毕马威中国:专业视野,清晰思路 | KPMG China: Informed perspectives, clear results

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1 毕马威中国 KPMG China 专业视野清晰思路 Informed perspectives, clear results

2 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in China. The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Publication number: CN-MARKETS Publication date: April 2016 本刊物所载资料仅供一般参考用, 并非针对任何个人或团体的个别情况而提供 虽然本所已致力提供准确和及时的数据, 但本所不能保证这些数据在阁下收取本刊物时或日后仍然准确 任何人士不应在没有详细考虑相关的情况及获取适当的专业意见下依据本刊物所载资料行事 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 中国印刷 毕马威的名称和标识均属于毕马威国际的注册商标 刊物编号 :CN-MARKETS c 出版日期 : 二零一六年四月

3 : Informed perspectives, clear results 1 目录 Contents 02 毕马威简介 About KPMG 10 审计及鉴证 Audit and Assurance 14 税务 Tax 18 咨询 Advisory 28 毕马威的价值观 The KPMG values 32 毕马威的全球网络 The KPMG global network 34 联系我们 Contact us This publication is printed on recycled paper which is manufactured using 50% post-consumer waste and 50% raw wood pulp. Cover 240 gsm recycled paper. Text pages 120 gsm recycled paper. 本刊物用环保再生纸印刷 含 50% 用后废料及 50% 原木浆制造 封面用纸 240 克环保再生纸 内文用纸 120 克环保再生纸 2016 KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

4 2 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 毕马威是一个由专业成员所组成的全球网络 成员所遍布全球 155 个国家, 拥有专业人员超过 174,000 名, 提供审计 税务和咨询等专业服务 毕马威独立成员所网络中的成员与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联 毕马威各成员所在法律上均属独立及分设的法人 KPMG is a global network of professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 155 countries and have 174,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such.

5 : Informed perspectives, clear results 3 毕马威简介 About KPMG 1992 年, 毕马威在中国内地成为首家获准合资开业的国际会计师事务所 2012 年 8 月 1 日, 毕马威成为四大会计师事务所之中, 首家从中外合作制转为特殊普通合伙的事务所 毕马威香港的成立更早在 1945 年 率先打入中国市场的先机以及对质量的不懈追求, 使我们积累了丰富的行业经验, 中国多家知名企业长期聘请毕马威提供专业服务, 也反映了毕马威的领导地位 毕马威中国目前在北京 北京中关村 成都 重庆 佛山 福州 广州 杭州 南京 青岛 上海 沈阳 深圳 天津 厦门 香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区共设有十七家机构, 员工约 10,000 名 毕马威以统一的经营方式来管理中国的业务, 以确保我们能够高效和迅速地调动各方面的资源, 为客户提供高质量的服务 In 1992, KPMG became the first international accounting network to be granted a joint venture licence in mainland China. was also the first among the Big Four in mainland China to convert from a joint venture to a special general partnership, as of 1 August Additionally, the Hong Kong office can trace its origins to This early commitment to the China market, together with an unwavering focus on quality, has been the foundation for accumulated industry experience, and is reflected in the Chinese member firm s appointment by some of China s most prestigious companies. Today, has around 10,000 professionals working in 17 offices: Beijing, Beijing Zhongguancun, Chengdu, Chongqing, Foshan, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Xiamen, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR. With a single management structure across all these offices, can deploy experienced professionals efficiently, wherever our client is located KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

6 4 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 174,000 毕马威的成员机构遍布全球, 拥有超过 174,000 名员工 People employed by KPMG member firms worldwide 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 10, * 员工和机构数目按照二零一六年四月的数据计算 * Number of staff and offices as at April 毕马威中国的专业人员约 10,000 名 Professionals in China 毕马威中国管理 17 家机构 * Offices in China*

7 : Informed perspectives, clear results 5 Chengdu 成都 Beijing 北京 Beijing Zhongguancun 北京中关村 Chongqing 重庆 Tianjin 天津 Nanjing 南京 Hangzhou 杭州 Xiamen 厦门 Guangzhou 广州 Shenzhen Foshan 深圳佛山 Hong Kong Macau 香港澳门 Fuzhou 福州 Qingdao 青岛 Shenyang 沈阳 Shanghai 上海 2016 KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

8 6 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 针对客户的业务目标和挑战出谋献策 Focused on your goals and challenges 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 强化企业的报告体系 : 投资者对企业问责制 表现和公司治理的要求越来越严格, 这产生了新的规定, 要求企业提供更加全面 准确和深入的财务报告 为了赢得资本市场的信任, 企业越来越需向市场解释其业务风险管理措施和企业目标与表现之间的关系 毕马威中国提供的多种服务可协助客户加强治理, 并建立更有效率的报告体系 筹措资金 : 面对日趋激烈的市场竞争, 中国的不少企业都需要寻求不同的途径去筹措资金, 适应市场变化 上市筹资便成为企业重点考虑的方案 筹措资金或融资可让企业获得更多的财政资源来实现持续的增长, 并且达到许多其他的战略目标 然而, 选择合适的专业顾问至关重要 毕马威中国具备丰富的大型上市项目经验, 曾协助许多知名企业成功在中国和国际资本市场上市 我们可以在上市过程中的各个阶段为客户提供完善的专业协助和服务 增加企业的价值 : 中国的不少企业都希望通过合营和并购拓展业务 然而, 要找到高素质的合营伙伴并非易事, 这需要投入大量的时间和精力 毕马威中国能够在这方面为客户提供迅速 高效的专业支持, 协助客户抓住机遇, 提升企业的价值 保持良好的表现 : 企业除了必须不断创造佳绩外, 还要妥善管理诸多随时可影响其生存的风险 企业的当务之急, 是要找出并妥善管理各种业务风险, 并同时处理最迫切的问题 他们必须不断增加企业的价值, 与利益相关人士保持有效的沟通 毕马威中国拥有丰富的相关专业服务经验, 是客户理想的专业服务机构, 能够协助客户以周全的工作方法找出和管理风险 制订业务架构 : 很多企业需要根据不同国家或地区在法律 监管和财务标准方面的不同要求, 在这些国家或地区经营业务 不少企业在过去多年来经历了多次的收购 兼并和结盟, 各业务单位仍保留着以往的系统 程序和标准, 导致运作异常复杂 毕马威可协助企业透过对组织结构或税务进行重组 改善操作程序和更有效地管理信息来提高企业的效率

9 : Informed perspectives, clear results 7 毕马威中国能够提供多元化的专业服务, 协助客户达成业务目标和迎接挑战 offers a range of services to help you achieve your goals and address your challenges. Strengthening reporting: Many of s services support the drive towards better governance and more effective reporting. Demands for higher standards of accountability, performance and corporate governance have brought new requirements to achieve more comprehensive, accurate and insightful financial reporting. To inspire confidence in the capital markets, companies will increasingly be expected to explain their responses to business risks, and the link between objectives and performance. Raising finance: Many companies operating in China are looking at different ways to raise capital as they are faced with constantly increasing competition and the need for funds so that they can act swiftly and respond to changes in the market. Raising equity or debt gives companies the financial resources to pursue sustained growth and achieve a variety of other strategic goals. However, choosing a professional advisor is critical. has a strong track record of successful listings both within China and internationally. We can assist and provide services to our clients at the various stages of the listing process. Growing value: Many companies operating in China seek growth through joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Quality partners can be hard to find and require a considerable investment of time and effort. In this context, can provide the rapid and professional support crucial to helping companies respond to opportunities and secure value. Sustaining performance: Companies are under constant pressure to deliver improved results, while managing a wide range of risks that can threaten the very survival of the business. It is important for companies to identify and manage the risks surrounding the business while addressing the most pressing problems. They must also continue to build value and communicate effectively with the relevant stakeholders. s breadth of experience allows the firm to help companies achieve a well-rounded view of their risks. Structuring the business: Many companies are faced with the challenge of operating within the local requirements of numerous countries, with different legal, regulatory and fiscal standards. In many cases, the organisation has been formed over time through a variety of acquisitions and alliances, with each separate business having its own legacy systems, procedures and standards. This can lead to a high level of complexity, but also the potential for efficiency gains through organisational or tax restructuring, improved processes and more effective information management KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

