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1 與情境相關服務之 OpenURL 框架鍵與編碼值 格式實作指導綱要 - 中文草案


3 ICS 中華民國國家標準 CNS - 1- 與情境相關服務之 OpenURL 框架 鍵與編碼值格式實作指導綱要 總號.. xxxxx-x 類號.. xxxx-x 目錄 The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services The Key/Encoded-Value (KEV) Format Implementation Guidelines 1. 適用範圍 用語釋義 引用標準 情境物件中的個體及描述符 個體描述 登錄檔的選擇 OpenURL 傳送 OpenURL 參考者的指導方針 OpenURL 解析器的指導方針 OpenURL link-to 解析器的指導方針 使用範例 附錄 A 附錄 B 附錄 C 英中名詞對照表 經濟部標準檢驗局印行 公布日期修訂公布日期年.. 月.. 日年.. 月.. 日 印行年月年月本標準非經本局同意不得翻印

4 CNS. XXXXXXXX 適用範圍在學術資訊社群中,OpenURL 框架的主要應用在於使學術資訊系統中一個參考能根據情境鏈接到相關的資源物件項目 在 OpenURL 框架標準出版之前, 已經有相關的應用使用 OpenURL 草案來進行 ( 也就是目前大家所稱的 0.1 版 ) 傳統上使用 OpenURL 框架的方式是 : 當一個使用者在摘要以及索引相關資料庫系統或是電子期刊參考列表中, 在某個 HTML 網頁點擊了連結或是按鈕時運作 點擊此連結的動作將導致一個學術資源 ( 如一篇期刊論文 ) 的描述開始進行傳送, 傳送到該項參考相關動態內文的連結伺服器 接著這些相關動態內文將可以提供一個適合使用者使用的相關服務 此傳送動作是基於 HTTP(S) 的 GET 或 POST 方法參考到一個所謂的 OpenURL 當你使用的是 OpenURL 0.1 版時, 所使用的資訊 ( 或稱 OpenURL 的負載 ) 是透過 URL 查詢字串來進行傳送 鍵值 / 編碼資料格式提供了類似的方式來進行參考項目描述的傳送動作 XML 格式則是允許使用以 XML 語法的描述來進行傳送 1.Scope Within the scholarly information community the major application of the OpenURL Framework is to enable context-sensitive linking from a reference in a scholarly information system to resources relevant to the referenced item. Prior to the publication of the OpenURL Framework Standard, applications have been based on the draft OpenURL (now know as version 0.1). The traditional use of the OpenURL Framework is when a user clicks a link or button in an HTML page, typically within an abstracting and indexing database application or the reference list of an electronic journal article. The result of activating this link is to transport a description of a scholarly resource, such as a journal article, to a linking server along with information about the dynamic context of the reference. Passing the dynamic context enables the provision of a list of relevant services appropriate for the user. The Transport is based on HTTP(S) GET or POST and is referred to as an OpenURL. Using OpenURL version 0.1, the information, or payload of the OpenURL, is transported inline as the query string of a URL. The Key/Encoded-Value Format provides a similar means of transporting a description of a reference and its context. The XML Format allows XML descriptions to be transported. 本標準提供鍵值 / 編碼值 (Key/Encoded-Value, KEV) 格式的實作指導綱要, 僅提供參考 當更多的實作經驗累積之後, 本標準內容將會繼續改版演化 雖然本標準預期 OpenURL 框架標準與其預先定義的登錄內容是靜態不變的, 但是本標準仍可能會適時進行更新, 可是請注意在 試行使用草案標準 (draft standard for trial use) 期間, 登錄內容已經有些許的改變

5 - 3- CNSXXXXXXXX This document provides implementation guidelines for the Key/Encoded-Value Format. It is not an integral part of the Standard and is for information only. These guidelines will evolve over time as implementation experience is gained. Although it is intended that the OpenURL Framework Standard and the pre-defined content of the Registry will remain static, these guidelines may be updated when deemed appropriate. But note that there were some changes to the Registry during the draft standard for trial use period. 本標準使用了原標準中的標記習慣, 在原標準中所提及的辭彙, 將會以斜體字來表 示 This document follows the notational convention used in the Standard in that terms defined in the Glossary of the Standard are shown in italics font. 1.1 社群資料若在登錄中選定一個一致性核心組件集, 且該等組件是適用於特定應用領域時, 則此集合就稱之為社群剖繪 (Community Profile) 社群剖繪的定義也會涵括在登錄之中 在 San Antonio 社群剖繪 (San Antonio Community Profiles) 中, 第一層次 (Level 1, 指 KEV) 以及第二層次 (Level 2, 指 XML 格式 ) 提供了對學術資訊社群的支援, 這也就是 OpenURL 框架起始的社群 此社群內容在登錄中有著機讀定義 (machine readable definition) 和識別符 同時也有一個簡易都柏林核心集的社群剖繪 (Simple Dublin Core Community Profile) 正在開發中 附註 :San Antonio 社群剖繪定義於原標準的附錄 C D 1.1 Community Profile A selection from the Registry of a consistent core set of components appropriate to a particular application domain is a Community Profile. The definitions of Community Profiles are also included in the Registry. The San Antonio Community Profiles, Level 1 (KEV) and Level 2 (XML), provide support for the scholarly information community, the community in which the OpenURL Framework originated. The San Antonio Profiles are defined in Appendices C and D of the Standard. They have machine readable definitions and identifiers in the Registry. There is also a Simple Dublin Core Community Profile under development. 2. 用語釋義 2.1 情境物件 (ContextObject) 針對被參考資源之描述, 以及該項參考內文中所關聯資源的描述整合

6 CNS. XXXXXXXX 服務型式 (ServiceType) 定義請求服務的型態 2.3 社群剖繪 (Community Profile) 在登錄中選定一個一致性核心組件集, 且該集合適用於特定應用領域時, 此集合即稱為社群剖繪 2.4 參考者 (Referrer) 產生情境物件的個體 2.5 參考個體 (ReferringEntity) 指參考到參考對象的個體 2.6 參考對象 (Referent) 由已建立之 ContextObject 所論及的個體, 意指被參考到的資源 2.7 都柏林核心集 (Dublin Core) 1995 年 3 月由國際圖書館電腦中心 (OCLC) 和 National Center for Supercomputing Applications(NCSA) 所聯合贊助的詮釋資料研討會, 在集結 52 位來自圖書館 電腦 文字編碼各方面的學者和專家, 共同研討下的產物, 目的是希望建立一套描述網路上電子文件特色的方法, 來協助資訊檢索 2.8 解析器 (Resolver) 請求服務所針對之個體 2.9 數位物件識別符 (Digital Object Identifier, DOI) 由字元串所組成的識別符, 其符合國際數位物件識別符基金會 (International DOI Foundation, IDF) 所制定的規則, 同時也會置入 DOI 目錄中進行管理 2.10 請求者 (Requester) 請求有關於參考對象服務之個體 2.Terms and definitions 2.1 ContextObject The description of a referenced resource, and the descriptions of the associated resources that comprise the context of the reference, bundled together are called a ContextObject. 2.2 ServiceType The Entity that defines the type of service requested. 2.3 Community Profile A selection from the Registry of a consistent core set of components appropriate to a particular application domain is a Community Profile. 2.4 Referrer The Entity that generated the ContextObject. 2.5 ReferringEntity The Entity that references the Referent.

