_BO_Domino Grill knob 30cm CHINA.book

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1 PKU375V14W 电烤灶台 Electric grill [zh] 说明手册...3 [en] Instruction manual...9

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3 目录 [zh] 说明手册 重要安全信息...3 损坏原因...4 环境保护...4 环境保护...4 了解本电器...5 您的新火山岩烤架...5 开关和指示灯...5 过热保护...5 在第一次使用之前...5 清洁...5 加热烤架...5 用水和火山岩烧烤...5 加水...6 烧烤设定表... 6 烧烤后... 6 使用技巧... 7 保养和清洁... 7 清洁本电器... 7 请勿使用以下清洁剂... 7 售后服务... 8 关于产品 附件 更换部件以及服务的更多信息请参见 和在线商店 重要安全信息 请认真阅读本手册 只有这样才能安全正确地使用电器 请保管好说明手册和安装说明, 以备日后使用或供下一任所有者使用 拆包后请检查电器是否有损坏 如果电器在运输过程中损坏, 请勿连接电器 仅限持有上岗证书的专业人员才可以连接不带插头的电器 因不正确连接导致的损坏将不予保修 本电器仅供家庭使用 只能用于制备食物和饮料 电器工作时必须有人看管 本电器仅限室内使用 本电器不适合用外部定时器或遥控器操作 8 岁以上儿童以及身体 感官或精神有缺陷的人员或缺乏经验和知识的人员, 必须在有人监督的情况下或在其安全责任人给予电器使用安全指导并了解相关危险的情况下, 方可使用本电器 严禁儿童玩耍本电器 儿童除非年满 8 岁并有人监督, 否则不得清洁本电器或执行一般维护操作 8 岁以下儿童请远离本电器和电源线 有着火危险! 热油着火速度极快 切勿让油在无人监管的情况下烧至灼热 切勿用水扑灭燃烧的油脂 关断电磁灶头 使用盖子 灭火毯或类似工具小心扑灭火焰 有着火危险! 3

4 电器变得灼热, 易燃材料可能会着火 不得在电器下面或其附近存放或使用易燃物品 ( 例如喷雾罐 清洁剂等 ) 不得将易燃物品放在电器上或电器中 有着火危险! 电器变得灼热, 易燃材料可能会着火 本电器不得使用碳或其它类似燃料 有灼伤危险! 可触及部件在电器运转时会变得灼热 切勿触碰灼热部件 请将小孩留在安全距离以外 金属物体如刀 叉 勺和盖不应放在灶台表面, 因为它们可能变热 有灼伤危险! 烧烤时滴下的油脂可能会马上着火 不要在本电器上方俯身 保持安全距离 有灼伤危险! 烤架关断之后, 在较长时间内仍会保持灼热 关断后 分钟内请勿触碰烤架 有灼伤危险! 当盖上电器盖时, 热量会蓄积 只有在电器冷却之后才能盖上电器盖 切勿在盖上电器盖时开启电器 不要将食物放在电器盖上或用电器盖保温食物 打开盖前, 清除盖上溢出物 ; 关上盖前, 灶台表面应被冷却 使用后, 应通过控制器关上灶头, 不能依靠盘探测器 有电击危险! 如果接触到电器的灼热部件, 电器的电线绝缘层会熔化 切勿使电器电源线接触电器的灼热部件 警告 : 如果灶台表面有裂纹, 关掉器具以避免可能出现的电击 有电击危险! 湿气渗入会导致电击危险 请勿使用高压清洁器或蒸汽清洁器 损坏原因 小心! 使用不合适的附件会导致损坏 : 只能使用指定的原装附件 请勿使用烧烤烤盘或铝制容器 这会损坏铸铁烤架 如果硬物或尖东西掉到玻璃陶瓷面板上或玻璃陶瓷盖上, 可能会造成损坏 环境保护 打开电器的包装并以环保的方式处理包装材料 环境保护 本电器依据有关废旧电子电气电器 (WEEE 电子电气设备废弃物 ) 的欧洲指令 2002/96/EU 进行标识 该指令确定了废旧电器回收和再利用的适用框架 4