10 8 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 行业知识 Industry knowledge 毕马威的专业团队由多个领域的专业人员组成, 以专注了解客户所处的行业情况和独特需求 我们尤其重视以行业专责团队整合行业知识, 提供优质服务 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 毕马威认为每个行业均有自身独特的情况, 并面对不同的挑战和机遇 我们在内地建立了实力雄厚的行业团队或部门团队, 以便我们在有需要时向客户提供目标明确的行业经验和建议 凭着我们对各行各业和内地情况的深入了解, 我们可随时调派熟悉客户具体业务情况和受过专业培训的人员, 为客户提供优质的服务 我们的专业人员均经过全面的专业和行业培训, 并拥有丰富的实际项目经验, 故能深入掌握各主要行业面对的热点议题 KPMG professionals operate in multidisciplinary teams, focusing on our clients needs and their industries. We place particular emphasis on consolidating industry knowledge and delivering services through dedicated teams that operate in a multitude of industries and sectors. At KPMG, we understand that each industry has its own opportunities, issues and challenges. Our business in China has established industry or sector groups, enabling targeted, industry-specific experience and advice to be delivered where needed. For our clients, this focus on industry- and country-specific knowledge means we can deliver trained professionals who have intimate knowledge of your specific business issues, as well as an overriding commitment to strive for the highest quality services. Through education, industry-focused training, and first-hand experience, our professionals have gained an in-depth understanding of the issues faced in a range of key industries.

11 : Informed perspectives, clear results 9 毕马威的行业专责团队 我们特别建立了六个按行业划分的专责团队, 致力于与业内的客户分享市场信息及不断提高自身的专业技能 Our sectors Our professional teams share knowledge and develop their skills, with a focus on industry sectors grouped under our six lines of business. 零售和消费品业 零售 食品 饮料和消费品 Consumer Markets Retail, and Food, Drink and Consumer Goods 工业市场 汽车 化工 工业制造 能源和天然资源 Industrial Markets Automotive, Chemicals, Industrial Manufacturing, and Energy and Natural Resources 基建 政府机构和医疗保健 建筑房地产 运输和物流 政府机构和基建 生命科学和医疗保健 Infrastructure, Government, Life Sciences and Healthcare Construction and Real Estate, Transport and Logistics, Government and Infrastructure, and Life Sciences and Healthcare 金融服务 银行 保险 投资管理和资本市场 Financial Services Banking, Insurance, Investment Management and Capital Markets 信息技术 媒体和电信业 电信业和媒体 信息技术 ( 软件和信息技术服务 / 电子 ) Technology, Media and Telecommunications Telecommunications and Media, and Technology (Software and IT Services/ Electronics) 私募股权 融资 投资和交易 实现价值 组合管理 Private Equity Fundraising, Investments and Deals, Realising Value, and Portfolio Management 2016 KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

12 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 10 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路

13 : Informed perspectives, clear results 11 审计及鉴证 Audit and Assurance 审计及鉴证财务报表审计资本市场服务会计咨询服务其他鉴证及审核服务 我们致力于提供优质 独立的财务报表审计, 以帮助增强投资者信心 诚信为本 优质服务和客观独立是毕马威审计服务的基石 我们的目标是协助企业应对会计准则变更 迎接业务变化带来的会计挑战 改善企业绩效 提升企业价值 To enhance investor confidence, we strive to provide high-quality, independent financial statement audits. Integrity, quality and independence are the building blocks of KPMG s approach to audit. Our goal is to help companies respond to changing financial standards, address accounting challenges arising from business changes, improve companies corporate performance and increase their value. Audit and Assurance Financial Statement Audit Capital Markets Services Accounting Advisory Services Other Forms of Assurance and Attestation Services 2016 KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

14 12 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 通过深入分析行业发展趋势及企业财务报告, 我们经验丰富的合伙人和专业人员能够协助企业识别主要的风险领域, 并有效地识别风险 财务报表审计 凭借强有力的数据和分析技术支持, 毕马威中国的审计服务可以整合丰富的行业经验 全球统一的审计方法以及先进的分析能力, 以夯实优质服务的基础 借助于自动化审计能力以有效理解数据并调查异常情况, 我们的审计程序不仅致力于评估财务信息, 还能促进我们的专业人员考虑与业务相关的其他特有因素, 包括企业文化 行业特征 竞争压力及固有风险等 我们出具的审计意见覆盖以中国 香港 美国 英国及新加坡等资本市场适用的公认会计准则编制的财务报表 新的国际审计准则对于长式审计报告的要求给上市公司报告带来重大变化, 审计师和审计委员会因而面临重大挑战, 而成功应对这项挑战则至关重要 我们经验丰富的审计团队基于对客户业务和行业的透彻理解, 能为客户提供深入的分析和见解, 继而为客户提供超越审计准则要求的创新审计方案 资本市场服务 在上市过程中, 我们均能为企业提供全面的专业协助和辅导 我们的专业人员在本地及国际证券交易所的首次公开募股 (IPO) 和重组上市领域, 均拥有非常丰富的经验 除出任申报会计师, 审计上市财务报表外, 我们还可就会计处理方法及应对监管机构问询方面提供咨询意见 我们同时也提供 IPO 之前的相关服务, 包括就企业在营运 财务和管理团队等方面的准备提供咨询, 协助联系保荐人和其他上市专业顾问, 以及协助保荐人进行财务尽职调查等 会计咨询服务 为了协助企业应对会计准则和法规要求的不断变更, 迎接业务变化带来的会计挑战, 我们可以在中国会计准则 国际财务报告准则 香港财务报告准则及美国公认会计原则等方面, 为企业提供咨询与培训服务 其他鉴证及审核服务 除审计外, 我们还能根据企业特定的监管或管理要求, 定制各种形式的鉴证服务 许多企业已意识到, 仅仅编制财务报表不足以充分反映企业的价值 绩效或业务风险 许多企业还对外披露他们作为决策依据的非财务信息, 包括关键业绩指标 ( 包括环境及可持续发展关键指标 ) 监管合规情况, 以及内部控制系统运行情况等 毕马威中国能够就这些信息提供鉴证意见, 从而增强这些对外披露信息的可靠性及公信力 通过以上服务, 毕马威中国能够协助企业找到新的方法以提升企业声誉 增强信息使用者信心 建立并维系利益相关方的信任 改善企业绩效, 并最终提升企业的价值

