資料項目 Item Online Exhibitors Manual and Order Form for Additional Facilities and Services (Submission deadline for additional facilities: 15 September

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Exhibitor Package for HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition) 香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2014( 參展商須知 ) August 2014 Dear Exhibitors, Thank you for your participation in the HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition). Please note that the items listed at the back page will be included in your exhibitor package. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our colleagues below. Thank you for your attention and wish you every success in the Fair. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 各位參展商 : 感謝貴公司參加香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2014, 煩請檢查已領取的資料是否齊全 如有任何疑問, 請與以下同事聯絡 預祝展出成功! 香港貿易發展局謹啟 2014 年 8 月 姓名 Name 電話 Tel 電郵 Email 傳真 Fax 梁耀璋先生 Mr. Aaron Leung (852)2240 4811 aaron.yc.leung@hktdc.org (852) 3521 3090 石津小姐 Ms Jane Shek (852)2240 4134 jane.c.shek@hktdc.org (852) 2169 9122 羅永心小姐 Ms Olivia Law (852)2240 4483 olivia.ws.law@hktdc.org (852) 3521 3180 葉書茵小姐 Ms Zoe Ip (852)2240 4067 zoe.sy.ip@hktdc.org (852) 2270 5755 Note: Exhibitor badges, vehicle permit for move-in and move-out will be sent separately later. 請注意 : 參展商工作證 進館及撤館車輛許可證會稍後寄到各參展商 Ref: non-hk Exhibitor (1)

資料項目 Item Online Exhibitors Manual and Order Form for Additional Facilities and Services (Submission deadline for additional facilities: 15 September 2014) 1 網上參展商手冊及額外設施服務申請表格 ( 額外設施申請之截止日期 :2014 年 9 月 15 日 ) Booth Layout Plans (Submission deadline: 16 September 2014) 2 攤位設計圖 ( 截止日期 :2014 年 9 月 16 日 ) e-invitation Leaflets to your Buyers 3 電子買家請柬 Special Move-in/out Arrangements & Protection of Intellectual Property Rights 4 特別進館 撤館交通安排及有關保護知識產權措施 Caution on Third Party Promotional Offers 5 請小心處理由第三者提供之推廣優惠 Caution on Rental of Credit Card Payment Terminals 6 提防有關信用卡終端機租賃服務 Immigration Regulations to be Observed and Followed by Exhibitors 7 參展商須遵守的入境規例 New Measures on Custom-Built Stand 8 特裝攤位新措施 Guidance to exhibitors for on-site usage of electricity 9 參展商注意事項 - 現場使用電力安全指引 Electrical Installation & Connection for Custom-Built Participation Exhibitor 10 特裝攤位的電力安裝及接駁 Construction Waste and Exhibit Sample Disposal 11 棄置建築廢料及展品 Reminder on Move-in & Move-out Schedule and Rate of Over-time Charge 12 有關進館及撤館時間及超時租場收費 Custom-Built Stands Height Limit 13 特裝攤位高度限制 Special Issues at Expo Drive Hall [for exhibitors at Expo Drive Hall only] 14 博覽道展廳注意事項 [ 博覽道展廳參展商適用 ] Free Exhibit Storage Service (Deadline: 12 September 2014) 15 免費儲存服務 ( 截止日期 :2014 年 9 月 12 日 ) Gifts Sponsorship Program (Deadline: 5 September 2014) 16 禮品贊助計劃 ( 截止日期 :2014 年 9 月 5 日 ) Buyer Nomination Form (Deadline: 19 September 2014) 17 酒店贊助買家推薦 ( 截止日期 :2014 年 9 月 19 日 ) Control of LED Lighting Equipment and Associated Power Supplies 18 LED 燈設備及有關電源供應之管制 The Energy Efficiency (Labeling of Products) Ordinance, Cap. 598 19 香港法律第 598 章 能源效益 ( 產品標籤 ) 條例 的實施 20 Insurance 保險 Special Airfares by Cathay Pacific Airways and Express Immigration Counters for Overseas 21 Exhibitors at Hong Kong International Airport 國泰航空優惠機票及香港國際機場海外參展商特快入境專用櫃位 通告 Circular No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Circular (1) Exhibitors Manual & Order Forms for Additional Facilities and Services are now Available Online To protect our environment by reducing the use of papers, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council already switched using electronic versions of the Exhibitors Manual and Order Forms for Additional Facilities and Services (Remarks : Hardcopy will NOT be distributed). You can simply go to the Exhibitors Centre at our fair website www.hktdc.com/hklightingfairae and download these documents easily. What are Exhibitors Manual and Order Forms for Additional Facilities and Services? The Exhibitors Manual outlines details of the exhibition and will assist you in preparing your participation in the Fair. The Order Forms for Additional Facilities and Services lists the additional facilities and services you can book to assist your exhibition. Apart from reducing the use of paper, what are the other advantages of using electronic documents? Other advantages of using electronic documents include: Speedy No more waiting for the post or lost mail - you can receive the manual and order forms as soon as they are issued Convenient and easy You can download and print the manual and order forms at any time Space-saving Your manual and order forms can be saved on your computer, freeing you from the hassle of filing piles of documents Submission Deadline for Additional Facilities order forms : 15 September 2014 Submission Deadline for Advertising & Promotion order forms : refer to individual form Should you have any queries regarding this issue of e-exhibitors Manual and e-order Forms, please feel free to contact us.

通告 (1) 參展商手冊及額外設施及服務之電子版本現可於網上下載 為保護環境 減少消耗紙張, 香港貿易發展局已改用電子版本的參展商手冊及額外設施及服務申請表格 ( 備註 : 本局將不會派發印刷本 ) 閣下可於本局展覽網站 www.hktdc.com/hklightingfairae 的 參展商中心 內的 參展商手冊電子版本 及 額外設施及服務申請表格電子版本, 下載兩份檔案之電子版本, 簡便快捷 甚麼是參展商手冊及額外設施及服務申請表格? 參展商手冊詳細刊載了今屆展覽的有關資料, 對貴公司籌備參展甚有幫助 額外設施及服務申請表格列明貴公司可申請使用之額外設施及服務, 以協助貴公司參展 除了可以減少用紙, 電子版本的參展商手冊及額外設施及服務申請表格還有哪些優勢? 使用電子檔案還有許多優勢, 比如 : 準時快捷 省卻郵寄時間及寄失郵件之風險, 及時接收展會資訊 方便易用 閣下可隨時下載參展商手冊及申請表格 節省空間 可直接將有關的電子檔存入電腦, 不用整理大量文檔 額外設施及服務申請表截止日期 :9 月 15 日廣告及推廣項目申請表截止日期 : 請參考申請表上的截止日期 如有任何查詢, 請隨時與本局聯繫

Circular (2) Booth Layout Plans (for standard, deluxe and premium booths only) To facilitate your booth set-up preparation, all exhibitors taking up standard booths and premium booths can now go to our fair website http://www.hktdc.com/hklightingfairae and download the booth layout plans in order to confirm its setting or make facilities alternations. Before downloading the booth layout plan(s), please cross check the booth option(s) which you have selected in the application form, and the booth options / style as mentioned in the booth confirmation letter / exhibitors information checklist. Nevertheless, you are advised to contact Exhibition Services Department to assure the setting of facilities. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Christy Pok on Tel : (852) 2240 5476 / 5499 or Fax : (852) 3521 0450 / 2169 9487 or Email : hklfae.es@hktdc.org. Booths will be decorated according to the final layout plan which our Exhibition Services Department received from the exhibitors. All exhibitors should make sure that our Exhibition Services team has well collected your booth layout plan and agreed your alternation. Relocation of and deletions of standard items are free of charge only if the Organiser has been notified in written form on or before the deadline 15 September 2014. 通告 (2) - 攤位設計圖 ( 只適用於標準攤位 專區攤位及特級攤位的參展商 ) 為協助參展商預早準備展台佈置, 所有標準攤位及特級攤位的參展商, 現可瀏覽本展會網頁 http://www.hktdc.com/hklightingfairae, 並下載攤位設計圖作展台佈置確認 / 及標準設施之更改 下載攤位設計圖前, 敬請各參展商首先確認在參展表格上選擇的展台類別, 及在攤位確認信上所標明的攤位形式, 然後選擇及下載其攤位設計圖 然而, 本局建議展商聯絡展覽服務部來進一步確認設施的擺放位置 如有任何查詢, 請與濮雅琴小姐聯絡 電話 :(852) 2240 5476 / 5499, 傳真 : (852) 3521 0450 / 2169 9487 或電郵 :hklfae.es@hktdc.org 所有攤位將會按照參展商提交最後攤位設計圖作佈置 請各展商聯絡本局展覽服務部之職員確認設計圖是否收妥並同意其攤位設施之更改 參展商如有需要更改設施位置或刪除設施, 請於 2014 年 9 月 15 日或以前以書面形式通知主辦機構, 可免收費用