7 - 5- CNSXXXXXXXX 2.6 Referent The Entity about which the ContextObject was created a referenced resource. 2.7 Dublin Core The March 1995 Metadata Workshop, sponsored by the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), convened 52 selected researchers and professionals from librarianship, computer science, text encoding, and related areas, to advance the state of the art in the development of resource description (or metadata) records for networked electronic information objects. 2.8 Resolver The Entity at which a request for services is targeted. 2.9 DOI (Digital Object Identifier) A character string used in a System conforming to the rules of, and deposited in the Directory administered by, the IDF Requester The Entity that requests services pertaining to the Referent. 3. 引用標準 ANSI/NISO Z 與內文相關服務的 OpenURL 框架 (The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services) Registry for the OpenURL Framework. OpenURL 框架的登錄 OpenURL Syntax Description, Draft version 0.1. OpenURL 語法描述草案 0.1 版 Dublin Core Community Profile (DCCP) for Simple Dublin Core in KEV. 使用鍵值表示的都柏林核心社群剖繪 3.Normative reference ANSI/NISO Z The OpenURL Framework for Context-Sensitive Services Registry for the OpenURL Framework. OpenURL Syntax Description, Draft version Dublin Core Community Profile (DCCP) for Simple Dublin Core in KEV 情境物件中的個體及描述符情境物件 (ContextObject) 包括針對被參考資源之描述, 以及該項參考內文中所關聯資源的描述整合 當使用者點擊了某個鏈結, 該被傳送的情境物件的表示 (Representation) KEV 格式的 OpenURL 可以只包含單一情境物件

8 CNS. XXXXXXXX The ContextObject, its Entities and their Descriptors The description of a referenced resource, and the descriptions of the associated resources that comprise the context of the reference, bundled together are called a ContextObject. It is a Representation of a ContextObject that is transported when a user makes a request by clicking a link. A KEV OpenURL may contain only one ContextObject. 一情境物件最多可以包含六個個體 (Entities) 其中一項稱為參考對象(Referent) 的個體, 傳遞被參考項目的資訊, 此為情境物件中必備的個體 ; 其他五個個體, 包括參考個體 (ReferringEntity) 請求者(Requester) 解析器(Resolver) 服務型式 (ServiceType) 及參考者 (Referrer), 都持有一些參考項目中的內文資訊, 且該等個體皆為選項 The ContextObject may contain up to six Entities. One of these, the Referent, conveys information about the referenced item. It must always be included in a ContextObject. The other five entities ReferringEntity, Requester, Resolver, ServiceType and Referrer hold information about the context of the reference and are optional. 以下應用場景供作說明 ( 與原標準第 1 部第 5 節場景完全相同 ): Jane Doe 是一位加州理工大學的學生, 在 Elsevier ScienceDirect 文件集中讀取以下文章 :McArthur, James G. et al p27-p16 Chimera: A Superior Antiproliferative for the Prevention of Neointimal Hyperplasia." Molecular Therapy. 3(1) <doi: /mthe > 在該篇文章的參考列表中, 該生發現了下列參考文章, 她想閱讀該篇文章之全文 : Bergelson, J Isolation of a common receptor for coxsackie B viruses and adenoviruses 2 and 5. Science. (275) <doi: /science > <pmid: > The following scenario is used for illustration (this is the same scenario used in Section 5, Part 1, of the Standard): Jane Doe, a University student at Caltech, reads the following article in the Elsevier ScienceDirect collection: McArthur, James G. et al p27-p16 Chimera: A Superior Antiproliferative for the Prevention of Neointimal Hyperplasia. Molecular Therapy. 3(1) <doi: /mthe >

9 - 7- CNSXXXXXXXX In the reference list of that article she finds a reference to the following article and would like to view its full text: Bergelson, J Isolation of a common receptor for coxsackie B viruses and adenoviruses 2 and 5. Science. (275) <doi: /science > <pmid: > 情境物件中各項個體, 以及最多及最少出現次數限制, 都在表 4.1 中列出 雖然 OpenURL 框架允許多個解析器 (Resolver) 以及服務型式 (ServiceType), 但目前的 KEV 社群剖繪仍只允許單一的出現次數 The Entities of a ContextObject and the constraints on their maximum (Max) and minimum (Min) occurrence are given in Table 3.1. Although the OpenURL Framework allows multiple Resolvers and ServiceTypes their maximum is constrained to one for current KEV community profiles. 表 4.1 情境物件 (ContextObject) 的各項個體資訊 個體名稱定義最少最多範例由已建立之參考對象 ContextObject 所論及的 1 1 (Referent) 參考個體 (ReferringEntity ) 請求者 (Requester) 服務型式 (ServiceType) 解析器 (Resolver) 參考者 (Referrer) 個體, 意指被參考到的資源 參考到參考對象的個體 0 1 關於參考對象的請求服務 定義請求服務的型式 0 1 請求服務所針對之個體 0 1 產生情境物件的個體 0 1 由 Bergelson 所著之文章 由 McArthur 所著之文章 0 1 Jane Doe Jane 請求取用 Bergelson 所著文章的全文資料加州理工大學的連結伺服器 Elsevier s ScienceDirect Table 4.1 ContextObject Entities Entity Referent ReferringEntit y Definition The Entity about which the ContextObject was created a referenced resource The Entity that references the Referent Mi n Max Example 1 1 The article by Bergelson 0 1 The article by McArthur

10 CNS. XXXXXXXX - 8- Requester ServiceType Resolver Referrer The Entity that requests services pertaining to the Referent The Entity that defines the type of service requested The Entity at which a request for services is targeted The Entity that generated the ContextObject 0 1 Jane Doe 0 1 Jane requests the full text of the Bergelson article 0 1 The Caltech linking server 0 1 Elsevier s ScienceDirec t 個體的詳細資訊登載在描述符 (Descriptor) 中, 目前有四種型態的描述符, 定義於原標準第 1 部份第 6.2 節 : (1) 識別符範例 1: 數位物件識別符 (info:doi/ /science ); 範例 2: PubMed 識別符 (info:pmid/ ); 範例 3: 電子郵件地址 (mailto:jane.doe@caltech.edu); 範例 4: http URI( (2) 以資料值表達的詮釋資料 (By-Value Metadata)( 範例請見本標準第 6 節 ) (3) 以參考值表達的詮釋資料 (By-Reference Metadata)( 範例請見本標準第 6 節 ) (4) 私有資料 (Private Data) KEV 格式中, 個體可以由多個識別符描述符 (Identifier Descriptor) 進行詳細表達 但是仍限制只能擁有一個以資料值表達的詮釋資料 一個以參考值表達的詮釋資 料, 以及一個私有資料 Information about an Entity is detailed by a Descriptor. There are four types of Descriptor, defined in Section 6.2, Part 1 of the Standard. Identifier. For example: A Digital Object identifier (info:doi/ /science ); a PubMed identifier (info:pmid/ ); an address (mailto:jane.doe@caltech.edu); a http URI ( By-Value Metadata. (Examples are given in Section 6 below) By-Reference Metadata. (Examples are given in Section 6 below) Private Data. In KEV, an Entity may be detailed by multiple Identifier Descriptors. But it may have at most one each of By-Value Metadata, By-Reference Metadata and Private

11 - 9- CNSXXXXXXXX Data Descriptors. 5. 個體描述情境物件的六個個體中, 每個體都可經由以下幾種方式說明 : 使用數個識別符描述符 使用以資料值表達的詮釋資料描述符 使用以參考值表達的詮釋資料描述符, 或是私有的資料描述符 對一個個體而言, 當情境物件中包含一個以上描述符時, 所有描述符必須參考至相同個體 以下指南將針對每個個體做說明 5.Entity Description Each of the six Entities of a ContextObject may be detailed by: several Identifier Descriptors; a By-Value Metadata Descriptor; a By-Reference Metadata Descriptor; a Private Data Descriptor. When a ContextObject contains more than one Descriptor for an Entity all the Descriptors must refer to the same Entity. Guidelines are given below for the description of each Entity. 情境物件個體的鍵值定義在登錄的 Z 矩陣中 ( 對每個個體之 KEV 中可用的鍵值將在後續的段落中說明 Keys for ContextObject component Entities are defined by the Z Matrix in the Registry at The Keys available for use in KEV for each Entity are listed in the following subsections. 目前可使用的識別符描述符資料值為登錄中的 SAP1, 第 6 節中有相關說明 The values available for Identifier Descriptors are the SAP1 selection from the Registry, listed in Section 6. 私有資料描述符並沒有定義在 OpenURL 框架標準中 由於私有資料與特定的參考 者有關, 因此其內容需要參考者與解析器之間有預先的共同認知 實作者應注意一 旦使用了私有資料描述符, 其整體互運性可能會受到破壞 Private Data Descriptors are not defined by the OpenURL Framework Standard. Private data is specific to the providing Referrer, and thus its comprehension requires a prior understanding between a Referrer and a Resolver. Implementers should be aware that the use of Private Data Descriptors could compromise more general interoperability. 以資料值表達之詮釋資料和以參考值表達之詮釋資料描述都基於個體的類似詮釋