5 了解本电器 以下为您的新电器的组件及功能一览 您的新火山岩烤架 编号名称 1 玻璃陶瓷盖 2 烧烤架 3 火山岩 4 火山岩容器 5 开关 6 指示灯 7 烧烤元件 8 烤架容器 ( 水槽 ) 开关和指示灯使用该开关设定烤架的热输出 您可以随意调节热输出 烧烤后, 将开关转到 0 设置, 关断电器 在烤架开启后, 指示灯亮起 注意 : 通过开关烧烤元件控制烤架 即使在最大功率时, 烧烤元件仍可开关 过热保护当烤架过热时, 过热保护功能会关断烤架加热开关 当烤架充分冷却后, 烤架加热开关重新自动开启 在第一次使用之前 本节介绍在第一次使用烤架制备食物之前必须要做的事 首先阅读安全信息章节 清洁 首次使用之前, 请用温肥皂水彻底清洁烤架和附件 加热烤架以最高设置加热空烤架几分钟, 这样可以消除新气味 首次使用烤架时产生少量烟雾是正常现象 用水和火山岩烧烤 在每次使用前在烤架容器中加水 加水量取决于是否使用火山岩 火山岩会存储烤架元件的热量, 从而确保热量深入辐射和均匀分布 添加水和火山岩 1. 取出烤架, 向上折叠烧烤加热元件 从电器中取出火山岩容器 5

6 2. 向烤架容器中加水 用火山岩烧烤 :0.7 升 ( 下部标记 ) 不用火山岩烧烤 :2.5 升 ( 上部标记 ) 3. 用火山岩烧烤时 : 从包装中取出火山岩, 然后将其放入火山岩容器中 将火山岩容器放入电器中 4. 向下折叠烧烤加热元件, 更换烤架 烤架准备就绪 加水如果烤架容器内水太少, 过热保护会自动关断电器 因此, 在烧烤时, 要监控烤架容器内的水位, 在需要时加水 用火山岩烧烤 : 下部标记不用火山岩烧烤 : 上部标记 有烫伤危险! 如果在加水时让水碰到热烤架或烧烤元件上, 会生成高温蒸汽 在加水时不要碰到烤架, 不要将水倒在灼热元件上 烧烤设定表表中所列属于指导原则, 适用于经过预热的烤架 数值可以随着待烤食物的类型和数量进行调整 只有在预热时间过后才能将食物放在烤架上 至少在烤架上翻动食物一次 烧烤食物 预热时间设置为 9 分钟 烧烤后只有在烤架完全冷却后才能盖上玻璃陶瓷盖 在盖上玻璃陶瓷盖之前先让潮湿的火山岩完全干燥, 否则会发霉 如果在排水时水仍然很烫, 先加入冷水让其冷却化排水时, 在排水塞下面放一个耐热容器 向下转动阀杆 90, 打开排水塞 然后向上转动阀杆, 关闭排水塞 在火山岩上烧烤时的开关设置 在水槽上烧烤时的开关设置 烧烤时间 ( 分钟 ) 牛排, 五分熟,2-3 cm T 字肉排, 一分熟,3 cm 猪颈肉排, 剔骨 猪排 *,2 cm 羊排, 一分熟,2 cm 小鸡胸肉,2 cm 鸡翅, 每份 100 g 火鸡肉块, 全熟,2 cm 鲑鱼排 **,3 cm 金枪鱼排 **,2 cm 鳟鱼 ***, 全鱼,200 g 明虾, 每份 30 g 汉堡包 / 肉球,1 cm 羊肉串 ****, 每份 100 g 烤香肠, 每份 100 g 蔬菜 ***** * 沿骨切割 ** 为烤架抹油 *** 在皮上抹油, 翻面前再抹一次油 **** 不时翻面 ***** 例如茄子 西葫芦 (1 cm 厚片 ) 1/4 辣椒块 6

