Cruise Travel Insurance Cruise, a new trend of vacation with your family where you can enjoy a hassle-free holiday on a cruise ship with various shore

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保誠精選 Cruise Travel Insurance 保誠精選 生活 LIFESTYLE 用心聆聽更知你心 Always Listening Always Understanding

Cruise Travel Insurance Cruise, a new trend of vacation with your family where you can enjoy a hassle-free holiday on a cruise ship with various shore excursions. Extra risks may exist during cruise travel in addition to ordinary travel by air or by train, including shore excursion or scheduled port of call cancelled, or additional expenses to re-join the cruise ship after shore excursion if boarding missed due to unexpected adverse weather, or cruise cancellation if boarding overseas due to travel delay of airline by mechanical defect. Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited ( Prudential ) is pleased to offer you PRUchoice Cruise Travel, a comprehensive protection to your cruise vacation. (Applicable on or after 1 December, 2017) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cruise Travel Exclusive Coverage Provide cash allowance if involuntary change/cancellation of scheduled port of call. Protection for cruise cancellation due to travel delay if boarding not in Hong Kong. Shore Excursion Allowance provides cash allowance for shore excursion cancellation or curtailment. Missed boarding on port of call after shore excursion is also covered. Additional allowance for baggage delay after boarding the cruise ship. Cruise Emergency Call Expenses cover satellite phone, mobile phone roaming and cruise Wi-Fi service for emergency call in the cruise. Other Features Option of Asia Plan and Worldwide Plan which fits your cruise vacation. Popular activities such as bungee jumping, hang-gliding, hot-air ballooning, parachuting, sky-diving, scuba diving and skiing, are 100% covered. No age limit. Terrorist attack is covered. Covered Sports and Activities List Common sports and activities are covered* under PRUchoice Cruise Travel, below is a list of examples that we are covering: Skiing Water Skiing / Wakeboarding Windsurfing Snorkeling Banana Boat Hot-air Ballooning Sky-Diving Climbing / Rock Climbing Bungee Jumping Horse Riding or Tracking Go-karting Motorcycling Snowboarding Surfing Jet-skiing Scuba Diving (not more than 45 metres depth) Parasailing Parachuting Zorbing / Hydro Zorbing Trekking Zippling / Jungle Flight Marathon * Subject to the terms and conditions of the policy provision. In addition, sports and activities that are covered should not be taken in a professional capacity or on a competitive basis. Covered sports and activities are not limited to those mentioned in the list above. If you would like to check whether we will cover a particular sport or activity, please call us or your financial consultant or broker. Insurance Cover at a Glance (No Excess for All Sections) 1. Medical Expenses Overseas Medical Expenses Cover overseas medical expenses including hospitalization, emergency transportation to a registered medical institution, additional accommodation and transportation expenses necessarily incurred due to accidental bodily injury or sickness contracted during the period of insurance. Overseas Hospital Cash / Compulsory Quarantine Allowance Daily cash benefit is payable if the insured person is: (1) necessarily confined in a hospital abroad for more than 24 consecutive hours due to accidental bodily injury or sickness; or (2) being suspected or confirmed to have contracted infectious diseases and resulted in compulsory quarantine abroad by the local government for more than 24 consecutive hours. Follow-up Medical Expenses Follow-up medical expenses necessarily incurred within 3 months after returning to Hong Kong including the following expenses due to accident only: bonesetting (up to HK$150 per day and HK$1,500 per person); dental treatment. Compassionate Visit Additional accommodation and transportation expenses of a relative or friend who is required on medical advice to travel to or stay behind with you. Medical Appliance Expenses Expenses of medically necessary appliance per prescribed by doctor including wheel-chair, prostheses, spectacle, crutch, walking frame, orthopedic brace and support, cervical collars and hearing aids. (For insured person aged 71 or above at the time of bodily injury or sickness, the maximum limit of this section is HK$600,000 for Asia Plan and HK$750,000 for Worldwide Plan respectively.) 2. Personal Accident 100% full cover for accidental death, total permanent disablement, total permanent loss of limb/ sight/ speech and hearing as a direct result of accident which occurs during the trip. Extends to cover other permanent disablement accordance with the maximum benefit specified in the Scale of Benefits. Burial / Cremation Expenses Overseas burial or cremation expenses in case of accidental death. Compassionate Visit Additional accommodation and transportation Maximum Limits per Insured Person (HK$) Asia Plan 1,200,000 10,000 (250/day) Worldwide Plan 1,500,000 10,000 (500/day) 50,000 50,000 30,000 60,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 60,000

expenses of a relative or friend for compassionate visit in case of accidental death overseas or waiting the update of the insured person in case of disappearance due to sinkage of cruise ship. 3. 24 Hours Emergency Assistance Services Should you need assistance in course of trip, you can contact I.P.A. Alarm Centre for emergency assistance: Medical evacuation (Unlimited Cover) Repatriation after treatment (Unlimited Cover) Repatriation of mortal remains/ashes (Unlimited Cover) Return of unattended dependent children Arrangement of medical equipment/medication Dispatch of doctor General travel and medical information, legal and interpreter referral service Hospital deposit guarantee, up to HK$39,000 4. Baggage and Personal Effects Accidental loss of or damage to your baggage or personal effects during the trip including due to sinkage of cruise ship: Any one item/pair/set. Compensation will be on a "new for old" basis if the lost or damaged item is less than 2-year-old. 5. Personal Money /Credit Card / Travel Document Personal Money Accidental loss of personal money carried with the insured person during the trip. Credit Card Loss due to unauthorized use of lost credit card carried with the insured person during the trip. Travel Document Replacement cost of travel documents and additional accommodation and transportation expenses incurred overseas due to such loss if arising from robbery, burglary or theft during the trip. 6. Cancellation In the event of necessary and unavoidable cancellation of trip due to a reason beyond the control of the insured person provided not for financial reasons or mere disinclination, we will reimburse you with the irrecoverable deposits or charges paid in advance or contracted to be paid for the trip. Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) Extension In the event of trip cancellation directly due to an Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) issued by the Hong Kong Security Bureau to the planned destination Unlimited (Only for Medical Evacuation & Repatriation) 25,000 50,000 5,000 10,000 16,000 26,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 100,000 after the policy has become effective and before the scheduled departure: Cover 100% of the irrecoverable expenses due to the first issuance* of Black OTA; or Cover 50% of the irrecoverable expenses due to the first issuance* of Red OTA. Immediate Family Member** Extension Cover the irrecoverable expenses of the insured person due to unavoidable trip cancellation as a result of: death, bodily injury or illness of your immediate family member**; or death, bodily injury or illness of your immediate family member** under the same trip that is being certified by doctor as being unfit to travel. 7. Cruise Cancellation due to Travel Delay # Reimbursement for irrecoverable prepaid deposits for cruise trip cost if the cruise locates overseas for first boarding and the trip to the designated port of departure by your public conveyance is delayed due to strike, industrial actions, riot, civil commotion, hi-jack, terrorist attack, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters (including earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption), mechanical or structural defect, closure of airport, port or train station for more than 8 hours, and you subsequently fail to board the scheduled cruise ship and as a direct result of unavoidable cancellation of cruise trip. # Provided that no claims payment has been made under Section 6 - Cancellation. 8. Curtailment In the event of necessary and unavoidable curtailment of trip due to a reason beyond the control of the insured person, we will reimburse you the irrecoverable prepaid and unused deposits or charges for the trip. We will reimburse you with the additional accommodation and transportation expenses incurred overseas in the event of trip curtailment due to: death, bodily injury or illness of your immediate family member**; or hi-jack, riot or civil commotion at the planned destination which first occurs during the period of insurance. Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) Extension In the event of trip curtailment directly due to an Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) issued by the Hong Kong Security Bureau to the planned destination during the trip: Cover 100% of the irrecoverable expenses and/or additional overseas accommodation and transportation expenses due to the first issuance* of Black OTA; or 50,000 100,000 40,000 80,000

