會分發 依教育合作協議, 由外國政府 機構或學校遴薦來臺就學之外國國民, 其自始未曾在臺設有戶籍者, 經主管教育行政機關核准, 得不受前二項規定之限制 第二項所定六年 八年, 以擬入學當學期起始日期 ( 二月一日或八月一日 ) 為終日計算之 第二項所稱海外, 指大陸地區 香港及澳門以外之國家或地區 ; 所稱連續居留, 指外國學生每曆年在國內停留期間未逾一百二十日 但符合下列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 ; 其在國內停留期間, 不併入海外居留期間計算 : 四 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部認定之技術訓練班 五 就讀教育部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心, 合計未滿二年 六 交換學生, 其交換期間合計未滿二年 七 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習, 實習期間合計未滿二年 具外國國籍並兼具中華民國國籍, 且於教育部 外國學生來臺就學辦法 100 年 2 月 1 日修正施行前已提出申請喪失中華民國國籍者, 得依原規定申請入學, 不受第二項規定之限制 第 3 條具外國國籍, 兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格, 且未曾在臺設有戶籍, 申請時於 香港 澳門或海外連續居留滿六年以上者, 得依本規定申請入學 前項所稱連續居留, 指每曆年在國內停留期間, 合計未逾一百二十日 但符合 外國學生來臺就學辦法 第二條第五項第一款至第四款所列情形之一且具相關證明文件者, 不在此限 : 其在國內停留期間, 不併入海外連續居留期間計算 18

21 曾為大陸地區人民具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍, 申請時已連續居留海外六年以上者, 得依本規定申請入學 第一項及第三項所定六年, 以擬入學當學期起始日期 ( 二月一日或八月一日 ) 為終日計算之 前項所稱 海外 準用 外國學生來臺就學辦法 中第二條第五項規定 第 4 條凡外國學生合於各學制入學資格且中國語文程度適合就學者, 得檢附下列證件 向國際暨兩岸交流處提出申請入學 ( 申請表等文件均不退還 ), 申請期限依當學 年度本校招生簡章規定辦理 : 一 入學申請表一式二份 二 學歷證明文件 : ( 一 ) 大陸地區學歷 : 應依大陸地區學歷採認辦法規定辦理 ( 二 ) 香港或澳門學歷 : 應依香港澳門學歷檢覈及採認辦法規定辦理 ( 三 ) 其他地區學歷 : 1. 海外臺灣學校及大陸地區臺商學校之學歷同我國同級學校學歷 2. 前二目以外之國外地區學歷, 應依大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法規定辦理 但設校或分校於大陸地區之外國學校學歷, 應經大陸地區公證處公證, 並經行政院設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體驗證 三 足夠在臺就學之財力證明, 或政府 大專校院或民間機構提供全額獎助學金之證明 四 其他各系 ( 所 科 ) 或承辦單位規定應附繳之文件 前項第二款至第四款未經我國駐外使領館 代表處 辦事處或其他經外交部授權機構 ( 以下簡稱駐外館處 ) 行政院設立或指定之機構或委託之民間團體驗證之文件認定有疑義時, 得要求經驗證 ; 其業經驗證者, 得請求協助查證 外國學生註冊時, 新生應檢附已投保自入境當日起至少六個月效期之醫療及傷害保險, 在校生應檢附我國全民健康保險等相關保險證明文件 前項保險證明如為國外所核發者, 應經駐外館處驗證 第 5 條申請人申請表件每年審查一次, 由本校各系 ( 科 ) 組甄選小組負責初審 初審通 過再由本校招生委員會進行複審, 複審通過者由本校發給就學許可通知書 第 6 條外國學生申請來臺就學, 於完成申請就學學校學程後, 除申請碩士班以上學程, 得逕依本校規定辦理外, 如繼續在臺就學者, 其入學方式應與我國內一般學生 相同 第 7 條外國學生不得申請就讀本校所辦理回流教育之進修部在職專班 本校附設之進 修學院 進修專校及其他僅於夜間 例假日授課之班別 但外國學生已在臺具 有合法居留身分者或其就讀之班別屬經教育部專案核准者, 不在此限 外國學生經入學學校以操行 學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者, 不得再依本規定申請入學 第 8 條入學本校之外國學生註冊入學時, 未逾該學年第一學期修業期間三分之一者, 於當學期入學 ; 已逾該學年第一學期修業期間三分之一者, 於第二學期或下一 學年註冊入學 第 9 條畢業當學期得取得學士以上學位之外國學生, 本校得於畢業前推薦申請實習 經本校核轉教育部許可在我國實習者, 外國學生身分最長得延長至畢業後一 19