Circular (3) e-invitation Leaflets to your Buyers Dear Exhibitors, e-invitation Leaflets to your Buyers In order to assist you in inviting your buyers to the HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition), e-invitation will be prepared for you to send to your buyers. Your buyers can hence simply click on the e-invitation leaflet and registration on our website for free admission. The e-invitation will be sent by early Sep for you to invite your buyers. Kindly note that the hard copy of invitation leaflet will be replaced by e-invitation from now on. Admission fee is HK$100 per person for onsite registration. For details, please feel free to contact Ms Louisa Louie on 2240 4076. You may also contact us via fax: (852) 2169 9178. Thank you for your attention and wishing you a successful exhibition! Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 (3) 電子買家請柬 致各參展商 : 電子買家請柬 為了協助貴公司邀請買家參觀香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2014, 我局將會預備電子買家請柬于貴司使用 貴公司可以發送電子請柬予買家, 買家只須點擊電子請柬上的連結於網上登記, 便可免費登記進場參觀 電子請柬將會於九月前發出 請注意買家請柬由今年起將會被電子買家請柬代替 現場登記入場費每位港幣 100 元 若有任何疑問, 請致電 (852) 2240 4076 與雷小翠小姐聯絡 貴公司亦可以傳真方式 [ 傳真 :(852) 2169 9178] 與本局聯絡 敬請留意 謹祝貴司展出成功! 香港貿易發展局

Circular (4) Special Move-in & Move-out Arrangements & Intellectual Property Rights Infringement I. Special Move-in and Move-out Arrangements Special traffic arrangements will be implemented to minimize pressure to traffic caused on the move-in day (i.e. October 26) and move-out day (i.e. October 30) of the HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition). These measures would be beneficial to both our valued exhibitors as well as the general public. Exhibitors are recommended to pay attention to the details of the arrangement as below: Special Move-in Arrangement (October 26, 2014) A. Lorry / Light Goods Vehicle (Goods vehicles will only be allowed to enter the HKCEC loading areas with the Vehicle Permit issued by HKTDC AND the Trip Ticket issued at the Tsing Yi vehicle marshalling area) Move-in procedure 1. Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) issues a Move-in Vehicle Permit to all exhibitors in early October. 2. Before proceeding to the HKCEC loading area, all vehicles MUST first report to the vehicle marshalling area according to the time specified on the Vehicle Permit issued by HKTDC. The vehicle marshalling area will be opened at 7:00 a.m. until all the move-in activities finished. The location of the vehicle marshalling area will be in Tsing Yi vehicle marshalling area (please refer to the attached map). 3. Upon arrival at the vehicle marshalling area, the drivers MUST first present the Vehicle Permit issued by HKTDC, queue up and wait for the further instructions given from the attendant of the vehicle marshalling area. The waiting time at the vehicle marshalling area may vary and would depend on the total number of vehicles, move-in speed and the prevailing traffic condition. 4. According to the traffic condition, a Trip Ticket will be issued to the drivers at appropriate time. The driver must then proceed to HKCEC loading area within 2 hours with the HKTDC Vehicle Permit AND the Trip Ticket. 5. Drivers failing to present the above 2 permits will NOT be allowed to enter HKCEC loading area. 6. If the vehicle marshalling area becomes overloaded, further measures will be implemented at the Organiser s absolute discretion. B. Private Car / Taxi Move-in procedure 1. Private cars and taxis entering HKCEC area will NOT be required to present any Vehicle Permit nor report to the vehicle marshalling area. However, drivers must enter HKCEC area via Expo Drive or Harbour Road and unload their goods at the Expo Drive / Harbour Road Entrance. NO waiting or parking at the HKCEC area is allowed.

通告 (4) 進館 撤館交通安排及有關保護知識產權問題 I. 進館及撤館交通安排 本局將於上述展覽會之進館日 ( 即 10 月 26 日 ) 及撤館日 ( 即 10 月 30 日 ) 實施特別交通安排, 以舒緩所引起之交通阻塞, 為各參展商及公眾人士帶來更大的方便 請留意以下詳情 : 進館交通安排 (2014 年 10 月 26 日 ) 一 ) 貨車 / 輕型客貨車 ( 必須同時持有由貿發局預先發出之車輛許可証及進場當天由青衣車輛等候處發出之往來証明書方可進場 ) 進場程序 1. 香港貿易發展局 ( 香港貿發局 ) 將於 10 月初向各參展商發出 10 月 26 日之進場車輛許可証 2. 在進入會展中心貨物起卸區前, 所有貨車及輕型客貨車必須在車輛許可証上之指定時間到車輛等候處報到 車輛等候處將於 10 月 26 日上午 7 時開放, 直至所有進場程序完成 車輛等候處將設於青衣區 ( 請參閱附件地圖 ) 3. 當貨車及輕型客貨車到逹車輛等候處後, 必須出示由香港貿發局發出, 適用於該時段之車輛許可証, 並於車輛等候處排隊等候指示 輪候時間將視乎車輛數量 進場速度及當日之交通情況而定 4. 青衣車輛等候處將根據交通情況向輪候之司機發出一張往來証明書 司機攜同車輛許可証及往來証明書於 2 小時內前往會展中心貨物起卸區進場 5. 未能同時出示上述兩種証件者將均不能進入會展中心卸貨區 6. 如等候處的車輛超出可停泊車輛數目時, 主辦機構將酌情採取其他措施 二 ) 私家車 / 的士 進場程序 1. 進入會展中心範圍之私家車及的士不需要持有車輛許可証, 惟所有私家車及的士必須經博覽道 / 港灣 道入口進入會展中心範圍, 並只能於博覽道 / 港灣道正門進行落貨 司機於落貨後必須儘快離開會展 中心範圍, 不得停留或等候

Special Move-out Arrangement (October 30, 2014) A. Exhibitors who wish to use your own goods vehicles or other forwarder s service Exhibitors could also choose to use your own goods vehicles or forwarder s service. A move-out vehicle permit would be issued accordingly by early October 2014 with the following details: Lorry / Light Goods Vehicle (Entries to the HKCEC will only be allowed to goods vehicles with the Vehicle Permit issued by HKTDC AND the Trip Ticket issued at the Tsing Yi vehicle marshalling area) Move-out procedure 1. Control point will be set-up at the entrance of HKCEC, only the vehicles with the Move-out Vehicle Permit issued by the HKTDC AND the Trip Ticket issued at the Tsing Yi vehicle marshalling area are allowed to enter the HKCEC after 4:00 p.m. on October 30, 2014. 2. Before proceeding to the HKCEC loading area, all vehicles MUST first report to the Tsing Yi vehicle marshalling area (please refer to the attached map). The vehicle marshalling area will open from 2:00 p.m. on October 30 and operate until all move-out activities have finished. 3. Upon arrival at the vehicle marshalling area, the driver MUST first present the Vehicle Permit issued by HKTDC. Drivers should then queue up and wait for further instructions. The waiting time at the vehicle marshalling area may vary and would depend on the total number of vehicles, move-out speed and the prevailing traffic condition. 4. After 4:00 p.m. on the October 30, a Trip Ticket will be issued to the drivers at appropriate time. The driver must then proceed to HKCEC loading area within 2 hours with the HKTDC Vehicle Permit AND the Trip Ticket. 5. Drivers failing to present the above 2 permits will NOT be allowed to enter HKCEC loading area. 6. If the vehicle marshalling area becomes overloaded, further measures will be implemented at the Organiser s absolute discretion. B. Other Transportations 1. Private vehicles and taxis will be allowed to enter the HKCEC at the discretion of the traffic control attendants during the move-out period. No waiting or parking at the HKCEC is allowed. 2. Free shuttle bus service from HKCEC to Tsim Sha Tsui, Central and Causeway Bay will be provided. Exhibitors with hand-carry or light-weight exhibits may consider leaving the venue by taking the shuttle bus. Please wear your badge for identification purpose and the seats are provided on a first-come-first-served basis. According to the traffic conditions, the police may implement traffic diversions at the vicinity of HKCEC on the move-in and move-out day. For enquiries, please call the HKTDC Customer Service Line: (852) 1830 668.