15 : Informed perspectives, clear results 13 Our experienced professionals and partners can help identify a company s key risk areas and effectively pinpoint risks through their in-depth analysis of industry trends and the company s financial statements. Financial Statement Audit s audits, powered by Data and Analytics, combine industry experience, a globally consistent KPMG Audit Methodology and advanced analytical capabilities. Using automated audit capabilities to effectively understand data and investigate anomalies, our audit process does more than assess financial information it enables our professionals to consider the unique elements of the business, including corporate culture, industry characteristics, competitive pressures and inherent risks. We offer our audit opinions on financial statements prepared in accordance with a range of relevant Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), including those applicable in China, Hong Kong, the US, the UK, Singapore and other capital markets. New International Standards on Auditing which require long-form audit reports are a marked change in listed company reporting. This is a challenge for auditors and audit committees, and needs to be done well. Our experienced Audit teams aim to provide deep insights based on a thorough understanding of our clients business and sector, thereby providing an innovative auditing approach that goes beyond the requirements of auditing standards. Capital Markets Services We provide wide-ranging professional assistance and counselling to companies throughout their listing process. Our professionals are experienced in initial public offerings (IPOs) and restructuring for listing, on both local and international securities exchanges. We act as reporting accountants, performing audits of listing-related financial statements, and advising on accounting treatments and comments raised by the regulators. As part of our pre-ipo services, we also advise on a company s listing preparations including its operations, finance and management teams; assist in liaising with the sponsors and other advisors; and facilitate the sponsors financial due diligence. Accounting Advisory Services In order to help companies respond to changing accounting standards and regulations, and to address the impacts of business change, we can provide advisory and training services on PRC GAAP, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRS) and US GAAP. Other Forms of Assurance and Attestation Services Beyond audit, we can tailor a multitude of other forms of assurance services to our clients regulatory or management needs. A number of companies have realised that financial reports alone do not adequately communicate their value, performance or business risks. Many organisations disclose the nonfinancial information that they use to make decisions. can help provide assurance on such information to enhance the reliability and credibility of disclosed key performance indicators (KPIs) (including environmental and sustainability KPIs), compliance with regulations, and the status of systems of internal control. In this way, helps companies find new ways to enhance their reputations and information users confidence, build and maintain trust with their stakeholders, improve their corporate performance, and ultimately increase their value KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

16 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 14 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路

17 : Informed perspectives, clear results 15 税务 Tax 税务 企业税务咨询服务 ( 包括国际税务服务 研发活动税务服务 企业并购税务服务 税收管理咨询服务和税务争议与纠纷解决服务 ) 全球转让定价服务 外汇管制法规 企业税务合规服务 全球间接税服务 贸易与关税 全球人力资源服务 ( 个人税务 ) 毕马威中国的税务专业人员对复杂的监管环境有着深入的了解, 并拥有丰富的行业知识和经验 通过提供高质量的税务服务, 我们的税务专业人员能协助客户实施有效的税务风险管理和合规实践, 并制定税收优化的业务和投资架构, 以配合客户的经营战略和目标 s Tax professionals have a deep understanding of complex regulatory environments, as well as in-depth industry knowledge and experience. By delivering high-quality tax services, our KPMG professionals help clients implement effective tax risk management and compliance practices, and put in place tax-efficient business and investment structures that are aligned with clients business strategies and goals. Tax Corporate Tax Advisory (including International Tax, R&D Tax, M&A Tax, Tax Management Consulting and Tax Dispute Resolution) Global Transfer Pricing Services Regulatory & Foreign Exchange Matters Corporate Tax Compliance Global Indirect Tax Services Trade & Customs Services Global Mobility Services (Individual Tax) 2016 KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

18 16 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 毕马威中国税务团队对中国和香港的税收法规 商业和投资规则及外汇法规有深入的了解 通过提供全面优质的税务服务, 采用协调一致工作方法, 我们的专业团队能帮助客户有效地处理企业税务 间接税和个人税务以及转让定价方面的事宜 毕马威的税务专业人员具有前瞻思维, 通过提供税务咨询服务为客户处理各类传统和新兴税务事宜 毕马威的本地和国际税务人员与全球转让定价服务人员紧密合作, 在有关的税务议题上站在前沿位置, 致力为客户处理当前的税务事宜, 包括与税基侵蚀和利润转移 (BEPS) 相关的发展 我们的转让定价服务团队为企业提供风险评估 文档分析和合规事宜 处理税务争议 预约定价安排 司法机关程序 转让定价筹划 尽职调查和供应链的分析等各类服务 我们的企业并购税务服务专责团队深入了解全球形势, 拥有丰富的实践经验, 并对各地税务和监管知识有深入的了解, 能从制定业务结构到税务尽职调查为客户提供广泛的服务, 包括就税收优化的退出 战略和并购后整合提出建议 除结构性税务筹划外, 毕马威的法规服务团队还会就外商投资规定 行业特定的监管要求以及外汇法规提供专业意见 由于税务机构加大执法力度, 税务调查的数量和相关挑战大大增加, 毕马威的企业所得税合规服务为客户提供定制的服务以满足他们的合规需求, 而毕马威的税务争议与纠纷解决服务则可帮助客户取得正面成果 税务风险管理逐渐成为了管理层关注的重要议题 毕马威的税收管理咨询服务专业人员具备优秀的专业技能, 能帮助客户设计和实施全面的税务风险管理系统和方案 毕马威的研发活动税务服务协助客户识别研发税收优惠和资格标准, 帮助企业更好地取得研发税收优惠政策的机会 间接税如增值税 转让税复杂且成本高昂 毕马威的全球间接税服务采用国际最佳实践, 为中国企业制定税务处理方案, 帮助客户有效地管理间接税事宜 此外, 建立和维持高效的跨境业务是当代跨国企业运营全球供应链的关键环节 毕马威的贸易与关税服务能为企业提供所需的专业知识和支援 全球人力资源服务为国际和本地企业提供广泛的合规 专业咨询和管理服务, 帮助企业及其员工管理个人税务事宜 通过将企业人力资源相关合规服务外包给毕马威, 企业可以更轻松地管理雇主主及雇员的税收申报义务 另外, 毕马威亦向企业提供境内及国际税务法规对本地和跨境雇佣安排影响的咨询, 包括股权激励型薪酬 税收优化的薪酬福利制度和经常性商务旅客的税务事宜

