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TravelCare Insurance Policy In consideration of the payment of premium and subject to the definitions, exclusions, limitations, provisions and terms contained herein, endorsed hereon, or attached hereto, we agree to insure the insured person(s) named in the schedule issued in relation to an insured journey and promise to pay indemnity for loss to the extent provided herein. Part 1 Definitions Certain words in this policy have specific meanings. We have printed these words in italics throughout this policy and have given the meanings below: Accident/Accidental a sudden and unforeseen event that happens unexpectedly and causes injury to the insured person during an insured journey. China the territorial limit of the People s Republic of China, but excluding Hong Kong and Macau. Chinese Medicine Practitioner Compulsory Quarantine Confined/Confinement Domestic Partner Effective Date Follow-Up Hong Kong Hospital Illness Immediate Family Member Infectious Disease Injury Insured Journey Insured Person Itinerary Lap-top Computer Loss of Hearing Loss of Sight a Chinese medicine practitioner other than the insured person or an immediate family member, who is registered under the Chinese Medicine Ordinance in the Laws of Hong Kong. the insured person is being confined in an isolated ward of a hospital or kept in an isolated site appointed by the government for at least one (1) full day and continuously stays in there until discharged from the quarantine. the insured person is registered as an in-patient in a hospital for a medical treatment for an injury or illness upon the recommendation of a medical practitioner and continuously stays in the hospital prior to his/her discharge from the hospital. Hospital confinement will be evidenced by a daily room and board charge by the hospital. an adult aged eighteen (18) or above who have chosen to live with the insured person in an intimate and committed relationship, and has resided with the insured person for at least three (3) years, intends to do so indefinitely and is able to provide such proof of residence. Domestic partner does not include roommates or any immediate family member. when applying to single trip travel plan, it means the enrollment date of this policy. when applying to annual travel plan, it means in respect of each insured journey, either (i) the date of our acceptance of the enrollment for this policy or (ii) the date stated on the receipt issued by the travel agent or public common carrier for the confirmation of payment of travel ticket or tour, whichever is the later. the medical treatments directly caused by injury or illness suffered by the insured person for which the insured person has received treatment during the insured journey. the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People s Republic of China. an establishment which meets all the following requirements: holds a licence as a hospital (if licensing is required in the state or governmental jurisdiction); and operates primarily for the admission, care and treatment of sick, ailing or injured persons as in-patients; and provides 24-hour a day nursing service by registered or graduated nurses; and has a staff of one or more licensed medical practitioner available at all times; and provides organized facilities for diagnosis and major surgical facilities; and is not primarily a clinic, nursing, rest or convalescent home or similar establishment or a place for alcoholics or drug addicts. sickness or disease of the insured person contracted and commenced during the insured journey and which results in a loss covered by this policy. the insured person s spouse, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, son or daughter, brother or sister, grandchild or legal guardian. any kinds of infectious disease with human-to-human spread in a large cluster(s) of a local population and which is announced by the World Health Organization. bodily injury sustained in an accident directly and independently of all other causes. when applied to single trip travel plan for group tour travel, it means the period of travel commencing from the time when the insured person arrives at the venue designated by the tour agent as the meeting point for the purpose of commencing the group tour and until the time when the insured person arrives at the appointed dismissal place upon the completion of such group tour. For insured person who is not returning to Hong Kong on the same day after the completion of the group tour, the period of travel shall terminate when the insured person arrives at any Hong Kong Immigration Department office/counter for returning to Hong Kong on the return day as specified in the schedule. However, any period of insurance should not exceed one hundred and eighty (180) days for single trip travel plan. when applied to a single trip travel plan for free itinerary travel, it means each period of travel commencing from the time when the insured person departs from an immigration counter in the territory of Hong Kong, until the time when the insured person (i) returns to Hong Kong on the date specified in the schedule or (ii) arrives at any immigration counter in the territory of Hong Kong in order to reenter Hong Kong, whichever is the earlier. However, any period of insurance in single trip travel plan should not exceed one hundred and eighty (180) days. when applied to an annual travel plan, it means each period of travel commencing from the time when the insured person departs from an immigration counter in the territory of Hong Kong, until (i) the time when the insured person arrives at any immigration counter in the territory of Hong Kong in order to re-enter Hong Kong or (ii) the expiration of ninety (90) days beginning from the date of departure from Hong Kong for each journey, whichever is the earlier during a policy year. the person(s) named in the schedule or subsequently endorsed hereon as insured person(s). the detailed plan for a journey issued and confirmed by public common carrier, travel agency, tour operator or cruise company, together with the official receipt or confirmation, prior to the departure date of the insured journey. a lap-top, notebook or sub-notebook computer. Personal digital assistant (PDA), hand-held computer (HHC) and tablet PC of any kind are excluded from this category. permanent irrecoverable loss of hearing where: If a db = Hearing loss at 500 Hertz If b db = Hearing loss at 1,000 Hertz If c db = Hearing loss at 2,000 Hertz If d db = Hearing loss at 4,000 Hertz 1/6 (a+2b+2c+d) is above 80dB. the entire and permanent irrecoverable loss of sight. Loss of Speech Loss of Use Macau Maximum Benefits Medically Necessary Expenses Medical Practitioner Permanent Policy Effective Date Pre-existing Condition Principal Home Public Common Carrier Relevant Documents Schedule Serious Physical Injury or Serious Illness Table of Benefits Terrorism Third Degree Burns Total Disablement Travel Companion Travel Ticket Voluntary Travel Insurance Policy War We, Us or Our the disability in articulating any three (3) of the four (4) sounds which contribute to the speech such as the labial sounds, the alveololabial sounds, the palatal sounds and the velar sounds or total loss of vocal cord or damage of speech centre in the brain resulting in aphasia. permanent total functional disablement or complete and permanent physical separation at the limb or organ. the Macau Special Administrative Region of the People s Republic of China. the benefit amount of each of the benefits covered under this policy as stated in the table of benefits. expenses incurred from the first day of sustaining an injury or illness during the insured