Message from the President 會長的話 Kenny Wan President, RHMCBA 溫建業 烈治文山市及萬錦市華商會會長 From Shangri-la to International Drive I have been to China for numerou

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第16卷 第2期 邯郸学院学报 年6月


Where Businesses Grow Published By Richmond Hill & Markham Chinese Business Association ISSUE 24 Summer 2013 Nowadays more and more young people want to have their own businesses. However, with limited amount of money and life experience, how can these young people realize their dreams and become successful entrepreneurs? Display advertising at supermarkets Steven Hung, a 27 years old computer engineer, set up a one-person company called Fovea Technologies, selling computers as well as offering maintenance services, after graduating from the University of Toronto in 2008. About two and a half years ago, he started one more business, which was to install TV screen for supermarkets for free, and to have business organizations advertised on the screen. To save costs, he installed the screens by himself, but he did not know much about it. I just followed instructions on the manual. On the first day, I went to the Home Depot eight times just to buy different parts, recalled Steven. It took him three weeks to install three screens. After that, he learned that he could not do everything all by himself. The installation should be done by technicians who are experts in this field and that he should be focusing on soliciting advertisers. Up to now he has invested Tips for Young Entrepreneurs 年輕創業家如何踏上成功路? about $300,000 in installing screens in 15 supermarkets. To me, financing is not a big problem, but convincing people to place advertisements is really difficult. To make himself look more mature so as to gain the confidence of his potential clients, he has to wear plain eyeglasses and a suit to see them. Need people to give him a chance Doing business is mutually beneficial, said Steven. I hope people can give me a chance to show that our plan can work. He now has five staff in his company. Having gone through the initial stage, Steven advises entrepreneurs that they should be bold but cautious. In addition to having a detailed business plan, they should also have a risk management plan. Once the original plan does not work, they will know how to deal with it as they are prepared, remarked Steven. He said that one should have ambition and mission in setting up one s business, and should never give up. My experience told me that It is not because we have hopes then we persist to work on it; it is with persistence we have hopes, he concluded. Begin with home bakery 2 7 - y e a r - o l d A m y Lu studied commerce while in university. After graduation, she had been a teacher, but her interest is in baking. In 2011, she decided to learn making cakes with recipes from the Internet, and last year, she worked as a baker in a bakery. During the eight months in the bakery, she learned how to run a bakery besides making cakes, so she decided to start her own business at home. In April this year, Amy came up with Charming Desserts as the name for her online dessert business. She offers a wide variety of desserts, such as cakes, macarons, cupcakes, gourmet marshmallows, and much more. Additionally, she creates custom cakes for special occasions, including wedding cakes. Her goal is to have her own dessert shop in the near future. As a new business owner, Amy found that getting customers to be one of the challenges. Currently her main sources of customers are from word-of-mouth and social media, with varying amount of sales