受惠者言 Client s Remark 困頓中的感激 我雖然說有二名年 23 及 25 歲的女兒已出外工作, 有收入, 但因現租住的居所狹窄, 她們亦已遷出, 及由於她們只從事服務性行業, 只賺取微薄的薪金, 也不能給予我任何的經濟援助 54 歲患有乙型肝炎及腎病的譚先生與妻子 一名攻讀大學的兒子

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1 慈惠月報 The Philanthropy Monthly 一一年四月份 APR 2011 聖雅各福群會 St. James Settlement 網址 Website: 社工的話 Social Worker s Remark 令人 好死 的關懷 我們在聽聞別人在吵架時, 多會咒罵對方 : 因住最後的幾年, 是沒有好死的 事實上, 在人生此段終點時候, 若當事人窮愁潦倒 缺乏關懷與照顧, 又要周章藥費而又不逮 無力抗拒惡疾蹂躪 備受身心痛苦之折騰, 任由死神慢慢來臨之際, 再加上當事人 上有高堂 下有妻兒時, 在萬事無可控制與掌握下, 此真確是人生終極的痛苦 病並非單是病者的自身問題, 其家人也有切身之痛 ; 病者若能可得到援助, 雖然無助他的病情康復, 但也可助控制病情, 紓緩病情的苦痛, 也可令他們全家有著一點關懷, 有著力量面對前面的生活 自 2005 年推行 藥物名冊 後, 病者 ( 包括末期癌症病人及長期病患者 ) 若要可得到較佳的藥物療病, 以可有一較佳的療病生活質素, 以及避免因而衍生較大的後遺症, 故往往要自費購買由數佰至超過萬圓的藥物治病 倘病者因病不能再工作時, 在 醫窮醫盡 後, 基層人士應付日常生活開支也有困難時, 試問焉有餘力購藥對抗惡疾呢? 在完全乏力購買自費藥物後, 病者只有 死路一條, 在再無藥物治理頑疾後, 明確地已知道 死期 將至 試問, 若要當事人每日數著餘下的日子渡日, 此無不令人有慘絕人寰的感覺 本會斗膽於年前全港首創為貧病交迫無助者而設的 慈惠服務 健康寶庫, 除聘有藥劑師以優惠價售賣藥廠之醫生處方藥物予基層病人外, 在大家的施惠下, 更為無助者作出贈藥治病的幫忙, 以及餽贈有關療病的醫療器材 我們深知當局對有關病人而不顧, 不予所須的藥物治病, 我們此等 創舉 實是一項 黑洞 吃力工作 但面對一眾殘病無助人士, 在他們生命最尾段的歲月裡, 為他們作出寸心的關懷, 令他們可有半點 好死, 總好過社會完全沒有半點憐憫的表示 凡事抱希望 去嘗試 該是社工於面對社會需求的工作座右銘及指導思想, 亦是開拓所有 慈惠服務 的動力 ; 既然, 大家都懼怕 最後幾年的生活, 我們敢前人的不敢, 向艱難困苦奮進, 在你們的支持下, 深信他朝一日會有改進的機會, 在我們 入木 的一天, 也不枉曾作出此等嘗試 Care for good death When people quarrel, we may hear one party often curse the other by saying, Watch out for your final years meeting death in a nasty way. As a matter of fact, at the end of one s life if he happens to be poor, dispirited, without other s care and money for medical treatment, ravaged by illnesses causing physical and mental suffering, slowly awaiting him is the ultimate consequence --- death. Even worse is the case if the patient happens to have aged parents, wife and kids to support and look after while he is incapable of doing anything for them, the pain of living then is really ultimate. The suffering is not just personal to the patient but is also felt by the entire family. If some how the patient finds support which may not be of help to recovery, it would at least help to ease his condition and pain and provide some caring and encouragement to his family, strengthening their outlook on life. Since publishing of Drug Formulary by the Hospital Authority in 2005, patients (terminal cancer and chronic types inclusive) who need better quality of medication and treatment, thus avoiding relatively undesirable resulting side effects, are often required to self-purchase the needed medication costing from few hundred to thousands of dollars. Base stratum patients, having lost their working ability as a result of sickness, after exhausting all their savings, would have difficulty meeting their basic daily need, then where on earth would they be able to purchase such medication? In the absence of self-purchased medication, their only alternative is to wait for death to come. For patients counting their remaining days, how then could life under such conditions not being felt totally sad and tragic. SJS dares setting up under its Charitable Services the Health Bank, first of its kind in Hong Kong. Apart from hiring a pharmacist to dispense and sell doctor s prescribed manufacturer medication to base stratum patients at a discount, also provided are free medication and equipment to the helplessness from benevolent people donations. With the authority dumping its patients we know very well our first of its kind attempt is difficult, putting us into some sort of black hole. Our attempt is just the least we want to do making the final days of the patients some what easier than absence of the community showing the slightest care and sympathy. Hope and trial should be social workers motto and guiding principle in meeting social demand and is also the driving force for developing Charitable Services. As we are all worried by life in our final days, we try to do what our predecessors dare not and struggle forward. We earnestly believe that under your benevolent support, there are chances that one day such situation could improve. We know our attempt will not be in vain by the time comes our heavenly call.

