9 星期常規班 and Supply: Equilibrium Changes Production and Supply: Market Intervention and Division of Labour The Ownership and Growth of Firms the Role o

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1 9 Week week1 week2 week3 week4 進入倒數月 * Elective Part 1 week5 week6 week7 week8 Revision Programme Basic Economic Concepts Factors of Production Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply Production in the Short Run and Long Run Unemployment, Changes in the General National Income Accounting Price Level and the Business Cycle Fiscal Policy and the Budget Money Market International Trade and Trade Barriers Demand Demand Competition and Market Efficiency, Equity and Structure Anti- Simple Monopoly Pricing Behaviours and Price Discrimination Competition The Nature and Functions of Money Monetary the Quantity Elective Part 2 The Extension of Trade Theory and Globalization Economic and

2 9 星期常規班 and Supply: Equilibrium Changes Production and Supply: Market Intervention and Division of Labour The Ownership and Growth of Firms the Role of the Government competitive and Policy * 沒有修讀 Elective Part 1 的同學, 可直接開始温習 National Income Accounting Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Model Policy and Theory of Money Multiple Deposit Creation and Contraction Exchange Rate and the Balance of Payments Account Growth Development 24 hours Final Countdown

3 24 Final Countdown Opportunity cost and classification of goods p Features of different market structures p.119 Equilibrium and disequilibrium analysis p.38 Price elasticity of demand and supply p.53, 57 Market intervention p.65 Government intervention and efficiency p.127 Income inequality p.132 Elective Part 1: Price discrimination and anti-competitive practices p.146, 154 / Types of production and specialization of labour p.78 Factors of production and the mobility of labour p.87, 90 The law of diminishing marginal returns p.97 Gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP) p.163, 166 Inflation and deflation p.177 Aggregate demand and aggregate supply p Private and public enterprises p.107 Factors affecting AD, SRAS and LRAS p

4 24 8 Taxation and government budget p.203, 207 Functions of money and definitions of the HK dollar money supply p.216, 219 Deposit creation p.226 Money demand p.241 Monetary policy p.252 International trade and trade barriers p.267, 274 Exchange rate and the balance of payments p.284, 287 Elective Part 2: Trade theory and the measurements of economic growth and development p , /

5 Common Error 考生常犯錯誤大檢閱 綜合 2012 至 2014 年經濟科, 考生的弱點如下 : 考生弱點 沒有透徹了解基本經濟原理和概念 不能應用經濟原理和概念在虛構和實際生活 沒有小心審閱題目 未能準確地回答題目 沒有留意日常生活中的經濟議題 數據理解 應用公式作運算及課題整合的能力較弱 沒有從圖表獲取資訊及繪晝清楚標示圖表的能力 建議 應透徹了解基本概念和定義, 以運用它們回答題目 應加強分析能力, 而非只默寫所學的概念和理論 須特別留意題目所述的假設和條件, 避免錯誤作答 須加強語文表達能力及繪圖技巧 須多留意經濟及社會新聞 須改善理解數據 應用公式作運算及課題整合的技巧 須特別注意圖表的標題 標記和軸 2 Getting 5** in 9 Weeks: Economics (Third Edition)

6 DSE Exam Trend DSE 試題趨勢情報 DSE 試題趨勢情報按過往的出題趨勢, 精選約 40 道題目, 讓考生作重點温習, 以應考 DSE 經濟科 Basic Economic Concepts 1. Explain whether and how the opportunity cost of a decision will change when more time is required to carry out the decision. 2. Explain how interest is a reward of delaying consumption of resources to the lender. Demand and Supply: Equilibrium Changes 1. What are the differences between a change in demand and a change in quantity demanded? 2. What are the differences between competitive supply and joint supply? Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply 1. What are the different factors affecting price elasticities of demand and supply? 2. How do market price, quantity transacted and total revenue change when demand, supply or price changes under perfectly inelastic supply with shortage and surplus? DSE Exam Trend 3

7 下表列出 2012 至 2014 年香港中學文憑試的題目分析, 就一些重點考題作深入分析, 指出作答要點及需要注意之處, 供同學參考 1. Basic Economic Concepts 2. Demand and Supply: Equilibrium Changes 3. Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply 4. Demand and Supply: Market Intervention 5. Production and Division of Labour Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 1 Paper 2 1, 3, 4 A1 1, 2 A2a, B9b 1, 2, 3 A1 & c 12, 14 B10e 10, 11, A2b 13, 14, B12c 12, B9a 11, 12 15, 16 B9 13, 14, B10c 16, 17 A5a B10a 4 6. Factors of production 9, 11 A2a 7 B10b, B11b(i) 7. Production in the Short Run and Long Run 8. The Ownership and Growth of Firms 9. Competition and Market Structure 10. Efficiency, Equity and the Role of the Government 11. National Income Accounting 5, 6, 7, 10 5, 6 A2b 3, 4, 5 9 A2 7, 8 A4, B10c & d 8, 9 8 A3, B10a(ii), B12b 17 A2c 17 A1 18 B12a 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 24, 25, 26 A3 18, 19, 20 A7, B11a & b(ii) 19, 20, 21 A4, A5c, B10b B11b 21, 22 22, 23 B10a(i) 10 Getting 5** in 9 Weeks: Economics (Third Edition)