each month. Once Charming Desserts full website is launched, she expects to see a positive growth in her business. Tips from President of RHMCBA Kenny Wan, the President of Richmond Hill and Markham Chinese Business Association, opened his own chartered accountant firm in 1996. He knew many entrepreneurs through businesses and has some tips for new business starters. Know your business Know your ability and the business you want to run. You have already failed if you are not familiar with the industry you are in. Equip yourself for everything regarding your industry. Act with Integrity Regular customers are vital for business. Do not cheat your customers with poor quality products or service, otherwise they will not come again. Create your business strategy Set your goal and know what kind of customers you want to have, then work on it. Financing You need to have enough capital for your business, and the banks can be your back up. So it is important to have a good credit rating and keep a good payment record with the bank. Kenny added that joining networking events is also helpful in developing business, but he said: You will not see the result for joining just once or twice. It usually takes one to two years for people to remember you. L Cont d P.8

Message from the President 會長的話 Kenny Wan President, RHMCBA 溫建業 烈治文山市及萬錦市華商會會長 From Shangri-la to International Drive I have been to China for numerous times in the past few years, either on business or with the China Trade Missions organized by the Confederation of Greater Toronto Chinese Business Association. This May, it was my first time joining sightseeing tours. My wife and I took a cruise of Yangtze River from Wuhan to Chongqing. Then we flew to Kunming for a tour of the Yunnan province, including the world s famous Shangri-la as well as other attractive towns such as Lijiang, Dali, Shilin. On visiting Shangri-la, it was also my first experience of high terrain. My wife and I finished inhaling three bottles of oxygen. It was actually quite handy as same as the size of a shaving cream can with the plastic cover which fits right into your mouth and nose. I also learned on the way some Tibetan culture and it opened my eyes. I deeply feel that disregarding how you may accept some practices and tastes of their culture, it is always a great learning exercise so that you can maintain your respect and value their traditions. In Kunming, I told a friend there that I am not impressed with many roads being turned upside down all lanes! I said we are lucky in Canada that the reconstruction of Highway 7 we try to finish one side and then the other side. About why 從香格里拉到 7 號公路 so many road construction it is because this city is building 6 lines of subway all at the same time! Back to about my Yangtze River cruise, the ship is newly built at the maximum size allowed: 15,000 tons at cost of RMB150 million, not just one, a total of 8 ships in two years! Now you can feel the phenomenal growth of China. About Highway 7, it has been proposed to change the name to International Drive. I fully support this idea and the board of RHMCBA has passed a resolution to endorse it too. Think about this, if Shangri-la is continued to be called Zhongtian County. Do you think anybody would pay a visit there? A fancy name will be helpful to attract business and grow the economy. It does worth the cost. Please be reminded again that September 28, 2013 is our big day. It is RHMCBA s 20th anniversary and inauguration gala. I am looking forward to seeing you there. Kenny Wan President 過去幾年我曾經多次到中國, 不是公幹便是隨大多市華商會的訪華商貿團而來 今年五月, 我首次放下公務, 與太太參加中國的觀光團 我們乘坐郵輪沿長江從武漢到重慶遊覽, 跟著飛到昆明參加雲南一個旅行團, 暢遊世界著名的旅遊勝地香格里拉 麗江 大理和石林 就在香格里拉, 我人生中首次經歷高地的生活 我與太太一共用了三瓶氧氣 這些氧氣瓶確實很方便, 與剃鬚膏的大小差不多, 瓶蓋拿出來用, 正好配合面型和口鼻 此外, 我認識到藏族文化, 令我眼界大開 我深深體會到無論您是否接受其文化, 也應學習怎樣尊重和珍惜人家的傳統 在昆明的時候, 看見他們將所有行車線一次過翻天覆地的修整, 引起極大的不便 我對當地一個朋友說, 我們在加拿大很幸運, 在重修 7 號公路時, 是完成一邊後才展開另一邊的工程 原來昆明有這麼多道路建設工程, 是因為這裡在同一時間要建造六條地下鐵路線! 