journey which are paid by the insured person to a legally qualified medical practitioner, physiotherapist, nurse, hospital and/or ambulance service for medical, surgical, X-ray, hospital or nursing treatment including the cost of medical supplies and ambulance hire but excluding any expenses incurred under Section 2(b) - Emergency Medical Evacuation or Section 2(c) - Repatriation of Mortal Remains of Part 2 of this policy. All treatments must be prescribed by a medical practitioner in order for expenses to be reimbursed under this policy. In the event an insured person becomes entitled to a refund of all or part of such expenses from any other source, we will only be liable for the excess of the amount recoverable from such other sources. a person other than the insured person or immediate family member, qualified by degree in western medicine and legally authorized in the geographical area of his/ her practice to render medical and surgical services. lasting not less than twelve (12) consecutive months from the date of an accident and at the expiry of that period being beyond hope of improvement. the effective date of the policy as stated in the schedule, or the renewal date as stated in the latest renewal notice, whichever is the later, provided the premium has been paid. the insured person or travel companion received medical treatment, diagnosis consultation or prescribed drugs, or a condition for which medical advice or treatment was recommended by a medical practitioner before the effective date. the house or building located in Hong Kong occupied as a private dwelling by the insured person as his/her only permanent residence. any mechanically propelled conveyance operated by a company or an individual licensed to carry passengers for hire, including but not limited to bus, coach, ferry, hovercraft, hydrofoil, ship, train, tram, cruise ship or underground train, and any fixed-wing aircraft provided and operated by an airline or an air charter company which is duly licensed for the regular transportation of fare-paying passengers and operating only between established commercial airports. documents include schedule, enrollment form, declaration, optional benefits, endorsements, attachments and amendments (regardless verbally or in written format). the schedule attached to and incorporated in this policy. an injury or illness which requires treatment by a medical practitioner and results in the insured person or travel companion being certified by that medical practitioner as being unfit to travel (or continue) with the insured person s original insured journey and having to be confined in a hospital. Serious physical injury or serious illness shall also include such injury or illness due to which the insured person or travel companion is being denied to board the scheduled public common carrier or is being denied to enter into the scheduled destination by any legal, governmental or airport authorities. When serious physical injury or serious illness is applied to the immediate family member(s) or domestic partner, it shall mean injury or illness for which the immediate family member or domestic partner requires treatment, and which is certified by medical practitioner as being dangerous to life and having to be confined in a hospital, and which results in the insured person s discontinuation or cancellation of his/her original insured journey. the table as shown under Part 2 Benefits in this policy stating the maximum benefits of each benefit section available in accordance to the type of plan. an act of terrorism refers to any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s), carry out any act, preparation or threat of action which is intended to influence any government de jure or de facto of any nation or any political division thereof and/or to intimidate the public or any section of the public of any nation for political, religious, ideological, or similar purposes. An act of terrorism must be confirmed and announced to the public by the relevant government. However, any event arising from war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, insurrection, military force or coup, or any act with the use of nuclear engineering shall be excluded from this definition. the damage or destruction of the skin to its full depth and damage to the tissues beneath. when as the result of injury and commencing within twelve (12) consecutive months from the date of an accident the insured person is totally disabled and prevented from engaging in each and every occupation or employment for compensation or profit for which the insured person is reasonably qualified by reason of his/her education, training or experience, or if the insured person has no business or occupation, total disablement means the inability of the insured person to perform any activities which would normally be carried out in the insured person s daily life. the person who made the travel booking or reservation with the insured person and accompanied the insured person for the whole insured journey other than a tour guide or tour member. a travel ticket purchased for traveling on any public common carrier. travel insurance policy actually paid by the insured person or the proposer as stated on the enrolment form of such policy. Any group travel insurance policy which is actually paid by any company, group, or association to insure the insured person shall be excluded from this definition. A contest by force between two (2) or more nations, carried on for any purpose; or an armed conflict of sovereign powers, in either case whether such contest or armed conflict is declared or undeclared and open hostilities; or the state of nations among whom there is i) an interruption of peaceful relations and ii) a general contention by force, both authorized by the respective sovereigns of such nations. Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. Part 2 Benefits Plans and section benefits contained hereunder are applicable in accordance with the plan level shown on the schedule. Table of benefits Section Coverage Maximum benefits per insured person per insured journey (HKD) Alpine Plan Vantage Plan China and Macau Plan 1. Medical Cover (a) Medical Expenses Insured person aged at or below 75 1,000,000 400,000 250,000 Insured person aged at or above 76 500,000 200,000 125,000 Including: Sub-limit for follow-up medical expense due to injury 100% of maximum benefits Sub-limit for follow-up medical expenses due to illness 10% of maximum benefits Overseas traveling expenses for seeking medical treatment 300 300 300 (b) Overseas Hospital Daily Cash Benefit (HKD 500 per day) 5,000 3,000 Not applicable (c) Compulsory Quarantine Cash Allowance due to Infectious Disease (HKD 300 per day) 5,000 3,000 1,500 (d) Hotel Room Accommodation for Convalescence and Traveling Expenses 30,000 10,000 5,000 2. Zurich Emergency Assistance (a) Deposit Guarantee for Hospital Admission 39,000 (b) Emergency Medical Evacuation Actual cost (c) Repatriation of Mortal Remains Actual cost (d) Compassionate Visit One economy class round-trip travel ticket and hotel accommodation expenses up to 700 per day (Max. 5 days) (e) Traveling and Accommodation Expenses One economy class one-way travel ticket and hotel accommodation expenses up to 7,800 (f) Return of Unattended Children One economy class one-way travel ticket and up to 30,000 (g) 24-hour Telephone Hotline and Referral Services Included 1