7 使用技巧 请务必预热烤架 这样一来, 由于强热辐射, 可迅速形成酥皮, 防止肉汁流失 在烧烤之前, 可以先用耐热油 ( 例如花生油 ) 刷抹或腌渍食物, 这样可以改善口味 切勿用太多油 / 酱汁, 否则会导致食物着火, 产生浓烟 在烧烤前不要在肉上撒盐, 否则, 可溶性营养成分和肉汁会流失 直接将食物放在烤架上 请勿使用铝箔纸或烧烤膜 只有在食物可以轻松从烤架上剥离时才能翻转 如果肉粘连在烤架上, 肉纤维会被破坏, 肉汁会流失 烧烤过程中不要在肉上刺洞, 否则肉汁会流失 火腿或熏猪排之类的腌肉不适合烧烤 否则会产生有害化合物 在肉排的骨头和脂肪层上划几刀, 以免在烧烤的时候卷曲 我们建议在烧烤后而不是烧烤前去除脂肪层, 否则会使烤肉流失汁液和香味 如果在快要达到烧烤时间时给家禽肉块涂上黄油 盐水或橙汁, 烤好的家禽会变得松脆金黄 烧烤后可以根据口味用蜂蜜 枫糖浆或柠檬汁对水果进行调味 烧烤前, 对需要长时间烹饪的蔬菜先预煮 ( 例如玉米棒 ) 先将鱼片带皮面朝上烧烤 在鱼皮上刷一层油, 可以防止粘连在烤架上 食物烤好请立即上桌 不要保温存放, 否则会变得强韧难咬 脂肪滴到加热元件上会着火, 从而暂时产生火焰和烟雾 为了消除这个现象, 含脂肪多的食物应在水槽上烧烤 保养和清洁 本节介绍正确维护和清洁电器的技巧和方法 有灼伤危险! 电器在操作过程中会变热 请等电器冷却后再进行清洁 有电击危险! 不要使用高压清洗机或蒸汽清洁器清洁电器 清洁电器每次使用之后, 等电器冷却后再进行清洁 这将防止残留物燃烧 残留物多次燃烧后, 会变得更难以去除 请勿刮擦烧干的残留物, 而是要用肥皂水浸泡进行清洗 取出烤架, 向上翻转加热元件 取出装有火山岩的火山岩槽 电器部件 / 表面烧烤架 火山岩槽和烤架容器 建议清洁方法用清洁刷去除残留物 将烤架浸泡在水槽中 用清洁刷和清洁液进行清洁, 然后彻底擦干 在顽固污渍处刷上我们提供的烤架清洁胶 ( 订单号 ), 然后保持至少 2 小时, 有必要时可过夜 然后彻底冲洗并擦干 请遵守清洁器的包装说明 请不要在洗碗机中清洁! 取出火山岩或将水排掉, 在水槽中用清洁刷 水和清洁液进行清洁, 用软布擦干 等待顽固污渍浸透或使用我们提供的烤架清洁胶 ( 订单号 ) 去除 电器部件 / 表面 火山岩 控制面板和玻璃陶瓷盖 请勿使用以下清洁剂 建议清洁方法 不定期地使用烤箱 200 C 设置将很湿的火山岩烘干 这样可以避免发霉 当火山岩变成黑色时请进行更换 火山岩可能被脂肪完全浸透, 在使用时会产生大量烟雾, 或脂肪着火 您可以从专卖店获得适合的火山岩 ( 订单号 LV ) 加水时, 确保烧烤元件不会直接位于火山岩上方 用软的湿布和些许清洁液清洁 ; 布不能太湿 用软布擦干 洗擦或化学侵蚀性清洁剂 酸性清洁剂 ( 例如醋 柠檬酸等 ) 含氯的清洁剂或含高浓度酒精的清洁剂 烤箱清洁剂 粗糙的硬海绵 刷子或擦洗片 新海绵布使用前要彻底清洗 7

8 售后服务 如果您的电器需要修理, 我们为您提供售后服务 我们会不断寻找适当的解决方案, 避免维修人员不必要的登门造访 E 编号和 FD 编号 来电时, 请提供产品号 (E-Nr.) 和生产号 (FD), 以便我们为您提供正确的建议 标有这些编号的铭牌可以在电器下方找到 您可以在以下空白处记下电器编号和售后服务部的电话号码, 以便在需要这些号码时不用花时间去找 售后服务 O 请注意, 发生故障时, 如果电器不在质保期内, 维修技师上门会收取费用 请在随设备提供的客户服务列表中查找所有国家的联系信息 请相信制造商的专业技术, 我们将确保由经过专业培训的技术人员使用原装配件对您的家电进行修理 E 编号 FD 编号 8

