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1 作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 200, 36(6): ISSN ; CODEN TSHPA9 DOI: /SP.J 和面仪参数与粉质仪 拉伸仪及面包成品加工品质主要参数的关系 申小勇张勇,* 阎 俊,2 陈新民 张 艳 李慧玲 3 王德森 何中虎,3 / /, 0008; 2, ; 3, ; 4 (CIMMYT), 0008 : ,, 8 min, 6.0%~68.0%, min, 46.0%~55.0% 58.7% 59.7% : ; ; ; Relationship of Mixograph Parameters with Farinograph and Extensograph Parameters, and Bread-Making Quality Traits SHEN Xiao-Yong, YAN Jun,2, CHEN Xin-Min, ZHANG Yan, LI Hui-Ling 3, WANG De-Sen, HE Zhong-Hu,3, and ZHANG Yong,* Institute of Crop Sciences / National Wheat Improvement Center / National Key Facility for Crop Gene Resources and Genetic Improvement, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 0008, China; 2 Cotton Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anyang , China; 3 Hebei Langfan Seed Administration, Langfang , China; 4 CIMMYT-China Office, c/o Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 0008, China Abstract: Prediction of end-use quality using parameters from simple testing instruments as Mixograph is critical for efficient selection in breeding programs for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) quality improvement. In this study, 24 wheat cultivars and advanced lines were sown in Beijing, Jinan, Anyang, and Zhengzhou, China from 2002 to 2009 growing seasons. The Mixograph parameters of these cultivars were measured for determining their associations with Farinograph and Extensograph parameters, and bread-making quality traits. The multiple stepwise regression analysis revealed that Farinograph stability time, Extensograph maximum resistance and energy area, and bread score could be efficiently predicted by Mixograph midline peak value, peak width, peak integral, time value, and tail value, which accounted for % of the phenotypic variation, with the fitting degrees of 0.83 and 0.95 for the model of Farinograph stability time and Extensograph energy area, respectively. Farinograph water absorption and development time, Extensograph extensibility, and loaf volume could be predicted by Mixograph midline peak value, peak width, peak integral, right value, right integral, and time x integral, accounting for % of the phenotypic variance. The Midline peak integral presented as the most important parameter for predicting Extensograph maximum resistance and energy area, and explained 58.7% and 59.7% of the variances, respectively. Midline peak integral and peak value were the two most important parameters when using Mixograph for quality testing. Keywords: Common wheat; Bread-making quality; Dough rheology; Mixograph [], ; SDS-PAGE, ( ), (948 )(2006-G2) * (Corresponding author):,, Tel: : Received(): ; Accepted( :

2 [2-3],,, 00 g, 40 min, 5~8 [4-6],, (Mixograph) ( 0 g, 2 g), [7-9], 988 (AACC) [0], 40, (midline), 4, 8 min 0 min [],, [-3], [4] 8 min [-5], CIMMYT F 3 F 4 [6] CIMMYT, [7],, [8],,,,, 材料与方法. I , 5, II ,, III ,, 250 s,.2 (Single Kernel Characterization System 400, SKCS 400) AACC 39-0A(995) [0] (Foss 24, Sweden) (4% ) AACC 26-20,, Buhler (MLU-202), 65% AACC B AACC 54-40A ( ) [9] 图 和面仪参数在和面曲线上的位置 Fig. Abbreviation and meaning of Mixograph parameters MLV: ; MLW: ; MLI: ; MPT: ; MPV: ; MPW: ; MPI: ; MRV: ; MRW: ; MRS: ; MRI: ; MT V: 8 min ; MT W: 8 min ; MT I: 8 min ; MTV: ; MTW: ; MTI: MLV: midline left value; MLW: midline left width; MLI: midline left integral; MPT: midline peak time; MPV: midline peak value; MPW: midline peak width; MPI: midline peak integral; MRV: midline right value; MRW: midline right width; MRS: midline right slope; MRI: midline right integral; MT V: midline time value; MT W: midline time x width; MT I: midline time integral; MTV: midline tail value; MTW: midline tail width; MTI: midline tail integral.

