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MARTIN LINKING Best Practices for HAZOP Shanghai, China 13 th &14 th December, 2012 Course overview: Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) is a structured and systematic technique for system examination and risk management. In particular, HAZOP is often used as a technique for identifying potential hazards in a system and identifying operability problems likely to lead to nonconforming products. Course delivery: This 2 day course is designed to teach the skills and knowledge that needed to conduct a plant HAZOP process as well as the HAZOP theory, methodologies & concerns during designing phase. How you will benefit from the courses? Understand and familiar with HAZOP methodology Knowledge and skills on how to be a HAZOP leaders How to develop an effectiveness of HAZOP teams Understand the role of HAZOP in Process Safety Management How you will learn from the courses? Understand the basic terms, definition of HAZOP guidewords Know how to plan a HAZOP Understand the risk analysis and methodology of HAZOP Understand the different phase of HAZOP requirement HAZOP leadership, reporting and management About Martin Linking Martin Linking Business Consulting plans to produce more than 80 trainings and conferences and works with senior executives from the majority of the world's top 1000 companies to improve their business strategy and match their learning and training needs in one year. And we continue to grow. We also invite the leading business practitioners, industry decision makers and innovators to share insights, best business practice, and new technology at our forums. We are dedicated to give attendees cutting edge information they can use immediately. We constantly research and listen to all industry sectors to ensure that the business intelligence we provide is timely and cutting-edge. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the conference should circumstances require. Martin Linking

Shanghai, China 13 th &14 th December, 2012 Workshop Content: Day One: Case Study and lesson learn -Process safety incident and cases introduction Overview of main methods of Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) -PHA tool introduction and overview HAZOP introduction: method & practices Basic Concepts (Parameters, Guidewords, Node etc.) HAZOP method -Process deviation -Hazard, Safeguards and Recommendations Working Team for HAZOP study Preparation for HAZOP Workshop Schedule Day One & Two 0830 Registration and coffee 0900 Workshop commences 1045 Morning refreshments 1115 Workshop re-commences 1200 Luncheon 1300 Workshop commences 1500 Afternoon refreshments 1530 Workshop re-commences 1730 Workshop concludes Day Two: Continue Day one HAZOP method & practices Documentation & its application Risk Matrix & Assessment Group exercise Inherent safety concept HAZOP and capital projects Relation between PHA & PSM (Process safety management) Review & Course conclusions Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the conference should circumstances require. Martin Linking

Shanghai, China 13 th &14 th December, 2012 About Your Trainer: JOHNSON SC, LEE Senior EHS Consultant Sr. EHS Lecturer, CSE Mr. Lee has 15 years professional environmental health & safety (EHS) working experience, practices and EHS consulting, comprehensive training experience, with expertise in EHS management system, process safety management, industrial hygiene, Ergonomic, EHS risk assessment and control, emergency and crisis management, fire fighting, lost prevention & FM standard. Mr. Lee has lead and conducted many of EHS projects, including: Led the site certified Star Program, ISO14001 and OHSMS 18001, clean production unit and etc. BBS program training and implementation. Design tailor-made EHS training courses, courses development and training delivery; EHS culture building up and promotion consultant program development and coaching. EHS management digitalization toolbox development and implementation IH hazards exposure assessment & monitoring; Energy conservation program. Construction site EHS management. Plant overall EHS risk evaluation & control; EHS improvement project management; Mr. Lee also conducted many kinds of EHS audit in Asia Pacific region, including: EHS compliance audits; Plant overall risk assessment (internal EHS framework); Star program audit; OSHA PSM audit; Environmental management system audit; Security risk assessment and audit; Construction site EHS audit. Mr. Lee worked for GE plastics as EHS&S manager for more than 6 years. He was also worked as technical and project director of an EHS consultant company, and EHS manager for Invista fiber (Former Dupont business) and Jabil and other multinational company for many years. Key Qualifications Relevant Fields of Competence Comprehensive EHS training courses development and lead trainer; Overall EHS operation and risk management; EHS audits, hazard recognition & risk assessment; Plant EHS culture building up and promotion; Supplier chain EHS capacity building and compliance assurance; Incident investigation, classification and incident management; Behaviour based safety management; Ergonomics training and consultant project; Construction site EHS audit and other consultant program; Emergency response and crisis management; EHS performance enhancement and performance metric designs; Industrial hygiene(ih) & occupational health(oh) program compliance management; Chemical management; Process safety management program; Office EHS & IAQ assessment. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the conference should circumstances require. Martin Linking

Shanghai, China 13 th &14 th December, 2012 Course Format: Martin Linking trainings are developed based on in-depth experience, best practices and real companies case studies. The trainer will use interactive case studies and group discussions to enable participants to acquire practical knowledge and capabilities for implementation. Industries for this training: Chemical Oil Metal Manufacturers Auto manufacturers Machinery manufacturers Pharmaceutical IT manufacturers Builders General manufacturing enterprises Who Should Attend? EHS managers/supervisors/team leaders Plant managers, facility managers or engineers, equipment maintenance managers EHS/engineering engineers In-House Training Solutions If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email to discuss further possibilities. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the venue of, or speakers at the conference should circumstances require. Martin Linking

马汀令可 HAZOP 最佳实践 中国上海 2012 年 12 月 13 14 日 培训概览 : 危险和可操作性分析 (HAZOP) 是一种系统检测和风险管理的结构化和系统技术 特别是,HAZOP 常常被用来识别一个系统里的潜在危险和识别可能导致不合格产品的可操作性问题的一种技术 培训目的 : 这次为期两天的培训课程被设计成传授需要进行一个工厂 HAZOP 流程以及设计阶段的 HAZOP 理论 方法和关心问题的技能和知识 您将从本次培训得到什么益处? 理解和熟悉 HAZOP 方法 如何成为一个 HAZOP 领导人的知识和技能 如何发展一个 HAZOP 团队的有效性 理解过程安全管理中 HAZOP 的角色 您将从本次培训学到什么? 理解 HAZOP 引导词的基本术语和定义 知道如何计划一个 HAZOP 理解 HAZOP 风险分析的理论和方法 理解不同阶段 HAZOP 的要求 HAZOP 领导力 报告和管理 关于马汀令可 马汀令可商务咨询计划每年组织超过 80 场的培训和会议, 与全球 1000 强公司的高层经理一起提高他们的商务战略, 满足他们的学习和培训需求 并且我们在不断成长 我们邀请领先企业的管理者 决策者和创新者在我们的活动中分享他们的思想观念 最佳商业实践和新技术 我们致力于为我们的客户提供即刻可用的前沿信息 我们不断地研究和聆听所有行业的声音来保证我们提供商业信息的及时性和前沿性 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换培训地点和培训师的权利 马汀令可

中国上海 2012 年 12 月 13 14 日 培训内容 : 第一天 : 案例研究和经验学习 - 过程安全事故和案例介绍 过程危险性分析 (PHA) 的主要方法概述 -PHA 工具的介绍和概述 HAZOP 介绍 : 方法与实践 基本概念 ( 参数 引导词 节点等 ) HAZOP 方法 - 流程偏差 - 风险 安全保障和建议 HAZOP 研究工作小组 HAZOP 准备 培训时间表 - 第一天和第二天 0830 签到及早茶 0900 培训开始 1045 上午休息 1115 培训继续 1200 午餐 1300 培训开始 1500 下午休息 1530 培训继续 1730 培训总结 第二天 : 继续第一天的 HAZOP 方法与实践 文档与应用 风险矩阵和评估 团队练习 固有的安全概念 HAZOP 和资本项目 PHA 和 PSM( 过程安全管理 ) 的关系 回顾和课程总结 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换培训地点和培训师的权利 马汀令可

中国上海 2012 年 12 月 13 14 日 关于您的培训师 : JOHNSON SC, LEE 高级 EHS 咨询师高级 EHS 讲师, CSE 李先生有 15 年的专业环境健康和安全 (EHS) 工作经验 实践和 EHS 咨询 全面的培训经验, 精通 EHS 管理体系 过程安全管理 工业卫生 环保 EHS 风险评估和控制 应急和危机管理 消防 预防损失和 FM 标准 李先生领导并进行了许多的 EHS 项目, 包括 : 领导星级认证项目,ISO14001 和 OHSMS 18001, 清洁生产审核等 ; BBS 项目培训和实施 ; 设计定制 EHS 培训课程, 课程开发和进行培训 ; EHS 文化建设和推广 顾问项目制定和提供培训 ; EHS 管理数字化工具箱开发和实施 ; IH 危害暴露评估和监控 ; 节能项目 ; 施工现场的 EHS 管理 ; 工厂整体 EHS 风险评估和控制 ; EHS 改进项目管理 李先生还实施了在亚太地区的各种形式的 EHS 审核, 包括 : EHS 合规审计 ; 工厂整体风险评估 ( 内部 EHS 框架 ); 星级项目审核 ; OSHA PSM 审计 ; 环境管理体系审核 ; 安全风险评估和审核 ; 施工现场的 EHS 审核 李先生曾为通用电气塑料作为 EHS&S 经理工作超过 6 年 他也曾是一家 EHS 顾问公司技术和项目总监, 在 Invista 纤维 ( 前杜邦的业务 ) 和 Jabil 及其他跨国公司担任了许多年的 EHS 经理 主要资历相关领域的能力 各种 EHS 培训课程制定和进行培训 ; 整体 EHS 运营和风险管理 ; EHS 审核 危害识别和风险评估 ; 工厂 EHS 文化建立和推广 ; 供应链 EHS 能力建设和合规保证 ; 事故调查 分类和事件管理 ; 基于行为的安全管理 ; 人机工程学培训和咨询项目 ; 施工现场的 EHS 审核和其他咨询项目 ; 应急响应和危机管理 ; EHS 绩效加强和绩效度量的设计 ; 工业卫生 (IH) 和职业健康 (OH) 项目合规管理 ; 化学品管理 ; 过程安全管理项目 ; 办公室 EHS 和室内空气品质评价 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换培训地点和培训师的权利 马汀令可

中国上海 2012 年 12 月 13 14 日 培训形式 : 马汀令可的培训是基于丰富的经验 最佳实践和真实的公司案例研究来制定的 培训师将会用互动的案例研究和小组讨论的方式来使得参会者获得实际的知识和实施的能力 适合此次培训的行业 : 化学 油类 ( 石油, 油脂等 ) 金属制造 汽车制造 机械制造 制药 IT 制造 建筑 一般制造企业 谁应参加? EHS 经理 / 主管 / 团队领导人 工厂经理 设施经理或工程师 设备维护经理 EHS/ 工程工程师 内训方案如果贵公司有许多人有类似的培训需要, 那么您不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案 培训将在贵公司现场举行 并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行 请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能 : 电话 :+86 28 8532 7678 电邮 马汀令可保留在必要的情况下更换培训地点和培训师的权利 马汀令可

Best Practices for HAZOP SH20121213-Sales Contract-Please Complete in Capital Letters and Black Ink Sales Contract Please complete this form immediately and fax back to Whitney Shen Fax No: +86 28 8532 6768 Fee Per Delegate Two Day Training Fee RMB 5995 per person All the registered delegates are entitled for a set of documentation free of charge. DOCUMENTATION RMB 1000 If you are unable to attend the conference/training but wish to receive copies of the conference/training documentation, please complete the sales contract, tick this box and return the contract with payment details. Full Payment is required within 5 working days Register Now Contact: Whitney Shen Tel: +86 28 8532 7678 Fax:+86 28 8532 6768 Email: Business Opportunities An exhibition space is available at the conference. Sponsorship opportunities covering lunch, evening receptions and advertising in documentation packs are also available. Please contact Ms. Whitney Shen at +86 28 8532 7678. Payment Method Our payment terms are 5 working days on receipt of invoice and full payments can be made by bank transfer. 4402928009022523952 Authorization (Signatory must be authorized to sign on behalf of contracting organization.) This booking is invalid without a signature. Terms & Conditions: 1. Fees are inclusive of program materials and refreshments. 2. Payment Terms - Following completion and return of the registration form, full payment is required within five (5) working days upon the issuance of invoice. Payment must be received prior to the conference/ training date. A receipt will be issued on payment. Due to limited conference/training seats, we advise early registration to avoid disappointment. We reserve the right to refuse admission if payment is not received on time. 3. Client s Cancellation/substitution - Provided the total fee has been paid, client s cancellation must be received in writing by MAIL or FAX four (4) weeks prior to the event in order to obtain an 85% credit to attend for any future Martin Linking Events. Under such circumstances, Martin Linking will retain the other 15% service fee to cover expenses for prior cost that has already been incurred upon the acceptance of registration.all bookings carry a 50% cancellation liability immediately after a signed sales contract has been received by Martin Linking. 4. If, for any unexpected circumstances or reasons that Martin Linking decides to postpone this event, the client hereby indemnifies and holds Martin Linking harmless from any cost incurred in by the client. The event fee will not be refunded, but can be credited to future Martin Linking s events. Martin Linking reserves the right to change the content without notice. 5. Copyright etc. - All Intellectual Property rights in all materials produced or distributed BY Martin Linking in connection with this event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication,publication or distribution is strictly prohibited. 6. Important note: In the event that Martin Linking permanently cancels the event for any reason whatsoever, (Including, but not limited to any force majeure occurrence) and provided that the event is not postponed to a later date nor is merged with another event, the client shall receive a refund for the amount that the Client has paid to such permanently cancelled event. Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited