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1 娱乐类翻译资料下载 1 春节词汇春节词汇 Spring Festival Words Greeting Season: 春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year 初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festival Customs: 过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival 对联 poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry 春联 Spring Festival couplets 剪纸 paper-cuts 年画 New Year paintings 买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival do Spring Festival shopping 敬酒 propose a toast 灯笼 lantern: a portable light 烟花 fireworks 爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) 2

2 舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.) 舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests) 戏曲 traditional opera 杂耍 variety show; vaudeville 灯谜 riddles written on lanterns 灯会 exhibit of lanterns 守岁 staying-up 拜年 pay New Year's call; give New Year's greetings; New Year's visit 禁忌 taboo 去晦气 get rid of the ill- fortune 祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar New Year gift Culture Note: In the old days, New Year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. Today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth 辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year 扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning Blessings: 金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home 生意兴隆 Business flourishes 岁岁平安 Peace all year round 恭喜发财 Wishing you prosperity

3 3 和气生财 Harmony brings wealth 心想事成 May all your wishes come true 吉祥如意 Everything goes well 国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace 招财进宝 Money and treasures will be plentiful 一帆风顺 Wishing you every success 步步高升 Promoting to a higher position 出入平安 Safe trip wherever you go 祝你新的一年快乐幸福 : Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year! 事业成功, 家庭美满 : Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family! Food names: 年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake 团圆饭 family reunion dinner 年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve 饺子 Jiao-zi; Chinese meat ravioli 汤圆 Tang-yuan; dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings 八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding 糖果盘 candy tray: 什锦糖 assorted candies - sweet and fortune 蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon - growth and good health 西瓜子 red melon seed - joy, happiness, truth and sincerity

4 4 金桔 cumquat - prosperity 糖莲子 candied lotus seed - many descendents to come 糖藕 candied lotus root - fulfilling love relationship 红枣 red dates - prosperity 花生糖 peanut candy sweet the game of go 围棋 chess 国际象棋 chess player 下象棋者 board 棋盘 square 棋盘上的格子 chessman 棋子 castle/rook 国际象棋的车 knight 马 bishop 相 ( 或象 ) pawn 兵卒 crown 使成为王 take 吃 block 阻挡 draw 抓阄决定谁先走 win 获胜

5 lose 失败 bridge 桥牌 card 纸牌 poker 扑克牌 deck/pack of cards 一副牌 suit 同花色的一组纸牌 spade 黑桃牌 club 梅花牌 heart 红桃牌 diamond 方块牌 trump 王牌 shuffle 洗牌 deal 分牌 bid 叫牌 cut 倒牌 banker 庄家 defender 防家 partner 伙伴 opponent 敌方 cheat 动手脚 pick up 偷 ( 纸牌 ) stake

6 下赌注 martingale 决窍 travelling circus 巡回马戏团 circus wagon 大篷车 tent 帐篷 arena 场地 stand 看台 show 节目 circus act 马戏节目 equitation 马术 riding 马术 equestrian 马术演员 rider 马术演员 horse trainer 驯马师 giant 巨人 conjurer/illusionist/magician 魔术师 wild animal trainer 驯兽师 wild animal 野兽 performing animal 驯服的动物 cage 笼子 whip 鞭子 tights 紧身衣 tumble

7 翻筋斗 seesaw 跷跷板 human pyramid 叠罗汉 amusement park 游乐园 waterly playground 水上乐园 carrousel/merry-go-round 旋转木马 big wheel 大观览车 slide 滑梯 shooting gallery 射击场 wheel of fortune 抓阄转轮 tombola 摸彩 puppet show 木偶剧 Punch and Judy show 木偶戏表演 greasy pole 爬竿取物 rifle range 气枪打靶 player 游戏者 solitaire 单人游戏 guessing game 猜谜 hide-and-seek 捉迷藏 riddle 智力游戏 mahjong 麻将 double blank 双白 forfeit

8 处罚 master of ceremonies 节目主持人 equestrian acrobat 马戏演员 parade 列队行进 big top 马戏蓬 trainset 小火车 skip 打水漂儿 slingshot 弹弓 cops and robbers 警察与小偷 popgun 玩具枪 doll 洋娃娃 doll's house 小家家 meccano 组合玩具 kite 风筝 skip 跳绳 hide and seek 捉迷藏 tag 捉人游戏 hopscotch 跳房子游戏 marble 弹球 dibs 猪拐 hoop 铁环 spinning top 抽陀螺 festival

9 节日 party 聚会 ice skating 滑冰 roller skating 滑旱冰 ice skates 滑冰鞋 carnival 狂欢节 carnival parade 狂欢节队伍 float 彩车 balloon 气球 music hall 音乐厅 nightclub 夜总会 pub 酒店 club 俱乐部 swing 秋千 go for a walk 去散步 picnic 野炊 excursion 远足 outing 远足 bowl 保龄球 tenpins/bowling 保龄球游戏 skittles 九柱游戏 billiards 台球 snooker

10 斯诺克台球 cue 台球杆 pocket 落袋 croquet 门球 tin soldiers 小锡兵 社会文化新闻词汇 adapt v. 适应 adopt v. 采用 advertising n. 广告 alcoholism n. 酗酒 amusement park: 游乐场 anecdote n. 奇闻轶事 artist n. 艺术家 avoid v. 避免 bid v. 申办 ; 投标 blue collar: 蓝领阶层 ( 指体力劳动者 ) career n. 事业 celebrity n. 名人 clip n. 简报 challenge n./v. 挑战 common sense: 常识 community n. 社区, 社会 concentrate v. 集中, 全神贯注

11 conflict n. 冲突 currency n. 货币, 通货 editor n. 编辑 editorial n. 社论 efficient adj. 能干的, 高效的 election n. 选举 fashion n. 时尚, 时装 goodwill n. 友好 high roller: 富有的成功人士 highbrow n. 有文化修养的人 idol n. 偶像 image n. 形象 influence n./v. 影响 interview n./v. 采访 journalist n. 新闻记者 local adj. 当地的 make a splash: 引起轰动 mainstream n. 主流 mobile phone: 手机 news media: 新闻媒体 newsreader: 新闻播音员 opinion survey: 民意调查

12 opportunity n. 机会 outcome n. 结果, 成果 outshine v. 胜过 peer n. 同龄人 positive adj. 积极的, 肯定的 print media: 印刷媒体 privacy n. 隐私 process n. 过程 pursue v. 追求 ratings n. 收视率 reflect v. 反映, 反省 respond v. 回答, 做出反应 rival n. 对手 rumour n. 谣言, 传闻 sponsor n. 发起人, 主办人 ;v. 赞助 standard n. 标准 stock market: 股市 story n. 新闻报道 summit n. 高峰会议 survey n. 调查 survive v. 生还 symbol n. 象征

13 tradition n. 传统 travel agency: 旅行社 travel guide: 导游 trend n. 趋势, 潮流 virtual reality: 虚拟现实 welfare n. 福利, 安宁 white collar: 白领阶层 ( 指脑力劳动者 ) white lie: 善意的谎言 wrongdoing n. 不道德的行为, 坏事 Chest press machine 坐姿推胸机 sover machine 双臂交叉训练机 ( 大飞鸟机 )Military press 肩部推举机 Seated row machine 坐姿划船机 Rotary torso machine 旋转训练机 Multi-hip machine 臂部复合训练机 Outer thigh abductor machine 腿部外弯机 Inner thigh adductor machine 腿部内弯机 Vertical leg press 垂直蹬腿练习器 Decline Olympic bench 奥林匹克下斜椅 Incline Olympic bench 奥林匹克上斜椅 Roman chair/back hyperextension 罗马凳

14 Hyperextension 腹背训练凳 2-tier horizontal dumbbell rack 哑铃架 Standard weight tree 铃片架 Olympic weight tree 铃片架 Stretch corner 伸拉角 Stretch zone 伸拉中心 Leg press 腿部推蹬机 Leg extension 腿部伸展机 Standing tricep 站式肱三头肌训练器 Standing bicep 站式肱二头肌训练器 Dip chin ab 单杠提膝器 Preacher curl bench 屈臂训练凳 Lat 复合高拉机 Row 复合划船机 Abdominal 腹部训练器 Cable column 复合拉伸机 Hamstring 低拉机 Utility bench 三角椅 Adjustable bench 可调式哑铃椅 Barbell 杠铃架 Double tier dumbbell 双层哑铃架 Recumbent cycle 卧式健身车

15 Treadmills 踏步机 Display stem: 显示器支撑杆 External circlip: Display lower: 显示器下盖 Flush head press in stud: 埋头大头钉 Seat carriage 座位滑动架 Pozi 美国百老汇舞台的专业舞者, 也是知名节目主持人更是健身专家 IEC Free plug, shutter snap fit: 通用插头 Caplug 盖塞 End plaque cap 瓷花后盖 End cap 后盖 Pedal leaver arm: 踏板臂 Rubber bump stop: 橡胶缓冲器 Crutch tip: Nutsert 螺母 Toothed belt idler plate: 皮带惰轮锯齿板 ( 保留英文 ) Step hole trim L/hand: 左踏板孔饰物 Step hole trim retaining block: 踏板孔饰物固定块 Runner assembly 转动组件 Roller member pivot: 辊构件枢轴 Logo wheel: 轮子 ( 带标识 ) Crank plate: 曲板 ( 保留英文 ) Ribbed insert: 扶手连杆

16 Cover center section: 盖板中心部分 Countersunk socket set screw: 埋头螺丝 PEC machine/butterfly 蝴蝶机 Incline press machine 上斜推胸机 Bicep curl machine 二头肌训练机 AB machine 腹部前屈机 Lat machine with mid row 高拉训练机 Leg curl machine/seated leg curl 屈腿训练机 Leg press machine 腿部推蹬机 Leg press/hach squat machine 倒蹬 / 斜蹬机 Pro-smith machine 安全杠铃练习机 Counter-balanced smith machine 史密斯机 Seated calf machine 坐姿小腿练习机 Dip station 双杠练习器 Military press 肩部推举机 Tricep press down machine 三头肌训练机 Arm curl 二头肌推举器 Standing hip/multi-hip machine 臂部复合训练机 Abdominal 腹部前屈机 Bi-axial chest press 双轴上斜推胸机 Seated chest press 坐工推胸机 Dual cable column 双臂训练机