2 受惠者言 Client s Remark 困頓中的感激 我雖然說有二名年 23 及 25 歲的女兒已出外工作, 有收入, 但因現租住的居所狹窄, 她們亦已遷出, 及由於她們只從事服務性行業, 只賺取微薄的薪金, 也不能給予我任何的經濟援助 54 歲患有乙型肝炎及腎病的譚先生與妻子 一名攻讀大學的兒子及年邁母親租住一私人樓宇小單位說 04 年前本來生活已算小康, 有生意做, 但因香港經濟低迷, 我也因投資生意失敗, 導致經濟出現拮据, 於 07 年亦申請破產 ; 人到中年及疾病纏身, 難以尋找工作, 也不能工作, 結果家中經濟每況愈下, 借下銀行的錢也不能還 譚先生除愁困家庭的食用開支外, 更要每月要用 $3,000 多元購買自費乙型肝炎及腎病藥物 現在希望女兒收入多點及兒子大學畢業後找到工作有收入時, 可解決家中的經濟問題 事實上, 譚家現在只賴譚太出外工作, 每月賺取約 $8,300 以維持一家四口的生活開支, 於交付 $4,500 租金及水電費, 還要用上 $3,000 作購買自費藥後, 在入不敷出下, 譚家曾一度斷糧, 一日三餐也難以維持, 早前亦曾求助聖雅各福群會 食物銀行 的援助 我以前曾風光過, 全家人都同意暫不想領綜援, 捱得就捱 好彩聖雅各福群會的 惠澤社區藥房 得到藥廠的支持, 我可用優惠價錢購得肝炎藥, 真是減去我很大的支出壓力 譚先生也感激地繼續地說 : 他們都很熱心幫我, 他們在 贈藥治病 的戶口中, 找到善長幫我半年, 支持我部份購買腎病藥的支出 ; 我現在每月只用 $850 購買兩種自費藥, 較以前 $16,000 多元的支出, 已有很大的分別啦 Thankful for Economic Support I have 2 daughters 23 & 25 years old, they are working in the service industry and only earn a low salary. They have moved out because the flat I live in is very small. They cannot provide enough support. Mr. Tam has liver and kidney problems and they have a son attending university to whom we provide support and have one of our mother s living with us in our small rented flat. Before 2004, our family could mange and I had my own small business, but when Hong Kong s economic slowdown came, I was losing business and in 2007 I went bankrupt. During middle age, I was sick a lot and found it difficult to find a job and our family income declined, I could not repay my bank loan. Mr. Tam needed to pay family expenses and extra of $3,000 per month for his liver and kidney medical bills. We hope our daughters can improve the income and when our son graduates, he will have an income and we can solve the family income problems. Mrs. Tam goes to work and has a salary of $8,300 to support their living expenses, rent and utilities fees are $4,500, $3,000 for medical expenses and we spend more than our earning and there is not enough money left to have 3 meals a day. St. James Settlement Food Bank helps to provide food. In the past we had a comfortable life and did not want charity and tried to manage on our own, even though it was very difficult. I am very lucky the St. James Settlement Pharmacy has support from Pharmaceutical factory and I am able to buy the liver pills at a discount and reduces the pressure on our finances. Mr. Tam is very grateful for the monetary support. They have given to help me buy the medicine I require. In the past I had to pay $16,000 and now I only need to pay $850 for two types of medicine.

3 我們需要你的捐助 We Need Your Donation 欠缺醫療用品監察病情病者無奈不能治理病情 聖雅各福群會的各項 慈惠服務, 乃是透過社工審核的轉介, 在賴善長的支持下, 目的是耑為匱乏無助者推出解困的行動, 以讓受助人可有一喘息的療病機會 ; 他們因而要被逼節衣縮食, 令生活質素大為下降, 其苦痛亦會令家人受壓, 帶來家庭揮不掉的陰霾滿佈感 家居醫療用品支援計劃 是聖雅各福群會的 慈惠服務 之一, 年 48 歲的志偉 ( 化名 ) 正值英年, 正申請每月 $562 之援助以助可購買醫療用品, 令每日可用作監察病情 去年因身體不適, 被診斷已患嚴重糖尿病, 需要接受糖尿病科給予的胰島素治療外, 還要往診治多項病情, 真是令我有如人生跌至谷底的感覺 志偉本有一個快樂的家庭, 日間除有一份收入穩定的工作, 晚間還有一份兼職, 生活總算無憂 ; 但當發現患有糖尿病及其有關的併發症 --- 足部因潰爛而患有 糖尿腳 糖尿上眼及腎臟器官因糖尿病而失去 50% 功能, 更發現體力迅速下降, 容易疲倦而失去日間長時間的工作, 為應付家計, 要勉力於晚上賺取時薪 $44 共 3 小時的工作 太太因要照顧將升上中一的過度活躍症兒子, 以及升上小六的女兒, 沒有工作, 全家只靠我每月約 $4,000 的收入, 加上社署予低收入家庭的 $2,800 綜援金, 即每月只得約 $6,800 的款項過活, 但我剛遷入東涌的新居, 已花費不少, 正擔憂子女新學年的校服及書部費外, 還要應付每星期三次出東涌診病的昂貴交通費 志偉無助地說 交付每月的租金水電費 全家食用 我的診病費及交通費後, 我可謂窮到谷底 探訪當日我們看見兩夫婦的銀行戶口只餘 $2.70, 家中家徒四壁及完全欠缺基本家電 我每月還要自費購買採血針 消毒紙巾及試紙等, 除要用作每日自行打四次胰島素針外, 更要用作監察糖尿度數之用 ; 此等物品共要每月支付 $562, 雖然醫院可以給我胰島素針劑藥, 全家要節衣縮食也沒法購買以上物品, 但我根本已乏力購買了 以上志偉的個案, 只是本會的求助個案之一, 病無情人間有情, 善長們你可伸援手為一群跌至人生谷底的匱乏者解困嗎? 捐款予以支持是個案們的期盼 網址 : 施善垂詢熱線: 或 The Story of Chi Wai Assistance provided under SJS Charitable services are referred to the institution by social workers with the support of benevolent people at large. The main purpose is to help those in financial difficulties giving them some relieve while getting proper medical treatment without having to worry about added financial burden and requirement to drastically cutback on quality of their livelihood, a haze that plagues the family. The Home Use Medical Equipment Support Program is one of the services by SJS under its Charitable Services. The 48 years old Chi Wai (alias) at his prime time in life is now applying to us for a monthly HK$562 assistance for the purchase of medical supply for monitoring his condition. Last year I did not feel well and the doctor diagnosed me a serious diabetes case requiring multiple treatment in addition to diabetes. I suddenly feel like falling into an abyss. He used to have a happy family. Additional to a stable job during the day he took a part-time job at night and the family was doing alright. However, since discovering he had diabetes and associated complications, diabetic foot and eyes affection and losing 50% of his kidney function, he has lost much weight, easily gets tired and lost his day time work. In order to get some income he is struggling on a three hours night-time work that pays HK$ 44 an hour. My wife, having to take care of our hyper active Form I son and a Primary 6 daughter, does not work. The entire family lives on my meagre HK$ 4,000 income and the Social Department HK$ 2,800 CSSA, a total monthly income of HK$ 6,800. I am still worried how to pay for my children s school uniform and books, not yo mention the costly fares for three times a month doctor s visits outside Tung Chung where we now live, sighed Chi Wai. I am dead poor after paying rental, utilities, food, doctor consultation and traveling. On the day of our home visit the couple only had HK$ 2.70 in their joint bank account. The walls were barren and all essential appliances were absent. I have to pay for my lancets, antiseptics paper tissues and the test strips costing HK$ 562 in total which is additional to my four times daily self-administered insulin injection. The hospital is providing me the injection insulin, but I just do not have the means to pay for the other stuffs even with the entire family further tightening its belt on food and clothing. The above is just one of the many such cases seeking help from our organization. Ailment is cruel but people is kind, so will you extend your helping hand to assist these people at the bottom of the financial abyss? Donation and inquiry hotline: or Website: www. healthbank.sjs.org.hk.