回說我們的長江郵輪, 該艘新船是以長江最高可容許的容量 1.5 萬噸建造的, 造價是 1.5 億人民幣 然而不單是一艘船, 這郵輪公司在兩年內共製造和下水了 8 艘船! 您現在可以感受到中國的驚人增長吧 至於 7 號公路, 目前有建議把它改名為 國際大道, 我完全贊同這個想法, 而本會亦通過一項決議支持它 試想想, 如果香格里拉維持採用它的原名 中甸縣, 會有這麼多遊客慕名而來嗎? 一個別緻的名字有利吸引生意和令經濟增長, 實在是值得投資的 最後一提的是本年 9 月 28 日這個大日子, 本會將在當天舉行慶祝創會 20 周年暨新會長就職晚宴, 期待屆時您們齊來歡慶 會長溫建業 The BRIDGE Published by: Richmond Hill & Markham Chinese Business Association 360 Hwy 7 East, Lower Level, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3Y7 Tel: (905)731-8806 Fax: (905)731-8867 Editorial Advisors: Will Sung, Daisy Wai, Gin Siow, Kenny Wan Advertising: Daisy Wai Designer: Maverick Law - Editor: Miranda Tsui - Printing: Janson Printing Ltd.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kenny Wan President Annie Ho Deputy President Administration and Compliance Will Sung Immediate Past President Publication Joseph Wong Secretary Youth Advisor Ernest Cheung Treasurer Michelle Chu Vice President Events Sunny Ho Vice President Legal Counsel Gin Siow Vice President Membership David Ho Past President Fundraising Ben Leung Past President Development Daisy Wai Past President Government Liaison Kit Wong Past President Community Liaison Matthew Lyn Charter Andy Chan Arthur Chan Vivian Leung Henry Liu Catherine Miao Allan Sum Andy Wu Tom Yu Howard Zhu Alex Li Ambassador to China Lilly Wu Associate

Annie Ho Strives for Win-Win Situations s Profile 銀行家何鄧小仙為客戶爭取雙贏局面 Annie Ho has been with TD Bank Group (TD) for over 36 years. She started her financial banking career as a Personal Loan Clerk in 1977 at TD s headquarters. Over the next three decades, Annie has worked in various roles within TD. She was an Asian Banking Manager in the mid 90s serving the Asian community and her current post is as a Senior Private Banker with TD Wealth. As a private banker, Annie s role is to help manage her clients wealth on a day-today basis while forming a long-term relationship. Established genuine relationship with clients As a good private banker, you have to form a genuine connection with your clients and their families by going beyond the business. You have to work closely with your clients and understand what s important to them and what are their wealth goals, said Annie. It is a core value of TD and important that we see the clients business from a larger perspective and help them achieve their goals. Annie meets with every new client and tries to learn more about his/her background including family, career, home, lifestyle, and even legacy details so that she can work with her colleagues to develop a personal strategy to help meet the client s specific goals. Each client is different and has different needs, goals, and interests. I work hard to find 何鄧小仙 (Annie Ho) 於 1977 年加入道明銀行集團, 從個人借貸部的文員開始 36 年來她擔任過不同的職位, 包括 90 年代中出任亞洲銀行經理, 服務亞裔社區 目前她是道明財富的高級私人銀行家 與客戶建立真誠關係 作為私人銀行家,Annie 日常的工作是幫助客戶管理財富, 並與他們建立長久的關係 一個好的銀行家應該與客戶及其家人建立超越業務的真誠的關係 你應該與客戶緊密工作, 明白他們最重要的是甚麼, 以及了解他們的財富目標 這是道明的核心價值 她說 : 我們會從大局看客戶的情況以確保他們達到目標 每逢接待新的客戶,Annie 都會在家庭 工作及事業 住所 生活方式, 甚至遺產安排這幾方面作深入了解, 以便與同事設計對客戶最有利的方案, 幫助他們達到自己的目標 Annie 明白每個顧客各自有不同的需要 目標和感興趣的地方, 而她的任務就是要找出雙贏方 p Annie Ho works hard to help clients achieve their goals. 