Section Coverage Maximum benefits per insured person per insured journey (HKD) Alpine Plan Vantage Plan China and Macau Plan 3. Personal Accident (a) Accident on Public Common Carrier or During Robbery Insured person aged between 18 and 75 1,200,000 600,000 600,000 Insured person aged 17 or below or 76 or above 300,000 150,000 150,000 (b) Other Accidents Insured person aged between 18 and 75 600,000 300,000 300,000 Insured person aged 17 or below or 76 or above 300,000 150,000 150,000 (c) Burns Cover Insured person aged between 18 and 75 500,000 200,000 100,000 Insured person aged 17 or below or 76 or above 250,000 100,000 50,000 4. Compassionate Death Cash and Visit (a) Compassionate Death Cash 10,000 (b) Compassionate Visit One economy class round-trip travel ticket and hotel accommodation expenses up to 30,000 5,000 5,000 5. Personal Baggage Cover 20,000 10,000 3,000 Sub-limits: Per item, pair, set or collection 3,000 3,000 3,000 Lap-top computer 10,000 10,000 3,000 An aggregate limit of all cameras, camcorders and their accessories and related equipment 5,000 5,000 3,000 Mobile phone 3,000 Not applicable Not applicable 6. Loss of Personal Money 3,000 2,000 1,000 7. Credit Card Protection 15,000 10,000 5,000 8. Loss of Travel Document and/or Travel Ticket 40,000 10,000 2,000 9. Loss of Home Contents due to Burglary 100,000 50,000 5,000 10. Personal Liability 2,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 11. Travel Delay (a) Travel Delay (HKD 300 for each and every full 6 hours delay) 2,100 900 300 (b) Extra Hotel Cost due to Travel Delay 1,000 1,000 Not applicable (c) Extra Re-routing Cost due to Travel Delay 12,500 5,000 Not applicable (d) Cancellation of Trip due to Travel Delay (over 10 hours delay) 3,000 2,000 1,000 12. Baggage Delay Allowance (for delay over 6 hours) 1,000 500 300 13. Cancellation of Trip (a) Cancellation of Trip; or 30,000 10,000 2,000 (b) Single Occupancy 10,000 2,500 500 14. Interruption of Trip 30,000 10,000 3,000 15. Missed Event Cover 2,000 1,000 300 16. Unauthorized Use of Lost Credit Card 3,000 3,000 Not applicable 17. Rental Vehicle Excess 5,000 5,000 Not applicable 18. MediExpress China Medical Card Service (applicable to annual travel plan only) Included Included Not applicable Section 1 Medical Cover (a) Medical Expenses If the insured person suffers from injury or illness during the insured journey and incurs reasonable medically necessary expenses during the insured journey, we will reimburse the actual medically necessary expenses to the insured person. Follow-up Medical Expenses This section also insures the insured person up to the sub-limit as stated in the table of benefits against any actual medically necessary expenses charged by a medical practitioner in Hong Kong for the continuation of medical treatment sought by the insured person for the above injury or illness within three (3) months after the insured person s return to Hong Kong from the insured journey. The follow-up medical expenses shall also be extended to cover the medical expenses incurred for the same injury or illness paid to the Chinese medicine practitioner, or for the purposes of Chinese medicine bonesetting, acupuncture or chiropractic treatments, subject to an aggregate limit of HKD 3,000 and a per visit and per day limit of HKD 200. No follow-up medical expenses shall be provided unless the insured person returns to Hong Kong within twelve (12) months from the first day of injury or illness. Extensions to Section 1(a) Under this section, we extend to reimburse: (i) any additional traveling expenses (a receipt of the transportation fee is required as a proof of claim) up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits incurred by the insured person for the purpose of seeking medical treatment in an overseas hospital if the insured person suffers from injury or illness during the insured journey; and (ii) any actual medically necessary expenses charged by a medical practitioner in Hong Kong for the medical treatment sought by the insured person for infectious disease that is contracted during the insured journey and corresponding diagnosis within ten (10) days after the insured person s return to Hong Kong from the insured journey. This extension forms part of the follow-up medical expenses under Section 1(a), and the total amount payable under this extension (ii) shall not exceed the sub-limit for follow-up medical expenses due to illness as stated in the table of benefits. In no event shall the total amount payable under this Section 1(a) - Medical Expenses (including follow-up medical expenses and extension to Section 1(a)) exceed 100% of the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. Special Condition applicable to Section 1(a) The maximum benefits as shown on the table of benefits for each insured person is based on the insured person s age on the departure date of the insured journey. (b) Overseas Hospital Daily Cash Benefit If the insured person is confined in an overseas hospital due to an injury or illness during the insured journey, we will pay a daily allowance up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. (c) Compulsory Quarantine Cash Allowance due to Infectious Disease If the insured person is suspected or confirmed to have contracted infectious disease during the insured journey and results in compulsory quarantine by the local government or by the Hong Kong Government within three (3) days upon completion of the insured journey and returning to Hong Kong, we will pay a daily compulsory quarantine allowance up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. In the event that more than one (1) compulsory quarantine have been arising in the same insured journey, the maximum amount payable under this benefit shall not exceed the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. Special conditions applicable to Section 1(c) 1. Any home quarantine is excluded from this benefit. 2. No benefit shall be payable if the planned destination(s) has been declared as an infected area on or before the departure date of the insured journey. (d) Hotel Room Accommodation for Convalescence and Traveling Expenses Where the insured person has suffered from serious physical injury or serious illness which necessitates hospital confinement during the insured journey, and upon his/her discharge from the hospital and as recommended by the attending medical practitioner to convalesce before continuing with the traveling, we will pay for the actual cost of hotel accommodation incurred overseas for the sole purpose of convalescence and subject to HKD 1,500 per day. We will also pay for the additional one-way travel ticket (economy class only) incurred for the insured person to return to Hong Kong. In no event shall the total amount payable under this Section 1(d) - Hotel Room Accommodation for Convalescence and Traveling Expenses exceed 100% of the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. Exclusions applicable to Section 1 1. non-essential medical treatment or any medical treatment that is not recommended by a medical practitioner; 2. any loss or medical expenses arising from any travel contrary to the advice of a medical practitioner or for the purpose of receiving medical or surgical treatment; 3. dental work or treatment, unless procedures necessitated by damage to sound and natural teeth as a result of an injury or accident occurring during the insured journey. Benefit is payable purely for emergency condition and to alleviate the pain and in a legally registered dental clinic or hospital but in all circumstances shall not cover any restorative or remedial work, the use of any precious metals, orthodontic treatment of any kind, replacement of natural teeth, denture and prosthetic services such as bridges and crowns, their replacement and related expenses; 4. cosmetic surgery, refractive errors of eyes or hearing-aids, and prescriptions therefor except necessitated by injury occurring during the insured journey; 5. surgery or