瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書繁體中文01 親愛的顧客 在使用本產品之前請細讀此說明書並遵照操作 說明書請妥善保存, 以備將來參考, 並一併交給後來的使用者 注意事項 本電器符合台灣電器安全規範的標準 然而, 身為製造商, 我們有責任讓您了解 以下使用此電器的安全注意事項 : 基本

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1 瑞典伊萊克斯 義式咖啡機 Pump Espresso EES250 使用說明書 Operating Instruction - 繁體中文 -English 家庭用 感謝您購買 Electrolux 伊萊克斯的義式咖啡機 請詳讀本使用說明書再正確地使用 請確認保證書是否正確紀錄 購買日期 經銷商店名, 和使用說明書一起妥善存放, 並將回函寄給本公司 在使用前請務必詳讀本使用說明書

2 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書繁體中文01 親愛的顧客 在使用本產品之前請細讀此說明書並遵照操作 說明書請妥善保存, 以備將來參考, 並一併交給後來的使用者 注意事項 本電器符合台灣電器安全規範的標準 然而, 身為製造商, 我們有責任讓您了解 以下使用此電器的安全注意事項 : 基本事項 1. 使用前請確認機器適用的電壓與家中所使用電壓一致 2. 拔掉插頭時請不要強拉電源線 3. 在以下情況請勿使用此機器 : 發現機器已有損壞 發現插頭或電源線已有損壞 4. 如果電源線或插頭已有損壞, 或是機器運作不正常, 或以其他任何方式的損壞, 請不要繼續使用該機器, 應交回原廠維修點進行測試 維修 調整 5. 請不要將機器交由非原廠授權之維修人員修理, 因不當的修理將可能造成危險 若需要維修, 請與伊萊克斯客服中心或授權之經銷點聯絡 6. 任何因不當使用所造成的機器故障, 將不在原廠的保固範圍內 7. 在沒有正確指引及監護下, 請勿讓兒童或不熟悉機器的人士操作, 或是讓殘弱人士自行操作本機 8. 本機器設計為家庭使用 兒童安全 1. 機器在無人監護的情況下, 請勿讓兒童自行操作 2. 請丟棄所有塑膠包材, 以防孩童或寵物不慎因塑膠包材發生窒息的情況

3 繁體中文 認識您的義式咖啡機 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書 02 off C A B D 8 16 E G F 1. 濾網把手 7. 集水盤蓋 13. 雙杯份濾網 A. 電源開關 2. 咖啡盒固定架 8. 集水盤 14. 蒸氣 / 熱水旋鈕 B. 咖啡加熱指示燈 3. 操作面板 9. 水箱蓋 15. 咖啡濾網架 C. 單杯份咖啡鍵 4. 溫杯盤 10. 水箱 16. 咖啡匙 D. 雙杯份咖啡鍵 5. 蒸氣噴嘴 11. 浮標 E. 手動咖啡鍵 6. 噴嘴管套 12. 單杯份濾網 F. 蒸氣加熱鍵 G. 蒸氣加熱指示燈

4 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書繁體中文03 使用您的義式咖啡機時請注意 1. 請勿將使用中的機器放置在金屬托盤或是其他金屬表面上 2. 若要搬動機器時, 請托住整台主機, 請勿僅僅托住水箱的部份, 以免機器 不慎摔落 3. 請勿將機器放置在亮光的木質表面上, 以免傷害木質表面 4. 請勿將機器放置在發熱表面之上, 或是靠近火源 易燃物品或是電烤箱 5. 請勿在水箱內無水的狀況下使用機器, 否則恐引起機器起火 6. 請勿讓電源線接觸到發熱表面 7. 如需要清潔或維修機器時, 請確保電源線插頭已經拔下 8. 請勿將機器放置在溫度低於 0 C 的環境之下, 以免殘留在機器內部的水分會 凝結造成機器損壞 9. 在補充水箱內的水之前, 請確保電源線插頭已經拔下 10. 請勿將熱水或滾水倒入水箱之中 11. 水箱內請勿倒入過量的水 12. 機器使用中請確保集水盤已經妥善裝好 13. 該機器設計僅供家庭使用, 請勿做為商業使用用途 14. 機器在無人監督的情況下工作時, 請勿讓兒童靠近 15. 在機器運作中, 請勿碰觸機身或是金屬零配件的部份以免造成燙傷 16. 除了清水之外, 請勿在水箱內倒入氣泡水 ( 碳酸水 ) 或其他液體 17. 若需清潔機器時, 請先拔下插頭並待機器冷卻後, 再用非腐蝕性且非研磨性 質的布, 沾取加水稀釋過的中性清潔液擦拭 注意 : 切勿使用化學溶劑以免損害到機體塑料的部份 18. 切勿將整機浸入水中或其他液體之中 19. 請勿在戶外使用