22 年 外國學生來臺就學後, 其於就學期間許可在臺初設戶籍登記 戶籍遷入登記 歸化或回復中華民國國籍者, 喪失外國學生身分, 應予退學 外國學生轉學, 視當年度外國學生招生名額而定 其入學方式同本國學生, 並依本校 大學部招收轉學生招生規定 辦理 外國學生經入學學校以操行不及格或因刑事案件經判刑確定致遭退學者, 不得轉學進入本校就讀 第 10 條外國學生入學, 或有休學 轉學 退學或變更 喪失學生身分等情事, 本校 應及時於教育部指定之外國學生管理資料系統中登錄 第 11 條外國學生如違反本規定第 2 條 第 7 條第 2 項或第 9 條第 2 項之規定, 並經 查證屬實者, 撤銷其入學資格或開除學籍 ; 畢業後始發覺者, 除勒令繳銷其 畢業證書外, 並公告取銷其畢業資格 第 12 條外國學生入學後, 得依規定向國際暨兩岸交流處申請獎學金 ; 惟依文化合作 協定推薦入學者, 從其協定辦理 本校得自行提撥經費設置外國學生獎學金, 以鼓勵外國學生至本校就學 第 13 條本校在不影響正常教學情況下, 得與外國學校簽訂學術合作協議, 招收外國 交換學生 ; 並得準用外國學生入學規定, 酌收外國人士為選讀生 第 14 條外國學生修讀學位或學分應繳納之學雜費或學分費與本國生同 其註冊入 學 選課手續與應繳納之學雜費或學分費, 比照正式生辦理 修讀科目成績 合格, 得由教務處出具學分證明 第 15 條外國選讀學生申請入學本校, 取得正式生學籍後, 其已修得之科目及學分, 得依本校學生抵免學分辦法辦理抵免 第 16 條外國學生可申請選讀本校課程, 其註冊入學 選課手續與應繳納之學雜費或 學分費, 比照正式生辦理 修讀科目成績合格, 得由教務處出具學分證明 第 17 條本校指定專責單位或人員負責辦理外國學生就學申請 輔導 聯繫等事項, 並加強安排住宿家庭及輔導外國學生學習我國語文 文化等, 以增進外國學 生對我國之了解 另於每學年度, 不定期舉辦外國學生輔導活動或促進校園 國際化, 有助我國學生與外國學生交流 互動之活動 第 18 條外國學生如有違反就業服務法之規定經查證屬實者, 本校即依規定處理 第 19 條外國學生在臺期間, 除應遵守我國法律外, 並應恪守本校各項相關規定 第 20 條本規定未盡事宜悉依教育部訂定之 外國學生來臺就學辦法 暨本校相關規 定辦理 第 21 條本規定經外國學生申請入學招生委員會通過, 陳請校長核可, 報教育部核定 後實施, 修正時亦同 20

23 Chihlee Institute of Technology Regulations Regarding International Students Applying for Admissions Passed in the 4th Academic Affairs Meeting for School Year Amended in the 1st Academic Affairs Meeting for School Year Ratified by Ministry of Education Tai-Wen-Tzu-Ti No Amended in the 7th Academic Affairs meeting for School Year Amended in the 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting for School Year Ratified by Ministry of Education Tai-Wen-Tzu-Ti No Amended in the 1st Admissions and Recruitment for International Students Committee Meeting for School Year Ratified by Ministry of Education Tai-Wen-(2)-Tzu-Ti No Amended in the 1st Admissions and Recruitment for International Students Committee Meeting for School Year Ratified by Ministry of Education Tai-Wen-(5)-Tzu-Ti No Article 1 For international students applying to Chihlee Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Institute), these Regulations are stipulated in accordance with Article 6 of The Ministry of Education s (hereinafter referred to as the MOE) Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan and Article 3 of the Institute s General School Regulations. Article 2 An individual of foreign nationality, who has never held nationality status from the Republic of China (R.O.C.) and who does not possess an overseas Chinese student status at the time of their application, is qualified to apply for admission under these regulations. An individual of foreign nationality, pursuant to the following requirements and who has resided overseas continuously for no less than 6 years is also qualified to apply for admission under this regulation. 1. An individual who also is a national of the R.O.C., but does not hold or has had a household registration in Taiwan. 2. An individual of foreign nationality who was also a national of the R.O.C. but has no R.O.C. nationality at the time of their application shall have an annulled status regarding their R.O.C. nationality for no less than 8 years after an annulment of R.O.C. nationality by the Ministry of the Interior. 3. Regarding individuals mentioned in the preceding 2 subparagraphs, they must not have studied in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student nor received placement permission during the same academic year of the application by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students. According to the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement, a foreign national selected by a foreign government, organization, or school, and does not hold a household registration from the time of their birth is not subject to the limitations as prescribed in the preceding 2 paragraphs after receiving the approval from the authorized educational government agencies. The six/eight year calculation period as prescribed in Paragraph 2 shall be calculated from the starting date of the semester (February 1st or August 1st) as the designated due date for the time of study. The term overseas as prescribed in Paragraph 2 is limited to countries or regions other than Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau; the term reside overseas continuously means that an individual may stay in Taiwan for no more 21

