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1 北京师范大学图书馆 Beijing Normal University

2 1 图书馆概况 Overview 北京师范大学图书馆始于 1902 年成立的京师大学堂师范馆的图书室, 几经扩建和迁址 现阶段, 主要由 2011 年投入使用的新馆提供服务 另有分别位于学部 院系所在地的教育分馆 各学科资料室提供服务 截至 2013 年底, 图书馆共藏有包括中外文图书 期刊 学位论文等在内的印本文献 448 万余册 ; 引进各类型中外文数据库近 300 个, 自建 参建各类特色资源数据库近 30 个 馆藏古籍线装书 3 万余种 37 万余册, 善本古籍 3300 余种, 宋元刊本逾 30 种, 多为国家一级文物 Beijing Normal University developed from the reading room of the Normal College of the Imperial University of Peking, which was established in After many times expansion and relocation,now the library services are mainly provided by the main library which formally opened in 2011, the education branch library and some reading rooms which distributed in the schools or departments. By the end of 2013, the total printed collections amount to more than 4.48 million items, including Chinese and foreign language books, periodicals, theses and dissertations, and other documents. The library has introduced nearly 300 Chinese and foreign language databases and nearly 30 special collection databases. There are more than 30,000 species of ancient books consisting of over 370,000 pieces, including 3300 species of rare books, 30 species of Song and Yuan dynasty books, most of them are the Class A heritage under national protection. 2 纸本资源借阅 Printed Resources Usage 2.1 图书借还 Book Borrowing and Returning 图书查询 : 图书馆主页 ( 馆藏目录, 根据索书号及馆藏地找书 图书借还 : 可在自助借还机 24 小时还书机及微型图书馆中借还图书 借书账号的用户名及初始密码均为学号 如有问题可到新馆一层总借还处人工处理 借阅信息查询 : 图书馆主页 ID 登录, 用户名和初始密码为学号 图书续借 预约 :ID 登录后, 可网上续借和预约图书 预约图书前提为该书所有可外借的复本均不在架 ( 年出版的中文图书除外 ); 借阅 年出版的中文图书, 无论图书有无复本, 均需要先在网上提交预约申请 预约图书通知发送至预留邮箱 (ID 登录添加邮箱 ), 图书保留 5 天, 根据邮件通知尽快到总馆一层总借还处或教育学分馆借阅图书 随书光盘的获取途径 : 图书馆主页 资源 非书资源 随书资源 Book search: homepage( Online Public Access Catalogue(OPAC), find the book based on its the call number and location. Book borrowing and returning: Operated on the self-services machine, 24 hours book return machine and the miniature library. The default user name and Page 1

3 initial password are both your student card number. Please visit circulation desk if you have any questions. Loan information check: homepage ID login. The default user name and initial password are both the your student card number. Book renewal and reserve: Login with your ID and operate online. Book reserve condition: the reserved book should not on the shelf except books which were printed from 1986 to Before borrowing Chinese books which were printed from 1986 to 1995, you should submit reserve application online first no matter if it has copy or not. The reserved book notice will be send sent to your reserved address. The reserved books will be kept for 5 days, and please take them as soon as possible on the circulation desk or educational branch library based on the notice. Path to get CD attached with books: homepage Resources Non-book resource Resource attached with books 温馨提示 : 1. 如有超期未还图书, 则无法进行借书 续借 预约操作 ; 2. 被预约的图书不能续借, 需要在总借还处 ( 总馆一层 ) 人工归还 Warm prompt: 1. Before you return overdue books, you are not allowed to borrow, renew or reserve books; 2. The reserved books can not be renewed, you should return them on the circulation desk. 2.2 借阅规则 Book Borrowing Rules 本科生可借 10 册, 预约 3 册, 借期 30 天 研究生可借 15 册, 预约 3 册, 借期 30 天 在借阅期限内可续借, 累计最长可借 70 天 逾期七天内归还图书免收罚款, 超过七天, 则从超期的第一天起累计罚款,0.1 元 / 册 / 天 逾期罚款可以持校园卡通过一层 B 区的自助缴费机缴纳 丢书赔款事宜请到新馆一层总借还处办理 遗失 / 损坏赔偿标准按图书馆有关规定执行 Undergraduate students can borrow 10 books and reserve 3 books at one time. Graduate students can borrow 15 books and reserve 3 books at one time. The loan period is 30 days. The maximum loan period is 70 days counting the renewal. Books can be overdue for seven days before incurring a fine. From the eighth day the fine is 0.10 Yuan per book per day. The fine can be paid by the self-paying system on the section B of the library first floor. Deal with the Lost/damaged things on the circulation desk. Pay the compensation fees for them according to the library regulations. Page 2

