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1 空氣殺菌噴霧機 Air Defender 1000 / 1100 使用說明書 User Manual Product Inquiries: (852)

2 很 感謝閣下選擇 AQ AD1000/1100 空氣殺菌噴霧機將為你帶來前所未有的個人衞生體驗 本產品是專為發揮 AQ 天然殺菌淨化液的強勁功能而設計的 在使用本設備前, 請細閱本使用說明書 目錄 1. 補充淨化液 1 2. 電池的安裝 2 3. 適用地方 2 4. 規格 2 5. 安裝方法 2 6. 部件名稱 3 7. AD1000 操作指示 4 8. AD1000 按鍵及燈號功能說明 4 9. AD1000 功能設定 AD1100 操作指示 AD1100 按鍵及燈號功能說明 6 1. 補充淨化液 1.1. 配有專用補充瓶 B510, 容量為 300ml 1.2. 每次噴出 0.1ml 補充液, 共可噴出 3000 次 1.3. 留意 COUNT 中顯示的噴霧次數, 如接近 3000 次, 請準備更換補充液 1.4. 更換方法 : 先用鎖匙逆時針方向旋轉一圈解鎖再拔出 按下頂部機殼拆卸按鈕, 輕力拉開前外殼 取出補充液瓶, 注入 AQ 淨化液 重新放入, 留意噴頭方向須與前蓋出口位置一致 ; 合上外殼, 再用鎖匙鎖上 掛牆使用, 請同時檢查牢固性 AD1000 AD1100 淨化液瓶子 淨化液瓶子 1

3 2. 換電池的安裝 2.1. 必需同時使用三枚 AA 鹼性電池 2.2. 當 AD1000 屏幕 LOW 標示閃動時應更換電池, 變淡屬正常現像 2.3. 當 AD1100 綠色指示燈不亮時, 應更換電池 2.4. 解鎖, 按下頂部開殼按鈕, 輕力拉開前外殼 2.5. 從左側取出舊電池, 換上三枚全新的 AA 鹼性電池, 留意正負極方向 2.6. 合上外殼, 再用鎖匙鎖上 2.7. 如掛牆使用, 請同時檢查牢固性 AA 電池倉 (3 枚 ) 3. 適用地方 所有室內環境 3.1. 家居環境的細菌和異味, 廁所和廚房尤其適用 3.2. 高危公共場所如醫院 診所 學校及公共廁所等 3.3. 酒吧 夜總會 卡拉 OK 的煙味和細菌污染 3.4. 新裝修後的住宅及辦公室, 可分解大量致癌物質 3.5. 由辦公室空調所引致的疾病, 如退伍軍人症 3.6. 任何異味及細菌容易滋生的室內環境 4. 規格 產品型號 :AD1000 / AD1100 額定電壓 :4.5 伏特 (3 枚 1AA 鹼性電芯 ) 產品淨重 :50 0 克適用室內範圍 : 約 10 平方米 (100 立方呎 ) 淨化液消耗量 : 每次噴灑量約 0.1 毫升, 例 : 每天運作 8 小時, 每 15 分鐘噴灑一次, 一瓶 300ml 的補充液約可用 90 天 5. 安裝方法 5.1. 座台方式 : 放置在穩固的平面上 按照功能操作指示設定, 便可開始使用 更可根據喜好隨時更換放置地點 5.2. 使用 3M 貼紙掛牆 : 盒內隨機配有掛牆板和 3M 貼紙 把掛牆板套牢在底座上 選好並徹底清潔安裝位置 撕開 3M 貼紙 牢固地貼到理想的位置和高度 5.3. 使用金屬螺絲掛牆 : 選好理想位置和高度, 鑽入塑膠螺絲套, 裝上螺絲 無需使用配套的掛牆板, 直接配合螺絲位置掛上 2 背板 掛牆背板安裝孔 掛牆背板 掛牆螺絲孔