撤館交通安排 (2014 年 10 月 30 日 ) 一 ) 自行安排撤館各參展商亦可選用閣下之貨車或貨運代理 本局將於 10 月初向選擇自行安排撤館之參展商派發有關之撤館車輛許可証以供使用 敬請留意以下詳情 : 貨車 / 輕型客貨車 車輛必須同時持有 a) 由香港貿易發展局發出之車輛許可証及 b) 由指定車輛等候處發出之往來証明書 撤場程序 1. 將於撤館當日在臨近香港會議展覽中心路段設置控制點, 只准同時持有由本局所發出之撤館車輛 許可証及由青衣車輛等候處所發出之往來証明書之貨車駛進香港會議展覽中心進行撤館 2. 在進入香港會議展覽中心上落貨區前, 所有車輛必須先到青衣車輛等候處報到 ( 請參閱附件地圖 ) 車輛等候處將於 2014 年 10 月 30 日, 由下午 2 時開放至所有撤館程序完成 3. 當車輛到達車輛等候處後, 必須出示由香港貿易發展局發出適用於該時段之車輛許可証, 並於車 輛等候處排隊等候指示 輪候時間將視乎車輛數量 撤場速度及當日之交通情況而定 4. 指定車輛等候處將於下 4 時正開始, 根據交通情況向輪候之司機發出一張往來証明書 司機須攜 同車輛許可証及往來証明書於兩小時內前往會展中心貨物起卸區 5. 未能同時出示上述兩種証件者將均不能進入會展中心卸貨區 6. 如等候處的車輛超出可停泊車輛數目時, 主辦機構將酌情採取其他措施 二 ) 其它交通安排 1. 於撤館其間將酌情准許的士及私家車駛入會展範圍, 但不得停留或候客 2. 大會亦於撤館期間安排免費穿梭巴士來往尖沙咀 中環及銅鑼灣 持有輕量貨物之參展商亦可考慮以此方法撤館, 請佩帶入場証以資識別 巴士座位有限, 額滿即止 如有疑問, 參展商可致電香港貿易發展局客戶服務熱線查詢於進場及撤場當日, 警方將視乎灣仔北及周邊一帶之交通情況 :1830-668, 酌情採取交通管制及改道措施 如有疑問, 參展商可致電香港貿易發展局客戶服務熱線查詢 :(852) 1830 668

Tsing Yi Vehicle Marshalling Area 青衣車輛等候處

II. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Infringement 保護知識產權問題 We wish to draw your special attention to clause No. 42 listed in the exhibitor s application form about intellectual property rights (IPR) infringement. This is a matter taken very seriously by the Fair Organizer - Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). We would like to inform you that the following measure will be implemented to tackle with Intellectual Property Rights Infringement issues: Fair Legal Advisor We have procedures for handling complaints promptly at the fairground, with the assistance of a Fair Legal Adviser. They are set out in Section 3.2 of the Exhibitors Manual and all exhibitors are invited to make use of them. These procedures are designed to safeguard exhibitors intellectual property rights as well as to protect individual exhibitors from any business disruption caused by unfounded complaints. The Fair Organiser reserves the right to deny admission of anyone to the Fair, or to eject anyone from the Fair, who does not follow these procedures and / or who disturbs the normal business of exhibitors or buyers inside the Exhibition Hall. 香港貿易發展局為香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展的主辦機構, 對侵權行為極為重視 為保障參展商權益, 茲提醒貴公司於展覽會期間, 必須遵守參展申請表格內參展規則第 42 項有關侵犯知識產權行為的條款 大會將於展覽會期間實行以下保護知識產權的措施 : 法律顧問本局訂立了一套處理展覽現場侵權投訴的程序, 並委聘法律顧問提供協助 這套程序旨在保障參展商的知識產權, 以及防止無理的投訴, 阻礙參展商進行展銷活動 有關內容詳列於參展商手冊第 3.2 條, 所有參展商務請遵行 假若任何人士違反有關程序或於展場內騷擾參展商和買家的正常商業活動, 本局有權驅逐有關人士離場或禁止其進入會場 * * * * * *

Circular (5) Caution on Third Party Promotional Offers The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) has learnt that exhibitors have been receiving invitations from Fair Guide (owned by Construct Data) for listings in its guide at the exhibitors' expense. It has also come to HKTDC s attention that another two companies under the name Expo Guide (owned by Commercial Online Manuals S de RL de CV ( Commercial Online Manuals )) & Event Fair have sent similar invitations to exhibitors inviting them to update or correct their data with its fair directory for free listing. The HKTDC would like to stress that the Fair Guide, the Expo Guide and the Event Fair has NO CONNECTION with the HKTDC or any of our fairs. UFI, an international organization which represents the interests of the exhibition industry worldwide has been warning the exhibition industry to be vigilant against Fair Guide, Expo Guide, Construct Data, Commercial Online Manuals and other similar guides and organisations such as Event Fair. UFI has also reported that debt collection agencies work in partnership with these guides to intimidate exhibitors for payment. The practice of Construct Data has been considered as unconscionable and misleading by the Austrian Protective Association. Recent information suggests that Construct Data & Event Fair have shifted its operation from Austria to Mexico and/or Slovakia. It should be noted that the contents and wording of Fair Guide s and Expo Guide s letter and order form are virtually identical. It is possible that Construct Data, Commercial Online Manuals and Event Fair are related companies or are in some way connected. You should therefore exercise due diligence and care when being approached for such invitations so as to avoid possible unwarranted and/or unnecessary financial commitments. In order to protect your own interests, you are urged to read the contracts (including the small print) and attachments carefully, as well as seeking legal advice, before signing any such documents. The HKTDC does not recommend that you sign any materials that you receive from Construct Data, and/or Commercial Online Manuals and/or Event Fair. If you have mistakenly entered into contract with Construct Data and/or Commercial Online Manuals and/or Event Fair, you should notify Construct Data and/or Commercial Online Manuals and/or Event Fair in writing and inform them that you dispute the validity of the contract on the basis of mistake and/or misrepresentation. You should take legal advice as to how to respond to any demands for payment that you might receive. For more information about UFI s action against Fair Guide, Expo Guide, Construct Data, please visit http://www.ufi.org/public/default.aspx?clef_sitesmaps=161. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Zoe Ip, Exhibitions Project Manager at Tel: (852) 2240 4067; or email address: zoe.sy.ip@hktdc.org of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

通告 (5) - 請小心處理由第三者提供之推廣優惠 香港貿易發展局獲悉參展商曾接獲 Fair Guide( 由 Construct Data 所擁有 ) 的邀請, 在其指南中刊登名錄, 費用由參展商負責 香港貿發局最近發現另外兩家公司, 包括 Expo Guide( 由 Commercial Online Manuals S de RL de CV ( Commercial Online Manuals ) 所擁有 ) 及 Event Fair 亦向參展商發出類似信件, 邀請參展商更新或更正他們于其指南中之資料作爲免費刊登名錄 香港貿發局特此澄清及重申 : Fair Guide 或 Expo Guide 或 Event Fair 概與香港貿發局或本局的任何展覽完全無關 UFI, 一個代表全球展覽業利益的國際組織, 已經警告展覽業要小心警惕 Fair guide Expo Guide Construct Data Commercial Online Manuals 和其他類似的指南和組織如 Event Fair UFI 還報告說, 收債公司和這些指南和組織有夥伴的關係, 從而恐嚇參展商付款 Construct Data 之經營手法已被奧地利保障公平競爭協會 (Austrian Protective Association) 視為不公平及誤導 最近有資料顯示,Construct Data 及 Event Fair 已從奧地利轉移其運作到墨西哥和 / 或斯洛伐克 由於 Fair Guide 及 Expo Guide 的信件及訂單內容及語句幾乎完全相同, Construct Data, Commercial Online Manuals 與 Event Fair 可能是相關或連繫之公司 閣下因此應盡量以小心謹慎的態度處理該等邀請, 以免作出不必要的財務承擔 本局特此呼籲閣下在簽署任何合約 ( 包括以細小字體列印的合約 ) 及附件之前, 應細閱有關文件和尋求法律意見, 以保障閣下本身的利益 本局幷不建議閣下簽署任何從 Construct Data 及 / 或 Commercial Online Manuals 及 / 或 Event Fair 收到之文件 如閣下在錯誤情況下與 Construct Data 及 / 或 Commercial Online ManualEvent Fair 訂立合約, 閣下應以書面通知 Construct Data 及 / 或 Commercial Online ManualsEvent Fair 指出基于錯誤或被誤導之情况下簽署該文件, 有關合約無效 閣下應該就如何應對你可能會收到的付款要求尋求法律意見 欲瞭解更多信息關于 UFI 對 Fair Guide, Expo Guide, Construct Data 與 Commercial Online Manuals 採取之行動, 請瀏覽此網頁 http://www.ufi.org/public/default.aspx?clef_sitesmaps=161 如有任何問題, 請與本局展覽項目經理葉書茵小姐聯絡, 電話 :(852) 2240 4067 或電郵 : zoe.sy.ip@hktdc.org