Cover 50% of the irrecoverable expenses and/or additional overseas accommodation and transportation expenses due to the first issuance* of Red OTA. 9. Shore Excursion Allowance Shore Excursion Cancellation Allowance Cash allowance for each shore excursion is payable in the event of necessary and unavoidable cancellation of pre-booked and pre-paid shore excursion due to: death, serious bodily injury or serious illness*** of you or your travel companion during the voyage; unexpected outbreak of strike, industrial actions, riot, civil commotion, hi-jack of ship, terrorist attack, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters (including earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption), mechanical or structural defect, or closure of port or train station at the destinations of the shore excursion occurs within 1 day before the commencing date of the shore excursion. Shore Excursion Curtailment Allowance A lump sum cash allowance is payable if you have to abandon the shore excursion and return to the cruise ship after the shore excursion has begun due to: unexpected outbreak of strike, industrial actions, riot, civil commotion, hi-jack of ship, terrorist attack, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters (including earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption), mechanical or structural defect, or closure of port or train station at the destination of the shore excursion during the shore excursion. 5,000 (1,000/ excursion) 10,000 (2,000/ excursion) 500 1,000 Missed Boarding on Ports of Call after Shore Excursion We will reimburse you with the additional transportation and accommodation expenses incurred overseas if you fail to board the cruise ship on or before the schedule time at the relevant port of call after shore excursion such that you have to re-join the cruise at the next port of call to continue the voyage due to: serious bodily injury or serious illness*** suffered by you or your travel companion during shore excursion as such hospital confinement is required for medical treatment at the destination of shore excursion; or unexpected outbreak of strike, industrial actions, riot, civil commotion, hi-jack of ship, terrorist attack, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters (including earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption), mechanical or structural defect, closure of port or train at the destinations of shore excursion. Involuntary Change / Cancellation of Scheduled Ports of Call Allowance Cash allowance for each scheduled port of call is payable in the event of unexpected change or cancellation of scheduled port of call by the cruise ship company due to: unexpected outbreak of strike, industrial actions, riot, civil commotion, hi-jack of ship, terrorist attack, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters (including earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption), mechanical or structural defect, closure of port at the destination of scheduled port of call that occurs within 1 day before the arrival date of the scheduled port of call. ## In respect of the same cause of loss, either Re-Routing or Missed Boarding on Ports of Call after Shore Excursion or Involuntary Change/ Cancellation of Scheduled Ports of Call Allowance can be claimed only. Should a loss arise for which a claim under Section 6, or Section 7, or Section 8 or Section 9 is payable, no further claims shall be payable under Section 10 in respect of the same cause of loss. 10,000 20,000 2,500 (500/ scheduled port of call) 5,000 (1,000/ scheduled port of call) 10. Route Interruption Protection ## Re-Routing In the event of scheduled aircraft, train or sea vessel is being delayed for more than 8 hours due to strike, industrial actions, riot, civil commotion, hi-jack, terrorist attack, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters (including earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption), mechanical or structural defect, or closure of airport, port or train station, we will reimburse you: Irrecoverable deposits or charges paid in advance or contracted to be paid of accommodation and transportation incurred outside Hong Kong; or Additional accommodation and transportation expenses necessary incurred overseas for re-routing in order to continue the planned trip. 10,000 20,000 11. Travel Delay ### In the event of scheduled aircraft, train or sea vessel is being delayed for more than 5 hours due to strike, industrial actions, riot, civil commotion, hi-jack, terrorist attack, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters (including earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption), mechanical or structural defect, or closure of airport, port or train station, we will reimburse you travel delay cash benefit of HK$200 for the first full 5 hours and HK$400 for each subsequent full 8 hours. ### Provided that no claims payment has been made under Section 10 - Route Interruption Protection. 12. Delayed Baggage Allowance Delayed Baggage Compensation for emergency purchase of essential items such as clothing or toiletries in the event of checked-in baggage delayed for more than 8 hours from time of scheduled arrival at destination abroad due to mishandling by airline or hi-jack. 5,000 9,800 1,500 1,500

Additional Allowance for Baggage Delay after Boarding the Cruise Ship Additional lump sum cash allowance if your checked-in baggage is delayed by the connecting public common carrier to the scheduled cruise, and the baggage is not delivered over 24 consecutive hours from the scheduled time of delivery of the baggage at destination abroad when you have boarded on the cruise ship and started the voyage without such checked-in baggage. 13. Personal Liability Indemnity for legal liability for bodily injury or property damage to a third party as a result of your negligence during the trip. 14. Rental Vehicle Excess If you rent a vehicle in a journey, for which you have arranged the motor policy, and the vehicle is involved in a collision whilst under your control or it is stolen or damaged during parking, we will indemnify the excess which you are liable under the policy. 15. Cruise Emergency Call Expenses In the event that you or your travel companion suffers from serious bodily injury or serious illness*** during voyage that prevents you from continuing the trip and needs to return to Hong Kong directly, we cover the expenses of satellite phone call, mobile phone roaming or cruise Wi-Fi service necessarily incurred by you whilst on board a cruise ship. 1,000 1,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 5,000 * 'First issuance' means the alert firstly issued in respect of a specific event or incident ever since the Outbound Travel Alert system existed. ** Immediate Family Member means the insured person s legally married spouse, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandparent-in-law, son or daughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law, brother or sister, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, grandchild, grandchild-in-law, legal guardian, fiancé or fiancée. *** Serious bodily injury or serious illness means the bodily injury or illness as a result of which is certified by the attending doctor as being unfit to travel for the trip or continue with the trip and has to be confined in a hospital for immediate medical treatment. Automatic 10 days Extension If you are unavoidably delayed overseas in the course of the scheduled itinerary (including any delays caused by the issuance of any Outbound Travel Alert(s) during the trip in respect of your planned destination by the Security Bureau of Hong Kong), this insurance cover will be automatically extended for a maximum period of 10 days. Main Exclusions The following is a summary of the exclusions to PRUchoice Cruise Travel Insurance. Please refer to your Policy for complete details. General Exclusions applicable to All Sections 1) War and kindred risks, government acts and nuclear hazards. 2) Unreasonable care and attention. 3) Accidents whilst engaging in sports or games in a professional capacity, or on a competitive basis, racing (other than on foot), motor rallies and competitions (other than karting), aviation (other than as a fare-paying passenger in an aircraft which is duly licensed by relevant authorities for the transportation of passengers), or any other hazardous activities or pursuits or similar activities of the aforesaid. 4) Self-inflicted injury or illness. 5) Alcoholism or drug abuse. 6) Pre-existing medical conditions. 7) Any conditions (including issuance of Outbound Travel Alert) which existed or known to exist or announced publicly contemplating to exist before the application for this insurance. 8) Venereal disease, AIDS or AIDS related complex. 9) Pregnancy, miscarriage or childbirth and all complications thereof. 10) Accidents occurred whilst the Insured Person is engaging in manual work in connection with any business, profession or employment or an occupation of pilot or crew member of any air or sea carrier, tour guide or escort etc. 11) Medical treatment being the specific purpose of the trip. Medical Expenses 1) Treatment obtained in Hong Kong (except as specified in the policy provisions). 2) Non-essential treatment or surgery, or the extra charges for the private room accommodation, except where medically necessary. 3) Denture and related treatment. 24 Hours Emergency Assistance Services 1) Any form of medical evacuation from sea vessel to the first admitted hospital in land. 2) Pre-existing conditions. Cancellation and Curtailment 1) Financial circumstances or disinclination to travel. 2) Government regulations or acts (except for the first issuance of a Red or Black Travel Alert or failure in provision of any part of the booked trip. 3) Air traffic control. Travel Delay 1) Late arrival at the airport, port or train station. 2) Strike or industrial action or other causes which was in existence at the date of application for this insurance. 3) Air traffic control. Baggage and Personal Effects, Personal Money / Credit Card / Travel Document 1) Normal wear and tear. 2) Confiscation or detention by customs. 3) Damage to fragile articles (including perishable food). 4) Loss not reported to the police and the card issuer for unauthorized use of credit card within 24 hours, and/or to the carrier immediately as appropriate. 5) Loss of or damage to mobile phones. Personal Liability 1) Injury to employees or members of the insured person's family. 2) Liability arising out of the use of motorized vehicles, aircraft, watercraft and the like. 3) Property belonging to or held in trust or in the custody of the insured person. 4) Liability directly arising from the insured person's specific pursuit of any trade, business or profession. 5) Liability assumed by the insured person by agreement. Rental Vehicle Excess 1) Any illegal and unlawful use of the rental vehicle by the insured person during the rental period. 2) Any incident in which the insured person is not holding a valid driving license. 3) The insured person is in condition under the influence of alcohol or drugs while controlling the rental vehicle. 4) Any charges of loss of use including Non Operation Charge (NOC). 5) Any damage to tyres unless such damage is caused to other parts of the rental vehicle at the same time.