4 6. 部件名稱 AD1000 前蓋拆卸按鈕 液晶顯示屏 LED 指示燈 功能設定按鈕 前蓋 淨化液瓶子 LED 指示燈 噴霧頭 前蓋拆卸鎖匙孔 AD1100 前蓋拆卸按鈕 綠色指示燈 光度感應器 前蓋 紅色指示燈 淨化液瓶子 電源及操作時段按鈕 光感模式按鈕 噴霧頭 前蓋拆卸鎖匙孔 AD1000/1100 背面 背板 機蓋拆卸鎖匙 機蓋拆卸鎖頭 掛牆背板安裝孔 掛牆螺絲孔 前蓋拆卸鎖匙孔 掛牆背板 3

5 7. AD1000 操作指示液晶顯示屏說明 1 2 SET MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 3 WORK 4 24H 5 ON 20: INT 15 6 OFF LOW COUNT: LED LIGHT POWER MODE ADJUST ENTER TEST RESET COUNT 7.1. MO. TU. WE. TH. FR. SA. SU.: 選 表示本日工作, 選 表示本日不工作 7.2. SET : 閃動時表示開始設定時間 7.3. WORK : 閃動時表示選定每週工作日 H : 閃動時表示選定 24H 模式或非 24H 模式 7.5. ON : 閃動時表示每日啟動時間 7.6. OFF : 閃動時表示每日關閉時間 7.7. LOW : 標示閃動時表示電池量不足, 應更新電池, 顯示屏變淡屬正常現象 7.8. COUNT : 噴霧次數計 7.9. INT : 閃動時表示可選每隔 1-60 分鐘噴灑一次 8. AD1000 按鍵及功能說明 8.1. POWER 電源鍵 : 按此鍵開啟或關閉電源 8.2. MODE 模式鍵 : 按此鍵設定時間 8.3. ADJUST 調整鍵 : 按此鍵即選擇數值或選擇 4 或 ENTER 確認鍵 : 按此鍵確認選定的數值 8.5. TEST 測試鍵 : 按此鍵一次即噴霧一次, 僅供測試或展示用途 8.6. RESET COUNT 噴霧次數計歸零鍵 : 長按此鍵 5 秒將噴霧次數計歸零 8.7. LEDLIGHT 紅綠雙色燈號 : 綠燈閃動表示正常工作中, 紅燈閃動表示計數已達 3000 次以上, 此時請檢查補充液是否用完 4

6 9. AD1000 功能設定 內建原廠設定為 : 香港當前時間 / 每天工作 /24H 工作 / 噴霧間隔 15 分鐘 自行設定功能若未能在 15 秒內完成, 螢屏將自動回復到原廠設定 9.1. 按 MODE 鍵 設定時間 :SET 圖標閃動, 小時 也開始閃動, 按 ADJUST 輸入小時, 選好後按 ENTER 跳到下一步驟 按 ADJUST 輸入 分鐘, 選好後按 ENTER 跳到下一步驟 按 ADJUST 輸入當日週日值, 選好後按 ENTER 跳到下一步驟 9.2. 工作日設定 : 設定週一到週日工作, 是 否 進入此步驟將看見整排星期閃動, 按 ADJUST 輸入 ( 順序從週一至週日 ) 週一工作選 是, 不工作選 否 選定按 ENTER 確認, 自動到下一日, 即週二 週三 週四 週五 週六 週日, 選好後按 ENTER 跳到下一步驟 9.3. 噴霧間隔時間設定 : INT 圖標閃動, 按 ADJUST 輸入選定的噴霧間隔時間 ( 從 分 ), 選好後按 ENTER 跳到下一步驟 9.4. 設定為 24H 制 : H 圖標閃動, 按 ADJUST 選定輸入 24H (2 4 小時全天工作 ), 或 ( 按預選時間工作 ) 選完按 ENTER 確認, 若你選擇 24, 所有設定已完成 若你選擇 24H 表示將進入自行選定每日開始工作時間的下一步驟 9.5. 預選每日開始工作時間 : ON 圖標閃動, 小時 也開始閃動, 按 ADJUST 輸入選定每日開始工作時間, 選好後按 ENTER 跳到下一步 按 ADJUST 輸入 分鐘, 選好後按 ENTER 跳到下一步驟 9.6. 預選每日停止工作時間 : OFF 圖標閃動, 小時 也開始閃動, 按 ADJUST 輸入選定每日關閉工作時間, 選好後按 ENTER 跳到下一步驟 按 ADJUST 輸入 分鐘, 選好按 ENTER, 到此結束所有設定, 並開始正常運作 10. AD1100 操作指示 請確定開關狀態為 OFF( 關閉 ), 裝上 3 枚 AA 鹼性電池, 以確保噴霧機能操作正常, 參考操作次數約為 10,000 次 使用者可根據需要, 調整每 7.5/15/30 分鐘噴灑一次 ; 及於 24 小時 / 晚上 / 白天自動運作 紅色警示燈亮起時表示噴霧機已操作超過 3000 次, 淨化液可能用完, 請即補充 替換後, 必須重新啟動開關一次, 將紀錄歸零重起, 紅色警示燈隨之熄滅 下圖 ( 右 ) 示意如何將環保補充瓶置入噴霧機內 ; 開啟開關後, 綠色指示燈每 5 秒閃動一次, 表示噴霧機會按照之前設定的模式正常運作 5