19 : Informed perspectives, clear results 17 s Tax practice combines a deep knowledge of the China and Hong Kong SAR tax laws and regulations, business and investment rules, and foreign exchange provisions. By delivering a broad spectrum of high-quality tax services and using a coordinated approach, our team of specialists helps clients manage their corporate, indirect and individual taxation and transfer pricing policies effectively. KPMG s Tax professionals are forward-thinking and provide Tax Advisory Services that deal with a comprehensive range of traditional and emerging tax issues. With specialists in Domestic and International Tax working with Global Transfer Pricing Services experts, KPMG is at the forefront of tax debates, supporting clients to deal with current issues, including Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) related developments. Our Transfer Pricing team can assist organisations with risk assessment reviews, documentation and compliance, audit defence, advance pricing arrangements, competence authority procedures, transfer pricing planning and due diligence, and value chain analysis. With a dedicated team of M&A Tax specialists, which combines global understanding and deal experience with local tax and regulatory knowledge, we can help businesses with numerous services ranging from structuring to tax due diligence, including advising on tax-efficient exit strategies and post-deal integration. Such structural tax planning is complemented by KPMG s Regulatory Services, which provide advice on foreign investment rules, industry-specific regulatory requirements, and foreign exchange provisions. As tax authorities enforce the tax laws more rigorously, and as the number of tax audits and challenges by tax authorities increases, KPMG s Corporate Income Tax Compliance professionals can provide clients with tailored assistance to meet their compliance needs, while KPMG s Tax Dispute Resolution specialists can help clients attain positive outcomes. Managing tax risks is an increasingly important board topic. KPMG s Tax Management Consulting experts are well equipped to help in the design and implementation of comprehensive tax risk management systems and solutions. KPMG s R&D Tax practice assists clients in identifying research and development (R&D) incentives and eligibility criteria to help businesses better access R&D incentive opportunities. Indirect taxes such as VAT and transfer tax can be complex and costly. KPMG s Global Indirect Tax Services applies international best practices to develop solutions for businesses in China and helps clients manage their indirect taxes effectively. In addition, establishing and maintaining efficient cross-border operations is a key part of operating the extended global supply chains of modern multinational enterprises, and KPMG s Trade & Customs Services can provide the necessary expertise and assistance. Global Mobility Services offers a wide range of compliance, advisory and administrative services to international and local organisations to help them and their employees manage their tax affairs. By outsourcing their employee-related compliance services to KPMG, organisations can more easily manage their employer and employee filing obligations. KPMG also advises organisations on domestic and international tax laws affecting local and cross-border employment arrangements, including equitybased compensation, tax-efficient remuneration packages and tax issues facing frequent business travellers KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

20 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 18 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路

21 : Informed perspectives, clear results 19 咨询 Advisory 战略管理咨询风险管理咨询财务咨询 毕马威咨询的专业人员通过一系列战略咨询 管理咨询 风险管理咨询及财务咨询等服务, 为客户提供专业的协助 通过这些服务, 本所可协助客户满足在增长 ( 创造价值 ) 绩效 ( 提升价值 ) 和公司治理 ( 保持价值 ) 方面的战略需求 KPMG s Advisory professionals assist clients through a range of services relating to Strategy, Management Consulting, Risk Consulting and Deal Advisory. Together, these services can help address a client s strategic needs in terms of growth (creating value), performance (enhancing value) and governance (managing value). Strategy Management Consulting Risk Consulting Deal Advisory 2016 KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

22 20 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 有效战略的巨大潜力往往因为业务模式 经营模式和转型过程的脱节而无法得以充分发挥 毕马威战略团队特有的方法论可协助客户将战略和执行有机地结合起来, 我们在中国市场诸多的成功案例就是最好的证明 推动企业全面转型我们专注于企业整体业务及运营模式的转型 无论贵公司是在考虑审阅投资组合或资本分配, 贵公司是正在考虑重新规划长期战略的国有企业或私营企业, 我们的方法论均具有独到之处, 可以协助您计划以及实施全面转型 我们的战略团队协助了一个全球领先的零售商在中国成功地复制了极具竞争力的全球经营模式 考虑到经营环境方面的重大差异, 我们根据主要原则, 从高层次架构下沉至零售特有的细节, 打造了符合零售行业业务及经营模式特殊要求的企业战略 我们建立了相关的商业模型, 包括每一年的自由现金流分析, 其后多年, 我们一直在协助这个超过 20 亿美元的投资项目的实施 实现业务有机增长毕马威战略团队协助客户设计有利可图的增长战略, 以取得独特和可持续的竞争优势 企业全方位战略 增长战略 运营与成本战略 交易战略 战略 各个公司均有自己特定的收入增长目标, 或者是进入新市场 价格和业务分部调整, 或者考虑推出新产品 通过系统地了解相关市场 定位 品牌 客户群和渠道, 以及考虑到相关运营模式的影响, 我们采用整体分析法协助贵公司实现业务增长 我们的团队曾与一家在中国经营了 20 年的跨国公司合作, 面对当地日趋激烈的市场竞争, 该公司的主要业务停滞不前 我们的工作是找出其各项业务和经营模式中存在的问题, 并且需要实施的各项变革指明了清晰的方向 在其后的两年内, 该公司业务实现了高达 70% 有机增长 通过改变运营和成本有机地提升企业的业务绩效我们专注于处理战略性的运营问题, 从单纯的提高效率到全面运营模式规划设计 毕马威战略团队重点关注企业的核心流程及核心竞争力, 以及辅助性的基础设施 公司治理 组织架构 人力资源和技能等方面因素 我们会考虑运营模式与业务模式间的关联性, 以及公司是否能够有效激励和衡量有助于实现企业财务目标的行为 Enterprise-Wide Strategy Growth Strategy Operating & Cost Strategy Deal Strategy Strategy 我们曾协助一全球工业领军企业在面对创新浪潮冲击时, 重新考虑其经营模式的基本因素 通过详细地规划核心和辅助程序, 以及与中国竞争对手对标分析, 我们协助客户成功地将成本基数降低了超过 30%, 在盈利的情况下保持了其市场份额 与我们财务咨询的同事一起完成整个兼并收购流程我们为企业各种交易设定提供战略投资决策支持 我们与财务和税务方面的同事通力协作, 从交易前审查和商业尽职调查, 至交易后整合和首日准备, 我们的整体分析法可以应用于合资 收购和撤资等不同情形 其中一个案例是一家大型国有产业龙头企业在收购一家欧洲同业之后, 面对一些主要利益相关者的质疑 在这个项目中, 我们协助客户设计了未来五年的业务和经营模式, 通过市场定位和协同效应偿还收购价格, 包括与利益相关者的沟通协调以及转型推广实施

23 : Informed perspectives, clear results 21 The great potential that comes from having an effective strategy often goes unrealised due to disconnects between the business model strategy, operating model and transformation journey. The KPMG Strategy team s proprietary methodology helps clients make the connection between strategy and execution and we have a growing track record in China to prove it. Driving enterprise-wide change We specialise in firm-wide business and operating model transformation. Whether you are considering a portfolio review or capital allocation, or if you are a state-owned enterprise (SOE) or private enterprise considering your long-term strategic redesign, our methodology is uniquely positioned to help plan and enact transformative change. The Strategy team previously helped a successful global retailer replicate its competitive global model in China. Accounting for the significant differences in operating environment, we built a suitable strategy from first principles, from high-level structure down to unprecedented retail-specific details in the business and operating model requirements. We provided a year-by-year business model, including free cash flow analysis, and remained involved in the subsequent multi-year implementation of this >USD 2 billion investment. Growing your business organically The KPMG Strategy team helps create profitable growth strategies that can build a unique, sustainable competitive position. Companies may have specific revenue growth targets in mind, or perhaps a new market entry, price and segmentation adjustment, or new product launch to consider. By systematically understanding the relevant markets, propositions, brands, clients and channels, and considering the related operating model implications, we take a holistic approach to growing your business. The team previously worked with a multinational corporation (MNC) that had been in China for two decades, but which had a stagnant top line in the face of fierce local competition. Our work identified specific issues across the business and operating models, and a clear direction to implement the required change. Organic growth was up 70 percent within two years. Improving your business performance organically through operating and cost changes We address strategic operational issues, from improving efficiency to designing operating model strategies. The KPMG Strategy team focuses on core processes and related core competencies by supporting infrastructure, governance, structures, people and skills. We also consider the interdependencies with the business model, and whether companies are able to incentivise and can measure behaviours which contribute to the organisation s financial ambitions. We previously helped a global industrial leader reconsider the fundamentals of its operating model in the face of innovative disruption. Through detailed mapping of core and support processes and by comparing this with significantly leaner Chinese competition, we helped our client reduce its cost base by over 30 percent to profitably maintain its market share ambition. Complementing our Deal Advisory colleagues through the M&A cycle We support organisations strategic investment decisions in a range of transaction settings. Working with our financial and tax Deal Advisory colleagues, from pre-deal screening and commercial due diligence to integration and day one readiness, we apply our holistic methodology to joint venture, buy and divestment scenarios. One example is a major Chinese SOE industrials player which was facing questions from key stakeholders after the acquisition of a European peer. We provided a five-year business and operating model plan to reimburse the purchase price through market positioning and synergies, including required stakeholder alignment and roll-out transformation KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