郵輪已成為您和家人度假旅遊的新趨勢, 讓您既可在郵輪上享受一個無憂的假期, 亦可參加各種不同的岸上觀光行程 有別於一般以飛機或火車為主要交通工具的旅遊形式, 郵輪旅遊存在額外的風險, 包括因惡劣天氣導致取消岸上觀光行程或原定停泊港口 或因而在岸上觀光後錯過登船而需自費前往下一個停泊港口 或因機械故障導致航機延誤及未能在海外趕及登船而需取消郵輪旅程等一般旅遊保險未能涵蓋的額外風險 保誠財險有限公司 (" 保誠 ") 誠意為您獻上保誠精選 郵輪旅遊樂, 為您的郵輪假期提供全面保障 (2017 年 12 月 1 日或之後適用 ) * 郵輪旅遊專屬保障 1 提供非自願更改或取消原定停泊港口津貼 2 保障因旅程延誤未能在海外趕及登船而取消郵輪旅程 3 岸上觀光行程津貼提供取消或更改行程現金津貼 4 岸上觀光後錯過登船均受保障 5 為登船後的行李延誤提供額外津貼 6 郵輪緊急通訊費用保障涵蓋在郵輪上因緊急事故而需使用衛星電話 手提電話漫遊或郵輪無線網絡的費用 其他特點 特設亞洲計劃及全球計劃迎合您的郵輪旅遊需要 一些受歡迎的運動, 如吊索跳 懸掛式滑翔活動 熱氣球 降傘 空中漫遊, 水肺潛水及滑雪等, 均獲十足保障 不設承保年齡上限 保障恐怖主義襲擊 受保障的運動及活動列表 保誠精選 郵輪旅遊樂 覆蓋一般運動及活動 *, 以下為一些受保例子 : 滑雪 滑水 / 滑水板 滑浪風帆 浮潛 水上香蕉船 熱汽球飛行 空中漫遊 攀山 / 攀石 吊索跳 騎馬或騎馬踱步 高卡車 騎電單車 滑雪板 滑浪 乘坐水上電單車 水肺潛水 ( 不深於 45 米 ) 以快艇拉動的降傘 降傘 太空球 / 大汽球 ( 有人在內移動 ) 高山遠足 滑索 / 叢林飛行 馬拉松 須受保單條款及細節所限 另外, 受保運動及活動須以非專業運動形式, 或在非競爭情況下參與 受保運動及活動並不只限於上述所列, 如欲查詢某一類別的運動或活動是否受保, 請致電本公司或您的理財顧問或經紀 保障一覽表 ( 所有項目不設 自負金額 ) 1. 醫療費用保障海外醫療保障如受保期間在外地意外受傷或患病, 賠償有關的醫療開支包括住院費用 前往註冊醫院的緊急交通費用及額外的住宿及交通費 海外住院現金 / 強制隔離現金津貼如受保人因以下事故, 我們將每日提供現金津貼 : (1) 意外受傷或患病入住外地醫院接受連續治療逾 24 小時 ; 或 (2) 被懷疑或證實染上傳染病而於外地被當地政府強制隔離連續逾 24 小時 覆診醫療費用賠償回港後 3 個月內的覆診費用包括以下因意外導致的費用 : 跌打 ( 每日最高港幣 $150 及每人港幣 $1,500 為限 ); 牙科治療 親友探望因應醫生的建議, 支付 1 位親屬或朋友需要前往當地或逗留照顧您的額外住宿及交通費用 醫療器材費用應醫生的醫學建議而必須購買醫療器材包括輪椅 人造肢體 眼鏡 拐杖 行走架 矯形牙套 護頸套及助聽器的費用 ( 如受保人在意外受傷或患病時年齡為 71 歲或以上, 此項保障最高保障額為港幣 $600,000( 亞洲計劃 ) 及港幣 $750,000( 全球計劃 ) ) 2. 人身意外保障在旅程期間因意外直接引致的意外死亡 完全永久傷殘 完全永久性斷肢 失明 喪失語言能力及聽覺, 可獲 100% 保障額 延伸保障其他永久性傷殘, 我們將根據保障賠償表所列之最高賠償額作出賠償 殮葬費用支付因意外身亡引起的海外殮葬費用 每名受保人最高保障額 ( 港幣 $) 亞洲計劃全球計劃 10,000 (250/ 日 ) 10,000 (500/ 日 ) 50,000 50,000 30,000 60,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000