4 我們的服務 Our Service 藥師居家訪視關心老人用藥 患上疾病, 倘能遵照醫生指示定時 定量服食, 藥物固然可以治病 ; 但若病者憑感覺服食或掉以輕心而亂服藥, 不僅疾病無法治癒, 反而對身體有害 ; 事實上, 很多 久病 的長者, 自覺已 久病已成醫 而常調節用藥份量, 結果造成用藥不足或藥物中毒 此對一些行動不便及接收社會資訊較弱的長者而言, 透過我們的居家訪視, 不但可直接令我們由真實的藥物存放 檢視其所患各種疾病的藥物相同與相沖的現象外, 透過我們的逐一講解與糾正, 是可阻止誤用藥物的情形發生 負責聖雅各福群會 到戶藥療輔導服務 的社工岑智榮說 在我服務的醫院入院數字顯示, 超過 50% 入院病人均不是因病情惡化入院, 而是因用藥不當的問題, 要留院治理病況 參與此 到戶藥療輔導服務 的義工藥劑師蘇曜華先生說 : 很多時, 在醫院藥房派藥, 因工作太忙, 無法向病人講解用藥的問題, 現在我可以學有專長了 查此 到戶藥療輔導服務 由攜手扶弱基金贊助下, 乃關懷弱勢及獨居老人及行動不便病人用藥安全而設, 透過社工的轉介, 由藥劑師做居家訪視, 目的是令病人達到 知藥用藥 的果效 很多時, 我們發現病人最常見的問題, 是從很多專科醫生處取藥, 造成藥物重複, 而服用過量 ; 或是自己買成藥 健康食品, 與醫院開的處方藥混著吃, 造成慢性中毒或藥物的交互作用, 危害身體 ; 他們還捨不得丟棄過期的藥物, 留著作後備藥吃或轉贈予患同樣病的朋友服食, 結果當然是危害健康啦! 蘇曜華說 很多病人有用藥的問題, 都不知怎樣問及不敢問醫生, 透過藥劑師實地到戶他們家中訪視, 就能發現問題, 如藥物過量或沒按指示吃藥, 馬上就能直接指導正確的用藥知識 岑先生說 : 健康要緊, 若大家患上疾病而行動不便及有任何用藥的問題, 可致電 查詢, 申請用藥的輔導服務吧 Pharmacist s home visit Concern about elderly s drug use Medications heal if patients take them according to time and dosage. However, medications can be not only ineffective but also harmful if patients take them randomly. As a matter of fact, many elderly feel they know what to do since they are chronic patients. They often adjust the dosage which can result in either drug poisoning or insufficient medication. Home visits enable us to examine drug storage as well as whether various medications are complementary or cancelling out. To the elderly who have movement problem or slow at receiving societal information, our explanation and correction can help prevent drug misuse from happening, said social worker Mr. Gary Sham, who is in charge of St. James s Out Reach Pharmaceutical Consultation Service. According to the number of patients admitted to the hospital where I work, more than 50% of the patients are sent to hospital for treatment not because their condition deteriorates but because of drug misuse, observed pharmacist Mr. So Yiu Wah, a participating volunteer of Out Reach Pharmaceutical Consultation Service. Very often, I haven t got the time to explain proper drug use when I dispatch medications at the dispensary. Now my knowledge serves the purpose at the Out Reach. The Out Reach Pharmaceutical Consultation Service is sponsored by the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged. Its objective is to promote drug use safety for the disadvantaged, the elderly living alone and those with movement problem. Pharmacists home visit elderly upon social worker s referral, hoping to enable patients know drug, use drug. Very often, we find that the commonest problem is patients obtain medications from various specialists. The result is overdosage. Sometimes they take patent medicine, health supplement and prescribed medicine at the same time. Eventually, gradual poisoning or medication fusion may occur. That jeopardizes their health. Some of them don t even want to dispose of expired drugs. They keep them for stand-by or give them to friends who suffer from the same ailment. As a result, it is doubtlessly a menace to health! said Mr. So Yiu Wah. Many patients have problem with proper drug use. They don t know what questions to ask or dare not ask at all. Pharmacists find out hidden problems such as not taking drugs as instructed or more drug than necessary during home visits. They can pass on the knowledge of proper drug taking immediately and directly. Mr. Sham continued, Health is important. Anyone who suffers from an illness but has trouble getting around and has questions on taking medications, they are welcome to dial for enquiry. It s time for them to apply for the Out Reach Pharmaceutical Consultation Service. 藥劑師到訪了解食藥情況, 助我善用藥物治病, 真是感激 The pharmacist visited me to find out how I take medications. He taught me to take medications properly to cure my disease. I am very thankful to him.

