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(Effective from 1 August 2012 ( 甲 往來戶口 ( 港元 美元及人民幣 (A Current Account (HKD, USD & RMB 寄遞支票簿 Mailing of Cheque Book 以掛號郵件寄遞 每本 HK$20 每本 US$3 每本 RMB20 Mailing by registered post 退票 Returned Cheque 因存款不足 客戶技術性錯誤 每張 HK$150 每張 US$16 每張 RMB200 每張 HK$50 每張 US$7 每張 RMB50 Due to insufficient fund Due to other technical error 結束戶口 Closure of Account 開戶三個月內 每戶 HK$200 每戶 US$25 每戶 RMB200 Within 3 months from the date of its opening 停止付款指示 Stop Cheque Payment Instruction 由戶口持有人指示止付一張或數張順序支票 ( 如支票已經結算將不獲退款 每次 HK$100 每次 每次 RMB100 To stop payment on each cheque or a series of cheques in sequential order issued by the account holder (no refund is made if the cheque has already been cleared 未經授權透支 / 超額 Unauthorized Overdraft 客戶無透支安排或透支金額超出指定限額 每次手續費 HK$120 RMB120 另加透支利息以本行釐定之 ( 港元 / 美元 / 人民幣 優惠利率加 10% 計算 If an account has no overdraft facility or if an overdraft exceeds its authorized limit HK$20 per book US$3 per book RMB20 per book HK$150 per cheque US$16 per cheque RMB200 per cheque HK$50 per cheque US$7 per cheque RMB50 per cheque HK$200 per account US$25 per account RMB200 per account HK$100 per transaction per transaction RMB100 per transaction Handling charge per transaction : HK$120 RMB120 plus overdraft interest at our Bank's (HKD / USD / RMB Prime Rate + 10% p.a. 人民幣支票處理 RMB Cheque Handling 轉賬支付存款不足之支票轉賬金額之 1% ( 最低收費 RMB120 只適用於個人人民幣往來賬戶 Transfer to settle the shortfall of cheque 票據抵用 Drawing Against Uncollected Fund 票據 票據 HK$100 Cheque Cheque 1% of the total amount of transfer (minimum RMB120 only applicable to personal RMB current account 印製專用支票按成本收費, 另議 Printing of Special Cheque At cost and subject to agreement 印製專用入數紙按成本收費, 另議 Printing of Special Pay-in Slip At cost and subject to agreement HK$100 P. 1 of 7

(Effective from 1 August 2012 ( 乙 儲蓄戶口 ( 所有貨幣 (B Saving Account (All Currencies 報失存摺每戶 HK$100 Report loss of Passbook HK$100 per account 結束戶口 Closure of Account - 開戶三個月內 - Within 3 months from the date of its opening - 非美元戶口每戶 HK$200 - Non-USD account HK$200 per account 每戶 US$25 US$25 per account ( 丙 保管箱 (C Safe Deposit Box - 按金及年租請參閱各分行保管箱收費表 - Deposit and annual rental Please refer to the Safe Deposit Box Service Charges of respective Branch - 遺失補發箱匙一條除工本費另加 HK$250 - Reissue of 1 key Out-of-pocket expenses plus HK$250 handling fee - 鑿箱及補發箱匙兩條除工本費另加 HK$500 - Force open of box and reissue of 2 keys Out-of-pocket expenses plus HK$500 handling fee ( 丁 創興卡 / 信用卡 (D Chong Hing Card / Credit Card 創興咭 Chong Hing Card - 年費每張 HK$50 - Annual Fee HK$50 per card - 因損毁或遺失而須補發創興咭每張 HK$50 - Replacement due to damage or loss of Chong Hing Card HK$50 per card - 在香港境內之非 銀通 自動櫃員機提取現金每次 HK$25 - Cash Withdrawal via non-jetco ATMs in Hong Kong HK$25 per transaction - 在香港境外之 銀通 及 銀聯 自動櫃員機提每次 HK$25 取現金 創興咭 ( 人民幣 Chong Hing Card (RMB - Cash