何鄧小仙致力幫助客戶達到目標 案, 讓顧客和銀行都得益 獲選出任商會會長 Annie 於 1999 年加入烈治文山市及萬錦市華商會成為會董,14 年來一直不遺餘力地推動商會的發展 今年 5 月,Annie 當選為新一屆商會會長, 她期待可以進一步為商會作出貢獻, 推動華人積極參與本地社區的活動, 繼續發揮商會作為聯繫商人與本地政府和中國的橋樑作用, 以及回饋社會, 而幫助青年會員發展事業是她任內的目標之一 : 年輕人是我們的未來, 我們要扶植他們, 培養他們學習基本的技能, 好讓他們在將來取得成功 就職典禮將於 9 月 28 日在喜來登酒店舉行, 同時慶祝商會成立 20 周年 歷屆商會會長都是老闆, 可以隨時犧牲賺錢的時間來處理和拓展會務, 以及代表商會出席各項應酬和活動 作為全職受薪僱員,Annie 要在處理銀行客戶的業務和投入會務之間取得平衡 : 時間管理至關重要, 我深信自己有能力平衡商會和銀行的工作, 而 TD 很支持我 她說, 商會董事局人才鼎盛, 成員在不同的領域上都有非 solutions that aim to benefit my clients, said Annie. Her RHMCBA beginnings Annie joined the Richmond Hill and Markham Chinese Business Association as a director in 1999. Since then, she has devoted herself to strengthening the Association. Elected in May as President, Annie is excited to contribute even more, especially by supporting the youth, who are the next generation of the Association. The inauguration gala will be held on September 28, 2013 at Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel. The gala also celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Association. Working closely with other directors Historically, the presidents of RHMCBA were self-employed business owners. They had more flexibility to use their time for the Association s business. However, Annie is full-time employee of TD and will work to find a balance between her mandate to her TD Wealth Private Banking clients and her involvement with RHMCBA. Time management is very important. I can balance the Association s business with my work at TD. I am proud TD supports my involvement in the community. She added that the Board is full of talented people in different fields, and she will delegate jobs to the directors according to their specialties. By working together, we can make the Association stronger and give people opportunities to shine, she concluded. 凡的成就, 她會按同僚的興趣和專長分配工作 她總結說 : 通過共同努力, 我們可以令商會更強大 更出色, 而同僚也有機會大放異彩 p Annie visits the mall during Chinese New Year with York Regional Police Chief Eric Jolliffe and Vice President Sunny Ho. 華商會每年農曆新年都會聯同約克區警隊到商場向商戶拜年 圖為 Annie 商會副會長何志立及警察總長祖列夫與商戶合照 5

Gallery Think Asia, Think Hong Kong Symposium in New York 華商總會參加推廣香港研討會 The Hong Kong Trade Development Council in partnership with the Confederation of the Greater Toronto Chinese Business Association (CGTCBA) and other organizations organized a symposium named Think Asia, Think Hong Kong on June 11 in the New York City. Over 1,000 people from North America attended, among them, 23 people were from CGTCBA. They pose with CY Leung, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the venue. 香港貿易發展局聯同大多市華商總會及其他機構於本年 6 月 11 日在紐約市舉辦一個名為 邁向亞洲首選香港 的研討會, 大多市華商總會組團出席, 共有 23 人參加 圖為團員與香港特區行政長官梁振英在會場合照 Wine Tasting Event & May Networking Dinner Highlights u This year the annual wine tasting event was held at the Richmond Hill Culinary Arts Centre. Our founding president, Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism, Chungseng Leung greets the attendees. The emcees are Lilly Wu and Allan Sum. t Prof. Chef Leo Chan, co-founder of the Cambridge Food and Wine Society shows the attendees where the wine was from. t Chef Frederick Oh has prepared 4 courses to go with 4 different wines, seafood risotto is the second course. q Joseph Wong exchanges business cards with Mark Sokolowski. p Richmond Hill Councillor Castro Liu (right) presents a gift to William Wei. u Ian Yip, New Business of YesUp Ecommerce Solutions, briefs the attendees the company s high speed Internet network.