9 Ú Table of contents[en] Ins tructionmanual Important safety information...9 Causes of damage...10 Environmental protection...10 Environmental protection...10 Getting to know the appliance...11 Your new lava stone grill...11 Switch and indicator light...11 Overheating protection...11 Before using for the first time...11 Cleaning...11 Heating the grill...11 Grilling with water and lava stones...11 Topping up the water...12 Grilling table After grilling Tips and tricks Care and cleaning Cleaning the appliance Do not use these cleaning agents After-sales service Produktinfo Additional information on products, accessories, replacement parts and services can be found at and in the online shop Important safety information Read these instructions carefully. Only then will you be able to operate your appliance safely and correctly. Retain the instruction manual and installation instructions for future use or for subsequent owners. Check the appliance for damage after unpacking it. Do not connect the appliance if it has been damaged in transport. Only a licensed professional may connect appliances without plugs. Damage caused by incorrect connection is not covered under warranty. This appliance is intended for domestic use only. The appliance must only be used for the preparation of food and drink. The appliance must be supervised during operation. Only use this appliance indoors. This appliance is not intended for operation with an external clock timer or a remote control. This appliance may be used by children over the age of 8 years old and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capacity or by persons with a lack of experience or knowledge if they are supervised or are instructed by a person responsible for their safety how to use the appliance safely and have understood the associated hazards. Children must not play with the appliance. Children must not clean the appliance or carry out general maintenance unless they are at least 8 years old and are being supervised. Keep children below the age of 8 years old at a safe distance from the appliance and power cable. Risk of fire! Hot oil and fat can ignite very quickly. Never leave hot fat or oil unattended. Never use water to put out burning oil or fat. Switch off the hotplate. Extinguish flames carefully using a lid, fire blanket or something similar. Risk of fire! 9

10 The appliance becomes very hot and flammable materials could catch fire. Never store or use flammable objects (e.g. spray cans, cleaning agents) under the appliance or in its immediate vicinity. Never place flammable items on or in the appliance. Risk of fire! The appliance becomes very hot and flammable materials could catch fire. Do not use any charcoal or similar fuels in this appliance. Risk of burns! The accessible parts become very hot when in operation. Never touch hot parts. Keep children at a safe distance. Metallic objects such as knives, forks, spoons and lids should not be placed on the hob surface since they can get hot. Risk of burns! Dripping fat can catch fire quickly during grilling. Do not bend over the appliance. Keep a safe distance away. Risk of burns! The grill remains hot for a long time after being switched off. Do not touch the grill for minutes after switching it off. Risk of burns! When the appliance cover is closed, heat will accumulate. Only close the appliance cover when the appliance has cooled down. Never switch the appliance on with the appliance cover closed. Do not rest food on the appliance cover or use it to keep food warm. Any apilage should be removed from the lid before opening; the hob surface should be allowed to cool before closing the lid. After use, switch off the hob element by its control and do not rely on the pan detector. Risk of electric shock! The cable insulation on electrical appliances may melt when touching hot parts of the appliance. Never bring electrical appliance cables into contact with hot parts of the appliance. WARNING: If the surface is cracked, switch off the appliance to avoid the possibility of electric shock. Risk of electric shock.! Penetrating moisture may cause an electric shock. Do not use any highpressure cleaners or steam cleaners. Causes of damage Caution! Damage from unsuitable accessories: only use designated original accessories. Do not use grilling trays or aluminium containers. This will damage the cast grill. If hard or sharp objects fall on the glass ceramic panel or the glass ceramic cover, damage could occur. Environmental protection Unpack the appliance and dispose of the packaging in an environmentally-responsible manner. Environmental protection This appliance is labelled in accordance with the European Directive 2002/96/EU concerning used electrical and electronic appliances (WEEE waste electrical and electronic equipment). The guideline determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable. 10