24 than a total of 120 days per calendar year. The only exceptions to this method of calculation are for those who fulfill one of the following requirements with written supported proof; and the said domestic length of stay shall be excluded from the overseas length of residency: 1. Attended overseas youth training courses organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or technical training classes accredited by the MOE; 2. Attended a Mandarin Chinese language center at a university/college of which foreign student recruitment is approved by the MOE, and to which the total length of stay is less than 2 years; 3. Exchange students, whose length of total exchange is less than 2 years; or 4. An Internship in Taiwan which has been approved by an authorized central government agency, to which the total length of stay is less than 2 years. An individual, who has both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and has applied for an annulment of their R.O.C. nationality before February 1, 2011, the effective date of the amendment to Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, is qualified to apply for admission as an international student and will not be subject to the limitation as prescribed in Paragraph 2. Article 3 An individual of foreign nationality, concurrently holding a permanent residence status in Hong Kong or Macao, having no history of a household registration record in Taiwan and, at the time of application, has resided in Hong Kong, Macao, or another foreign country for no less than 6 years is qualified to apply for admission under these regulations. The term reside overseas continuously mentioned in the preceding paragraph means an individual may stay in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days per calendar year. However, such a term may be exempt, if any of the conditions prescribed in Subparagraphs 1 through 4, Paragraph 5 of the Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan applies and is supported with written proof, and the said domestic length of stay shall be excluded from the overseas length of residency. An individual being a former citizen of Mainland China and holds a foreign nationality, having no history of household registration record in Taiwan, and at the time of application, has resided overseas continuously for no less than 6 years is qualified to apply for admission under these regulations. The six years calculation period as prescribed in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 3 shall be calculated from the starting date of the semester (February 1st or August 1st) as the designated due date for the time of study. The term overseas refers to the definition as prescribed in Paragraph 5, Article 2 of MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan Article 4 International students who are eligible to apply for admission and have considerable knowledge of Chinese to study in Taiwan may apply for admission by submitting the following to the Division of International and Cross-strait Affairs. Materials submitted will not be returned to the applicant; application deadlines shall be met in accordance with the Institute s Admissions Guidelines at the time of application. 1. Application form in duplicate. 22