Circular (6) Caution on Rental of Credit Card Payment Terminals The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is recently informed that a service provider of credit card payment terminal has offered its payment terminal rental service to exhibitors in exhibitions held in Hong Kong, but failed to return the transaction amount to exhibitors before the deadline as stipulated in the contract. The HKTDC would like to clarify that it has NOT appointed any credit card payment terminal providers in ALL HKTDC fairs. To protect your own interests, you are reminded to exercise due diligence and read all contracts carefully before appointing any service providers. The HKTDC would also like to remind exhibitors that no retail sales should be conducted at the HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition). Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Zoe Ip at Tel: (852) 2240 4067; or email address: zoe.sy.ip@hktdc.org of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. 通告 (6) - 提防有關信用卡終端機租賃服務 香港貿易發展局 ( 香港貿發局 ) 獲悉近日有公司在香港舉辦的展覽會中提供信用卡終端機租賃服務予參展商, 但並未有在合約指定日期發還有關交易金額 香港貿發局特此澄清本局並沒有委託或指派任何第三者提供信用卡終端機租賃服務, 並提醒所有參展商在使用任何供應商的服務前, 應先清楚了解其背景, 並細閱有關文件及合約細則, 以確保閣下本身的利益 香港貿發局並提醒所有參展商不得在展覽會期間進行零售活動 如有任何問題, 請與本局葉書茵小 姐聯絡, 電話 :(852) 2240 4067 或電郵 :zoe.sy.ip@hktdc.org

Circular (7) Immigration Regulations to be Observed and Followed by Exhibitors 1. Exhibitors from outside Hong Kong According to the policy of Immigration Department of Hong Kong, foreign visitors are allowed to remain in Hong Kong for the purposes of sightseeing, shopping, as well as conducting contracts, attending meetings and conferences, etc. For the purpose of immigration control, visitors are subject to certain conditions of stay specified in the Immigration Regulations. These conditions preclude a visitor from taking up employment, whether paid or unpaid and he is not allowed to establish or join in any business. Those who wish to be engaged in day-to-day business operations or investment activities in Hong Kong will have to apply for a work permit. In the case of a trade exhibition, whether an exhibitor needs a work permit would depend on the nature of the business of the exhibition booth he/she mans and his/her activities therein. In general, if the exhibitor s activities are focused on promotion without engaging in retail sales, he will not need to apply for a work permit. However, if an exhibitor from outside Hong Kong is engaged in retail sales activities, a work permit will be required. 2. Exhibitors from Chinese Mainland Where Chinese Mainland exhibitors participating in trade fairs are concerned, it should be noted that they must apply for exit permission from the relevant Chinese Mainland authorities. For business visits, Mainland residents have to apply to the PSB Office in their place of domicile for permission to enter Hong Kong under the Business Visit Scheme. The PSB will issue an exit-entry permit with a business visit endorsement to Mainland business visitors. Exhibitors from Chinese Mainland are required to meet Hong Kong Immigration regulations as stipulated in item 1 of the above. 3. Hong Kong Exhibitors If any local exhibitor is planning to deploy or hire any personnel from outside Hong Kong at the booths during fair period (including move-in and move-out days), the above regulations (items 1 and 2) will also apply. For details of Hong Kong immigration regulations, you may access the Immigration Department s web-site (www.info.gov.hk/immd/). If you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

通告 (7) 參展商須遵守的入境規例 1. 來自香港以外的參展商 根據香港入境事務處的政策, 外來旅遊人士可憑觀光 購物 洽談合約及出席會議等理由在香港逗留, 唯逗留期間, 旅遊人士必須遵守香港入境規例內訂明的若干條件 根據有關條件, 旅遊人士不得從事僱傭工作 ( 無論受薪或非受薪 ), 亦不得開設或參與任何業務 有意在香港從事日常業務運作或投資活動的人士, 必須申請工作簽證 就貿易展覽會而言, 參展商是否需要申請工作簽證, 將視乎其展覽攤位的業務性質以及所涉活動而定 一般來說, 假若參展商的活動主要為業務推廣而不涉及零售, 則毋須申請工作簽證 ; 假若參展商從事零售活動, 便須申請工作簽證 2. 中國內地參展商 參加貿易展覽會的內地參展商, 必須向中國內地有關部門申請出境許可 至於商務旅遊, 內地居民須向戶籍所在的公安機關, 根據商務旅遊計劃申請來港許可, 公安機關會向內地的商務旅遊人士簽發往來港澳通行證及商務簽注 內地參展商必須遵守以上第 1 項所列的香港入境規例 3. 香港參展商 假若任何本地參展商有意於展覽會舉行期間 ( 包括進館及撤館期間 ), 在攤位派駐或僱用任何來自香港以外的人士, 上述規例 ( 第 1 及 2 項 ) 亦同樣適用 有關香港入境規例詳情, 請瀏覽香港入境事務處網址 (www.info.gov.hk/immd/) 如對上述規定有任何疑問, 歡迎聯絡香港貿發局

通告 (8) 特裝參展新措施及注意事項 為提升展覽的整體安全及效率, 有關特裝攤位的新措施亦已實施 其簡要如下, 詳情請參閱參展商手冊第四部份 部份內容 4.2 提交資料請留意特裝參展承建商資料申報表 ( 表格一 ) 設計圖則及燈圖 施工按金 公眾責任保單副本的提交日期 否則, 主辦機構會向參展商 / 承建商收取 2,000 港元 (250 美元 ) 的逾期行政費 亦須提交 結構安全證明書 電力裝置完工證明書 表格 WR1 及符合相關消防規定證明書 4.2.2 施工按金按金以每平方米 200 港元 (25 美元 ) 計算 搭建雙層結構攤位必須繳交雙倍按金 而最低及最高的金額分別為 5,000 港元及 50,000 港元 4.2.3 承建商必須購買有效的公眾責任保險, 每次事故賠償限額不少於 1000 萬港元, 而保險期內累積賠償額則無限 有效期須包括進場 展覽期間及離場 ( 即 2014 年 10 月 25-31 日 ) 4.2.4 進場及離場超時租場收費 4.2.5 攤位高度限制 4.2.6 提交 結構安全證明書 數據證明 符合相關消防規定證明書 攤位及臨時搭建物 >2.5 米而 <4.5 米高 4.5 米高或雙層結構 平台或舞台 >1.1 米而 <1.5 米高 1.5 米高 懸空照明支架及設備 <100 公斤 100 公斤 認可人士 / 註冊結構工程師應 證明其設計圖則證明其設計圖則穩定性穩定性及數據證明監督搭建工程在完成搭建後驗證並簽發結構安全證明書 於 2014 年 9 月 1 日或之前提交圖則予主辦機構 於 2014 年 10 月 26 日下午 3 時或之前投放到 攤位設施 展位之收集箱 以電郵方式 結構安全證明書 * 一式四份設計圖則及數據證明 於 2014 年 10 月 26 日下午 3 時或之前交予電力裝置完工證明書 表格 WR1 * 大會電力承建商應展館營運者 符合相關消防規定證明書政府部門要求才需提供 * 如未能於最後進場日晚上 10 時前交妥相關證明書 / 表格, 主辦機構有權在整個展期內禁止所有人士進入有關攤位 / 停止電力供應 參展商須完全負責攤位結構的安全, 詳情可參照 建築地盤 ( 安全 ) 條例 第 59 章 認可人士包括註冊建築師 ( 認可人士名單 1) 註冊結構工程師 ( 認可人士名單 2) 或註冊屋宇測量師 ( 認可人士名單 3) 認可人士的定義詳述於香港建築物條例第 123 章 有關認可人士 / 註冊結構工程師的名冊, 請瀏覽屋宇署網頁 : http://www.bd.gov.hk/chineset/inform/c_rse_1.html.