7 11. AD1100 按鍵及功能說明 電源及操作時段按鈕 OFF: 關閉噴霧機 7.5: 設定噴霧時間為每 7.5 分鐘一次 15: 設定噴霧時間為每 15 分鐘一次 30: 設定噴霧時間為每 30 分鐘一次 光感模式按鈕 24: 24 小時運作模式 NITE: 夜晚模式, 沒有光源時自動啓動 DAY: 白晝模式, 沒有光源時自動關閉 綠色指示燈閃爍顯示正常操作狀態 光度感應器會根據周邊環境的光源自動操作感應器 紅色警示燈提示淨化液即將用完, 須盡快更換 綠色指示燈 光度感應器 紅色指示燈 電源及操作時段按鈕 光感模式按鈕 6

8 T hank you for choosing AQ. The AD 1000 Air Defender is going to provide users unprecedented personal hygiene experience. The machine is designed to maximize the effectiveness of AQ Bio Sanitizer. PLEASE READ THIS MANUAL THOROUGHLY BEFORE USE. Index 1. Liquid Refill Installing Batteries Effective Coverage Specifications Installation Parts Identification AD1000 Operation Instruction AD1000 Button and Light Instruction AD1000 Function Settings AD1100 Operation Instruction AD1100 Button and Light Instruction Liquid Refill 1.1. Air Defender 1000 and 1100are only compatible with the Air Defender Refill bottle B510 (300ml), please do not use other refill; 1.2 The Air Defender will spray 0.1 ml of liquid; each time, and one bottle of B510 may spray for about 3000 times; 1.3. Pay attention to the COUNT (AD1000 only) display and the red LED from time to time. When it reaches 3000 times, please refill; 1.4. Instruction for Liquid Refill Please turn the Plastic Key anti-clockwise to unlock the Air Defender; Press the Case Release Button on the top of the Air Defender, and gently pull the front case to open; Remove the empty bottle. Fill in approximately 300ml of AQ bio sanitizer; Replace the refilled B510 into the slot. Please note the spray head should always face the opening of the Air Defender; Close the case and lock up the Air Defender using the Plastic Key; If the Air Defender is wall mounted, please check the installation to ensure safety. AD1000 AD1100 Spray bottle Spray bottle 7

9 2. Installing Batteries 2.1. The Air Defender must use three AA alkaline batteries in order to work properly; 2.2. For AD1000, please replace new batteries when the LOW icon is flashing. Weaker LCD display is normal due to low voltage; 2.3. For AD1100, please replace new batteries when the Green LED light does not light up; 2.4. Turn the Plastic Key anti-clockwise to unlock the Air Defender; 2.5. Press the Case Release Button on the top of the Air Defender, and gently pull the front case to open; 2.6. Replace all batteries with fresh one and pay attention to the battery polarity placements; 2.7. Close the case and lock up the Air Defender by using the Plastic Key; please ensure the Air Defender is secured safely on its wall mount. AA batteries (3 pieces) 3. Effective Coverage Suitable for all indoor enviroments Household deodourization & sanitation; 3.2. Reduce cross infection in high risk public areas such as hospitals, clinics, schools and toilets; 3.3. Removal of germs & cigarette odour from bars, night clubs, karaoke etc; 3.4. Removal of cancer hazardous chemical substances and TVOC from newly renovated buildings; 3.5. Diseases related to air conditioning in office environment, e.g. Legionella Pneumophia; 3.6. Any places which lurk bacteria & odour. 4. Specifications Product Model: AD1000 / AD1100 Voltage: 4.5V (three AA alkaline batteries) Net Weight: 500g Cover Area: around 10m 2 (100 ft 2 ) Liquid Consumption: Each spray volume is around 0.1ml. e.g. 8hrs work at 15minute interval, the 300ml bottle may last up to 90 days. 8

10 5. Installation 5.1. Counter-top Turn the Plastic Key anti-clockwise to unlock the Air Defender; Press the Case Release Button on the top of the Air Defender, and gently pull the front case open; Place a new bottle of B510 (Air Defender Refill) into the slot. Please note the spray head should always face the opening of the Air Defender; Close the case and lock up the Air Defender by using the Plastic Key; The Air Defender should be used on a flat surface; Follow the steps in the following sections, and start using the Air Defender; Change deployment location as needed Using the 3M sticker for wall mount There is one 3M sticker adhered to the wall mount plate inside the packing box; Fix the wall mount plate on the back of the Air Defender; Choose a desired position. Clean throughly; Tear off the cover of the 3M sticker; Stick the Air Defender onto the desired location Screwing onto the wall Choose an ideal location to install the wall mounting screws; There is no need to use the wall mount plate. Fix the Air Defender with the hole on the back of the Air Defender case; Check the Air Defender installation regularly for safety precaution. Back cover Wall-mount holes Wall-mount screw holes Wall-mount board 9

11 6. Parts Identification AD1000 LED indicators Spray nozzle Front cover release button Front cover Front cover key hole Control panel LED indicators Function Setting Button Spray bottle AD1100 Front cover release button Front cover Green LED CDS Sensor Red LED Power & Spray Interval Switch Spray nozzle Front cover key hole Light Sensor Mode Switch Spray bottle AD1000/AD1100 Back Back cover Front cover key Front cover lock Wall-mount holes Wall-mount screw holes Front cover key hole Wall-mount board 10

12 7. AD1000 Operation Instruction LCD Display Monitor 1 2 SET MO TU WE TH FR SA SU 3 WORK 4 24H 5 ON 6 OFF LOW COUNT: LED LIGHT 20: INT 15 POWER MODE ADJUST ENTER TEST RESET COUNT 7.1. MO. TU. WE. TH. FR. SA. SU. : Choose for work day, otherwise ; 7.2. SET: While flashing, set the current time; 7.3. WORK: While flashing, set the work day. (Choose for work day, otherwise ); H: While flashing, choose the operating hour mode (Choose for 24 hour operation mode, otherwise ); 7.5. ON: While flashing, set the daily operation on time; 7.6. OFF: While flashing, set daily operation off time; 7.7. LOW: While flashing, battery replacement required, weaker LCD display is normal; 7.8. COUNT: Spray counter; 7.9. INT: While flashing, set the spray interval between 1 to 60 minutes. 8. AD1000 Button and Light Instruction 8.1. POWER: Press this button to switch the Air Defender on or off; 8.2. MODE: Press this button to set the time; 8.3. ADJUST: Press this button to adjust the digits, or toggle or ; 8.4. ENTER: Press this button to confirm the setting; 8.5. TEST: Press once to test the spray jet; 8.6. RESET COUNT: Press and hold for 5 seconds to clear the counting record; 8.7. LED LIGHT: Green signifies function normally. Red means the spray counter reaches 3000 counts and refill is needed. 11

13 9. AD1000 Function Settings After switching on the Air Defender, the default settings will be shown: Current Time, Daily Operation, 24 Hours Operation, and Spray Interval of 15min. If the custom setting cannot be finished within 15 seconds, the LCD monitor will return to the default settings Time setting: Press the MODE key, the SET and the HOUR icon will start flashing. Press the ADJUST key to set the current hour, and confirm the setting by pressing the ENTER key once; Press the ADJUST key to set the current minutes, and confirm the setting by pressing the ENTER key once; Press the ADJUST key to set the WEEKDAY, and confirm the setting by pressing the ENTER key once Operation day setting: All the operation days will then start flashing, press the ADJUST key to choose the operation day (starts from Monday to Sunday); Choose for Yes, and for No, and press the ENTER key, and then it will go to the next operation day automatically; Repeat until all the operation days setting are finished Spray interval setting: While the INT icon is flashing, press the ADJUST key to set the spray interval from 01 to 60 mins, then press the ENTER key to confirm Hour operation setting: While the 24H icon is flashing, press the ADJUST key. Choose for 24-hour operation and for non-24 hour operation; Then press the ENTER key to confirm; For 24H mode, all the settings have been finished ; For non-24h mode, start to set the custom operation time Custom setting of daily operation start time: While the ON icon is flashing, the HOUR icon is also flashing at the same time; Press the ADJUST key to set the starting hour, and press the ENTER key to confirm; Press the ADJUST set the starting minute, and press the ENTER key to confirm Custom setting of daily operation finish time: While the OFF icon is flashing, and the HOUR icon is also flashing at the same time; Press the ADJUST key to set the finish hour, and press the ENTER key to confirm; Press the ADJUST set the finish minute, and press the ENTER key to confirm; All the setting has been finished ; the Air Defender will start to operate according to the users settings. 12

14 10. AD1100 Operation Instruction Confirm the power switch is set to OFF. Load 3 AA size alkaline batteries to allow the dispenser to work properly, with approximately 10,000 spray action; User may set spray interval to 7.5/15/30 minutes and operation mode to 24H/NITE/DAY; The red LED indicates the spray counter is over 3000 times and may require refill. After replacement, turn off and on the power switch to reset the counter to zero and the red LED will turn off; The following diagram (right) indicates how to load a refill to the correct position. Turn on the dispenser to start protecting your environment as programmed above. The green LED light will flash every 5 seconds indicating normal operation. 11. AD1100 Button and Light Instruction Power & Spray Interval Switch OFF: Turn off Dispenser 7.5: Spray once every 7.5 minutes 15: Spray once every 15 minutes 30: Spray once every 30 minutes Light Sensor Mode Switch 24: 24 hours Continuous Mode NITE: Night Mode turns on the dispenser when there is no light DAY: Day Mode turns on the dispenser when there is enough light Green LED indicates normal operations; CDS Sensor automatically switches the dispenser on/off according to illumination; Red LED indicates refill is required by counting the number of spray action. Green LED CDS Sensor Red LED Power & Spray Interval Switch Light Sensor Mode Switch 13

15 掛牆孔定矩模板 Wall Mounting Screws Positioning Template 螺絲 Screw 掛牆螺絲孔 Wall Mount Screw Holes 8 公分 cm 掛牆螺絲孔 Wall Mount Screw Holes 紙板上的掛牆螺絲孔距離跟背一樣只需剪下紙版, 貼在牆上, 按照掛牆孔上的 X 標記在牆上鑽孔便可 Please drill the wall according to the X marks on this template. 14 k12082v2

16 凡於購買日起 30 天內在網上登記產品保養資料, 可獲贈 3 個月額外保養期或神秘禮品乙份, 禮品詳情以登記時公佈為準 Register your product warranty information online within 30 days of your purchase to receive an extra 3 months warranty period, or a welcome gift which will be announced from time to time.

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