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Declaration of Conformity Jan.26 th,2018 Dear Customer, GIANTEC hereby declares that all our lead free products satisfy the following requirements/conditions: 1) Using an L after the package type designating letter in the IS prefix or GT prefix part number for identification respectively. 2) Complying with the RoHS (EU Directive entitled Restriction on the use of certain Hazardous Substances 2011/65/EU and 2006/122/EC ) requirements and containing none of the following 12 substances: Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr(VI), PBBs, PBDEs(include Deca-BDE), DEHP,BBP,DBP,DIBP, PFOA and PFOS. 3) Complying with the IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D with regard to the solder profile requirement (Max. reflow temperature 260 deg.c ) 4)Complying with the 181 SVHC (Substance of Very High concern ) of EU directive of the Regulation(EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH): the part shall not contain more than the 0.1% of the following SVHC by weight of part as defined in appendix 5)Complying with IEC 61249-2-21,JPCA-ES01 2003& IPC 4101,the Br,Cl,must be lower than 900 ppm,respectively,and total amount of PPM must be lower than 1500 ppm (Br+Cl<1500pm). 6.)To declare Giantec were not use the materials from mines with inferior working conditions, such as DRC (Democratic Republic of the Congo).The suppliers or subcontractors will be trace the supply chain for gold (Au),tantalum (Ta),tungsten (W),tin(Sn)and cobalt(co). This Declaration is made with GIANTEC s best commercial effort to verify the compliance, of its suppliers, with the above requirement, and is given in good faith without any responsibility or liability. The statement here above does not extend to or apply to the procedures subject to unintentional contamination, misuse, neglect, accident, improper installation or any use in violation of instructions furnished by GIANTEC. This Declaration contains the entire understanding between you and GIANTEC with respect to this subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings and/or representations. Please let us know if there is any further concern. Sincerely Yours, Frank Zhou QRA Director Quality & Reliability Assurance No. 12, Lane 647, Songtao Rd Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China

Appendix: Complying with 181 SVHC (substance of very high concern) of the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) No. 12, Lane 647, Songtao Rd Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China

164 165 166 167 168 169 1,3-propanesultone 1,2- 氧杂硫代羟烷 -2,2- 二氧化物 2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(5-chlorobenzotriazol-2-yl)phenol (UV-327) 2-(5- 氯 -2H- 苯并三唑 -2- 基 )-4,6- 二 (1,1- 二甲基乙基 ) 苯酚 2-(2'- 羟基 -3',5'- 二叔丁基苯基 )-5- 氯代苯并三唑 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(tert-butyl)-6-(sec-butyl)phenol (UV-350) 2-(2'- 羟基 -3'- 仲丁基 -5'- 叔丁基苯基 ) 苯并三唑 羟基 Nitrobenzene 一硝基苯 仲丁基 叔丁基苯基苯并三唑 Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium salts Perfluorononan-1- OIC 酸和其鈉鹽和銨鹽 Benzo[def]chrysene 苯并 [a] 芘 170 4,4 - 亚异丙基二酚 171 4- 庚基苯酚 172 酸和其鈉鹽和銨鹽 --1120-71-4 3864-99-1 36437-37-3 98-95-3 375-95-1 21049-39-8 4149-60-4 50-32-8 亚异丙基二酚 ( 双酚 A) 80-05-7 庚基苯酚, 直链和支链 [ 苯酚的 4 号位被碳原子数为 7 的烷基取代的产物, 包括 UVCB- 所有单一同分异构体及其组合 ] -- 4- 叔丁基苯酚 4-tert-butylphenol 173 全氟癸酸 (PFDA) 及其钠盐和铵盐 174 全氟己基磺酸及其鹽類 Perfluorohexane-1-sulphonic acid and its salts (PFHxS) 屈 175 Chrysene 176 177 苯并 [a] 蒽 Benz[a]anthracene 硝酸镉 Cadmium nitrate 氢氧化镉 178 Cadmium hydroxide 碳酸镉 179 Cadmium carbonate 180 181 德克隆 [ 包括所有反式和顺式异构体及其组合 ] 1,6,7,8,9,14,15,16,17,17,18,18-Dodecachloropentacyclo[,9.02,13.05,10]octadeca-7,15-diene ( Dechlorane Plus TM) [covering any of its individual anti- and syn-isomers or any combination thereof] 1,3,4- 噻二唑烷 -2,5- 二硫酮, 甲醛和 4- 庚基苯酚的支链和直链 (RP-HP) 的反应产物 [4- 庚基苯酚 w/w] 噻二唑烷 二硫酮 甲醛和 庚基苯酚的支链和直链 的反应产物 庚基苯酚, 支链和直链含量 0.1% Reaction products of 1,3,4-thiadiazolidine-2,5-dithione, formaldehyde and 4-heptylphenol, branched and linear (RP-HP) [with 0.1%w/w 4-heptylphenol, branched and linear] 98-54-4 3108-42-7 335-76-2 3830-45-3 355-46-4 205-923-4 200-280-6 233-710-6 244-168-5 208-168-9 - - No. 12, Lane 647, Songtao Rd Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China