符合相關消防規定證明書按展館營運者的規定, 所有搭建及裝飾材料 包括但不限於窗簾 門簾 織物 橫幅 木材結構 必須屬非可燃材料, 非易燃品質地或防火耐用性材料 展館營運者或香港政府授權代表可要求檢查這些材料的合規性, 而參展商 / 承建商必須提供有關防火試驗 燃燒試驗 烟薰試驗及相關法例及規例要求的其他類似試驗的相關文件 或由註冊二級消防裝置承辦商, 以防火溶液將搭建及裝飾材料加以處理的工作, 並在完工後簽發消防證明書 消防表格 251 以證明符合規定 參展商 / 承建商必須保存該表格, 並需應展館營運者或香港政府要求而提交 詳情請瀏覽消防處網頁 http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/chi/source/licensing/premises.htm#e3 有關註冊消防裝置承辦商的名冊, 請瀏覽消防處網頁 : http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/chi/source/fsic_list_chi.pdf 4.2.7 電力裝置按電力條例 第 406 章 電力 線路 規例, 所有電力安裝 檢查及測試必須由註冊電業工程人員及註冊電業承辦商代行, 並須簽發表格 WR1 及須於上述指定時間交予大會電力承建商, 以兹證明 4.2.9 反光背心任何獲授權或獲准進入租用攤位範圍, 進行展覽攤位搭建 拆卸或其他任何活動的人士, 一律必須穿上反光背心 4.2.12 減少廢物及回收措施根據 廢物處置 ( 化學廢物 )( 一般 ) 規例, 香港會議展覽中心已成為含水銀燈管廢物產生者, 並於該中心地下 設計廊 對面 ; 展覽廳一 A C 卸貨區 ; 展覽廳三 C E G 卸貨區及展覽廳五 C E G 卸貨區共設置九個回收筒供棄置之用 4.2.13 建築業安全訓練證明書凡進入展館工作的承建商, 必須持有建築業安全訓練證明書措施 ( 即 平安咭 ), 並須清楚地展示出來 否則, 展館營運者之保安人員有權拒絕該人士進入或要求該人士離開展館 如有任何查詢, 可透過電郵 hkcecepc@hkcec.com 或致電 (852)2582 8888 與展館營運者之項目策劃及統籌部聯絡 4.2.14 參展商及其承建商必須遵守的規定 4.2.15 施工按金扣款制 本局深信貴公司及貴公司委託的承建商必定全力支持上述措施, 共同營造更安全的工作環境 為確保參展商及承建商遵守上述規定, 本局將拒絕違規者參加本局日後舉辦的展覽會, 並全數沒收其繳交的施工按金, 以作處分 由香港展覽會議協會出版的 香港展覽會議業之安全及健康指南 已涵蓋業界需注意的事項 請貴公司及貴公司委託的承建商仔細參閱以下網站 : http://www.exhibitions.org.hk/tc_chi/media_detail.php?id=275 如有查詢, 請聯絡 : 展覽廳 1 - 關志文先生 < 電郵 abel.kwan@hktdc.org; 電話 852-2240 5466> 展覽廳 3 5 及大會堂 - 鄒胤榮先生 < 電郵 leo.yw.chau@hktdc.org; 電話 852-2240 5449> 多謝合作!

Circular (8) Points to Note/New Measures on Custom-Built Participation In order to enhance the overall safety and efficiency of the fair, new measures regarding custom-built stands have been implemented. Please pay attention to the summary as follow and refer to section 4 of the Exhibitors Manual for details. Section Items 4.2 Information submission Please note the deadline for submission of Custom-Built Participation Contractors Information (Form 1), construction drawings, lighting distribution plan, site work deposit and insurance copy. Otherwise, a late charge of HK$2,000 (US$250) will be charged to the Exhibitor or its appointed contractor. Submission of Structural Safety Certificate, Documentary Proof of Fire Services Compliance and Certification of <Electrical> installation, inspection & testing (Form WR1) are also required. 4.2.2 Site work deposit Calculation based on HK$200/US$25 per sqm. For two-storey construction stand, the site work deposit is doubled. Minimum and maximum deposit amounts are HK$5,000 and HK$50,000 respectively. 4.2.3 Contractors are required to carry out and maintain public liability insurance in a sum not less than HK$10 million for any single claim, unlimited in aggregate. The insurance should be maintained in force at all times during the move-in period, exhibition period and move-out period, i.e. 25-31 Oct 2014. 4.2.4 Hall rental charges for over-time move-in and move-out 4.2.5 Maximum stand height 4.2.6 Submission of Structural Safety Certificate, Structural Calculations and Documentary Proof of Fire Services Compliance Stands & temporary structures >2500mm & <4500mmH 4500mmH or two-storey construction Stages or platforms >1100mm & <1500mmH 1500mmH Suspended lighting truss & equipment <100 kg 100 kg Authorized Person/ Registered Structural Engineer (AP/RSE) should be deployed to Submit design drawings to Organiser by 1 Sep 2014 Verify stability of Verify stability of design drawings design drawings & prepare structural calculations Supervise construction works at site Verify stability after completion by issuing structural safety certificate By email 4 original copies with structural calculations* Submit by dropping into the collection box at Technical Services Counter by 1500 hrs on 26 Oct 2014 Structural Safety Certificate* Submit to Official Electrical Contractor Certificate of installation, inspection & testing (Form WR1)* by 1500 hrs on 26 Oct 2014 Upon Venue Operator s / Documentary Proof of Fire Services Compliance Government Authority s request * Failing to provide the required certificate and form by 2200 hrs on last move-in day will result in prohibition all access to the stand/suspension of electricity supply throughout the fair period. Exhibitors must accept full responsibility for the safety of the Stand, as Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations (Chapter 59) is applicable. An Authorized Person can either be a Registered Architect (AP-List I), or a Registered Structural Engineer (AP-List II), or a Registered Building Surveyor (AP-list III). An Authorized Person is legally defined in the HKSAR Buildings

Ordinance Chapter 123. For AP/RSE registry, please visit http://www.bd.gov.hk/english/inform/e_rse_1.html. Documentary Proof of Fire Services Compliance In compliance with the Venue s Rules & Regulations, all construction and decoration of stands (including but not limit to drapes, curtains, fabrics, banners, backdrops) must be non-combustible, inherently non-flammable or durably flameproof and may be inspected by authorized personnel of Venue Operator or the Hong Kong Government to verify compliance. As such, relevant documentation relating to fire tests, flame tests, fume tests and other similar tests which may be required by the relevant legislation and regulations should be available upon request. Alternatively, these items shall be brought up to any of those standards by treating with a fire retardant paint or solution acceptable to Director of Fire Services. The work shall be carried out by a Class 2 Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor and a certificate (FS251) to this effect from the Exhibitor/Contractor shall be submitted to the Organiser upon request, as documentary proof of compliance. Please refer to http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/eng/source/licensing/premises.htm#e3 for details. For Registered Fire Service Installation Contractor registry, please visit http://www.hkfsd.gov.hk/home/eng/source/fsic_list_eng.pdf. 4.2.7 Electricity In compliance with the Electricity Ordinance (Chapter 406) Electricity (Wiring) Regulations, all electrical installations, inspection and testing must be carried out by a registered electrical worker together with a registered electrical contractor. Certification of installation, inspection & testing (Form WR1) should be submitted to the Official Electrical Contractor as per schedule mentioned above. 4.2.9 Reflective Vest All Licensees and person requiring admission to the Licensed Area for any reasons in connection with building-up or breaking-down of exhibition stands or for any activities will require wearing Reflective Vest. 4.2.12 Waste Reduction and Recovery Measures In accordance with the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre has been approved as a waste producer for disposing mercury lamps. Nine recycling bins have been placed at G/F opposite to Design Gallery, Hall 1AC loading area, Hall 3CEG loading area and Hall 5CEG loading area. 4.2.13 Construction Industry Safety Training Certificate All stand fitting contractors must acquire Construction Industry Safety Training Certificates ( Green Card ) qualifications and have it properly displayed when working at HKCEC. HKCEC s security reserves the right to refuse entry or remove personnel for those who fail to provide valid credentials. Please feel free to contact the Event Planning & Co-ordination Team of the Venue Operator at hkcecepc@hkcec.com or (852) 2582 8888 should you need further assistance. 4.2.14 Requirements must be complied with by the Exhibitor and his/her appointed Contractor 4.2.15 Deduction of site work deposit We believe that you and your appointed contractor(s) will support us in this initiative in creating a safer working environment. To ensure a full compliance on the above rules, we will penalize offenders by refusing their participation in our future fairs, and forfeiting totally the site work deposits lodged with us. A Guide on Safety and Health in the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry has been published by the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry Association (HKECIA), which extensively covers various aspects of the industry that requires proper attention. You and your appointed contractor(s) are advised to go through the guide via http://www.exhibitions.org.hk/english/media_detail.php?id=275 For queries, please feel free to contact: Hall 1 Mr Abel Kwan <email (abel.kwan@hktdc.org) or phone (852 2240 5466)> Hall 3, 5 & Grand Hall Mr Leo Chau <email (leo.yw.chau@hktdc.org) or phone (852 2240 5449)> Thank you for your kind understanding and co-operation!