17 Bicep 二头肌训练机 Tricep 复合三头肌训练机 Functional lift 复合抬举机 Calf 小腿训练机 Cable cross 复合飞鸟机 Flat bench 扁平椅 Abdominal bench 腹部训练椅 Single tier dumbbell 单层哑铃架 Squat rack 挂片式深蹲架 Stepper 台阶器 Rubber earring moulding: 橡胶基座 Allen wrench 通用扳手 Cord bracket 夹线板 Freeweight dumbbell 负重哑铃 Freeweight 负重 weight training 负荷训练 strength training 力量训练 endurance training 耐力训练 path of motion 动作路径 Overhead Tricep 三头肌高位训练机 Sets 套 Chest press 胸部推举机

18 Shoulder press machine 肩部推举机 Tricep press down machine 三头肌训练机 Back machine 背部训练机 Lat pull down 高拉机训练机 Leg extension machine 腿部伸展机 Flat bench 哑铃平椅 Flat/incline/decline bench 可调式哑铃椅 Flat Olympic bench 奥林匹克平椅 Vertical knee raise 单杠提膝器 Preacher curl bench 屈臂训练凳 Wab board 腹肌板 Seated calf machine 小腿训练机 Lateral shoulder raise 肩部侧推机 Hip abductor 腿部外弯机 Hip adductor 腿部内弯机 Chest mid-row 滑船机 Lat high row 高位滑船机 Roman Chair/ back hyperextension 罗马凳 45 hyperextension 腹背训练凳 Vertical knee raise 单杠提膝器 Upper back 背肌训练机 Incline trainer 上斜跑步机

19 Squat 蹲式复合训练机 Chest 复合胸部训练器 Shoulder 复合肩部训练机 Step 负重踏步机 Quadricep 复合腿部训练机 Plate loaded squat 挂片式深蹲机 Adductor 夹腿机 Upright cycle 立式健身车 Rubber boot: 橡胶支座 6.3 Amp time Lag glass body: 6.3 Amp 保险丝 Wiring loom: 接线器 Poly V drive pulley: V 形驱动滑轮 Full dog point socket set: 专用螺丝 Reps. (repetition) 组 Weight stack 配重片 Cycling equipment 健骑机 / 健身车 比哆醇 ( 维生素 B6 ) == pyroxidine ( vitamin B6 ) α 生育酚 ( 维生素 E ) == alpha tocopherol ( vitamin E ) α 波 ( 脑波 ) == alpha wave ( brainwave ) β 波 ( 脑波 ) == beta wave ( brainwave ) δ 波 ( 脑波 ) == delta wave ( brainwave ) θ 波 ( 脑波 ) == theta wave ( brainwave )

20 ABO 系统 ( 血型 ) == ABO system ( blood group ) B 细胞 == B cell Rh 系统 == rhesus system Rh 阴性 ( Rh 系统 ) == rhesus-negative ( rhesus system ) Rh 阳性 ( Rh 系统 ) == rhesus-positive ( rhesus system ) T 细胞 == T cell X 光 ( 放射线摄影术 ) == X-ray ( radiography ) X 染色体 ( 性染色体 ) == X chromosome ( sex chromosome ) Y 染色体 ( 性染色体 ) == Y chromosome ( sex chromosome ) 一划 乙状结肠 ( 结肠 ) == sigmoid colon ( colon ) 二划 二尖瓣 ( 心瓣膜 ) == bicuspid valve ( heart valve ) 二尖齿 ( 前臼齿 ) == bicuspid ( premolar ) 二倍体细胞 == diploid cell 二氧化碳 ( 无机化合物 ) == carbon dioxidel / CO2 ( inorganie compound ) 人口 ( 死亡率 ) == population ( mortality rate ) 人工肾脏 ( 透析 ) == artificial kidney ( dialysis ) 人工节律器 ( 窦房结 ) == artificial pacemaker ( sinoatrial node ) 人工瓣膜 ( 心瓣膜 ) == artificial valve ( heart valve ) 人工关节 == artificial joint 人字缝 ( 骨缝 ) == lambdoid suture ( suture ) 人乳 ( 乳汁 ) == human milk ( milk )

21 人体生物学 == human biology ( biology ) 人类免疫不全病毒 ( 人类免疫不全病毒 ) == Human Immunodeficiency virus ( HIV) 人类基因组计画 ( 基因组 ) == Human Genome Project ( gemone ) 人体系统 == body system 十二指肠 == duodemun 三划 三甘油酯 ( 脂肪 ) == triglyceride ( fat ) 三尖瓣 ( 心瓣膜 ) == tricuspid valve ( heart valve ) 三角肌 == deltoid 三角骨 ( 腕骨 ) == triquetrum ( carpal ) 三胞胎 ( 多胎妊娠 ) == triplets ( multiple pregnancy ) 三级支气管 ( 支气管 ) == tertiary bronchus ( bronchus ) 下位的 == inferior 下直肌 ( 眼直肌 ) == inferior rectus ( rectus eye muscle ) 下肢 == lower extremity 下食道括约肌 ( 幽门括约肌 ) == lower oesophageal sphincter ( pyloric sphincter ) 下唇降肌 ( 口轮匝肌 ) == depressor labii inferioris ( orbicularis oris ) 下斜肌 ( 眼斜肌 ) == inferior oblique ( oblique eye muscle ) 下腔静脉 ( 腔静脉 ) == inferior vena cava ( vena cava ) 下视丘 == hypothalamus 下鼻甲 ( 颜面骨 ) == inferior nasal coneha ( facial bone ) 下颌 ( 颌骨 ) == lower jaw ( jaw ) 下颌骨 ( 颜面骨 ) == mandible ( facial bone )

22 下臂 ( 上肢 ) == lower arm ( upper extremity ) 上皮 ( 上皮组织 ) == epithelium ( epithelial tissue ) 上皮组织 == epithelial tissue 上位的 == superior 上直肌 ( 眼直肌 ) == superior rectus ( rectus eye muscle ) 上肢 == upper extremity 上唇提肌 ( 口轮匝肌 ) == levator labii superioris ( orbicularis oris ) 上斜肌 ( 眼斜肌 ) == superior oblique ( sblique eye muscle ) 上腔静脉 ( 腔静脉 ) == superior vena cave ( vena cave ) 上颌 ( 颌骨 ) == upper jaw ( jaw ) 上颌骨 ( 颜面骨 ) == maxilla / maxillae ( facial bone ) 上臂 ( 上肢 ) == upper arm ( upper extremity) 上颚犬齿 ( 犬齿 ) == eye teeth ( canine ) 上睑提肌 ( 眼轮匝肌 ) == levator palpebrae superioris ( orbicularis oculi ) 丸, 丸剂 ( 避孕用具 ) == pill ( contraceptive ) 千卡 ( 千焦耳 ) == kilocalorie / kcal ( kilojoule ) 千焦耳 ( kj ) == kilojoule ( kh ) 口 == mouth 口角降肌 ( 笑肌 ) == depressor anguli oris ( risorius ) 口角提肌 ( 笑肌 ) == levator anguli oris ( risorius ) 口渴 ( 营养 ) == thirst ( nutrition ) 口腔 ( 口 ) == oral cavity ( mouth )

23 口轮匝肌 == orbicularis oris 大分子 ( 分子 ) == macromolecule ( molecule ) 大阴唇 ( 阴道 ) == labia majora ( vagina ) 大量营养素 == macronutrient 大肠 == large intestine 大脑 == cerebrum 大脑半球 ( 大脑 ) == cerebral hemisphere ( cerebrum ) 大脑疲质 ( 大脑 ) == cerebral cortex ( cerebrum ) 大腿 ( 下肢 ) == thigh ( lower extremity ) 大腿 ( 下肢 ) == upper leg ( lower cxtremity ) 大腿骨 ( 股骨 ) == thighbone ( femur ) 大隐静脉 ( 股静脉 ) == great saphenous vein ( femoral vein ) 子宫 == uterus / womb 子宫内膜 ( 月经周期 ) == endometrium ( menstrual cycle ) 子宫颈 ( 子宫 ) == cervix ( uterus ) 小动脉 ( 动脉 ) == arteriole ( artery ) 小阴唇 ( 阴道 ) == labia minora ( vagina ) 小肠 == small intestine 小脑 == cerebellum 小叶 ( 肝细胞 ) == lobule ( hepatocyte ) 小叶 ( 肝 ) == lobule ( lung ) 小腿 ( 下肢 ) == lower leg ( lower extremity )

24 小静脉 ( 静脉 ) == venule ( vein ) 干扰素 == interferon 弓 == arch 四划 不孕 == infertility 不表现的 ( 基因型 ) == unexpressed ( genotype ) 不相容血液 ( 血型 ) == incompatible blood ( blood group ) 不动关节 ( 关节 ) == fixed joint ( joint ) 不溶性纤维 ( 膳食纤维质 ) == insoluble fibre ( dietary fibre ) 不随意肌 ( 平滑肌 ) == involuntary muscle ( smooth muscle ) 不饱和的 ( 油 ) == unsaturated ( oil ) 中子 ( 原子 ) == neutron ( atom ) 中心粒 ( 纺锤体 ) == centriole ( spindle ) 中央窝 ( 视网膜 ) == fovea ( retina ) 中央管 ( 脑脊髓液 ) == central canal ( cerebrospinal fluid ) 中耳 == middle ear 中风 ( 栓塞 ) == stroke ( thrombosis ) 中胚层 ( 分化 ) == mesoderm ( differentiation ) 中暑 ( 温度调节 ) == heatstroke ( thermoregulation ) 中轴 == axis 中轴骨胳 == axial skeleton 中脑 ( 脑干 ) == midbrain ( brain stem ) 中隔 ( 心脏 ) == septum ( heart )

25 中线 ( 中轴 ) == midline ( axis ) 中枢神经系统 ( 神经系统 ) == central nervous system / CNS ( nervous system ) 元素 == element 内分泌系统 == endocrine system 内分泌腺 ( 腺体 ) == endocrine gland ( gland ) 内分泌学 == endocrinology 内出血 ( 出血 ) == internal haemorrhage ( haemorrhage ) 内刺激 ( 刺激 ) == internal stimulus ( stimulus ) 内在环境 ( 环境 ) == internal environment ( enviromment ) 内收 == adduction 内收肌 ( 内收 ) == adductor ( adduction ) 内收大肌 ( 内收长肌 ) == adductor magnus ( adductor longus ) 内收短肌 ( 内收长肌 ) == adductor brevis ( adductor longus ) 内耳 == inner ear 内呼吸 ( 呼吸 ) == internal respiration ( reapiration ) 内直肌 ( 眼直肌 ) == medial rectus ( rectus eye muscle ) 内胚层 ( 分化 ) == endoderm ( differentiation ) 内侧的 == medial 内斜肌 ( 外斜肌 ) == internal oblique ( external oblique ) 内视镜 ( 内视镜检查 ) == endoscope ( endoscopy ) 内视镜检查 == endoscopy 内质网 == endoplasmic reticulum / ER

26 六零六 ( 艾希利 ) == salvarsan ( Paul Ehrlich ) 分子 == molecule 分化 == differentiation 分泌 ( 腺体 ) == secretion ( gland ) 分娩 ( 生产 ) == parturition ( birth ) 分娩第一期 ( 阵痛 ) == first stage of labour ( labour ) 分娩第二期 ( 分娩 ) == second stage of labour ( laborur ) 分娩第三期 ( 分娩 ) == third stage of labour ( labour ) 分裂球 ( 卵裂 ) == blastomere ( cleavage ) 分节 == segmentation 分叶 ( 肺 ) == segment ( lung ) 分解代谢 == catabolism 分解代谢反应 ( 分解代谢 ) == catabolic reaction ( catabolism ) 分解激素 == hormone breaddown 化学反应 == chemical reaction 化学抵抗 == chemical resistance 化合物 == chemical compound 化学能 ( 能量 ) == chemical energy ( energy ) 化学受器 == chemoreceptor 化学键 == chemical bond 升结肠 ( 结肠 ) == ascending colon ( colon ) 反射 == reflelx

27 反射弧 == reflex arc 反应 ( 刺激 ) == response ( stimulus ) 天花 == smallpox 尺神经 == ulnar nerve 尺骨 == ulna 尺侧屈腕肌 ( 手部屈肌 ) == flexor carpi ulnaris ( flexor of the hand ) 巴托林 == Bartholin, Csspar 巴甫洛夫 == Pavlov, Ivan 巴斯德 == Pasteur, Louis 巴齐尼氏小体 ( 机械性受器 ) == Pancinian corpuscle ( mechanoreceptor ) 引起过敏的 ( 过敏原 ) == allergenic ( allergen ) 心力衰竭 ( 心脏病发作 ) == heart failure ( heart attack ) 心包囊 ( 心脏 ) == pericardium ( heart ) 心肌 == cardiac muscle 心肌梗塞 ( 心脏病发作 ) == myocardial infarction ( heart attack ) 心房 == atrium / atria 心房收缩 ( 心抟 ) == atrial systole ( heartbeat ) 心室 ( 心脏 ) == ventricle ( heart ) 心室收缩 ( 心抟 ) == ventricular systole ( heartbeat ) 心舒期 ( 心抟 ) == diastole ( heartbeat ) 心抟. 心跳 == heartbeat 心抟周期 ( 心抟 ) == heartbeat cycle ( heartbeat )

28 心跳速率 == heart rate 心电图 ( 心电图仪 ) == ECG / electrocardiogram ( electrocardiograph ) 心电图仪 == electrocardiograph 心瓣膜 == heart valve 心脏 == heart 心脏血管系统 ( 循环系统 ) == cardiovascular system ( circulatory system ) 心脏病发作 == heart attack 心脏病学 == cardiology 手 == hand 手指 ( 指骨 ) == finger / digit ( phalanx of the hand ) 手部伸肌 == extensor of the hand 手部屈肌 == flexor of the hand 支气管 == bronchus / bronchi 支气管分支 == bronchial tree 月状骨 ( 腕骨 ) == lunate ( carpal ) 月经 == menstruation 月经周期 == menstrual cycle 止痛剂 ( 药物 ) == analgesic ( drug ) 比目鱼肌 ( 跟腱 ) == soleus ( Achilles tendon ) 比沙 == Bichat, Marie Francois 毛细胞 == hair cell 毛发 == hair

29 毛囊 ( 毛发 ) == hair follicle ( hair ) 水 == water / H2O 水痘 == chickenpox 水溶性纤维生素 == water-soluble vitamins 水样波 ( 玻璃液 ) == aqueous humour ( vitreous humour ) 牙痛 ( 龋齿 ) == toothache ( tooth decay ) 牙齿 == tooth 生皮癣 == psoriasis 犬齿 == canine 五划 丙酮酸 ( 糖解 ) == pyruvic acid ( glycolysis ) 主动免疫 ( 免疫 ) == active immunization ( immunization ) 主动脉 == aorta 主动脉半月瓣 ( 心瓣膜 ) == aortic semilunar valve ( heart valve ) 主动运动 == active transport 代谢 == metabolism 代谢脂肪 == fat metabolism 代谢蛋白质 == protein metabolism 代谢率 == metabolic rate 代谢产物 == metabolite 代谢障碍 == metabolic disorder 充氧血 ( 动脉 ) == oxygenated blood ( artery ) 出汗 ( 排汗 ) == sweating ( perspiration )

30 出血 == haemorrhage 出生率 ( 死亡率 ) == birth rate ( mortality rate ) 加瓦尼 == Galvani, Luigi 加伦 == Galen, Claudius ( Galenus ) 北里柴三郎 == Kitasato, Shibasaburo 半月板 == meniscus / menisci 半动关节 ( 关节 ) == partially moveable joint ( joint ) 半球 ( 小脑 ) == hemisphere ( cerebellum ) 半规管 == semicircular canal 半透膜 ( 差异性渗透膜 ) == semi-permeable membrane ( differentially ) 半腱肌 ( 腿后腱 ) == semitendinosus ( hamstring ) 半膜肌 ( 腿后腱 ) == semimembranosus ( hamstring ) 卡路里 ( 禾焦耳 ) == calorie ( kilojoule ) 卡尔梅特 == Calmette, Albert 去氧核糖核酸 == DNA 去氧核糖核酸 ( 去氧核糖核酸 ) == deoxyribonucleic ( DNA ) 去胺基作用 == deamination 可伦坡 == Colombo, Matteo 可溶性纤维 ( 膳食纤维质 ) == soluble fibre ( dietary fibre ) 右肺动脉 ( 肺循环 ) == right pulmonary artery ( pulmonary circulation ) 右肺静脉 ( 肺循环 ) == right pulmonary vein ( pulmonary circulation ) 右淋巴导管 ( 淋巴管 ) == right lymphatic duct ( lymph vessel )

31 史密斯 == Smith, Theobald 史塔林 ( 高峰丈吉 ) == Starling, Ernest ( Jokichi, Takamine ) 四分体 ( 交换 ) == tetrad ( crossing over ) 四胞胎 ( 多胎妊娠 ) == quadruplets ( multiple pregnancy ) 外分泌腺 ( 腺体 ) == exocrine gland ( gland ) 外出血 ( 出血 ) == external haemorrhage ( haemorrhage ) 外半规管 ( 半规管 ) == lateral semicircular canal ( semicircular canal ) 外皮 ( 外皮系统 ) == integument ( integumentary system ) 外皮系统 == integumentary system 外在环境 ( 环境 ) == external environment ( environment ) 外耳 == outer ear 外耳道 ( 外耳 ) == auditory canal ( outer ear ) 外呼吸 ( 呼吸 ) == external respiration ( respiration ) 外刺激 ( 刺激 ) == external stimulus ( stimulus ) 外直肌 ( 眼直肌 ) == lateral rectus ( rectus eye muscle ) 外胚层 ( 分化 ) == ectoderm ( differentiation ) 外展 == abduction 外展肌 ( 外展 ) == abductor ( abduction ) 外侧的 ( 内侧的 ) == lateral ( medial ) 外斜肌 == external oblique 巨人症 ( 生长激素 ) == gigantism ( growh hormone ) 左肺动脉 ( 肺循环 ) == left pulmonary artery ( pulmonary circulation )

32 左肺静脉 ( 肺循环 ) == left pulmonary vein ( pulmonary circulation ) 平面关节 ( 滑动关节 ) == plane joint ( gliding joint ) 平滑内质网 ( 内质网 ) == smooth endoplasmic reticulum ( endoplasmic reticulum ) 平滑肌 == smooth muscle 平衡 == balance 平衡 ( 平衡 ) == equilibrium ( balance ) 弗拉卡斯托罗 == Fuacastoro, Girolamo 弗勒明 == Flemming, Walther 必需胺基酸 == essential amino acid 本能 ( 行为 ) == instinct ( behaviour ) 本能行为 ( 行为 ) == instinctive behaviour ( behaviour ) 本体感受器 ( 机械性受器 ) == proprioceptor ( mechanoreceptor ) 正子发射断层 ( 正子发射断层摄影 ) == PET / positron emission tomograph ( positron emission tomography ) 正子发射断层摄影 == positron emission tomography 正中神经 ( 桡神经 ) == median nerve ( radial nerve ) 正回馈 ( 回馈系统 ) == positive feedback ( feedback system ) 甘油 ( 脂肪 ) == glycerol ( fat ) 甘农 ( 贝尔那 ) == Cannon, Walter ( Claude Bernard ) 生化学家 ( 生物化学 ) == biochemist ( biochemistry ) 生育控制 == birth control 生物化学 == biochemistry

33 生物时钟 ( 昼夜节律 ) == biological clock ( circadian rhythm ) 生物素 == biotin 生物学 == biology 生长 == growth 生长激素 == growth hormone 生理学 == physiology 生理学家 ( 生理学 ) == physiologist ( physiology ) 生产 == birth 生殖系统 == reproductive system 生殖周期 == reproductive cycle 生殖器 ( 生殖系统 ) == genitals ( reproductive system ) 用手习惯 == handedness 甲状软骨 ( 喉 ) == thyroid cartilage ( larynx ) 甲状腺 == thyroid gland 甲状腺素 ( 甲状腺 ) == thyroxine ( thyroid gland ) 甲状腺机能亢进 ( 代谢障碍 ) == hyperthyroidism ( metabolic disorder ) 白子 ( 黑色素 ) == albinos ( melanin ) 白化症 == albinism 白血病 == leukaemia 白血球 == white blood cell / leucocyte 白喉 == diphtheria 白质 == white matter

34 布罗卡 == Broca, Paul 皮内尔 == Pinel, Phillipe 皮脂 ( 皮脂腺 ) == sebum ( sebaceous gland ) 皮脂腺 == sebaceous gland 皮肤 == skin 皮肤病学 == dermatology 皮质 ( 肾上腺 ) == cortex ( adrenal gland ) 皮质 ( 肾 ) == cortex ( kidney ) 皮质骨 ( 致密骨 ) == cortical bone ( compact bone ) 皮质类固醇 ( 肾上腺 ) == corticosteroid ( sdrenal gland ) 矢状缝 ( 骨缝 ) == sagittal suture ( suture ) 石绵肺症 == asbestosis 六划 交叉 ( 交换 ) == chiasmata / chiasma ( crossing over ) 交换 == crossing over 交媾 ( 性交 ) == copulation ( sexual intercourse ) 交感神经系统 ( 自律神经系统 ) == sympathetic nervous system ( autonomic nervous system ) 亥姆霍兹 == Helmhltz, Hermann 休克 == shock 光受器 == photoreceptor 光学显微镜 ( 显微镜检查 ) == light microscope ( microscopy ) 光学显微照片 ( 显微镜检查 ) == light micrograph ( microscopy )

35 先天性反射 == inborn reflex 先天性行为 ( 行为 ) == innate behaviour ( behaviour ) 先天性缺陷 == birth defect 全身感觉 ( 感觉 ) == general sense ( sense ) 共价键 ( 化学键 ) == covalent bond ( chemical bond ) 再生 ( 组织 ) == regeneration ( tissue ) 列奥米尔 == Reaumur, Rene Antoine 同化作用 == assimilation 同卵双胞胎 == identical twins 同源染色体 == homologous chromosome 同质结合细胞 == homozygous cell 合子 == zygote 合成代谢 == anabolism 合成代谢反应 ( 合成代谢 ) == anabolic reaction ( anabolism ) 回馈系统 == feedback system 多不饱和脂肪 ( 油 ) == polyunsaturated fat ( oil ) 多伊西 == Doisy, Edward 多胎妊脤 == multiple pregnancy 多发性硬化 == multiple sclerosis ( MS ) 多醣 ( 碳水化合物 ) == polysaccharide ( carbohydrate ) 字根 == word root 安. 纳菲斯 == An-Nafis, Ibn

36 安德森 == Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett 成人 == adult 成年齿 ( 恒齿 ) == adult teeth ( permanent teeth ) 收缩压 ( 血压计 ) == systolic blood pressur ( sphygmomanometer ) 早产 == premature birth 有性生殖 ( 生殖系统 ) == sexual reproduction ( reproductive system ) 有氧呼吸 == aerobic respiration 有丝分裂 == mitosis 有意识的 ( 意识 ) == conscious ( consciousness ) 有机化合物 == organic compound 次级支气管 ( 支气管 ) == secondary ( bronchus ) 次级滤泡 ( 滤泡 ) == secondary follicle ( follicle ) 死亡 == death 死亡率 == mortality rate / death rate 汗 ( 汗线 ) == sweat ( sweat gland ) 汗孔 ( 汗腺 ) == sweat pore ( sweat gland ) 汗线 == sweat gland 汗管 ( 汗腺 ) == sweat duct ( sweat gland ) 灰质 == grey matter 百日咳 == whooping cough / pertussis 米勒 == Muller, Johannes 米德 == Mead, Margaret

37 羊水 ( 羊膜 ) == amniotic fluid ( amnion ) 羊膜 == amnion 羊膜穿刺术 ( 羊膜 ) == amniocentesis ( amnion ) 老化 == ageing 老花眼 ( 远视 ) == presbyopia ( long sight ) 耳 == ear 耳石 ( 球囊 ) == otolith ( saccule ) 耳咽管 == eustachian tube 耳廓 ( 外耳 ) == pinna ( outer ear ) 耳鸣 == tinnitus 耳蜗 == cochlea 耳聋 == deafness 肋骨 ( 胸廓 ) == rib ( ribcage ) 肋软骨 ( 胸廓 ) == costal cartilage ( ribcage ) 肋间肌 == intercostal muscle 肌小束 ( 肌肉 ) == sarcomere ( muscle ) 肌肉 == muscle 肌肉收缩 == muscle contraction 肌肉疲劳 == muscle fatigue 肌肉组织 == muscular tissue 肌肉紧张 ( 肌肉收缩 ) == muscle tone (muscle contraction ) 肌原纤维 ( 肌肉 ) == myofibril ( muscle )

38 肌动蛋白 ( 肌肉 ) == actin ( muscle ) 肌凝蛋白 ( 肌肉 ) == myosin ( muscle ) 肌肉萎缩症 == muscular dystrophy 肌纤维 ( 肌肉 ) == muscle fibre / myofibre ( muscle ) 自律神经系统 == autonomic nervous system 自然免疫 ( 免疫系统 ) == natural immunity ( immune system ) 自溶 ( 溶梅体 ) == autolysis ( lysosome ) 自体免疫 == autoimmunity 自体免疫疾病 ( 自体免疫 ) == autoimmune disease ( autoimmunity ) 臼齿 == molar 舌 == tongue 舌下腺 ( 唾液腺 ) == sublingual gland ( salivary galnd ) 舌骨 == hyoid bone 舟状骨 ( 腕骨 ) == scaphoid ( carpal ) 舟状骨 ( 跗骨 ) == navicular ( tarsal ) 色盲 == colour blindness 色觉 == colour vision 艾克曼 == Eijkman, Christiaan 艾利希 == Ehrlich, Paul 血小板 == platelet 血小板栓子 ( 血小板 ) == platelet plug ( platelet ) 血友病 ( 凝固 ) == haemophilia ( coagulation )

39 血型 == blood group 血型系统 ( 血型 ) == blood group system ( blood group ) 血红素 == haemoglobin 血栓 ( 栓塞 ) == thrombus ( thrombosis ) 血栓细胞 ( 血小板 ) == thrombocyte ( platelet ) 血液 == blood 血液透析 ( 透析 ) == haemodialysis ( dialysis ) 血液学 == haematology 血管 == blood vessel 血管加压素 ( 抗利尿激素 ) == vasopressin ( antidiuretic hormone ) 血管收缩 ( 血管舒张 ) == vasoconstriction ( vasodilation ) 血管造影 ( 血管造影术 ) == angiograph (angiography ) 血管造影片 ( 血管造影术 ) == angiogram (angiography ) 血管造影术 == angiography 血管舒张 == vasodilation 血凝块 ( 凝固 ) == blood clot ( coagulation ) 血浆 == blood plasma 血浆蛋白 ( 血浆 ) == plasma protein ( blood plasma ) 血糖 ( 葡萄糖 ) == blood sugar ( glucose ) 血压 == blood pressure 血压计 == sphygmomanometer 行为 == behaviour

40 囟门 == fontanelle 七划 亨耳 == Henle, Friedrich 亨氏环 ( 肾小管 ) == loop of Henle ( renal tubule ) 亨特 == Hunter, John 佛莱明爵士 == Fleming, Sir Alexander 佛罗瑞爵士 == Florey, Sir Howard 伸肌 ( 伸展 ) == extensor ( extension ) 伸肌支带 ( 手部伸肌 ) == extensor retinaculum ( extensor of the hand ) 伸肌支带 ( 足部伸肌 ) == extensor retinaculum ( extensor of the foot ) 伸展 == extension 伸展感受器 ( 机械性受器 ) == stretch receptor ( mechanoreceptor ) 低张的 ( 等张的 ) == hypotonic ( isotonic ) 佝偻病 == rickets 克里克 == Crick, Francis 克列伯氏循环 == Krebs cycle 克列伯斯 == Krebs, Hans 免疫反应 == immune response 免疫系统 == immune system 免疫法 == immunization 免疫 ( 免疫系统 ) == immune ( immune system ) 免疫球蛋白 ( 抗体 ) == immunoglobulin ( antibody ) 免疫学 == immunology

41 利斯特 == Lister, Joseph 利维 蒙塔西尼 == Levi-Montalcini, Rita 卵子 == ovum / ova 卵子发生 ( 卵子 ) == oogenesis ( ovum ) 卵母细胞 ( 卵子 ) == oocyte ( ovum ) 卵巢 == ovary 卵巢周期 == ovarian cycle 卵细胞 ( 卵子 ) == egg cell ( ovum ) 卵裂 == cleavage 卵圆窗 ( 内耳 ) == oval window ( inner ear ) 卵磷脂 ( 磷脂 ) == lecithin ( phospholipid ) 吞噬作用 == phagocytosis 吞噬细胞 == phagocyte 吞咽 == swallowing 呃逆 == hiccup / hiccough 吸入 == inhalation 吸入 ( 气体交换 ) == inhale ( gas exchange ) 吸收 == absorption 吸气 ( 吸入 ) == inspiration ( inhalation ) 含氮废物 ( 排泄 ) == nitrogenous waste ( excretion ) 均衡的饮食 ( 食物 ) == balanced diet ( diet ) 坐骨 ( 骨盆带 ) == ischium ( pelvic girdle )

42 坐骨神经 == sciatic nerve 坐骨神经痛 == sciatica 妊娠 == pregnancy 尿素 ( 尿液 ) == urea ( urine ) 尿液 == urine 尿道 ( 膀胱 ) == urethra ( bladder ) 尿嘧啶 ( 盐基 ) == uracil ( base ) 利尿剂 ( 抗利尿激素 ) == diuretic ( antidiuretic hormone ) 尾骨 == coccyx 尾椎 ( 尾骨 ) == coccygeal vertebra ( coccyx ) 希波克拉底 == Hippocrates 希斯 == His, Wilhelm 快速动眼睡眠 ( 睡眠 ) == rapid eye movement sleep / REM sleep ( sleep ) 抗生素 ( 药物 ) == antibiotic ( drug ) 抗利尿激素 == antidiuretic hormone / ADH 抗原 == antigen 抗胰岛素 == glucagon 抗组织胺药物 ( 枯草热 ) == antihistamine drug ( hay fever ) 抗凝血剂 == anticoagulant 抗坏血酸 ( 维生素 C ) == ascorbic acid ( vitamin C ) 抗体 == antibody 抗体间接免疫 ( 体液免液 ) == antibody-mediated immunity ( humoral immunity )

43 扭伤 == sprain 折射 ( 调节 ) == refracted ( accommodation ) 杜维 == Duve, Christian de 杓状软骨 ( 喉 ) == arytenoid cartilage ( larynx ) 沙克 == Salk, Jonas 狂犬病 == rabies 肝 == liver 肝炎 == hepatitis 肝门静脉 ( 肝动脉 ) == hepatic portal vein ( hepatic artery ) 肝动脉 == hepatic artery 肝细胞 == hepatocyte 肝循环 ( 肝动脉 ) == hepatic circulation ( hepatic artery ) 肝糖 == glycogen 肘 ( 铰金关节 ) == elbow ( hinge joint ) 肛门 ( 直肠 ) == anus ( rectum ) 肛门内括约肌 ( 直肠 ) == internal anal sphincter ( rectum ) 肛门外括约肌 ( 直肠 ) == external anal sphincter ( rectum ) 肛道 ( 直肠 ) == anal canal ( rectum ) 肚脐 ( 脐带 ) == navel ( umbilical cord ) 角蛋白 ( 结构蛋白 ) == keratin ( atructural protein ) 角膜 == cornea 角质层 ( 表皮 ) == cornified layer ( epidermis )

44 贝尔 == Baer, Karl von 贝尔那 == Benard, Claude 贝尔爵士 == Bell, Sir Charles 足. 脚 == foot 足部伸肌 == extensor of the foot 足部屈肌 == flexor of the foot 足趾 ( 趾骨 ) == toe / digit ( phalanx of the foot ) 足跟 ( 跗骨 ) == heel ( tarsal ) 防腐剂 == antiseptic 八划 乳化 ( 胆汁 ) == emulsify ( bile ) 乳汁 == milk 乳房 ( 泌乳 ) == breast ( lactation ) 乳腺 ( 泌乳 ) == mammary gland ( lactation ) 乳管 ( 泌乳 ) == milk duct ( lactation ) 乳酸 ( 糖解 ) == lactic acid ( glycolysis ) 乳酸酦酵 == lactic acid fermentation 乳齿 == milk teeth 乳糖 == lactose 乳糖梅 ( 乳糖 ) == lactase ( lactose ) 乳头 ( 味蕾 ) == papilla ( taste bud) 乳头 ( 泌乳 ) == nipple ( lactation ) 乳糜管 == lacteal

45 供血者 ( 输血 ) == blood donor ( blood transfusion ) 佩鲁茨 == Perutz, Max 侏儒症 ( 生长激素 ) == dwarfism ( growth hormone ) 两手同利的 == ambidextrous ( handedness ) 刺激 == stimulus 受孕 == conception 受精 == fertilization 受器 ( 感觉神经元 ) == receptor ( sensory neuron ) 受器位置 ( 激素 ) == receptor site ( bormone ) 味孔 ( 味蕾 ) == taste pore ( taste bud ) 味道 ( 味觉 ) == flavour ( taste ) 味蕾 == taste bud 味觉 == taste 呼出 == exhalation 呼出 ( 气体交换 ) == exhale ( gas exchange ) 呼吸 == breathing 呼吸 == respiration 呼吸中枢 ( 呼吸速率 ) == respiratory centre ( breathing rate ) 呼吸系统 == respiratory system 呼吸控制 == respiratory control 呼吸速率 == breathing rate 呼吸道 == respiratory tract

46 呼吸膜 == respiratory membrane 呼气 ( 呼出 ) == expiration ( exhalation ) 周围的, 末梢的 == peripheral 周围神经 ( 神经系统 ) == peripheral nerve ( nervous system ) 周围神经系统 ( 神经系统 ) == peripheral nervous system ( nervous system ) 固定巨噬细胞 ( 单核球 ) == fixed macrophage ( monocyte ) 夜盲 == night blindness 孟德尔 == Mendel, Gregor 屈曲 == flexion 屈肌 ( 屈曲 ) == flexor ( flexion ) 屈肌支带 ( 手部屈肌 ) == flexor retinaculum ( flexor of the hand ) 屈趾长肌 ( 足部屈肌 ) == flexor digitorum longus ( flexor of the foot ) 屈拇长肌 ( 足部屈肌 ) == flexor hallucis longus ( flexor of the foot ) 屈拇短肌 ( 对掌拇肌 ) == flexor pollicis brevis (opponens pollicis ) 屈指浅肌 ( 手部屈肌 ) == flexor digitorum superficialis ( flexor of the hand ) 屈趾短肌 == flexor digitorum brevis 帕金森氏症 == Parkinson s disease 帕雷 == Pare, Ambroise 延髓 ( 脑干 ) == medulla oblongata ( brain stem ) 弧影 ( 指甲 ) == lunula ( nail ) 性交 == sexual intercourse 性染色体 == sex chromosome

47 性细胞 == sex cell 性联对偶基因 == sex-linked allele 性激素 == sex hormone 拉瓦钖 == Lavoisier, Antoine 拉埃内克 == Laennec, Rene Theophile 拇指 ( 指骨 ) == thumb / first digit ( phalanx of the hand ) 拇趾 ( 趾骨 ) == big toe ( phalanx of the foot ) 拇囊肿 == bunion 抵抗力 == resistance 放射线照片 ( 放射线摄影术 ) == radiograph ( radiography ) 放射线摄影术 == radiography 昏迷 ( 意识 ) == coma ( consciousness ) 枕骨大孔 ( 颅 ) == foramen magnum ( cranium ) 枕骨 ( 颅 ) == occipital bone ( cranium ) 枕骨肌 ( 额肌 ) == occipitalis ( frontalis ) 果糖 ( 糖 ) == fructose / fruit sugar ( sugar ) 林德 == Lind, James 杵臼关节 == ball-and socket joint 泌尿系统 == urinary system 泌乳 == lactation 柲乳反射 ( 泌乳 ) == milk let-down reflex ( lactation ) 波特 == Pott, Percival

48 法布里休斯 == Fabricius, Hieronymus 法罗皮欧 == Fallopio Gabriello 油 == oil 治疗 ( 诊断 ) == therapy ( diagnosis ) 泡 ( 胞饮作用 ) == vesicle ( pinocytosis ) 泛酸 == pantothenic acid 炎症 == inflammation 盲肠 == caecum 盲点 == blind spot 直肠 == rectum 空肠 == jejunum 肺 == lung 肺半月瓣 ( 心瓣膜 ) == pulmonary semilunar valve ( heart valve ) 肺泡 == alveolus / alveoli 肺泡巨噬细胞 ( 尘细胞 ) == alveolar macrophage ( dust cell ) 肺炎 == pneumonia 肺活量 == vital capacity 肺气肿 == emphysema 肺循环 == pulmonary circulation 肺叶 ( 肺 ) == lobe ( lung ) 肥胖 == obesity 肢带 == girdle

49 肱二头肌 == biceps brachii 肱三头肌 == triceps brachii 肱肌 == brachialis 肱骨 == humerus 肱骨内髁 ( 尺神经 ) == funny bone ( ulnar nerve ) 肱动脉 == brachial artery 肱静脉 == brachial vein 肱桡肌 == brachioradialis 股二头肌 ( 腿后腱 ) == biceps femoris ( hamstring ) 股中间肌 ( 股四头肌 ) == vastus intermedius ( quadriceps femoris ) 股内侧肌 ( 股四头肌 ) == vastus medialis ( quadriceps femoris ) 股四头肌 == quadriceps femoris 股外侧肌 ( 股四头肌 ) == vastus lateralis ( quadriceps femoris ) 股直肌 ( 股四头肌 ) == rectus femoris ( quadriceps femoris ) 股骨 == femur 股动脉 == femoral artery 股静脉 == femoral vein 肩 ( 杵臼关节 ) == shoulder ( ball-and-socket joint ) 肩胛骨 ( 胸带 ) == shoulderblade / scapula ( pectoral girdle ) 肩带 ( 胸带 ) == shoulder girdle ( pectoral girdle ) 虎克 == Hooke, Robert 初乳 == colostrum

50 初级支气管 ( 支气管 ) == primary bronchus ( bronhus ) 初级滤泡 ( 滤泡 ) == primary follicle ( follicle ) 初经, 月经初潮 == menarche 表皮 == epidermis 表皮山脊 == epidermal ridge 表皮角层 ( 指甲 ) == cuticle ( nail ) 表面的 == superficial 表面活性剂 == surfactant 表面张力 ( 表面活性剂 ) == surface tension ( surfactant ) 表现的 ( 基因型 ) == expressed ( genotype ) 表现型 == phenotype 近曲小管 ( 肾小管 ) == proximal convoluted tubule ( renal tubule ) 近视 == short sight / near sight / myopia 近端的 == proximal 长出 ( 牙齿 ) == erupt ( tooth ) 长拇趾伸肌 ( 足部伸肌 ) == extensor hallucis longus (extensor of the foot ) 长趾伸肌 ( 足部伸肌 ) == extensor digitorum longus (extensor of the foot ) 长期记忆 ( 记忆 ) == long-term memory ( memory ) 门齿 == incisor 阿米巴病 ( 阿米巴痢疾 ) == amoebiasis ( amoebic dysentery ) 阿米巴痢疾 == amoebic dysentery 阿滋海默症 == Alzheimer s disease

51 阿尔克迈翁 == Alcmaeon 阿维森纳 == Avicenna, Idn Sina 附肢 ( 附肢骨骼 ) == appendage ( appendicular skeleton ) 附肢骨骼 == appendicular skeletom 青少年期 ==adolescence 青春期 == puberty 非快速动眼睡眠 ( 睡眠 ) == non-rapid eye movement sleep / NREM sleep ( sleep) 非专一性抵抗力 ( 抵抗力 ) == non-specific resistance ( resistance ) 非传染性疾病 == non-infectious 非传染病 ( 传染病 ) == non-communicable disease (communicable disease ) 九划 保温箱 ( 早产 ) == incubator ( premature birth ) 保险箱 ( 避孕用具 ) == condom ( contraceptive ) 促毋状腺激素 ( 脑下垂体 ) == thyroid-stimulating hormone ( pituitary gland ) 促甲状腺激素 ( 脑下垂体 ) == thyrotropin ( pituitary gland ) 促肾上腺皮质激素 ( 脑下垂体 ) == ACTH / adrenocorticotrophic hormone ( pituitary gland ) 促进扩散 ( 扩散 ) == facilitated diffusion ( diffusion ) 促滤泡成熟激素 == follicle-stimulating hormone / FSH 冠 ( 法琅质 ) == crown ( enamel ) 冠状动脉 == coronary artery 冠状动脉栓塞 ( 冠状动脉 ) == coronary thrombosis ( coronary artery ) 冠状循环 ( 冠状动脉 ) == coronary circulation ( coronary artery )

52 冠状缝 ( 骨缝 ) == coronal suture ( suture ) 冠状窦 ( 冠状动脉 ) == coronary sinus ( coronary artery ) 前半规管 ( 半规管 ) == anterior semicircular canal ( semicircular canal ) 前列腺, 摄护腺 == prostate gland 前臼齿 == premolar 前囟 ( 囟门 ) == anterior fontanelle ( fontanelle ) 前面的 == anterior 前庭 ( 球囊 ) == vestibule ( saccule ) 前脑 == forebrain 前叶 ( 脑下垂体 ) == anterior lobe ( pituitary gland ) 前锯肌 == serratus anterior 前臂 ( 上肢 ) == forearm ( upper extremity ) 咳嗽 == coughing 咽 == pharynx 咽喉 ( 咽 ) == throat ( pharynx ) 哈氏小管 ( 骨单元 ) == Haversian canal ( osteon ) 哈氏系统 ( 骨单元 ) == Haversian system ( osteon ) 哈弗斯 == Havers, Clopton 哈勒 == Haller, Albrecht von 哈维 == Harvery, William 垂体神部 ( 脑下垂体 ) == neurohypophysis ( pituitary gland ) 垂体腺性部 ( 脑下垂体 ) == adenohypophysis ( pituitary gland )

53 姿势 ( 肌肉收缩 ) == posture ( muscle contraction ) 威尔柯夫 == Virchow, Rudolph 封闭式骨折 ( 骨折 ) == closed fracture ( fracture ) 幽门括约肌 == pyloric sphincter 后天性免疫下全征候群 ( 爱滋病 ) == Acquired lmmune Deficiency Syndrome ( AIDS ) 后半规管 ( 半规管 ) == posterior semicircular canal ( semicircular canal ) 后囟 ( 囟门 ) == posterior fontanelle ( fontanelle ) 后面的 == posterior 后叶 ( 脑下垂体 ) == posterior lobe ( pituitary gland ) 扁平足 == flat foot 扁桃腺 == tonsil 拮抗 ( 对掌拇肌 ) == oppose ( opponens pollicis ) 拮抗组 ( 骨骼肌 ) == antagonistic pair ( skeletal muscle ) 指甲 == nail 指纹 ( 表皮山脊 ) == fingerprint ( epidermal ridge ) 指骨 == phalanx / phalanges of the hand 指节 == knuckle 括约肌 == sphincter 染色分体 ( 染色体 ) == chromatid ( chromosome ) 染色体 == chromosome 染色体数 ( 染色体 ) == chromosome number ( chromosome ) 柔毛 ( 毛发 ) == vellus hair ( hair )

54 枯草热 == hay fever 柯蒂氏器 ( 耳蜗 ) == organ of Corti ( cochlea ) 柯霍 == Doch, Robert 毒素 ( 病原体 ) == toxin ( pathogen ) 氟 == fluorine 流行性感冒 == influenza / flu 流行性腮腺炎 == mumps 流行 ( 接触传染病 ) == epidemic ( contagious disease ) 流行病学家 ( 病理学 ) == epidemiologist ( pathology ) 流产 == miscarriage 活体组织检查 == biopsy 洛尔 == Lower, Richard 玻璃液 == vitreous humour 玻璃软骨 == hyaline cartilage 玻璃体 ( 玻璃液 ) == vitreous body ( vitreous humour ) 疫苗 == vaccine 疫苗接种 ( 疫苗 ) == vaccination ( vaccine ) 眉毛 ( 眼睑 ) == eyebrow ( eyelid ) 科罗纳 == Khorana, Hai Gobind 穿孔 ( 鼓膜 ) == perforated ( eardrum ) 突触 == synapse 突触小结 ( 突触 ) == synaptic knob ( synapse )

55 突变 == mutation 红血球 == red blood cell / erythrocyte 红骨髓 ( 骨髓 ) == red marrow ( bone marrow ) 红绿色盲 ( 色盲 ) == red-green colour blindness ( colour blindness ) 耶尔森 == Yersin, Alexandre 胚胎 == embryo 胚胞 == blastocyst 胃 == stomach 胃小凹 ( 胃液 ) == gastric pit ( gastric juice ) 胃液 == gastric juice 胃蛋白梅 ( 胃液 ) == pepsin ( gastric juice ) 胃肠病学 == gastroenterology 胃肠道 ( 消化系统 ) == gastrointestinal tract ( digestive system ) 胃腺 ( 胃液 ) == gastric gland ( gastric juice ) 背面的 ( 后面的 ) == dorsal ( posterior ) 背根 ( 神经根 ) == dorsal root ( nerve root ) 背阔肌 == latissimus dorsi 胎毛 ( 毛发 ) == lanugo ( hair) 胎儿 == fetus 胎记 ( 先天性缺陷 ) == birthmark ( birth defeet ) 胎盘 == placenta 胞饮作用 == pinocytosis

56 胞嘧啶 ( 盐基 ) == cytosine ( base ) 胞器 == organelle 致癌物质 ( 癌症 ) == carcinogen ( cancer ) 苯酮尿症 == phenylketonuria / PKU 虹膜 == iris 负回馈 ( 回馈系统 ) == negative feedback ( feedback system ) 迪奥斯科里斯 == Dioscorides, Pedanius 重组 ( 交换 ) == recombination (crossing over ) 降肌 ( 降肌 ) == depressor ( depression ) 降血钙素 ( 甲状腺 ) == calcitonin ( thyroid gland ) 降低 == depression 降低毒性的 ( 疫苗 ) == attenuated ( vaccine ) 降结肠 ( 结肠 ) == descending colon ( colon ) 音箱 ( 喉 ) == voice box ( larynx ) 音调 ( 听觉 ) == pitch ( hearing ) 风湿症 == rheumatism 飞沬传递 ( 传染性疾病 ) == droplet transmission ( infectious disease ) 食道 == oesophagus 食管 ( 食道 ) == gullet ( oesophagus ) 食糜 == chyme 胜胎 ( 胺基酸 ) == peptide ( amino acid ) 胜胎键 ( 胺基酸 ) == peptide linkage / peptide bond ( amino acid )

57 胜胎梅 ( 小肠 ) == peptidase ( small intestine ) 恒齿 == permanent teeth 恒定性 == homeostasis 十划 俯卧的 ( 旋前肌 ) == prone ( pronator ) 伦琴 == Roentgen, Wilhelm 剖腹生产术 == Caesarian section 剖检 ( 活体组织检查 ) == autopsy ( biopsy ) 原子 == atom 原生动物 ( 病原体 ) == protozoa ( pathogen ) 原发性反应 ( 免疫反应 ) == primary response ( immune response ) 唐氏征候群 == Down s syndrome 哮喘 == asthma 埃因托芬 == Einthoven, Willem 夏盖 == Chargaff, Erwin 家庭计划 ( 生育控制 ) == family planning ( birth control ) 射精 ( 性交 ) == ejaculate ( sexual intercourse ) 展拇短肌 ( 对掌拇肌 ) == abductor pollicis brevis ( opponens pollicis ) 差异成长 ( 发育 ) == differential growth ( development ) 差异性渗透膜 == differentially permeable membrane 库希奥科病 == kwashiorkor 库弗氏细胞 ( 肝细胞 ) == Kupffer cell ( hepatocyte ) 库纳 == Kuhne, Wilhelm

58 耻骨 ( 骨盆带 ) == pubis ( pelvic girdle ) 耻骨肌 ( 内收长肌 ) == pectineus ( adductor longus ) 恩培多克勒 == Empedocles 捐赠者 ( 排斥反应 ) == donor ( rejection ) 旅行病 ( 半规管 ) == travel sickness ( semicircular canal ) 朗格汉 == Langerhans, Paul 核孔 ( 核 ) == nuclear pore ( nucleus ) 核型 == karyotype 核甘酸 ( 核酸 ) == nucleotides ( nucleic acid ) 核黄素 ( 维生素 B2 ) == riboflavin ( vitamin B2 ) 核磁共振成像 == magnetic resonance imaging 核磁共振影像 == MRI / magnetic resonance image ( magnetic resonance imaging ) 核酸 == nuclelic acid 核膜 ( 细胞核 ) == nuclear envelope / nuclear membrane ( nucleus ) 核糖核酸 == RNA 核糖核酸 ( 核糖核酸 ) == ribonucleic acid ( RNA ) 核糖体 == ribosome 根 ( 齿质 ) == root ( dentine ) 根管 ( 髓 ) == root canal ( pulp ) 桑格 == Sanger, Frederick 桑椹体 == morula 柴恩爵士 == Chain, Sir Ernst Boris

59 格拉夫 == Graaf, Regnier de 格拉夫滤泡 == Graafian follicle ( follicle ) 栓塞 == thrombosis 气管 == trachea / windpipe 气体交换 == gas exchange 氧 ( 元素 ) == oxygen / O2 ( element ) 氧 / 二氧化碳平衡 ( 呼吸控制 ) == oxygen / carbon dioxide balance (respiratory control ) 氧化作用 == oxidation 氧合血红素 ( 血红素 ) == oxyhaemoglobin ( haemoglobin ) 氧债 == oxygen debt 消化 == digestion 消化系统 == digestive system 消化道 ( 消化系统 ) == alimentary canal ( digestive system ) 海桑 == Alhazen 海绵骨 == spongy bone 浮肋 ( 胸廓 ) == floating rib ( ribcage ) 特化 ( 细胞分裂 ) == specialized ( cell division ) 特殊感觉 ( 感觉 ) == special sense ( sense ) 班廷 == Banting, Sir Frederick 班那顿 == Benenden, Edouard van 疾病 == disease 病毒 == virus

60 致病的, 病原的 ( 细菌 ) == pathogenic ( bacteria ) 病原体 == pathogen 病理学 == pathology 病理学家 ( 病理学 ) == pathologist ( pathology ) 病媒 ( 传染性疾病 ) == vector ( infectious disease ) 病菌 ( 细菌 ) == germ ( bacteria ) 病征 ( 症状 ) == sign ( symptom ) 症状 == symptom 疼痛 == pain 痂 ( 凝固 ) == scab ( coagulation ) 真皮 == dermis 真肋 ( 胸廓 ) == true ribs ( ribcage ) 真声带 ( 声带 ) == true vocal cord ( vocal cord ) 眨眼 ( 眼睑 ) == blink ( eyelid ) 砧骨 ( 中耳 ) == anvil / incus ( middle car ) 破伤风 == tetanus 神经 == nerve 神经弓 ( 脊椎骨 ) == neural arch ( vertebra ) 神经元 == neuron 神经肌肉接合处 == neuromuscular junction 神经系统 == nervous system 神经性厌食症 ( 厌食症 ) == anorexia nervosa ( anorexia )

61 神经径 == nerve tract 神经根 == nerve root 神经细胞 ( 神经元 ) == nerve cell ( neuron ) 神经组织 == nervous tissue 神经传递介质 ( 突触 ) == neurotransmitter ( synapse ) 神经节 ( 神经根 ) == ganglion ( nerve root ) 神经胶细胞 == glial cell 神经冲动 == nerve impulse 神经 ( 病 ) 学 == neurology 神经纤维 ( 轴突 ) == nerve fibre ( axon ) 笑肌 == risorius 纺锤体 == spindle 素食者 == vegetarian 纯素食者 ( 素食者 ) == vegan ( vegetarian ) 缺氧血 ( 静脉 ) == deoxygenated blood ( vein ) 脂肪 == fat 脂肪梅 ( 胰液 ) == lipase ( pancreatic juice ) 脂肪的消化 == fat digestion 脂肪组织 ( 结缔组织 ) == adipose tissue ( connective tissue ) 脂肪酸 ( 脂肪 ) == fatty acid ( fat ) 脂溶性维生素 == fat-soluble vitamin 脂质 == lipid

62 胰岛 ( 胰脏 ) == islets of Langerhans ( pancreas ) 胰岛素 == insulin 胰液 == pancreatic juice 胰蛋白梅 ( 胰液 ) == trypsin ( pancreatic juice ) 胰管 ( 胰脏 ) == pancreatic duct ( pancreas ) 胰淀粉梅 ( 胰液 ) == pancreatic amylase ( pancreat5ic juice ) 胰脏 == pancreas 胸 ( 躯干 ) == thorax / chest ( trunk ) 胸大肌 == pectoralis major 胸肌 ( 胸大肌 ) == pectoral muscle ( pectoralis major ) 胸乳 ( 乳汁 ) == breast milk ( milk ) 胸神经 ( 脊神经 ) == thoracic nerve ( spinal nerve ) 胸骨 == sternum 胸骨 ( 胸骨 ) == breastbone ( sternum ) 胸骨柄 ( 胸骨 ) == manubrium ( sternum ) 胸骨体 ( 胸骨 ) == sternal body ( sternum ) 胸带 == pectoral girdle 胸椎 == thoracic vertebra 胸腔 ( 腔 ) == thoracic cavity ( cavity ) 胸腺 == thymus gland 胸腺嘧啶 ( 盐基 ) == thymine ( base ) 胸廓 == ribcage

63 胸膜 == pleura membrane 胸膜液 ( 胸膜 ) == pleural fluid ( pleural membrane ) 胸导管 ( 淋巴管 ) == thoracic duct ( lymph vessel ) 胸锁乳突肌 == sternocleidomastoid 脉络膜 ( 眼睛 ) == choroid ( eye ) 脉抟 == pulse 脉抟率 ( 心跳速率 ) == pulse rate ( heart rate ) 能量 == energy 脊柱 == backbone 脊柱 ( 脊柱 ) == spine ( back bone ) 脊柱 ( 脊柱 ) == vertebral column ( backbone ) 脊柱胸肌 == spinalis thoracis 脊柱裂 == spina bifida 脊神经 ==spinal nerve 脊椎孔 ( 脊椎骨 ) == vertebral foramen ( vertebra ) 脊椎曲线 ( 脊柱 ) == vertebral curve ( backbone ) 脊椎骨 == vertebra / vertebrae 脊膜 ( 粒腺体 ) == crista /cristae ( mitochondrion ) 脊髓 == spinal cord 脊髓灰白质炎 == poliomyelitis ( polio ) 蚓状肌 == lumbrical muscle 衰老 ( 老化 ) == senescence ( ageing )

64 记忆 == memory 记忆 B 细胞 ( B 细胞 ) == memory B cell ( B cell ) 记忆 T 细胞 ( T 细胞 ) == memory T cell ( T cell ) 迷路 ( 内耳 ) == labyrinth ( inner ear ) 退缩反射 == withdrawal reflelx 回盲括约肌 ( 回肠 ) == ileocaecal sphincter ( ileum ) 回肠 == ileum 配子 ( 性细胞 ) == gamete ( sex cell ) 配子发性 ( 性细胞 ) == gametogenesis ( sex cell ) 阵痛 == labour 饥饿 ( 营养 ) == hunger ( nutrition ) 马氏体层 ( 表皮 ) == Malpighian layer ( epidermis ) 马尾 == cauda equina 马尔必奇 == Malpighi, Marcello 骨 == bone 骨小梁 ( 海绵骨 ) == trabecula / trabceulae ( spongy bone ) 骨化 == ossification 骨母细胞 ( 骨 ) == osteoblast ( bone ) 骨折 == fracture 骨板 ( 骨单元 ) == lamella / lamellae ( osteon ) 骨盆 == pelvis 骨盆入口 ( 骨盆 ) == pelvic inlet ( pelvis )

65 骨盆带 == pelvic girdle 骨细胞 ( 骨 ) == osteocyte ( bone ) 骨单元 == osteon 骨间肌 == interosseus / interossei muscle 骨窝 ( 骨单元 ) == lacuna / lacunae ( osteon ) 骨膜 == periosteum 骨质疏松症 ( 骨化 ) == osteoporosis ( ossification ) 骨骼 == skeleton 骨骼肌 ==skeletal muscle 骨胳学 == osteology 骨缝 == suture 骨关节炎 ( 关节炎 ) == osteoarthritis ( srthritis ) 骨髓 == bone marrow 骨髓腔 ( 骨髓 ) == medullary cavity ( bone marrow ) 高血压 == hypertension 高峰吉丈 == Takamine, Jodichi 高基 == Golgi, Camillo 高基氏体 == Golgi body 高张的 ( 等张的 ) == hypertonic ( isotonic ) 胺基 ( 胺基酸 ) == amino group ( amino acid ) 胺基酸 == amino acid 十一划 伪足 ( 吞噬作用 ) == pseudopodium / pseudopodia ( phagocytosis )

66 假肋 == false rib ( ribcage ) 假声带 ( 声带 ) == false vocal cord ( vocal cord ) 做梦 == dreaming 偏头痛 == migraine 副甲状腺 == parathyroid gland 副甲状腺素 ( 副甲状腺 ) == parathyroid hormone / PTH ( parathyroid gland ) 副交感神经系统 ( 自律神经系统 ) == parasympathetic nervous system ( autonomic nervous system ) 副睪 ( 睪丸 ) == epididymis ( testis ) 动作电位 ( 神经冲动 ) == action potential ( nerve impulse ) 动物淀粉 ( 肝糖 ) == animal starch ( glycogen ) 动脉 == artery 动脉粥状硬化 == atherosclerosis 动能 ( 能量 ) == kinetic energy ( energy ) 动情激素 ( 雌性激素 ) == oestrogen ( female sex formone ) 动晕病 ( 半规管 ) == motion sickness ( semicircular canal ) 动器 ( 运动神经元 ) == effector ( motor neuron ) 动关节 ( 关节 ) == movable joint ( joint ) 垩质 == cement 基因 == gene 基因型 == genotype 基因座 ( 对偶基因 ) == locus ( allele )

67 基因组 == genome 基底神经节 ( 大脑 ) == basal ganglia ( cerebrum ) 基层 ( 表皮 ) == basal layer ( epidermis ) 基础代谢率 == basal metabolic rate / BMR 妇科学 == gynaecology 密码子 ( 遗传密码 ) == codon ( genetic code ) 带状包疹 == Herpes zoster ( shingles ) 带状包疹 == shingles 张力 ( 肌肉收缩 ) == tension ( muscle contraction ) 情绪 == emotion 接受者 ( 排斥反应 ) == recipient ( rejection ) 接种 ( 疫苗 ) == inoculation ( vaccine ) 接触传染病 == contagious disease 排斥反应 == rejection 排汗 == perspiration 排卵 == ovulation 排尿 ( 膀胱 ) == urination ( bladder ) 排泄 == excretion 排泄器官 ( 排泄 ) == excretory organ ( excretion ) 排便 ( 直肠 ) == defecation ( rectum ) 斜方肌 == trapezius 斜方骨 ( 腕骨 ) == trapexium ( carpal )

68 斜视 ( 双眼视觉 ) == squint / strabismus ( binocular vision ) 旋前方肌 ( 旋前肌 ) == pronator puadratus ( pronator ) 旋前肌 == pronator 旋前圆肌 ( 旋前肌 ) == pronator ters ( pronator ) 旋后肌 == supinator 昼夜节律 == circadian rhythm 梅奇尼柯夫 == Mechnikov, llya 梅斯纳氏小体 ( 机械性受器 ) == Meissner s corpuscle ( mechanoreceptor ) 梅毒 == syphilis 梅塞尔森 == Meselson, Matthew 梅达沃 == Medawar, Peter 杆细胞 ( 光受器 ) == rod ( photoreceptor ) 条件反射 ( 先天性反射 ) == conditioned reflex ( inborn reflex ) 梨形虫病 == giardiasis 杀手 T 细胞 ( T 细胞 ) == killer T cell ( T cell ) 氢 ( 元气 ) == hydrogen ( element ) 液体平衡 ( 渗透调节 ) == fluid balance ( osmoregulation ) 浅睡 ( 睡眠 ) == light sleep ( sleep ) 淋巴 == lymph 淋巴因子 ( T 细胞 ) == lymphokine ( T cell ) 淋巴系统 == lymphatic system 淋巴细胞 == lymphocyte

69 淋巴结 == lymph node 淋巴干 ( 淋巴管 ) == lymph trunk ( lymph vessel ) 淋巴管 == lymph vessel 淋巴器官 == lymphatic organ 淋巴导管 ( 淋巴管 ) == lymph duct ( lymph vessel ) 淋病 == gonorrhea 泪骨 ( 颜面骨 ) == lacrimal bone ( facial bone ) 泪腺 ( 角膜 ) == lacrimal gland ( cornea ) 泪囊 ( 角膜 ) == lacrimal sac ( cornea ) 深的 ( 表面的 ) == deep ( superficial ) 深睡 ( 睡眠 ) == deep sleep ( sleep ) 牵张反射 == stretch reflex 犁骨 ( 颜面骨 ) == vomer ( facial bone ) 球囊 == saccule 毕希纳 == Buchner, Eduard 异位妊娠 == ectopic pregnancy 异卵双胞胎 == fraternal twins 异质结合细胞 == heterozygous cell 疏水的 ( 磷脂 ) == hydrophobic ( phospholipid ) 眼底镜 == opthalmoscope 眼直肌 == rectus eye muscle 眼科学 == ophthalmology

70 眼科肌 == oblique eye muscle 眼泪 ( 角膜 ) == tears ( cornea ) 眼球 ( 眼睛 ) == eyeball ( eye ) 眼眶 == orbit 眼窝 ( 眼眶 ) == eye socket ( orbit ) 眼睛 == eye 眼轮匝肌 == orbicularis oculi 眼睑 == eyelid 硫 == sulphur 硫胺素 ( 维生素 B1 ) == thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) 移植手术 ( 排斥反应 ) == transplant operation ( rejection ) 窒息 == choking 第一臼齿 ( 臼齿 ) == first molar ( molar ) 第一楔骨 ( 跗骨 ) == first cuneiform ( tarsal ) 第一跖骨 ( 跖骨 ) == first metatarsal ( metatarsal ) 第二臼齿 ( 臼齿 ) == second molar ( molar ) 第二性征 ( 性激素 ) == secondary sexual characteristic ( sex hormone ) 第二楔骨 ( 跗骨 ) == second cuneiform ( tarsal ) 第三臼齿 ( 智齿 ) == third molar ( wisdom tooth ) 第三腓骨肌 ( 足部伸肌 ) == peroneus tertius ( extensor of the foot ) 第三楔骨 ( 跗骨 ) == third cuneiform ( tarsal ) 粒线体 == mitochondrion / mitochondria

71 粗内质网 ( 内质纲 ) == rough endoplasmic reticulum ( endoplasmic reticulum ) 粗糙食物 ( 膳食纤维质 ) == roughage ( dietary fibre ) 细支气管 == bronchiole 细胞 == cell 细胞内液 ( 细胞外液 ) == intracellular fluid ( extracellular fluid ) 细胞分裂 == cell division 细胞外物质 == extracellular material 细胞外液 == extracellular fluid 细胞免疫 == cellular immunity 细胞呼吸 ( 呼吸 ) == cellular respiration ( respiration ) 细胞骨架 == cytosdeleton 细胞周期 == cell cycle 细胞间接免疫 ( 细胞免疫 ) == cell-mediated immunity ( cellular immunity ) 细胞间液 ( 组织液 ) == intercellular fluid ( tissue fluid ) 细胞核 == nucleus / nuclei 细胞膜 ( 质膜 ) == cell membrane ( plasma membrane ) 细胞质 == cytoplasm 细胞学 ( 组织学 ) == cytology ( histology ) 细胞体 ( 神经元 ) == cell body ( neuron ) 细菌 == bacterium / bacteria 组织 == tissue 组织修复 ( 组织 ) == tissue repair ( tissue )

72 组织胺 ( 炎症 ) == histamine ( inflammation ) 组织液 == tissue fluid 组织间隙 ( 组织液 ) == interstice ( tissue fluid ) 组织学 == histology 组织学家 ( 组织学 ) == histologist ( histology ) 终毛 ( 毛发 ) == terminal hair ( hair ) 脱出 ( 椎间盘突出 ) == prolapse ( slipped disc ) 脱位 == dislocation 莫尔加尼 == Morgagni, Giovanni 荷勒斯 == Hales, Stephen 蛋白素 ( 血浆 ) == albumin ( blood plasma ) 蛋白质 == protein 蛋白质合成 == protein synthesis 蛋白质的消化 == protein digestion 被动免疫 ( 免疫法 ) == passive immunization ( immunization ) 许旺 == Schwann, Theodor 许旺细胞 ( 绅经胶细胞 ) == Schwann cell ( glial cell ) 贫血 == anaemia 软骨 == cartilage 软骨细胞 ( 软骨 ) == chondrocyte ( cartilage ) 软膜 ( 脑脊髓膜 ) == pia mater ( meninx ) 软颚 ( 颚 ) == soft palate ( patlate)

73 透明带 ( 卵子 ) == zona pellucida ( ovum ) 透明软骨 ( 玻璃软骨 ) == gristle ( hyaline cartilage ) 透析 == dialysis 透析器 ( 透析 ) == dialyser ( dialysis ) 陈诠 == Chen Chuan 阴茎 == penis 阴蒂 ( 阴道 ) == clitoris ( vagina ) 阴道 == ( vagina ) 阴囊 ( 睪丸 ) == scrotum ( testis ) 雀斑 ( 黑色素 ) ==freckles ( melanin ) 顶骨 ( 颅 ) == parietal bone ( cranium ) 鸟粪嘌呤 ( 盐基 ) == guanine ( base ) 麦克尤恩爵士 == Macewen, Sir Willeam 麦芽糖 ( 淀粉 ) == maltose ( starch ) 麦芽糖梅 ( 小肠 ) == maltase ( small intestine ) 麻醉剂 ( 药物 ) == narcotie ( drug ) 胫 ( 胫骨 ) == shin ( tibia ) 胫神经 ( 坐骨神经 ) == tibial nerve ( sciatic nerve ) 胫骨 == tibia / shinbone 胫骨前肌 == tibialis anterior 专一性抵抗力 ( 抵抗力 ) == specific resistance ( resistance ) 专门学科 == specialized study

74 趾骨 == phalanx / phalanges of the foot 十二划 饮食 == diet 博蒙特 == Beaumont, William 喘息 == panting ( exhalation ) 单甘油酯 ( 脂肪 ) == monoglyceride ( fat ) 单合子双胞胎 ( 同卵双胞胎 ) == monozygotic twins ( identical twins ) 单倍体细胞 == haploid cell 单核球 == monocyte 单纯骨折 ( 骨析 ) == simple fracture ( fracture ) 单醣 ( 碳水化合物 ) == monosaccharide ( carbohydrate ) 唾液 ( 唾液腺 ) == saliva ( salivary gland ) 唾液腺 == salivary gland 唾液淀粉梅 ( 唾液腺 ) == salivary amylase ( salivary gland ) 喉 == larynx 喉结 ( 喉 ) == Adam s apple ( larynx ) 壸腹 ( 半规管 ) == ampulla ( semicircular canal ) 壸腹脊顶 ( 半规管 ) == cupula ( semicircular canal ) 富兰克林 == Franklin, Rosalind 嵌塞的 ( 智齿 ) == impacted ( wisdom tooth ) 复苏 ( 死亡 ) == resuscitation ( death ) 循环系统 == circulatory system 掌长肌 ( 手部屈肌 ) == palmaris longus ( flexor of the hand )

75 掌骨 == metacarpal 掌短肌 == palmaris brevis 提肌 ( 提高 ) == levator ( elevation ) 提高 == elevation 提高 ( 提高 ) == elevate ( elevation ) 换气 ( 呼吸 ) == ventilation ( breathing ) 散光 == astigmatism 斑 ( 动脉粥状硬化 ) == plaque ( atherosclersis ) 斑 ( 龋齿 ) == plaque ( tooth decay ) 斑疹伤寒 == typhus 斯瓦姆默丹 == Swammerdam, Jan 斯坦利 == Stanley, Wendell 斯特蒂文特 == Sturtevant, Alfred 斯诺 == Snow, John 普通染色体 ( 性染色体 ) == autosome ( sex chromosome ) 普尔金耶 == Purkinje, Johannes 品状体 == lens 智力 == intelligence 智齿 == wisdom tooth 棘突 ( 脊椎骨 ) == spinous process ( vertebra ) 棘细胞层 ( 表皮 ) == prickly layer / stratum spinosum ( epidermis ) 森特 哲尔吉 == Szent Gyorgi, Albert von

76 着床 == implantation 椎弓 ( 脊椎骨 ) == vertebral arch ( vertebra ) 椎间盘 == intervertebral disc 椎间盘突出 == slipped disc 椎体 ( 脊椎骨 ) == centrum ( vertebra ) 椎体 ( 脊椎骨 ) == vertebual body ( vertebra ) 氮 ( 元素 ) == nitrogen ( element ) 氯 == chlorine 渥勒 == Wohler, Friedrich 滋养层 ( 胚胞 ) == trophoblast ( blastocyst ) 无氧呼吸 == anaerobic respiration 无意识 ( 意识 ) == unconsciousness ( conscioushess ) 无横纹 ( 平滑肌 ) == unstriated ( smooth muscle ) 无机化合物 == inorganic compound 珐琅质 == enamel 痢疾, 见阿米巴痢疾 == dysentery see amoebic dysentery 痉挛 == cramp 发育 == development 发烧 == fever 短趾伸肌 ( 脚部伸肌 ) == extensor digitorum brevis ( extensor of the foot ) 短期记忆 ( 记忆 ) == short-term memory ( memory ) 硬骨 ( 致密骨 ) == hard bone ( compact hone )

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