RHMCBA sponsors Chief-for-a-Day contest 華商會贊助 一日總長 徵文比賽 OCDA Shows its appreciation to RHMCBA RHMCBA has been sponsoring the Chief-for-a-Day essay contest hosted by the York Regional Police for many years. This year, the winner was Julia Vassallo, a Grade 5 student from Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary School in Maple. Her essay was about how the York Regional Police s upcoming role in helping to host the 2013 Ontario Special Olympics Summer Games in July, and how it will greatly benefit the community. In the picture: York Regional Police Chief Eric Jolliffe, Julia Vassallo and Annie Ho, Deputy President of RHMCBA. 華商會多年來一直贊助約克區警隊舉辦的 一日總長 徵文比賽 今年比賽優勝者是 Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary School 的小五生 Julia Vassallo 她以約克區警隊如何協助安省舉辦 2013 特殊奧運及社區如何獲益為主題而奪魁 圖為約克區警察總長祖列夫, 本年度 一日總長 徵文比賽優勝者 Julia Vassallo 及烈治文山市萬錦市華商會副會長何鄧小仙 The Richmond Hill and Markham Chinese Business Association has been the title and diamond sponsor of the Ontario Inter- Collegiate Chinese Debate Alliance (OCDA) for many years. The Alliance presents a plaque to the Association to thank RHMCBA for its continued support. From the right: Chungsen Leung, Founding President of RHMCBA; Kenny Wan, President; Allen Lai, President of 23rd OCDA; Annie Ho, Deputy President of RHMCBA ; Ben Leung, Past President and, and Iris Leung, Marketing, 23rd OCDA. 本會多年來一直支持安省大專中文辯論比賽, 多次擔任比賽的主題及鑽石贊助 聯盟為表謝意, 特別向本會頒贈感謝牌匾 右起 : 本會創會會長梁中心 會長溫建業 第 23 屆安省大專中文辯論聯盟主席賴敏賢 商會副會長何鄧小仙 前會長暨會董梁萬邦及聯盟市場總監梁靄楓 Your Ad Here Contact: Miranda Tsui (905) 731-8806

= 接第 1 頁 愈來愈多年輕人喜歡創業以實現自己的夢想 不過, 要開展一盤生意可不容易, 欠缺人生經驗的年輕老闆怎樣才可脫穎而出, 踏上成功路? 超市熒幕屏賣廣告當你在華人超級市場收銀機前排隊輪候付費時, 有沒有留意收銀機櫃位上方熒幕所播放的廣告? 這項服務是 27 歲的 Steven Hung 於兩年半前創辦的生意 笑稱自少就很喜歡做生意賺錢的 Steven 在 2008 年於多倫多大學電腦工程學系畢業後開設了一人公司 Fovea Technologies, 主力售賣電腦和做維修工作 其後他發現在超市設電視熒幕屏賣廣告大有商機, 於是與超市聯絡, 免費為他們提供電視熒幕屏, 而他則當廣告代理, 與大小公司接觸, 遊說他們做廣告 起初, 為節省成本,Steven 自行到超市安裝電視熒幕屏 由於沒有經驗, 安裝 3 部熒幕屏共花了 3 個星期 其實我邊做邊學, 頭一天來回 Home Depot 共 8 次購買不同的零件 他回憶道 明白要知人善任經此一役, 他明白應花錢把安裝的工作交由行內人做, 而自己則專注找客源和開拓廣告市場 至今他共為 15 家超市安裝了熒幕屏, 而在每家超市的投資額約為 1.5 萬元至 3 萬元 : 資金對我來說不算是問題, 因我把以前做生意及炒股票所賺的錢都投資在這裡, 但問題是如何爭取客戶落廣告, 讓投資有回報 由於他的樣貌較幼嫩, 很難獲得客戶信任, 所以他特意戴上黑邊平光眼鏡及穿上西裝見客, 讓自己看來老成點 做生意都是互惠互利的, 希望老闆們能給我一個機會, 讓我證明我們的計劃是行的 他誠懇地說 目前他的公司共有 5 名員工, 超市客戶 67 家, 除了廣告外, 他還當電腦系統顧問, 負責維修工作 Steven 回想當初創業時沒有信用額, 既不懂寫計劃書借錢, 又怕自己的意念被人家盜用, 同時想多賺, 所以凡事親力親為 他寄語打算創業的人士要有抱負和使命, 做事要膽大心細, 除了有周詳的業務計劃外, 還要準備一套風險管理計劃, 一旦原先計劃行不通的時候, 也懂得如何變通, 最重要的是不要放棄, 他強調 : 不是因為有希望才去堅持, 而是有堅持才有希望 自學西點打算開餅店同是 27 歲的 Amy Lu 大學時讀商科, 畢業後曾教書, 但她的興趣是製作西點, 希望能把興趣作為事業 2011 年開始, 她自學焗蛋糕西餅, 去年更到一家餅店做師傅 當了八個多月西點師傅, 了解到一家餅店要如何運作後, 她便籌謀擁有自己的店鋪 今年四月她決定創業, 先以家中的廚房作試點, 命名為 Charming Desserts, 接受訂購各種口味的紙杯蛋糕 曲奇餅 芝士蛋糕 慕斯蛋糕等, 當中有些蛋糕混入了亞洲人的口味如綠茶 黑芝麻 荔枝 榴槤等, 而她的招牌甜點是法式蛋白杏仁餅 累積經驗後, 她希望明年能正式開設街鋪 所謂萬事起頭難, 開墾客源是她感到最吃力的 目前她的顧客主要是透過在社交網站的宣傳而來, 很多是熟客或是靠口碑相傳的, 不夠穩定 她希望網站推出後, 生意會有所增長 8 創業家如何踏上成功路? 商會會長談創業訣竅 烈治文山市萬錦市華商會會長溫建業於 1996 年開設以自己名字命名的會計師樓, 至今 17 年, 曾遇過不少創業人士, 他有以下的忠告 : 不熟不做要清楚自己的能力, 對打算創業的一行要十分熟悉, 否則已失敗了一半 要有誠信做事要用心, 不能馬虎交貨, 不要急功近利欺騙顧客, 否則顧客不會再光顧 要有策略清楚自己的目標, 需要甚麼客戶 他以自己為例, 集中做小型項目, 多客戶, 帳單數額雖小, 但 密食當三番 籌措資金要有資金做後盾, 一旦生意需要擴充也有資金支持, 因此要保持良好的信貸記錄, 準時付款, 與銀行保持良好關係 此外, 溫建業會利用廣告宣傳, 增加客源 他建議創業人士多參加各類人際網絡活動以拓闊自己的網絡 他強調這些活動不是參加一兩次便奏效, 而是要持續一兩年, 人家才會記得你 Both the City of Markham and Town of Richmond Hill offer help to entrepreneurs and small businesses. They have established small business centres which are funded by the municipal government and the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment to provide free consultation, educational training, and business resources to the entrepreneurs and small businesses in the municipalities. Besides providing free one-on-one consultation, the Markham Small Business Centre (MSBC) offers seminars and workshops throughout the year on various small business topics; its resource centre offers free publications and