通告 (9) 參展商注意事項 - 現場使用電力安全指引 Circular (9) - Guidance to exhibitors for on-site usage of electricity - 攤位若附設大會提供之電力插座 ( 後加除外 ), 其最大用電量只限於 800 瓦 (watt) 以下之單一電噐使用 If booth contains standard socket (except additional) provided by organizer, please be reminded that the fuse maximum capacity is 800 watt for one electrical appliance only. - 參展商所用之電器用品必須使用符合電力安全規格的三腳插頭 ( 如圖示 ) The electrical appliance used by the exhibitor on-site should be a 3-pin plug which is complied with the electrical safety requirements (as shown in the picture). - 參展商請留意閣下所租用插座之供電量, 每一個電力插座均有其負電上限 每一個供電插座上, 只可插上一件符合其供電量之電器用品, 切勿超過負荷, 以免保險絲斷路 現場因斷路須要重新安裝保險絲的費用為港幣五十元 Exhibitor should check which type of socket you have ordered and its power limitation. Each socket can only be plugged in one electrical appliance only. The fuse will be broken if electricity consumption exceeded the power supply limit. Fuse re-installation charge on-site is HK$50. - 參展商切勿於插座上安裝萬能插頭或拖板 本局職員會不時巡查, 一經發現本局將保留終止供電權利, 直至有關參展商將問題插座改正 No multi-plug or extension cord are allowed to be connected to the socket. HKTDC staffs will inspect it constantly and reserves the right to suspend the electricity supply until the problem is rectified by the exhibitor concerned. 香港貿易發展局展覽服務部上 Exhibition Services, HKTDC

Circular (10) Electrical Installation & Connection for Custom-Built Participation Exhibitor To All Exhibitors and Contractors, This is to notify you that the Custom-Built Participation exhibitors must have their own electrician. The official contractor will not provide installation and connection services for those electricity supply items in order form 2. Total power consumption shall not exceed the current specified. Please note that all electricians working in the exhibition hall must comply with the subsidiary regulation in the Government Electricity Ordinance - Electricity (Registration). The electrical worker needs to present the registered certificate issued by Electrical and Mechanical Service Department. Certification of installation, inspection & testing (Form WR1) should be submitted to the Official Electrical Contractor by 1500 hrs on the last move-in day. Failing to provide by 2200 hrs on the last move-in day will result in suspension of electricity supply throughout the fair period.). The employer of the electrician shall be liable for any damage caused if the electrician fails to comply with the above requirements. Organizer reserves the right to suspend the electricity supply until the problem is rectified to comply with the above requirements. The license of the electrician and the employer must be submitted to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council accompanied with Form 2 by fax at (852) 2169 9487 / 3521 0450. No separate order for individual power socket. Exhibitor should take full responsibility for daily on/off their own main switch and maintenance. Thank you for your co-operation. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 (10) - 特裝攤位的電力安裝及接駁 致 : 各參展商及承建商 特裝攤位參展商必須聘有持牌電器工人 大會承建商將不會提供安裝及接駁服務予申請表格二之供電設施項目及參展商所使用的自攜電燈及電器用品 參展商不可使用至超過供電設施項目上已標明總電量 所有在展覽會場工作的電器工人必須遵守香港政府電力條例的電力註冊規定 電器工人須出示由香港機電工程署發出的有效註冊証明書, 並須簽發表格 WR1 及於最後進場日下午 3 時前交予大會電力承建商, 以兹證明 如未能於該晚下午 10 時前交妥, 展期內將不獲電力供應 如電器工人未能符合上述規例要求, 則其僱主須負責賠償因此引起的一切損失 主辦機構有權不提供電源供應, 直至電力裝置合符法例要求為止 參展商須於遞交表格二時連同所聘用的電力工人及公司牌照副本, 傳真至 (852)2169 9487 / 3521 0450 特裝參展商如採用配電總制, 應將所有配電要求計算在總制內, 不能分拆租用獨立插座 參展商須負責其攤位之每日配電總制開關及維修 多謝合作! 香港貿易發展局謹啟

Circular (11) - Construction Waste and Exhibit Sample Disposal This is to notify you that the dumping of contractors and exhibitors samples, packing, construction and waste materials in the exhibition halls, loading docks and fire exit areas at all Hong Kong Trade Development Council s Trade Fair venues is strictly prohibited. Any such materials will be removed and destroyed without further notice and the contractor or exhibitor concerned shall be liable for all expenses and costs thereby incurred. Thank you for your co-operation. 通告 (11) 棄置建築廢料及展品 承建商及參展商的展品 包裝材料 施工物料及廢物, 一律不得棄置在香港貿易發展局所有展覽會會場之展覽地點 卸貨區及走火通道範圍內, 特此通告 所有棄置在上述範圍的物料均會被清理及銷毀, 不作另行通知, 所需費用概由有關承建商或參展商負責 多謝合作!

Circular (12) Reminder on Move-in & Move-out Schedule and Rate of Overtime Charge for Move-in & Move out Please kindly note the below move-in and move-out schedules of HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition): Move-in / Move-out Date / Time Booth Construction Oct 25 9:00am 10:00pm Oct 26 9:00am 1:00pm Booth Decoration Oct 26 1:00pm 6:00pm Booth Dismantling (including Additional Lighting) Oct 30 6:00pm 12:00 midnight If you and / or your appointed contractors work after 12:00 midnight on move-in days (i.e. 25 & 26 October 2014) and move-out day (i.e. 30 October 2014), they shall pay to the Organiser the overtime penalty claimed by HKCEC against the Organiser as follows: I) Charges for Overtime Move-in, i.e. work after 12:00 midnight on 25 and 26 October 2014, will be calculated in accordance with the booth area assigned, regardless of its location: Booth Area Overtime Charge (per hour) 20sqm or Below HKD2,400 / hr Exceeding 20sqm to 50sqm HKD3,500 / hr Exceeding 50sqm to 100sqm HKD4,800 / hr Exceeding 100sqm to 500sqm HKD5,900 / hr II) Charges for Overtime Move-out*, i.e. work after 12:00 midnight on 30 October 2014, will be be calculated according to its exact booth location : Location Overtime Charge between 0:00 3:00am (per hour) Overtime Charge beyond 3:00am (per hour) Hall 1A, 1B, 1C, 1E, 3C or 3E HKD24,900 / hr HKD49,800 / hr Hall 1D or 3D HKD18,000 / hr HKD36,000 / hr Hall 3B HKD20,750 / hr HKD41,500 / hr Hall 3F, 3G, 5F or 5G HKD26,350 / hr HKD52,700 / hr Hall 5B + 5C HKD44,950 / hr HKD89,900 / hr Hall 5D HKD7,050 / hr HKD14,100 / hr Hall 5E HKD27,050 / hr HKD54,100 / hr Grand Hall HKD26,400 / hr HKD52,800 / hr Grand Foyer HKD14,250 / hr HKD28,500 / hr Convention Hall A or C HKD3,600 / hr HKD7,200 / hr Convention Hall B HKD5,200 / hr HKD10,400 / hr Convention Hall Foyer HKD11,850 / hr HKD23,700 / hr Theatre Foyer HKD3,150 / hr HKD6,300 / hr * The charge for overtime move-out is subject to HKCEC s final decision. Finally, please complete your jobs on time so as to avoid unnecessary penalties. Thank you for your cooperation.

通告 (12) 有關進館及撤館時間及進場 / 離場超租場收費 敬請留意以下 香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2014 之進場及離場時間 : 進場及離場攤位搭建攤位布置攤位拆卸 ( 包括照明裝置 ) 日期 / 時間 10 月 25 日上午 9 時至晚上 10 時 10 月 26 日上午 9 時至下午 1 時 10 月 26 日下午 1 時至下午 6 時 10 月 30 日下午 6 時至午夜 12 時 假若貴參展公司或其委託之承建商於進場日 ( 即 2014 年 10 月 25 及 26 日 ) 及離場日 ( 即 2014 年 10 月 30 日 ) 午夜 12 時後進行工作, 必須向主辦機構繳交由香港會議展覽中心向主辦機構徵收的租場收費 : I) 進場超時租場收費 ( 即於 2014 年 10 月 25 及 26 日午夜 12 時後進行工作 ), 將按攤位面積計算, 與其位置 無關 : 攤位面積 超時租場費用 ( 按每小時計算 ) 20 平方米或以下 每小時 2,400 港元 20 平方米 - 50 平方米 每小時 3,500 港元 超越 50 100 平方米 每小時 4,800 港元 超越 100 500 平方米 每小時 5,900 港元 II) 離場超時租場收費 * ( 即於 2014 年 10 月 30 日午夜 12 時後進行工作 ), 將按攤位所在的展館位置計算 : 攤位所在的展覽館 凌晨 12 時至 3 時工作超時租場收費 ( 按每小時計算 ) 凌晨 3 時後工作超時租場收費 ( 按每小時計算 ) 展覽廳 1A 1B 1C 1E 3C 或 3E 每小時 24,900 港元 每小時 49,800 港元 展覽廳 1D 或 3D 每小時 18,000 港元 每小時 36,000 港元 展覽廳 3B 每小時 20,750 港元 每小時 41,500 港元 展覽廳 3F 3G 5F 或 5G 每小時 26,350 港元 每小時 52,700 港元 展覽廳 5B+C 每小時 44,950 港元 每小時 89,900 港元 展覽廳 5D 每小時 7,050 港元 每小時 14,100 港元 展覽廳 5E 每小時 27,050 港元 每小時 54,100 港元 大會堂 每小時 26,400 港元 每小時 52,800 港元 大會堂前廳 每小時 14,250 港元 每小時 28,500 港元 會議廳 A 或 C 每小時 3,600 港元 每小時 7,200 港元 會議廳 B 每小時 5,200 港元 每小時 10,400 港元 會議廳前廳 每小時 11,850 港元 每小時 23,700 港元 演講廳前廳 每小時 3,150 港元 每小時 6,300 港元 * 香港會議展覽中心有最終決定權計算離場超時罰款額之收費 最後, 各參展商若準時完工, 則可免除不必要的罰款 多謝合作!