5 義工的話 Volunteer s Remark 義工有用武之地 黎師傅於五年前進入聖雅各福群會 長者家居維修服務 的大家庭, 被問及為甚麼會當家居維修義工, 黎師傅說 : 我是在報紙的報導上看見關於家居維修服務的報導, 我還記得那一篇新聞是關於義工們在鄉村地區, 替貧窮體弱的長者鋪設數百呎水喉, 使他們不用因徒步前往遠處打水而跌倒, 我覺得很有意義而且社會上確實缺乏這類型的服務, 我覺得對貧苦長者有莫大幫助 我本身是做維修出身的, 對電力及家居小型工程也說得上有認識, 希望能夠在工餘時間替貧窮和缺乏社區及家庭照顧的長者盡一點綿力 黎師傅說 : 有一個長者的情況我很深刻: 那是一位八十五歲的婆婆, 她下半身嚴重傷殘, 大半生賺來的積蓄都拿去醫病, 最後窮得只能拿綜援過活 ; 她希望我們替她安裝一支扶手, 讓她在如廁的時候不會因跌倒而又沒有人理會, 最後失救致死 黎師傅說 : 我知道家居維修服務是由省善真堂贊助的 ; 香港有這樣善心的機構真是福氣, 很多貧困長者對維修服務也有很大的需求, 例如新屋入伙裝修 水電工程 因某些公屋不能安裝鋁窗而需要裝設防風板等等, 而很多長者實在沒有能力支付為數不少的材料費 ; 全靠省善真堂替貧弱長者支付材料費, 使他們不用因進行家居維修工程而把僅有用在日常支出 藥物的金錢甚或棺材本都用掉了 ; 而亦因為省善真堂的贊助, 我們一身的維修功夫才有用武之地, 能為貧困無依長者略盡綿力, 我謹代表各義工及受惠貧困長者向省善真堂致謝 慈惠月報 一一年四月份 APR 2011 The Philanthropy Monthly An opportunity to make a contribution to the elderly Master Lai joined the St. James Settlement s Elderly Home Maintenance Service five years ago. When he was asked why he became a volunteer, Master Lai said: I read an article about Elderly Home Maintenance in a paper that a few hundreds feet of water pipeline was stretched to a village for the weak and poor elderly, it eliminates a long journey for carrying water on foot and prevents them from slipping down. I think it is worth to provide such a service in helping the poor elderly. My occupation is a maintenance technician; I am familiar with electrical installation and home maintenance, I wish to spend my spare time to help the poor elderly, Master Lai said: I was deeply impressed by an 85-year-old grandma who is a disabled, she spent all her belongings on her medications and then she was forced to live on CSSA, she wants a new handrail to be installed in the bathroom to stop her from falling on the floor and even get wounded. Master Lai said: I know that Home Maintenance Service is sponsored by Shang Sin Chun Tong, Hong Kong is fortunate to have such a charitable organization to take care of the poor elderly. There is a lot of demand for maintenance service such as interior decoration, plumbing, electrical installation and windproof-board for the poor elderly who are ready to move in a public housing unit but couldn t afford to purchase materials. Because the material cost is paid by Shang Sin Chun Tong, the elderly do not have to squeeze some money from their daily expenses or medications. In addition, Shang Sin Chun Tong is giving me an opportunity to make a contribution to the elderly; I would like to express many thanks to Shang Sin Chun Tong on behalf of our team members and the elderly. 面向鏡頭的黎師傅說 : 全因省善真堂的贊助, 我們一班維修義工才有用武之地, 替貧弱老人服務 Master Lai, facing the camera, said The Shang Sin Chun Tong is giving us an opportunity to make a contribution to the poor elderly.

6 捐贈者言 Donor s Remark 夫復何求 What More Could One Ask? 捐助要到位, 起著助人解困的目的, 是我捐款的目的 Christine( 化名 ) 說 : 我覺得人在貧病交迫及無助, 而情況不能在自己控制及能力範圍改變下, 眼見情況每下愈況時, 確是令人失去一切的鬥志, 沒有明天的感覺 Christine 是一名經常致電本會, 垂詢有關捐款及個案進展情況的善長 我在未確定捐款贊助你們之前, 其實我曾多次試探你們的工作態度, 因為我要清楚知道你們的做事方針, 是否合乎我的要求及目的 起初我致電負責社工時, 我問了很多刁難性的問題, 以考驗他的工作手法及態度, 而每次他都用心聆聽我特意且煩透的查問 Christine 說 : 他都很有條理地答覆, 而且還詳盡地講解服務對象的情況及需要 講真, 反轉我是他, 我也沒有這樣耐心講解 另一方面, 我亦曾致電他, 假扮申請者, 要求有關服務 他都會細心講解申請人士的資格, 可予的服務等 當然, 我會說得很貧乏, 希望他會 將就 一下, 給我一點方便 Christine 說 : 但他竟說不能隨意一個來電, 便會給予方便, 還教我向熟識的社工申請, 因為讓中介人轉介, 服務會來得中肯與公平喎, 而且他更強調必須要向捐助者交待 當然, 於每次作出捐助後, 我都會要求向我報告工作, 他必會致電匯報進展, 有時在受惠者同意下, 他都會電郵給我當事人受惠時的照片 這真令我非常放心 Christine 說 : 而且他更邀請我探訪受惠者, 讓我清楚了解受助人生活改善的情況 他們這樣的做法與工作態度, 我在助人解決困難的事情上, 夫復何求 Christine 最後說 In fact, helping others to overcome difficulties is the goal that I donate money. Christine said. People suffering from illness and poverty and the situation cannot be change by own control or under area of competence, truly makes one s fights spirits lose. Christine is one of the donors who usually care about our services. Actually, I ve probed into your work before my donation, because I must clearly knowing your policies whether to confirm with my request or not. At first, I sent a phone call to the social worker who is responsible and asked some heckled questions in order to test his attitude. And I found that every time he listen respectfully to me and tried to answer my thoroughly questions. Christine said. His answers has orderliness and also, explains the situations of targets and their needs exhaustively to me. In fact, if I were him, I would not have such patience to explain. On the other hand, I also had called him once as a applicant which ask for help, he explains the qualifications, service giving by organization and so on carefully. I tried to ask him to make my application more convenient for me to pass as I m very much deficiently. Christine said. He said he cannot make a decision by a call but tech me to ask a well know social worker help me apply for it because the service can come critical and fair by a middle ground transfer. Most importantly he stressed a given known to the donor. I ll request for a report after each time make donates. Also, he ll tell me how s the case process being and me some photos of the litigant to me under the beneficiary agreement which really makes me feel relieved. Christine said. Moreover, he invites me to visit the beneficiary in order to let me know the improvement of their lives. Helping people with such procedure and works, what more could one ask? Christine finally said.

