开胃菜 ANTIPASTI 奶油培根海鲜, 地中海鳌虾, 填馅小鱿鱼, 琥珀鱼, 意式蛋黄汁 258 CARBONARA DI PESCE Mediterranean Langoustine, Stuffed Baby Squid, Amberjack, Carbonara 香煎扇贝, 托斯卡纳面包

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1 冷切和芝士 SALUMI & FORMAGGI 36 月顶级帕尔玛火腿, 布拉塔奶酪汁 328 PROSCIUTTO DI PARMA Parma Ham 36 Months, Burrata Cheese Cream 顶级西班牙 5J 伊比利亚火腿, 意式番茄面包片, 特级初榨橄榄油 408 IBERICO DE BELLOTA Iberico Ham, Cherry Tomato Bruschetta, Extra Virgin Olive Oil 意大利芝士精选, 蜂蜜, 自制蜜饯及核桃面包 258 FORMAGGI Selection of Italian Cheeses, Honey, Chef s Compote, Walnuts Bread 生蚝精选 OYSTER SELECTION 4 只装生蚝精选 +30 克顶级鱼子酱 788 OSTRICHE & CAVIALE 4 OYSTER 30GR KALUGA QUEEN 吉拉多生蚝 x4 308 OSTRICHE GILLARDEAU N1 x4 珍珠贝生蚝 x4 328 OSTRICHE PEARL N1 x4 汤 ZUPPE 意味轩海鲜汤, 琥珀鱼, 鳌虾, 蓝龙虾, 龙虾汤 288 PESCE IN ZUPPA Amberjack, Langoustine, Blue Lobster, Lobster Emulsion 牛肝菌蘑菇清汤, 鹅肝慕斯, 黄牛肝菌, 栗子 208 BRODO DI PORCINI Porcini Mushroom Broth, Foie Gras, Yellow Porcini, Chestnuts

2 开胃菜 ANTIPASTI 奶油培根海鲜, 地中海鳌虾, 填馅小鱿鱼, 琥珀鱼, 意式蛋黄汁 258 CARBONARA DI PESCE Mediterranean Langoustine, Stuffed Baby Squid, Amberjack, Carbonara 香煎扇贝, 托斯卡纳面包沙拉, 腌洋葱, 海胆泡沫 268 CAPESANTE Seared Scallops, Tuscany Panzanella, Pickles Red Onion, Sea Urchins Foam 生食西班牙红虾薄片, 意大利布拉塔芝士, 柚子汁, 鱼子酱, 茴香花粉 268 CARPACCIO DI GAMBERO ROSSO Red Prawns Carpaccio, Italian Burrata, Yuzu gel, Caviar Ossetra,Fennel Pollen 时令蔬菜沙拉, 黑蒜红菜头汁, 芳香菜, 可食用花 168 INSALATA (V) Seasaonal Mixed Leaves, Black Garlic Beetrot Dressing, Aromatic Herbs, Edible Flowers 意大利传统茄子饼, 烟熏芝士汁 198 LA PARMIGGIANA (V) Italian Traditional Eggplants Terrine, Smoked Mozzarella Sauce 主厨创意番茄水牛芝士, 番茄啫喱, 压缩番茄, 番茄粉, 马苏里拉芝士, 罗勒油 COME UNA CAPRESE 208 Tomato Jelly, Compressed, Tomato Powder, Buffalo Mozzarella, Basil Oil 变幻鹅肝 ( 慕斯, 煎, 粉 ) 浆果, 泡芙米粒 228 FEGATO GRASSO X3 Foie Gras in Three Ways - Royale, Seared, Snow, Mix Berries, Puff Rice 鹿肉里脊薄片, 金枪鱼酱, 腌渍小洋葱, 榛子 208 CERVO TONNATO Venison Loin, Tuna Sauce, Shallots, Hazelnuts

3 意面及烩饭 PRIMI PIATTI 龙虾面, 小番茄, 意香粉 388 LINGUINE ASTICE Lobster Linguine, Date Tomatoes, Parsley Powder 自制墨鱼汁细面, 大葱, 生蚝酱, 腌渍柠檬, 烟熏土豆酱 268 TAGLIOLINI OSTRICA &PORRO Black Ink Tagliolini, Leek, Britanie Oyster, Candied Lemon, Smoked Potato Cream 自制水牛芝士饺子, 马苏里拉芝士, 西班牙红虾, 基围虾, 海藻 288 BOTTONI MOZARELLA GAMBERO ROSSO Ravioli, Buffalo Mozzarella, Red Prawns, Baby Shrimps, Seaweed 主厨自创肉酱宽面, 牛肉酱, 蔬菜丁 258 PAPPARDELLA RIPIENA Chef Fabio s Presentation of Traditional Bolognese Ragù Pasta 自制番茄培根猫耳面, 意大利腌肉汤, 小番茄 248 AMATRICIANA IN BRODO Handmade Pasta, Italian Bacon Broth, Date Tomatoes 自制海鲜面片, 节瓜, 蟹肉, 墨鱼, 海胆, 黄瓜水 QUADRUCCI DI MARE 258 Quadrucci Pasta, Zucchini, Crab, Cuttle Fish, Sea Urchin, Cucumber Water 牛肝菌烩饭, 帕玛森芝士, 杜松, 牛肝菌 238 RISOTTO PORCINI(V) Aquerello Risotto, Parmesan, Juniper, Porcini Mushroom 米兰低温牛膝肉, 藏红花烩饭, 牛骨髓汁, 可可粒 248 OSSOBUCO ALLA MILANESE Veal Ossobuco, Saffron Risotto, Marrow Butter, Cocoa Nibs

