四 交通运输部自收到上述齐备 有效的备案材料后, 出具 中资非五星旗国际航行船舶试点沿海捎带业务备案证明书 ( 见附件 2) 4. The MOT will issue a "Certificate for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships of Internationa

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Unofficial Translation 交通运输部关于在上海试行中资非五星旗国际航行船舶沿海捎带的公告 Circular of Ministry of Transport concerning Trial Implementation of Coastal Shipping of Chineseinvested Foreign Ships of International Sails 为推动上海国际航运中心和中国 ( 上海 ) 自由贸易试验区建设, 根据我国相关法律法规和规定, 我部决定, 允许中资航运公司利用全资或控股拥有的非五星旗国际航行船舶, 经营以上海港为国际中转港的外贸进出口集装箱在国内对外开放港口与上海港之间的捎带业务 ( 以下称 试点捎带业务 ) 现将有关事项公告如下 : In order to facilitate the establishment of Shanghai International Shipping Center and China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to the "MOT") makes a decision that Chinese-invested shipping companies are allowed to use their wholly-owned or controlled foreign ships to pilot coastal shipping between ports that open to vessels of foreign nationalities and Shanghai port for the importing and exporting containers that select Shanghai port as port of transshipment (hereinafter referred to as "pilot coastal shipping"). Relevant issues are hereby announced as follows: 一 自本公告公布之日起, 拟开展试点捎带业务的中资航运公司经向我部办理备案手续, 可利用其全资或控股拥有的非五星旗国际航行船舶, 开展相关业务 1. As of the announcement of the Circular, Chinese-invested shipping companies which plan to engage in pilot coastal shipping are allowed to operate relevant business using their wholly-owned or controlled foreign ships after filing to the MOT. 二 本公告所称 中资航运公司, 指注册在境内, 依据 中华人民共和国国际海运条例 取得 国际班轮运输经营资格登记证 从事国际海上运输业务的企业法人 2. The "Chinese-invested shipping companies" indicated in the Circular refer to the corporations that are registered in China, engage in maritime transportation and obtained "International Liner Shipping Qualification Registration Certificate" in accordance with the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation". 三 中资航运公司申请试点捎带业务, 应向交通运输部提交备案申请 备案申请的材料和程序如下 : 3. Filing application shall be submitted to the MOT when a Chinese-invested shipping company applies to pilot the coastal shipping. Materials and procedures for filing application are as follows: ( 一 ) 中资非五星旗国际航行船舶试点沿海捎带业务备案申请表 ( 见附件一 ) (1) "Filing Application Form for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships of International Sails Piloting the Coastal Shipping" (please refer to Appendix I) ( 二 ) 中资航运公司的 工商营业执照 国际船舶运输经营许可证 国际班轮运输经营资格登记证 复印件 (2) Copies of "Business License", "International Shipping License" and "International Liner Shipping Qualification Registration Certificate" of the Chinese-invested shipping companies. ( 三 ) 中资航运公司拟开展试点捎带业务船舶的 国籍证书 (Certificate of Registry) 入级证 (Certificate of Classification), 以及船舶所有权关系证明材料 (3) "Certificate of Registry", "Certificate of Classification" and certificates for ownership of the ships of a Chineseinvested shipping company which plans to engage in coastal shipping. 如船舶为中资航运公司通过境外独资投资企业间接拥有的, 还需提供中资航运公司投资该境外独资企业的证明文件 该境外独资投资企业全资或控股拥有船舶的证明, 以及中资航运公司租赁船舶的证明文件 If the ships are indirectly owned by a Chinese-invested shipping company via an overseas wholly-owned company, support documents for the Chinese-invested shipping company investing in the overseas whollyowned company, certificates for the overseas wholly-owned company wholly-owning or controlling the ships, and the certificate for the Chinese-invested shipping company leasing the ships. Page 1

