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!,,.0=-w/-]-3-3(R.-&A%-$?R=-2-:.J2?-0-.R/-$*A?-<A/-(J/-:SJ/-0:A-P-2R-8J?-L-2-28$?-?R,, 上師供儀軌供養祈禱具德上師二利導航寶舟 The Ritual of Offerings and Prayers to the Glorious Lama called: The Guiding Jewel Ship of Twofold Purposes Mind Revelation of Mipham Gyatso 2 nd edition 2005 Published by Shensem Tsogpa Tibetan Culture Center Translated & edited in 2004 by Lama Drimed Lodro and Benson Young 1

!,,.0=-w/-]-3-3(R.-&A%-$?R=-2-:.J2?-0-.R/-$*A?- <A/-(J/-:SJ/-0:A-P -2R-8J?-L-2-28$?-?R,, 上師供儀軌供養祈禱具德上師二利導航寶舟 The Ritual of Offerings and Prayers to the Glorious Lama called: The Guiding Jewel Ship of Twofold Purposes,3HJ/-0-(J/-0R? -.?- $?3-1A 2-3J.-$9A $?,, 2lJ -2-(J/- 0R- 3#:-.%-~R3-0<-2h=,,,$?-eJ-(J/ -0R?:PR-!/-;R%?-:SJ/-0,, 2.$-$A- ]-3-.J-= -K$-:5 =- =R,, :.A- =-.R<-.%R?- ej?- $?3- =?,. %-0R-*2? -:PR-/A,, 以大智慧無礙見三世, 大慈周遍等同于虛空, 以大悲心引導一切眾, 頂禮吾等上師之彼尊 于前行正行後行三者中, 首先念誦皈依偈 : The great omniscient one views the three times without obscuration. Great loving kindness, pervasive equal to the sky. By great compassion, he leads all beings. To this one, my lama, I prostrate. Here below are preparation, main practice, and conclusion. First is refuge:?%?-o?-,3?-&.-:.? -0:A-{,, 桑結他見地比古 一切佛陀總集身 SANG GYE THAM CHED DU PI KU His enlightened form, the union of all the buddhas, hr-ej-:6b/-0:a-%r-2r-*a.,, 多杰怎比我卧泥 金剛持尊之本體 DOR JE DZIN PAI NGA WO NYID his essential nature is Vajradhara.!R/-3 (R$- $? 3-IA-l-2-!J,, 滾却森急雜瓦爹 殊勝三寶之根本 KON CHOG SUM GYI TSA WA TEY as the root of the supreme three jewels; ]-3-3(R$- =-*2?-?-3 (A,, 喇嘛却拉加絲起, 三遍 皈依勝妙上師尊 LAMA CHOG LA KYAB SU CHI to the supreme lama, I go for refuge. Recite three times 2

?J3?-2*J.- /A, 下面開始發心 :Second is generating bodhicitta, the enlightened attitude of mind: 2.$-$A?--:PR-2-!/-.R/-.,, 達給捉瓦根噸的 我為眾生之利益 DAG GI DRO WA KUN DON DU For the welfare of all sentient beings, ]-3-?%?-o?-212?-/?-?,, 喇嘛桑節住涅絲 修特上師佛陀尊 LAMA SANG GYE DRUB NEY SU by attaining the (state) of the lama buddha, $% -=-$% -:.=-UA/-=?-GA?,, 剛拉剛度稱列及 應機調化之事業 GANG LA GANG DUL TRIN LEY KYI undertaking whatever activity necessary to tame (beings) $8/-.R/-LJ.-0 <-?J3?- 2*J.-.R,, 山噸接巴森切朵, 三遍 為行他利而發心 SHEN DON JED PAR SEM KYED DO Recite three times thus accomplishing the purpose of others, I generate the precious bodhicitta. ;/-= $-2. /-0, 下面是七支供 :The seven branch offering: @R: hr-ej-ar2-.0r/-?%?-o?-.0=: 霍! 多杰落補桑節巴 頂禮金剛阿闍黎 HO! DORJE LO PON SANG GYE PAL HO! To the vajra master, the glorious Buddha.?-$? 3-28$?-=-K$- :5=- =R: 地僧樹拉强擦落 三時住世具德佛 DU SUM SHUG LA CHING TSAL LO abiding in the three times, I prostrate. 3(R$-$?3-2!J/-0:A-8A%-I<-=: 却森點比上就拉 所依福田三寶前 CHOG SUM TEN PAI SHING GYUR LA To the field of merit upon which the three jewels rely, 3

$*A?-3J.-;A.-GA?-*2?-?-3(A: 泥滅以及夾絲起 以無二心而皈依 NYI MED YID KYI KYAB SU CHI with non-dual mind, I take refuge..%r?-:lr<-;a.-ga?-i3-3=-0:a: 無窘以及囊只比 現有受用意幻化 NGO JOR YID KYI NAM TRUL PAL Actual offerings and imaginary offerings arise from the mind;.$-0:a- 3(R.-0-28J?-?- $?R=: 達比却巴细絲所 清凈供養請享用 DAG PAL CHOD PA SHEY SU SOL please accept these pure offerings!.%r?-p2-(-2r-$&r.-0:a- $J$?: 無住起我决比噶 阻断成就江河障 NGO DRUB CHU WO CHOD PAL GEG Eradicating obstacles toward the river of attainment, *J?-L?-3-=?-2>$?-0 <-2IA: 泥些瑪露夏巴既 一切惡作皆懺悔 NYEY SHEY MA LUS SHAG PAR GYI all wrong doings without exception, I confess. KR$?-2& <-:#R<- $? 3-.$-0:A-(R?: 瓊及闊森達比求 十方三輪清淨法 CHOG CHUR KOR SUM DAG PAI CHO In the ten directions, dharma is pure within the three spheres; 3-($?-,R.- =-ej?-;a-<%: 瑪恰却拉及以讓 無貪享用皆隨喜 MA CHAG CHOD NA JEY YI RING in this practice free from attachment, I rejoice..$-0-3,:-28a-sa-3-3j.: 達巴它洗直瑪滅 清淨四邊無垢染 DAG PA THA SHI DRI MA MED Unstained by the four extreme views, 4

mr$?-0 :A-L% -(2-?J3?-2*J.-.R: 做比强丘森切朵 發起圓滿菩提心 DZOG PAI JANG CHUB SEM KYED DO I generate the perfect enlightened attitude of bodhicitta. 2.J-$>J$?-.2% -K$-?J3?-&/-=: 爹沙汪求森見拉 善逝自在及眾生 DEY SHEG WANG CHUG SEM CHEN LA To the powerful Lord Gone Beyond Bliss (Buddha),.$R?-0- $? 3-KA<-=?-:2=-=R: 古巴森起露補落 為三需要而獻身 GO PA SOM CHIR LU BUL LO to fulfill the three needs of beings, I offer my body. 5K-<2?-2P% -2:A-=?-i3?-!/: 采染張為列囊根 總集歷世之善業 TSEY RAB DRANG WAI LEY NAM KUN Condensing the virtuous karma of all my cumulative past lives, 2#?-+J-L% -(2-(J/-0R<- 2}R: 度的强丘親波窩 無餘回向大菩提 DU TEY JANG CHUB CHEN POR NGO without reservation, I dedicate it all to the attainment of great bodhicitta..j-/?-.%r?-$8a-=, 2. $-=?-,-3=-.-$/?-0:3-;%-/, hr-ej-.l%?-&/-3<-$?=-2:a- ~A%- 0E-.!<-0R-:.2-3-2o.-0:A-vJ-2<- ^-2-*-$%-2:A-$./-=- <%- $A->A/-+-U-2:A-_%-?J3?-.%-, ;A-.3-z$-0:A-z-.%-, ej- 24/-l-2:A-]-3-$?3 -%R- 2R-.LJ<-3J.-0:A-<%-28A/- A-;A$-.!<- 0R-;R%?-?-I<-0-=?, : 1$?-3(R$-3HJ/-0:A-%R-2R- 2.$- $A-SA/-(J/-l-2:A- ]-3,.0=- 35S-L%-.IJ?-0:A-2>J?-$*J/, {-3.R$-.!<-0R- 8=-$&A$-K$-$*A?-.<-. %-<A/-0R-(J:A-o/- (?-2&-$?3-.%-w/-0-82?-hR-eJ-*A=-N%-$A?28 $?-0- $;?-3(R$-.A/-IA-0E-.!<-0R:C- #R%-2-29%-2:A-:.2-3-o? -0:A-!J%-/- ;J->J?-GA-<=- PA-.%- $;R/-Aa-=:A-;-2-, $?-!<-29%- 2:A- :. 2-3-~/-,.-.-LJ-2:A-$J-?<-=- >J?-<2-GA-1- <R=-+-KA/-0:A- \J$?-23-2$3?-0, 5/-.0J:A-36K?-#$-2v-2?-(R$-3A->J?->A%-, $8R/-/-9$-3J.-GA-2.J-2:A-=%-5S- o?-0, :R.-.%- 5