11 Getting to know the appliance Here you can gain an overview of your new appliance's components and functions. Your new lava stone grill No. Designation 1 Glass ceramic cover 2 Wire grilling rack 3 Lava stones 4 Lava stone container 5 Switch 6 Indicator light 7 Grill element 8 Grill container (water bath) Switch and indicator light Use the switch to set the heat output of the grill.you can adjust the heat output infinitely variably. After grilling, turn the switch to 0 to switch the appliance off. The indicator light lights up when the grill is switched on. Note. The grill is regulated by the grill element being switched on and off. Even at maximum power, the grill element can switch on and off. Overheating protection The overheating protection switches the grill heating off when the grill overheats. When the grill has cooled down sufficiently, grill heating switches on again automatically. Before using for the first time In this section, you can find out what you must do before using your grill to prepare food for the first time. Read the Safety information section beforehand. Cleaning Clean the grill and accessories thoroughly before first use using lukewarm soapy water. Heating the grill Heat the empty grill for a few minutes at the highest setting. This will eliminate the new odour. A slight development of smoke is normal when the grill is used for the first time. Grilling with water and lava stones Fill the grill container with water before each use. The amount of water depends on whether or not you wish to use lava stones. The lava stones store the heat of the grill element and thus ensure intensive radiation of heat and even distribution of heat. Filling with water and lava stones 1. Remove the wire rack and fold up the grill heating element. Take the lava stone container out of the appliance. 11

12 2. Fill water into the grill container. Grilling with lava stones: 0.7 litres (bottom mark) Grilling without lava stones: 2.5 litres (top mark) 3. To grill with lava stones: Remove the lava stones from the packaging and place them in the lava stone container. Insert the lava stone container in the appliance. 4. Fold down the grill heating element, replace the wire rack. The grill is ready for operation. Topping up the water If there is too little water in the grill container, the overheating protection switches the appliance off. Therefore, while grilling, monitor the water level in the grill container and top it up as necessary. Grilling with lava stones: bottom mark Grilling without lava stones: top mark Risk of scalding! If water touches the hot wire grilling rack or grill element during topping up, hot steam will be generated. Do not reach over the grill while topping up and do not pour water over the hot components. Grilling table The details given in the tables are guidelines and apply to a preheated grill. The values may vary depending on the type and amount of items to be grilled. Only place the food on the grill when the preheating time has elapsed. Turn the food on the grill at least once. Grilled food After grilling Only close the glass ceramic cover after the grill has cooled down completely. Leave damp lava stones to dry completely before you close the glass ceramic cover or else mould could develop. If the water is still hot when being drained, first add cold water to cool it down! To drain the water, place a heat-resistant container underneath the drain tap. Open the tap by turning the lever 90 downwards. Then close the tap by turning the lever upwards to the stop. 12 Preheating time to setting 9, in minutes Switch setting for grilling over lava stones Switch setting for grilling over water bath Grilling time in minutes Beef steak, medium, 2-3 cm T-bone steak, rare, 3 cm Pork neck steak, boned Pork chops*, 2 cm Lamb cutlets, rare, 2 cm Chicken breast, 2 cm Chicken wings, 100 g each Turkey escalope, plain, 2 cm Salmon steak**, 3 cm Tuna steak**, 2 cm Trout***, whole, 200 g King prawns, 30 g each Hamburgers / meatballs, 1 cm Shish kebabs****, 100 g each Grilled sausage, 100 g each Vegetables***** * Cut along the bone ** Oil the wire grilling rack *** Oil the skin well, oil again before turning **** Turn frequently ***** E.g. aubergines, courgettes in 1 cm thick slices, peppers in quarters