5 繁體中文 操作步驟 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書 04 第一次使用 : 1. 請先將主機及配件會接觸到咖啡的部份, 清洗一次 2. 第一次使用時, 咖啡的味道會稍受影響, 這是正常現象 我們建議您在煮第一杯咖啡之前, 先裝滿水, 不要放咖啡粉操作濾煮咖啡的步驟數次, 這樣將使第一杯咖啡更香醇 更衛生 使用程序 : A. 水箱注水 1. 請確認電源線已經事先拔下, 電源已關閉 2. 取下水箱, 將清水倒入水箱中 ( 容量為 1.5 公升 ) 3. 將裝好水的水箱重新裝置於機身上, 並蓋好水箱蓋 注意 : 若水箱未裝妥或水量不足時, 機器會持續發出 嗶 三聲, 欲解除警示請參閱 P.8 簡易故障排除 B. 裝填咖啡 1. 手握濾網把手, 向左轉至 符號處, 卸下濾網架 2. 將單杯份或是雙杯份的濾網放置濾網架中 3. 裝填單杯或是雙杯份量的研磨咖啡粉末至濾網中, 並用填壓器輕壓咖啡粉末, 並用手將濾網邊緣多餘的咖啡粉撥去, 以確保濾網可以緊密的結合住 4. 將裝填好咖啡的濾網架把手對準 符號正下方, 向上提後右轉, 直到濾網架鎖緊

6 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書繁體中文05 C. 濾煮 Espresso 咖啡 1. 電源開啟 ( 圖 1) 2. 咖啡加熱指示燈開始閃爍, 直到指示燈恆亮的時候, 代表機器已經預熱完成, 此時機器為待機狀態就可以開始煮咖啡了 ( 圖 2) 3. 開始濾煮咖啡注意 : 第一杯咖啡溫度會較低, 建議勿飲用或先不裝填咖啡粉按照濾煮咖啡的步驟試煮一次 濾煮單杯份咖啡 若是濾煮單杯份的咖啡, 請按下單杯份咖啡濾煮鍵 ( 圖 3), 即開始濾煮咖啡 咖 啡會從濾網架的出水口流出約 50CC 的份量 ( 原廠設定 ), 隨後機器自動停止 ( 圖 4) 濾煮雙杯份咖啡 若是一次濾煮雙杯份的咖啡, 請按下雙杯份 咖啡濾煮鍵 ( 圖 5), 即開始濾煮 咖啡 咖啡會從濾網架的出水口流出約 100CC 的份量 ( 原廠設定 ), 隨後機器自動 停止 ( 圖 4) 手動控制咖啡濾煮量 若想要手動控制每次咖啡的量, 則請按一下手動咖啡濾煮鍵 ( 圖 6) 隨即咖啡會 從濾網架的出水口流出, 當咖啡量達到您的需求時, 請再按一下手動咖啡濾煮鍵, 此時機器自動停止 D. 使用熱水功能 1. 在待機狀態 2. 將容器放置在蒸氣噴嘴的出口處, 然後將熱水 / 蒸氣鈕向後旋轉 90 度至符號處 ( 圖 7), 熱水會從蒸氣噴嘴的出口處流出 ( 圖 8)

7 繁體中文3. 將熱水 / 蒸氣旋鈕轉至 off 的位置 ( 圖 9), 此時機器會停止送出熱水 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書 06 注意 : 若熱水 / 蒸氣旋鈕未轉回 off 的位置, 下次濾煮咖啡時機器會發出嗶聲警示, 欲解除的話, 請參閱 P.8 簡易故障排除 ( 圖 1) ( 圖 2) ( 圖 3) ( 圖 4) ( 圖 5) ( 圖 6) off FERMÉ off FERMÉ ( 圖 7) ( 圖 9) ( 圖 8)