25 2. Academic credentials: (1) Academic credentials from Mainland China: The Regulations Governing the Accreditation of Schools in Mainland China shall apply. (2) Academic credentials from Hong Kong or Macao: Academic Credential Verification and Accreditation Methods adopted in Hong Kong and Macao shall apply. (3) Academic credentials from other areas: i. Academic credentials earned at overseas Taiwan schools or Taiwan schools in Mainland China shall be regarded as the same as those at domestic schools with equivalent levels. ii. Academic credentials referred to the preceding 2 Items shall be subject to the Regulations Regarding the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Credentials for Institutions of Higher Education. However, academic credentials earned from institutes or branches established in Mainland China by foreign schools shall require public notarization in Mainland China and be verified and examined by an institute established or appointed by, or through a private agency commissioned by the Executive Yuan. 3. Financial proof that shows financial sustainability for study in Taiwan, or proof of full scholarship provided by a government agency, university, college, or private organization. 4. Others as required by the departments in respective schools or undertaking unit. A school that reviews the application documents without verification by overseas consulates, representative offices, agencies of the country or other bodies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as Overseas Agencies ) or institutes established or appointed by, or a private agency commissioned by the Executive Yuan as prescribed in subparagraphs 2 and 4 of the preceding paragraph may request for verification by an Overseas Agencies. If the said documents have been verified, the school may request examination of the documents. Upon enrollment at the Institute, international students shall present proof of a medical and injury insurance policy which is valid for at least 6 months, starting from the date of entry into Taiwan. Current students shall present written proof that they have joined Taiwan s National Health Insurance Plan. The abovementioned written proof of insurance issued in foreign country shall be notarized by the Overseas Agencies. Article 5 The applicant s application forms are reviewed once per year; the preliminary reviews are done by the Department s Student Selection Teams. After the preliminary review process is completed, the Institute s Student Recruitment Committee shall review the applications; those whose applications pass the Student Recruitment Committee reviews shall receive an Acceptance Letter. Article 6 Upon completion of the course of study, at a school in Taiwan, to which an international student has applied, the student's admission to another school s academic level shall be handled in a manner identical to the admission procedures for domestic students, excluding the application for master s degree or higher levels of graduate studies, which shall be processed under the procedures of the Institute. 23

26 Article 7 International students may not apply for Extension Programs at the Institute designed for returning education students, part-time, in-service courses of master programs, or other programs, which are restricted to night classes and classes during holidays. International students who have obtained ARC (Alien Resident Certificate) of Taiwan, or are enrolled in a program ratified by the MOE, are exempted from this restriction. International students who are dismissed from university/college after admission due to behavioral issues, poor academic performance or a conviction under the Criminal Law may thereafter not apply for admission under this regulation. Article 8 An international student reporting for registration at the time not beyond one-third of the first semester of the current school year shall register for the first semester; or at the time beyond one-third of the first semester of the current school year shall register for the second semester or the next school year. Article 9 An international student may apply for internship, with recommendation from the school, before the graduation from the Institute with a bachelor degree or higher in the semester of graduation. After being approved for an internship, the said student may have his or her international student status extended for one year at most after graduation. During the course of study in Taiwan, international students, who have undertaken initial household registration, resident registration, naturalization or restoration of the R.O.C. nationality, will lose their international student status and shall be dismissed by the school. Transfer for international students shall be dependent on the admission quota in each academic year; the admission method is equivalent to that of domestic students in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Admission of Transfer Students in Undergraduate Programs set forth by the Institute. An international student who has been dismissed by a school that accepts the said student, due to behavioral issues or a conviction under the Criminal Law may not transfer to the Institute. Article 10 The Institute shall promptly register the following international student data into the management information system designated by the MOE: school entrance, transfer, suspension or dismissal and any change or loss of student status. Article 11 Violation of the regulations stipulated in Article 2; paragraph 2 of Article 7; or paragraph 2 of Article 9 will result in immediate cancellation of the applicant s admission or revocation of student status; should the violation be found after graduation, any diploma shall be annulled and graduation status revoked. Article 12 After receiving admission from the Institute, international students may apply for scholarship at the Division of International and Cross-strait Affairs; students admitted under the recommendation of cultural cooperation framework shall apply in accordance with the framework. The Institute may allocate funds for international student scholarship to encourage students from overseas to study at the Institute. Article 13 The Institute shall, under the condition that it does not affect the Institute s normal operation, sign an agreement for academic cooperation with foreign schools and recruit international exchange students; the international exchange students may be admitted in accordance with international student admission regulations. Article 14 Tuition fees for international students who apply to study for a degree or credits 24