3 6 : SAS 9.0 (Statistical Analysis System, 2003) [20], h = /[ + ( / r)] [2], δ 2 g δ 2 ε b δg δg δ ε, r 2 结果与分析, I 4 ( ), (MLI MPI MRI MTI MT I) (MLV MPV MRV MTV MT V), 0.75~ ~0.90, 8 min (MT V) (MTI) (MLW MPW MT W MTW) (MPT), 0.45~ (MRW)(), 2. II 24 2, (9.5% 2.6%), 8 min (9.%~7.7%) 8 min (6.4%~3.2%),, ( 3) (MPT) (MPI) 8 min (MT W) (MTV), 46.0% (MPV) (MPW) (MPI) (MRV) 8 min (MT I), 47.0% (MLV) (MPW) (MPI) (MRI) (MTV), 65.0% (MPW) (MPI) 8 min (MT V) (MTV), 66.0% (MPT) (MPV) (MPW) (MPI) (MRI), 40.0% (MLW) (MPW) (MPI) 8 min (MT V) (MTV) (MTW), 68.0% Midline value (%) Midline width (%) Midline integral (%*TQ*min) 表 和面仪主要参数的重复力分析 Table Repeatability of main Mixograph parameters Mixograph parameter Abbreviation Repeatability Left value MLV 0.86 ±0.09 Peak value MPV 0.86 ±0.09 Right value MRV 0.86 ± min Time value MT V 0.90 ±0.05 Tail value MTV 0.89 ±0.06 Left width MLW 0.75 ±0.9 Peak width MPW 0.65 ±0.30 Right width MRW 0.23 ±.04 8 min Time width MT W 0.45 ±0.60 Tail width MTW 0.50 ±0.52 Left integral MLI 0.75 ±0.9 Peak integral MPI 0.8 ±0.3 Right integral MRI 0.87 ± min Time integral MT I 0.89 ±0.06 Tail integral MTI 0.90 ±0.05 Time (min) Peak time MPT 0.59 ±0.38, %*TQ*min Mixograph parameters with low repeatability were not shown in the table, %*TQ*min is the unit of integral.

4 Kernel trait Table 2 表 2 品质参数基本统计量 Abbreviation, mean, range, and coefficient of variation of the quality parameters Parameter Abbreviation Mean Range CV (%) Hardness Har Kernel protein (%) Pro Mixograph Farinograph Extensograph Left value (%) MLV Left width (%) MLW Left integral (%*TQ*min) MLI Peak time (min) MPT Peak value (%) MPV Peak width (%) MPW Peak integral (%*TQ*min) MPI Right value (%) MRV Right integral (%*TQ*min) MRI min Time value (%) MT V min Time width (%) MT W min Time integral (%*TQ*min) MT I Tail value (%) MTV Tail width (%) MTW Tail integral (%*TQ*min) MTI Water absorption (%) Wab Development time (min) DT Stability (min) ST Maximum resistance (B.U.) R max Extensibility (mm) Ext Energy area (cm 2 ) A Bread Loaf volume (ml) Volume Score (00) Score %*TQ*min, %, TQ %*TQ*min is the unit of integral, of which % is the unit of consistency of mixograph and TQ is the torque of mixograph. 表 3 和面仪参数对面包成品主要品质性状的回归方程 Table 3 Multiple regression model of main bread making quality traits with mixograph parameters Quality parameter Regression model Wab = MPT+0.06MRI 0.2MT W +0.55MTV Fariograph Water absorption (%) DT = MPV 0.05MPW+0.02MPI+0.3MRV 0.03MT I Development time (min) ST = MLV+0.7MPW+0.4MPI 0.04MRI+0.44MTV Stability (min) Extensograph Bread Maximum resistance (BU) Extensibility (mm) Energy area (cm 2 ) Loaf volume (ml) Quality score (00) R max = MPW+2.44MPI+35.00MT V 29.2MTV Ext = MPT+2.99MPV 0.97MPW.00MPI+0.32MRI A = MLW+0.92MPW+0.45MPI+9.05MT V 5.73MTV 0.77MTW Volume = MLV.20MLI+20.55MPV+36.2MT V 7.0MT I Score = MLI+33.2MPT+2.72MPV+7.48MT V +0.72MTW 0.83MTI P R 2 < < < < < < < < , 0.0 All variables left out the model are significant at the 0.0 probability level with significant at the 0.05 probability level for variables into the model.