8 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書繁體中文07 E. 使用蒸氣功能打出綿密奶泡 1. 按一下蒸氣加熱鍵, 此時蒸氣加熱指示燈會開始閃爍, 直到指示燈恆亮的時 候, 代表機器已經加熱完成, 來到待機狀態, 可以開始提供蒸氣 ( 此時, 咖啡加熱指示燈跟蒸氣加熱指示燈皆會處於恆亮的狀態 ) 2. 先將牛奶倒入鋼杯至 1/3 滿 為了打出細緻綿密的奶泡, 建議使用冰牛奶 (0~5 的全脂牛奶將可達到較好的效果 ) 且蒸氣噴嘴是冷的 3. 將裝有牛奶的鋼杯放置在噴嘴套管的下方, 並讓噴嘴套管完全浸入牛奶中, 然 後慢慢將熱水 / 蒸氣旋鈕向後旋轉 90 度至 符號處 ( 圖 7), 使機器產生的蒸氣 打入牛奶中起泡, 此時機器會因為幫浦運作而發出聲響, 此為正常現象 重要 : 請勿讓噴嘴套管直接接觸到杯底, 這將會影響奶泡的品質 4. 慢慢的旋轉手中的鋼杯, 讓蒸氣充分的打入牛奶中, 慢慢打出綿密奶泡 5. 將熱水 / 蒸氣旋鈕轉至 off 的位置 ( 圖 9), 此時機器會停止送出蒸氣 注意 : 機器產生的蒸氣溫度很高, 請小心避免燙傷 6. 若不再使用蒸氣功能, 則請再按一次蒸氣加熱鍵, 此時蒸氣加熱指示燈會熄滅, 咖啡加熱指示燈則開始閃爍, 待加熱指示燈恆亮的時候, 機器則回到待機狀態 ( 注意 : 請同時參閱 P.8 簡易故障排除 ) 咖啡濾煮量記憶功能 使用該功能可自行設定並記憶單杯份或雙杯份的咖啡濾煮量, 讓煮咖啡的人使用 更方便, 並可合乎個人咖啡飲用喜好 設定步驟 1. 首先確定機器已經來到待機狀態 ( 參閱 C. 濾煮 Espresso 咖啡第 1 2 點 ) 2. 按住單杯份咖啡鍵 ( 或雙杯份咖啡鍵, 視目前要設定的份量而定 ) 不放約三秒鐘, 直到聽到機器發出 嗶 一聲, 此時機器開始出咖啡

9 繁體中文3. 直到咖啡流量達到需求時, 按一下單杯份咖啡濾煮鍵 ( 或雙杯份咖啡濾煮鍵 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書 08 ), 直到聽到機器發出 嗶 一聲, 此時咖啡停止流出, 同時該濾煮量自動 會記憶入機器程式中 4. 若需要重新設定, 只需要重複以上步驟, 新的設定值將會直接覆蓋舊設定 恢復原廠設定 : 只需要同時按下單杯及雙杯份咖啡濾煮鍵不放約三秒鐘, 此時機 器會發出 嗶 三聲, 同時咖啡加熱指示燈閃爍三下, 待指示燈恢復恆亮的時 候, 機器則已恢復原廠設定 省電模式及自動關機功能 咖啡機若開機 30 分鐘未使用, 便自動進入省電狀態, 此時咖啡加熱燈閃爍 (1 秒 ON/1 秒 OFF), 若連續 1.5 小時未使用, 則自動關機 簡易故障排除 水箱未安裝好或水量不足當水箱未安裝妥當或水量不足時, 機器會持續發出 嗶 三聲 ( 嗶嗶嗶 - 嗶嗶嗶 ), 且咖啡加熱燈與蒸氣加熱燈會同時閃爍 欲解除此警示 : 請先關機, 而後重新安裝水箱或在水箱內加水, 再按一次 1 杯份量 / 雙杯份量 / 手動咖啡濾煮鍵當中任何一鍵, 約 5 秒鐘後會回到待機狀態 蒸氣 / 熱水旋鈕未歸位機器會持續連嗶兩聲 ( 嗶嗶 - 嗶嗶 - 嗶嗶..), 且咖啡加熱燈與蒸氣加熱燈會同時閃爍 欲解除此警示 : 請將旋鈕旋回到 OFF 位置, 會回到待機狀態