24 22 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 客户与运营通过与客户的关系获取更多价值并由此赢得客户的业务是关键所在 为此, 我们需要确定重点关注的客户, 并制定出与之匹配的由价值驱动的客户战略 客户与运营 (C&O) 服务部门围绕着客户对不同的服务和价值取向的需求, 努力提升客户体验 本所经验丰富的专业人员帮助客户增加收入, 同时降低运营开支和投资 通过将我们的数据分析能力与战略服务团队的技能结合起来, 我们可以协助客户开发以客户为中心 注重发掘客户价值的业务和经营模式, 让客户为应对快速变化的外部环境做好准备 客户与运营服务包括 : 共享服务及服务外包咨询 (SSOA): SSOA 可协助公司通过降低成本 获得更多合格人才 精简流程 控制风险 / 合规并更好地注重于核心竞争力来提高自身的竞争力 我们的跨部门团队可以帮助企业通过集中非核心职能部门 实施流程标准化 有效地管理人才 降低内部运营成本和运用技术投资等方式使企业内部运营转型, 以更有效地开展竞争 供应链采购运营业务咨询 : 供应链采购运营咨询注重于优化企业的整体成本, 协助供应链进行风险管理 精简流程效率 提高价值链透明度 优化流程及培训供应链和采购员工 我们可以协助各个行业及整个价值链内的企业, 包括研发 销售与运营规划 采购 生产 物流和仓储网络规划等 我们同时会定期出版刊物发表我们的领先思维和观点 客户与运营 财务管理 管理咨询服务 人员与变革 信息技术咨询 财务管理财务部门的职能需要与企业的业务策略保持一致 此外, 财务部门应提供财务分析和意见以协助企业做出更好的决策, 同时遵循法律和监管方面的规定 本所的财务管理 (FM) 团队得到全球专业人员网络的支援, 可在适当的时间和地点为客户提供具备所需技能的恰当人选, 协助各机构在财务相关的领域占据领导者地位 毕马威中国财务管理团队通过以下三个切入点提供一系列的财务管理服务, 以提高财务部门的表现, 进而为企业创造价值 : 高效的财务运作 寻找财务运作中的改进机会并释放价值和资源, 将更多的时间用于协助企业做出更好的决策 实践证明, 将日常财务活动进行整合可以为高效的财务运作奠定坚实的基础 有效的决策支持 提供一个量身订制的财务规划和绩效管理框架, 协助企业做出更好的决策 财务策略和转型 一个财务策略或转型计划可协助客户确定财务部门在推动企业战略措施时的角色 它有益于高级管理层和首席财务官清晰地表达财务部门的愿景和策略, 考核财务部门的绩效, 并量身订制未来的运营模式 人力和变革管理咨询在如今不断变化的环境中, 企业一直在寻求各种方法疏理和整合流程 系统和人力資源, 从而创造出更高效的业绩 毕马威的人力和变革管理咨询团队制定了不同的策略以吸引 发展 激励 挽留和管理人才, 实现企业的目标 我们与客户相互合 Customer & Operations Financial Management 作, 针对客户的架构设计与发展 行为变革管理 人才管理 优化人力资源营运和人力需求管理等提供建议 我们的人力和变革管理咨询团队得到毕马威全球人力资源卓越中心的支援, 一个由资深人力资源顾问组成的专责团队, 随时为我们的客户提供服务 他们以大量研究作为基础, 就不同地区的需要提供独特观点和深入见解, 致力在咨询项目中为当地团队提供支援 我们的亚太区人力资源卓越中心的总部设立在香港 信息技术咨询我们的服务可以协助客户在符合其商业战略和愿景之时, 发挥信息技术的潜力, 以应对面临的业务挑战 我们的专业团队向客户提供从信息化战略到系统实施的一系列专业服务, 包括信息技术战略规划 信息技术治理 信息技术架构设计 信息技术项目管理 信息技术外包管理 ERP 咨询及实施 数据治理 数据分析和商业智能 信息安全和业务延续性管理等 我们的信息技术咨询专业人员通过提供各类服务, 帮助企业信息技术管理人员建立前瞻性思维, 在提升信息技术服务效率的同时, 利用信息技术获得商业价值的最大化, 支持企业长期稳健的发展 Management Consulting People & Change IT Advisory

25 : Informed perspectives, clear results 23 Customer and Operations Getting more value out of customer relations and thus winning customer business is key. To do this, it is vital to identify which customers to focus on and find the value-driven customer strategies to suit the segment. The Customer and Operations (C&O) service line strives to improve the customer experience, taking into consideration different service and proposition needs. Our experienced professionals help clients increase revenue and reduce operating expenses and investment. By pairing our data & analytics capabilities with the Strategy group s skills, we help clients develop customer-centric business and operational models that focus on customer value generation, preparing them for fast-changing environments. C&O includes: Shared Services and Outsourcing Advisory (SSOA): SSOA can help companies enhance their competitiveness by reducing costs, improving access to qualified talent, streamlining processes, controlling risk/compliance and increasing focus on core competencies. Our multidisciplinary team helps organisations compete more effectively by transforming their internal operations through centralising non-core functions, standardising processes, managing talent more effectively, reducing internal operating costs, and leveraging technology investments. Operations Consulting: Operations Consulting focuses on optimising a company s total costs, assisting with risk management for the supply chain, streamlining process efficiencies, enhancing value chain transparency, optimising planning, and training supply chain and procurement staff. We assist companies across all industries and within the full value chain, including R&D, sales and operation planning, procurement, production, logistics, and warehouse network planning. Our services are supported by frequent thought leadership publications. Financial Management The finance function needs to be aligned with the business strategy. It should also provide financial analysis and insight to support corporate decision-making, while meeting legal and regulatory requirements. With a global network of professionals, Financial Management (FM) can bring the right people with the right skills, to the right place at the right time to help organisations become finance leaders. s FM team aims to enhance the finance function s performance and increase its value to the business by providing a range of FM services under three service networks: Efficient finance operations Helps identify and deliver specific improvements to unlock value and resources, thereby freeing up time for improved decision support activities. It is founded on a robust platform of integrated operational/ transactional finance activities. Effective decision support Delivers a fit-for-purpose financial planning and performance management framework to help the business make better decisions. Finance strategy and transformation Helps clients define the role of finance in driving strategic business imperatives. It also helps senior management and CFOs clearly articulate the finance vision and strategy, analyse the finance function s performance, and develop a fit-for-purpose future state operating model. People and Change In today s constantly changing environment, organisations are always looking for ways to align their Processes, Systems and People to deliver more effective results. KPMG s People and Change (P&C) team develops strategies for attracting, developing, motivating, retaining and managing employees to deliver on the company s goals. We partner with clients and advise them on organisation design and development, behavioural change management, talent management, optimisation of the HR function, and workforce optimisation. The P&C team in China is supported by KPMG s Global HR Centre of Excellence, a dedicated group of senior HR professionals available to our clients at all times. It develops regionally specific points of view and provides insights supported by extensive research to supplement our local resources as required. The Asia Pacific HR Centre of Excellence is based in Hong Kong. IT Advisory Our services help clients leverage their IT potential and address the challenges they are facing, while remaining compliant with their business strategy and vision. Our professionals provide clients with a range of services, from IT strategy development to system implementation, including IT strategy planning, IT governance, IT organisational design, IT project management, IT outsourcing management, enterprise resource planning (ERP) advisory and implementation, data governance, data analysis and business intelligence, and IT security and continuity management. The IT Advisory team helps clients IT management create a forwardlooking perspective that uses IT to enhance business value, and helps improve the efficiency of IT services, to support businesses stable, long-term development KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