8 以下的問答將有助同學準備香港中學文憑經濟科的考試 : Q1. 在應考試卷一 (Paper 1) 時, 我應該注意甚麼? 切勿堅持找出 正確 (CORRECT) 答案, 應選擇 最佳 (BEST) 答案 切勿個別地理解每個選項, 而忽略與題目相對應 以畫圈或其他方法, 把題目的關鍵字眼標示出來 作答時, 應運用經濟知識, 而非一般常識 全部問題均須作答, 切勿漏答 Q2. 若我對某選擇題遇到疑難, 應該怎麼辦? 刪去最不可能成為答案的選項 就題目所提供的資料明智地估計答案 即時在答題紙上填畫答案 在試卷上畫上一個大大的問號 如有剩餘時間, 可重新思考有關題目 Q3. 在進行計算時, 我應該注意甚麼? 列出有關的數式 數值答案須準確至兩位小數 有需要時, 緊記寫上貨幣符號, 如 $ 或 有需要時, 緊記寫上數值單位, 如百萬 (million) 或十億 (billion) 22 Getting 5** in 9 Weeks: Economics (Third Edition)

9 Chapter 2 Demand and Supply: Equilibrium Changes Q.1 What are the differences between quantity demanded and quantity bought? Q.2 What are the differences between quantity supplied and quantity sold? Q.3 What are the law of demand and the law of supply? Q.4 What are the differences between scarcity and shortage? Q.5 What are the differences between a good in surplus and a free good? Q.6 What are the differences between a change in demand and a change in quantity demanded? Q.7 What exogenous variables are held constant when the market demand curve is derived? Q.8 What are the differences among competitive demand, joint demand and derived demand? Q.9 What are the differences between a change in supply and a change in quantity supplied? Q.10 What exogenous variables are held constant when the market supply curve is derived? Q.11 What are the differences between competitive supply and joint supply? Q.12 How are the equilibrium price and quantity affected when the market demand and / or market supply change? Q.13 How are shortage and surplus resulted, eliminated, enlarged and reduced when market demand, market supply or market price change? Q.14 How is the total revenue affected under market equilibrium and disequilibrium changes?

10 38 Getting 5** in 9 Weeks: Economics (Third Edition) 2.1 Law of demand and law of supply Law of demand: It states that if the (relative) price of a good increases, its quantity demanded will decrease, and vice versa; ceteris paribus. Law of supply: It states that if the (relative) price of a good increases, its quantity supplied will increase, and vice versa; ceteris paribus. 試題參考 CE 1995 Q3 列出需求定律 2.2 Equilibrium and disequilibrium analysis Total revenue (TR) = Price (P) Quantity transacted (Qt) Under shortage or surplus, the Qt equals either the Qs or Qd, whichever is less. Price Qd Qs Qt Market condition TR The price will: P 1 Q 2 Q 1 Q 1 Shortage P 1 Q 1 P 2 Q 1 Q 2 Q 1 Surplus P 2 Q 1 P E Q E Equilibrium P E Q E Remain constant 試題參考 CE 1995 MC Q8 CE 2004 MC Q13 明白市場短缺及市場均衡的定義 HKEP

11 44 Getting 5** in 9 Weeks: Economics (Third Edition) As a demand curve shows the quantities demanded at various price levels, the MB curve of a consumer is also his demand curve. When MB = P, CS is maximized. Price is a measure of the marginal maximum willingness to pay. 1. Patrick: When the prices of smart watches decrease, people will buy more smart watches. Anna: No, I don t think so. The prices and quantity purchased of smart watches may increase together. With the aid of separate diagrams, explain why both of them can be correct. (7 marks) 試題參考 CE 2000 Paper 1A, 2 CE 2005 Paper 1A, 1 回想需求量轉變 (change in quantity demanded) 與需求轉變 (change in demand) 的分別 Diagram: Downward sloping demand curve (1) Q 1 to Q 2 due to P 1 to P 2 (1) Patrick refers to the law of demand / a downward sloping demand curve / a downward movement along a normal demand curve (1). Diagram: D 1 shifts right to D 2 (1) P 1 to P 2 (1) Q 1 to Q 2 (1) Anna refers to a rightward shift of a market demand curve / an increase in market demand (1).

12 Features of different market structures p Explain the differences in the features of the four market structure: Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly. 02 CE, 03 CE, 08 CE, 10 CE, PP DSE, 12 DSE, 14 DSE 2 2. Explain why the prices of physically identical products charged by different sellers can be different. 98 CE, 01 CE, 09 CE, 11 CE Government intervention and efficiency p Explain the meanings of under-production and over-production with deadweight loss in a perfectly competitive market diagram. 2. Explain how consumer surplus, producer surplus, total social surplus and deadweight loss are affected under price ceiling, price floor, quota, sales tax and subsidy. PP DSE, 12 DSE Gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP) p.163, Explain why the total spending of all consumers in an economy is greater than the consumption expenditure in GDP. 02 CE 2. Explain why the sales revenue of a firm usually greater than its contribution to GDP. 94 CE, 03 CE, 04 CE, 08 CE 3. Explain the limitations of using national income statistics to measure general living standard. 03 CE, 05 CE, 07 CE, 09 CE, SP DSE, 11 CE, PP DSE 2 Inflation and deflation p Define inflation and explain how real income is affected under unanticipated inflation and deflation. 96 CE, 98 CE, 00 CE, 02 CE, 09 CE, 10 CE, 12 DSE 2. Explain the relationship among nominal interest rate, expected inflation rate and expected real interest rate with the Fisher s equation. 03 AL, 09 AL, SP DSE, 13 DSE

Chapter 1 Basic Economic Concepts 2 Chapter 1 Basic Economic Concepts 6 Chapter 2 Demand and Supply: Price Determination 12 Chapter 16 Money Market an

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