10 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書繁體中文09 機器異常 機器會連嗶兩聲 ( 嗶嗶 ), 而後咖啡加熱燈與蒸氣加熱燈會同時閃爍 欲解除此警示 : 請將機器關機, 並送往原廠或原廠授權之維修中心維修 其他狀況 操作時發生的問題煮不出咖啡時咖啡滴落的太快咖啡從濾網架周圍溢出沒有蒸氣跑出 可能導致的原因 1. 水箱內沒有水 2. 咖啡粉末太細, 或裝填太多的咖啡粉末 3. 濾網阻塞 4. 電源插頭未插上, 或電源未開啟 1. 咖啡粉末太粗 2. 裝填太少的咖啡粉末 1. 濾網架未鎖緊 2. 濾網架周圍有咖啡粉末 3. 裝填太多的咖啡粉末 4. 咖啡粉末被壓的太緊 1. 水箱內沒有水 2. 電源插頭未插上, 或蒸氣旋鈕未轉至符號處 清潔與保養 咖啡濾網架 1. 務必每次煮完咖啡後, 將濾網架取下, 取出過濾網清洗 本產品隨附雙杯份的濾網的上層網片, 是可以拆下清洗的 2. 清洗完畢後, 將洗好的過濾網及網架擦乾即可 集水盤 1. 集水盤及盤蓋為分離式部品, 取下後即可清洗, 十分方便 可用清水或軟性清 潔劑清洗, 洗後擦乾即可

11 繁體中文 主機 瑞典伊萊克斯義式咖啡機 EES250 使用說明書 機體部分絕對不可浸入水中清洗, 可用沾溼的棉布擦拭 2. 機體內部每隔一段時間 ( 視使用頻率而定, 一般為一個月 ) 可用食用醋稀釋液清潔內部 可將醋的稀釋液或清水倒入水箱中, 以操作煮咖啡以及使用蒸氣功能的方法重複操作二 ~ 三次, 即可清潔主機內部 蒸氣噴嘴 1. 清洗蒸氣噴嘴時, 請先拔掉噴嘴管套, 再用乾淨的布擦拭噴嘴 2. 取下噴嘴管套時, 請小心噴嘴仍是溫熱的, 以免燙傷 3. 最好在每次使用完蒸氣功能後, 建議立即清洗蒸氣噴嘴, 因為牛奶冷卻後會凝固, 不易清洗 4. 牛奶凝固後有時會阻塞於噴嘴口, 可不定期用針清潔噴嘴口 注意 : 如果遇到產品使用上的問題, 請於上班時間 ( 週一至週五 09:30~18:30) 撥打伊萊克斯台灣分公司的客服電話 請勿自行維修, 以免喪失保固權益 技術資料 額定電壓 :110V 消耗功率 :1150W 頻率 :60Hz 客戶服務 免費客戶服務專線 : 週一至週五 09:30-18:30

12 11 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction ENGLISH Dear Customers Please read through these operating instructions carefully. Above all please observe the safety instructions on the first few pages of these operating instructions! Please keep these operating instructions for future reference. Pass them on to any subsequent owner of the appliance. Safety Instructions This appliance corresponds to accepted technological standards with regards to safety and to the Appliance Safety Law. Nevertheless as a manufacturer we are committed to familiarise you with the following safety instructions: General Safety 1. The appliance should only be connected to main supplies with the same voltage and frequency ratings as those indicated on the rating label. 2. Never use the cord to pull the plug out from the socket. 3. Never try to operate the applaince if The casing has been damaged. The cord has been damaged. 4. If the power cord for this appliance has been damaged, or the appliance works abnormally or has been damaged in any manners, it should only be replaced, for safety reasons, by the manufacturer or Customer Service. 5. Repairs to this appliance may only be carried out by qualified service engineers. Considerable danger may result from improper repairs. If repairs become necessary, please contact the Electrolux s Customer Care Department or your authorized Electrolux s dealer. 6. The manufacturer is not liable for any damages which are caused by using the appliance for any other purpose than that intended or incorrect use.

13 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction This appliance is not intended for use by people (including children) who, due to lack of experience or knowledge, are unable to operate it safely, or for use by people (including children) whose physical, sensory or mental capabilities are reduced, unless a person responsible for them has shown them how to use it safely, and has supervised them initially. 8. This product was designed for domestic use only. Any commercial use will result in loss of warranty. ENGLISH Child Safety 1. Do not leave the appliance running unattended or let children near the appliance unsupervised. 2. Discard all packaging to avoid the risk of suffocation of children or pets.