親友探望如在外地意外身亡或因乘坐的郵輪沉沒導致受保人失蹤, 支付 1 位親屬或朋友需要前往當地善後或等候受保人最新消息的額外住宿及交通費用 3. 24 小時緊急支援服務 在旅程中, 如需協助, 可致電 I.P.A. 救援中心, 該中心可免費為您提供以下服務 : 醫療救援 ( 無限額保障 ) 治療後護送服務 ( 無限額保障 ) 遇事身故後, 將骨灰或遺體運返原居地 ( 無限額保障 ) 護送隨行受供養而未能照顧的子女返回原居地 安排運送所需藥物 / 醫療器材 必要時派遣醫生到您身處的地方進行診治 一般旅遊及醫療資料諮詢服務 法律及傳譯轉介服務 提供住院按金保證, 最高可達港幣 $39,000 4. 行李及個人財物保障 賠償在旅程期間因意外遺失或損毀的行李及個人財物包括因郵輪沉沒 : 每件 / 對 / 套 若遺失或損毀的行李或個人財物, 購入不足 2 年時, 將以新購價賠償 5. 個人現金 / 信用卡 / 旅遊證件保障 個人現金 保障在旅程期間受保人因意外遺失隨身攜帶個人現金的金錢損失 信用卡 若在旅程期間意外遺失了隨身攜帶的信用卡, 而該信用卡又不幸被人盜用, 將補償受保人的金錢損失 旅遊證件 賠償在旅程期間因搶劫 盜竊或偷竊導致遺失旅遊證件而需繳付的補領費用及因而引致額外的海外住宿及交通費用 30,000 60,000 無限額 ( 只限於醫療救援 護送及運送 ) 25,000 50,000 5,000 10,000 16,000 26,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 10,000 20,000 6. 取消旅程保障 50,000 100,000 除因經濟問題或個人不願成行外, 若您因出現不能控制的原因而無可避免地取消行程, 我們將賠償您已繳付而未能退回的旅遊費用 外遊警示保障若在您的保障生效後及出發前, 因香港保安局就您計劃之目的地發出外遊警示而必須取消旅程, 我們將賠償以下限額 : 若首次發出 * 黑色外遊警示, 賠償已繳付而未能退回費用的 100%; 或 若首次發出 * 紅色外遊警示, 賠償已繳付而未能退回費用的 50% 直系親屬 ** 保障如因以下事故導致受保人無可避免地取消旅程, 我們將賠償受保人已繳付而未能退回的損失 : 直系親屬 ** 身故 受傷或病重 ; 或 同行的直系親屬 ** 身故 受傷或病重並由註冊醫生證明不適宜旅遊 7. 因旅程延誤致取消郵輪旅程保障 # 50,000 100,000 若您須前往海外登上郵輪 航, 但您已安排乘坐到出發港口的公共交通工具因罷工 工業行動 暴動 內亂 劫機 / 船 恐怖主義襲擊 惡劣天氣 天災 ( 包括地震 海嘯及火山爆發 ) 機械或結構性故障 或機場 碼頭或火車站關閉而導致延誤超過 8 小時, 並因此而無法登上原定 航的郵輪, 及無可避免地取消郵輪旅程, 我們將賠償您已繳付而未能退回的郵輪旅程費用 # 惟有關索償並未於項目 6 - 取消旅程保障中獲支付 8. 提早結束旅程保障 40,000 80,000 若您因出現不能控制的原因而無可避免地提早結束行程並返回香港, 我們將賠償您已繳付而未能退回的旅遊費用 如您因以下情況而需要提早結束旅程, 我們將賠償您額外的海外住宿及交通費用 : 直系親屬 ** 身故 受傷或病重 ; 或 因劫機 / 船或於保險期內首次在計劃之目的地發生的暴動或內亂

外遊警示保障若您在旅程期間, 因香港保安局就您計劃之目的地發出外遊警示而必須提早結束行程, 我們將賠償以下限額 : 若首次發出 * 黑色外遊警示, 賠償已繳付而未能退回費用及 / 或因而導致額外的海外住宿及交通費用的 100% ; 或 若首次發出 * 紅色外遊警示, 賠償已繳付而未能退回費用及 / 或因而導致額外的海外住宿及交通費用的 50% 因更改行程而引致額外的海外住宿及交通費用 於岸上觀光後錯過登船保障若因下列事故導致您在岸上觀光後無法在有關港口的原定時間或之前登船, 而需要自行前往下一個停泊港口以繼續航程, 我們將賠償您因此而引致額外的海外住宿及交通費用 : 您或您的同行旅伴在岸上觀光期間不幸嚴重身體受傷或嚴重患病 ***, 並需要在岸上觀光目的地入住醫院接受治療 ; 或 10,000 20,000 9. 岸上觀光行程津貼 岸上觀光行程取消津貼若因下列事故而無可避免地取消已預訂及繳付的岸上觀光行程, 我們將就每一個岸上觀光行程提供現金津貼 : 您或您的同行旅伴在航程期間不幸身故 嚴重身體受傷或嚴重患病 ***; 或 在岸上觀光開始的前一天內, 岸上觀光目的地突然發生不可預見的罷工 工業行動 暴動 內亂 劫船 恐怖主義襲擊 惡劣天氣 天災 ( 包括地震 海嘯及火山爆發 ) 機械或結構性故障 碼頭或火車站關閉 岸上觀光提早結束津貼若因下列事故而無可避免地放棄已開始的岸上觀光行程並返回郵輪, 我們將提供一次性現金津貼 : 在岸上觀光期間, 岸上觀光目的地突然發生不可預見的罷工 工業行動 暴動 內亂 劫船 恐怖主義襲擊 惡劣天氣 天災 ( 包括地震 海嘯及火山爆發 ) 機械或結構性故障 碼頭或火車站關閉 10. 行程阻礙保障 ## 更改行程保障若您已安排的飛機 火車或船隻因罷工 工業行動 暴動 內亂 劫機 / 船 恐怖主義襲擊 惡劣天氣 天災 ( 包括地震 海嘯及火山爆發 ) 機械或結構性故障 或機場 碼頭或火車站關閉而導致延誤超過 8 小時, 我們將賠償您 : 5,000 10,000 (1,000/ (2,000/ 岸上觀光 ) 岸上觀光 ) 500 1,000 10,000 20,000 岸上觀光目的地突然發生不可預見的罷工 工業行動 暴動 內亂 劫船 恐怖主義襲擊 惡劣天氣 天災 ( 包括地震 海嘯及火山爆發 ) 機械或結構性故障 碼頭或火車站關閉 非自願更改 / 取消原定停泊港口津貼若因下列事故導致郵輪公司不可預見地更改或取消原定停泊港口, 我們將就每一個停泊港口提供現金津貼 : 在郵輪到達原定停泊港口的前一天內, 原定停泊港口目的地突然發生不可預見的罷工 工業行動 暴動 內亂 劫船 恐怖主義襲擊 惡劣天氣 天災 ( 包括地震 海嘯及火山爆發 ) 機械或結構性故障 或碼頭關閉 ## 就相同損失原因只可從 更改行程保障 或 於岸上觀光後錯過登船保障 或 非自願更改 / 取消原定停泊港口津貼 其中一項提出索償 若就相同損失原因, 已在項目 6 項目 7 項目 8 或項目 9 中獲得賠償, 項目 10 的索償將不獲支付 11. 旅程延誤保障 ### 若您已安排的飛機 火車或船隻因罷工 工業行動 暴動 內亂 劫機 / 船 恐怖主義襲擊 惡劣天氣 天災 ( 包括地震 海嘯及火山爆發 ) 機械或結構性故障或機場 碼頭或火車站關閉而導致延誤超過 5 小時, 我們將為旅程延誤首滿 5 小時賠償港幣 $200; 其後每延誤滿 8 小時, 賠償則為港幣 $400 ### 惟有關索償並未於項目 10 - 行程阻礙保障中獲得支付 2,500 (500/ 原定停泊港口 ) 5,000 (1,000/ 原定停泊港口 ) 5,000 9,800 已繳付而未能退回的海外住宿及交通費用 ; 或