4 3 电子资源使用 E-resources Usage 3.1 查找数据库 Database Search 查找途径 : 图书馆主页 快速检索框上方 数据库 ; 图书馆主页 资源 电子资源 查找数据库 ; 图书馆主页 常用资源 ; 图书馆主页 资源 特色资源 点击数据库名称进入相应数据库, 点击数据库名称后方的图标, 了解详情及使用注意事项 ; 也可通过图书馆主页 资源与目录指南 / 参考咨询 / 数据库 数据库使用指南, 查看 数据库的使用指南 此外, 读者也可以通过 每周一库 快速了解重要的数据库 Path: homepage database icon on the quick search box; homepage Resources Electronic resources Databases search; homepage Frequently used resources; homepage Resources Specialized resources. Click the database name and get into the corresponding database, click icon for details and cautions. You can also view the database user guide by the following path: homepage Resources and catalog/reference/database Database user guide. In addition, you can also quickly learn about important databases through weekly database highlights. 3.2 查找期刊 Journal Search 查找途径 : 图书馆主页 快速检索框上方 电子期刊 ; 图书馆主页 资源 电子资源 查找期刊和原文查找 在期刊检索列表中, 直接点击期刊名称链接, 可查看该期刊收录在哪些数据库及其全文 获取起始年限 Path: homepage E-journal icon on the quick search box; homepage Resources Electronic resources E-journal and original text search. In the journal list, you can view the journal is embodied in which database and the year span of the the full text available by clicking the journal name,. Page 3

5 3.3 木铎搜索 Muduo one-stop Searching Engine 查找途径 : 图书馆主页 木铎搜索 木铎搜索可对馆藏纸本资源及大部分馆藏电子资源进行检索, 实现了纸质及电子的书 / 刊 学术论文 学位论文 多媒体等多种馆藏资源的一站式检索, 并提供多种辅助检索功能以及可视化分析功能 Path: homepage Muduo one-stop Searching Engine Muduo one-stop Searching Engine can search for printed collections and most of e-resources, including printed or electronic books and journals, theses and dissertations, multi-media resources, etc. Meanwhile, it offers a variety of search functions and visualization analysis. 3.4 电子资源使用注意事项 E-resources Usage Cautions 为了保护电子资源的知识产权, 请合理使用馆藏电子资源, 严禁使用批量下载软件下载资源, 请自觉维护我校正常的文献信息使用秩序 详情参见 北京师范大学关于进一步规范使用图书馆电子资源的通告 ( Please fairly use the e-resources for protecting the intellectual property right. Using batch download software is forbidden. Please comply with the literature information using regulation of university,. For more details, please refer to Notification of further-regulating the use of library e-resource in Beijing Normal University( 3.5 电子资源校外访问 Access to E-resources Beyond Campus 在校园网外使用图书馆的电子资源需要使用 SSL-VPN 接入服务 网络中心已批量开通全日制本科生及研究生的 VPN 服务, 可直接使用 默认用户名 / 密码 : 学号 / 八位生日 详细情况参见 或 图书馆主页 帮助 校外访问图书馆 Full-time undergraduate and graduate students visit library e-resources beyond campus requires SSL-VPN service offered by the university center of information and network technology. You can login with your student ID as the user name, and the initial password is your 8-digit birthday number. For more details please visit You can also access homepage Help Access to library beyond campus to see further instructions. Page 4