brochures about topics related to business start-up and running a small business, and its reference library offers various trade directories and guide books which list potential suppliers, clients and market statistics for in office use. For more information, please visit www.msbc. The Richmond Hill Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) provides a onestop source of services and programs for Richmond Hill s entrepreneurs and small businesses. Its services include free small pkenny Wan encourages young entrepreneurs to attend the networking events. In the picture, he presents a welcoming folder to RHMCBA s new member Brian Quach at the Association s networking dinner. 會長溫建業鼓勵青年創業家多參加人際網絡活動, 拓闊自己的網絡 HOW CITIES SUPPORT ENTREPRENEURS 烈萬市政府支援創業 business resources and information; free consultations with knowledgeable business consultant; direct assistance with business plan preparation and market research, seminars, workshops and networking events. For more information, please visit www. 萬錦和烈治文山兩市都設有小型企業中心, 為創業人士提供協助 這兩個市的小型企業中心, 都是由市政府和安省經濟發展 貿易及就業廳資助的, 為兩市的創業家和小企業提供諮詢 培訓和資源服務 萬錦市小型企業資訊中心免費為有意創業的人士及企業家提供創業及與業務有關的單對單諮詢服務 中心設有資源中心, 免費提供多項與創業及經營小生意有關的刊物, 並設有資料室提供不同的貿易指南和商業雜誌 此外, 中心經常舉辦各類研討會和工作坊, 詳情可到該中心的網頁瀏覽 烈治文山市小型企業中心為打算在烈市創業的人士或是小企業提供一站式服務, 包括免費小企業資源及資訊服務 免費商業諮詢服務 協助準備業務計劃及市場調查 舉辦研討會 工作坊和人際網絡活動, 並設有年輕創業家計劃等, 詳情可瀏覽中心的網頁

Member s Business Make a DONATION to support the fight against Cancer p The Canadian Chinese Outreach has been hosting the Golden Daffodil Ball to raise fund for the Canadian Cancer Society. This year, the Society received $100,000 from the Ball. 金水仙基金會今年舉辦的 金水仙慈善晚宴 為加拿大防癌協會籌得 10 萬元 The Canadian Cancer Society is a national, community-based charitable organization of volunteers whose mission is to eradicate cancer and enhance the quality of life of those living with cancer. Celebrating its 75th Anniversary This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the Canadian Cancer Society. All through these years the organization has been relying on donors and volunteers support to fight against cancer. Mr. Tony Lee, of Leadership Philanthropy at the Canadian Cancer Society, pointed out that corporate involvement in charity has a lot of advantages. It helps building business, as customers tend to prefer doing business with those firms that have done something good for the society. Since these corporations are recognized within the community, their marketing costs can be lower as people know them well through their involvement in charitable activities. Besides attracting and keeping customers, by being socially responsible, these corporations are able to recruit and retain talent, especially young talent, as they like to stay with the company they are proud of, said Tony. He added that business organizations participating in charitable activities also help building morale and improving productivity. These activities can be used as team-building exercises that enable people to get to know each other and utilise their hidden skills. Tony encouraged the companies in Richmond 支持防癌協會對抗癌症 加拿大防癌協會是一個以社區為基礎的全國性慈善機構 它的使命是根除癌症, 以及提高癌症病患者的生活質素 成立了 75 年的加拿大防癌協會對抗癌症不遺餘力 多年來, 該會得以成功全憑善長仁翁的長期捐助, 以及大批義工的無私支持 該會慈善總監 Tony Lee 指出, 商業機構參與慈善事業有不少好處, 其中一個是可增加生意, 因為客戶樂於光顧一間對社會有貢獻的機構 透過參與社區公益的活動, 這些機構獲得社會人士的認同及提高了知名度, 因此他們投放在市場推廣的費用亦可以省卻不少 凝聚僱員和提高生產力 這等具社會責任的機構, 除了能吸引及留住顧客外, 還能吸引人才 Tony 說 : 良好的形象有助他們招募及留住人才, 尤其是年青才俊, 因為僱員都願意留在一間讓他們引以為傲的機構 Tony 又補充謂, 參與慈善活動同樣有助機構提高生產力及士氣 這些活動可以用來培訓僱員的團隊精神, 增加員工之間的了解, 並可發掘出他們的潛能 研究常見於華人的癌症 Tony 鼓勵烈治文山及萬錦市的商業機構參與慈善活動 他說 : 加拿大防癌協會一年投資 320 萬元於研究在華人相當普遍的癌症, 例如喉癌 胃癌 肝癌及肺癌等 當然, 除華人外, 這些研究同樣使其他族裔人士受惠 