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HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2013 6, 35(6): 761 770 ISSN 0253-9772 研究报告 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2013.00761 接触与混合 从 Y 染色体的角度看东乡人群及其语言的关系 文少卿 1, 谢小冬 1,3, 徐丹 2 1., 730000; 2. /, 75013; 3.,, 730070 东乡族是甘肃省特有的少数民族, 语言上隶属于阿尔泰语系蒙古语族, 其族源至今尚不明确 文章根据东乡人群和其他参考人群的 Y 染色体单倍群数据所绘制的多维尺度分析图 树型聚类图 主成分分析图以及网络结构图分析结果显示, 东乡人在遗传结构上更靠近中亚族群, 而与蒙古人群距离甚远 通过计算汉藏人群 蒙古人群和中亚人群对东乡人群的遗传贡献率, 进一步证实了这种差距 据此, 本文认为 : 中国西北地区的东乡人群的父系遗传成分主要源于中亚地区操突厥语及波斯语的人群, 而非蒙古族 东乡族的这种父系遗传来源与其语言分类上的不匹配, 可以用精英主导模型来进行解释, 他们的祖先应该是被蒙古族在语言 文化上同化了的中亚人群 Y 染色体 ; 分子人类学 ; 东乡 ; 族源 ; 精英主导模型 Contact and admixture the relationship between Dongxiang population and their language viewed from Y chromosomes WEN Shao-Qing 1, XIE Xiao-Dong 1,3, XU Dan 2 1. Institute of Medical Genetics, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2. Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Centre de Recherches de Linguistique d'asie Orientale, Institut Universitaire de France, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, Paris 75013, France; 3. Key Laboratory of Evidence Science of Gansu Province, Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law, Lanzhou 730070, China Abstract: Dongxiang is one of special ethnic groups of Gansu Province. Their language is one of the Mongolian languages of Altai language family. And their origin has long been controversial. The results of Cluster analyses (multidimensional scaling analysis, dendrograms, principal component analyses, and networks) of Dongxiang population and other ethnic groups indicated that Dongxiang people is much closer to the Central Asian ethnic groups than to the other Mongolian. Admixture analyses also confirmed the result. This suggests that Dongxiang people did not descend from Mongolian, but 收稿日期 : 2012 10 25; 修回日期 : 2013 01 04 基金项目 : ANR(The French National Research Agency) ( ANR-12-BSH2-0004-01) 作者简介 :,, E-mail: 通讯作者 :,,, E-mail: 网络出版时间 : 2013-5-21 15:19:15 URL:

762 HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2013 35 from the Central Asian ethnic groups that have spoken Persian or Turkic language. This mismatch between paternal genetic lineage and language classification might be explained by the elite-dominance model. The ancestral populations of Dongxiang could be the Central Asian ethnic groups assimilated by Mongolian in language and culture. Keywords: Y chromosome; molecular anthropology; Dongxiang; ethnic source; the elite-dominance model, Y (Non-recombination region, NYR),, Y,, Y NYR,, Y, NYR ( 57 Mb, DNA 1.6 kb),, NYR ;, NYR (Effective population size) 1/4,,, Y (NYR), [1~3] Y, (Single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP) [4~7], SNP Y (Short tandem repeat, STR), Y STR, SNP,, Y-STR, [8~10],,, [11,12],, ; [13, 14],, ( ) ( ),,, Y SNP STR,,, [15~23],, 2010, 51.5 ( ),,, 60%, 20%, 20%, [24] ( ),,,,,,,, [24~27], 12 13,, [28] 13

6 : Y 763, [29],, 1 1.1 [30, 31] [32~34],,,, 1 [30, 31] 图 1 本文数据整合所使用的单倍群命名及划分标准 1) (, ); 2) Y-SNP,,,, ;, Arlequin Fst P [35], Fst (P > 0.05),,,, 92, 3 577, 17 ( 8, 4, 3 2 ), 23, 43 ( 9, 8 26 ) 9 1 1.2 Arlequin Fst P,,, SPSS19.0 ; SPSS19.0 (Furthest neighbor) Y ; SPSS19.0, Y,, (Correlation analysis),, Surfer8.0 ( ; Network4.610, 8 STR (Median-Joining) R1a1 ; Admix2.0, [12], 2 2.1, Arlequin Fst P, Fst 2, Tajik(Khojant)(0.00728) Tajike(Xinjiang) (0.00771) Salar(0.02235) Ishkashimi (0.02299) Kirghiz(Xinjiang)(0.02547) Bartangi (0.04353), P > 0.05 12 Y SNP ( 1), 6, Ishkashimi Bartangi Tajik(Khojant), ; Tajike (Xinjiang) Salar Kirghiz(Xinjiang)

764 HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2013 35 Fst SPSS19.0,, RSQ( )=0.89299 > 0.60,, 3,,, 2.2 Y 4 4 1), ; - ; ( ), 2), 图 2 研究人群间的两两遗传距离 Fst 值热度图,

6 : Y 765,,, 4 2.3 Y ( 5),,, - -,, -, - -, R1a1 (54.3%), R1a1 (Correlation analysis), (r = 0.343, P= 0.01), (r = 0.804, P < 0.01),,,, 6 R1a1 3,,,, R1a1 2.4 R1a1, Y 8 DYS19 DYS388 DYS389i/ii DYS390 DYS391 DYS392 图 3 基于两两遗传距离 Fst 值的多维尺度分析,,, ; ;,, ;

766 HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2013 35,,, 2.5,, 4, 8 8, (0.836369), (0.084498) (0.0558884) (0.0232445) 3 图 4 东乡族及其他参考族群的聚类树 DYS393 [31, 33, 34, 36], ( 7), R1a1 STR,,,,, R1a1, Shou [34] R1a1 ( ),,,, ;,,, ;,,,,,,,, 1 227,, [37, 38],,,

6 : Y 767 图 5 东乡族及其他参考族群的主成分分析图,,, ; ;,, ; ; 图 6 东乡族及其他参考族群的第二主成份地理分布图, (Kantu) (Narun) (Saripale) ( Khorosan),,

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