27 shall be the same as that of domestic students; the tuition fees shall be that of formal degree students. Should the student pass any course, the Academic Affairs Office shall issue proof of credits. Article 15 For international students who apply to study at the Institute and have obtained the status of formal degree student, any courses and credits they have already taken and received shall be transferred in accordance to the Institute s credit transfer regulations. Article 16 International students may apply to study courses offered by the Institute, where the tuition and miscellaneous fees, enrollment fee or credit fees shall be processed the same as formal students. Should the international students pass their courses, the Academic Affairs Office shall issue proof of credit(s) obtained. Article 17 The Institute shall appoint designated office or personnel to be in charge of the application, counseling, liaising, etc. for international students. They will also be responsible for arranging home stays and assisting international students in learning the local language and culture and helping them to get to know more about Taiwanese culture. Furthermore, international student events shall be held from time to time every school year to promote interaction and exchange between domestic and international students. Article 18 Should international students be found and proved to be in violation of the Employment Services Act, the Institute shall handle the matter in accordance with the Institute s rules and regulations. Article 19 During their stay in Taiwan, international students shall abide by the laws and regulations of the R.O.C., and the regulations put forth by the Institute. Article 20 Any matters not stipulated in these Regulations shall be dealt with in accordance with MOE s Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan and the Institute s rules and regulations. Article 21 All Regulations are passed by the Admissions and Recruitment for International Students Committee, submitted to and approved by the President of the Institute, and implemented after ratification by the MOE. The same shall be applied to amendments. Note: This English version is only for applicant s reference. Should any dispute arise regarding these regulations, the Chinese version will prevail. 25

28 附件八 致理技術學院外國學生獎學金設置要點 學年度第 1 學期第 2 次行政會議通過 學年度第 5 次行政會議通過 學年度第 4 次行政會議通過 一 為配合本校推行國際化政策, 鼓勵優秀外國學生至本校就讀, 進而提升本校校譽, 依據教育部發布 外國學生來臺就學辦法 第 15 條及 教育部補助大專校院及其附設華語文教學機構設置外國學生獎學金核撥作業規定, 訂定 致理技術學院外國學生獎學金設置要點 ( 以下簡稱本要點 ) 二 本要點適用對象為申請就讀本校及已在本校就學, 具本校正式學籍, 且就學身分合乎教育部 外國學生來臺就學辦法 第 2 條規定, 或依本校與外國學校共同簽署雙聯學制來校攻讀學位之外國學生 三 申請資格 : ( 一 ) 申請就讀本校之外國入學新生 ( 不含在職生 僑生與交換學生 ) ( 二 ) 已經就讀本校具有正式學籍之外國學生 ( 不含在職生 僑生與交換學生 ) 1. 大學部 : 就讀大學部滿一學年, 每學期平均至少修習 12 學分, 學業成績 ( 申請日期之前 1 學年學業成績 ) 總平均 70 分 ( 含 ) 以上 操行成績達 80 分以上, 且未受處分紀錄者 2. 研究所 : 就讀研究所滿一學年, 每學期平均至少修習 4 學分, 學業成績 ( 申請日期之前一學年學業成績 ) 總平均 75 分 ( 含 ) 以上, 操行成績達 80 分以上, 且未受處分紀錄者 在撰寫碩士論文期間無上學期成績者, 得提出指導教授推薦書及論文撰寫計畫申請之, 至少須包括研究動機與目的 研究架構與設計 資料蒐集來源 論文大綱 參考書目等 此類申請, 以 1 次為限 四 獎助名額 : 獎助名額視申請學生之優異程條件度, 人數以該學期外籍學生數之五分之一為原則, 核給獎助名額得視政府及本校經費狀況調整之 若該年度獲教育部補助大專校院設置外國學生獎學金, 則得視補助金額酌予提高獎助人數及金額 五 獎助金額 : 依申請學年度之收費標準, 計算如下 : ( 一 ) A 類獎學金 : 金額為下列 3 項之合計 : (1) 學費及雜費 ; (2) 學校宿舍住宿費金額 ; (3) 生活津貼一年台幣 9 萬 6 仟元 ( 二 ) B 類獎學金 : 金額為下列 2 項之合計 : (1) 學費及雜費 ; (2) 學校宿舍住宿費金額 ( 三 ) C 類獎學金 : (1) C-1: 金額為學費及雜費總額 (2) C-2: 金額為學費及雜費總額的 1/2 (3) C-3: 金額為學費及雜費總額的 1/3 26