Withdrawal via JETCO and Unionpay ATMs outside Hong Kong HK$25 per transaction - 年費每張 RMB50 - Annual Fee RMB50 per card - 因損毁或遺失而須補發創興咭 ( 人民幣 每張 RMB50 - Replacement due to damage or loss of Chong Hing Card (Renminbi RMB50 per card - 在中國境內之 銀聯 自動櫃員機提取人民幣每次 RMB15 - Renminbi withdrawal via Unionpay ATMs in China RMB15 per transaction 信用卡 Credit Card - 現金透支手續費貸款額 3% 另加 HK$20 ( 最低為 HK$55 - Cash advance fee 3% on cash amount drawn plus HK$20 (minimum HK$55 - 遲繳費用最低還款額的 5%( 最低為 HK$150, 最高為 HK$200 - Late payment charge 5% on minimum payment (minimum HK$150 & maximum HK$200 - 退票 / 自動轉賬退回手續費每項 HK$120 - Returned cheque / rejected autopay charge HK$120 per item - 超逾信用限額費用每期月結單 HK$150 - Over limit charge HK$150 per billing cycle - 索取月結單副本費用每份 HK$50 - Statement copy retrieval fee HK$50 per set - 索取簽賬購物單據副本費用每張 HK$50 - Sales slip retrieval fee HK$50 per copy - 以 CHATS 匯入港元付款每次 HK$10 CHATS repayment fee HK$10 per time - 以本票提取信用卡結餘每張本票 HK$50 - Credit balance withdrawal by cashier s order HK$50 per cashier s order - 以轉賬形式提取信用卡結餘 ( 只限至本行戶口 每次 HK$50 - Credit balance withdrawal by transfer (to Chong Hing Bank Account only HK$50 per time - 補發新卡費用每張 HK$100 - Replacement card fee HK$100 per card 信用卡年費 Credit Card Annual Fee - 白金卡 ( 主卡 每張 HK$800 - Platinum Card (Principal HK$800 per card - 白金卡 ( 附屬卡 每張 HK$400 - Platinum Card (Supplementary HK$400 per card - 鈦金卡 / 金卡 ( 主卡 每張 HK$480 - Titanium Card / Gold Card (Principal HK$480 per card - 鈦金卡 / 金卡 ( 附屬卡 每張 HK$240 - Titanium Card / Gold Card (Supplementary HK$240 per card - 普通卡 ( 主卡 每張 HK$220 - Standard Card (Principal HK$220 per card - 普通卡 ( 附屬卡 每張 HK$110 - Standard Card (Supplementary HK$110 per card 其他信用卡收費請參閱創興信用卡收費表 Other Credit Card Charges Please refer to Chong Hing Credit Card charges table P. 2 of 7

(Effective from 1 August 2012 ( 戊 一般服務 - 所有戶口 (E General Services (All Accounts 不動戶口 Inactive Account Charge - 戶口超過一年無進支而結餘低於 HK$2,000 ( 無結餘之戶口將會被取消 每半年收費 HK$100 出具銀行證明書 Issuance of Letters - No debit or credit transaction for 1 year and balance HK$100 half yearly below HK$2,000 (account with zero balance will be closed - 加簽印鑑證明每份 HK$150 - Banker s endorsement on customer s signature HK$150 each - 資信證明書每份 HK$300 - Bank reference letter HK$300 each - 戶口結餘證明書每份 HK$150 - Certificate of balance HK$150 each - 以上證明書如同時簽發多份其後每份 HK$25 - If several letters are issued simultaneously HK$25 for each additional letter - 銀行證明書 ( 供核數用 每份 HK$450 每份 US$58 Bank confirmation (for audit purpose HK$450 each US$58 each - 信貸查詢每份 HK$300 - Request for Credit Information Letter HK$300 each 支票 / 匯票保兌 Mark Good Cheque / Remittance Receipt - 客戶自行保兌 - 銀行派員保兌 每張 HK$100 每張 US$13 每張 RMB100 另加其他銀行收費 每張 HK$200 每張 US$26 每張 RMB200 另加其他銀行收費 Sent by customer Sent by Bank 禮券 Gift Cheque - 禮券發出每張 HK$10 ( 本行信用卡客戶及長者免收, 但需出示本行信用卡 長者卡 本票 Cashier s Order 本票發出 Issuance - 本行客戶 每張 HK$50 每張 US$7 每張 RMB50 ( 本行信用卡客戶及長者可獲 50% 豁免, 但需出示本行信用卡 長者卡 HK$100 each US$13 each RMB100 each Plus other bank charges HK$200 each US$26 each RMB200 each Plus other bank charges - Issuance of gift cheque HK$10 per cheque (free for Chong Hing Credit Card customers / senior citizens upon card presentation - Chong Hing Bank Customer HK$50 per item US$7 per item RMB50 per item (50% waiver for Chong Hing Credit Card customers / senior citizens upon card presentation - 本票掛失 每張 HK$100 每張 US$13 每張 RMB100 ( 另加香港銀行同業結算有限公司規定之手續費 -To report loss -HKD -USD -RMB HK$100 per item US$13 per item RMB100 per item (plus handling fee according to the fee schedule issued by the Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited P. 3 of 7

(Effective from 1 August 2012 公司戶口查冊 Company Registration Search - 非有限公司之註冊登記每戶 HK$150 - Non-company registration search HK$150 per search - 公司註冊 ( 有限公司 每戶 HK$150 - Company registration search HK$150 per search - 子公司 ( 有限公司 - Subsidiary (Limited Company - 公司查冊每戶 HK$150 - Company registration search HK$150 per search - 商業登記查冊每戶 HK$150 - Business registration search HK$150 per search - 海外公司開戶手續費 每戶 HK$2,000 - Handling charge of opening account for overseas company 常行指示 Standing Instruction - 設定或修改指示每指示 HK$70 ( 本行 每指示 HK$100 ( 其他銀行 HK$2,000 per account - To set up or amend an instruction HK$70 per item (Chong Hing Bank Limited HK$100 per item (Other banks - 因存款不足退回撥款每次 HK$120 - Returned item due to insufficient fund HK$120 per transaction 非電腦系統付款或特別安排付款 Each Non-computerized Payment or Each Special Payment Request to : - 予創興銀行戶口 ( 並非付款人戶口 每次 HK$70 - a Chong Hing Bank account (other than the customer s own account HK$70 per transaction - 予其他本地銀行之港元戶口每次 HK$100 - a HKD account held with another local bank HK$100 per transaction 自動轉賬 - 設定或修改每筆 HK$50 電子交換退回項目 Electronic Clearing Returned Item Direct Debit Authorization - To set up or amend an instruction HK$50 per item - 存款不足每筆 HK$120 - Due to insufficient fund HK$120 per item - 其他理由每筆 HK$30 - Due to other reasons HK$30 per item CHATS CHATS - 撥款到本港其他銀行 ( 本行客戶 - 歐元 外幣 / 人民幣現鈔兌換 每筆 HK$180 每筆 US$22 每筆 RMB180 每筆 EUR20 -Remittance to other local banks (Chong Hing Bank customer - EUR HK$180 per item US$22 per item RMB180 per item EUR20 per item ( 視乎本行倉存情況 Foreign Currency / RMB Exchange (Subject to the stock of our Bank - 本行客戶豁免 - Chong Hing Bank customer Waived - 非本行客戶每筆 HK$40 ( 以一種外幣計算, 每筆兌換金額在 HK$10,000 或等值以內 存入外幣支票 Deposit of Foreign Currency Cheque - Non Chong Hing Bank customer HK$40 per transaction (Each transaction limits to one currency and below HK$10,000 or equivalent - 存入港元 / 相同外幣戶口 每張支票面額之 0.25% ( 最低 HK$100, 另加代理行費用 ( 如有 - Deposit to HKD / same foreign currency account 0.25% of cheque amount (minimum HK$100, plus correspondent bank's charge (if any 旅行支票 Travelers Cheque - 兌現手續費每次 HK$60 - Encashment handling charge HK$60 per transaction 輔幣找換每包 HK$2 Coins Changing HK$2 per sachet 人民幣賬戶提取現鈔 ( 同一戶口一天內 - 提取 RMB30,000 元或以下 - 免費 - 提取 RMB30,000 元以上 - 提取總額之 0.25% ( 最低收費 RMB75 RMB Cash Withdrawal (Per account per day - Withdrawal of up to RMB30,000 Free - Withdrawal of over RMB30,000 0.25% of total withdrawal amount (minimum RMB75 P. 4 of 7

大量支票存款 ( 同一戶口一天內 項目 銀行服務收費表 (Effective from 1 August 2012 收費 Item Charge 收費 - 存入超過 30 張支票, 首 30 張免收, 餘下每張 HK$1 Bulk Cheque Deposit (Per account per day - Up to 30 pcs Free - Over 30 pcs HK$1 per cheque charged on the number of cheque deposit 大量現鈔存款 ( 同一戶口一天內 大量硬幣存款 ( 同一戶口一天內 - 存入 300 張紙幣或以下 - 豁免 - 存入超過 300 張紙幣 - 存款額的 0.25% ( 最低收費 HK$100 存入硬幣收費每包 HK$2; 客戶必先將存入之硬幣分類 : 10 元硬幣 : 每包 50 個計 ; 5 元硬幣 : 每包 40 個計 ; 2 元硬幣 : 每包 50 個計 ; 1 元 5 毫 2 毫及 1 毫硬幣 : 每包 100 個計 ( 不足一包將作一包計 - Bulk cash deposit (Per account per day - Bulk coins deposit (Per account per day - deposit up to 300 pcs of notes - Waived - deposit over 300 pcs of notes - 0.25% of deposit amount (minimum HK$100 HK$2 per sachet or part thereof: HK$10 coins: 50 pcs/sachet, HK$5 coins: 40 pcs/sachet, HK$2 coins: 50 pcs/sachet, HK$1, 50 cents, 20 cents and 10 cents coins: 100 pcs/sachet (must be pre-sorted 索取賬戶紀錄副本以每戶每週期計 Account History Report (per account per cycle calculate - 由提出申請日起 1 個月內每戶 HK$50 - Within one month from the date of request HK$50 per account - 由提出申請日起 1 年內每戶 HK$300 - Within 1 year from the date of request HK$300 per account - 由提出申請日起 2 年內每戶 HK$750 - Within 2 years from the date of request HK$750 per account - 由提出申請日起 3 年內每戶 HK$1,000 - Within 3 years from the date of request HK$1,000 per account - 超過 3 年 ( 最多 7 年 每戶每年加收 HK$1,000 - Beyond 3 years from the date of request (up to 7 years HK$1,000 per account per additional year - 結單副本 - 往來戶口 - 結單儲存戶口 - 投資賬戶 每份 HK$50 每份 HK$50 每份 HK$50 - Reprint of Bank Statement - Current Account - Statement Savings Account - Investment Account - 會計師樓或律師樓查詢本行客戶賬戶紀錄及資料每項查詢 HK$450 - Enquiry from Certified Public Accountants or Solicitors on customer account records and information 文件影印 Photocopying of Documents - 已兌現支票 傳票 存檔文件之副本 - Copies of paid cheques, vouchers and filing documents HK$50 per copy HK$50 per copy HK$50 per copy HK$450 per request - 申請日起一年內每張 HK$50 - Within 1 year from the date of request HK$50 per page - 申請日起超過一年每張 HK$60 - Exceeding 1 year from the date of request HK$60 per page - 已兌現支票影像之副本每張 HK$150 - Copies of image of paid cheques HK$150 per page 查閱個人資料 Request for Personal Data - 申領個人資料紀錄每次 HK$300 - Request for personal data summary HK$300 per request 到期前提取定期存款由銀行決定 Premature Uplifting of Fixed Deposit Subject to the Bank s discretion ( 己 代付 / 代收自動轉賬 (F Autofund transfer 列表形式 Using Paper List Instructions - 建立費每項 HK$200 - Set-up fee HK$200 per item - 至本行賬戶每項 HK$2 - To Chong Hing Bank account HK$2 per item - 至他行賬戶每項 HK$3 ( 最低收費每項 HK$100 - To other banks account HK$3 per item (minimum HK$100 per item 磁碟形式 / USB 隨身碟形式 Using Machine Readable / USB Instructions - 安裝費每項 HK$200 - Installation Fee HK$200 per item - 至本行賬戶每項 HK$1 - To Chong Hing Bank account HK$1 per item P. 5 of 7