4 海鲜 MARE 日本红金枪鱼, 烤金枪鱼塔塔, 鹰嘴豆, 洋葱清汤 328 TONNO ROSSO Japanese Red Tuna Seared Tartare, Chick Peas, Onion Consomme 大西洋鳕鱼, 土豆泡沫, 鳌虾, 鱼子酱, 生菜汁 348 BACCALÀ Atlantic Cod Fish, Potato Foam, Langoustine, Caviar, Lettuce Emulsion 野生地中海鲈鱼, 松露土豆酱, 小时蔬, 紫甘蓝水 348 BRANZINO Wild Mediterranean Sea Bass, Truffle Potato, Baby Vegetable, Purple Cabbage Water 布列塔尼蓝龙虾, 烟熏芝士汁, 土豆团子, 白萝卜 408 ASTICE BLU Seared Blue Lobster, Smoked Mascarpone, Gnocchi, Daikon 肉类 TERRA 米兰小牛肉, 柠檬茴香酱, 芝麻菜酱 368 MEDAGLIONE Veal Medallion Milanese, Lemon and Fennel Chutney, Rocket Pesto 安格斯牛柳, 鹅肝慕斯, 浓缩红酒汁, 松露竹炭土豆 378 FILETTO & FOIE GRAS Angus Beef Fillet, Foie Gras Mousse, Red Wine Reduction, truffle clay Potato 羊里脊, 杏仁碎, 西兰花酱, 莙荙菜叶 328 AGNELLO Lamb Loin Almond Crust, Broccoli Cream, chard leaves 香煎鹅肝, 车厘子, 小红萝卜, 华夫饼, 黑醋啫喱 328 FOIE GRAS SPADELLATO Seared Foie Gras, Cheery, Baby Radish, Waffle, Vinegar Gel

5 扒类 CEPE GRILL 扒波士顿龙虾 (600 克 ) 618 ASTICE GRIGLIATO Grilled Boston Lobster (600 gr) 新西兰羊排 (500 克 ) 588 NEW ZEALAND LAMB RACK (500gr) (35 分钟准备时间 )(35 Minutes Preparation) 顶级澳洲和牛带骨肉眼 800 克 (2 人份 )(M5 级 ) 1388 AUSTRALIAN WAGYU M5 BONE IN RIBEYE 800 gr (For Two People) (35 分钟准备时间 )(35 Minutes Preparation) 顶级澳洲和牛西冷牛排 (150 克 /300 克 )(M9 级 ) 698/1188 AUSTRALIAN WAGYU M9 SIRLOIN (150 gr/300 gr) 安格斯 T 骨牛排 800 克 (2 人份 ) 1288 AUSTRALIAN ANGUS BEEF T - BONE 800 gr (For two people) (35 分钟准备时间 )(35 Minutes Preparation)

6 甜品 DOLCI 创意提拉米苏 128 TIRAMISÙ Chef Fabio s Presentaion of the Classic Italian Dessert 马斯卡彭尼黑巧克力, 樱桃浆汁, 香草冰淇淋, 黑醋啫喱 118 CIOCCOLATO&VANIGLIA Mascarpone Dark Choccolate, Cherry Glaze, Vanilla Ice Cream, Vinegar Gel 榛果体验, 皮埃蒙特榛子, 百利甜冰激凌, 黑松露碎 128 NOCCIOLA &TARTUFO Piedmont Hazelnut, Baileys Ice Cream, Black Truffle Crumble 意式柠檬泡沫, 腌莓子, 姜汁冰激凌, 蜂蜜脆片, 芹菜 108 LIMONE & ZENZERO Lemon Foam, Marinated Berries, Ginger Ice Cream, Honey Crisp, Celery 白巧克力奶冻, 黄瓜冰霜, 鱼子酱, 西西里橄榄油 128 PANNA COTTA&CETRIOLO White Choccolate Panna Cotta, Cucumber Sorbet, Caviar, Sicilian Olive Oil 咖啡 & 茶 CAFFETTERIA 咖啡 COFFEE 茶 TEA 现磨咖啡 Brewed Coffee 88 英式早餐茶 English Breakfast Tea 98 意式特浓 Espresso 88 伯爵茶 Earl Grey 98 双份意式特浓 Double Espresso 98 薄荷茶 Peperimint Tea 98 拿铁 Caffe Latte 98 西湖龙井 Long Jing Green Tea 138 卡布奇诺 Cappuccino 98 普洱茶 Pu er Tea 138 低因咖啡 Decaffeinated Coffee 88

冷切 SALUMI 顶级帕尔玛火腿, 布拉塔奶酪汁 328 PROSCIUTTO DI PARMA Parma Ham 36 Months,Burrata Cheese Cream 顶级西班牙 5J 伊比利亚火腿, 意式番茄面包片, 特级初榨橄榄油 398 IBERICO DE BELLOTA(12

冷切 SALUMI 顶级帕尔玛火腿, 布拉塔奶酪汁 328 PROSCIUTTO DI PARMA Parma Ham 36 Months,Burrata Cheese Cream 顶级西班牙 5J 伊比利亚火腿, 意式番茄面包片, 特级初榨橄榄油 398 IBERICO DE BELLOTA(12 开胃菜 ANTIPASTI 鹅肝啫喱, 烤菠萝, 黄油面包 248 FEGATO GRASSO Seared Parfait Foie Gras, Roasted Pineapple, Salted Caramel 香煎扇贝, 橄榄油粉, 托斯卡纳面包沙拉, 胡萝卜及柑橘汁 248 CAPESANTE Scallops, Olive Oil Crust, Tuscany Panzanella, Carrot

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