medical treatment which is not substantiated by a written report from a medical practitioner; 6. surgery or medical treatment when in the opinion of the medical practitioner treating the insured person, the treatment is not urgent and medically necessary during the insured journey, and can be reasonably delayed until the insured person returns to Hong Kong; 7. any follow-up medical expenses paid to the medical practitioner or Chinese medicine practitioner, Chinese medicine bone-setter, acupuncturist or chiropractor who is the insured person or immediate family member; 8. any additional cost of single or private room or semi-private room accommodation at a hospital (unless written document issued by hospital which has proven that ward room was fully occupied and has to be hospitalized in a semi-private room accommodation); or charges in respect of special or private nursing; non-medical personal services such as radio, telephone and the like; 9. procurement or use of special braces (unless the use of special braces is resulting from accident only and it is recommended by medical practitioner), appliances or equipment; or 10. any loss if the insured person refuses to follow the recommendation of a medical practitioner to return to Hong Kong, or refuses to continue the insured journey whilst the insured person s physical condition at the time of recommendation is fit for travel. Section 2 Zurich Emergency Assistance Zurich Emergency Assistance will arrange for the following benefits in the event that the insured person has suffered from injury or illness during the insured journey and pay for any costs and expenses arising thereof: (a) Deposit Guarantee for Hospital Admission Upon admission to a hospital, Zurich Emergency Assistance provides guarantee for admission deposit up to a limit of HKD 39,000 in respect of any one (1) insured person. Such deposit shall be fully refunded to us and is borne solely by the insured person unless otherwise covered under Section 1 - Medical Cover of Part 2 of this policy. (b) Emergency Medical Evacuation The actual cost of transportation, medical services and medical supplies necessarily and unavoidably incurred as a result of an emergency medical evacuation or repatriation of the insured person. The timing, means and final destination of evacuation will be decided by Zurich Emergency Assistance and will be based entirely upon medical necessity. (c) Repatriation of Mortal Remains The reasonable and unavoidable expenses for transporting the insured person s mortal remains from the place of death back to Hong Kong, or the cost of local burial at the place of death as approved by Zurich Emergency Assistance. (d) Compassionate Visit In the event that the insured person suffered from serious physical injury or serious illness and being confined in a hospital outside Hong Kong for over three (3) consecutive days, Zurich Emergency Assistance will pay one (1) economy class round-trip travel ticket for one (1) immediate family member or domestic partner to travel to the location of the insured person, and hotel accommodation expenses necessarily and unavoidably incurred by the immediate family member or domestic partner up to a maximum of HKD 700 per day and a maximum of five (5) days. This benefit cannot be claimed for more than once for any one (1) insured journey. (e) Traveling and Accommodation Expenses Zurich Emergency Assistance shall pay the one-way economy class travel ticket and hotel accommodation expenses necessarily and unavoidably incurred by the insured person in connection with any incident requiring emergency medical evacuation (pursuant to section 2(b) above) to resume the course of the insured person s insured journey or to return him/her to Hong Kong up to a maximum of HKD 1,950 per day and up to a limit of HKD 7,800 per insured journey. Any approval on the payment of expenses incurred by the insured person is subject to the sole decision of Zurich Emergency Assistance on the basis of medical necessity. (f) Return of Unattended Children Zurich Emergency Assistance will arrange and pay the one-way economy class travel ticket for returning the insured person s unattended child(ren) aged below seventeen (17) year old back to Hong Kong in the event of death or confinement of the insured person in a hospital outside Hong Kong for over three (3) consecutive days due to serious physical injury or serious illness, up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. If necessary, Zurich Emergency Assistance will also arrange a qualified attendant to accompany the unattended child(ren) during the return journey. (g) 24-hour Telephone Hotline and Referral Services (i) Pre-trip information assistance (ii) Embassy referral (iii) Medical service provider referral (iv) Lost passport assistance (v) Lost luggage assistance (vi) Interpreter referral (vii) Lawyer referral (viii) Telephone medical advice (ix) Monitoring of medical condition when hospitalized (x) Arrangement for medical expenses guarantee In respect of services (ix) and (x) above, all hospitalization expenses or medical expenses charged to the insured person by a hospital or medical practitioner other than our approved doctors, or any other medical professions, are to be borne by the insured person unless otherwise covered under this policy. ZURICH EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE is rendered by a service provider nominated by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. Exclusions applicable to Section 2 No service will be provided or paid under this section: 1. when the insured person is located in areas which represent war risks or political conditions such as to make the provision of services under this section impossible or reasonably impracticable; 2. for emergency medical evacuation or repatriation of mortal remains or other cost not approved in advance and in writing and/or not arranged by Zurich Emergency Assistance. This exclusion shall not apply to emergency medical evacuation from remote or primitive areas where Zurich Emergency Assistance cannot be contacted in advance and delay might reasonably be expected to result in loss of life or extreme prejudice to the insured person s prospect; 3. when the insured person is residing or traveling outside Hong Kong contrary to the advice of a medical practitioner; or 4. when the insured person is residing or traveling outside Hong Kong for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment or for rest and recuperation following any prior accident or illness. 2

Section 3 Personal Accident In the event of an accident described under Section 3(a) or 3(b) as below which causes injury to the insured person, and such injury results in any one (1) of the following Events listed in the Compensation Table hereunder within twelve (12) consecutive months after the date of the accident, we will pay compensation in accordance with the percentage stated in the Compensation Table, up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. (a) Accident on Public Common Carrier or during Robbery During the insured journey the insured person suffers from injury while: (i) riding solely as a passenger (not as operator, pilot, or crew member) in or on, boarding or alighting from any public common carrier; or (ii) being an innocent victim in a robbery or attempted robbery including escape of the perpetrators therefrom. (b) Other Accidents The insured person suffers from injury resulting from accident other than the accident referred in Section 3(a) - Accident on Public Common Carrier or during Robbery above, during the insured journey. Compensation Table Events Percentage of Accidental Death and Disablement Maximum Benefits 1. Death 100% 2. Permanent