26 24 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 毕马威的风险管理咨询服务团队根据目前的经营环境, 致力为客户解决最迫切的策略和营运问题 这些服务针对会计与报告 财务与资金 监管合规及监控等主要领域 会计咨询服务我们的专业人员可在涉及会计流程的重大项目为客户提供咨询, 包括国际财务报告准则转换 首次公开招股 并购活动 跨境交易 财务报告速度和质量提升及财务报告流程优化 精算服务毕马威在亚太地区拥有实力雄厚的精算业务 我们共有超过 140 位精算专业人员服务广大客户, 满足他们的需求 我们为来自于香港 中国和其他亚洲地区的客户提供精算服务 我们灵活的资源调配模式使我们能够充分地利用我们在亚洲 欧洲和美国的精算专业技能知识 我们咨询的服务领域包括风险和资本管理 精算流程和模型完善 交易与重组 法规 准备金评估和定价 金融业风险管理我们协助客户找出 评估 管理 报告和限制他们所面对的金融风险 各行各业的企业不论规模大小都希望建立完善的金融风险管理 (FRM) 制度 这个制度应能满足合规要求, 有利于做出更好的决策, 改善业绩, 及更好地维护企业的声誉 我们的金融业风险管理专业人员可与金融机构 企业和其他机构携手达致这些目标 会计咨询服务 精算服务 金融业风险管理 法证会计服务 风险管理咨询服务 内部审计 风险管理和合规服务 信息技术咨询 我们可就一系列金融方面的问题提供专业意见, 包括信用风险 流动性风险 市场风险 发行或交易金融工具风险 财政运作固有风险 巴塞尔新资本协议和 IFRS9 实施问题等 法证会计毕马威法证会计服务拥有逾 2500 名跨职能专业人员, 这些专业人员遍布全球多个成员所, 构成一个全球服务网络 他们通过防范 侦测和调查舞弊及不当行为, 并帮助客户避免或解决争议, 以协助客户最大限度地维护其商业信誉 我们的专业人员不仅协助客户找出有关舞弊及不当行为的证据, 还帮助评估和减缓有关方面的漏洞 我们还提供多方面服务以避免或解决商务上的争议, 包括损失评估 解决会计 审计和财务相关问题, 及专家证人服务 毕马威法证会计服务配备多种高科技技术工具, 协助企业应对涉及电子证据事项的风险和成本管理, 以及大数据环境下的数据获取 管理和分析 我们的专业人员与客户紧密配合, 协助他们管理数据建立 保存 收集 分析到呈现的一系列流程 另外, 我们还应用数据分析方法协助客户主动侦测舞弊和不当行为 Accounting Advisory Services Actuarial Services Financial Risk Management 内部审计 风险管理和合规服务我们协助客户改善企业合规运作模式, 针对企业的内部策略及营运风险管理, 加强内部监控系统 我们的专业服务团队提供治理 风险和合规服务, 通过协助企业的管理层建立一个可结合治理 风险 合规和保证职能的综合框架, 为企业在遵循上市规则和其他监管要求方面提供支持 内部审计 风险管理和合规服务协助企业透过风险管理系统的设立和持续的审计和监察, 提升绩效和作出明确的决定 信息技术咨询鉴于信息技术故障会导致信誉损失 顾客和市场价值流失 私隐问题增加以及易受关注的法律问题, 信息技术风险和合规的管理已变得越来越重要 在此环境下, 加强信息技术控制在确保企业业务得到有效管控以及可靠运行等方面便显得十分关键 毕马威信息技术咨询团队是广受国际大型跨国企业董事会信赖的顾问团队 我们协助企业在各个领域评估 管理和控制信息技术风险 Risk Consulting Forensic Internal Audit, Risk & Compliance Services IT Advisory

27 : Informed perspectives, clear results 25 KPMG s Risk Consulting services group is built on addressing clients urgent strategic and operational challenges in today s environment. The practice focuses on key risk areas relating to accounting and reporting, finance and treasury, and regulatory compliance and controls. Accounting Advisory Services We help our clients on a range of important matters that have significant accounting ramifications, including converting to IFRS, IPOs, M&A activity, cross-border transactions, improving the speed and quality of financial reporting (quality close), and improvements in the financial reporting process chain. Actuarial Services KPMG has well-established Actuarial practices in Asia Pacific. Together, we have more than 140 actuarial professionals to serve our clients needs. We provide actuarial advice to clients based in Hong Kong and mainland China, as well as in other Asian territories. Our flexible resourcing model allows us to draw on our actuarial expertise from across Asia, as well as from actuarial specialists in Europe and the US. We advise our clients in a number of areas such as risk and capital management, actuarial process and model improvement, transactions and restructuring, regulation, reserving, and pricing. Financial Risk Management We help our clients identify, assess, manage, report and limit the financial risks they face. Enterprises of all kinds and sizes want robust financial risk management (FRM) frameworks that satisfy compliance demands, contribute to better decision-making, enhance performance, and help maintain the enterprise s good reputation. Our FRM professionals work with financial institutions and other corporate and public clients to attain these objectives. Credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk, the risks of issuing or dealing in financial instruments, the risks inherent in treasury operations, Basel, and IFRS 9 implementation are just some of the financial issues we advise on. Forensic KPMG Forensic is a global network comprising over 2,500 multidisciplinary professionals from KPMG member firms who assist clients in achieving the highest levels of business integrity through the prevention, detection and investigation of fraud and misconduct, and by avoiding and resolving disputes. Our professionals not only help clients discover the facts underlying concerns about fraud and misconduct, but they also assist them in assessing and mitigating vulnerabilities to such activities. We also deliver a broad range of services to help prevent and resolve commercial disputes including the assessment of damages; the resolution of accounting, audit and finance-related issues; and expert witness services. Using a wide range of sophisticated technology tools, KPMG Forensic helps organisations address the risks and costs involved with evidence and discovery management, as well as the acquisition, management and analysis of large data sets. Our professionals work alongside clients to handle information from its creation to its preservation, collection, analysis and presentation in discovery. We also apply data analytics to assist with detecting fraud and misconduct. Internal Audit, Risk and Compliance Services (IARCS) We help organisations improve their corporate governance practices, risk management and internal control systems by focusing on strategic and operational risk issues spanning different functions and operating units. We provide governance, risk and compliance services to support compliance with listing rules and other regulatory requirements, helping develop integrated frameworks that can unify governance, risk, compliance and assurance functions. We can also help organisations improve their performance and decision-making through the establishment of an Enterprise Risk Management system or through continuous auditing and monitoring approaches. IT Advisory Managing IT risk and compliance has become more critical, as IT failures can lead to reputational damage, customer and market valuation loss, an increase in privacy issues, and high-profile legal exposure. In this environment, enhancing IT controls is crucial to help ensure businesses are managed and controlled appropriately, and are functioning reliably. KPMG s IT Advisory team is a trusted advisor to the boards of some of the world s largest multinational organisations. We help companies assess, manage and optimise information technology risk across a range of areas KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