14 13 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction ENGLISH Description of the Appliance off C A B D 8 16 A. Power B. Coffee temperature indicator C. Single-cup button D. Double-cup button E. Manual button E G F F. Steam button G. Steam ready indicator 1. Filter holder 2. Filter holder flange 3. Control panel 4. Warming plate 5. Steam nozzle 6. Frothing accessory 7. Drip tray cover 8. Removable drip tray 9. Water tank cover 10. Removable water tank 11. Indicator of water 12.Single-cup filter 13. Double-cup filter 14. Steam/Hot setector 15. Filter holder 16. Spoon

15 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction 14 ENGLISH

16 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction ENGLISH Notice: Never use solvents, which could damage the plastic. 18. Do not immerse the appliance in water or other liquids. 19. Do not use the appliance outdoors. Operation Using the appliance for the first time 1. Clean the machine thoroughly by operating the appliance 2-3 times with the maximum capacity of fresh water but without coffee 2. When the appliance is first used, the taste of espresso may influenced by mixed slight smell. It is normal and safe. The smell will disappear after the first time use. How to Use A. Fill the water tank 1. Please make sure the appliance is unplugged and turned off. 2. Remove the water tank and fill with clean water. (Capacity is 1.5L) 3. Fix the water tank back and make sure the cover is covered well. B. Fill the filter 1. Hold the filter holder. Turn it left to the mark and then remove the filter holder. 2. Place the single-cup or double-cup filter into the filter holder. 3. Use a measuring spoon to place one or two measures of ground coffee in the filter. Then, use a coffee press to tamp down the coffee. Do not overfill the filter. Clean the rim of the filter to remove excess coffee before starting making espresso. 4. Place the filter holder in its flange, lining the handle up with the arrow mark. Ensure that the filter holder is well-seated in the filter holder flange; then rotate the handle to the right as far as possible till the holder is fully locked.

17 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction ENGLISH the machine has warmed up and is readly to make coffee. (Figure 2) 3. Start making espresso Note: The temperature of the first cup of espresso made each processes of making coffee once without ground coffee filled.

18 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction ENGLISH (Figure 1) (Figure 2) (Figure 3) (Figure 4) (Figure 5) (Figure 6) FERMÉ FERMÉ (Figure 7) (Figure 9) (Figure 8)

19 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction D. Hot Water Function ENGLISH 1. Make sure the applicace is stand-by (the indicator light is on) 2. Place the cup or the jug under the steam nozzle. Turn the steam/hot water selector 90 degrees to the position of the steam mark (Figure 7) and wait for hot water coming out (Figure 8). 3. Turn the steam/hot water selector to off. (Figure 9) Then the machine will stop working. NOTE: If the steam/hot water selector wasn't turned back to "off", the applicance will produce peep sound when making coffee. To release this alarm, please refer to page 20-Trouble shooting. E. Steam Function 1. Press the steam button once and then the steam ready indicator starts flashing. When the light is always on, the machine has warmed up and is ready to produce steam. (The coffee temperature indicator and the steam ready indicator are both lighting on) 2. Fill the jug with 1/3 full of cold milk. For better result, use cold milk (0~5 C whole-fat milk is suggested) and keep the steam nozzle cold. 3. Place the jug with milk under the steam nozzle and make sure the frothing accessory is immersed in the milk. Turn the steam/hot water selector 90 degrees to the position of the steam mark (Figure 7) and wait for the steam coming out. You will hear the pump operating; this is quite normal. IMPORTANT: Do not allow the end of the nozzle to touch the bottom of the jug as this could impede the flow of steam.

20 19 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction ENGLISH 4. Rotating the jug roundly and slowly. 5. Once the froth has been obtained, turn the selector back to "off". (Figure 9) WARNING: Steam is very hot. Be careful. 6. Press the steam button again; then the steam ready indicator will light off, and the coffee temperature indicator starts flashing. When the coffee temperature indicator is always light on, the machine has come back to stand-by. NOTE: Please also refer to page 20- Trouble shooting at the same time. Programming espresso volume by yourself Users can decide espresso volume of single-cup or double-cup by using the programming function so that users can decide how strong they like their coffee taste. Step by step 1. Make sure the appliance is ready to make coffee. (Referring to C. Making Espresso point 1 and 2 listed above) 2. Keep pressing single-cup or double-cup button for at least 3 seconds till the appliance produces a beep sound. Then, it starts making coffee. 3. When the volume of coffee is enough, press single-cup or double-cup button again, then the appliance produces a beep sound. Then, the appliance stops producing coffee and automatically memorizes the volumes into its program. 4. If users want to over write the previous settings, users just need to repeat above steps. New settings will be memorized into the program.