12. 行李延誤津貼 行李延誤保障因航空公司誤送或劫機 / 船而令您在外地抵達目的地 8 小時後仍未能取得隨行已登記寄艙的行李, 您所購買的必需應急品如衣物或梳洗用品, 可獲得賠償 登上郵輪後的行李延誤之額外津貼如已登記寄艙的行李因接駁郵輪旅遊的公共交通工具延誤送達, 引致有關行李未能在預定時間送達海外目的地超過連續 24 小時, 您已登上郵輪開展其航程而並未取得有關行李, 可獲得一次性額外現金津貼 13. 個人責任保障 保障您在旅程期間因疏忽而需對第三者的身體損傷或財物損失負上法律責任 14. 租車自負額保障 在旅程中, 若受保人駕駛租用車輛, 意外發生碰撞, 或該車輛被偷竊或在停泊時損毀, 當您租車時所安排的汽車保單作出賠償時, 我們亦會賠償您須負責的有關自負額 15. 郵輪緊急通訊費用保障 在郵輪航程期間, 如您或您的同行旅伴因嚴重身體受傷或嚴重患病 *** 而令您無法繼續旅程及必須直接返回香港, 因而需要在郵輪上使用衛星電話 手提電話漫遊或郵輪無線網絡的費用, 可獲得賠償 * " 首次 " 發出警示指根據 外遊警示制度 下, 自該制度產生以來就某一事件或事故首次所發出的警示 ** " 直系親屬 " 指受保人的合法配偶 父母 配偶父母 祖父母 配偶祖父母 子女 女婿或媳婦 兄弟姊妹 配偶兄弟姊妹 孫兒女 孫女婿或孫媳婦 合法監護人 未婚夫或未婚妻 *** " 嚴重身體受傷或嚴重患病 " 指經由主診註冊醫生證實有關的身體意外受傷或疾病需要立即入住醫院接受治療, 及不宜展開或繼續旅程 自動延長 10 天保障期 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 5,000 於旅程期間, 若您已安排的行程無可避免地於外地被迫延誤 ( 包括因香港保安局就您計劃之目的地發出了任何外遊警示而造成的延誤 ), 我們將自動延長您的保障期最長達 10 天 主要不保事項 下列只為保誠精選 郵輪旅遊樂 不保事項的概略, 請參閱保單內所列 明的詳細內容 適用於整套保單的不保事項 1) 戰爭或同類行動 政府法令及核能災難所構成的損失 2) 故意疏忽 3) 以專業運動形式或在競爭情況下所參與的運動或比賽 或並非以雙腿進行 的競賽 賽車 ( 高卡車除外 ) 飛行活動( 以持票乘客身份, 乘坐持牌客 機則除外 ) 或任何其他危險活動或前述相似的活動時發生的意外 4) 蓄意令自己受傷或生病 5) 酗酒及濫用藥物 6) 旅遊前已存在的任何病徵 病症 7) 任何情況 ( 包括外遊警示的發出 ) 在申請投保前經已存在或已知其存 在或已就預期會出現作出公布 8) 性病 愛滋病及與愛滋病有關連的病症 9) 懷孕 流產 分娩及由上述引起的其他病症 10) 因從事任何與商業或職業有關的體力勞動工作, 或因從事任何空 中或海上運輸工作的駕駛員或機員 導遊或領隊等職業而引起的 意外 11) 蓄意以治病為旅遊目的 醫療費用保障的不保事項 1) 本港醫藥費用 ( 除於保單內註明的保障 ) 2) 非必需的治療 手術或住用私家病房的額外費用 3) 假牙及有關治療費用 24 小時緊急支援服務的不保事項 1) 從郵輪運送往陸上第一家接收醫院之任何形式的緊急醫療運送 2) 已存在的疾病 取消旅程保障及提早結束旅程保障的不保事項 1) 經濟問題及個人不願成行 2) 政府的法案或法令 ( 惟發出首次紅色或黑色外遊警示則除外 ) 及有 關方面不能提供預定行程 3) 航空管制 旅程延誤保障的不保事項 1) 因受保人遲到機場 碼頭或車站所致 2) 於申請投保時, 已存在的罷工或工業行動, 或其它已存在的原因 3) 航空管制 行李及個人財物保障 個人現金 / 信用卡 / 旅遊證件保障的不保事項 1) 破舊 2) 被海關沒收或扣留 3) 易碎物料 ( 包括易腐壞的食物 ) 的損毀 4) 遺失而未能於 24 小時內向警方及發卡中心 ( 適用於信用卡被盜 用 ) 報失或未有盡快向有關的運輸公司報失 5) 手提電話的遺失與損毀 個人責任保障的不保事項 1) 導致受保人的僱員或家屬受傷 2) 由使用機動車輛 飛機 船隻或類似物而引致的責任問題 3) 屬於受保人或由受保人監管的物件 4) 由受保人所從事的行業所引致的責任問題 5) 受保人於其所簽的契約上所承擔的責任 租車自負額保障的不保事項 1) 租用車輛期間, 受保人非法及不合法使用該租用車輛 2) 受保人在意外中未持有有效的駕駛執照 3) 受保人因任何情況受到酒精或藥物影響下駕駛租用車輛 4) 因不能租出損毀汽車的營業損失包括 " 非操作補償費用 (NOC)" 5) 輪胎受損, 租用車輛其他部份同時受損除外

Scale of Benefits of Personal Accident Section 人身意外保障 - 保障賠償表 In the event of an accident causing 因意外而引致的 A. Death 死亡 B. Permanent Disablement 永久性傷殘 1. Total Permanent Disablement 完全永久傷殘 2. Total and Permanent Loss of Limb(s) 完全及永久喪失肢體 3. Total and Permanent Loss of Sight 完全及永久喪失視力 4. Total and Permanent Loss of speech and hearing of both ear(s) 完全及永久喪失語言能力及聽覺 5. Permanent and incurable insanity 永久及無法治療的精神錯亂 6. Total and permanent loss of use of: 完全及永久性傷殘 : (a) thumb and four fingers of one hand 一隻手之拇指及四隻手指 (b) four fingers of one hand 一隻手之四隻手指 (c) thumb (both phalanges) 拇指 ( 兩節指骨 ) (d) thumb (one phalanx) 拇指 ( 一節指骨 ) (e) any other fingers (three phalanges) 其餘任何手指 ( 三節指骨 ) (f) any other fingers (two phalanges) 其餘任何手指 ( 兩節指骨 ) (g) any other fingers (one phalanx) 其餘任何手指 ( 一節指骨 ) (h) all toes of one foot 一腳的所有腳趾 (i) great toe (both phalanges) 大足趾 ( 兩節趾骨 ) (j) great toe (one phalanx) 大足趾 ( 一節趾骨 ) Maximum Benefit (HK$) 最高賠償額 ( 港幣 $) Asia Worldwide Plan Plan 亞洲計劃全球計劃 840,000 480,000 360,000 180,000 180,000 120,000 90,000 240,000 90,000 60,000 1,050,000 600,000 450,000 225,000 225,000 150,000 112,500 300,000 112,500 75,000 Comprehensive Products to Cater for Your Needs Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited takes care of your everyday needs by providing a comprehensive range of products, including: PRUchoice Card Protection Plus PRUchoice China Accidental Emergency Medical PRUchoice China Protection PRUchoice Clinic PRUchoice Cruise Travel PRUchoice Golfers PRUchoice HealthCare PRUchoice HealthCheck PRUchoice HealthCheck Deluxe PRUchoice Home PRUchoice Home Deluxe PRUchoice Home Landlord PRUchoice Maid and many other insurance products. To know more about our products, just call us or your financial consultant/broker. 產品服務全面周到 保誠財險有限公司為您提供以下一系列的保險服務, 全面保障您的每一天 保誠精選 失卡寶 保誠精選 中國意外急救醫療保險 保誠精選 中國安心寶 保誠精選 診療寶 保誠精選 郵輪旅遊樂 保誠精選 高球樂 保誠精選 康療寶 保誠精選 康檢寶 保誠精選 尊尚康檢寶 保誠精選 家居寶 保誠精選 名家寶 保誠精選 業主寶 保誠精選 僱傭寶 保誠精選 醫療寶 及其他各類的保險服務如欲查詢以上保險服務詳情, 請致電本公司或您的理財顧問 / 經紀 For further information, please contact : Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited (A member of Prudential plc group) 3/F, Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3656 8362 Fax: (852) 2164 8445 如有查詢, 請致電或親臨本公司, 地址如下 : 保誠財險有限公司 ( 英國保誠集團成員 ) 香港 魚涌華蘭路 25 號 克大廈 3 樓電話 :(852) 3656 8362 傳真 :(852) 2164 8445 PRUchoice Medical PRUchoice MediExtra PRUchoice Motor PRUchoice Personal Accident PRUchoice Personal Accident Plus PRUchoice Travel PRUchoice Travel Overseas Study PRUchoice Travel Working Holiday PRUchoice BMX (Building Management Xtra) PRUchoice BOX (Business Owners Xtra) PRUchoice SOX (Small Office Xtra) PRUchoice Group Medical PRUchoice Group Life Fire Insurance 保誠精選 健康寶 保誠精選 駕駛寶 保誠精選 安健寶 保誠精選 倍安寶 保誠精選 旅遊樂 保誠精選 海外留學寶 保誠精選 工作假期寶 保誠精選 樓宇寶 保誠精選 商舖寶 保誠精選 興業寶 保誠精選 團體醫療寶 保誠精選 團體人壽寶 火險 Note : This brochure is for reference only and does not constitute any contract or any part thereof between Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited and any other parties. Regarding other details and the terms and conditions of this insurance, please refer to the policy document. Prudential will be happy to provide a specimen of the policy document upon your request. 註 : 此小冊子只作參考之用, 不能作為保誠財險有限公司與任何人士或團體所訂立之任何合約或合約之任何部份, 有關本保險之其他詳情及條款及條件, 請參閱保單 如有需要, 保誠樂意提供保單樣本以供閣下參考 所有中文簡譯, 如與英文有異, 概以英文為準 (k) any other toe 其餘任何足趾 36,000 45,000 C. Third Degree Burn of 9% or more of the total body surface 身體總表面面積有 9% 或以上達第三級燒傷 500,000 Gl3/BR0172B/P01 (12/17)