項目 銀行服務收費表 - 至他行賬戶每項 HK$2 ( 最低收費每項 HK$50 (Effective from 1 August 2012 收費 Item Charge - To other banks account HK$2 per item (minimum HK$50 per item 出糧寶強積金供款每項 HK$20 PayEasy MPF Contribution HK$20 per item 網上電子銀行發薪系統 empf Service Payroll - 至本行賬戶每項 HK$1 - To Chong Hing Bank account HK$1 per item - 至他行賬戶每項 HK$2 ( 最低收費每項 HK$50 - To other banks account HK$2 per item (minimum HK$50 per item - 網上電子強積金供款每項 HK$20 - empf Contribution HK$20 per item 特別行政費 每單一指示 HK$200 Special Administration Fee - 客戶於交易日前一個結算天下午一時正截止交易時間後, 送交代付 / 代收自動轉賬資料到本行辦理 ( 只適用於列表及磁碟 / USB 隨身碟形式 ( 庚 匯入匯款 (G Inward Remittance 電匯 Telegraphic Transfer - 本行戶口匯入匯款存入本行賬戶, 每筆 HK$50 或等值外幣, 另加代理銀行費用 ( 如有 另美元電匯存入美元鈔戶, 額外加收按存入金額之 0.2% 手續費 - 資料不符合自動入賬條件 每次 HK$20 Inward remittance information unmatched with STP (auto-credit criteria / bank information 託收支票 Collection of Payment Order or Cheque - 託收海外付款支票 每張 HK$200, 另加付款 / 代理銀行收費 ( 如有 - Foreign currency cheque received by Chong Hing Bank and sent for collection 託收票據退票 Returned Collection HK$200 per instruction - Customer submits the autofund transfer instruction to the Bank after the cut-off time at 13:00 on the clearing day prior to the value day (Applicable to paper list and machine readable / USB instructions - For credit into accounts with Chong Hing Bank Incoming remittance credit to accounts with the Bank, HK$50 per item or equivalent plus correspondent bank s charges (if applicable. For USD notes account deposit of USD remittance, additional handling charge of 0.2% on the transaction HK$20 per transaction HK$200 each plus drawee / correspondent bank s charges (if any - 託收或買入之票據被付款銀行拒付每張 HK$150, 另加付款 / 代理銀行收費 ( 如有 - Purchased or collection cheques returned by drawee HK$150 each plus drawee / correspondent bank s charges (if any ( 申 匯出匯款 (H Outward Remittance 電匯 / 匯票 Telegraphic Transfer / Demand Draft - 手續費 ( 本行客戶 電匯 : 本行客戶每筆 HK$100 匯票 : 本行客戶每筆 HK$80, 另加有關代理銀行收費 ( 如有 - Handling charge (Chong Hing Bank Customer Telegraphic Transfer: HK$100 per item for Chong Hing Bank Customer Demand Draft: HK$80 per item for Chong Hing Bank Customer Plus correspondent bank s charges (if applicable - 電報費每筆 HK$100 - Cable charge HK$100 per cable - 查詢 修改 止付或掛失手續費 每筆 HK$250, 另加付款 / 代理銀行收費 ( 如有 - Enquiry / amendment / cancellation / report loss handling charges - 匯款指示包含中文字每筆加收 HK$100 - Telegraphic Transfer with Chinese Characters Additional HK$100 per item ( 壬 貸款服務 (I Banking Facilities HK$250 per item plus drawee / correspondent bank s charges (if any - 貸款文件副本每頁 HK$10 ( 最低收費 HK$200 - Copy of loan documents HK$10 per page (minimum HK$200 - 補發供款明細表 ( 適用於未到期的供款 每貸款賬戶 HK$100 - Reissue of repayment schedule (applicable to payments not yet due HK$100 per loan account - 補發貸款賬戶還款紀錄每貸款賬戶每一財政年度 HK$100 - Reissue of repayment history record HK$100 per loan account per financial year - 更改貸款條文每貸款賬戶 HK$1,000 - Change of facility terms HK$1,000 per loan account - 申請租約同意書每項申請 HK$500 - Application for letter of tenancy consent HK$500 per request - 提前償還部份 / 全數貸款手續費每貸款賬戶 HK$1,000 - Handling fee for partial / full prepayment HK$1,000 per loan account - 逾期還款手續費及逾期利息每期逾期還款收取手續費 HK$100, 另按相關貸款之年利率加 10% 計 算逾期利息 - Late Payment Charge and Default Interest Late Payment Charge at HK$100 per installment plus Default Interest calculated at 10% p.a. above relevant Contract Rate P. 6 of 7

項目 - 以銀主身份代按揭客戶繳付逾期費用 ( 包括差 餉 地租 管理費等 之手續費 銀行服務收費表 收費 (Effective from 1 August 2012 Item Charge 每單手續費 HK$500, 未清繳之代付費用及手續費均收取利息, 按未 - Handling fee for settlement of overdue charges 經授權過額透支利率計算 (including rates, rent and management fee, etc. imposed on the Bank as mortgagee due to default of the mortgagors - 契約管理費 ( 已取消貸款額者 每年 HK$2,000 ( 每件抵押品計, 未清繳之管理費均收取利息, 按未 經授權過額透支利率計算 ( 癸 投資 (J Investment 基金 Fund - Title Deeds Management Fee (Upon facility cancellation HK$500 per item. For fees and payments not reimbursed, our Bank will charge interest according to the interest rate charged under unauthorized overdraft HK$2,000 per annum (per piece of collateral. For unpaid management fee, our Bank will charge interest according to the interest rate charged under unauthorized overdraft. - 認購費 按照個別基金說明書所列為準 - Subscription Fee In accordance with the fees stated in the Explanatory Memorandum or Prospectus of individual fund - 贖回費 按照個別基金說明書所列為準 - Redemption Fee In accordance with the fees stated in the Explanatory Memorandum or Prospectus of individual fund - 轉換費 按照個別基金說明書所列為準, 最少為轉換額之 1% - Switching Fee In accordance with the fees stated in the Explanatory Memorandum or Prospectus, minimum 1% of the switching amount 債券 Bond - 買入 / 賣出 - 認購總額為 US$100,000 以下 : 每次交易債券票面值之 0.75%; - 認購總額為 US$100,000 或以上 : 每次交易債券票面值之 0.5% 其他形式的債券 ( 如票據及存款證 的認購費, 將根據每次發行時所公佈之收費為準 - Purchase / Sell Transaction For subscription amount below US$100,000: 0.75% of debt securities face value for each transaction For subscription amount of US$100,000 or above : 0.5% of debt securities face value for each transaction (The subscription fees for other debt securities (such as notes and certificates of deposit will vary according to each issue - 證券託管服務 如持有為永久債券, 每年收取債券票面值之 0.05% 託管費 - Safe Custody 0.05% of debt securities face value per year applies to account holding Perpetual Bond 註 : 收費未能盡錄, 詳情請向營業員或分行查詢 本行保留隨時更改上述收費之權利 Notes: This "" list is not exhaustive and customers are requested to contact your marketing officer or Branches for details. The Bank reserves the right to change the above charges from time to time. P. 7 of 7