:R.-9J<-3,:-;?-3-3J.-0<- :UR- 2:A-<%-28A/-&/-/R, 達露它瑪度涅巴昂, 樣那, 朵節央見瑪撒為, 娘百瑪噶波達瑪却比的瓦, 答瓦念剛為但拉, 讓各伸度查為龍森當, 衣當拉比拉當, 節怎擦為喇嘛森, 窩無以滅比讓深, 阿以噶波永絲及巴列, 爬却親比窩無, 達给真親雜為喇嘛 ( 巴錯胸及比西念 ) 各朵噶波, 沙記恰泥, 達當仁波切見起既森當但巴, 沙朵節急重給修巴, 夜瓊神及百瑪噶波, 動悟送為大瑪接比當那, 夜西及染直當, 云哦巴里以瓦圖噶送為, 達瑪念塔度切為給薩拉, 些染及爬絨的琴比, 拉忘囊巴, 参百自度達為瓊米西想, 順怒撒滅及爹為浪錯及巴, 我當我色它已麼米巴, 綽為讓伸見諾 下面為正行 : 自身平庸而觀, 或明觀金剛妙音天女心間白色八瓣蓮花中央, 圓滿月墊上, 自之極其細微之風心, 殊勝之本尊, 至尊根本上師三者本體無別之自性白色阿 ( ) 字, 化為勝妙智慧本性 ( 文殊菩薩本性 ), 自之大恩根本上師 ( 上師名 ), 身白一面二臂, 具備十三種綢緞珍寶裝飾 雙足呈金剛跏趺坐勢, 右手以勝施印執持白色蓮花枝蔓, 其盛開之花瓣上為智慧寶劍, 左手于心間拈持于耳邊盛開之阿巴拉花莖, 其花蕊之上為般若經函 相好莊嚴, 觀不厭足, 無漏大樂之青春韶華妙齡童子 ( 文殊童子 ), 散發無邊無際之璀璨光華, 熠熠生輝, 燦爛奪目 ( 然後念誦 ) DAR LU TA MAL DU NYA PA AM. YANG NA, DORJE YANG CHEN MAR SAL WAI, NYING PADMA KAR PO DAB MA GYED PAI TEY WAR. DA WA NYA GANG WAI DEN LA. RANG GI SHIN TU TRA WAI LUNG SAM DANG, YI DAM LHAG PAI LHA DANG, JEY TSUN TSA WAI LAMA SUM. NGO WO YER MED PAI RANG SHIN. AH( ) YIG KAR PO YONG SU GYUR PA LEY, PAG CHOG KHYEN PAI NGO WO. DAG GI DRIN CHEN TSA WAI LAMA, (PAL TSO JUNG GYE PAI SHE NYE) KU DOG KAR PO. SHAL CHIG CHAG NYI. DAR DANG RINPOCHE GYAN CHEY CHU SUM DANG DEN PA. SHAB DOR JEI KYIL TRUNG GI SHUG PA. YEY CHOG JIN GYI PAD MA KAR POI. DOUG BU ZUNG WAI DAB MA GYE PAI TENG NA. YE SHEY KYI RAL DRI DANG. YON UT BA LAI YU WA THUG KAR ZUNG WAI. DAB MA NYAN THAD DU CHE WAI GE SAR LA. SHEY RAB KYI PHA ROL TU CHIN PAI. LEG BAM NAM PA, TSEN PEI DZEY DUG TA WEY CHOG MI SHEY SHING, SHON NU ZAG MED KYI DE WAI LANG TSO GYEY PA, OD DANG OD ZER THA YEY MU MED PAR. TRO WAI RANG SHIN CHEN NO. 6

Now the actual practice: Visualize in my own body or, otherwise: In the clear heart of Vajra Saraswati, there is an eight-petaled white lotus. In the center on a full moon seat is the inseparable union of: one's own extremely subtle mind, one's yidam deity, and the reverent root lama in the form of a white AH syllable. This transforms into the essence of the most exalted omniscient ones, one's own extremely kind root lama (Pal Tsojung Gyepa'i Shenyen) with a white body, one face and two arms. He is adorned with silks and the thirteen precious ornaments. His legs are in the vajra posture. His right hand, in the supreme generosity mudra, holds the stem of a white lotus. Upon its blossoming petals is the sword of wisdom. In his left hand he holds the stem of an Utpala flower to his heart. Upon its blossom near his ear is the text of the perfection of wisdom (Prajna Paramita). The major and minor marks are endlessly beautiful. His nature is the undefiled bliss of the full bloom of youth (Youthful Manjushri) radiating and pulsating boundless light, radiance and splendor. ( 然微念誦 ) Now, recite the following:.0=-w/-l-2:a-]-3-<a/- 0R-(J,, 巴燈雜為喇嘛仁波切 具德根本上師如意寶 PAL DEN TSA WAI LAMA RIN PO CHEY Glorious, precious wish-fulfilling root lama, 2.$-$A-~A%-$<-0E :A-$./-28$?-=,, 達給娘噶巴米但修拉 祈住我心連花墊中央 DAG GI NYING GAR PAD MAI DEN SHUG LA reside upon the lotus seat within my heart. 2!:-SA/-(J/-0R:C- R-/?- ej?-29%-!j,, 噶真親波果泥及送得 以大恩德教誡并攝受 KA TRIN CHEN POI GO NEY JEY ZUNG TEY Through your great kindness toward for me, {-$?%-,$?-GA- LA/-IA?- 2_2-+-$?R=,, 各送圖及親接拉的所 賜予身語意之勝加特 KU SUNG THUG KYI JIN GYI LAB TU SOL please bestow the blessings of your enlightened body, speech and mind. 3-=?-3 (R$-$? 3-:.?-0:A-2.$-*A.-HR.,, 瑪露却森第比達泥却 一切三寶總集汝自性 MA LU CHOG SUM DU PAI DAG NYID KYOP Without exception, oh great being who is the union of the three jewels 7

..-0:A-;A.-3 5S-!/-/?-?%?-0-=,, 大比以錯根泥當巴拉 信心意海徹底得清淨 DEY PAI YID TSO KUN NEY DANG PA LA in the utterly clear lake of faith within my mind stream, 3HJ/-2lJ:A-^-$9$?-/3-;% -3A-: $R$-0 <,, 親則答素那樣米果巴 智悲月影無力堪阻擋 KYEN TSEI DA ZUG NAM YANG MI GOG PAR may the reflection of the moon of your wisdom and compassion never be interrupted! L% -(2-2<-.-:V=-3J.-3$R/-.-28 $?,, 强丘巴度扎滅滾的修 乃至菩提不離恒護佑 JANG CHUB BAR DU DRAL MED GON DU SHUG Until enlightenment, abide continually as my protector! 3% -.-,R?-0-o-3 5S:C-3 (R.-;R/-:HA=,, 忙的圖巴加錯却云其 廣聞大海供養水珠聚 MANG DU THO PA GYA TSOI CHOD YON KYIL An ocean of erudition arranged as an offering, L3?-2lJ:A-<% -28A/-2?A=-2:A-(-o/-:2J2?,, 將則讓伸絲為起見别 慈悲自性清涼江河瀉 JAM TSEI RANG SHIN SIL WAI CHU GYAN BEB the nature of gentleness, a flowing stream of coolness, k.-l%-..-0:a-3j-+r$-5s$?-2n3-8a%-,, 瑪鍾爹比滅朵錯張上 稀有信心花朵繽紛陳 MED JUNG DEY PAI MEY TOG TSOG TRAM SHING the arrangement of the wondrous flowers of faith, i3-.$-5=-oa3?-3(r$- $A-SA-2?%-w% -,, 囊大次稱瓊各直僧當 氤氳凈戒勝妙芬芬 NAM DAG TSUL TRIM CHOG GI DRI SUNG DANG and the supreme fragrance of completely pure discipline, >J?-<2-1R/-3J:A-$%-2-:R.-.-$?=,, 些染捉滅囊瓦窩的撒 智慧燈炬輝耀光芒燦 SHEY RAB DRON MEI NANG WA OD DU SAL the light of the wisdom lamp shining brilliantly, 8