12 CNS. XXXXXXXX 資料描述, 在 6.4 節中會說明針對詮釋資料格式使用的鍵值 兩者之間的差異, 在於以資料值表達的詮釋資料描述將詮釋資料內嵌在情境物件中, 而以參考值表達的詮釋資料則將其另行置放在情境物件中所識別的網路位置 除此之外, 以資料值表達的詮釋資料, 其鍵值會以它們參照的個體為前綴 下列實作指南只說明以資料值表達的詮釋資料部份, 但上述說明也可以應用在以參考值表達的詮釋資料上 請注意, 個體只能使用單一的 KEV 詮釋資料格式, 因此不能混合使用多種詮釋資料格式, 例如 : 同時使用期刊詮釋資料以及簡易都柏林核心集詮釋資料的鍵值是不合標準的 By-Value Metadata and By-Reference Metadata descriptions are both based on similar metadata descriptions of an Entity using metadata keys from the Metadata Formats described in Section 6.4. The difference is that for a By-Value Metadata description the metadata is contained within the ContextObject, whereas for a By-Reference Metadata description the metadata is held elsewhere at a network location identified in the ContextObject. Also By-Value Metadata keys are prefixed by an indicator of the Entity to which they refer. In the guidelines below only By-Value Metadata is described, but with the above provisos the guidelines also apply to By-Reference Metadata. Note that an Entity may be described by only one KEV Metadata Format, thus it is not possible to mix Metadata Formats, for example using Keys from both journal metadata and Simple Dublin Core metadata is illegal. 5.1 參考對象 (Referent) 每情境物件都必須有參考對象, 亦即已產生的情境物件所參考的資源 在學術資訊社群中參考對象大都是文件類型的物件, 如 : 書籍或是書的某部分 期刊出版物或其中的某部分, 或是一份報告等等 Every ContextObject must have a Referent, the referenced resource for which the ContextObject is created. Within the scholarly information community the Referent will probably be a document-like object, for instance: a book or part of a book; a journal publication or part of a journal; a report; etc. 表 5.1 中所列出的鍵值可用於描述參考對象 The Keys listed in Table 5.1 may be used when describing a Referent. 表 5.1 KEV 格式的參考對象鍵值 鍵值 rft_id rft_val_fmt 說明參考對象識別符以資料值表達的詮釋資料格式 (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*)

13 - 11- CNSXXXXXXXX rft_ref_fmt rft_ref rft_dat rft. 以參考值表達的詮釋資料格式 (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) [ 也需要使用 rft_ref] 以參考值表達的詮釋資料位置 [ 也需要使用 rft_ref_fmt] 私有資料詮釋資料鍵值前綴 Table 5.1 KEV Referent Keys Key rft_id rft_val_fmt rft_ref_fmt rft_ref rft_dat rft. Description Referent Identifier By-Value Metadata Format (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) By-Reference Metadata Format (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) [rft_ref also required] By-Reference Metadata Location [rft_ref_fmt also required] Private Data Metadata Key Prefix 參考對象可透過識別符描述符加以指定 表 6.4 中列出學術資訊中大部分識別符所使用的命名空間, 此係根據不同型態的資源而有不同的參考對象, 如 : 太空物理 Bibcode(Astrophysics Bibcode) 數位物件識別符 ISBN ISSN OAI 識別符 PubMed 識別符 SICI 等 表 6.3 所列出的命名空間, 適合學術資源使用的大概是美國國家書目號 (National Bibliographic Number, NBN) 一參考對象可用多個識別符進行說明, 此時所有的識別符都應該是指向相同的資源 範例 6.3 說明使用識別符描述符來指稱參考對象的實例 A Referent may be specified using Identifier Descriptors. Identifiers from most of the Namespaces listed in Table 6.4 would be suitable for detailing a scholarly information Referent depending on the particular type of the resource: Astrophysics Bibcode; Digital Object Identifier; ISBN; ISSN; OAI identifier; PubMed identifier; SICI. From the Namespace listed in Table 6.3, a National Bibliographic Number would be a suitable Identifier for a scholarly resource. A Referent may be detailed by multiple Identifiers, in which case all the Identifiers must identify the same resource. Example 6.3 shows a Referent detailed by Identifier Descriptors. 參考對象也可以使用詮釋資料描述符來指定 在 節所列的詮釋資料 格式都可用來描述學術資訊參考對象 此係根據不同的資料型態使用不同的詮釋資料, 如書籍 學術論文 期刊 專利等等 若參考對象同時使用詮釋資料和識別符進行說明, 則它們都應該指向相同的資源 範例 6.5( 期刊文章 ) 以及 6.6( 書籍 ) 都說明使用詮釋資料描述符進行參考對象說明之實例

14 CNS. XXXXXXXX A Referent may be specified using a Metadata Descriptor. Any of the Metadata Formats listed in Section would be suitable for describing a scholarly information Referent depending on the particular type of the resource: Book; Dissertation; Journal; Patent. If a Referent is described by both metadata and Identifiers, these must refer to the same resource. Examples 6.5 (a journal article) and 6.6 (a book)show a Referent described by a Metadata Descriptor. 5.2 參考個體 (ReferringEntity) 參考個體是用以參考參考對象 (Referent) 的個體, 在情境物件中屬於選項 但學術資訊社群中, 參考個體可以是引用參考對象的期刊文章, 或是存在於摘要與索引資料庫中的記錄 The ReferringEntity is the Entity that references the Referent. It is optional in the ContextObject. Within the scholarly information community the ReferringEntity could be a journal article that cites the Referent. Or it could be a record within an abstracting and indexing database. 表 5.2 中列出可以用來描述參考個體的鍵值 The Keys listed in Table 4.2 may be used when describing a ReferringEntity. 表 5.2 KEV 格式的參考個體鍵值 鍵值 說明 rfe_id 參考個體的識別符 rfe_val_fmt 以資料值表達的詮釋資料格式 (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) rfe_ref_fmt 以參考值表達的詮釋資料格式 (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) [ 也需要使用 rft_ref] rfe_ref 以參考值表達的詮釋資料位置 [ 也需要使用 rft_ref_fmt] rfe_dat 私有資料 rfe. 詮釋資料鍵值前綴 Table 5.2 KEV ReferringEntity Keys Key Description rfe_id ReferringEntity Identifier rfe_val_fmt By-Value Metadata Format (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) rfe_ref_fmt By-Reference Metadata Format (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) [rfe_ref also required] rfe_ref By-Reference Metadata Location [rfe_ref_fmt also required] rfe_dat Private Data rfe. Metadata Key Prefix

15 - 13- CNSXXXXXXXX 參考個體可以透過識別符描述符進行指定 表 6.4 列出大部分命名空間中的識別符適用於描述學術資訊參考個體, 正如上述之參考對象 參考個體可用多個識別符進行說明, 此時所有的識別符都應該指向相同的資源 範例 說明使用識別符描述符來指稱參考個體的實例 A ReferringEntity may be specified using Identifier Descriptors. Identifiers from most of the Namespaces listed in Table 6.4 would be suitable for detailing a scholarly information ReferringEntity, as described above for a Referent. A ReferringEntity may be detailed by multiple Identifiers, in which case all the Identifiers must identify the same resource. Example shows a ReferringEntity detailed by Identifier Descriptors. 參考個體也可以使用詮釋資料描述符來指定 在 節所列的詮釋資料格式都可以用來描述學術資訊 此係根據不同的資料型態使用不同的詮釋資料, 如書籍 學術論文 期刊 專利等等 如果參考個體同時使用詮釋資料和識別符進行說明, 則它們都應該指向相同的資源 範例 6.6( 期刊文章 ) 以及 ( 書籍 ) 說明使用詮釋資料描述符進行參考個體說明的實例 A ReferringEntity may be specified using a Metadata Descriptor. Any of the Metadata Formats listed in Section would be suitable for describing a scholarly information ReferringEntity depending on the particular type of the resource: Book; Dissertation; Journal; Patent. If a ReferringEntity is described by both metadata and Identifiers, these must refer to the same resource. Example 6.6 (a journal article) and (a book) show a ReferringEntity described by a Metadata Descriptor. 當一參考個體為存在於摘要與索引資料庫中的一筆記錄時, 使用記錄識別符會比用詮釋資料進行描述要來得適當, 這是因為參考個體的詮釋資料和參考對象會完全相同 範例 以及 分別說明參考個體使用公開或私有資訊服務記錄資料進行說明的實例 某些情況下, 參考個體也有可能是網頁, 例如研究者可能會引用出版在網頁上的文章 如果參考個體是網頁, 通常可用網頁的 URL 網址作為其識別符, 如範例 所述 When a ReferringEntity is a record in an abstracting and indexing database it is better to describe it by the record Identifier rather than by metadata, because the metadata for the ReferringEntity will be the same as that for the Referent. Examples and show ReferringEntities that are described by public