total disablement 100% 3. Permanent and incurable paralysis of all limbs 100% 4. Permanent total loss of sight of both eyes 100% 5. Permanent total loss of sight of one eye 100% 6. Loss of or the permanent total loss of use of two limbs 100% 7. Loss of or the permanent total loss of use of one limb 100% 8. Loss of speech and hearing 100% 9. Permanent and incurable insanity 100% 10. Permanent total loss of hearing in (a) both ears 75% (b) one ear 15% 11. Loss of speech 50% 12. Permanent total loss of the lens of one eye 50% 13. Loss of or the permanent total loss of use of four fingers and thumb of (a) right hand 70% (b) left hand 50% 14. Loss of or the permanent total loss of use of four fingers of (a) right hand 40% (b) left hand 30% 15. Loss of or the permanent total loss of use of one thumb (a) both right joints 30% (b) one right joint 15% (c) both left joints 20% (d) one left joint 10% 16. Loss of or the permanent total loss of use of fingers (a) three right joints 15% (b) two right joints 10% (c) one right joint 7.5% (d) three left joints 10% (e) two left joints 7.5% (f) one left joint 5% 17. Loss of or the permanent total loss of use of toes (a) all toes - one foot 20% (b) great toe - both joints 7.5% (c) great toe - one joint 5% 18. Permanent disability not otherwise provided for under Events 10 to 17 inclusive, such Percentage of Maximum Benefits as we shall in our absolute discretion determine and being in our opinion not inconsistent with the Compensation provided under Events 10 to 17 inclusive. (i) Benefit shall not be payable for more than one (1) of the Events listed above in respect of the same accident. Should more than one (1) of the Events occur as a result of the same accident, only the Event with the highest compensation will be payable under this section. (ii) Upon the occurrence of any compensation for which indemnity is payable under any one (1) of the above Events to any one (1) insured person in the policy, all benefits under the policy shall then immediately cease to be in force with regard to such insured person, but such termination shall be without prejudice to any claim originating out of the accident causing such loss. (iii) For any disablement in relation to Events 2-17 existed prior to an injury covered under this policy and becomes totally disabled or a total disablement as a result of such injury, the Percentage of Maximum Benefits payable shall be determined by us having regard to the extent of disablement caused by the covered injury. However, no payment shall be made in respect of any disablement which was totally disabled prior to the injury. (iv) If an insured person is left-handed, the Percentage of Maximum Benefits for Events 13-16 for the various disabilities of right hand and left hand will be transposed. (c) Burns Cover In the event that the insured person suffers from third degree burns as a result of an accident during the insured journey, we will pay in accordance with the percentage stated in the Third Degree Burns Table hereunder up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits, but only to the extent and provided that such third degree burns results in the specified damage to any one (1) of the following specified Areas within twelve (12) consecutive months after the date of the accident. Third Degree Burns Table Percentage of Area Damage as a percentage of total surface area Maximum Benefits Head (a) Equal to or greater than 12% damage of total head surface area 100% (b) Equal to or greater than 8% but less than 12% damage of total 75% head surface area (c) Equal to or greater than 5% but less than 8% damage of total head 50% surface area (d) Equal to or greater than 2% but less than 5% damage of total head 25% surface area Body (a) Equal to or greater than 20% damage of total body surface area 100% (b) Equal to or greater than 15% but less than 20% damage of total 75% (Exclude body surface area Head) (c) Equal to or greater than 10% but less than 15% damage of total body surface area 50% (i) Benefit shall not be payable for more than one (1) of the Area listed above in respect of the same accident. If injury occurs to more than one (1) of the Area as a result of the same accident, only the Area with the highest compensation will be payable under this section. (ii) For any third degree burns resulting in damage to an Area listed in the Third Degree Burns Table above and existed prior to an injury covered under this policy, and which the same Area is damaged again due to third degree burns caused by such injury, the Percentage of Maximum Benefits payable shall be determined by us having regard to the extent of damage on the Area caused by the covered injury. In no event shall we pay for any damage on the Area sustained prior to the injury. Extensions to Section 3 1. Under this section, we extend to cover any injury sustained by the insured person while: (i) the insured person is traveling directly from his/her place of residence or place of regular employment in Hong Kong to an immigration counter in the territory of Hong Kong for the purpose of conducting immigration clearance procedures within three (3) hours before the scheduled departure time of the public common carrier in which the insured person has arranged to travel for the purpose of commencing the insured journey; and (ii) the insured person is traveling directly from an immigration counter in the territory of Hong Kong to his/her place of residence or place of regular employment within three (3) hours after the actual arrival time of the public common carrier in which the insured person has arranged to travel for returning to Hong Kong from the insured journey. 2. Disappearance Clause If the body of the insured person has not been found within one (1) year after the date of disappearance, sinking or wrecking of the aircraft or other public common carrier either on the ground or at sea in which the insured person was traveling at the time of the accident and under such circumstances as would otherwise be covered hereunder, it will be presumed that the insured person suffered death resulting from an accident covered by this policy at the time of such disappearance, sinking or wrecking. Special Condition applicable to Section 3 The maximum benefits as shown on the table of benefits for each insured person is based on the insured person s age on the departure date of the insured journey. Maximum Liability for Personal Accident Where any individual life is insured under multiple policies or certificates of insurance which include accidental death and permanent disablement covers as defined in each policy or certificate of insurance and are issued by us and/or our related companies, the maximum liability in respect of any one (1) individual life under all accidental death and permanent disablement covers shall not exceed HKD 5,000,000 in aggregate and each policy or certificate of insurance shall bear a proportionate share of the total loss. Exclusion applicable to Section 3 This section does not cover any loss caused by an injury which is a consequence of any kind of disease and/or illness. Section 4 Compassionate Death Cash and Visit (a) Compassionate Death Cash In the event that the insured person dies (naturally or due to accident) during the insured journey, we will pay the Compassionate Death Cash as stated in the table of benefits to the estate of the insured person. (b) Compassionate Visit We will pay for one (1) economy class round-trip travel ticket and the reasonable hotel accommodation expenses necessarily incurred and up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits to one (1) immediate family member or domestic partner to travel to the place where the insured person dies. Section 5 Personal Baggage Cover We will pay the insured person up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits and subject to the sub-limits below, for the accidental loss of or damage to the personal possessions including luggage during the insured journey which are normally worn or carried by and owned by the insured person. For any personal possession and belonging that are kept inside an unattended and locked vehicle, it must be locked inside the trunk of the vehicle. We may make payment or, at our option, reinstate or repair the personal possessions as we may elect, subject to due allowance for wear and tear and depreciation. If any damaged article is proven to be beyond economical repair, a claim will be dealt with as if the article has been lost. Sub-limits applicable to Personal Baggage are as follows: 1. HKD 3,000 for any one (1) article, pair, set or collection in respect of any one (1) insured person. 