L% -(2-?J3?-3 (R$- ;A.- :R%-%R?-(:A-o/,, 强丘森瓊以汪補起見 菩提寶心悅意香水流 JANG CHUB SEM CHOG YID ONG PO CHUI GYEN the supreme bodhicitta, a stream of fragrant incense and scented water, +J%-:6B/-2..-lA:A-8 =-9?-.3-0-.% -,, 當怎度自沙色但巴當 禪定甘露美妙之珍饈 TING DZIN DUD TSIL SHAL ZEY DAM PA DANG meditative absorption, nectar, celestial food, and $9%?-.% -2lR/-0-3(R$ -$A-3A/-(J/-=?,, 送當尊巴瓊各真親里 總持精進殊妙祥雲中 ZUNG DANG TSON PA CHOG GI TRIN CHEN LEY a great cloud of supreme retention and effort; 2!R.-.L%?-~/-0:A- <R= -3R-:2 3-1R$-&A%-,, 朵央念比若摸蹦捉江 奏出稱頌禮贊之樂音 TOD YANG NYN PAI ROL MO BUM TROG CHING from this arises, the music of a hundred thousand pleasant songs, 2!R.-0:A-#R-=$-;%?-0 :A-.0$-2? 3->A%-,, 果比闊拉央比巴桑香 蔭蔽四方高廣如意樹 KOD PAI KHO LAG YANG PAI PAG SAM SHING a display like a majestic giant wish-fulfilling tree, ;% -.$-v-2-$8r/-/ :A-: V?-w/-8A%-,, 央達大瓦順泥這但上 結出真實見解鮮嫩果 YANG DAG TA WA SHON NUI DREY DEN SHING the authentic view, endowed with tender fresh fruit ($?-3J.-$+R%-2:A-:.R. -c<-:)r-2:a-2,, 恰滅東為朵各叫為瓦 無貪施捨滿足眾願牛 CHAG MED TONG WAI DOD GUR JO WAI WA free from attachment, the milk cow that dispenses whatever is desired, :6.-3J.-2?R.-/3?-$+J<-IA-23-29% -.% -,, 雜滅所浪爹及崩送當 無盡福德賢妙之寶瓶 DZEY MED SO NAM TER GYI BUM ZANG DANG an excellent treasure vase of inexhaustible merit and 9

?R-?R- ;% -.$-<A$-0-28A- ;A-/A,, 所所央達染巴使以呢 四種無礙真實之智慧 SO SO YANG DAG RIG PA SHI YI NI with the four types of discriminating knowledge. ]-<J-$.$?-.% -o=-3 5 /-2-./-IA?,, 拉熱度當見参瓦但及 華蓋寶傘勝幢及飛幡 LA REY DUG DANG GYAL TSEN WA DEN GYI Canopies, parasols, victory banners and flags, 2.$-=?-$8 =-3J.-#% -29% -<2-2o/-+J,, 答露沙滅康桑染見的 嚴飾自身無量妙宮殿 DAG LU SHAL MED KANG ZANG RAB GYEN TEY the celestial palace of my body, excellently decorated ~A%-$A-(-*J?-28.-0:A-$J-?<-=,, 娘各起及沙比各撒拉 心間綻放蓮花苞蕊上 NYING GI CHU KYEY SHED PAI GEY SAR LA in the pistil of a blooming lotus within my heart.ij?-0<-28 $?-0-:PR-3$R/-(R?-GA-eJ,, 記巴樹巴捉滾丘及節 欣喜而住護眾之法王 GYEY PAR SHUG PA DRO GON CHO KYI JEY happily residing protector of beings, Lord of the Dharma, hr-ej-:(% -(J/-g$-+-3(R.-2IA.-&A%-,, 多杰槍親大的却記江 金剛持前恒時行供養 DOR JEY CHANG CHEN TAG TU CHOD GYID CHING to Vajradhara I forever make offerings and %J?-0<-:./-0:A-;A.-GA?-$?R=-:.J2?-/,, 已巴燈比以及所爹那 極其恭敬誠心而祈禱 NGEY PAR DUN PAI YID KYI SOL DEB NA pray with a mind of sincere aspiration: (R?-GA-o=-0R- 3(R$-+-3*J?-I<-&A$,, 丘節加波瓊的尼及就 但願勝法之王喜開顏 CHO KYI GYAL PO CHOG TU NYEY GYUR CHIG king of the victorious dharma, may it please you supremely! 10

$% -$%-2.J-!R%-<R=-0:A- :.R.-;R/-s,, 剛囊爹動若比朵云啊 諸現樂空游舞五欲妙 GANG NANG DEY TONG ROL PAI DO YON NGA Whatever appears, bliss and emptiness and the play of the five sensory pleasures, L% -(2-;/-=$-2./-w/-o=-YA.-m?,, 强丘烟拉燈但加色則 具備菩提七支之政寶 JANG CHUB YEN LAG DUN DEN GYAL SID DZEY the seven branches of enlightenment and the royal offerings of the kingdom, :1$?- =3-%R-2R-2N->A? -g$?-2o.-.% -,, 爬浪我卧扎西達假當 聖道本體八種吉祥品 PHAG LAM NGO WO TA SHI TAG GYED DANG the essence of the noble path and the eight auspicious signs, :1$?-/R<-P%?-w/-*J-2:A-<A/-(J/-?R$?,, 爬諾張但涅為認親所 聖者財富之數珍寶等 PHAG NOR DRANG DEN NYEY WAI RIN CHEN SOG the wealth of the noble ones and all sorts of jewels, z-[-3a-;a-: LR<-2:A-.%R?- 0R-.% -,, 拉露米以决為悟波當 天龍人間真實之財寶 LHA LU MI YI JOR WAI NGO PO DANG all the wealth of gods, nagas, and humans and.$-0:a-8a%-$a-2!r.-0-<2-:l3?-ga?,, 達比上各果巴染强及 以及淨剎浩瀚之莊嚴 DAG PAI SHING GI KOD PA RAB JAM KYI the arrangement of infinitely pure realms, 3-=?-3 #:-.LA%?-o?- 0<-2!% -/?-G% -,, 瑪露卡央及巴剛泥江 無餘遍布彌漫虛空界 MA LU KHA YING GYEY PAR KANG NEY KYANG without exception the entire realm of space is elaborately filled; o/-3a-:(.-0 <-:PR-3 $R/-HJ.-=-:2 =,, 進米恰巴捉滾切拉補 連綿不斷供奉眾怙汝 GYUN MI CHED PAR DRO GON KYOD LA BUL unceasingly I offer this to you protector of beings! 11

2&-S$-.$:-2:A-<% -28A/-z-3R-/A,, 及住噶為讓伸拉摸呢 十六歡喜自性之天女 CHU DRUG GA WAI RANG SHIN LHA MO NI The goddesses with the nature of the sixteen joys, 2o.-$*A?- =% -5S-.$-0 :A-3 (R.-mJ-&/,, 加泥浪錯達比却則見 二八佳齡清凈之供物 GYED NYI LANG TSO DAG PAI CHOD DZEY CHEN youthful age at eight times two, with pure offering substances,!r%-(j/ $-2:A-+-,2?-GA?,, 東親央絲達比及它記 以大空界清淨之幻術 TONG CHEN YING SU DAG PAI GYU THAB KYI the sacred method pure in the sphere of great emptiness, 9$-3J.-2.J-2:A-* 3?-:I<-!R%-.-%J=,, 撒滅爹為娘就東的排 無漏大樂神韻千倍增 ZAG MED DEY WAI NYAM GYUR TONG DU PEL uncontaminated blissful experience increased a thousand fold; 3.R<-/-2.$-$8/- R-$?3-:LR<-2<-2&?,, 多那大山果僧廣覺瓦接 總之自他三門及受用 DOR NA DAG SHEN GO SUM JOR WAR CHEY in short, with the wealth of the three doors of myself and others,.?-$? 3-.$J-2:A-l-2-! /-2#R3?-/?,, 度森給為雜瓦根東泥 以及三時悉數之善根 DU SUM GEY WAI TSA WA KUN DOM NEY the sum of the root of all virtue in the three times, ;J->J?-:.R.-c<- <R=-0-. IJ?-3 (R$-3A/,, 以洗多各若把及瓊真 隨意享用智慧勝喜雲 YE SHEY DO GUR ROL PA GYEY CHOG TRIN wisdom, a supreme cloud of the enjoyment of whatever is desired, g$-h2-z/-ia?-p2-0:a-.ja.-.-:2 =,, 大恰冷及住比使的補 常遍任運圓滿而奉呈 TAG KYAB LHUN GYI DRUB PAI CHID DU BUL I offer eternally pervasive spontaneous accomplishment! 12

.J-i3?-KA :A-3(R. -0 :R, 以上為外供養 This was the outer offering. 2.$-=?-hR-eJ-l-;A-SQ-<,, 達露多杰雜以半雜日 自身金剛脈之班雜中 DAG LU DOR JE TSA YI BHAN DZA RU In the bandza of the vajra channels within one s body, <% -L%-?%?-3:A-#3?-3 (R$-2..-lA:A-2&.,, 讓瓊當米康却度自及 自然清淨妙種甘露精 RANG JUNG DANG MA'I KHAM CHOG DUD TSI CHUD the essential nectar of the self-arisen supreme element of subtle essence, c.-:)r3?-: (A-3J.-P2-0:A-(/-(J/-:.A,, 古鍾起滅直比满親的 摧滅衰敗無死成就樂 GUD JOM CHI MED DRUP PA'I MEN CHEN DI this great medicine, which subdues degeneration and accomplished deathlessness, :PR-3$R/-(R?-GA-o=-0R< -3(R.-0 <-:2 =,, 捉滾丘及加波却巴補 呈供眾生怙主法王尊 DRO GON CHO KYI GYAL POR CHOD PAR BUL I offer to the dharma king, protector of beings.,a-2r-=-?r$?-:#r<- =R:C- $/?-s-0r:c,, 起我拉所闊落涅啊波 頂門等等脈輪之五處 CHI WO LA SOG KOR LO'I NEY NGA PO'I The wheel at the top of the head (crown chakra) and all the five places, #3?- $? 3-($?-0-.LA%?-?-21=-2:A-O$, 康僧恰巴央絲扎為查 誅滅三界貪欲之鮮血 KHAM SUM CHAG PA YING SU DRAL WA'I TRAG the blood liberates desire of the three worlds into space. ($?-3J.-( $?-0-(J/-0R:C-_/-.% -2&?,, 恰滅恰巴親波藍當節 無貪大貪具備濕潤性 CHAG MED CHAG PA CHEN PO'I LEN DANG CHEY Along with the moisture of desire-less and intense desire, 13

<% -L%-<R:A-3(R.-0-HJ. -=-:2=,, 讓瓊染達却巴切拉補 自生染達供奉於汝尊 RANG JUNG RAK TA'I CHOD PA KYED LA BUL this offering of self-arisen rakta, I offer to you. $R.-2&.-: )A$-gJ/-;%? -0:A-$+R<-$8R%-.,, 諾記就燈樣為朵省的 器情世間深廣朵瑪盤 NOD CHUD JIG TEN YANG PA'I TOR SHONG DU Upon the torma plate of the vast world container, /% -2&.-:PR-2-!/-IA-1%-0R-=,, 囊記捉瓦根及朋波拉 內情世間所有眾生體 NANG CHUD DRO WA KUN GYI PUNG PO LA the aggregates of the beings contained within, <% -$?=-2N$- 3.%?-.2% -0R?-36K?-2o/-0,, 讓撒扎東忘波自見巴 裝扮自明絢麗嬌艷根 RANG SAL TRAG DANG WANG POI DZEY GYEN PA self-luminous, lustrous adorned with the beautiful sense faculties,.3-m?-$+r<-3 :A-3 (R.- 0-:.A-;% -:2 =,, 但自多米却巴度樣補 誓言聖物朵瑪皆供養 DAM DZEY TOR MA'I CHOD PA DI YANG BUL this torma offering of samaya substances, I also offer. >A/-+-U-2-?%?-3:A-l-;A-o/,, 性的查瓦當米雜以見 極其細微清淨之脈絡 SHIN TU TRA WA DANG MA'I TSA YI GYEN The ornament of the extremely subtle essence channel, #-h=-_%-$?3-:sj?-0 <-8-2:A-.JA.,, 可度龍森只巴使為切 精血風三交融之精華 KHU DUL LUNG SUM DREY PAR SHU WA'I CHID the melting of the sperm, ovum and wind mixing, 3A->A$?-:R.-$? =-(J/-0R<-g$-:2<-2:A,, 米修我撒親波達巴為 恒時熾燃不毀大光明 MI SHIG OD SAL CHEN POR TAG BAR WA'I the indestructible great luminosity blazes forever; 14

,2?-3(R$- }$?-GA-3<- 3J-28J?-?-$?R=,, 它却啊及瑪滅西絲所 敬享殊勝方便秘密燈 THAB CHOG NGAG KYI MAR MEY SHEY SU SOL please accept the mantric butter lamp of the supreme method. $R.-2&.-$ *A?- 3J.- ;2-;3-.$-0- =?,, 諾及泥没呀因達巴拉 器情無二父母之清淨 NOD CHUD NYI MED YAB YUM DAG PA LEY From the inseparability of container and contents, the pure male and female consorts, :V?-2-<% -L%-;J->J?-3J<-><-2,, 這為讓瓊以西滅夏瓦 顯現碩果自然智慧焰 DREY BU RANG JUNG YE SHEY MER SHAR WA arises the fruition, the fire of self-arisen wisdom, 3,:-.2?-3J.-0<-$? =-2:A-:R.-:2<-/A,, 它圍滅把薩為我巴呢 無有中邊明朗光熾燃 THA WEY MED PAR SAL WA'I OD BAR NI clear shining light blazing without limits or center, :#R<-2:A-3/-#% -$8R3- KA<-28J?-?-$?R=,, 闊為門抗省切西絲所 為摧輪迴暗室祈享用 KOR WA'I MUN KHANG SHOM CHIR SHEY SU SOL illuminating the dungeon of samsara; please accept this offering!.j-/a--/% -$A -3(R.-0 :R, 以上為內供 This was the inner offering. hr-ej-.l%?-&/-($?-0 :A-1-.L%?-GA?,, 多杰央見恰比扎樣及 金剛妙音天女妙欲聲 DOR JEY YANG CHEN CHAG PA'I DRA YANG KYI Through the passionate melody of Vajra Saraswati, 3-=?-o=-i3?-g$-+-( $?-2IA.-&A%-,, 瑪露加囊達的恰及江 悉令諸佛恒時而貪著 MA LU GYAL NAM TAG TU CHAG GYID CHING without exception, all victors are constantly aroused, 15

($?-3J.-( $?-0:A-$9A-LA/-!R%-.-:2<,, 恰滅恰比絲親東的巴 無貪貪欲威光極熾盛 CHAG MED CHAG PA'I ZI JIN TONG DU BAR the majesty of desireless and desire blazes thousand-fold. k.-l%-v-/-#$-0:a-=% -5S-/A,, 瑪瓊大那度比浪錯呢 研麗絕倫青春之妙齡 MED JUNG TA NA DUG PA'I LANG TSO NI She is marvelous, attractive and youthful. 3,R%-2:A- 3R.- =-9$-3J.- 2.J-!J<-3,, 同為摸拉撒滅德爹瑪 目睹即賜無漏之大樂 TONG WA'I MOD LA ZAG MED DEY TER MA Seeing her, uncontaminated bliss is instantly bestowed. $% -$A-=?-=?-L%-2-29% -0R:C-SA?,, 剛給露來瓊瓦桑波只 其身散發撲鼻之芳香 GANG GI LU LEY JUNG WA ZANG PO'I DRI The lovely scent, which arises from her body.0$-5.-kj.-ga-hr/-!/-:$j%?-lj.-&a%-,, 把擦切及群跟耿切江 氤氳瀰漫充斥半由旬 PAG TSEY CHED KYI KYON KUN GENG JED CHING fills the surrounding area for half a mile, 9<-IA?-:63-8A%-;A.-: UR$-hR-eJ:A-\,, 絲及增尚以卓多杰樂 含情且唱悅耳金剛歌 ZUR GYI DZUM SHING YID TROG DOR JE'I LU seductively smiling, her enchanting vajra song,!%?-!2?-2*r.-0:a- $ <-.% -2&?-1R$-0,, 當答决比噶當接捉把 伴以姿態曼妙之舞蹈 TANG TAB KYOD PA'I GAR DANG CHEY TROG PA the movements of her dance resound, =?-_%-YA.-0:A-:(A%-2-3,:-. $-!/,, 列龍這比强瓦它達根 一切三有業風之束縛 LEY LUNG SID PA'I CHING WA THA DAG KUN bind the wind of karma, and all the chains of existence 16

%J?-0<-$&R.- =-M<-2:A- 1R-*-3R,, 已巴决拉泥為破念摸 迅速決定斬除之女伴 NGEY PAR CHOD LA NYUR WA'I PHO NYA MO are completely and swiftly cut by the goddess. 3,R/- 3,A%-3A/-=?-\R$- 28A/-wJ3- J$-/A,, 吞圖真列落伸頂噶呢 如雲中電婀娜而多姿 THON THING TRIN LEY LOG SHIN DEM GEG NI Graceful like lightning from a sky-blue cloud, <R=-2:A-lJ-: )R-3A$-:U=- v<-2+ <-8A%-,, 若為則鍾木吃大就上 享樂妙藝恰似迷幻術 ROL PA'I TSEY JO MIG TRUL TAR JUR SHING the amusement of her play is like an illusion. $&A$-=?-.-3<- :UR-2-K $-o:a-5s$?,, 就列度瑪绰為恰及錯 一中發出眾多之手印 CHIG LEY DU MAR TRO WA CHAG GYEN TSOG Her mudra gestures create many from one.,2?-3(r$-<a$-0 :A-PR$?-=-.IJ?-28A/-.,, 它瓊如比捉拉及身的 勝便覺性伴侶歡喜中 THAB CHOG RIG PA'I DROG LA GYEY SHIN DU Joyful in the supreme method and the support of intrinsic awareness, =$-0:A-t$-U/-1/-5/-:VJ=-L?->A%-,, 拉比就稱盤参這切想 臂似纖細枝丫相纏繞 LAG PA'I CHUG TREN PHEN TSUN DREL CHEY SHING the digits of her hands connect and interwoven together, 3(-1R?- 0E:A-4%-lA-:,% -2-;A?,, 起住别滅正自同瓦以 柔唇吸吮蓮花之甘飴 CHU DRO PAD MA'I DRANG TSI THUNG WA YI drinking the honey from her lotus-like soft lips, MR?-0 :A-1-. L%?-!/-/?-$?=-LJ.-0,, 泥比扎樣跟泥撒切巴 沉迷陶醉音聲極明朗 NYO PA'I DRA YANG KUN NEY SAL JED PA the melody of intoxication makes everything clear and crisp. 17

3*3-0<-.R<-2:A-<J$-L-=?-*J?-0:A,, 念巴却為染恰列切比 美妙交合之觸而衍生 NYAM PAR JOR WA'I REG JA LEY KYEY PA'I From the sensation of union is born 2.J-!R%-9$-0-3J.-0:A-!R2?--3(R$-$A?,, 德東撒巴滅比多却給 樂空無漏殊勝之妙力 DEY TONG ZAG PA MED PA'I TOB CHOG GI the supreme strength of uncontaminated bliss and emptiness; YA.-0:A-=?-_%-.2-3<- 2^R$-/?-G% -,, 只比列龍握瑪多涅江 輪迥業風返回於中脈 SID PA'I LEY LUNG U MAR DOG NEY KYANG thereby the karmic wind of existence is pulled back within the central channel, 3A->A$?-hR-eJ:A-o=-,2?-0/-LJ.-0,, 米修多接加它真切巴 建立不毀金剛之王位 MI SHIG DOR JE'I GYAL THAB TRUN JED PA the indestructible vajra victorious method is enacted, 2.J-3(R$-+- 3-2.J-2:A- <R=-3R-/A,, 爹瓊及瑪爹為若摸呢 勝樂幻化大樂之樂音 DEY CHOG GYU MA DEY WA'I ROL MO NI the joyful play of supreme illusory bliss 3#:-.% -3 *3-0 <-3=- +J-HR.- =-:2 =,, 卡當年巴出的却拉補 供奉等同虛空化身汝 KHA DANG NYAM PAR TRUL TEY KYOD LA BUL emanating equal to the sky; this I offer to you.,$?%-3(r.-.r, 以上為密供養 This was the secret offering. 3-=?-$%-8A%-YA.-0:A-(R?-?R-&R$, 瑪露囊上只比求所叫 現有內外器情一切法 MA LU NANG SHING SID PA'I CHO SO CHOG Without exception, the entire appearance of phenomenal existence 18

$%-!R%-<A$-0:A-%% -.-<R-$&A$-0:A,, 囊動若比昂的若就比 現空覺性之中為一味 NANG TONG RIG PA'I NGANG DU RO CHIG PA'I is of one taste in the intrinsic awareness of appearance and emptiness. 3A->A$?-,A$-=J-(J/-0R-H2-2h =-2,, 米修圖列親波恰達瓦 不毀之大明點本周遍 MI SHIG TIG LEY CHEN PO KYAB DAL WA This all-pervasive indestructible great sphere of luminosity,.?-$? 3-3 *3-0-*A.-.-.IJ?-I<-&A$, 讀森娘巴泥的及就丘 願以三時平等性而喜 DU SUM NYAM PA NYID DU GYEY GYUR CHIG in the equality of the three times, may you be pleased. :R.-$? =-3 #:-.LA%?-? %?-0:A-/3-3 #:-=,, 握撒卡樣當比囊卡拉 光明界之純凈虛空內 OD SAL KHA YING DANG PA'I NAM KHA LA In the pristine space of the luminous sky, <A$-l =-:):-9J<-,J$- =J- 2N-2:A-.2?,, 如雜加色圖列扎為外 覺力璀璨虹光明點中 RIG TSAL JA ZER THIG LEY TRA WA'I WEY the shining center of the rainbow light sphere of the display of pure awareness, <A$-$.%?-3-:$ $-hr-ej-=-$-o.,, 若當瑪噶多杰樂古及 覺光不滅金剛連環套 RIG DANG MA GAG DOR JE LU GU GYUD vajra chains in the radiance of intrinsic awareness, <% -L%-l=-$%-2!R.-0:A-3(R.-0-:2=,, 讓瓊雜囊果比却巴補 敬奉自然力現莊嚴供 RANG JUNG TSAL NANG KOD PA'I CHOD PA BUL I offer the arrangement of the self-arisen appearance display. ~A%-eJ:A-.3-0-3,:-;?-0-;A-,$?,, 娘及但巴它夜巴以圖 無緣大悲殊勝無邊意 NYING JE'I DAM PA THA YEY PA YI THUG The enlightened mind of boundless perfect compassion, 19

,2?-3(R$-2.J-(J/-<A$- 0:A-<R=- 3R-.% -,, 它却爹親日比若摸當 勝便大樂覺性之琴瑟 THAB CHOG DE CHEN RIG PA'I ROL MO DANG the melody of intrinsic awareness, the great bliss of the supreme method, z/-*j?-h=- V=-!R%-(J/-.$-0:A-.LA%?,, 藍及度扎東親達比樣 俱生離塵大空清淨界 LEN KYEY DUL DRAL TONG CHEN DAG PA'I YING the coemergent immaculate pure realm of great emptiness, AJ-7)- 3* 3-.R<-2.J-2:A-3 (R.-3A/-:2=,, 哦網娘學爹為却真補 呈奉誒望雙運樂供雲 E WAM NYAM JOR DEY WA'I CHOD TRIN BUL I offer a cloud offerings of the bliss of the union of Ewam. YA.-.% -8A-2-<R- $&A$-:SJ?-0:A- 3R.,, 只當是瓦若就直比摸 有寂一味無別而交融 SID DANG SHI WA RO CHIG DREY PA'I MOD Instantly, existence and tranquility are melted as a single taste. 3#:- H2-3#:-;A-hR-eJ- :.?-3-L?,, 卡恰卡以多杰地瑪接 遍空無為虛空之金剛 KHA KYAB KHA YI DOR JEY DU MA JEY The vajra uncompounded phenomena of the all-pervasive sky, :R.-$? =-2.J-2:A-2.J-3 (R$- 3* 3-0-*A.-,, 握撒爹為爹却娘巴泥 光明樂之勝樂平等性 OD SAL DEY WA'I DEY CHOG NYAM PA NYID luminosity the supreme bliss of bliss fundamental equality, 9$-3J.-.IJ?-0-3(R$-$A?-.IJ?-I<-&A$, 撒滅及巴瓊给及就丘 願以無漏勝喜而歡喜 ZAG MED GYEY PA CHOG GI GYEY GYUR CHIG May you be pleased by the supreme uncontaminated happiness!.j-/a--$*a?-3j.-9%-:)$-$a -3(R.-0:R,.J-/?-$?R=- 2-:.J2?-0-/A, 以上為無二雙運供下面開始祈禱 This was the offering of none-dual union. Prayers: 20

AJ-3- @R, 3-=?-KR$?-2& -.?-28A<-28 $?-0-;A,, 誒瑪火! 瑪露瓊及地是樹巴以 十方四時一切安住之 E MA HO! MA LU CHOG CHU DU CHIR SHUG PA YI Wonderful! Without exception all those residing in the ten directions and four times,.!r/-3 (R$-i 3-$? 3-a-3J.-<A/-0R-(J,, 滾瓊囊森樂滅仁波切 無欺尊貴殊勝妙三寶 KON CHOG NAM SUM LU MED RIN PO CHE the undeceiving three precious venerable jewels, *2?-3 (R$- ]-3-HR.-=- ;% -.$-:..,, 加瓊喇嘛却拉樣達度 真實恭禮勝怙師尊汝 KYAB CHOG LA MA KYOD LA YANG DAG DUD to you the lama who is the supreme refuge, I bow down completely! $?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-, $?- ej:a-la/-ia?-_r2?,, 所瓦爹素圖及親及落 祈禱以大悲心而加持 SOL WA DEB SO THUG JE'I JIN GYI LOB I pray bestow your compassionate blessings! 3HJ/-2lJ-/?-0:A-<% -28A/-35%?-0-3J.,, 親則泥比讓身從巴滅 智悲力之自性無倫比 KYEN TSEY NU PA'I RANG SHIN TSUNG PA MED The nature of your wisdom, compassion, and power is without compare! H.-0<-{ =-3J.-2.$-$A-$*J/-$&A$-0,, 恰巴各滅大給念就補 尤為無緣吾之唯一親 KYED PAR KAL MED DAG GI NYEN CHIG PU Particularly, you are the only companion of this unfortunate eon! 3$R/-0R-HR.-=?-z $-0:A-*2?-$8/-/A,, 滾波却里拉比加山呢 怙主汝尊之外皈依處 GON PO KYOD LEY CHAG PA'I KYAB SHEN NI Protector, a better refuge than you /3-;% -:5S=-2-3J.-.R-2!:-SA/-&/,, 囊樣錯瓦滅多噶真見 永離尋覓吾之大恩師 NAM YANG TSOL WA MED DO KA DRIN CHEN could never be found, oh kind one! 21

.?-$? 3-o=-2-$?R=-8A%-3(R.-0-=?,, 讀森加瓦所上却巴里 供養祈禱三世之佛陀 DU SUM GYAL WA SOL SHING CHOD PA LEY Though praying and making offerings to the protectors of the three times, 3$R/-0R-HR.-GA-2-%:A-2-$-43,, 滾波却及瓦補悟噶臟 不如僅憶汝尊一毛孔 GON PO KYOD KYI WA BU'I DU GA TSAM protector, by simply remembering a pore of your skin, S/-0?-.%R?-P2-LA/-_2?-(J?-M<-2,, 站别無住親拉起密瓦 更能速得成就之加持 DREN PEY NGO DRUB JIN LAB CHEY NYUR WA attainments and blessings come most rapidly.,$?-ej- 35%?-0-3J.-.R- (R?-GA-eJ,, 圖及從巴滅多丘及記 大悲無可匹敵法王尊 THUG JEY TSUNG PA MED DO CHO KYI JEY Your compassion is unequalled, Lord of the Dharma. :.A-/?-/3-8A$-L% -(2->A%-.2% -S%-,, 地涅囊樹强丘向望中 有朝一日菩提樹王下 DI NEY NAM SHIG JANG CHUB SHING WANG TRUNG Hence one day, under the Bodhi tree, 2..-GA-#J-!/-!R2?-GA?- 13-L?-/?,, 度及爹跟多及旁接涅 以勝妙力戰勝諸魔眾 DUD KYI DEY KUN TOB KYI PHAM JEY NEY groups of demons will be defeated by force ]-3J.-L% -(2-mR$?-0 <- :5% -o-2,, 拉滅强丘做巴倉加瓦 直至圓滿無上正等覺 LA MED JANG CHUB DZOG PAR TSANG GYA WA and unexcelled enlightenment, perfect buddhahood will be attained!.j-ya.- 3$R/-0R?-g $-+-LA/-IA?-_R2?,, 爹只滾補大的親及落 大恩怙主恒時賜加持 DAY SID GON PO TAG TU JIN GYI LOB Until then, protector, grant your blessings constantly, 22

,-/-ka-=3-$ *A.-.- ;R=-/-;% -,, 它那米浪泥度月那樣 甚至遊歷沈睡夢境中 THA NA MI LAM NYID DU YOL NA YANG even while asleep, in dreams! ]-3:A- LA/-_2?-3(R$-$A-$%-2-.% -,, 喇米親拉瓊各囊瓦當 師尊殊勝加持亦顯現 LA MA'I JIN LAB CHOG GI NANG WA DANG The supreme appearance of the lama's blessings, /3-;% -:V=-2-3J.-0?- ej?-29%-/?,, 囊樣扎瓦滅比及送涅 永不分離慈悲而攝受 NAM YANG DRAL WA MED PEY JEY ZUNG NEY may I never be separate from it! Care for me! g$-+-3$r/-hr.-.ij?-0 <-LJ.-I<-&A$, 達的滾却及巴切急就 祈願永恒怙主汝歡喜 TAG TU GON KYOD GYEY PAR JED GYUR CHIG Protector may I always please you! /3-8A$-L% -(2-2fJ?-0-.J-;A-5K,, 囊樹强丘泥巴爹以彩 一旦獲致菩提之彼時 NAM SHIG JANG CHUB NYEY PA DEY YI TSEY When, one day, enlightenment is attained, ~A%-$A-,A$- =J<- HR.- *A.-<R- $&A$-&A%-,, 娘各圖列却泥若就江 心之明點汝尊成一味 NYING GI THIG LER KYOD NYID PO CHIG CHING as one taste with you in the sphere of the heart drop,,a-2r:c-&r.-0/-or.-/-hr.- GA-{,, 及我决半戳那却及古 勝妙汝身頂間佛冠中 CHI WO'I CHOD PHEN TROD NA KYOD KYI KU upon the crown of my head your enlightened form, /3-;% -$;R-3J.-YA.-3, <-36K?-I<-&A$, 囊樣有滅只它子及就 但願恒時無動趨有邊 NAM YANG YO MED SID THAR DZEY GYUR CHIG immovable, beautiful until the end of existence! 23

.J%-/?-]-3-3(R$-.% -z $-0:A-z:A,, 當涅喇嘛瓊當拉比拉 自此殊勝上師及本尊 DENG NEY LA MA CHOG DANG LHAG PA'I LHA From this day forward, the supreme lama and exalted deity, LA/-_2?-$%-2-~A%-=-3 (J.-I<-/?,, 親拉囊瓦娘拉切就泥 加持顯現漫布吾心間 JIN LAB NANG WA NYING LA CHED GYUR NEY the manifestation of your blessings seeping into my heart, $9%-%R2?-+J%-:6B/-]R-PR?-..-2lR/-IA,, 送玻當怎落住答尊及 總持辯才禪定智信勤 ZUNG POB TING DZIN LO DRO DEY TSUN GYI retention, confidence, meditative absorption, intelligence, faith, and diligence; $+J<- (J/-M<-.-PR=-2<- LA/-IA?-_R2?,, 爹親密的捉瓦親及落 速開彼等大藏祈加持 TER CHEN NYUR DU DROL WAR JIN GYI LOB grant your blessings to reveal these great treasures!.0=-w/-]-3:a-%r-2r-:)3-0:a-.l%?,, 巴燈喇米我無將比樣 具德上師本體文殊尊 PAL DEN LA MA'I NGO WO JAM PA'I YANG Glorious lama whose nature is Manjushri, 1A2-$*A?-SA- 3-?J=-2-;J- >J?-{:A,, 住泥只瑪色瓦以西古 遣除二障塵垢智慧身 DRIB NYI DRI MA SEL WA YE SHEY KU'I wisdom form who clears away the stains of the two obscurations, :R.-29% -~A%-=-?A3-0 :A-.$:-!R/-3(R$, 我送娘拉森比噶噸瓊 妙光融入心間勝喜宴 OD ZANG NYING LA SIM PA'I GA TON CHOG the supreme joy of lovely light dissolving into my heart, g$-+-mr%-2:a-{ =-29% -2.$-=-)R=,, 達的娘為噶桑達拉做 恒時享用善緣祈賜吾 TAG TU NYONG WA'I KAL ZANG DAG LA TSOL please bestow upon me the good fortune to experience this constantly! 24

8J?-$?R=- 2-2+ 2-= -,$?-.2?-^-!J%-A-;A$ -}$?- UJ%- 2&?-=-?J3?-$+.-.J, 7-GN,2 ^?-3,<, A,2o -2 ^, 觀想於心間月墊之上 阿 字咒鬘 ( 嗡瓦解但那瑪 ) 念完後, 再念誦 阿 字一百遍 Having prayed thusly, concentrate on the mantra garland encircling the syllable AH in the moon disk within the heart. OM WA KYEY DA NA MA After reciting, then: AH Recite one hundred times. <% -=?-:R.-8-~A%-$:A- z-=-,a3,, 讓露我日娘給拉喇吞 自身化光融入心間本尊 RANG LU OD SHU NYING GA'I LHA LA THIM One's own body melts into light and dissolves into the deity at the heart. z-*a.- A-=-,A3-0 <-?J3?-29%-/?,, 拉泥阿拉吞巴森送涅 本尊融入本性之 阿 字 LHA NYID AH LA THIM PAR SEM ZUNG NEY The deity dissolves into the AH; thus concentrate the mind. A-;A$-/-.->A/-+-U-2-$% -,, 阿有拿大信的查瓦剛 阿字融入極其細微之那達 AH YIG NA D'A SHIN TU TRA WA GANG The AH syllable dissolves into the extremely fine nada. 3A-.3A$?-$>J?-=$?-3R?-.% -V=-2<-28$, 米木喜露住當扎瓦沙 并於無緣離戲中安住 MI MIG SHI LUG TRO DANG DRAL WAR SHAG Remain in the nonconceptual un-fabricated fundamental nature of reality. a<-;% -3#:-=-: ):-2 8A/-.,, 拉樣卡拉家身的 複現虛空彩虹般 LAR YANG KHA LA JA SHIN DU Once again, like rainbows in the sky $%-!R%-<A$-0-]-3-.%R?,, 囊東柔巴喇嘛悟 現空覺性上師尊 NANG TONG RIG PA LA MA NGO the nature of the lama, intrinsic awareness, appearance and emptiness, 25

;J->J?-{-;A-8=-K $-$<,, 耶西庫以沙恰噶 智身顏開手翩翩 YE SHEY KU YI SHAL CHAG GAR the face, arms, and full display of the wisdom form, $-5S$?-:PR-2-:. =-KA<- 28J%?,, 拿錯捉瓦度起向 為調諸眾故降生 NA TSOG DRO WA DUL CHIR SHENG arise in order to tame all sentient beings..$j-2-:.a-;a?-m<-.-2.$, 各瓦爹以米的達 願我以此之善根 GEY WA DI YI NYUR DU DAG By this virtue may I quickly attain.0=-3 $R/-]-3-:P2-I <-/?,, 巴滾喇嘛住就泥 迅速成就上師尊 PAL GON LA MA DRUB GYUR NEY the state of the glorious protector lama! :PR-2-$&A$-G% -3-=?-0,, 捉哇就將瑪露巴 悉數眾生無一餘 DRO WA CHIG KYANG MA LU PA May I lead to that very state.j-;a-?- =-:$R.-0<->R$, 爹以撒拉闊巴兄 盡皆安置於彼地 DEY YI SA LA GOD PAR SHOG every being without exception! *J-2-!/-+-;% -.$-]-3-.% -,, 接瓦跟的樣達喇嘛當 生生世世不離師 KYEY WA KUN TU YANG DAG LA MA DANG In every lifetime, never separate from the pure lama, :V=- 3J.-(R?-GA-.0=- = -=R%?-,R.-/?,, 扎滅丘及巴拉龍却泥 常時享用勝法樂 DRAL MED CHO KYI PAL LA LONG CHOD NEY enjoying the wealth of the dharma, 26

?-.% -=3-IA-;R/-+/-<2-mR$?-/?,, 薩當浪及云燈染做泥 圓滿地道之功德 SA DANG LAM GYI YON TEN RAB DZOG NEY and perfecting the qualities of the stages and the paths, hr-ej-:(% -$A-$R-:1% -M<-,R2->R$, 多杰强各果朋密拖兄 願速成就金剛持 DORJE CHANG GI GO PHANG NYUR THOB SHOG may I quickly attain the state of Vajradhara!.0=-w/-]-3:A-i3-0<-,<-0-=,, 巴燈喇米囊巴它巴拉 對於普渡具德上師尊 PAL DEN LA MA'I NAM PAR THAR PA LA Regarding the activities of the glorious lama, {.-&A$-43-;% -=R$-v- 3A-*J-8A%-,, 各幾暫樣落大米接上 剎那不生毫許之邪見 KED CHIG TSAM YANG LOG TA MI KYEY SHING may I never develop an incorrect view for even an instant &A-36.-=J$?-0<- 3,R%-2:A-3R?-$?-GA?,, 幾雜拉巴同為木給及 以視其行善妙恭敬心 CHI DZED LEG PAR TONG WA'I MO GU KYI and through the devotion of seeing whatever he does as excellent, ]-3:A- LA/-_2?-?J3?-=- :)$-0 <->R$, 喇密親拉森拉就巴修 願師加持融入吾心間 LA MA'I JIN LAB SEM LA JUG PAR SHOG may the blessings of the lama infuse my mind!.0=-w/-]-3:a-{-5k-2g /-0-.% -,, 巴燈喇密古册但巴當 祝願上師身壽恒穩固 PAL DEN LA MA'I KU TSEN TEN PA DANG May the life of the glorious lama be firm! 3#:- 3* 3-;R%?- =-2.J-*A.-:L%-2-.% -,, 卡娘永拉德記瓊瓦當 等同虛空眾生獲安樂 KHA NYAM YONG LA DEY KYID JUNG WA DANG May happiness equal to the entirety of space arise! 27

2.$-$8/-3-=?-5S$?-2?$?-1A2-.%?-/?,, 大善瑪露錯薩住將泥 自他悉皆淨障圓資糧 DAG SHEN MA LU TSOG SAG DRIB JANG NEY May I and others gather the accumulations and purify obscurations M<-.-?%?-o?-?-=-: #R.-0<->R$, 密的桑結薩拉闊巴修 迅速成就佛陀之果位 NYUR DU SANG GYEY SA LA KHOD PAR SHOG and quickly attain the state of Buddha!,2-3(R$-z$ ]-3-{-#3?-29% -2<-$?R=-2-:.J2?,, 喇嘛各抗送瓦所瓦爹 祈禱上師身健體安康 LA MA KU KHAM ZANG WAR SOL WA DEB I pray: may the health of the lama be excellent! 3(R$-+-{-5K-<% -2<-$?R=-2-:.J2?,, 瓊的各次讓瓦所瓦爹 祈禱上師身壽恒綿長 CHOG TU KU TSEY RING WAR SOL WA BEB May his life span be supremely long! UA/-=?-.<-8A%-o?-0<- $?R=-2-:.J2?,, 稱列達上及巴所瓦爹 祈禱事業繁榮且興旺 TRIN LEY DAR SHING GYEY PAR SOL WA DEB May his enlightened activities prosper and flourish! ]-3-.% -:V=-2-3J.-0<- LA/-IA?-_R2?,, 喇嘛當扎瓦滅巴親及落 不離師尊恒時賜加持 LAMA DANG DRAL WA MED PAR JIN GYI LOB Bless that I am never separated from the lama! 8J?-L:R, 8J? -.. -0?-$% -> <-. - $?R=-2-2 +2-0 :R, 如此以誠信之心猛厲祈禱 When faith arises pray:.j-/?-<a$-!r%-]-3-.% -,, 爹泥如東喇嘛當 於是覺空上師尊 DEY NEY RIG TONG LAMA DANG Lama of intrinsic awareness and emptiness, 28

KR$?-.?-o=-2-Y?-2&?-GA?,, 瓊地加瓦些接及 三時十方佛菩薩 CHOG DU GYAL WA SEY CHEY KYI buddhas and your offspring in time and space, K$-/?-3J-+R$-( <-:2J2?->A%-,, 恰泥米多恰别向 手中降落妙花雨 CHAG NEY MEY TOG CHAR BEB SHING from your hands, may a rain of flowers and grain descend! 2.J/-0:A-5B$-$A?->J?-0 <-36S.,, 頂比册給西巴做 以諦實語而祝福 DEN PA'I TSIG GI SHI PAR DZOD May these words of truth be auspiciously accomplished, o=-35/-lj-3r-.2% -$A-o =-0R-v <,, 見參則木汪給加波達 如勝幢頂大自在天王 GYAL TSEN TSEY MO WANG GI GYAL PO TAR like the mighty king of the tip of the victory banner, z$-0<-z- ;A-$4 $-$A-o/ -IA-.0=,, 拉巴拉以組各見及巴 殊勝天尊頂上具盛德 LHAG PAR LHA YI TSUG GI GYEN GYI PAL especially glory to the crown ornament deity! 12-0-0R-=-.%R?-P2-3(R$-)R=-2:A,, 直把波拉悟住瓊做為 持給修者重大之成就 DRUB PA PO LA NGO DRUB CHOG TSOL WA'I In bestowing the supreme attainment to practitioners,.0=-w/-]-3-.3-0:a-2 N->A?->R$, 巴燈喇嘛但巴扎西修 具德諸上師尊願吉祥 PAL DEN LA MA DAM PA'I TA SHI SHOG may there be the auspiciousness of the glorious sacred lama! $8/-;%- 2N ->A? -&A-<A$?-2 er.-.r, 另可念誦其他吉祥祝詞, Also here other prayers of auspiciousness may be recited.. 29

!/-:.?-/R<-2:A- o= -0R- =?, 一切珍寶之王中, From the king of the jewel union of all, ;%-.$-=3-IA -gj/ -:VJ=-! /, 真實大道眾緣起, all the interdependent arising of the true path, 2!:-SA/-! /-,R$-$ &A$-*A.-., 安住于一坐墊上, great kindness from upon a singular seat, *3?-=J/-9 2-0:A-3,<-,$-;A / 修持甚深之究竟, the final profundity of practice. 92-3R-/%- $A-3(R.-0-!J, 深奧內供之此法, This profound inner offering, 3R?-0-(%-8A%-*3?-=J /-2.J, 簡便易修下緊瑣, a little embellished and easy to practice,.r/-(j/-2.j -=J $?-:P2-LJ. -0, 順利成就重大義, accomplishes the bliss and happiness of the great purpose. 3/-%$-;A /-/R-MR%- 2?- gr$?, 乃勝竅訣休可知 That these are pith instructions will be realized through practice. <%-<%-$%-=-3R?- 0-;A, 具備勝緣之諸眾, To whichever supreme lama ]-3-3(R$-=-:.A- 28A/ -., 于生信心妙師尊, one has devotion, in this way.3a$?-:.r/-2+<-8a% -/3-/3 -., 應當如此隨己意, one may meditate and recite at any time. 30

*3?-=J/-36S.- &A$-{ =-w/-i 3?, 數數觀修及念誦 Practice this oh fortunate one! 8J?-0:%-7hR- ej-:(%-(j/-0r:c-,$?-ej?-*j-2<- 29%-2-7:) 3-.L%?-i3-0<-o=- 2?-$ %- ><-VA?-0-3;- =),.$J:R,,. $J:R,,. $J:R,,,, 以大金剛持之悲心善為攝受, 將揚南巴加瓦 ( 米彭仁波切 ) 隨心撰著完畢 茫嘎拉! 善哉! 善哉! 善哉! Completely held in the compassion of the great Vajradhara, Jamyang Nampar Gyalwa (Mipham Rinpoche) wrote this as it came to mind. Mangalam Virtue! Virtue! Virtue! <-7-GJ-.)-/-3,~A%-0R:C-}$?-?R,,7-GJ->-, *J-2:A-~A%-0R:R, OM WA KYEY DAM NA MA is the essential mantra WA KYEY HUNG is the subsidiary essential mantra 嗡瓦接党那玛心咒瓦接吽副咒? 5K-<% -$% -2?3-:.R.-.R/-3,<- KA/-&A%-,, 采讓剛散多噸它親江 願以長壽實現所願利 TSE RING GANG SAM DOD DON THAR CHIN CHING Longevity and the accomplishment of whatever is desired, :$=-nj/-$% -$A?-3A-5$?-PR$?-?-><,, 噶進剛給米凑捉絲夏 遠離所有間斷之障礙 GAL KYEN GANG GI MI TSUG DROG SU SHAR adverse circumstances will never strike, but arise supportively..r/-.% -2?R.-/3?-:2.- 3J.-z/-IA?-P2,, 噸當所浪巴米冷及住 不勞自成事業及福德 DON DANG SOD NAM BED MED LHUN GYI DRUB My aim and merit effortlessly and spontaneously accomplished. :)3-.0 =-:R.-9J<- ~A%- =-8$?-I<-&A$, 江巴我色娘拉繡及就 文殊光芒照射我心間 JAM PAL OD ZER NYING LA ZHUG GYUR CHIG May the light of Manjushri reside within my heart.?2./-/a-:.a-/?-5k-<2-,3?-&.-.,, 達呢的泥采染它見得 願我今起生生世世中 DAG NI DI NE TSE RAB THAM CHED DU May I, in all my lives hence forth, 31

]-3-z$-0 :A-z-;A?-eJ?-?-29%-,, 喇嘛拉比啦以及絲送 上師本尊慈悲攝受我 LA MA LHAG PA'I LHA YI JE SU ZUNG be cared for by my lama and special deity! 2a2-$?3- ;R/-+/-o-3 5S:C-$+J<-=-.2% -,, 拉森云燈加粗爹拉汪 自在三學功德如海洋 LAB SUM YON TEN GYA TSO'I TER LA WANG May I have the power to accomplish the qualities of the ocean of the three trainings 2!/-:PR:A-.R/-(J/-:2.-3J.-:P2-0<->R$, 但捉噸親把米直巴修 弘法利益普天有情眾 TEN DRO'I DON CHEN BED MED DRUB PAR SHOG and effortlessly accomplish the benefit of the dharma and all beings!?hr-ej-ar2-.0r/-82?-2g /-28J.-0-:P2,, 多杰落本沙但寫巴住 金剛上師長壽實現願 DOR JE LOB PON ZHAB TEN SHED PA DRUB May the supportive ritual and intentions of the vajra master be fulfilled!.$j-:./-#j-: 1J=-2>.-12-2!/-0-.<,, 各燈爹拋夏住但巴達 僧團曾上講修弘教法 GEN DUN DE PEL SHED DRUB TEN PA DAR May the spiritual community expand and the doctrine of teachings and practice increase! :#R<-aR2-.A/-2.$-3%: -,% -:LR<-2-o?,, 闊落進答啊堂决瓦記 徒眾施主威力物資廣 KHOR LOB JIN DAG NGA THANG JOR WA GYE May the wealth and power of the retinue, disciples and sponsors thrive! 2!/-0-;/-<A%-$/?-0:A-2N->A?->R$,,, 但巴因讓涅比扎西繡 祝願教法恒住妙吉祥 TEN PA YUN RING NE PA'I TA SHI SHOG May there be auspiciousness for the Doctrine to remain a long time! By Mipham Gyatso Rinpoche Colophon: It has been my aspiration since last year that a retreat focus on the guru be held during the very auspicious time of day, month and year of Monkey (July 2004) in commemorating the birth of Guru Rinpoche. 32

It was my privilege to work with Lama Drimed Lodro on translating this precious Ati Guru Yoga. Without Lama Drimed s insightful knowledge and rich oral instructions, this translation could never have been completed. The entire Lama Chodpa accomplishment practice is compiled and arranged according to the oral instructions which Lama Drimed received directly from His Holiness Jigme Phuntsog Rinpoche. Due to the secret nature of this Guru Yoga, many verses were cryptic with hidden meanings. We felt that we needed to translate as close as to the original text. Therefore, one needs to consult with a qualified lama in order to receive proper transmission and teaching. We confess any mistake in the presence of all buddhas and bodhisattvas. We dedicate all merit to the long life of all lineage gurus and pray that they may turn the wheel of dharma unceasingly. We pray for the swift rebirth of H.H. Jigme Phuntsog Rinpoche so that he may continue to benefit sentient beings. Benson Young Translated & edited by Lama Drimed Lodro and Benson Young. 2004, California USA 後記..從去年起, 我的願望是能在非常吉祥時期, 在紀念蓮花生大師的誕生天, 月和猴年 ( 2004 年 7 月 ), 舉行專注予蓮師修行法門的短期閉關 能與智美羅珠喇嘛合作翻譯這寶貴的大圓滿上師瑜珈, 是我的特別榮幸 如沒有智美羅珠喇嘛有見識的知識和豐富的口頭指示, 這篇翻譯永遠無法完成 整個 上師供儀軌 成就修法, 是根據智美羅珠喇嘛從晉美彭措法王那裡直接收到的口頭指示來編輯完成 由於這祕密的上師瑜珈性質, 很多詩文用了隱藏的祕密意思 我們感到我們需要翻譯的盡量接近原文 因此, 為了接受適當的傳承和教導, 有需要請教一位有資格的喇嘛得到此傳授 我們在所有佛和菩薩座下悔過任何的翻譯錯誤 我們把全部功德迴向給傳承上師們祈求他們長壽, 並且祈禱他們可以無止地轉動法輪 我們為晉美彭措法王能迅速的轉世祈禱, 以便他能繼續利益眾生 班森楊 33