16 CNS. XXXXXXXX and private information service record data respectively. In some cases a ReferringEntity may be a Web page. For instance a researcher may cite published articles on a Home page. A ReferringEntity that is a Web page can be described by an Identifier that is the URL of the Web page, as in Example 請求者 (Requester) 請求者為請求有關於參考對象 (Referent) 服務的個體, 在情境物件中屬於選擇性的個體 但學術資訊社群中, 請求者通常是一個使用者端的點擊連結動作, 而該連結是指向某個數位圖書館的應用 The Requester is the Entity that requests services pertaining to the Referent. It is optional in the ContextObject. Within the scholarly information community the Requester is generally a human end-user who clicks a link within a digital library application. 表 5.3 列出可以用來描述請求者的鍵值 KEV 格式的情境物件定義也包含請求 者的詮釋資料描述鍵值, 但目前登錄中並沒有包含任何使用的詮釋資料格式 The Keys listed in Table 5.3 may be used when describing a Requester. The KEV ContextObject definition also includes Keys for metadata description of a Requester, but the Registry does not currently include any appropriate Metadata Formats. 表 5.3 KEV 格式的請求者鍵值鍵值說明 req_id 請求者識別符 req_dat 私有資料 Table 5.3 KEV Requester Keys Key Description req_id Requester Identifier req_dat Private Data 請求者可以透過識別符描述符進行指定 表 6.3 中列出請求者所適用識別符所使用的命名空間, 包括 LDAP 以及 mailto 請求者可以用多個識別符進行說明, 此時所有的識別符都應該是指向相同的資源 範例 6.2 說明使用識別符描述符來指稱請求者的實例 A Requester may be specified using Identifier Descriptors. Identifiers from the Namespaces listed in Table 6.3 that would be suitable for detailing a Requester are: LDAP; mailto. A Requester may be detailed by multiple Identifiers, in which case all the Identifiers must identify the same resource. Example 6.2 shows a

17 - 15- CNSXXXXXXXX Requester detailed by an Identifier Descriptor. 部份應用程式會希望傳遞請求者的相關認證資訊, 此係用在認證系統上 或是請求者所屬的地點資訊, 如機構或是公司等等, 或是請求者在某系統中之偏好剖繪的相關資訊 目前這項資訊使用私有資料 (Private Data) 進行描述, 因此需要參考對象與解析器先前有共同的認知 在請求者描述符中並不鼓勵內含認證的詳細資訊, 如密碼等等, 因為在目前 OpenURL 傳送的安全考量上, 內含這樣的資訊可能會造成違反認證系統的使用條款 Some applications may wish to pass Requester authentication related information. This may be the authentication system used. Or it could be the location information such as the institution or company to which the Requester belongs. Or it could be an Identifier for the Requester that would indicate their preference profile within some system. At present this information would be described using Private Data and will depend on prior understanding by both Referrer and Resolver. It would be inadvisable to include authentication details such as passwords within a Requester Descriptor. As well as concerns about the security of the OpenURL Transport, including such detailed authentication data would probably contravene the terms and conditions of the authentication system in use. 5.4 服務型式 (ServiceType) 服務型式是用來定義請求服務形式的個體, 在情境物件中屬於選擇性的個體 但學術資訊社群中, 服務型式通常是請求動作, 對象可能是文章的全文資訊, 或是館際借閱的請求等等 The ServiceType is the Entity that defines the type of service requested. It is optional in the ContextObject. Within the scholarly information community the ServiceType could be a request for; the full text of an article; the abstract of an article; an inter-library loan request, etc. 表 5.4 中列出可用來描述服務型式的鍵值 KEV 格式的情境物件定義也包含服 務型式的識別符描述鍵值, 但目前登錄中並沒有包含任何使用的識別符 The Keys listed in Table 5.4 may be used when describing a ServiceType. The KEV ContextObject definition also includes a Key for an Identifier description of a ServiceType, but the Registry does not currently include any appropriate Identifiers. 表 5.4 KEV 格式的服務型式鍵值

18 CNS. XXXXXXXX 鍵值 svc_val_fmt svc_ref_fmt svc_ref svc_dat svc. 說明以資料值表達的詮釋資料格式 (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) 以參考值表達的詮釋資料格式 (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) [ 也需要使用 svc_ref] 以參考值表達的詮釋資料位置 [ 也需要使用 svc_ref_fmt] 私有資料詮釋資料鍵值前綴 Table 5.4 KEV ServiceType Keys Key Description By-Value Metadata Format svc_val_fmt (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) svc_ref_fmt By-Reference Metadata Format (info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:*) [svc_ref also required] svc_ref By-Reference Metadata Location [svc_ref_fmt also required] svc_dat Private Data svc. Metadata Key Prefix 服務型式可以透過詮釋資料描述符進行指定 節中列出描述學術資訊服務型式所適用詮釋資料所使用的命名空間 範例 說明使用詮釋資料描述符來指稱服務型式的實例 A ServiceType may be specified using a Metadata Descriptor. The Metadata Formats described in Section would be suitable for describing a scholarly information ServiceType. Example shows a ServiceType detailed by a Metadata Descriptor. 5.5 解析器 (Resolver) 解析器是請求服務所指稱目標的個體, 在情境物件中屬於選擇性的個體 它不必和 OpenURL 傳送 (OpenURL Transport) 中的基礎 URL(base URL) 相同, 同時也不會取代該項基礎 URL The Resolver is the Entity at which a request for services is targeted. It is optional in the ContextObject. This need not be the same Resolver as that specified as the base URL for an OpenURL Transport and does not replace that base URL. 表 5.6 中列出可用來描述解析器的鍵值 KEV 格式的 ContextObject 定義也包含 解析器的詮釋資料描述鍵值, 但目前登錄中並沒有包含任何使用的詮釋資料格 式 The Keys listed in Table 5.6 may be used when describing a Resolver. The KEV

19 - 17- CNSXXXXXXXX ContextObject definition also includes Keys for metadata description of a Resolver, but the Registry does not currently include any appropriate Metadata Formats. 表 5.6 KEV 格式的解析器鍵值 鍵值 說明 res_id 解析器識別符 res_dat 私有資料 Table 5.6 KEV Resolver Keys Key Description res_id Resolver Identifier res_dat Private Data 解析器可以透過識別符描述符進行指定 表 6.3 中列出適合說明解析器的是 HTTP 解析器可以用多個識別符進行說明, 此時所有的識別符都應該是指向相 同的資源 A Resolver may be specified using Identifier Descriptors. An Identifier from the Namespaces listed in Table 6.3 that would be suitable for detailing a Resolver is http. A Resolver may be detailed by multiple Identifiers, in which case all the Identifiers must identify the same resource. 5.6 參考者 (Referrer) 參考者是用來產生情境物件的個體, 在情境物件中屬於選擇性的個體, 但是強烈建議使用此個體 但學術資訊社群中, 參考者可以是相關的資訊提供者, 如電子期刊服務, 或是摘要與索引服務 The Referrer is the Entity that generated the ContextObject. It is optional in the ContextObject, but its inclusion is strongly encouraged. Within the scholarly information community the Referrer will be an information provider such as an electronic journal application or an abstracting and indexing service. 表 5.7 中列出可用來描述參考者的鍵值 KEV 格式的情境物件定義也包含參考 者的詮釋資料描述鍵值, 但目前登錄中並沒有包含任何使用的詮釋資料格式 The Keys listed in Table 5.7 may be used when describing a Referrer. The KEV ContextObject definition also includes Keys for metadata description of a Referrer, but the Registry does not currently include any appropriate Metadata Formats.