2. HKD 10,000 for one (1) lap-top computer in respect of any one (1) insured person (HKD 3,000 for China and Macau Plan). 3. An aggregate maximum limit of HKD 5,000 for all cameras and camcorders and their accessories and related equipment in respect of any one (1) insured person (HKD 3,000 for China and Macau Plan). 4. HKD 3,000 (Apline Plan only) for one (1) mobile phone in respect of any one (1) insured person. This benefit cannot be claimed for more than once for any one (1) insured journey. This section is extended to cover company possessions which would be normally carried by the insured person on a business trip, subject to the same maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits and the sub-limits stated above. In no event shall the total amount payable under this Section 5 - Personal Baggage Cover exceed 100% of the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. Exclusion applicable to Section 5 1. the following classes of property: business merchandise or sample, foodstuffs and/or medicine, tobacco, contact lenses, dentures and/or its appliances, animals, motor vehicles (including accessories), motorcycles, bicycles, boats, motors, or any other conveyances, household furniture, antiques, any kind of jewelleries or accessories made of or contain of any kind of gold, platinum, diamond, jade or pearl, money (including checks, traveler s checks, etc), plastic money (including the credit value of credit card, Octopus cards, etc), coupons or securities, bonds, negotiable instruments, tickets or documents; 2. mobile phone including PDA phone, smart phone or similar device with telecommunications function and other accessories (except for Alpine Plan); 3. lap-top computer with any problems or defects triggered by software and malicious code (including but not limited to download of such software); 4. any loss not reported to the local police or public authority within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery and such local report is not obtained; 5. any loss or damage caused by wear and tear, gradual deterioration, insects, vermin, corrosion, rot, mildew, fungus, atmospheric conditions, the action of light, any process of heating, drying, cleaning, dyeing, alteration or repair, breakdown, misuse, faulty workmanship or design, the use of faulty materials, or its resulting loss or damage; 6. any loss resulting directly or indirectly from insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power or action taken by government authorities in hindering, combating or defending against such an occurrence; detention or destruction under quarantine or customs regulations, confiscation by order of any government of public authority or risk of contraband or illegal transportation or trade; 7. any loss of property which occurs when it is not being on the same public common carrier as the insured person, or souvenirs and articles mailed or shipped separately; 8. any loss of or damage to property which resumes to function normally after it has been fixed or repaired by a third party with no additional costs incurred by the insured person; 9. any loss of property when it is left unattended in public place; any unexplained loss or mysterious disappearance; 10. any loss of property left in unlocked vehicle, any property that is not locked inside a trunk of the vehicle; 11. any loss of data recorded on tapes, cards, diskettes; 12. damage to any brittle or fragile items such as glass or crystal; 13. any loss of or damage to property while in the custody of a hotel or public common carrier, unless reported immediately on discovery in writing to such hotel or public common carrier within three (3) days and a Property Irregularity Report is obtained if the event occurs in an aircraft; 14. any loss claimed under Section 12 - Baggage Delay Allowance of Part 2 of this policy arising from the same cause; 15. any loss of or damage to property insured under any other policy or certificate of insurance, or otherwise reimbursed by public common carrier or a hotel or other parties. Section 6 Loss of Personal Money We will reimburse the insured person for the loss of personal money, that is, cash, checks, money order or traveler s checks only, belonging to and being carried by the insured person or in a locked hotel room due to robbery, burglary or theft occurring during the insured journey, up to the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. Exclusions applicable to Section 6 1. in respect of any loss not reported to the local police, or hotel management or public authority, as appropriate, within twenty-four (24) hours upon discovery of loss and for which a relevant report is not obtained at the place of loss; 2. loss of traveler s check not immediately reported to the local branch or agent of the issuing authority; 3. shortage due to error, omission, exchange or depreciation in value; 4. any unexplained loss or mysterious disappearance; or 5. any loss arising from fraud or deception. Section 7 Credit Card Protection If the insured person sustains injury during the insured journey which results in death, we will pay the outstanding balance of the insured person s credit card as at the date of accident up to the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. No benefit shall be payable for corporate credit cards or supplementary cards. This cover shall not apply to any insured person who aged seventeen (17) or below on the departure date of the insured journey. Section 8 Loss of Travel Document and/or Travel Ticket We will pay the replacement cost of the Hong Kong Identity Card, credit cards, driving license, travel ticket or travel document belonging to the insured person which is accidentally lost during the insured journey. In the event of the accidental loss of travel ticket and/or travel document belonging to the insured person during the insured journey, we will also reimburse the additional traveling expenses and/or accommodation expenses incurred by the insured person, provided that the traveling class and/or the room type for the accommodation shall not be better than the original traveling class and/or the room type for accommodation as stated in the itinerary. In no event shall the total amount payable under this Section 8 - Loss of Travel Document and/or Travel Ticket exceed 100% of the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. Exclusions applicable to Section 8 1. any loss not reported to the local police within twenty-four (24) hours upon discovery of loss and for which such police report is not obtained at the place of loss; 2. any loss of travel document and/or visa and/or travel ticket which is not necessary for completing the insured journey; 3. any unexplained loss or mysterious disappearance; 4. any fine or penalties incurred due to non-replacement or late replacement of the documents by the insured person; or 5. the replacement costs of both the temporary and permanent versions of the same travel document. In the event of such loss, the insured person may claim only one (1) version of the same document. 3

Section 9 Loss of Home Contents due to Burglary We will pay for the loss or damage to the home contents within the insured person s principal home in Hong Kong which is uninhabited by any person during the insured journey as a direct result of burglary involving the use of forcible and violent entry to or exit from the premises, up to the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. We may make payment or at our sole discretion reinstate or repair the lost or damaged home contents subject to due allowance for wear and tear and depreciation, up to a maximum amount of HKD 5,000 for any one (1) article, pair, set or collection. Special Definition applicable to Section 9 Home contents mean household goods, personal belongings, furniture, fixtures and fittings (including interior decorations) belonging to the insured person or a member ordinarily residing in the principal home. Exclusions applicable to Section 9 1. any loss or damage of bonds, bills of exchange, cash, coins, checks, jewellery or accessories, promissory notes, postal or money orders, record or book or similar tokens, luncheon vouchers or other coupons, stored value cards, credit cards, deeds, documents of title, manuscripts, medals, passports, stamps, share certificates, contact or corneal lenses, mobile phones, travel tickets, foodstuffs, animals and motor vehicles (including accessories), motorcycles, boats, motors, any other conveyances, loss of data recorded on tapes, cards, diskettes or otherwise; 2. any loss not reported to the police within twenty-four (24) hours after the insured person returns to Hong Kong from the insured journey and for which a police report has not been obtained; 3. shortage due to error, omission, exchange or depreciation in value; or 4. special equipment or apparatus used in connection with any profession, business or employment. Section 10 Personal Liability We will indemnify any amount which the insured person becomes legally liable to pay as compensation and/or legal expenses for an accident occurring during the insured journey which causes death or injury to a third party or damage to property of a third party, up to the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. However, the insured person must not make any offer or promise of payment or admit liability to any other party, or become involved in any litigation without our prior written approval. Exclusions applicable to Section 10 This section does not cover liability arising directly or indirectly from: 1. any business, profession or trade; 2. any wilful, malicious or unlawful act of the insured person or any criminal acts; 3. any cause whatsoever due to any person who is the immediate family member or domestic partner or relative or employer or employee of the insured person; 4. contracts; 5. ownership, possession, use or control of any vehicle, aircraft, watercraft, land, buildings, firearms or animals; 6. damage to property owned by or held in trust or in the custody of the insured person, or the immediate family member or domestic partner or relative or employer of the insured person; 7. any act of terrorism, regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss; or 8. any action in controlling, preventing, suppressing, retaliating against or responding to any such act of terrorism. Section 11 Travel Delay In the event that the public common carrier in which the insured person has arranged to travel is delayed for at least six (6) hours (except for Section 11(d)) from the departure or arrival time specified in the insured person s original itinerary as a result of strike or other industrial action, riot, civil commotion, hijack, terrorism, adverse weather conditions, natural disaster, mechanical and/or electrical breakdown of the public common carrier, or airport closure, we will pay the following benefits to the insured person: (a) Travel Delay HKD 300 for each and every full six (6) hours of delay up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. The period of delay will be calculated as follows: departure delay will be calculated starting from the original scheduled departure time of the public common carrier specified in the itinerary provided to the insured person, until the actual departure time (i) of the original public common carrier or (ii) the first available alternative transportation offered by that public common carrier; or arrival delay will be calculated starting from the original arrival time specified in the itinerary provided to the insured person, until the actual arrival time of (i) the original public common carrier or (ii) the first available alternative transportation offered by that public common carrier. The insured person can only claim for either departure or arrival delay of the same public common carrier. If the insured person has consecutive connecting flights, the delay is to be calculated based on the difference between actual arrival or departure time, as the case may be, and that stated on the itinerary regardless of the time spent on transit and the proximate cause of the delay must be one (1) of the causes set out in the first paragraph of this Section 11. (b) Extra Hotel Cost due to Travel Delay The additional, reasonable and irrecoverable accommodation expenses incurred outside Hong Kong as a result of the delay, up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits. (c) Extra Re-routing Cost due to Travel Delay The additional costs incurred by the insured person for the purchase of a one-way economy class travel ticket in order to travel to the planned destination as specified in his/her original itinerary by an alternative public common carrier, up to the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. This benefit cannot be claimed for more than once for any one (1) insured journey. (d) Cancellation of Trip due to Travel Delay We will pay the insured person up to the maximum benefit as stated in the table of benefits for the unused travel fare and/or accommodation expenses paid in advance and are not recoverable from any other source if he/she cancels the insured journey due to delay of departure from Hong Kong for at least ten (10) hours from the original scheduled departure time. Special Conditions for Section 11 1. The insured person must have checked-in for the original scheduled public common carrier and all claims must be substantiated by written confirmation from the public common carrier on the number of hours of delay and the reason for such delay or such other proof as we may reasonably require. 2. In the event that the original scheduled public common carrier is cancelled due to the above-mentioned reasons as stated in the first paragraph of this section and no alternative transportation is arranged to the insured person by that public common carrier, the insured person can only claim for Section 11(a) Travel Delay or Section 11(c) Extra Re-routing Costs due to Travel Delay. 