28 26 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 毕马威由各领域专家组成的团队可在整个交易过程中, 为客户高效地寻找 确定和驱动价值 为了向利益相关者提供更好 更持久的业绩, 企业在开展业务方面需要承担比以往更大的压力, 比如收购业务 出售业务 建立合作伙伴关系 为业务融资或解决公司内部问题等 本所可以从投资者的角度出发, 协助贵公司跨越眼前的挑战, 将目光投注到未来的商机, 进而推动企业的战略性转变, 充分把握在正确的时机做出正确的决策 本所将对不同行业的深入认识 先进的分析工具以及全球视野与地方上的专业经验融合在一起, 从而协助贵公司达致目标 本所的综合专业团队可协助贵公司排忧解难, 在错综复杂的环境中找出正确的解决方案, 做出正确的抉择 收购业务本所的综合专业团队运用专业知识 分析工具和专有数据以促进在收购的早期阶段做出明智和快速的决定 本所可协助贵公司在整个收购过程中找出主要风险和收益, 即便是最为复杂的交易 本所可以协助贵公司将交易与企业的发展战略目标联系起来, 遵守相关法规, 并通过整合业务实现价值 收购业务 出售业务 解决业务问题 为业务融资 建立伙伴关系 财务咨询 出售业务本所的财务咨询专业人员具有前瞻性, 他们把自身对行业的深入认识与由经验所产生的预见性结合起来, 因此可以协助贵公司防患于未然 从协助贵公司了解某一资产剥离中潜在的风险和收益到支援贵公司尽量减少价值流失, 本所均能正确评估贵公司的立场, 并支持贵公司的谈判方略, 以最大限度地实现出售价格和在尽量不影响业务运营的情况下达成交易 解决业务问题贵公司如需要解决一些财务问题以改善绩效, 毕马威的专业团队可以协助贵公司列出问题的轻重缓急, 以便贵公司有的放矢地去解决问题 本所可作为贵公司可信赖的顾问, 让贵公司在工作的每一个阶段均能获得裨益 在当今快速变化的商业环境中, 每一个企业都面对着挑战 任何一个失误都可能会给企业的业绩和公司价值造成重大影响 本所的综合专业团队可在艰难的时刻为贵公司提供指引, 为贵公司的利益相关者提供实实在在的业绩 Buying a business Selling a business Fixing a business Funding a business Partnering 为业务融资作为贵公司可信赖的顾问, 本所的综合团队可从投资者的角度在筹资的整个过程中为贵公司提供指引 贵公司可获得坦诚 有价值和实际可行的意见去做出策略性决策, 进而实现贵公司的业务增长目标 通过采用清晰一致的沟通方式, 本所可协助贵公司扩展和强化股东对交易的支持力度 建立伙伴关系创建和建立一个成功的合营企业或商业联盟需要专业化的技能 本所的综合专业团队运用国际视野, 可在合营企业或商业联盟从创立到退出的整个过程, 为贵公司提供高素质和可靠的服务和支援 Deal Advisory

29 : Informed perspectives, clear results 27 KPMG s integrated team of specialists works at deal speed to help you find, secure and drive value throughout your transaction life cycle. Business today is under more pressure than ever to deliver better, lasting results for stakeholders, whether you need to buy, sell, partner, fund or fix your company. By thinking like an investor, we help you see beyond immediate challenges to future opportunities to drive strategic change, giving you the confidence to make the right decision at the right time. We combine deep sector knowledge, superior analytic tools and a global mindset with local expertise to help you achieve results. Our integrated team of specialists helps you navigate a complex, fragmented process, so you can stay out in front of the issues and make your decisions count. Buying a business Our integrated team of specialists combines knowledge, analytical tools and proprietary data to fuel smarter, faster decisions earlier in the buy side process. We can help you identify key risks and rewards throughout the acquisition life cycle even for the most complex deals. We help you align deals with strategic business objectives, maintain compliance and realise value from integration. Selling a business Our Deal Advisory professionals are forward-looking specialists who combine deep sector knowledge with the foresight that comes from experience, to help you stay in front of the issues. From helping you understand the potential risks and rewards of a divestiture to supporting you in minimising value leakage, we assess your situation and support your negotiating position to help maximise the sales price and execute the deal with minimal disruption to business operations. Fixing a business When you need to fix financial issues and improve performance, KPMG s team of specialists helps you prioritise issues and focus on the right path. We function as a trusted advisor to help unlock value at every stage. In this rapidly changing environment, every company faces challenges. A step in the wrong direction can sometimes have significant effects on corporate performance and company value. KPMG s integrated team of specialists guides you through difficult times to deliver real results for your stakeholders. Funding a business Our integrated team of trusted advisors guides you through the process of raising capital by understanding it from an investor s perspective. You get honest, practical advice of real value to inform your strategic decisions and help you meet your business growth objectives. Using clear and consistent communication, we can help you develop and strengthen shareholder support for the deal. Partnering Creating and setting up a successful joint venture or business alliance involves specialised skills. Employing a global mindset, KPMG s integrated team of specialists supports you through the life cycle of a joint venture or alliance, giving you our global best in quality and reliable service from creation to exit KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

30 28 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 毕马威的价值观是我们日常工作的行为准绳, 它以最高的职业道德标准确立了我们的企业文化和庄严承诺 KPMG s values lie at the heart of the way we do things and define our culture and our commitment to the highest principles of personal and professional conduct 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载

31 : Informed perspectives, clear results 29 毕马威的价值观 The KPMG values 毕马威和企业社会责任毕马威相信, 作为一家在全球拥有约 174,000 名员工的专业服务机构, 我们的行动将会对我们正努力为自己和下一代建立的社会产生或大或小的影响 这个信念有力地反映了我们作为一家专业机构应承担的社会责任 毕马威一直高度重视企业的社会责任 作为社会的一员, 我们的高层管理人员积极带头履行我们的企业责任 透过与我们的客户 非政府机构 利益相关人士和本地政府部门携手合作, 我们热心关怀社会, 致力改善环境 KPMG and Corporate Social Responsibility With 174,000 people working in KPMG International s member firms around the globe, we believe that our actions have an impact on the world that we are trying to build for ourselves and future generations. This belief strongly reflects who we are as an organisation. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been a constant factor for us and is led by our senior leadership. CSR is about working together with our clients, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), stakeholders and local government to assist with social and environmental issues KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