5 6 : 04 (MLV) (MLI) (MPV) 8 min (MT V) (MT I), 55.0 % (MLI) (MPT) (MPV) 8 min (MT V) (MTW) (MTI), 6.0 % (MPV) 7.5% 5.4%, (MPI) 59.7% 58.8%, 8 min (MT I) 7.%, (MTI) 6.7% ( 4), Mixograph parameter 表 4 和面仪参数对粉质仪 拉伸仪和面包加工品质主要参数的贡献率 Table 4 Contribution of main Mixograph parameters to bread-making quality traits Quality parameter Contribution rate (%) Midline peak time Water absorption 3.9 Midline peak integral Midline peak value Midline peak width Development time 4.7 Maximum resistance 59.7 Energy area 58.8 Extensibility 7.5 Bread volume 5.4 Quality score.9 Stability 8.3 Extensibility 2.2 Maximum resistance 5.0 Midline right integral Water absorption 6.2 Stability 3.3 Midline right value Development time min Midline time value Energy area min Midline time integral Loaf volume 7. Midline tail integral Quality score 6.7 Only mixograph parameters with high contribution to the model were shown in the table. 2.3 III 33 (), 0.78~0.95, (0.54~0.69)( 5),, 2.4, (MPI) (MLI) (MRI), r (P<0.00); 8 min (MT I) (MTI), r 0.98 (P<0.00), (MPV) (MLV) (MRV), r (P<0.00); 8 min (MT V) (MTV), r 0.99 (P<0.00), (MPI) (MPT), r 0.98 (P<0.00); (MPV) 8 min (MT I) (MTI), r (P<0.00); (MTI) (MLV) (MRV) 8 min (MT V)(r = 0.76~0.90, P<0.00)( 6), (MPI) (MPV) Farinograph Extensograph 表 5 回归模型参数拟合度检验 Table 5 Fitting degree of the models Quality parameter Fitting degree Water absorption 0.78 ** Development time 0.84 ** Stability 0.83 ** Maximum resistance 0.62 ** Extensibility 0.69 ** Energy area 0.95 ** Loaf volume 0.55 * Bread Quality score 0.54 * * ** * and ** indicate significance at 5% and % probability levels, respectively.

6 Parameter Table 6 表 6 和面仪参数间的相关系数 Correlation coefficients between Mixograph parameters MLW MLI MPT MPV MPW MPI MRV MRI MT V MT W MT I MTV MTW MTI MLV MLW MLI MPT MPV MPW MPI MRV MRI MT V MT W MTI MTV MTW 0.25 r 0.05 =0.09, r 0.0 =0., r 0.00 =0. MLV: ; MLW: ; MLI: ; MPT: ; MPV: ; MPW: ; MPI: ; MRV: ; MRI: ; MT V: 8 min ; MT W: 8 min ; MT I: 8 min ; MTV: ; MTW: ; MTI: r 0.05 =0.09, r 0.0 =0., r 0.00 =0.. MLV: midline left value; MLW: midline left width; MLI: midline left integral; MPT: midline peak time; MPV: midline peak value; MPW: midline peak width; MPI: midline peak integral; MRV: midline right value; MRI: midline right integral; MT V: midline time value; MT W: midline time width; MT I: midline time integral; MTV: midline tall value; MTW: midline tall width; MTI: midline tall integral. 3 讨论,, 8 min,, Martinant [] [6-7], 8 min, (Gerard Branlard, ) [5] 8 min [6], 58.7% 59.7%,,, Man [-2], 8 min, 8 min, [-3] Branlard [3],, Dobraszczyk Schofield [22] (r=0.98, P<0.00),, References [] He Z-H( ), Yan Y-M( ), Zhang Y(), Xia X-C( ), Zhang Y(), Wang D-S( ), Xia L-Q( ), Hu Y-K( ), Cai M-H( ), Chen X-M( ), Yan J(), Zhou Y(), Zhuang Q-S( ). Establishment of quality evaluation system and utilization of molecular methods for the improvement of Chinese wheat quality. Sci Agric Sin ( ), 2006, 39(6): 09 0 (in Chinese with English abstract) [2] Sun H(), Li B-Y( ), Wang Y-G( ), Liu G-T( ). The prediction of bread volume with some quality traits of flour. J Chin Cereals Oils Assoc (), 999, 4(3): (in Chinese with English abstract) [3] Tian J-C( ), Deng Z-Y( ), Zhang W-H( ), Zhang Y-X( ), Liu Y-L( ). Application of farinograph quality number (FQN) in evaluating dough and baking qualities of winter wheat. Acta Bot Boreal-Occident Sin (), 2005, 25(4): (in Chinese with English abstract) [4] Liu Y L, Tian J C, Deng Z Y, Han X M. Comparison of different dough rheological measurement and path coefficient analysis on

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