7 受惠者言 Client s Remark 一個手撥水龍頭足令伯伯展笑容 不少長者為生計勞碌半生, 大部份時間投放在工作上, 忘記了自己的家庭, 忽略了自己的健康 游伯伯未婚, 多年來都是自己一個生活, 忘了調理身體, 又沒有親人提醒和關心, 日積月累下, 因而患上了多種長期疾病 最嚴重影響游伯伯日常生活的, 是他的手部關節因以往工作而勞損, 他的手肘 手腕及手指關節腫脹及硬化, 連平常扭開水龍頭這基本動作也做不到, 每日要勉強開關水喉使得其疼痛非常, 而且經常不能完全關閉水喉, 水龍頭長期滴水做成浪費, 使其經濟負擔增加 試想想每日要到廚房 進洗手間和洗澡經常需要開關水喉時, 若長期持續受到關節病患的影響, 游伯伯的個人衛生及健康定也會受到影響 以前我在洗牛仔褲工場工作時, 每日工作是要用雙手接觸不同的化學品, 又要長時間用指力進行洗刷衣物 ; 我雙手的關節問題是職業病來的, 自從退休後才知如此嚴重及不濟 游伯伯嘆息地說 66 歲的游伯伯沒有家人照顧, 是位獨居長者, 沒有積蓄, 生活費全依賴綜援津貼維持, 除了基本生活開支外, 游伯伯患有乙型肝炎 糖尿病和血壓高, 治理以上疾病所要花的錢, 也是一個沉重的負擔 多謝聖雅各的義工師傅了解我的困難, 為我安裝撥動式水龍頭, 就算我的手指和手腕不靈活, 也能輕易地開關水喉 游先生感激地說 原來安裝水龍頭不是件易事, 要翻起鋅盤裡的水管再重新配置, 為了我大家流了很多汗 聖雅各福群會已經不是第一次協助我改善生活, 去年我調遷至白田邨, 義工師傅曾協助我鋪設地板, 亦曾替我維修廁所水箱, 實在使我的生活改善不少 沒有省善真堂的捐助, 沒有義工的幫忙, 對游伯伯來說家居再新也不是一個安樂窩 游伯伯展露笑容, 再次向幫助過他的善長和義工師傅的關心致萬二分謝意地說 : 只要輕輕撥動龍頭, 現在開水喉, 已不是困難了 Handle-type on/off tap brings in broad smile Many elderly working hard most of their lives put their mind on their job without concern for their family and their own health. Old man Yau, never married, has been living alone and in the absence of family reminder paid no attention to health ended up with a number of chronic illnesses as a result. What has affected Yau most is attrition of his hand joints as a result of past work. Inflammation of his elbow, wrist and finger joints have caused them to swell and become rigid. Turning off a normal water tap is a painful and improper chore for him. As a result water continues to drip thus wasting both precious water and money. The arthritis of his hands is affecting his daily cooking and bathing and could have long term impact to personal hygiene and health. I used to work in a laundry workshop washing denim trousers, hand brushing and rubbing long hours and daily contact with various chemicals. This is the occupational disease I acquired without knowing until retirement, said Yau, now 66 alone, no family, no saving and living solely on CSSA. Besides daily living expenses, he has a fairly heavy medical burden as he has Hepatitis B, diabetes and hypertension, all necessitated treatment. Thanks to volunteer plumber for installing this handle-type on/off water tap which facilitates operation despite my clumsy hands and fingers, said Yau gratefully. I did not realize installation of water tap is so tough, you have to dismantle and rearrange the piping from the sink and that calls for lots of sweat. This is not the first time St. James Settlement has helped me to improve my living environment. Their volunteer technicians have installed floor mats when I first moved into Pak Tin Estate, repaired toilet tanks, all contributing to upgrading my home. Without donation from Shang Sin Chun Tong and the help of technicians, my current place will not be such cosy. Yau smiled broadly and said, Thanks to the volunteer workers and turning the tap on/off is now an easy job, no difficulty. 義工裝上手撥龍頭, 游伯伯以後開水喉, 已不是困難了 No more tough work for old man Yau after volunteer plumber installed handle-type on-off tap.

8 受惠者言 Client s Remark 婆婆可以安全煲水了 年紀大, 記性真係愈來愈差 成日煲落水都唔記得, 真係好危險 余婆婆憶起經常險生 煲燶水 的意外時說 余婆婆現獨居於一個長者住屋單位, 在港無親, 只有一個年長的兒子居於鄉間, 一年只有一至二次來港探訪, 根本沒有能力照顧居於香港的余婆婆 因為年邁, 記憶力愈來愈衰退, 在廚房煲水後, 瞬間便忘記 試過多次喺房間坐坐吓, 先記得自己煲緊水, 趕到入廚房時, 只煲剩一半水, 好彩未至發生火警 因為需要煲水飲用, 余婆婆因而變得神經緊張, 人也變得心驚膽跳 另一方面, 余婆婆所使用的並不是一個正式的水煲, 而是要用一個以煲粥的電熱壺小鋼煲, 可是由於插蘇損壞, 曾嘗試向電器商要求維修, 也未獲理會 唉, 以為我可以拎幾十蚊出來修理就可以, 點知連維修嘅機會都冇喇! 每月要依賴綜援金過活, 想買一個安全性能良好嘅電水壺, 避免自己冇記性而發生火警意外 ; 但要購買一個電水壺, 最平都要成百蚊一個, 簡直就係冇可能購買, 莫說想選擇一個性能比較良好, 安全啲嘅電水壺喇! 現在唯有要用一個不銹鋼煲煲水, 水滾以後, 用毛巾包住, 再注入暖水壺保暖 ; 曾經幾次試過淥親隻手, 但都係冇其他辦法囉! 余婆婆摸著曾燙傷的手無奈地說 由於余婆婆因記憶力欠佳, 亦要經常危險地使用不銹鋼小煲煲水, 以致多次幾乎發生火警以及被熱水燙傷, 聖雅各福群會即時轉贈由善長捐出的酒店式自動斷電的電水壺, 解決余婆婆之困擾, 頓然減去她的憂戚 Now Granny can heat up water safely My memory deteriorates as I get older. Always forget after I put the kettle on, it s very dangerous Granny Yu recalled. Yu lives alone in a senior citizen s housing unit, with no relatives except a son back home who visits her once or twice a year and is unable to look after her. Due to her age, Granny s memory is playing tricks on her. She forgets soon after she puts the kettle on the stove, by the time she remembers, the kettle is half empty. Luckily she hasn t caused a fire yet. She becomes so apprehensive whenever she has to boil the water. More over, the electric plug of Granny s kettle is damaged and the shop refused to repair it for her. I thought I could have this fixed for a few dollars. I want to get a new kettle to avoid any accident; but a new one will cost me at least over hundred dollars, and I can t afford it as I am on welfare. Now I have no other choice but to use the metal pot to boil the water then pour it into the thermo; because of that I have scoured my hand several times. St. James Settlement delivered an electric kettle, donated through the Electrical Appliance for the Elderly program to Granny Yu once it found out of her frustrated situation. 沒有善長所賜贈的電水壺之前, 余婆婆唯有用毛巾包住盛滿沸水的不銹鋼小煲, 再注入暖水壺保暖 Before donation from the donor Granny Yu used the cloths to wrap the metal pot with boiling water and then pour the water to the kettle.

9 我們需要你的捐助 We Need Your Donation 貧老望可有雪櫃保鮮食物免染病 香港經濟不景氣雖然已消失多時, 但繁華背後卻顯現貧 富日益懸殊, 貧者越貧的現象, 加上市面有通貨膨脹日益嚴重, 對貧困領取綜援的老者來說, 改善生活質素對他們而言, 根本是既無望又無助 我只想有一部雪櫃以保鮮食物, 就是這樣簡單 ; 現在天氣潮濕, 肉類及魚等食物雖然放在廚房蔭涼地方, 但很快便會變壞, 發出異味來, 我當然不敢冒險吃啦 61 歲張光伯伯, 望著早已喪失冷凍的舊雪櫃搖頭的說 因街市小販多拒絕顧客購買 少數量 餸菜, 獨居長者雖然食量不多, 惟每次都要被逼買入多過一餐的數量, 致希望可有雪櫃以保鮮餘下的肉類 魚及蔬菜餸餘 我靠綜援為生, 餸菜價格早已上漲, 因此每月購買餸菜也不少, 更無能力更換不能維修的雪櫃 張伯伯說 我本來已儲蓄了二仟多元, 滿以為可以換掉壞的雪櫃, 購買一部新的, 但最近身體不適, 看了數次醫生, 已全部用畢於醫療診金及藥費上, 現在又要節衣縮食半年以上, 才可望儲夠金錢購買了 73 歲胡婆婆說 : 我又無親友幫忙, 誰人可關心我呢? 事實上, 雪櫃是香港每一個家庭的必有家居電器, 但對一班貧而無助的長者來說, 能擁有一部雪櫃可以說是一個夢想, 不致因強行吃下變壞的食物而影響到健康 或因而拋棄食物浪費金錢 你可捐助 $100 給聖雅各福群會 電器贈長者 並以集腋成裘方式, 以助正輪候的 10 多名匱乏無依長者, 擁有一部雪櫃於保鮮食物? 捐款支票抬頭請書 : 聖雅各福群會, 指定捐予 購雪櫃, 逕寄香港灣仔石水渠街 85 號 1 樓 105 室 網址 : 施線熱線: 或 慈惠月報 一一年四月份 APR 2011 The Philanthropy Monthly Elders need refrigerators in hot summer Avoid getting sick by eating deteriorated food Although the economic situation of Hong Kong has been getting better, there is still wide income inequality between the rich and the poor. Accompanied with the expecting inflation, life of elders lived on CSSA become harder and harder. It is almost an impossible dream for them to improve with their living condition The fresh food cannot be kept in my small and narrow kitchen with poor air ventilation under such humid weather. I just want to have a refrigerator for keeping my food fresh and clean so that I can eat them safely. But now, I have to take risk to eat food which could be deteriorated without proper storage Mr. Cheung, an elder of 61-year-old said. Mr. Cheung said Due to the inflation, I need to spend more money on buying food. I do not have enough money to buy a new refrigerator nor to repair the broken one. He said that it was impossible to purchase fresh food for each meal from market as a single elder could only eat a small amount of food. To keep food fresh and clean, they really need a refrigerator for storage. A 73-years-old lady, Ms. Wu said I saved two thousand dollars to purchase a new refrigerator and replaced the old damaged one originally. Unfortunately I was sick recently and spent all money on medication. I think I need to save money again for another six months for buying a new refrigerator. I don t have any close relatives nor friends, who will ever care about me? Refrigerator is a necessity to most of the modern families, but it may be an impossible dream of some poor elders. They need it for keeping food in good condition and minimizing the waste of deteriorated food. You just need to donate HK$100 to St. James Settlement and with collaboration of your donations, ten and more elders on the waiting list will be able to purchase a new refrigerator. Please send us a cheque named St. James Settlement and post to Room 105, 1/F, No. 85, Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, specify (The purchase of Refrigerator). For further information, please visit the web-site, or call / 張伯用了 10 多年的雪櫃, 已喪失冷凍功能, 不能保存食物 The 10 and more year old refrigerator of Mr. Cheung, which failed to store food fresh and clean with its malfunctioning.

10 問與答 Q&A 疑問一團問 : 貴機構其中一項 慈惠服務 之 電器贈長者 計劃乃是收取二手電器, 以轉贈予有需要之貧老, 確是令人敬佩 可是, 當我致電貴機構查詢時, 你們的職員卻告訴我收取電器有很多條件, 例如雪櫃和電視不能太大 洗衣機只接受頂揭式等 即使符合所有條件, 又需要我等待義工上門收取 坦白說, 我本著一片善心, 但卻令我百思不得其解, 你們究竟要收取何種電器, 為何要定下這些限制? 答 : 多謝閣下的關心與支持, 亦給予我們一個機會可以講解貧老的生活情況 電器贈長者 計劃的目的, 是希望幫助一些貧困無依的長者, 在符合他們的家居安全的原則下, 藉著轉贈電器以可以改善他們的家居生活質素, 並令他們可享有尊嚴的晚年 事實上, 電器的轉贈可解老者的生活困苦, 但我們更看重的, 是老人家收到電器後是否能夠安全使用, 以可確切感受到社會人士的關懷 接受我們服務對象的, 均是獨居無依的長者, 他們的居所未必有足夠的空間放置大型電器, 電費亦對他們也是一個沉重的負擔 ; 所以一些體積太大型及用電量大的家電, 如超過 21 吋的電視 高於五尺的雪櫃等, 都未必適合 需要頂揭式的洗衣機, 是可讓長者使用時可站立工作, 而 大眼雞 式的洗衣機, 則需長者蹲下方可使用, 此會造成極大的跌倒危險 至於所有電器都需要使用五年以下 外表潔淨以及使用簡單的, 都是希望當長者在收到電器後, 除可令他們容易使用外, 亦盼令他們能夠有一種被尊重的感覺, 而且所收取的電器可以用上一段日子 ; 因為他們若一旦落在我們的服務網內, 在無其他資源資助下, 他們永遠是我們的服務對象 本會的 慈惠服務 得可推行, 除有賴善長的捐賜外, 亦有幸得義工們的支持 ; 所以我們收取善長電器時, 都需要義工於工餘後的幫忙, 無奈要善長等候需時待義工上門收取電器, 實感非常抱歉 有關收取電器的詳情, 懇請善長們進入以下網址瀏覽 : A bunch of questions Q: I admire your EAE program in the Charitable Service of your organization where you collect used electrical appliances for re-distribution to the poor needed elderly. However, when I called your organization to inquire, your staff told me that the collections are conditional such as refrigerators and TV sets cannot be too big; washing machines need to be top-opening type etc. Even if these conditions were met I still have to wait for your volunteer workers to come and collect. Frankly speaking, I really want to help but I can hardly understand why setting these restrictions and exactly what appliances do you collect? A: Thank you for your concern and support. Please let me take this opportunity to clarify with you living conditions of the poor elderly. The EAE program is aimed to help the poor and lone living elderly in getting second hand appliances to safely improve their quality of living and enjoy a respectful old age. Of course the appliances can ease their difficulty, but even more important is our concern on safe use of these appliances by the elderly receivers and in their feeling that they are really being looked after by the public at large. Our targeted beneficiaries are lone living elderly whose living space restricts taking appliances that are huge and their concern for power consumption. Hence large and high power consuming appliances such as TV set larger than 21 inches or refrigerators higher than 5 feet will not be suitable. Top-open washing machines are better suited as the elderly can operate without having to bend or kneeling down which could constitute a fall hazard. As for appliances have to be under five years old, neat and clean in appearance and simple to operate is our wish to see elderly having the feeling that they are being respected and the appliances they receive can be used for a longer time. In addition, we are responsible for their maintenance once they have fallen into our service network while no other resources are available to them. Besides contributions from our benevolent donors, our Charitable Service depends on support form volunteer workers. Collections have to be on their free time after their working hours and hence have to wait until they are free. This we have to ask our donors for their understanding. Please click onto our web site: for further details.

11 傳媒報導 Media Report 喪事從簡半數人願海葬撒灰 * 香港經濟日報 Hong Kong Economic TIMES Make funeral simple 50% of the deceased wish to have their ashes acattered at sea 將來我與他, 他灰中有我 我灰中有他, 多浪漫! 60 歲的王太早年曾中風, 年多前經歷丈夫離世, 見生死無常, 早已和丈夫協定, 死後一起將骨灰撒在紀念花園, 樂得清靜 撒灰非無情化春泥相依 已受託為王太打理身後事安排的聖雅各福群會調查發現, 愈來愈多人選擇喪事從簡, 近半人接受海葬和紀念花園撒灰, 促政府優化相關安排, 紓緩灰位不足情況 王太和丈夫並無兒女, 數十年來相依為命, 到去年 7 月丈夫離世, 他們飼養的小狗不久後亦去世, 令王太對生死更放得開.. 不能預測何時會到自己, 所以要做好準備 丈夫生前已和王太約定, 不論誰先行一步, 都會一起將骨灰撒在紀念花園 : 無謂生人霸死地 ; 王太笑稱, 反而是她這個長輩, 要去說服年輕人接受她和丈夫的意願, 和丈夫一起撒灰, 就是她最大的希望.. 落花不是無情物, 化作春泥更護花, 我說是, 撒灰不是無情事, 化作春泥兩相依 促美化紀念花園增海葬點 為免後輩操心, 王太將身後事委託聖雅各福群會, 以求後顧無憂 該會在今年 5 月訪問近 400 人, 年齡由 20 歲到 70 歲以上, 發現 8 成多受訪者都希望能預先規劃後事,9 成人希望一切從簡, 而接受海葬和撒灰在紀念花園的人亦近一半 該會後顧無憂規劃服務經理岑智榮稱, 調查反映市民對海葬和花園葬, 接受程度上升, 促政府加強這兩方面的配套, 減輕灰位壓力 他建議政府美化所有紀念花園設計, 並增加海葬的地點, 亦可考慮增設定期航班, 方便市民出海撒骨灰 How romantic it would be to have our ashes scattered mixed so that we can be always together! said 60 years old Mrs. Wong who suffered a stroke years ago but has seen her husband passed away the year before. There is no definite rule for being alive or dead she reckoned. She vowed with her husband that their ashes shall be mixed and scattered in a garden of remembrance to enjoy long lasting peace and tranquility. Ash scattering is not heartless but turning forever into spring soil together. Mrs. Wong has entrusted SJS to arrange her funeral matter and a survey conducted by the association, it is found that more and more people have elected to have a simple funeral; close to fifty percent have accepted scattering their ashes at sea and garden of remembrance. They have urged the government to optimize relevant arrangement in order to ease the shortage of niches for urns in public cemeteries. Mrs. Wong has no children, she has been together with her husband for years until last July when he passed away, followed shortly after by her pet dog. Since then she has become more relaxed towards death and said, As I cannot predict my own death, I have better be prepared for it. Mr. Wong when he was still alive had vowed with his wife that regardless who parts with this world first, their ashes would be scattered together in a garden of remembrance. Just do not want the dead take up the space of the living, said Mrs. Wong said jokingly, it is not be the job of the elder generation having to convince the younger generation to accept the wish of her and her husband. Being able to scatter their ashes together is her grand wish. Petals on the ground is not heartless, their turning into spring soil will further nourish the plant. Instead of that I would say Ashes scattering is not heartless, their turning into spring soil will always keep us by our side. Urge to beautify the garden of remembrances and to increase scattering sites at sea In order not to create trouble for the younger generation, Mrs. Wong has entrusted SJS to look after her funeral arrangements. The association has conducted a survey on nearly 400 individuals last May, age from 20 to 70 plus and has found that 80% of those taking part wish to plan for their own funeral, 90% wish making it simple and nearly 50% accepts ashes scattering at sea and in the garden of remembrance. Mr. Gary Sham Chi-Wing, Manager of The Funeral Navigation Services said that the survey has reflected peoples acceptance of ashes scattering at sea and in the garden of remembrance has increased. He is urging the government to provide more facilities in order to ease shortage on columbarium niches for urn storage. He recommended the government to beautify the design of the garden of remembrances and increase the sites for sea scattering and add regular ferry services to facilitate citizen scattering ashes.