32 30 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 关注范畴 为了秉承毕马威值得信赖的专业形象, 我们力求通过以下关注范畴引领社会变革 : 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载 环境对于周围的环境, 我们责无旁贷 我们竭力在企业运营中应对气候变化的挑战, 在与客户合作中改善社会和环境的可持续性 教育我们重视教育和终身学习 坚持不懈的学习能够使我们自身和他人充分释放潜力 我们通过多方位的方案和举措培养未来领袖 灌能 : 包容性发展我们的包容性发展战略有助于确保各方共享经济和社会发展成果 专长不同 技能各异的人才汇聚毕马威, 针对社会和经济发展问题开发创新方案 灌能 : 多元化和包容性我们的员工各有所长, 各具特色 毕马威为员工营造了一个多元化 和谐的工作环境, 每个人都能在其中发挥所长, 实现个人价值 我们相信, 倡导多样性能够促进机会平等, 为下一代创建更好的社群 这些价值观是我们行事的座右铭 Key areas of focus To uphold KPMG s identity as a trusted professional services firm, we strive to lead change in society in the following areas: Environment We have a responsibility to influence positive change in the environment in which we operate. We strive to address the challenges of climate change in terms of our own operations and by working with our clients to improve societal and environmental sustainability. Education We value education and lifelong learning. By continuing to learn, we are able to unlock our own potential as well as that of others. Through various programmes and initiatives, we help cultivate future successful leaders. Empowerment: Inclusive development Our inclusive development strategies help ensure that all people can benefit from economic and social development. By bringing together KPMG people with different professional backgrounds and skills, we develop innovative solutions to tackle social and economic development issues in our community. Empowerment: Diversity and inclusion Our people bring with them their unique experience and individuality. Rather than using these differences to set us apart, we strive to use our diversity to create an environment where all people can succeed. We believe that by promoting diversity, we can also promote equal opportunities for all and help better our community for the next generation. Our values underpin all we do.

33 : Informed perspectives, clear results 31 在毕马威, 我们非常重视我们的价值观和声誉 毕马威的专业声誉对我们的业务成功与否 我们在客户心目中的诚信, 以及我们的人员的个人发展都是至关重要的 这实际上意味着什么呢? At KPMG, we take our values and reputation seriously. This professional reputation is vital to the success of our business, the integrity of our clients and the personal development of our people. What does this mean in practice? 以身作则为人表率 : 各个级别的员工都从我做起, 用行动给同事和客户做出表率 上下一心团队精神 : 让每位员工都能发挥所长, 建立密切和谐的工作关系 互敬互重群策群力 : 尊重每个人的个性, 尊重他们个人以及作为团队成员的知识 技能和经验 实事求是卓见精辟 : 大胆假设, 小心求证, 真正成为值得客户信赖和客观的合作伙伴 开诚布公言行一致 : 经常并有建设性地分享信息 观点和建议, 凭勇气和真诚战胜困难 热心公益回馈社会 : 承担作为企业公民的责任, 通过参与社会公益活动, 进一步强化和拓展我们的技能 经验和洞察力 诚信为本守正不移 : 时刻坚持最高的专业标准, 提供切实可行的建议, 一丝不苟地保持我们的独立性 We lead by example: At all levels, acting in a way that exemplifies what we expect of each other and our clients. We work together: Bringing out the best in each other and creating strong and successful working relationships. We respect the individual: Respecting people for who they are, and for their knowledge, skills and experience as individuals and team members. We seek the facts and provide insight: Challenging assumptions, pursuing facts, and strengthening our reputation as trusted and objective business advisors. We are open and honest in our communication: Sharing information, insight and advice frequently and constructively, and managing tough situations with courage and candour. We are committed to our communities: Acting as responsible corporate citizens and broadening our skills, experience and perspectives through our work in our communities. Above all, we act with integrity: Constantly striving to uphold the highest professional standards, provide sound advice and rigorously maintain our independence KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

34 32 毕马威中国 : 专业视野清晰思路 毕马威的全球网络 The KPMG global network 2016 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司及毕马威会计师事务所, 均是与瑞士实体 毕马威国际合作组织 ( 毕马威国际 ) 相关联的独立成员所网络中的成员 毕马威华振会计师事务所 ( 特殊普通合伙 ) 为一所中国合伙制会计师事务所 ; 毕马威企业咨询 ( 中国 ) 有限公司为一所中国外商独资企业 ; 毕马威会计师事务所为一所香港合伙制事务所 版权所有, 不得转载

35 : Informed perspectives, clear results 33 关于毕马威全球中国业务发展中心毕马威全球中国业务发展中心 (GCP) 致力于帮助中国企业开展海外投资, 并积极协助外资企业进入或拓展中国市场 GCP 在全球投资热点区域 尤其是 一带一路 沿线国家和地区, 拥有经验丰富 跨专业 跨领域 跨行业的投资顾问和专业人员, 以及通晓中文 深谙中国文化和经营理念的中国业务专家, 其中有些是由毕马威中国派遣的 具有专业背景和项目经验的中高层管理人员, 有些是当地华裔, 这些人员将成为中国客户与当地项目团队的沟通桥梁 他们能够帮助中国企业适应当地环境, 弥补文化差异, 提高沟通效率 GCP 研究中心根据市场变化趋势和客户需求, 对利用外资 对外投资两个重点领域进行深入研究, 为市场和客户带来毕马威独特的见解和解决方案 GCP 与国内和国际知名研究团队一起合作编撰 出版研究报告, 将毕马威全球知识和经验本土化, 以适应特定的中国经济现状和中国企业发展阶段, 并把研究成果同时向国内和海外合作伙伴进行介绍和推广 GCP 整合毕马威全球资源, 通过与世界各地的合作伙伴进行充分沟通, 帮助企业跨越信息鸿沟, 增进相互了解, 促进中外企业在全球范围内开展高效合作, 并提升外资企业在华投资活动的有效性和盈利能力, 最终实现企业成长和多方共赢的发展目 标 KPMG s Global China Practice KPMG s Global China Practice (GCP) helps Chinese companies invest overseas and multinational companies enter or expand in the China market. Local China Practice teams are stationed in key regions for global investment, especially in countries and regions along the Belt and Road. The GCP team comprises experienced investment advisors and professionals providing a wide range of professional services across all industries, who are well-versed in Chinese language, culture and business concepts. Team members include senior and mid-level managers with strong professional track records and project experience, who have been seconded overseas by or are local citizens of Chinese origin. These experts serve as the bridge connecting KPMG s Chinese clients with the local project teams: they help Chinese companies navigate the local business climate, overcome cultural differences, and enhance communications. GCP s research centre conducts in-depth research into foreign direct investment (FDI) and overseas direct investment (ODI) trends. The resulting analysis provides real insights and solutions, by assessing fast-paced market trends in the context of specific client scenarios. Many of the GCP research reports are developed in cooperation with well-recognised domestic and international research institutes. These reports draw on KPMG s international expertise, made relevant to China s economic development status and the current stage of development of Chinese companies. GCP publicises its research so that these insights are available to both domestic and overseas readers at the same time. By integrating KPMG s international resource base, GCP allows companies to bridge information gaps, helping them communicate with others around the world. GCP s approach fosters mutual understanding, and helps Chinese and overseas companies cooperate effectively overseas, as well as assisting multinationals to successfully invest in China. In this way, GCP helps both domestic and foreign companies grow and achieve real results KPMG Huazhen LLP a People s Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China, and KPMG a Hong Kong partnership, are member firms of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.


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