21 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction 20 ENGLISH Back to factory preset: Keep pressing single-cup and double-cup buttons at the same time for at least 3 seconds till the appliance produces beep- beep-beep. Then the coffee temperature indicator will flash for 3 times and then go to the status of always lighting on, which means the setting has gone back to the original. Sleeping Mode and Power off Function Leaving the appliance for 30 minutes without use, it will automatically enter sleeping mode. Coffee temperature indicator keeps flashing. After 1.5 hours, the machine will be turned off automatically. Trouble Shooting No Water Alarm When water in the tank is below the minimun or the tank is improperly fitted, both indicators will be flashing (0.5 second ON/0.5 second OFF) after continuous beep-beep-beep warning. To release the warning: Turn off the machine first. Refit the tank or add water into the water tank; press either single-cup, double-cup or manual button. Then the pump will work for 5 seconds. If water detected, the machine will be back to stand-by position. Position Mistake of the Knob Alarm Both indicators will be flashing (0.5 second ON/0.5 second OFF) after continuous beep-beep warning. To release the alarm: turn the selector back to "off".

22 21 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction ENGLISH Malfunction Alarm Both indicators will be flashing (0.5 second ON/0.5 second OFF) after 2 beep sounds. To release the alarm: turn off the machine and contact Electrolux Service Center or authorized dealers. Other problems Problems Possible Reasons No espresso comes out 1. No water was in the water tank Espresso drips too fast Espresso comes out from the rim of filter No steam comes out 2. Ground coffee was too fine or overfilled 3. The filter is clogged 4. The appliance was unplugged or turned off 1. Ground coffee was too coarse 2. Too less ground coffee was filled 1. The filter was not fixed tight 2. Extra coffee was around the rim 3. Overfilled the filter with ground coffee 4. Ground coffee was pressed too tight 1. No water was in the water tank 2. The appliance was unplugged or the selector was not turned to the position of steam mark

23 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction 22 Cleaning the Appliance Clean the filter holder ENGLISH 1. Please clean the filter holder and also the filter every time after use. The upper piece of the double-cup filter is detachable. The user can take it apart to clean it easily. 2. Dry up the filter holder and filter after clean. Clean the drip tray 1. Drip tray and its cover are detachable. It is very easy to clean them after use. Please remove them from the main unit and wash them with water or soft detergent. Then, dry them up after clean. Clean the inside of the appliance 1. Do not immerse the machine into water or any liquid. Only wipe the surface of appliance with damp cloth. 2. Clean the inside of the machine regularly, normally every one month, depending on the frequency of use. To clean the inner of machine, please fill the water tank with sour water (dilute sour with water) and repeat the process of making espresso and steam function without coffee for 2-3 times.

24 23 Electrolux Pump Espresso EES250 Operating Insruction ENGLISH Clean the steam nozzle 1. Remove the frothing accessory and then wipe the steam nozzle. 2. Be careful when removing the frothing accessory if the nozzle is still hot. 3. Clean the nozzle every time after use. 4. If the opening of nozzle is clogged with dry milk, please use a pin to clean it. NOTE: If you experience a problem, please contact to Customer Care Department by calling on the business hours, 09:30 to 18:30 from Monday to Friday. Do not attempt to repair the appliance by yourself in case your right of warranty can be lost due to improper repair. Technical Data Voltage: 110V Power Consumption: 1150W Frequency: 60Hz Customer Care Toll free Number: Business Hours: 09:30~18:30, from Monday to Friday


26 伊萊克斯股份有限公司台灣分公司台北市北投區大業路 162 號 6F Tel: Fax: 免費客服專線 : service@electrolux.com.tw 服務時間 : 週一至週五上午 9:30 - 下午 6:30 邀請您感受我們對居家的美好想像 本產品僅供家庭使用 本使用說明書以實物為準, 伊萊克斯保留產品更新的權利, 如有變動, 恕不另行通知


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