單就烈萬兩市, 防癌協會就花費了 8 萬元於交通運輸上, 這包括義工的招募和培訓 ;3 萬元於癌病資訊熱線 ;1.3 萬元於病友朋輩支援及 1 萬元於預防癌病的研討會上 以去年而言, 40 名義工為這兩地共 329 名成年人及兒童, 提供了 6,970 次有關癌症診治的接送服務, 他們駕駛了合共 189,941 公里的路程 加拿大防癌協會有賴各方善長的捐助才得以 Hill and Markham to participate in charitable activities. He said that the Canadian Cancer Society invests $3.2M a year in research on cancers that Chinese people have a predisposition to, such as throat cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer and lung cancer. Of course, this helps lots of people besides Chinese people, remarked Tony. Research on cancers common among Chinese As for the City of Markham and Town of Richmond Hill, the Canadian Cancer Society spends $80,000 on transportation, which includes volunteer recruitment and training; $30,000 on cancer information hotline; $13,000 on peer support, and $10,000 on prevention seminars. Last year 40 local volunteers drove 189,941 km providing 329 local adults and children 6,970 rides to cancer appointments. The Canadian Cancer Society depends largely on donors to carry out their mission. There is an endowment fund established by some members of the Chinese community called the Golden Daffodil Endowment. Last year the endowment contributed a little less than $10,000 towards services and research of benefit to the Chinese community. The Society does not track its donors by ethnicity, so the real contribution from the community is much higher. For more information about the work of Canadian Cancer Society and donation, please visit 履行他們的使命 華人社區一個名為 金水仙慈善捐贈基金會, 去年捐助了約 1 萬元給防癌協會, 用於在華裔社區的服務和研究上 防癌協會沒有對捐贈者的族裔作記錄, 因此華裔社區在這方面的實際貢獻可能更大 欲獲取更多有關與加拿大防癌協會的工作或捐助的詳情, 請瀏覽網站 p Tony Lee talks about corporate social responsibility and how it is good for every business at RHMCBA s networking dinner. Tony Lee 在本會舉辦的人際網絡餐會上講解作為良心企業的好處 9

Income Tax Implications on Disposal of Principal Residence 出售主要住宅對個人所得稅的影響 Benedict Leung, CA, Leung & Company Chartered Accountants 梁萬邦特許會計師 The tax implications concerning principal residence is becoming a topic of interest for taxpayers. Principal residence can be a house, cottage, condominium, apartment, or even a trailer and mobile home. Under section 54 of the Income Tax Act, a principal residence has to be: 1) A housing unit, leasehold interest in a housing unit, or shares of a cooperative housing corporation that grants you the right to inhabit that housing unit; 2) You own the property alone or with another person; 3) You, your spouse (current or former), or your children live in that property at any time in the year; 4) You designated the property as your principal residence. If you sell your principal residence, you are exempted from reporting some or all of the capital gain. Designate one property as principal residence An individual owning more than one property can only designate one property each year as the principal residence. To calculate the exempt portion of capital gain, a simple formula is given: (1+ number of years designated / number of years owned) x gain = exempt portion of capital gain The purpose of the 1+ in the formula is to protect the taxpayers who disposes a principal residence and buys a new home the same year. Calculating the capital gain per year for each principal residence property is highly recommended. This is to determine which property you want to designate your principal residence years to. You want to maximize the years for properties that yield the most capital gain per year to maximize the exemption. Change in use of principal residence When there is a change in use of your property to a rental or business property, that property is no longer a principal residence and you are required to report capital gain on the years that it is not. However a provision in section 45(2) of the Income Tax Act allows the taxpayer to choose the property deemed to be principal residence for up to 4 years after its change in use. If you do, you are required to report any rental or business income from that property and you are not allowed to take CCA from that property during that time. A property that is changed in use will be deemed to have sold the property at its fair market value and re-acquired it for the same amount. You recognize any capital gain on the change in use. If your property has multiple purposes, while calculating your capital gain, you must make sure to split between the portion of that is principal residence and other uses. Proceeds on sale and adjusted cost base are changed accordingly. You may designate your property as a principal residence by using Form T2091 from the CRA website: tpcs/ncm-tx/rtrn/cmpltng/rprtng-ncm/lns101-170/127/rsdnc/menu-eng. html (The author is a chartered accountant with over 25 years experience in helping immigrants and emigrants. He can be reached at ben@ 10 出售主要住宅對個人所得稅的影響是納稅人關心的一個話題 主要住宅可以是房屋 度假屋 公寓, 甚至是一輛拖車式房屋或者移動屋 根據 個人所得稅法 第 54 條, 同時符合以下四個條件才可定義為主要住宅 : 1) 它是一個居住單位, 有居住單位的租賃權益, 或是有合作建房公司居住單位的擁有權 2) 單獨擁有或與他人共同擁有的房產 3) 您 您的配偶 ( 現任或前任 ), 或您的孩子經常在此居住 4) 您指定該物業為主要住宅當您出售物業時, 有資本增值, 資本增值部分的一半屬於納稅範疇 出售主要住宅產生的增值, 可以享受部分或全部的資本利得稅豁免 如果一個家庭同時擁有一套以上住宅, 在某一個特定的稅務年度, 只可以指定其中的一套作為主要住宅 可以以下公式計算增值的免稅部分 : ((1+ 指定作為主要住宅的年數 )/ 持有年數 ) 房地產增值額 = 增值的免稅部分公式中的 1 + 的目的是為了保護納稅人在賣出主要住宅的同年又買入另一房產 建議閣下計算每年每處房產的增值額, 藉此決定以哪一個房產作為主要住宅 您應把資本增值年數最大的房產作為主要住宅, 以獲得最大的豁免 主要住宅改變用途的稅務政策 若主要住宅整體上改變成出租或者經營性用途的物業, 閣下需要申報房產資本利得 根據個人所得稅法 45(2), 已經改變了用途的主要住宅, 在改變用途的 4 年內, 依然可以作為主要住宅 但在此期間, 需申報每年的租金或者其他營業所得, 同時不能享有房子建築部分的折舊稅務優惠 主要住宅如果整體上改變成為出租或者經營性用途, 被視作以當時的公平市價出售, 又以當時的相同的價格買入 閣下需要申報資本利得 如果閣下的主要住宅有部分作為出租或經營之用, 在計算資本利得時需謹慎劃分主要住宅與出租或經營部分的比例 這是因為賣出時的資金收益和稅務成本都會相應改變 如閣下要申報指定物業為主要住宅, 可以從 CRA 網站下載 T2091 表格 : rprtng-ncm/lns101-170/127/rsdnc/menu-eng.html ( 作者有 25 年加國稅務經驗, 在協助新移民及辦理非稅務居民方面獨有心得 聯絡方式為

Members Corner WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS 歡迎新會員 Tony Lee Canadian Cancer Society Jessica Man CW Group Henry Chui & Vivian Sit Results Advertising Inc. Amy Lu Charming Desserts Emmy Wu Centum Direct Financial Inc. Jenny Lian Kestenberg Rabinowicz Partners LLP Kylie Li Shenglin Financial Judith Cheung The Epoch Times Peter Lee The Epoch Times Victor Wong Amcan Business Development Inc. Express Employment Professionals CORPORATE MEMBERS James Huen Daphne Huen Alan Huen GENERAL MEMBERS CIBC BBose Global Inc. T S E Consultants Inc. Chelsea Jin Jason Dong Lawrence Tse 本會活動 RHMCBA event RHMCBA s 20th Anniversary & Inauguration Gala Date: Saturday, September 28, 2013 Time: 6:00 pm - 12:00 pm Venue: Sheraton Parkway Hotel 600 Highway 7 East, Richmond Hill Ticket: $168 per person Enquiry: or 905-731 8806 大多市華商總會活動 CGTCBA event Golf Tournament Date: Thursday, September 5, 2013 Time: Registration: 12:30 p.m. Shotgun Tee-Off: 1:30 p.m. Venue: The Club at Bond Head 4805 7th Line, Bond Head, ON, L0G 1B0 Fee: Golf and Dinner - $180 Golf only - $130 Dinner only - $60 Enquiry: or call Miranda at 905-731 8806 by August 22, 2013 商務工作坊 Business workshop Creativity Connected Creative Industries Symposium Date: Friday, November 8, 2013 Time: 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Venue: Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts 10268 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Theme: Branding & Marketing Fee: Free Registration: