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(interoperability) Dublin Core 15 (The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative DCMI) 1995 (Dublin, Ohio) (The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set DC) DC DC DC DCMI 2000 6 DC CEN/ISSS (European Committee for Standardization / Information Society Standardization) RFCs (Requests for comments) W3C (WWW Consortium) Z39.50 DC DC RFC2731 HTML DC DC 1-1

DC XML UTF-8 XML XML (The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set) ( ) ( Dublin Core metadata element set DC) (identity) Tim Berners-Lee Internet RFC2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax DC Internet RFC2413 ( ) [DCT] DCMI Type Vocabulary. DCMI Recommendation, 11 July 2000. http://purl.oclc.org/dc/documents/rec/dcmi-type-vocabulary-20000711.htm [ISO3166] ISO 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries. http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/ [ISO639] ISO639-2 Codes for the representation of names of languages, Alpha-3 1-2

code (ISO 639-2:1998). http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/langhome.html [MIME] Internet Media Types. http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/media-types/media-types [RFC1766] Tags for the Identification of Languages, Internet RFC 1766. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1766 [RFC2396] Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, Internet RFC 2396. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396 [RFC2413] Dublin Core Metadata for Resource Discovery, Internet RFC 2413 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2413 [RFC2731] Encoding Dublin Core Metadata in HTML. Internet RFC 2731 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2731 [TGN] Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names. http://shiva.pub.getty.edu/tgn_browser/ [W3CDTF] Date and Time Formats, W3C Note. http://www.w3.org/tr/note-datetime [XML] Extensible Markup Language. http://www.w3.org/tr/rec-xml ( ) DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative DCMI), (Information resource) Internet RFC2396 (Lifecycle of an information resource) ( ) (label) 1-3

HTML XML ( ) Title (Title) Creator (Creator) Subject (Subject and Keywords) Description (Description ) 1-4

Publisher (Publisher) Contributor (Contributor) Date Date ISO 8601 [W3CDTF] YYYY-MM-DD Type (Type) DCMI DCMI Type Vocabulary, DCT Format Format (Format) MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 1-5

Identifier Resource Identifier URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) URL DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ISBN (International Standard Book Number) Source (Source) Language Language RFC1766 ISO639 'en' 'eng' 'akk' (Akkadian) 'en-gb' Relation (Relation) Coverage (Coverage) Thesaurus of Geographic Names [TGN] 1-6

Rights (Rights Management) 1-7

XML (XML Encoding of Simple Dublin Core Metadata) XML 1. XML DTD 2. (Resource Description Framework, RDF) XML DTD 3. XML Schema 1-8

1. XML DTD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- (simpledc) XML DTD 1.0 2001-09-30 --> <!DOCTYPE simpledc[ <!--0 ELEMENT ( *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *) --> <!ELEMENT simpledc (title*, creator*, subject*, description*, publisher*, contributor*, date*, type*, format*, identifier*, source*, language*, relation*, coverage*, rights*)> <!--1 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA) > <!--2 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT creator (#PCDATA) > <!--3 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT subject (#PCDATA) > <!--4 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA) > <!--5 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT publisher (#PCDATA) > <!--6 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT contributor (#PCDATA)> <!--7 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA) > <!--8 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT type (#PCDATA) > <!--9 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT format (#PCDATA) > <!--10 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT identifier (#PCDATA) > <!--11 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT source (#PCDATA) > <!--12 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT language (#PCDATA) > <!--13 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT relation (#PCDATA) > <!--14 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT coverage (#PCDATA) > 1-9

<!--15 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT rights (#PCDATA) > <!-- End of simpledc XML DTD --> ]> 1-10

2. (Resource Description Framework, RDF) XML DTD <!-- (simpledc) XML DTD 1.0 2001-09-30 : XML DTD 2000-12-01 for Dublin Core Metadata Element Set version 1.1 http://dublincore.org/documents/2000/11/dcmes-xml/dcmes-xml-dtd.dtd See An XML Encoding of Simple Dublin Core Metadata - 2000-12-01 http://dublincore.org/documents/2000/11/dcmes-xml/ Based on Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description http://dublincore.org/documents/rec/dces-19990702.shtml : 1. Element: 2. Attribute: 3. Content: 4. Namespace: --> : DTD Dublin Core RDF <!-- RDF and DCMES 1.1 (Namespace) --> <!ENTITY rdfns 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' > <!ENTITY dcns 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/' > <!-- Declare convenience entities for XML namespace declarations --> <!ENTITY % rdfnsdecl 'xmlns:rdf CDATA #FIXED "&rdfns;"' > <!ENTITY % dcnsdecl 'xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED "&dcns;"' > <!-- DTD Dublin Core RDF (Root Element) rdf:rdf Dublin Core Metadata rdf:description --> <!ELEMENT rdf:rdf (rdf:description)* > <!ATTLIST rdf:rdf %rdfnsdecl; %dcnsdecl; > <!-- dcmes Dublic Core --> <!-- ENTITY % " " --> <!ENTITY % dcmes "dc:title dc:creator dc:subject dc:description dc:publisher dc:contributor dc:date dc:type dc:format dc:identifier dc:source dc:language dc:relation dc:coverage dc:rights" > <!-- rdf:description URI rdf:about --> <!ELEMENT rdf:description (%dcmes;)* > <!ATTLIST rdf:description rdf:about CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- The elements from DCMES 1.1 --> 1-11

<!-- Dublin Core xml:lang --> <!--1 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:title (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:title xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--2 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:creator (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:creator xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--3 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:subject (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:subject xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--4 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:description (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:description xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--5 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:publisher (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:publisher xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--6 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:contributor (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:contributor xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--7 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:date (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:date xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--8 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:type (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:type xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--9 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:format (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:format xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--10 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:identifier (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:identifier xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST dc:identifier rdf:resource CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--11 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:source (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:source xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST dc:source rdf:resource CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--12 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:language (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:language xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--13 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:relation (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:relation xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST dc:relation rdf:resource CDATA #IMPLIED> 1-12

<!--14 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:coverage (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:coverage xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> <!--15 ELEMENT (#PCDATA) --> <!ELEMENT dc:rights (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST dc:rights xml:lang CDATA #IMPLIED> 1-13

3. XML Schema <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!DOCTYPE schema PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XMLSCHEMA 200010//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/2000/10/xmlschema.dtd'> <schema xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/10/xmlschema' targetnamespace='http://dublincore.org/documents/2001/04/11/dcmes-xml/' xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' xmlns:t='http://dublincore.org/documents/2001/04/11/dcmes-xml/'> <!-- (Simple DC) XML Schema --> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang='en' : source='http://dublincore.org/documents/2001/04/11/dcmes-xml/'> 1. XML Schema 2001-04-11 for Dublin Core Metadata Element Set version 1.1 http://dublincore.org/documents/2001/04/11/dcmes-xml/dcmes-xml-xsd.xsd by Dave Beckett dave.beckett@bristol.ac.uk 2. An XML Encoding of Simple Dublin Core Metadata - 2001-04-11 http://dublincore.org/documents/2001/04/11/dcmes-xml/ 3. Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description http://dublincore.org/documents/1999/07/02/dces/ </documentation> </annotation> <import namespace='http://www.w3.org/xml/1998/namespace' schemalocation='http://www.w3.org/2000/10/xml.xsd'> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang='en'> Get access to the xml: attribute groups for xml:lang as declared on various elements below </documentation> </annotation> </import> <import namespace='http://www.w3.org/2000/10/xmlschema' schemalocation='http://www.w3.org/2000/10/xmlschema.xsd'> <annotation> <documentation xml:lang='en'> Get access to the XML Schema 2000-10-24 draft definitions </documentation> </annotation> </import> <import namespace='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' schemalocation='http://www.w3.org/2000/07/rdf.xsd' <annotation> <documentation xml:lang='en'> Get access to the RDF Model and Syntax 1999-02-22 definitions </documentation> </annotation> </import> 1-14