Circular (13) Custom-Built Stands Height Limit All custom-built participations exhibitors should pay attention to the below updates of maximum booth height: Location Hall 1A-E, Hall 3B-E & Hall 5B, 5C, 5E Grand Hall & Grand Foyer Hall 1A-E Concourse, Hall 3B-D Concourse & Hall 5D Hall 3E Concourse, Hall 3E South Concourse & Hall 5E South Concourse Hall 5B, 5C Concourse, Chancellor Room, Mezzanine 2 & 4, Meeting Room Corridors and Foyers Expo Drive Hall Maximum Booth Height 5500mm 5000mm 4000mm 3000mm 2500mm 2200mm 1) Starting April 2008, all new custom-built stands design shall not exceed the maximum booth height of designated location. 2) New custom-built stands designs are defined literally, i.e. all custom-built stands are regarded as new except those reused stands with identical design built as 2007 s without any structural modifications. Otherwise, it will be subject to the height restriction as stated above. 3) From January 2010, all stands will be subject to the height restriction as stated above. 通告 (13) 特裝攤位高度限制 各特裝攤位參展商請留意以下最新的高度限制 : 位置展覽廳 1A-E 3B-E 及 5B 5C 5E 大會堂及大會堂前廳展覽廳 1A-E 3B-D 及 5D 大堂展覽廳 3E 大堂 展覽廳 3E 及 5E 南面大堂展覽廳 5B 5C 大堂 君爵廳 大堂中樓 2 及 4 及會議室走廊及前廳博覽道展廳 高度限制 5.5 米 5 米 4 米 3 米 2.5 米 2.2 米 1) 由 2008 年 4 月起, 所有全新的特裝攤位設計, 高度一律不得超過各展覽廳之高度限制 2) 全新的特裝攤位設計 是指所有特裝攤位必須是 2007 年之再用攤位而沒有任何結構上的修改 否則, 必須遵守以上新制訂的高度限制 3) 由 2010 年 1 月起, 所有攤位必須遵守以上新制訂的高度限制

Circular (14) Special Issues at Expo Drive Hall (for exhibitors at Expo Drive Hall only) Due to different design of the exhibition hall, we would like to draw your attention to the following issues if you are located at the Expo Drive Hall: 1. Maximum stand height is 2.2m. Decoration materials/exhibits/items placed exceeding 2.2m is prohibited. 2. All exhibitors have to use the special standard booth design (please refer to the Exhibitors Manual for the booth layout of Expo Drive Hall). Custom-built stands or premium booth options will not be allowed. 3. In order to avoid activating the sprinklers, any hanging exhibits, stand materials or booth structures are strictly prohibited. 4. Ceiling grid, ceiling beam and height extension for booths are inapplicable for exhibitors at Expo Drive Hall. 5. If self-made structures or stand materials will be prepared, please make sure the materials are adhere to the followings: - All exhibits or stand materials directly facing the corridors should not exceed 1.6m; and - All exhibits or stand materials putting on the sides should not exceed 1.75m; and - All exhibits or stand materials will be placed inside booth area; and - All stand materials must be fire resistant. Should you have any queries, please contact Ms. Jane Shek on Tel: (852) 2240 4134. 通告 (14) 博覽道展廳注意事項 ( 博覽道展廳參展商適用 ) 由於博覽道展廳結構特殊, 故請有關之參展商特別注意以下事項 : 1. 攤位最高為 2.2 米 禁止任何展品或物品放置高於 2.2 米 2. 參展商必須使用指定的標準攤位設計 ( 攤位設計圖請參閱參展商手冊 ), 不能選用特裝及特級攤位等類別 3. 為免啟動自動灑水系統, 參展商不得於攤位天花懸掛任何展品或物品 4. 天花格 天花橫樑及攤位加高不適用於此類攤位 5. 參展商若自行攜帶攤位裝飾品, 必須確保所有物品符合以下規定 : - 放於面向通道的物品不得高於 1.6 米 ; 及 - 放於展位兩旁的物品不得高於 1.75 米 ; 及 - 物品必須放置於攤位內 ; 及 - 物品必須用防火物料製造 如有查詢, 請致電 (852)2240 4134 與石津小姐聯絡

Circular 通告 (15) Free Exhibit Storage Service 免費儲存服務 In order to provide better service to our valued exhibitors and avoid the heavy traffic during the move-in and move-out day, HKTDC is providing 3 different types of Exhibit Storage Services for free as listed below: 為向各參展商提供更完善服務及避免進館 / 撤館日嚴重交通擠塞, 主辦機構現設有 3 種不同的免費展品儲存服務, 詳情如下 : Type 種類 Installment Time & Date 存放日期及時間 Retrieval Time & Date 提取日期及時間 Venue 地點 Move-in Storage 進場日儲存 October 24, 2 6 pm 10 月 24 日下午二時至六時 October 26, 11am 6 pm 10 月 26 日上午十一時至下午六時 Meeting Room N111-112 會議室 N111-112 Move-out Storage (Overnight) 撤館日儲存 ( 通宵 ) October 30, 4 8 pm 10 月 30 日下午四時至八時 October 31, 10 am 12 nn 10 月 31 日上午十時至中午十二時 Meeting Room N111-112 會議室 N111-112 Move-out Storage (Temporary) 撤館日儲存 ( 臨時 ) October 30, 4 11 pm 10 月 30 日下午四時至十一時 October 30, 4 11 pm 10 月 30 日下午四時至十一時 Meeting Room N111-112 會議室 N111-112 The above service is free of charge but you need to pre-register in advance by filling the Reply Form at the back and faxing return to us on or before September 12, 2014. In view of limited storage space, this service will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please note NO on-site request will be entertained. 以上所有展品儲存服務完全免費, 但參展商需預先登記, 填妥背頁的回覆通知書並於 2014 年 9 月 12 日前傳真回本局 由於儲存空間有限, 將以先到先得的形式安排 請注意 : 所有現場申請將不會受理

Registration Deadline 截止日期 : 12/9/2014 -------------------------------------- REPLY FORM 回條 ----------------------------------- Fax 傳真 : (852) 3521-3284 Please tick { } wherever appropriate 請在適當位置填上 { } 號 Type 種類 Move-in Storage 進場日儲存 Installment Time & Date 存放日期及時間 October 24, 2 6 pm 10 月 24 日下午二時至六時 Retrieval Time & Date 提取日期及時間 October 26, 11am 6 pm 10 月 26 日上午十一時至下午六時 Venue 地點 Meeting Room N111-112 會議室 N111-112 Move-out Storage (Overnight) 撤館日儲存 ( 通宵 ) October 30, 4 8 pm 10 月 30 日下午四時至八時 October 31, 10 am 12 nn 10 月 31 日上午十時至中午十二時 Meeting Room N111-112 會議室 N111-112 Move-out Storage (Temporary) 撤館日儲存 ( 臨時 ) October 30, 4 11 pm 10 月 30 日下午四時至十一時 October 30, 4 11 pm 10 月 30 日下午四時至十一時 Meeting Room N111-112 會議室 N111-112 Terms and conditions 使用條款 In consideration of the use of these storage service at the HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition) without charge or other form of consideration, I acknowledge and agree that the Organiser of HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition), the Exhibition Venue and all Offices, Directors, Employees, and other representatives of each of them, have no liability for any loss, theft, damage or destruction (through negligence or otherwise) of all property placed therein and that the parties herein before named are neither insurers or indemnifiers of any loss. None of foregoing provisions shall, however, limit the liability of any individual who may be personally guilty of theft, willful damage or destruction of my property. 基於主辦機構為香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2014 參展商提供免費展品儲存服務, 本人接受並同意主辦機構 展覽場地及其所有辦事處 職員等其他代表, 將不會就所有寄存物資因遺失 盜竊 疏忽而導致的損失或損毁負上任何責任及作出賠償 I have read the above statement and I agree to the terms thereof. 本人已閱讀以上條款並同意遵守 Company Name 公司名稱 : Contact Person 聯絡人 : Booth No 展台編號 : Company Tel 公司電話 : Mobile Tel 手提電話 : No. of Boxes 展品件數 ( 箱 ): Estimated size 預計體積 : Signature and Company Chop 簽名及公司印章 : Date 日期 :