20 CNS. XXXXXXXX 表 5.7 KEV 格式的參考者鍵值 鍵值 說明 rfr_id 解析器識別符 rfr_dat 私有資料 Table 5.7 KEV Referrer Keys Key res_id res_dat Description Referrer Identifier Private Data 參考者識別符定義在識別符命名空間中 ( info:ofi/nam:info:sid: ), 它們使用 info:sid/ 規格, 進行針對資訊資產集合的識別, 目前定義在登錄中 ( 這樣的集合可以是機構 網站 出版商或是資料庫 在參考者識別符的規格中, 包括 DNS 識別符 ( 網際網路中的網域名稱 子網域 或是主機名稱 ), 跟著選擇性的名稱, 用來提供該項集合更多的詳細資訊, 如特定的服務或是資料庫 以下為兩個參考者識別符的範例 : info:sid/firstsearch.oclc.org:inspec, info:sid/wiley.com Referrer Identifiers are defined in the source identifier Namespace info:ofi/nam:info:sid:. They are identified using the info:sid/ scheme for the identification of collections of information assets defined in the Registry at Such a collection could be an organization, a website, a publisher, or a database. Within this scheme a Referrer Identifier consists of a DNS identifier (Internet domain name, sub-domain or host name) for the Referrer s collection, followed by an optional name providing further details about the nature of the collection, for example a particular service or database. Example Referrer Identifiers are: info:sid/firstsearch.oclc.org:inspec ; info:sid/wiley.com. 在此強烈建議將參考者識別符納入情境物件中 特別是情境物件中有參考者特定的私有資料者, 參考者代碼更形需要 第 11 節有所有參考者使用識別符描述符之範例 解析器將會使用參考者識別符來避免循環連結的情形, 同時也用其來進行使用統計 It is strongly recommended that genuine Referrer Identifiers are included in ContextObjects. In particular a genuine Referrer Identifier is necessary if Referrer-specific Private Data is included in a ContextObject, in order to define the provenance of that private data. All the examples in Section 11 show Referrers detailed by Identifier Descriptors. Resolvers make use of Referrer Identifiers to avoid circular linking and to compile usage statistics.

21 - 19- CNSXXXXXXXX 請注意 : 參考者規格自本標準 1.4 版起已經改變取代了先前的 1.3 版本, 因此 ofi/rfr:db 規格已不再適用 Note that the Referrer scheme changed from in version 1.4 of this document from version 1.3. The ofi/rfr:db scheme is no longer available. 6. 登錄檔的選擇 以下由登錄所選錄出來的 KEV OpenURL 框架元件, 將會適當地使用在學術資訊社 群中 6.Registry Selections The following selection of KEV OpenURL Framework components from the Registry would be appropriate within the scholarly information community. 6.1 情境物件的格式 (ContextObject Format) 情境物件是使用鍵值或資料值 (Key/Encoded-Value, KEV) 格式來進行表達, 且以使用 & 符號連結的字串來表示 每筆資料配對都是由標籤 ( 也就是鍵值 ) 及關連資料值所組成, 以 URL 進行編碼 (URL-encoded), 使用等號 = 來進行區隔 所有 KEV 資料配對都必須透過 URL 進行編碼, 以確保情境物件表示是可被傳送的 ( transport ready ) KEV 格式定義在原標準第 3 部份, 而 URL 編碼方式則在本標準附錄 B.3 進行說明 KEV 格式的登錄識別符 (Registry Identifier) 為 info:ofi/fmt:kev ContextObjects are represented using the Key/Encoded-Value (KEV) Format, as a string of ampersand-delimited pairs. Each pair consists of a label (Key) and an associated Value that is URL-encoded, separated by an equals ( = ). All values of KEV pairs must be URL-encoded so that the ContextObject Representation is transport ready. The KEV Format is defined in Part 3 of the Standard. URL-encoding is explained below in Annex B.3. The Registry Identifier of the KEV Format is info:ofi/fmt:kev. KEV 情境物件的鍵值定義在 Z MTX 限制定義 (Z MTX Constraint Definition) 中, 其登錄識別符 (Registry Identifier) 為 info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx, 同時 KEV 情境物件的登錄識別符則為 info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx Keys for a KEV ContextObject are defined by the Z MTX Constraint

22 CNS. XXXXXXXX Definition. The Registry Identifier of the MTX Constraint Definition is info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx and the Registry Identifier of the KEV ContextObject Format is info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx. 除了定義鍵值來進行針對情境物件中組件個體的描述之外 ( 請見前述第四段 ), KEV 情境物件也包含情境物件選擇性的管理鍵值 As well as defining Keys used to describe the component entities of a ContextObject (see Section 4 above), the KEV ContextObject also includes optional administrative keys for the ContextObject. 表 6.1: KEV 情境物件的管理鍵值 鍵值描述 ctx_ver 情境物件的版本, 固定為 : Z (Z 必須大寫 ) ctx_enc 所使用的字元編碼 ( 請見下文 5.2) ctx_id 情境物件的識別符 ctx_tim 情境物件的時戳 (Timestamp), 是由 ISO8601 中的 W3CDTF 剖繪所定義, 精細到秒, 格式為 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD 或是 YYYY-MM-DD. Table 6.1 KEV ContextObject Administrative Keys Key Description ctx_ver Version of the ContextObject. Fixed value: Z ( Z must be uppercase) ctx_enc Character Encoding used (see Section 5.2 below) ctx_id Identifier for the ContextObject ctx_tim Timestamp for the ContextObject, a date and time to the seconds level of the W3CDTF profile of ISO 8601, of the form YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD or YYYY-MM-DD 6.2 字元編碼 (Character Encoding) 以下所使用到的 IANA( 網際網路位址分配機構 ) 字元編碼 ( 將會用在情境物件的 KEV 格式的 資料值中 此情境物件會存在於登錄之中, 此處也可以查詢更多的字元集 The following Character Encodings from the IANA character sets ( to be used for Values within a KEV ContextObject are included in the initial Registry, where further description of these character sets may be found. 表 6.2 KEV 格式字元編碼表編碼方式 UTF-8 統一碼 ISO Latin 1 登錄識別符 info:ofi/enc:utf-8 info:ofi/enc:iso

23 - 21- CNSXXXXXXXX Table 6.2 KEV Character Encodings Encoding Registry Identifier UTF-8 Unicode info:ofi/enc:utf-8 ISO Latin 1 info:ofi/enc:iso 情境物件所使用的字元編碼方式透過 ctx_enc 鍵值來進行指定 預設的字元編碼為 UTF-8, 因此如果使用 UTF-8 編碼, 則 ctx_enc 的鍵值可以被忽略 對以參考值表達的詮釋資料 (By-Reference Metadata) 來說, 預設使用 UTF-8 字元編碼, 但仍可以自行宣告使用其他的編碼方式 The Character Encoding used within a ContextObject is specified using the ctx_enc Key. The default Character Encoding is UTF-8. Thus if UTF-8 is used the ctx_enc Key may be omitted. For By-Reference Metadata UTF-8 Character Encoding is the default, but it can declare its own encoding. 範例 6.1: 字元編碼範例 ISO Latin 1 字元編碼規格的表達方式為 &ctx_enc=info%3aofi%2fenc%3aiso Example 6.1 Character Encoding Specification of ISO Latin 1 Character Encoding &ctx_enc=info%3aofi%2fenc%3aiso 當使用 UTF-8 編碼形成 OpenURL 網址時, 最好的方式便是用統一碼正規化表格 C(Unicode Normalization Form C) 減用統一碼而使用 ASCII 碼的情況是不被鼓 勵的 When forming an OpenURL encoded using Unicode UTF-8, best practice is to use Unicode Normalization Form C. The practice of reducing Unicode characters to ASCII is discouraged. 未來也可能使用其他的編碼方案 ( 只要該項編碼有登錄即可 ), 但是這些編碼將不 會涵括在學術資訊剖繪 SAP1 中 Other encoding schemes may be used in the future, provided they are registered, but they will not be included in the scholarly information profile SAP 命名空間 (Namespaces)

24 CNS. XXXXXXXX 以下段落將說明幾個學術資訊社群所會適用的識別符命名空間 (Identifier Namespace) 這些命名空間在登錄中的識別符為 info:ofi/nam: 但是對一個識別符描述符來說, 只需用 URI 即可 舉例來說, mailto 的登錄識別符為 info:ofi/nam:mailto:, 但是在 6.2 節中舉例的識別符描述符可能是 mailto:jane.doe@caltech.edu The following sub-sections list the Identifier Namespaces appropriate for the scholarly information community. Namespaces have Registry Identifiers within the info:ofi/nam: Namespace. But for an Identifier Descriptor just the URI is used. For example, the Registry Identifier for mailto is info:ofi/nam:mailto: but an Identifier Descriptor would be mailto:jane.doe@caltech.edu as shown in Example 6.2. 請注意 : 此段文件內容在 1.1 與 1.2 版之間的變動相當大, 所有的命名空間目前都遵循 URI 的規則, 同時也揚棄之前使用的 uri: 前綴 先前的 ORI 命名空間目前已成為 info: 命名空間, 私有的 XRI 命名空間則不再使用, 而依個特定指稱對象的識別符則應該編入私有資料描述符 (Private Data Descriptor) 中 Note that this section changed significantly from versions 1.1 to 1.2 of this document. All Namespaces now follow URI schemes and the uri: prefix has been dropped. The previous ORI Namespaces are now URI info: Namespaces. The private XRI Namespace is no longer available and a Referrer-specific identifier should be encoded within a Private Data Descriptor 命名空間 (Namespaces) 表 6.3 列出除了 info: 以外適合學術資訊所使用的命名空間, 這些命名空間的識別符都可以用來當作識別符描述符, 同時也可以用來為以參考值表達的詮釋資料指定網路地點 範例 6.2 說明使用 mailto 識別符來形成的請求者資訊 Table 6.3 lists the Namespaces suitable for scholarly information from URI schemes other than the info: scheme. Identifiers from these Namespaces may be used as Identifier Descriptors. They may also be used to specify network locations for By-Reference Metadata descriptions. The following example, 6.2, shows a Requester detailed by a mailto Identifier. 範例 6.2: 請求者的 URI 命名空間識別符描述符 &req_id=mailto%3ajane.doe%40caltech.edu

25 - 23- CNSXXXXXXXX Example 5.2 Requester URI Namespace Identifier Descriptor &req_id=mailto%3ajane.doe%40caltech.edu 表 6.3 URI 命名空間 URI 命名空間登錄識別符 URI FTP info:ofi/nam:ftp: ftp: HTTP info:ofi/nam:http: http: LDAP info:ofi/nam:ldap: ldap: mailto info:ofi/nam:mailto: mailto: info:ofi/nam:urn:isbn urn:isbn ISBN : : ISSN info:ofi/nam:urn:issn: urn:issn National Bibliographic info:ofi/nam:urn:nbn urn:nbn: Number (NBN) Table 6.3 URI Namespaces URI Namespace Registry Identifier URI FTP info:ofi/nam:ftp: ftp: HTTP info:ofi/nam:http: http: LDAP info:ofi/nam:ldap: ldap: mailto info:ofi/nam:mailto: mailto: info:ofi/nam:urn:isbn urn:isbn ISBN : : ISSN info:ofi/nam:urn:issn: urn:issn National Bibliographic info:ofi/nam:urn:nbn urn:nbn: Number (NBN) info 命名空間 ( info Namespaces) 表 6.4 列出 info URI 規範中適合學術資訊所使用的命名空間 以下範例 6.3 說明同時使用 PubMed 識別符以及數位物件識別符的參考對象 Table 6.4 lists the Namespaces suitable for scholarly information from the info URI scheme. Identifiers from these Namespaces may be used as Identifier Descriptors. The following example, 6.3, shows a Referent detailed by both a PubMed Identifier and a Digital Object Identifier. 範例 6.3: 參考對象的 info 命名空間識別符描述符 ( 因閱讀需要, 僅使用換行方式, 不用 URL 編碼 ) &rft_id=info:pmid/ &rft_id=info:doi/ /science (URL 編碼過後 ) &rft_id=info%3apmid%2f &rft_id=info%3adoi%2f %2Fscien ce Example 6.3 : Referent info Namespace Identifier Descriptors

26 CNS. XXXXXXXX &rft_id=info:pmid/ &rft_id=info:doi/ /science (URL-encoded) &rft_id=info%3apmid%2f &rft_id=info%3adoi%2f %2Fscien ce 表 6.4 info 命名空間命名空間 登錄識別符 URI Astrophysics Bibcode info:ofi/nam:info:bibcode: info:bibcode/ Digital Object Identifier info:ofi/nam:info:doi: info:doi/ CNRI Handle info:ofi/nam:info:hdl: info:hdl/ LCCN Info:ofi/nam:info:lccn: info:lccn/ Open Archives Initiative (OAI) info:ofi/nam:info:oai: info:oai/ info:ofi/nam:info:oclcnum info:oclcnum OCLC WorldCat : / PubMed info:ofi/nam:info:pmid: info:pmid/ SICI info:ofi/nam:info:sici: info:sici/ Source Identifier info:ofi/nam:info:sid: info:sid/ Table 6.4 info Namespaces Namespace Registry Identifier URI Astrophysics Bibcode info:ofi/nam:info:bibcode: info:bibcode/ Digital Object Identifier info:ofi/nam:info:doi: info:doi/ CNRI Handle info:ofi/nam:info:hdl: info:hdl/ LCCN Info:ofi/nam:info:lccn: info:lccn/ Open Archives Initiative (OAI) info:ofi/nam:info:oai: info:oai/ info:ofi/nam:info:oclcnum info:oclcnum OCLC WorldCat : / PubMed info:ofi/nam:info:pmid: info:pmid/ SICI info:ofi/nam:info:sici: info:sici/ Source Identifier info:ofi/nam:info:sid: info:sid/ 6.4 詮釋資料格式 (Metadata Formats) 情境物件中的個體都可以使用詮釋資料進行描述 這些詮釋資料描述可以直接包含在情境物件本身, 也就是以資料值表達的詮釋資料 或是將詮釋資料描述置於別處, 此為以參考值表達的詮釋資料, 其中詮釋資料的網路位址將會包含在情境物件中 當個體使用 KEV 格式的資料值表達詮釋資料進行描述時, 詮釋資料鍵值必須包含指稱該項個體的前綴, 且此詮釋資料鍵值前綴不能用在 KEV 格式的參考值表達詮釋資料中 Entities within a ContextObject may be described by metadata. These metadata descriptions may be contained within the ContextObject itself, known as By-Value Metadata. Alternatively the metadata descriptions may be held elsewhere, in which case, known as By-Reference Metadata, the network location of the

27 - 25- CNSXXXXXXXX metadata is contained in the ContextObject. When an Entity is described by KEV By-Value Metadata the metadata keys must have a metadata prefix indicating the Entity. This metadata key prefix should not be used for KEV By-Reference Metadata. 表 6.5 列出最初定義的 KEV 詮釋資料格式 這些詮釋資料格式提供學術資訊社 群描述資源的標準方式 以下章節將會有更詳細說明 The initial KEV Metadata Formats are listed in Table 6.5. These Metadata Formats provide a means to describe resources within the scholarly information community. They are described in more detail in the following sub-sections. 表 6.5 鍵值 / 編碼資料的詮釋資料格式詮釋資料格式書籍以及書內個體學術論文期刊以及期刊個體專利學術服務型式 登陸識別符 info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:patent info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:sch_svc Table 6.5 Key/Encoded-Value Metadata Formats Metadata Format Registry Identifier Book and Book component info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book Dissertation info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation Journal and Journal component info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal Patent info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:patent Scholarly Service Type info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:sch_svc 期刊詮釋資料 (Journal Metadata) 表達期刊出版物的詮釋資料格式在登錄中的 Z 矩陣可以找到 ( 此矩陣包含各詮釋資料項目的說明, 詳細資訊本文不一一詳述, 僅列出部份提供說明 該矩陣也定義了詮釋資料鍵值允許出現的次數 The Metadata Format to represent a journal publication is defined by a Z Matrix in the Registry at: This Matrix includes a description for the use of each of the metadata items. That information is not reproduced here but guidelines for a few of the metadata items are given below. The Matrix defines the permissible occurrences of the metadata keys. 當參考對象 ( 或是參考個體 ) 以期刊論文詮釋資料格式中的資料值表達詮釋資

28 CNS. XXXXXXXX 料時 : (a) 在情境物件中的鍵值 rft_val_fmt ( 或 rfe_val_fmt) 其值為 : info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal (b) 詮釋資料鍵值必須以 rft. ( 或 rfe. ) 為前綴 When a Referent (or ReferringEntity) is described with By-Value Metadata using the journal Metadata Format: The rft_val_fmt (or rfe_val_fmt) Key in the ContextObject has the value: info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal The metadata keys must be prefixed with rft. (or rfe. ) 當參考對象 ( 或參考個體 ) 用期刊論文詮釋資料格式中的參考值表達詮釋資料時 : (a) 情境物件中的鍵值 rft_val_fmt ( 或 rfe_val_fmt) 的值為 : info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal (b) 詮釋資料的存放地點透過 KEV 格式之期刊論文詮釋資料格式中的 rft_ref ( 或 rfe_ref) 予以指稱 (c) 詮釋資料的鍵值不可有前綴 (d) 預設的字元編碼為 UTF-8, 但也可以自行宣告自己的編碼 When a Referent (or ReferringEntity) is described with By-Reference Metadata using the journal Metadata Format: The rft_ref_fmt (or rfe_ref_fmt) Key in the ContextObject has the value: info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal The metadata at the location specified by the rft_ref (or rfe_ref) Key is in KEV journal Metadata Format The metadata keys must not be prefixed Character Encoding default is UTF-8, but it can declare its own encoding (1) 類型期刊詮釋資料格式是通用的格式, 用來描述期刊或是長期出版物中的各種層次, 它也用在描述會議論文集, 發表在期刊論文, 或是長期出版物中的預印本 此存在於期刊出版型態中的資源特定類型便可以使用詮釋資料中的類型 (genre) 鍵值 此類型詮釋資料鍵值的可能資料值列於表 6.6, 而特定的類型則應該配合使用合適層次的詮釋資料 舉例來說, 描述 期別 類型的資源就應該擁有合適卷期 / 部份 / 期別 (volume / part / issue) 的詮釋資料

29 - 27- CNSXXXXXXXX (1) Genre The journal Metadata Format is a general purpose Format to describe all levels within a journal or serial publication. It may also be used to describe a conference proceedings or paper where these are published in a journal, or a serial publication preprint. The specific genre of the resource within the journal publication type may be indicated by the genre metadata key. The possible values for the genre metadata key are shown in Table 6.6. It would be expected that the granularity of metadata provided would be consistent with the specified genre. For example a resource described with a genre issue would have appropriate volume / part / issue metadata. 表 6.6 期刊論文詮釋資料類型值類型值 (Genre Value) 期刊論文 (journal) 期別 (issue) 文章 (article) 會議 (conference) 論文集 (proceeding) 預印本 (preprint) 未知值 (unknown) 描述多期別的刊物期刊中的某期個體刊載於期刊中的文件期刊中所記錄的會議在期刊中的單一會議出版物刊載於期刊前的論文或是報告出版品表達未知類型 Table 6.6 Journal Metadata Genre Values Genre Value Description journal Serial publication issued in several parts issue One instance of a serial publication Article Document published in a journal conference Record of a conference published in a journal proceeding Single conference presentation published in a journal preprint Single paper or report published prior to its publication in a journal unknown Unknown genre (2) 作者期刊詮釋資料格式提供了數個鍵值來詳細描述文章或是論文的作者 為了進行引用的配對, 第一作者的姓名尤其重要 第一作者應該使用 aulast 鍵值來說明作者姓氏, 同時另有一或多個 aufirst auinit aunit1 auinitm 鍵值來說明名字的其他部份 如果姓名的後綴很重要, 則也有一個 ausuffix 鍵值可供使用 如果文件的主要建立者是機構的話, 則可使用 aucorp 鍵值來進行說明 除此之外, 還有通用的 au 鍵值, 此鍵值用在當作者姓名無法適當區隔時, 用來記錄作者的全名 但是如果可能的話, 還是鼓勵使用 aulast 來記錄除了名字以外的其他部份 au 鍵值可以用在記錄其他共同作者之用, 該項鍵

30 CNS. XXXXXXXX 值可重複 (2) Author The Journal Metadata Format provides several keys to detail the author of an article or paper. For the purpose of matching citations it is generally the first author s name that is significant. The first author should be specified using aulast to indicate their family name and one or more of aufirst, auinit, aunit1, auinitm for their given name or initials. An ausuffix key may also be used if a name suffix is significant. If the main creator of a document is an organization the aucorp key should be used instead. A general au key is also provided. This may be used to contain the full name of an author where splitting the author s name is not possible. But it is recommended that aulast, with separate family name or initials, be used to specify the first author rather than au whenever possible. The au key is repeatable so may be used to list the co-authors of an article. 下例說明論文詮釋資料格式的實際使用範例 範例 6.5 說明使用以資料值表 達詮釋資料的參考對象, 範例 6.6 足說明使用以參考值表達詮釋資料的參考 個體 The following examples show the use of the Journal Metadata Format. Example 6.5 shows By-Value Metadata for a Referent. Example 6.6 shows By-Reference Metadata for a ReferringEntity. 範例 6.5: 以資料值表達詮釋資料的參考對象 ( 因閱讀需要, 僅使用換行方式, 不用 URL 編碼 ) &rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal &rft.genre=article &rft.atitle=isolation of a common receptor for coxsackie B &rft.jtitle=science &rft.aulast=bergelson &rft.auinit=j &rft.date=1997 &rft.volume=275 &rft.spage=1320 &rft.epage=1323 (URL 編碼過後的 KEV 格式 ) &rft_val_fmt=info%3aofi%2ffmt%3akev%3amtx%3ajournal&rft.g enre=article&rf t.atitle=isolation+of+a+common+receptor+for+coxsackie+b&rft.jtit le=science&rft.aulast=bergelson&rft.auinit=j&rft.date=1997&rft.v olume=275&rft.spage=1320&rf t.epage=1323 Example 6.5: By-Value Journal Metadata for a Referent

31 - 29- CNSXXXXXXXX &rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal &rft.genre=article &rft.atitle=isolation of a common receptor for coxsackie B &rft.jtitle=science &rft.aulast=bergelson &rft.auinit=j &rft.date=1997 &rft.volume=275 &rft.spage=1320 &rft.epage=1323 (URL-encoded KEV Format) &rft_val_fmt=info%3aofi%2ffmt%3akev%3amtx%3ajournal&rf t.genre=article&rf t.atitle=isolation+of+a+common+receptor+for+coxsackie+b&rft.j title=science&rft.aulast=bergelson&rft.auinit=j&rft.date=1997& rft.volume=275&rft.spage=1320&rf t.epage=1323 範例 6.6 以參考值表達詮釋資料的參考個體 情境物件中 ( 因閱讀需要, 僅使用換行方式, 不用 URL 編碼 ) &rfe_ref_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal &rfe_ref= 中 ( 因閱讀需要, 僅使用換行方式, 不用 URL 編碼 ) &genre=article &atitle=p27-p16 Chimera: A Superior Antiproliferative &jtitle=molecular Theory &aulast=mcarthur &aufirst=james &date=2001 &volume=3 &issue=1 &spage=8 &epage=13 情境物件中 (URL 編碼過後的 KEV 格式 ) &rfe_ref_fmt=info%3aofi%2ffmt%3akev%3amtx%3ajournal&rfe_ref=http%3a% 2F%2Fwww.example.org%2Ftemp%2F1234.txt 中 (URL 編碼過後的 KEV 格式 ) &genre=article&atitle=p27- p16+chimera%3a+a+superior+antiproliferative&jtitle=molecular+theory&aulast =McArthur&aufirst=James&date=2001&volume=3&issue=1&spage=8&epage=13 Example 6.6 By-Reference Metadata for a ReferringEntity Within the ContextObject: &rfe_ref_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal &rfe_ref=

32 CNS. XXXXXXXX At : &genre=article &atitle=p27-p16 Chimera: A Superior Antiproliferative &jtitle=molecular Theory &aulast=mcarthur &aufirst=james &date=2001 &volume=3 &issue=1 &spage=8 &epage=13 Within the ContextObject: (URL-encoded KEV Format) &rfe_ref_fmt=info%3aofi%2ffmt%3akev%3amtx%3ajournal&rfe_ref=http%3a% 2F%2Fwww.example.org%2Ftemp%2F1234.txt At : (URL-encoded KEV Format) &genre=article&atitle=p27- p16+chimera%3a+a+superior+antiproliferative&jtitle=molecular+theory&aulast =McArthur&aufirst=James&date=2001&volume=3&issue=1&spage=8&epage= 書籍及一般文件的詮釋資料 (Book and General Document Metadata) 書籍, 書中個體 報告 或是一般文件, 都可用此種詮釋資料格式表達 此格式在登錄中的 Z 矩陣可以找到 ( 該矩陣包含各詮釋資料項目的說明, 詳細資訊本文不一一詳述, 僅列出部份提供說明 該矩陣也定義了詮釋資料鍵值允許出現的次數 The Metadata Format to represent a book, book component, report or general document is defined by a Z Matrix in the Registry at: This Matrix includes a description for the use of each of the metadata items. That information is not reproduced here but guidelines for a few of the metadata items are given below. The Matrix defines the permissible occurrences of the metadata keys. 當參考對象 ( 或是參考個體 ) 以書籍詮釋資料格式中的資料值表達詮釋資料時 : (a) 情境物件中之鍵值 rft_val_fmt ( 或 rfe_val_fmt) 的值為 : info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book (b) 詮釋資料鍵值必須以 rft. ( 或 rfe. ) 為前綴

33 - 31- CNSXXXXXXXX When a Referent (or ReferringEntity) is described with By-Value Metadata using the book Metadata Format: The rft_val_fmt (or rfe_val_fmt) Key in the ContextObject has the value: info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book The metadata keys must be prefixed with rft. (or rfe. ) 當參考對象 ( 或是參考個體 ) 以書籍詮釋資料格式中的資料值表達詮釋資料時 : (a) 在情境物件中的鍵值 rft_val_fmt ( 或 rfe_val_fmt) 的值是 : info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book (b) 詮釋資料的存放地點是透過 KEV 格式的書籍論文詮釋資料格式中的 rft_ref ( 或 rfe_ref) 予以指稱 (c) 詮釋資料的鍵值不可以有前綴 (d) 預設的字元編碼為 UTF-8, 但是也可以自行宣告自己的編碼. When a Referent (or ReferringEntity) is described with By-Reference Metadata using the book Metadata Format: The rft_ref_fmt (or rfe_ref_fmt) Key in the ContextObject has the value: info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book. The metadata at the location specified by the rft_ref (or rfe_ref) Key is in KEV book Metadata Format: The metadata keys must not be prefixed Character Encoding default is UTF-8, but it can declare its own encoding (1) 類型書籍詮釋資料格式是通用的格式, 用來描述書籍 書本個體 以及類似的文件, 同時它也用在描述會議論文集 論文 或是報告 書籍詮釋資料描述一般文件中的書目資訊, 如已知的作者和題名, 但是該項資源特別的型態在此則無法確定 這種詮釋資料也可以用在描述非文字型態的項目, 如 節所述 此存在於期刊出版型態中的資源特定類型便可以使用詮釋資料中的類型 (genre) 鍵值 此類型詮釋資料鍵值的可能資料值列於表 6.7 (1) Genre The book Metadata Format is a general purpose Format to describe books, book components, and similar documents. It may be used to describe a conference proceedings or paper, or a report. Book metadata may also be used to describe a general document where some bibliographic information, such as author and title, are known, but the specific type of the resource cannot be

34 CNS. XXXXXXXX determined. It could possibly be used to describe non-text items as described in Section The specific genre of the resource within the book metadata type may be indicated by the genre metadata key. The possible values for the genre metadata key are shown in Table 6.7. 表 6.7 書籍詮釋資料類型值類型值 (Genre Value) 書籍 (book) 書本個體 (bookitem) 會議 (conference) 論文集 (proceeding) 報告 (report) 文件 (document) 未知值 (unknown) 描述書籍書中的段落會議的記錄單一的會議資料已出版的報告一般文件表達未知類型 Table 6.7 Book Metadata Genre Values Genre Value book bookitem conference proceeding report document unknown Description Book Section of a book Record of a conference Single conference presentation Published report General document Unknown genre (2) 作者 在此作者資訊的詳細描述與 節中的期刊詮釋資料格式建議相同 (2) Author The recommendations for detailing authors are the same as those for the Journal Metadata Format described in Section above. 以下的範例 6.7 說明使用以資料值表達詮釋資料的參考對象 The following example, 6.7, shows By-Value Book Metadata for a Referent. 範例 6.7: 以資料值表達詮釋資料的參考對象 ( 因閱讀需要, 僅使用換行方式, 不用 URL 編碼 ) rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book &rft.genre=book &rft.btitle=professional XML Meta Data &rft.aulast=dodds &rft.afirst=david &rft.date=2001 &rft.isbn= (URL 編碼過後的 KEV 格式 ) &rft_val_fmt=info%3aofi%2ffmt%3akev%3amtx%3abook&rft.gen re=book&rft.bt

35 - 33- CNSXXXXXXXX itle=professional+xml+meta+data&rft.aulast=dodds&rft.afirst=da vid&rft.date=2 001&rft.isbn= Example 6.7: By-Value Book Metadata for a Referent &rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book &rft.genre=book &rft.btitle=professional XML Meta Data &rft.aulast=dodds &rft.afirst=david &rft.date=2001 &rft.isbn= (URL-encoded KEV Format) &rft_val_fmt=info%3aofi%2ffmt%3akev%3amtx%3abook&rft. genre=book&rft.bt itle=professional+xml+meta+data&rft.aulast=dodds&rft.afirst= David&rft.date=2 001&rft.isbn= 學術論文詮釋資料 (Dissertation Metadata) 用來表達學術論文所使用之詮釋資料格式 此格式在登錄中的 Z 矩陣可以找到 ( 該矩陣包含各詮釋資料項目的說明, 詳細資訊本文不一一詳述, 僅列出部份提供說明 該矩陣也定義了詮釋資料鍵值允許出現的次數 The Metadata Format to represent a dissertation is defined by a Z Matrix in the Registry at: This Matrix includes a description for the use of each of the metadata items, and defines the permissible occurrences of the metadata keys. 當參考對象 ( 或是參考個體 ) 以學術論文詮釋資料格式中的資料值表達詮釋資料時 : (a) 情境物件中的鍵值 rft_val_fmt ( 或 rfe_val_fmt) 的值為 : info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation (b) 詮釋資料鍵值必須以 rft. ( 或 rfe. ) 為前綴 When a Referent (or ReferringEntity) is described with By-Value Metadata using the dissertation Metadata Format: The rft_val_fmt (or rfe_val_fmt) Key in the ContextObject has the value: info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation

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