<element name='rdf:rdf'> <complextype> <sequence> <element ref='t:rdf'/> </sequence> <attribute name='xmlns:rdf' type='string' value='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' use='fixed' /> <attribute name='xmlns:dc' type='string' value='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/' use='fixed' /> <element name='rdf:description'> <complextype> <sequence> <element ref='t:dc'/> </sequence> <attribute name='rdf:about' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--1 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:title'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--2 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:creator'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--3 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:subject'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--4 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:description'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--5 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:publisher'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--6 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:contributor'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> 1-15

<!--7 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:date'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--8 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:type'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--9 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:format'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--10 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:identifier'> <attribute name='rdf:resource' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--11 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:source'> <attribute name='rdf:resource' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--12 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:language'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--13 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:relation'> <attribute name='rdf:resource' type='string' use='optional'/> <!--14 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:coverage'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> 1-16

<!--15 ELEMENT --> <element name='dc:rights'> <attribute name='xml:lang' type='string' use='optional'/> </schema> 1-17


1-19 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dc-record> <title> </title> <creator>( ) </creator> <subject> </subject> <subject> </subject> <description> <description> <description> <description> <description> <description> <description> <description> ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) <description> <description> <description> <description> 10 20 <description> <description> <description> <description> <publisher> ( )</publisher> <date> 1996-03-21</date> <date> (1271/1368)</date> <date> </date> <type> </type> <type> </type> <type> - - </type> <format> 16 </format> <format> </format> <format> 18x12.3 </format>

<format> 1 </format> <format> </format> <identifier> 00393</identifier> <identifier> 104.21 00393</identifier> <language> </language> <language> </language> <relation> </relation> <rights> </rights> <rights> </rights> </dc-record> 1-20

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dc-record> <title> </title> <title> </title> <title> </title> <title> </title> <creator>( ) </creator> <subject> </subject> <subject> - </subject> <subject> - </subject> <subject> </subject> <description> <description> <description> <description> <description> 36 41 46 <description> <description> <description> 3 [956]2 8 7 24 <publisher> </publisher> <contributor>( ) </contributor> <date> 2001-07-02</date> <date> (1271/1368)</date> <date> ( ) 1999-04-21</date> <type> </type> <type> </type> <type> - </type> <format> 1 </format> <format> </format> <format> 86x82 70x72.5 </format> <format> </format> <format> </format> <identifier> 2719</identifier> <identifier> 801.3 2719</identifier> <language> </language> 1-21

<language> </language> <relation> 36 145 338 375 15 182 </relation> <rights> </rights> <rights> </rights> </dc-record> 1-22

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dc-record> <title> </title> <title> </title> <subject> </subject> <subject> </subject> <description> <description> <description> <description> <description> <description> <description> <date> </date> <type> </type> <type> </type> <type> </type> <format> </format> <format>1 </format> <format> 7.6 543.5 7.5 8.0 </format> <format> </format> <identifier> 0002400000</identifier> <identifier> </identifier> <identifier> ( )1155( )000( )</identifier> <language> </language> <language> </language> <relation> </relation> <rights> </rights> <rights> </rights> </dc-record> 1-23

1-24 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dc-record> <title> </title> <creator> </creator> <subject> </subject> <subject> </subject> <subject> </subject> <description> <description> <description> <publisher> </publisher> <contributor> </contributor> <contributor> </contributor> <contributor> </contributor> <contributor> </contributor> <date> 2001-08-31</date> <date> 2001-08-02</date> <type> </type> <type> </type> <type> </type> <format> </format> <format>1 4 3/4 </format> <identifier> SP-2001</identifier> <identifier> AV0041990</identifier> <language> </language> <language> </language> <rights> </rights> <rights> </rights> </dc-record>

1-25 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dc-record> <title> </title> <creator> </creator> <subject> - </subject> <description> <description> <description> <publisher> </publisher> <contributor> </contributor> <date> 2001-08-31</date> <date> 2000-09-30</date> <date> 2000-11</date> <date> 2001-05-21</date> <type> </type> <type> </type> <type> </type> <format> (VHS)</format> <format>1 1/2 </format> <identifier> AV0040966</identifier> <language> </language> <language> </language> <rights> </rights> <rights> </rights> </dc-record>