Circular (16) Gifts Sponsorship Program 禮品贊助計劃 Dear Exhibitor, Thank you very much for your support to the HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition). To further promote your fine-designed products and brands to buyers, a gift redemption program for visitors of the fair will be organised at the fairground. You are cordially invited to take part in this gift redemption program by sponsoring 1,000 pieces of product as the redemption gifts. As a token of appreciation, selected sponsors will receive the following benefits in return: 1. Sponsor s name and product will be acknowledged in the gift redemption coupon distributed to buyers throughout the fair period; and 2. A full page 4C advertisement in the fair catalogue (film to be provided by exhibitor); and 3. Gift samples will be showcased at the fairground and company name plus booth number(s) will be acknowledged to buyers By joining the program, we trust that your products and brands could be further promoted and reached out to enormous potential buyers at the fair. If you are interested to be one of the sponsors, please complete and return the attached reply form together with a sample of your sponsored product and the product photo (in digital file format with over 500 dpi saved in floppy disk/cd-rom) on or before 5 September 2014 for our consideration. Selected exhibitors will be notified accordingly. If you have any queries, please free feel to contact Ms. Zoe Ip [Tel: (852) 2240 4067; Fax: (852) 2270 5755; Email: zoe.sy.ip@hktdc.org]. We look forward to having your involvement in this special program. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 致 : 參展商 首先感謝貴公司支持香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2014! 為提供各參展商更多宣傳良機, 本局決定於展覽期間向買家推行禮品換領服務, 現誠邀貴公司參與是項禮品贊助計劃 貴公司只須贊助 1,000 件精心設計的產品作為禮品, 即可提高貴公司產品及品牌的曝光率 為答謝貴公司的參與, 所有被選中之禮品贊助商可獲贈以下推廣服務 : 1. 禮品贊助商之公司名稱及產品照片將刊登於禮品換領券上, 禮品換領券將於展覽會期間免費派發家 ; 2. 於參展商目錄免費刊登全版彩色內頁廣告一版 ( 廣告片由參展商提供 ); 3. 所有被選中的禮品將於展覽館內多個地點向買家展示, 本局亦會為所有被選中的禮品註明公司名稱及攤位號碼 本局深信是項禮品贊助計劃將為您的產品及品牌帶來更多宣傳機會, 讓更多買家認識您的產品及品牌 貴公司若有意參加是項計劃, 請填妥附頁之回條並連同贊助禮品的樣板一份及將產品照片的電子檔案 (500dpi) 儲存於光碟內一併交回本局, 申請截止為 2014 年 9 月 5 日 所有被選中的參展商將會收到本局發出的確認信 若有任何查詢, 歡迎與本局葉書茵小姐聯絡 [ 電話 :(852) 2240 4067, 傳真 :(852) 2270 5755, 電郵 : zoe.sy.ip@hktdc.org] 再次感謝貴公司的支持並預祝貴公司展出成功! 香港貿易發展局

To 致 : Ms. Zoe Ip 葉小姐 Fax No. 傳真號碼 : (852) 2270 5755 Reply Slip on Gifts Sponsorship Program 禮品贊助計劃回條 We, (Company Name), would like to participate in the Gifts Sponsorship Program. We understand that applicants of this program are required: 本公司, ( 參展商名稱 ), 決定參加是項禮品贊助計劃, 並明白若本公司的禮品被選中, 本公司需遵守以下事項 : To provide a product sample and photo for TDC s consideration. 禮品贊助商必須提供贊助禮品的樣板及照片供本局挑選 To sponsor 1,000 pieces of product, which have to bear the logo of HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition), if product is selected by HKTDC as the redemption gifts. 禮品贊助數量為 1,000 件, 毎件禮品或包裝盒上必須印有 香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 的標緻 Description of the sponsor product: (Approx. 30 words) 禮品介紹 : ( 大概 30 字 ) Suggested Retail Price 建議零售價 (US$ 美金 ) Note 注意 : 1. Applicants are required to return this form together with a product sample and photo in digital format with over 500 dpi saved in floppy disk/cd-rom on or before 5 September 2014. 參展商請填妥此回條並連同贊助禮品的樣板一份及將產品照片的電子檔案 (500dpi) 儲存於光碟內一併交回本局, 申請截止日期為 2014 年 9 月 5 日 2. Applications of this program will be reviewed and selected by the Organiser. 本局將於所有遞交的申請中挑選合適的禮品 3. Successful applicants will be informed by mid-september. 所有被選中的參展商將於 9 月中收到本局發出的確認信 Company Name 參展商名稱 : Contact Person 聯絡人 : Tel 電話 : Signature and company chop 簽署及蓋印 : Booth No 攤位號碼 : Email 電郵 : Fax 傳真 : Date 日期 :

Circular (17) Nomination of Overseas Buyers for Hotel Sponsorship Thank you very much for your keen support to our fair, which is expected to be patronised by more than 2,000 exhibitors from over 30 different countries and regions. In order to maximise the effectiveness of your participation, we have launched a worldwide visitor promotion campaign over the past year, which includes: - Global advertising campaign and special editorial coverage in major lighting publications and international newspapers; - Promotional counters at major international lighting fairs; To encourage the participation of more quality buyers, we are launching a hotel sponsorship programme in Hong Kong for selective overseas buyers to visit our fair. In this regard, we would like to ask for your nomination of the appropriate buyers. We shall give you due credit when extending the offer to the buyers and advise you the outcome of your nomination afterwards. Please note, however, that we shall have the final discretion in selecting the buyers for extending the offer, and that priority will always be given to those who have not visited our fair before. To facilitate our preparation work, please make use of the nomination form attached and observe the submission deadline of 19 September 2014. We hope, with your full support in the promotion campaign, you will be able to capture the greatest business opportunities at the forthcoming trade show. For queries, please contact Ms. Koby Leung on tel: (852) 2240 4593, fax: (852) 2169 9651 or e-mail: hklighting.visitor@hktdc.org. Hong Kong Trade Development Council 通告 (17) 酒店贊助海外買家推薦 感謝貴司對香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2014 的支持 今屆舉行的香港國際燈飾展, 預計有來自 30 多個國家及地區 2,000 多家參展商參與是次盛會 為了吸引更多海外買家到場與貴司洽談業務, 主辦機構在過去一年積極實行了全球買家推廣計劃, 其中包括 : - 全球媒體廣告計劃, 遍及世界各地著名的燈飾雜誌; - 於世界著名燈飾展設置宣傳攤位; 為進一步吸引國際高質素燈飾進口商及連鎖店買家到場採購, 主辦機構將提供香港酒店贊助予被挑選的主要買家 因此, 我們誠邀閣下提名合適的海外買家 被揀選邀請的買家將會收到列出提名公司名稱的邀請函 同時, 我們亦會通知貴公司提名的結果 從未參觀過香港國際秋季燈飾展的新買家將可獲優先權, 主辦機構將保留最終選擇權利 為了給予主辦機構充足的時間安排, 請閣下填妥買家推薦表格, 並於 2014 年 9 月 19 日前回覆 主辦機構將繼續以貴公司的利益為依歸, 務求透過展覽會為貴公司締造一個具效益 高增值的宣傳渠道 詳情請電 (852) 2240 4593 或傳真 (852) 2169 9651 或電郵 hklighting.visitor@hktdc.org 與梁君樂小姐洽 祝各參展商展出成功 香港貿易發展局

To : Ms. Koby Leung, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) Fax : (852) 2169 9651 From (Exhibitor Name): HKTDC Hong Kong International Lighting Fair 2014 (Autumn Edition) 香港貿發局香港國際秋季燈飾展 2014 27 30 / 10 / 2014 Overseas Buyers Nomination Form for Hotel Sponsorship 酒店贊助海外買家推薦表格 截止日期 Submission Deadline 19 / 9 / 2014 推薦買家資料 Information of Nominated Buyer 公司名稱 Name of Company: 買家姓名 ( 先生 / 小姐 ) Name of Person: Mr. / Ms. 職位 Position: 公司地址 Address: 國家 Country: 電話 Tel: 郵編 Postal Code: 傳真 Fax: 電子郵件 E-mail: 綱址 Web-site: 公司業務 Nature of Business: (Wholesaler, Importer, Buying Agent, Distributor, Retailer etc.?) 買家首次參觀香港國際秋季燈飾展? Buyer would be visiting the fair for the first time? 是 Yes 否 No 請復印此表格作更多買家提名 本局保留最終選擇權利, 從未參觀過香港國際秋季燈飾展的買家將獲優先考慮 如有查詢, 請致電 (852) 2240 4593 與梁小姐聯絡 Please copy this nomination form for nominating more than 1 buyer. Priority of hotel sponsorship will be given to new overseas visitor, and is subject to sole discretion of the HKTDC. For further queries, please contact Ms. Koby Leung at tel: (852) 2240 4593.

English Version Only ( 英文版 ) Circular 通告 (18) Control of LED Lighting Equipment and Associated Power Supplies LED 燈設備及有關電源供應之管制