ENTRANCES/FEES INCLUDED Arctic Crab Safari Hunting the Lights by Snowmobile Reindeer Farm experience Huskies Safari Ice Breaking Cruise Sampo or Polar

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ENTRANCES/FEES INCLUDED Arctic Crab Safari Hunting the Lights by Snowmobile Reindeer Farm experience Huskies Safari Ice Breaking Cruise Sampo or Polar Explorer Crossing of Arctic Circle Certificate Santa Claus Village Ice Hotel, Kiruna Arctic Circle Train Mt Storsteinen gondola Polaria Aquarium Viking museum, Oslo Eat all you can King Crab Sauteed reindeer Traditional reindeer soup *specific restaurants mentioned will be replaced if closed for private events. Lunch - 5 Meals DINING SPECIALS Dinner - 9 Meals HOTEL ACCOMMODATION Premium tourist class hotels, majority with free wifi (at least at the lobby). 2N Oslo Thon Opera or sml 1N Kirkenes Thon/ Scandic or sml 1N Saariselka Aurora Glass Cabin or sml 2N Rovaniemi Scandic / Vaakuna or sml 1N Abisko Region Hotel Fjallet or sml 2N Tromso Scandic chain hotel or sml *Daily hot breakfast served in all hotels. 12DAYS 9 NIGHTS D1 Depart KLIA ULTIMATE LAPLAND ADVENTURE - The Northern Lights Expedition Pose with giant king crab D2 Arrive Oslo, Norway (Hotel dinner) Oslo city tour Visit Viking Ship Museum, housing 3 of the best preserved Viking ships; Oseberg, Gokstad and Tune. Visit Vigeland Sculpture Park with over 200 sculptures created by Gustav Vigeland placed around a large park. Enjoy great vista of Aker Brygge from Akershus Fortress. See Oslo s key landmarks such as the Royal Palace, City Hall and the iconic Oslo Opera House. D3 Oslo = = Kirkenes (Hotel breakfast/ - / King Crab dinner) This morning, board a flight to Kirkenes, the capital of the Barents Region. Arctic Crab Safari Hunting the Lights by Snowmobile Begin your evening by riding a snowmobile (2 persons per machine) on the frozen Barents Sea to pick up the giant king crabs from the cage and pose with them. While the crabs are being cooked, we start hunting down the Northern Lights on the snowmobile thorugh the Siberian Taiga forest in the Pasvik Valley. Afterwhich, feast on the succulent and fresh king crabs for dinner. D4 Kirkenes -268km- Saariselka (Hotel breakfast/ Western lunch / Hotel dinner) Huskies Safari Meet the adorable Siberian huskies before experiencing the thrilling husky sled ride (2persons/sled) as a musher in control of your own teams of dogs. Enjoy every bit of this exciting slalom as the huskies pull you at a speedy but safe pace through the breathtaking countryside. Glass Igloo stay Check into the premium Glass Igloos with glass-roofed arctic view rooms and witness Lapland s ever-changing nature while enjoying the comforts of a hotel room. Each room has its own bathroom with shower. Tonight, experience the northern light phenomena in a most memorable setting Glass Igloo Interior

D5 Saariselka 155km - Luosto - 120km - Rovaniemi (Hotel breakfast/ Western lunch / Hotel dinner) Reindeer Farm experience Upon arrival at one of region s Reindeer farm, adjourn to a Lappish wooden hut Kota to enjoy a traditional Lappish lunch. Learn from the Sami guides how to feed Reindeers and catch one with a traditional rope suapunki while listening to Lapland tales. Experience riding a reindeer sleigh. Santa Claus Village In Rovaniemi, visit the most magical winter wonderland village of Santa Claus. Meet with Santa Claus and send your friends and relatives special greeting cards from the Santa Claus Post Office. Collect an Arctic Circle certificate in your personal to signify that you have crossed the Arctic Circle. D6 Rovaniemi 133km(168km) - Kemi (Batskarsnas) 133km(168km)- Rovaniemi (Hotel breakfast/ - / Hotel dinner) Ice Breaking Cruise ( Sampo or Polar Explorer) Enjoy a 3 hours cruise in the frozen Bothnian sea. You will witness the ice breaking power of the vessel, have a guided tour of the engine rooms and all way up to Captain s bridge. You can relax in the cozy saloon, or go for walk on the frozen sea ice during the stop. Every visitor can take a swim in the dark icy water in flotation survival suit. The captain will present a Cruise & Swim Certificate to everyone as a memorable gift. D7 Rovaniemi - 334km - Kiruna - 123km - Abisko (Bjorkliden) (Hotel breakfast/ - / Hotel dinner) Cross the Swedish border to Kiruna for lunch and visit the fascinating Ice Hotel in Jukkassarvi, built entirely with snow and ice. Abisko Northern Lights Experience Abisko has a great reputation in Lapland for its sightings of Aurora Borealis, due to its location in a low precipitation micro-climate and more clear nights than virtually any other of the destination. It is a top destination for catching the Northern Lights. Tonight, we will drive out into the wilderness with spectacular views over Lake Tornetrask in search of the dancing lights. D8 Abisko (Bjorkliden) = = Narvik -250km- Tromso (Hotel breakfast/ Light lunch / Hotel dinner) Arctic Circle Train Experience Spend some free time at Abisko before boarding the famous Arctic Circle train to Narvik and enjoy one of the most scenic train journeys found anywahere. Continue with a scenic drive through various fjords brings us to the largest city of Northern Norway, Tromso. Mount Storsteinen "Northern Lights" spectacle Take the "fjellheisen" cable car to the top of 420metre hill viewpoint. Enjoy great views of Tromso while anticipating the appearance of the aurora lights. D9 Tromso (Hotel breakfast/ Western lunch / Western dinner) Tromso city tour Visit the famous Arctic Cathedral, a stunning architectural creation of known as Opera House of Norway. Visit Polaria Aquarium to learn about arctic wild life. Browse the Arctic Walkway,watch the visual films and check out the bearded seals in an open pool Enjoy the last night to hunt for the Northern Lights with your tour manager. It will require a short walk (about 15minutes). D10 Tromso = = Oslo (Hotel breakfast/ Chinese lunch / Western dinner) In the morning, leave Arctic Norway on a flight to Oslo with best memories of a Northern Lights hunting experience. Browse the busy Karl Johan Street, the heartbeat of the capital city. D11 Oslo / Depart for home (Hotel breakfast) Transfer to airport for flight home in the afternoon. D12 Arrival Home Tour ends upon reaching KLIA with fond memories of a vacation. Huskies Safari Kiruna Ice Hotel

12 9 Oslo Viking Ship Museum Reindeer Farm experience ()

Arctic Catheral, Tromso Mount Storsteinen view of Northern Lights"

HIGHLIGHTS 7nights to catch the Northern Lights Deluxe Glass Igloo with Aurora Alarm Ice Breaking Cruise Experience Arctic Circle Train to Narvik - Europe most Northern train station Abisko reputedly best place in the world to view Aurora Borealis Mount Storsteinen Northern Lights hunt Dedicated Northern Light / Photographer LAPLAND TOURS SPECIAL REMARKS 1) Aurora Borealis - Sighting of this visual spectacle is dependent on solar activity; cloud cover & general weather conditions. Hence it can never be guaranteed. 2) Tour manager will make the best possible decision when hunting the Northern Lights. If the weather conditions neither in nor favourable, the hunt will be cancelled. 3) The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangement are subject to the final adjustment. It is due to limitation of glass igloos and domestic flights. 4) Lapland Hotels has no star grading equivalent will be provided. 5) Weather condition in Lapland is very unpredictable, roads and attractions may close at short notice, and we will proceed with the alternative routings in such scenarios based on the best possible situation. 6) Passenger may choose to opt to use a bus for further and longer hunting Northern Lights duration; this has to be agreed by whole group and informed 3 days before. The costs will be shared equally among the group members. 7) Some accommodations may not have specific twin or double room types. Triple room sharing will be based on extra roll in bed basics. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please request for a copy of our Standard Terms and Conditions at the point of making reservations Tours Operated By : Please contact us at : Signature World Holidays Sdn Bhd (621885 - H / KKKP No. 3875) Suite 12-2, Faber Imperial Court (Sheraton Imperial Hotel), Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. ( A member of Wawasan TKH Group ) SignatourWorld signatourworld.com