Application Form for PRUchoice Cruise Travel Insurance 申請表 Applicable on or after 1 December, 2017 2017 年 12 月 1 日或之後適用 For further information, please contact: Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited (A member of Prudential plc group) 3/F, Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3656 8362 Fax: (852) 2164 8445 如有查詢, 請聯絡 : 保誠財險有限公司 ( 英國保誠集團成員 ) 香港 魚涌華蘭路 25 號 克大廈 3 樓電話 :(852) 3656 8362 傳真 :(852) 2164 8445 G13/APP0172B/P01 (12/17)

Details of Applicant 申請人詳情 (Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS 請用英文正楷填寫 ) Surname 姓 HKID or Passport No. 香港身份證或護照號碼 Gender 性別 Given Name 名 Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) 出生日期 ( 日 / 月 / 年 ) Female 女 Male 男 Applicant 申請人 : Building/Estate 大廈 / 屋苑 One of Insured Person(s) 其中一位受保人 Correspondence Address 通訊地址 Flat/Room 室 Floor 樓 Block 座 Contact Person 聯絡人 Home Tel No. 住宅電話號碼 Mobile No. 流動電話號碼 Street/Road & District Area 街道及地區 Email Address 電郵地址 HK 香港 KLN 九龍 NT 新界 Surname 姓 Insured Person(s) 受保人 Given Name 名 Gender 性別 Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) 出生日期 ( 日 / 月 / 年 ) Relationship 與申請人之關係 HKID or Passport No. 香港身份證或護照號碼 The policy will not be in force until the application has been accepted by the Company and the premium has been paid. 保單需在本公司接納申請及收訖保費後方才生效 Details of Application 投保詳情 Please tick appropriate box(es) 請在適當空格內填上 Asia Plan* 亞洲計劃 * Worldwide Plan# 全球計劃 # No. of Days 日數 No. of Days 日數 Commencing on 出發日期 / / dd ( 日 ) mm ( 月 ) yy ( 年 ) Commencing on 出發日期 / / dd ( 日 ) mm ( 月 ) yy ( 年 ) Total Premium (HK$) 保費合共 ( 港幣 $) * Note : The maximum period of insurance is 20 days for any one trip. 附註 : 每次旅程最長的保險期為 20 天 Total Premium (HK$) 保費合共 ( 港幣 $) # Note : The maximum period of insurance is 6 months for any one trip. 附註 : 每次旅程最長的保險期為六個月 Payment Method 付款方法 By Cheque 以支票繳付 (Please make cheque payable to "Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited" 請註明支票抬頭人為 保誠財險有限公司 ) Credit Card Account Details 信用卡戶口資料 Applicable to payment by credit card only. 只供選擇以信用卡繳費之客戶填寫 By Credit Card 以信用卡繳付. VISA Card VISA 卡 Master Card 萬事達卡 Credit Card Number 信用卡號碼 Credit Card Expiry Date 信用卡有效日期至 (mm/yy) ( 月 / 年 ) I/We hereby authorize Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited to collect from my/our designated credit card account for all payment(s) and recurring payment(s) of this Insurance including that/those related to subsequent endorsement(s). 本人 / 吾等授權保誠財險有限公司, 經由本人 / 吾等指定的信用卡戶口內, 扣除有關本保單的所有及經常性保費及徵費, 包括與其後背書有關之所有及經常性保費及徵費 Cardholder s Name 信用卡持有人姓名 Cardholder s Signature 信用卡持有人簽名 Date 日期

Premium (HK$) 保費 ( 港幣 $) Plan 計劃 No. of Days 日數 Insured Person Only 投保人 Insured Person & Children 投保人及其子女 Insured Person & Family 投保人及其家人 Plan 計劃 No. of Days 日數 Insured Person Only 投保人 Insured Person & Children 投保人及其子女 Insured Person & Family 投保人及其家人 Asia Plan* 亞洲計劃 * 1 2 79 118 120 178 199 296 Worldwide Plan 球計劃 1 2 221 363 331 545 551 908 3 151 226 377 3 607 910 1,517 4 182 273 455 4 759 1,139 1,898 5 194 291 485 5 819 1,229 2,048 6 203 304 507 6 884 1,326 2,210 7 213 320 533 7 919 1,379 2,297 8 222 334 556 8 951 1,427 2,378 9 229 343 572 9 978 1,467 2,444 10 235 354 589 10 1,000 1,499 2,499 11 241 361 602 11 1,097 1,646 2,744 12 248 373 621 12 1,137 1,706 2,843 13 254 381 634 13 1,177 1,766 2,943 14 261 393 654 14 1,217 1,826 3,043 15 265 398 663 15 1,303 1,955 3,258 16 269 404 673 16 1,320 1,980 3,300 17 274 412 686 17 1,336 2,003 3,339 18 280 420 699 18 1,376 2,063 3,439 19 283 425 709 19 1,415 2,123 3,539 20 289 433 722 20 1,455 2,183 3,638 21 1,506 2,259 3,764 * Applicable for the voyage of cruise in Asia including but not limited to Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, The Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam or the island of Guam, Maldives, Palau, Saipan and Tinian. 適用於亞洲包括但不限於孟加拉 不丹 汶萊 柬埔寨 中國 印度 印尼 日本 韓國 老撾 澳門 馬來西亞 蒙古 緬甸 尼泊爾 巴基斯坦 菲律賓 新加坡 斯里蘭卡 台灣 泰國 越南或於關島 馬爾代夫 帛琉 塞班島 天寧島等島嶼航行的郵輪航程 22 23 24 25 26 27 1,542 1,578 1,629 1,678 1,728 1,779 2,314 2,368 2,443 2,517 2,592 2,668 3,857 3,946 4,072 4,195 4,321 4,447 28 1,829 2,744 4,573 29 1,878 2,818 4,697 30 1,929 2,894 4,823 31 2,034 3,051 5,085 32 2,139 3,209 5,348 Additional Week 735 1,103 1,838 額外每週 Definition 定義 1. "Children" refers to the insured person's dependent and unmarried children who are aged 17 or below. 子女指受保人在 17 歲或以下並受供養的未婚子女 2. "Insured Person & Family" refers to the Insured Person, his/her legally married spouse, dependent and unmarried children who are aged 17 or below. 受保人及其家人即受保人 其合法配偶及 17 歲或以下並受供養的未婚子女

Important Notes to Applicant 申請人須知 1. Disclosure - The applicant is requested to disclose any other facts known to the applicant which are likely to affect acceptance or assessment of the insurance cover the applicant is applying for. Should the applicant have any doubts about what should be disclosed, please feel free to contact us or your financial consultant/broker. The applicant is recommended to keep a record (including copies of letters) of any additional information given for the applicant's future reference. Failure to disclose may mean that the Policy will not provide with the cover the applicant require, or perhaps may invalidate the Policy altogether. 透露 - 申請人必須就申請表內所有問題作出確實回答, 並就申請需要提供一切有關資料, 如有懷疑請向本公司或有關理財顧問 / 經紀查詢 如作出不確實回答或提供不正確資料, 會令本保單作癈及不能生效 請保留申請表副本 ( 包括信件影印本 ) 以作日後參照 2. A specimen copy of the Policy and a copy of your completed Application Form will be supplied on request. 如有需要, 本公司可提供保單原文及申請表副本以作參考 3. All benefits and exclusions are only briefly outlined here. For further details, please refer to the Certificate of Insurance and the Insurance Policy. 上述保障及不保範圍並未包括所有細節, 欲知全部詳情請參閱保單 4. The insurance is only valid for trips originating from Hong Kong. Cheque payment must accompany this Application Form. No refund premium and levy is allowed once the Certificate of Insurance has been issued. 此項保險只適用於由本港出發之旅程 支票須連同申請表一併繳交 保單簽發生效後概不發還保費及徵費 5. The application form must be signed by a person who has attained age 18 or above. 申請表必須由年滿 18 歲或以上的申請人簽署 6. This product is underwritten by Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited ("PGHK"). The copyrights of the contents of this document are owned by PGHK. 此產品由保誠財險有限公司 ( 保誠財險 ) 承保 此文件內容之版權是由保誠財險所擁有 7. This document is for Hong Kong distribution only. It is not an offer to sell or solicitation to buy or provision of any insurance product outside Hong Kong. PGHK does not offer or sell any insurance product in any jurisdictions outside Hong Kong in which such offering or sale of the insurance product is illegal under the laws of such jurisdictions. 此文件僅旨在香港派發, 並不能詮釋為在香港境外提供或出售或遊說購買任何保險產品 如在香港境外之任何司法管轄區提供或出售任何保險產品屬於違法, 保誠財險不會在該司法管轄區提供或出售該保險產品 8. Collection of Levy by the Insurance Authority ( IA ) - From 1 January 2018 onwards, a levy on insurance premiums for insurance policies will be payable to IA by policy holders. IA will collect the levy from policy holders through insurance companies. The amount of the levy may be subject to change depending on the applicable levy rate, which shall be determined by when the first premium is due which is the date when the Certificate of Insurance is issued. Policy holder shall commit an offence and be liable to a pecuniary penalty not exceeding HK$5,000 for failure to timely pay the levy. Levy must be paid when the premium is paid. To avoid any doubt, you must pay us the premium and levy once policy is effective. In this connection, notwithstanding anything contained in this form, policy provision or any other agreements between us, you agree us with the following assistance as may be necessary to enable us to collect any outstanding levy payable to IA in respect of the policy applied under this application form to the extent applicable and relevant, subject to the terms hereof: - you agree the prepayment of levy on prepaid premiums if you pre-pay any premium. The corresponding levy rate (based on premium payable) and cap per policy per policy year for insurance policies with the Certificate of Insurance issued from 1 January 2018 till 31 March 2019 (both dates inclusive) are 0.04% and HK$2,000; from 1 April 2019 till 31 March 2020 (both dates inclusive) are 0.06% and HK$3,000; from 1 April 2020 till 31 March 2021(both dates inclusive) are 0.085% and HK$4,250; and from 1 April 2021 onwards (date inclusive) are 0.1% and HK$5,000. For details of levy information, please visit All the premiums listed in this application form exclude levy. 保險業監管局 ( 保監局 ) 收取的徵費 - 由 2018 年 1 月 1 日起, 保單持有人必須向保監局繳付保單之保費徵費 保監局將透過保險公司向保單持有人收取徵費, 徵費金額會因應適用徵費比率而有所變更, 而該比率則以首期保費須繳付當日而定, 即是發出保險憑証當日 如保單持有人未能依時繳交徵費, 即屬違法, 可被罰款不超過港幣五千元 徵費需於繳交保費時同時繳交 為免任何疑問, 閣下必須於保單生效之日向本公司繳交保費及徵費總額 有見及此, 儘管載於本表格 保單條款或我們之間其他任何協議所包含的任何內容, 閣下同意我們在需要時提供以下協助, 使我們能夠就閣下透過此申請書申請之保單適當地及相關地根據以下條款, 收取任何應向保監局繳付之未繳徵費 : 閣下同意如繳付預繳保費, 將同時被收取預繳徵費 於 2018 年 1 月 1 日至 2019 年 3 月 31 日 ( 包括首尾兩日 ) 期間發出保險憑証的保單的徵費比率 ( 以保費為基準 ) 及每份保單每保單周年徵費上限為 0.04% 及港幣二千元 ; 於 2019 年 4 月 1 日至 2020 年 3 月 31 日 ( 包括首尾兩日 ) 期間發出為 0.06% 及港幣三千元 ; 於 2020 年 4 月 1 日至 2021 年 3 月 31 日 ( 包括首尾兩日 ) 期間發出為 0.085% 及港幣四千二百五十元 ; 而於 2021 年 4 月 1 日起 ( 包括該日 ) 發出為 0.1% 及港幣五千元 有關徵費詳情請瀏覽 本表格內列出的所有保費並不包括徵費 Warranty: The Applicants warrant that they are not travelling contrary to the advice of Medical Practitioner, or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. The Applicants also warrant that they are not travelling for migration. 保證 : 所有申請人均保證其旅程絕無違反醫生的勸諭, 亦非以治療為目的 申請人並保證其旅程絕非以移民為目的

Personal Information Collection Statement 收集個人資料聲明 Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited (referred to as the Company, our, we, or us in this Part entitled Personal Information Collection Statement ) may collect certain personal information, including without limitation your name, identity card number (and copy of identity card), passport number, contact information, family history, health and medical information and financial information ("Personal Information") from you when you apply for insurance or financial products and services from us, or when you apply to make changes to your policy, or when you make a claim against a policy. We may also collect Personal Information about you from third parties such as other insurance companies or agents, government agencies, medical personnel, credit reporting agencies, courts or public records. 保誠財險有限公司 ( 在題為 收集個人資料聲明 之本部份, 簡稱 本公司 或 我們 ) 可能會於閣下向我們申請保險或金融產品及服務 申請更改保單或就保單提出索償時向閣下收集一些個人資料, 包括但不限於閣下的姓名 身份證號碼 ( 及身份證副本 ) 護照號碼 聯絡資料 家族歷史 健康和醫療資料, 以及財務資料 ( 以下簡稱 個人資料 ) 我們還可能從第三方, 如其他保險公司或代理 政府機構 醫務人員 信用報告機構 法院或公開記錄等, 收集關於閣下的個人資料 1. Purpose of Collection 收集資料之目的 We may use your Personal Information for the following purposes: (a) to process your application; (b) to administer and process insurance policies, insurance claims and medical, security and underwriting checks; (c) to process payment instructions; (d) to verify your eligibility for insurance, financial or wealth management products and services; (e) to design and provide you with insurance, financial and related services and products; (f) to communicate with you; (g) to provide you with promotional materials relating to insurance or financial services or related wealth management products of the Company, and those of other entities whose ultimate parent company is Prudential plc ("companies within the Prudential Group") or partnering financial institutions; (h) to perform a policy review or needs analysis; (i) to conduct research and statistical analysis; and (j) to meet disclosure requirements imposed on us or any third parties mentioned in Section 2 below by law or regulatory authorities. 我們可能會使用閣下的個人資料作下列用途 :(a) 處理閣下的申請 ;(b) 管理和處理保單 保險索償 醫療 抵押和承保檢查 ;(c) 處理付款指示 ;(d) 核實閣下申請保險 金融或財富管理產品及服務的資格 ;(e) 設計及為閣下提供保險 金融及相關的服務和產品 ;(f) 與閣下進行通訊 ; (g) 為閣下提供關於本公司以及其他母公司為英國保誠集團的實體 ( 保誠集團內的公司 ) 或夥伴金融機構的保險或金融服務或相關的財富管理產品的推廣材料 ;(h) 進行保單審查或需求分析 ;(i) 進行研究和統計分析 ; 及 (j) 符合法律或監管當局向我們或在下述第二部分所列的第三方實施的披露要求 2. Classes of Transferees 被資料轉交者的類別 We may disclose your Personal Information to third parties (within or outside Hong Kong) for the purposes outlined at Section 1 above, including without limitation the following third parties: (a) insurance agents; (b) re-insurance companies; (c) other companies within the Prudential Group; (d) claims investigation companies; (e) third party administrators; (f) third party service providers (including without limitation insurers, bankers, lawyers, accountants, and other third party service providers who provide administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment, printing, redemption or other services to us to enable us to operate our business); (g) industry associations and federations; (h) medical bill review companies; (i) professional advisors; (j) researchers; (k) credit reference agencies; (l) debt collection agencies; (m) partnering financial institutions; (n) regulators and government agencies; (o) law enforcement agencies; (p) the Courts. We may transfer your name, contact information and information about the products you have purchased (including the sales channel from which such products were purchased) to other companies within the Prudential Group, and other partnering financial institutions, for the purpose of providing you with promotional materials relating to those entities' insurance or financial services or related wealth management products. However, we will not disclose your Personal Information to any other third parties for direct marketing purposes without your consent. We may transfer your Personal Information in connection with a transaction with another company which affects the control, governance, structure and/or management of all or a substantial part of our business, or if required to satisfy applicable legal or regulatory requirements. 為達到上述第一部分所列明之目的, 我們可能會向第三方 ( 在香港境內或境外 ) 透露閣下的個人資料, 包括但不限於以下第三方 :(a) 保險代理 ;(b) 再保險公司 ;(c) 其他保誠集團內的公司 ;(d) 索償調查公司 ;(e) 第三方管理人 ;(f) 第三方服務供應商 ( 包括但不限於保險公司 銀行 律師 會計師, 以及其他提供行政 電訊 電腦 付款 印刷 贖回或其他服務以令我們的業務可以運作的第三方服務供應商 );(g) 行業協會及聯會 ;(h) 醫療帳單審查公司 ;(i) 專業顧問 ;(j) 研究人員 ;(k) 信貸資料服務機構 ;(l) 收賬代理 ;(m) 夥伴金融機構 ;(n) 監管機構及政府機構 ;(o) 執法機構 ;(p) 法院 我們可能將閣下的姓名 聯絡資料和閣下已購買的產品資料 ( 包括購買該等產品的銷售渠道 ), 轉交其他保誠集團內的公司及其他夥伴金融機構, 以向閣下提供有關這些實體的保險 金融服務或相關的財富管理產品的有關推廣材料 然而, 我們不會未經閣下的同意, 向任何其他第三方透露閣下的個人資料作直接促銷用途 在有關影響到我們全部或重大部分業務的控制權 治理 結構和 / 或管理的交易時, 或在必須符合適用的法律或監管要求下, 我們可能會轉交閣下的個人資料 3. Consequence of failing to provide Personal Information 未能提供個人資料的影響 Unless otherwise specified by us, it is mandatory for you to provide the Personal Information requested by us. In the event that any such Personal Information is not provided, we may be unable to provide you with the services or carry out the activities outlined at Section 1 above. 除非我們另有規定, 否則閣下必須提供我們所要求的個人資料 若未能提供任何此等個人資料, 我們可能無法為閣下提供服務或進行上述第一部分所列出的活動 4. Access and Correction Rights 查閱和更正的權利 Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the "Ordinance"), you have the right to request access to and correction of any Personal Information that you provide to us. You may make such a request by writing to our Data Protection Officer at 3/F Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. In accordance with the Ordinance, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any Personal Information access request. 根據 個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例 ( 條例 ), 閣下有權要求查閱及更正任何閣下提供給我們的個人資料 閣下如欲查閱或更正個人資料, 請向我們的資料保護主任作出書面要求, 地址是香港 魚涌華蘭路 25 號 克大廈 3 樓 根據條例的規定, 我們有權就處理查閱任何個人資料的要求, 收取合理的費用 Opting-out Marketing Communications or Materials 拒絕接受促銷信息或資料 We intend to send you marketing communications or materials (as set out in the above Personal Information Collection Statement), but we cannot do so without your consent. In the event that you do not wish to receive such marketing communications or materials, please let us know by ticking the opt-out box below, and returning the form to us in person or at 3/F Berkshire House, 25 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. 我們有意向閣下發送 載於上述收集個人資料聲明的 促銷信息或資料, 但未經閣下的同意, 我們不能這樣做 假若閣下不希望收到該等促銷信息或資料, 請在以下拒絕接受方格內劃上 號以讓我們知道閣下的意向, 並親身交回本表格或送交本表格至香港 魚涌華蘭路 25 號 克大廈 3 樓 Opt-out box 拒絕接受方格 The Applicant / Policyholder / Insured Person hereby confirm understanding of and agreement to the contents in this Part entitled Personal Information Collection Statement. 申請人 / 保單持有人 / 受保人特此確認明白並同意在題為 收集個人資料聲明 之本部份中的內容 Signature of Applicant on behalf of persons to be insured 申請人代行簽名 Application Date 投保日期 Financial Consultant's Name 保險顧問名稱 (Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS 請用正楷填寫 ) Financial Consultant's Division and Code 保險顧問組別及編號 Mobile No. 流動電話號碼 Office Location 辦公室地點 CH_/CRB/FTW/LG2/MC_/MP1/PT/PT1/PT2/PT6