13 Tips and tricks Always preheat the grill. In this way, due to the intensive heat radiation, a crust can form quickly and prevent the meat juices from escaping. You can brush or marinate the food with heat-resistant oil (e.g. peanut oil) before grilling. This will improve the flavour. Ensure that you do not use too much oil/marinade, as this could cause the food to catch fire and generate thick smoke. Do not salt meat before grilling. Otherwise, soluble nutrients and meat juices could be lost. Place the food directly on the wire rack. Do not use any aluminium foil or grill linings. Only turn the food when it can be easily removed from the wire rack. If meat sticks to the wire rack, the fibres will be destroyed and the meat juices will escape. Do not prick meat during grilling or the meat juices will escape. Cured meat, such as ham or smoked pork chops, is not suitable for grilling. A harmful compound can be produced. Score chops several times at the bone and in the fat layer so that they do not bend during grilling. We recommend removing the fat layer after grilling rather than before, as otherwise the meat will lose juice and flavour. Poultry pieces will turn out particularly crispy and brown if you baste them towards the end of the grilling time with butter, salted water or orange juice. After grilling, fruit can be seasoned to taste with honey, maple syrup or lemon juice. Before grilling, you can precook vegetables which take a long time to cook (e.g. corn on the cob). Grill fish fillets skin side up first. Brush the skin with oil so that it does not stick to the wire rack. Serve grilled food hot. Do not keep it warm or it will become tough. Dripping fat can catch fire on the heating elements and can result in brief formation of flames and smoke. To reduce this, very fatty foods should be grilled over a water bath. Care and cleaning In this chapter you will find tips on how to maintain and clean your appliance correctly. Risk of burns! The appliance becomes hot during operation. Allow the appliance to cool down before cleaning. Risk of electric shock! Do not use high pressure washers or steam cleaners to clean the appliance. Cleaning the appliance Clean the appliance after each use, once it has cooled down. This will help prevent residues from burning on. Once residues have burned on several times, they become more difficult to remove. Do not scrape burnt-on residues off, but leave them to soak in soapy water. Remove the wire rack and swivel the heating element upwards. Remove the lava stone tray with the lava stones. Appliance part/ surface Wire grilling rack Lava stone tray and grill container Recommended cleaning Remove rough residues with a washingup brush. Soak the wire rack in the sink. Clean with a washing-up brush and washing-up liquid and dry thoroughly. Brush stubborn dirt with our grill cleaner gel (order no ) and leave to act for at least 2 hours, or overnight in severe cases. Then rinse thoroughly and dry. Note the packaging instructions of the cleaner. Do not clean in the dishwasher! Remove lava stones or drain water. Clean in the sink with water and washing-up liquid using a washing-up brush; dry with a soft cloth. Leave stubborn dirt to soak or remove with our grill cleaner gel (order no ). Appliance part/ surface Lava stones Control panel and glass ceramic cover Do not use these cleaning agents Scouring or chemically aggressive cleaners Acidic cleaners (e.g. vinegar, citric acid, etc) Cleaners containing chlorine or with a high content of alcohol Oven cleaner Recommended cleaning Dry very damp lava stones occasionally in the oven at 200 C. This can help prevent the formation of mould. Replace lava stones when they become black. The lava stones may be fully saturated with fat and could generate a lot of smoke during use or the fat could catch fire. You can obtain the correct lava stones from your specialist retailer (order no. LV ). When topping up, ensure that the grill element does not lie directly on top of the lava stones. Clean with a soft, damp cloth and some washing-up liquid; the cloth should not be too wet. Dry off with a soft cloth. Hard and scratchy sponges, brushes or scouring pads Thoroughly wash out new sponge cloths before using them. 13

14 After-sales service Our after-sales service is there for you if your appliance should need to be repaired. We are committed fo find the best solution also in order to avoid an unnecessary call-out. E number and FD number: Please quote the E number (product number) and the FD number (production number) of your appliance when contacting the aftersales service. The rating plate bearing these numbers can be found on the appliance certificate. Please note that a visit from an after-sales service engineer is not free of charge, even during the warranty period. Please find the contact data of all countries in the enclosed customer service list. To book an engineer visit and product advice GB Calls from a BT landline will be charged at up to 3 pence per minute. A call set-up fee of up to 6 pence may apply. IE Trust the expertise of the manufacturer, and rest assured that the repair will be carried out by trained service technicians using original spare parts for your domestic appliance. 14


16 Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH Carl-Wery-Straße München Germany * *


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