12 參與行善之方法 How to donate in these Programs? 本人 / 本公司樂意 單次捐助 / 每月捐助 $ 以贊助及支持 贈藥治病計劃 電器贈長者計劃 家居醫療用品支援計劃 病患者藥療輔導服務 診病交通費支援計劃 專科專藥補助計劃 ( 燃點希望計劃 補血寶愛心 乙肝援助防病行動及慢性阻塞性肺病家居支援行動 ) 送藥到戶服務 惠澤社區藥房 家居維修服務 到戶理髮服務 電費助貧弱計劃 外展體檢計劃 後顧無憂規劃服務 閃燈門鐘 松柏之聲 健康推廣活動 以上任何一項 捐款人姓名 / 公司 : 寄件編號 ( 如有 ): 地址 : 聯絡電話 : 捐款方法 : 劃線支票 ( 抬頭 聖雅各福群會 ) 銀行 : 支票號碼 : 以信用咭捐助 ( VISA MASTER ) 信用卡號碼 : 信用卡有效日期 : ( 月 / 年 ) 持卡人姓名 : 簽署 : 銀行入數紙 ( 善款可存入聖雅各福群會於下列銀行戶口 ): 匯豐銀行 : 或恒生銀行 : 或東亞銀行 : ( 請在適當位置加上 P 號 ) 敬請在支票背後或銀行入數紙寫上所捐賜之 慈惠服務, 連同捐款者之姓名及地址擲寄本會地址, 或將銀行入數紙傳真至本會,FAX: , 俾本會可奉呈上謝函以及收據, 以供閣下用作扣除稅額之用 謹此致謝 I / My company would like to contribute ( * one-off / * monthly ) $ to support * Medication Subsidy Program * Electrical Appliances for the Elderly Program * Home Use Medical Equipment Support Program * Pharmaceutical Care Service for Patients Project * Patients Travel Subsidy Plan * Philanthropic Community Pharmacy * Specialty Medication Assistance Program (Light Up The Life Program, Precious Blood Precious Love, Anti-hepatitis B Action and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Home Support Scheme) * Medication Delivery Services * Elderly Home Maintenance Services * Home Haircut Services * Power Subsidy - Ailing & Handicapped * Outreached Physical Examination * Funeral Navigation Services * Flash Light Door Bell for Deaf * The Voice Monthly Elderly Magazine * Health Promotion Activities * General use Donor / Co. s Name : Mailing No. : Address : Phone No. : Donation Method : * Crossed cheque ( Payable to St. James Settlement ) Bank : Cheque No. : * By Credit Card ( * VISA * MASTER ) Card No : Expiry Date : (MM/YY) Card Holder s Name : Signature : * Bank deposit (Please deposit donations to St. James Settlement s Bank A/C): HSBC: or Hang Seng Bank: or Bank of East Asia: *Please check off your method of payment. *Please kindly indicate the name of the Program / Service that you donate at the back of the cheque or bank receipt slip. Please ensure that the bank receipt slip is returned along with your name and address to us via mail or fax at A tax return receipt will be issued with respect to your donation for tax deduction use. Thank You for your support. 查詢及網址 : 聖雅各福群會聯絡人 : 陳炳麟先生電話 : / 傳真 : 電郵 :thevoice@sjs.org.hk 網址 : 地址 : 香港灣仔石水渠街 85 號 1 樓 105 室義務設計 : 黃志文先生翻譯義工 : 祈慕潔 梁仁達 陳倩儀 陳達財 蕭香生 蔡珍妮友情印刷 : 平偉印務有限公司 Inquiry and Website : St. James Settlement Contact Person : Mr. Chan Ping-lun Telephone No. : / Fax : thevoice@sjs.org.hk Website : Address : Rm 105, 1/F, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong Volunteer Design : Mr. Edmond Wong Translation Volunteer : MK KEI, TY LEUNG, SINDY CHAN, LAWRENCE CHAN, SIU HEUNG SANG, JENNY CHOI Friendly Printing : Ping Wai Printing Co., LTD. 慈悲沒有敵人, 智慧不起煩惱 Mercy brings no foes while wisdom raises no worries.

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Chinese oil import policies and reforms 随 着 经 济 的 发 展, 目 前 中 国 石 油 消 费 总 量 已 经 跃 居 世 界 第 二 作 为 一 个 负 责 任 的 大 国, 中 国 正 在 积 极 推 进 能 源 进 口 多 元 化, 鼓 励 替 代 Chinese oil import policies and reforms SINOPEC EDRI 2014.8 Chinese oil import policies and reforms 随 着 经 济 的 发 展, 目 前 中 国 石 油 消 费 总 量 已 经 跃 居 世 界 第 二 作 为 一 个 负 责 任 的 大 国, 中 国 正 在 积 极 推 进 能 源 进 口 多 元 化,

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