29 六 獎助期限 : ( 一 ) 大學部 : 四技學生至多得申請 4 年 ; 二技學生至多得申請 2 年 ; 延修生不得申請 ( 二 ) 研究所 : 碩士生至多得申請 2 年 ; 延修生不得申請 七 申請方式 : ( 一 ) 新生擬申請者, 應在入學申請表中勾選欲申請本校獎助, 並依本校外國學生入學申請文件進行審查 本校招生委員會決定錄取後, 將合格申請資料送本校國際化獎助學金審議小組審議 ( 二 ) 在校生擬申請者, 應於每年 9 月 30 日前, 檢送下列文件至國際暨兩岸交流處國際合作組申請 : 1. 申請書 1 份 2. 最高學歷之在校成績證明以及名次百分比或前一學期中文成績單 1 份 3. 學生證影印本 1 份 ( 已加蓋當學年註冊章 ) 4. 前一學年之學業與操行成績單 5. 缺曠課時數證明 6. 其他相關學業及課外活動證明文件 八 審核程序 : ( 一 ) 新生 : 新生經招生委員會複審通過錄取後, 再由本校國際化獎助學金審議小組, 依各年度所編經費, 擇優核定獎勵名單及受獎金額, 公布並通知受獎生 ; 受獎生須於當年度註冊入學, 始得領取本獎學金 ( 二 ) 在校生 : 在校生在學期間經審議小組審查通過者, 請領本獎學金 審議小組依據當學期獎學金額度, 並依申請人在校學習表現 ( 含班級排名 修習學分 各科分數 操行成績 缺曠紀錄 活動參與 課外表現等 ), 核定受獎人數與受獎種類 獎學金受獎人自入學後第 2 學期起, 須於校內行政單位 所屬系 ( 所 ) 或國際暨兩岸交流處國際合作組辦公室進行生活學習服務每學期 100 小時, 但每月不得超過 20 小時, 未依規定執行者, 取消次學期獎學金申請資格 九 凡外國學生申請本獎學金者, 應先在當地申請我政府機關核發之臺灣獎學金 ( 該地區若無台灣獎學金者除外 ), 俟確定未通過或無法申請時, 再依本獎學金之審核程序審定獎勵名單 外國學生已領取臺灣獎學金者, 不得重覆領取本獎學金 十 符合獎勵之學生, 入學當年度未完成註冊 辦理保留入學資格 或因故休學 退學或轉學離校者, 取消其受獎資格 ; 休學後再復學者, 取消其繼續受獎資格 受獎學生休學期間不得受領本獎學金, 復學時應重新提出申請 十一 領取本獎學金者, 經查若有偽造或不實之情事, 撤銷其得獎資格, 已領取之獎學金應予繳回 十二 本要點所需之經費由教育部補助款及本校年度獎助學金預算支應 十三 本要點未盡事宜, 悉依教育部與本校相關規定辦理 十四 本要點經行政會議通過, 陳請校長核定後實施, 修正時亦同 27

30 Chihlee Institute of Technology Guidelines for International Student Scholarship Programs Passed in the 2nd Administration Meeting for Academic Year 2006 Semester Amended in the 5 th Administration Meeting for Academic Year Amended in the 4 th Administration Meeting for Academic Year To act in concert with the internationalization policies of Chihlee Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Institute), and to raise the reputation of the Institute by encouraging quality students from abroad to study at the Institute, the Institute hereby stipulates the Guidelines for International Student Scholarship Programs (hereinafter referred to as these Guidelines) in accordance with Article 15 of Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan promulgated by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the MOE Short Term Research Awards (STRA) and Huayu Enrichment Scholarships (HES) International Student Directions. 2. These Guidelines apply to international students who are applying to the Institute, current students of the Institute, or students who have official student status of the Institute that comply with Article 2 of MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, or international students under the double-degree program jointly signed by the Institute and a foreign institution. 3. Eligibility: (1) New international students applying to the Institute (not including working students, overseas Chinese students and exchange students). (2) International students with official student statuses currently studying at the Institute (not including working students, overseas Chinese students, and exchange students). i. Undergraduate: Students who have completed one full year in their undergraduate program and have taken at least 12 credits per semester on average, of which the average grade is 70 or above (total average grade of the last semester before the application date). The applicant s behavior and conduct grade shall be 80 or above with no records of demerits. ii. Graduate: Students who have completed one full year in their graduate program and have taken at least 4 credits per semester on average, of which the average grade is 75 or above (total average grade of the last semester before the application date). The applicant s behavior and conduct grade shall be 80 or above with no records of demerits. Students with no grades from the last semester due to writing a master thesis should provide a recommendation letter from his/her thesis advisor and a thesis plan, of which the plan should include research motivation and goals, research structure and design, source of information collection, thesis outline, and references. This type of application is limited to one-time. 4. Quota: The number of international student scholarship receivers shall be determined according to the applicants level of quality. In principle, the number of international student scholarship receivers shall not exceed 1/5 of the total number of international 28


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