四 交通运输部自收到上述齐备 有效的备案材料后, 出具 中资非五星旗国际航行船舶试点沿海捎带业务备案证明书 ( 见附件 2) 4. The MOT will issue a "Certificate for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships of International Sails Piloting the Coastal Shipping" (please refer to Appendix II) after receiving the aforementioned filing material that are complete and valid. 五 中资航运公司不得擅自将经备案批准开展试点业务船舶转租他人 一旦转租, 自船舶租赁合同生效之日起, 船舶自动丧失开展试点业务的资格 5. The Chinese-invested shipping companies are not allowed to sublease the filed pilot ships without authorization. In case of a sublease, the pilot certificate for the ship will be void as of the effective date of the ship leasing contract. 六 除依照本公告备案的船舶外, 其他任何非五星旗船舶, 不得承运中国港口间的集装箱货物, 包括不得承运在国内一港装船 经国内另一港中转出境, 或者经国内一港中转入境 在国内另一港卸船的外贸集装箱货物 如违反本条规定, 将依据 中华人民共和国国际海运条例 第四十五条等规定予以处罚 6. Except for ships filed in accordance with the Circular, other foreign ships are not allowed to shipping container cargo between ports in China, including the circumstances of loading on board in one port, transshipping to another port in China for exporting, or transshipping to one port for importing and unloading in another port in China; otherwise the relevant parties will be subject to penalties according article 45 of the "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on International Maritime Transportation". 特此公告 It is hereby announced. 交通运输部 The Ministry of Transport 2013 年 9 月 27 日 27 September 2013 Page 2

附件 : Appendixes: 1. 中资非五星旗国际航行船舶试点沿海捎带业务备案申请表 1. Filing Application Form for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships of International Sails Piloting the Coastal Shipping 申请人名称 Name of applicant 中资非五星旗国际航行船舶试点沿海捎带业务备案申请表 Filing Application Form for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships of International Sails Piloting the Coastal Shipping 国际班轮运输经营资格登记证 号 :MOC-ML International Liner Shipping Qualification Registration Certificate No.: MOC-ML 国际船舶运输经营许可证 号 :MOC-MT International Shipping License No.: MOC-MT 申请人地址 Address of applicant 列明备案事项内容, 如挂靠港口 航线 投入船舶等 List contents for filing issues, such as port of call, seaway, ships launched, etc. 备案事项 Filing issues 申请单位盖章 Seal of Applicant 年月日 Year Month Day Page 3

2. 中资非五星旗国际航行船舶试点沿海捎带业务备案证明书 2. Certificate for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships of International Sails Piloting the Coastal Shipping 中资非五星旗国际航行船舶 试点沿海捎带业务备案证明书 Certificate for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships of International Sails Piloting the Coastal Shipping 申请人名称 : Name of applicant: 国际船舶运输经营许可证 号 :MOC-MT International Shipping License No.: MOC-MT 国际班轮运输经营资格登记证 号 :MOC-ML 登记证号 : 交水 CR(201 ) Registration Certificate No.: Jiaoshui No. CR (201) International Liner Shipping Qualification Registration Certificate No.: MOC-ML 根据 交通运输部关于在上海试行中资非五星旗国际航行船舶沿海捎带的公告 及有关规定, 本机关对申请人申请的下列事项予以备案 : In accordance with "Circular of Ministry of Transport concerning Trial Implementation of Coastal Shipping of Chinese-invested Foreign Ships of International Sails" and relevant regulations, we make filing for the following issues applied by the applicant: 号 接受 XXX 公司拥有和经营的 XXXX XXXX 轮等 X 艘中资非五星旗国际航行船舶在下列港口与上海港 ( 以上海港为国际中转港 ) 间试点开展外贸进出口集装箱捎带业务 : X Chinese-invested foreign ships for international sails such as "XXXX","XXXX",etc. owned and operated by Company XXX are allowed to pilot coastal shipping for import & export container between the following ports and Shanghai port (Shanghai port is selected as international transshipping port): 申请人不得擅自将经备案批准开展试点业务船舶转租他人 一旦转租, 自船舶租赁合同生效之日起, 船舶自动丧失开展试点业务的资格 The applicant is not allowed to sublease the filed and approved pilot ships without authorization. In case of a sublease, the pilot certificate for the ships will be void as of the effective date of the ship leasing contract. 附 : 从事试点捎带业务中资非五星旗国际航行船舶清单 Appendix: List for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships Engaging in Pilot Coastal Shipping 登记机关盖章 Seal of Registration Authority 年月日 Year Month Day 本备案证书有效期至年月日 The filing certificate is effective as of Year Month Day Page 4

附 Appendix 从事试点捎带业务中资非五星旗国际航行船舶清单 List for Chinese-invested Foreign Ships Engaging in Pilot Coastal Shipping 序号 No. 船名 Name of ship 船舶所有人及经营人 Owner and operator of ship 载箱量 (TEU) Container amount (TEU) 船旗 Flag of ship 船籍港 Port of registration IMO 编号 IMO No. 1 2 * * * * * Page 5