6 4 各类服务 Services 4.1 参考咨询 Ask a Librarian 读者在利用图书馆资源与服务的过程中遇到问题时, 可通过如下方式寻求帮助 常见问题请参见图书馆主页 参考咨询 常见问答 Any questions about library resources and services, please ask for help by the following way, FAQ please visit: homepage Reference FAQ 现场咨询 Visit Us 电话咨询 Phone 网上咨询 Online 咨询方式 Consultation 实时咨询 Chat 表单咨询 Form 邮件咨询 新媒体咨询 Others 服务获取途径 Path 新馆一层总咨询处及各借阅区值班台 Information desk on the first floor and consultative station in the reading area 图书馆主页 参考咨询 虚拟咨询 提问 Homepage Reference Virtual Consultation Questions 图书馆主页 参考咨询 虚拟咨询 提问 Homepage Reference Virtual Consulting Questions reference@lib.bnu.edu.cn 新浪微博 北师大图书馆员 - 刘兰 人人网 北师图 微信 bnulibrary Sina Weibo Beijing Normal University Librarian-Liu Lan, Renren site Beishi, Wechat bnulibrary 工作时间 Office Hours 周一至周四 8:00-11:30 13:30-17:00 周五 8:00-11:30 各借阅区值班时间见附录三 Monday to Thursday 13:30pm-17:00pm Friday 8:00-11:30 See Appendix II for the detail on duty time 咨询不受时间限制, 将在两个工作日内回复 There is no time limit for consultation, reply can be expected within two working days. Page 5

7 4.2 教学与培训 Instruction and Workshops 图书馆为广大师生提供系统而全面的信息素质培训, 如新生入学教育 系列讲座 留学生专场培训等, 关于教学与培训的详细情况可参见图书馆主页 服务 用户教育 培训课件可通过非书平台获得, 获取路径 : 图书馆主页 资源 非书资源 课件资源 In a rapidly changing information and education environment, we help you learn the skills needed to find, read, evaluate, and use complex resources from the BNU and beyond, in a confident and efficient, fashion. The University has a variety of instructional offerings, such as credit courses on library research, open workshops, instruction sessions by request, etc. For details please visit: homepage Services Instruction and Workshops. Instruction materials can be obtained through the website: homepage Resources Non-book resources Course materials. 4.3 馆际互借与文献传递服务 Interlibrary Loan/ Document Delivery (ILL /DD) 当本馆馆藏资源不能满足需求时, 图书馆可帮助读者从其他图书馆获取图书及文献 目前图书馆主要通过 CALIS CASHL BALIS 三种系统提供馆际互借和文献传递服务 此外, 读者还可到三层多媒体学习中心办理北京市 39 所高校图书馆馆际互借证, 持馆际互借证自行到对方图书馆借还图书 详情参见 : 图书馆主页 服务 馆际互借与文献传递 The ILL /DD Service is offered to provide BNU students, staff and faculty with resources that are not available at BNU. All ILL/DD requests must be submitted via CALIS, BALIS, or CASHL. Besides, you can go to the multi-media learning center on the library third floor to apply an interlibrary loan card which can help you to borrow books from other 39 university libraries in Beijing. For more details please visit: Homepage Services Interlibrary loans and document delivery services. Page 6

8 4.4 硬件设施 Hardware Facilities 硬件设施 Hardware facilities 座位管理机 Seat Arrangement Machine 研究间 Study 自助借还书机 Self-service Machine for book borrow and return 24 小时还书机 24 Hours Book Return Machine 24 小时微型图书馆 24 Hours Miniature 自助存包柜 Lockers 自助饮水机 Self-Service Water Dispenser 自助打 / 复印机 Self Service Photocopying and Printing Machine 覆盖区域 Coverage area 新馆一至八层 教育学分馆 building 1 st -8 th floor, Education branch library 新馆四 五层中文图书阅览区内 building 4 th and 5 th floor, Chinese book reading area 新馆一 四 五 八层及教育学分馆中 / 外文图书借阅室 building1 st 4 th 5 th 8 th floor, Education branch library, Chinese/ foreign language reading room 新馆南门西侧 West side of library south gate 新馆南门东侧 East side of library south gate 新馆一层综合服务区 (A 区 ) 二层特藏阅览区 六 / 七层库本阅览区 教育学分馆 The first floor of library building, section A; Special collections reading area on second floor; Chinese book reading rooms on six and seven floor; the education branch library. 新馆一层 二层 四至八层借阅区 building, 1 st, 2 nd, 4 th floor reading area. 新馆二层特藏阅览区 四 / 五层中文图书借阅区 六 / 七层库本阅览区 八层外文图书借阅区 教育学分馆 报刊阅览室 building, special reading section on 2 nd floor, Chinese reading section on 4 th, 5 th,6 th and 7 th floor, foreign languages reading section on 8 th floor, Education branch library, Newspaper and periodicals reading section. 注意事项 Cautions 详情参见图书馆主页 座位管理系统 For details please visit: Homepage Seat arrangement system 仅限研究生使用, 详情参见图书馆主页 研究间预约 Only open to graduate students, for details please visit: Homepage Study reservation 被预约图书需根据馆藏地到新馆一层总借还处或教育分馆归还 The reserved book should be returned on the circulation desk on the first floor of library building or in the education branch library, 闭馆后也可还书 Books can also be returned out of library hours 仅限微型图书馆内的图书借还 试运行期间开放时间周一至周五 8:00-17:00 Only for the miniature library books circulation. Open Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00 存包柜内的物品请不要隔夜存放 Do not use the lockers overnight. 刷卡饮水 Swipe the student ID card for water dispenser 详情参见图书馆主页 自助打印服务 除自助打 / 复印机外, 还可到一层文印中心人工复印 For more details, please visit: Homepage Self-printing service. Besides, staff in photocopying service center on the first floor can also help you. Page 7

9 5 常见问题 FAQ 1) 什么是索书号? 索书号是用于区分不同图书的标识, 一般贴在书脊处 索书号由 A-Z 开头的中图法分类号和数字组成, 不同字母代表不同的学科分类, 具体参见附录二 2) 无法借书有哪些原因? 有超期图书未归还 该书被其他人预约 罚款超过 10 元 可借数量已满等 3) 数据库的用户名密码是多少? 一般在 IP 范围内, 数据库自动登陆 如遇到需要用户名及密码或其他数据库使用问题, 可参考 3.1 查找数据库 更多常见问题请参见图书馆主页 参考咨询 常见问答 1) What is call number? Call number is always pasted on the book spine that is used for distinguishing books. A call number is composed of English letter from A to Z and Roman number based on the Chinese library classification. Different letters stand for different subjects. See Appendix I I for more details. 2) Why cannot borrow books? You cannot borrow books in the following situation: overdue books have not been returned; the books you are going to borrow has been reserved; your fine exceeds 10 Yuan; exceed the maximum quantity you can borrow. 3) Password of the databases? You can login the database without password in the valid range of IP address. For more FAQ please visit: Homepage Reference FAQ Page 8

10 6 附录 Appendix 附录一 : 入馆须知 Appendix I: Admission 1. 凭本人校园卡刷卡入馆 2. 图书馆二层特藏阅览区, 六 七层库本阅览区需要存包后方可进入, 请在新馆一层 综合服务区 (A 区 ) 集中存包区和相关楼层指定区域按规定存 / 取包, 请保管好个 人贵重物品 3. 请在指定阅览区域使用电源及网口, 禁止使用个人插线板 充电器等设备 4. 请在馆内及各室内指定区域饮水, 勿将食品和饮料带入室内 5. 爱护图书, 借阅前应先行检查, 发现问题及时报告工作人员, 否则由本人承担责任 6. 请勿占座, 保证阅览空间有效和公平使用, 长时间离开及闭馆时请将个人物品全部 带出 7. 遵守各室特殊规定 8. 遵守图书馆各项规章制度 1. The campus card provides admission to the library 2. Please keep personal belongings outside when you enter into the special collections reading room on the 2nd floor and Chinese books reading room on the 6th and 7th floors.bags can be stored in the lockers distributed on different floors. Please take care of personal belongings. 3. Power and network ports can be used in specified areas. Personal patch board and charger are forbidden in the library. 4. Please drink water in specified areas. Food and beverage are not allowed to take. 5. Please take care of books. Check the book situation before check out, contact the librarian immediately if the book is abnormal, otherwise it will be your responsibility for the damage. 6. For fair use of reading spaces, occupy seats is forbidden., Make sure take all your belongings out you leave your seat for a long time and when the library closed. 7. Please comply with the special regulations of different reading room. 8. Please comply with the regulations of library. Page 9

11 附录二 : 中国图书馆分类法 ( 第五版 ) 一级类目表 Appendix II: Chinese Classification (Fifth Edition), First Level Rubrics A 马列毛邓 Marxism, Lenin's thought, Mao Zedong Thought, Xiaoping Theory B 哲学 宗教 Philosophy and Religion C 社会科学总论 Social Sciences D 政治 法律 Politics and Law E 军事 Military F 经济 Economics G 文化 科学 教育 体育 Culture, Science, Education, Physical Education and Sports H 语言 文字 Linguistics and Philology I 文学 Literature J 艺术 Art K 历史 地理 History and Geography N 自然科学总论 Natural Sciences O 数理科学和化学 Math, Physics and Chemistry P 天文学 地球科学 Astronomy, Geoscience Q 生物科学 Bioscience R 医药 卫生 Medical and Health care S 农业科学 Agricultural Science T 工业技术 IndustrialTechnology U 交通运输 Transportation and Communication V 航空 航天 Aviation and Aeronautics X 环境科学 安全科学 Environmental Science, Safety Science Z 综合性图书 General Books Page 10

12 附录三 : 图书馆布局及开放时间 Appendix III: Layout and Open Hour 部门 Department 总借还处 Circulation Desk 特藏阅览区 Special Collections Reading Area 报刊阅览室 Newspaper and Periodical Reading 多媒体学习中心 Multi-media Learning Center 中文图书借阅区 Chinese Book Reading Area 中文库本阅览区 Reading Area of Reserves 外文图书借阅区 Foreign Language Reading Books 普通中文图书 ( ) 借阅区 Chinese Book Reading Area ( ) 工具书阅览室 Reference Book Reading 教育学分馆中文图书借阅室 Chinese Book Reading, Education Branch 教育学分馆报刊阅览室 Newspaper Reading, Education Branch 教育学分馆外文图书借阅室 Foreign Language Books Reading, Education Branch 位置 Location 新馆一层大厅 The lobby on the first floor, main library 新馆二层 AD 区 Section AD, 2 nd floor, main library 西区书库二层 2 nd floor,west section, stack room 新馆三层 AD 区 Section AD, 3 rd floor, main library 新馆四 五层 4 th, 5 th floor, Main 新馆六 七层 6 th, 7 th floor, Main 新馆八层 8 th floor, Main 新馆地下二层 Basement 2, Main 新馆三层 C 区 Section C, 3 rd Floor,Main 英东楼 108 室 108,Ying Dong Building 英东楼 149 室 149,Ying Dong Building 英东楼 103 室 103, Ying Dong building 联系电话 Contact Number 概况 Introduction 需要人工借还的图书 借阅权限查询 离校手续办理等 Manual borrow and return,query borrowing permission, apply for school leaving, etc. 学位论文及古籍图书 Theses and dissertations, ancient books 2002 年以来的期刊和当年报纸 Journals released since 2002 and current newspapers 馆藏电子资源 免费上机 E-resources, free computer using 1996 年以来中文图书 Chinese books released since 1996 中文图书 Chinese Books for Reading and Reserve A-Z 类外文图书 A-Z foreign language books 年普通中文图书 Chinese books released from 1986 to1995 中外文工具书 Chinese and foreign language reference books 中外文教育 心理类书刊 Education and psychology books in Chinese and foreign language 开放时间 Open Hour 周一至周四 Monday to Thursday: 8:00am-17:00pm 周五 Friday: 周一至周四 周六 / 日 Monday to Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 8:00am-22:00pm 周五 Friday: 18:30pm-22:00pm 预约不受限制, 取书时间参见总借还处 Reservation is not limited by time, check the circulation desk open hour to reach books. 正在装修, 暂未开放 In decoration, not open yet 周一至周四 周六 / 日 Monday to Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 8:00am-22:00pm 周五 Friday: 18:30pm-22:00pm Page 11

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