3. Where an insured person is reimbursed under Section 11(d) Cancellation of Trip due to Travel Delay, then all other losses arising from the same cause are not reimbursable under Sections 11(a) to 11(c). Exclusions applicable to Section 11 1. delay of the insured journey as a result of any circumstance which is existing or announced before the effective date; 2. any loss arising from late arrival of the insured person at the airport or port (i.e. arrival at a time later than the time required for check-in or booking except for the late arrival due to strike by the employees of the public common carrier); 3. any loss in relation to alterations to original itinerary that is not verified by the airline, travel agency or other relevant organizations; 4. any loss arising from air traffic control by local government or relevant authorities, or any loss arising from any government s regulations control or act; 5. any circumstances covered by any other insurance scheme, government programme or which will be paid or refunded by public common carrier, travel agency, tour operator or other provider of any service forming part of the booked itinerary (except for Section 11(a) - Travel Delay);or 6. any losses reimbursed under Section 13 Cancellation of Trip arising from the same cause. Section 12 Baggage Delay Allowance In the event of the insured person s checked-in baggage being delayed for over six (6) hours after the insured person s actual arrival at the scheduled destination abroad, regardless of the number of checked-in baggage, we will pay a lump sum allowance as stated in the table of benefit to the insured person, and subject to the same delayed checked-in baggage can only be claimed once by one (1) insured person in any one (1) insured journey. Special Condition for Section 12 All claims must be substantiated by written confirmation from the public common carrier on the number of hours of delay, the reason of such delay and the identified checked-in baggage. Exclusions applicable to Section 12 1. any baggage not being on the same public common carrier of the insured person or souvenirs and articles mailed or shipped separately; 2. any loss resulting directly or indirectly from insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken by government authorities in hindering, combating or defending against such an occurrence; detention or destruction under quarantine or customs regulations, confiscation by order of any government of public authority or risk of contraband or illegal transportation or trade;or 3. any loss reimbursed under Section 5 - Personal Baggage Cover arising from the same cause. Section 13 Cancellation of Trip (a) Cancellation of Trip In the event that the insured person has to cancel the insured journey as a result of any the following: (i) death, serious physical injury or serious illness of the insured person, immediate family member, domestic partner or travel companion within ninety (90) days before the departure date of the insured journey; (ii) witness summons, jury service or compulsory quarantine of the insured person within ninety (90) days before the departure date of the insured journey; (iii) unexpected outbreak of strike, riot, civil commotion, infectious disease, terrorism, adverse weather conditions or natural disaster at the planned destination arising within one (1) week before the departure date of the insured journey; or (iv) serious damage to the insured person s or travel companion s principal home in Hong Kong due to fire, flood or burglary within one (1) week before the departure date of the insured journey which requires the insured person s presence in Hong Kong on the departure date of the insured journey for the purpose of police investigation; we will pay for the loss of unused travel fare and/or accommodation expenses which have been paid in advance and for which the insured person is legally liable and which are not recoverable from any other sources, up to the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. (b) Single Occupancy We will reimburse the insured person, up to the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits, for the additional cost incurred as a result of a change in the per person occupancy rate applicable to the prepaid travel ticket and/or accommodation, or tour package, in the event of death, serious physical injury or serious illness of the travel companion which occurs within one (1) week before the departure date of the insured journey and the insured person decides to travel as planned. Special Conditions for Section 13 The insured person may make a claim pursuant to either Section 13(a) or 13(b), but not both Section 13(a) and 13(b), in respect of any losses arising from the same cause. Section 14 Interruption of Trip In the event that after the insured journey has begun, the insured person has to: (i) abandon the insured journey and return to Hong Kong due to: death, serious physical injury or serious illness of the insured person, immediate family member, domestic partner or travel companion; unexpected outbreak of strike, riot, civil commotion, infectious disease, terrorism, adverse weather conditions or natural disaster at the planned destination which prevents the insured person from continuing the insured journey; or serious damage to the insured person s or travel companion s principal home in Hong Kong arising from fire, flood or burglary; we will pay for the loss of unused travel fare and/or accommodation expenses for which the insured person is legally liable and which is not recoverable from any other sources, or additional actual travel fare and/or accommodation expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for the insured person to return to Hong Kong. If the insured journey is a packaged group tour arranged by travel agency, the benefit payable for the curtailment expenses in relation to the loss of unused travel fare and/or accommodation expenses forfeited will be calculated in proportion of the packaged group tour cost to the number of days remaining after the relevant interruption of the insured journey. The insured person can only claim either the forfeited expenses for unused days of the insured journey or additional expenses incurred for the curtailment. OR (ii) rearrange the insured journey due to unexpected outbreak of strike, riot, civil commotion, infectious disease, terrorism, adverse weather conditions or natural disaster at the planned destination which prevents the insured person from traveling to that planned destination, we will pay for the additional actual travel fare and/or accommodation expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for the insured person to travel to the next planned destination shown on the itinerary to continue with the insured journey. In no event shall the total amount payable under Section 14 Interruption of Trip exceed the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits. Exclusions applicable to Section 13 and Section 14 These sections do not cover: 1. any circumstances leading to the cancellation or curtailment or rearrangement of the insured journey which is existing or announced before the effective date; 2. if the purpose of the insured journey is to obtain medical treatment or the insured journey is undertaken against the medical practitioner s recommendation; 3. any medical condition or other circumstances known to have existed before the effective date; 4. any loss directly or indirectly arising from any government s regulations control or act, or air traffic control by local government or relevant authorities; bankruptcy, liquidation, error, omission or default of any travel agency, tour operator, public common carrier and/or other provider of any service forming part of the booked itinerary; 5. failure to notify the travel agency, tour operator, public common carrier and/or other provider of any service forming part of the booked itinerary of the need to cancel or rearrange the travel arrangement immediately when it is found necessary to do so; 6. any loss in relation to cancellations or rearrangements to schedules that is not verified by the airline, travel agency or other relevant organizations; 7. any loss which will be paid or refunded by any existing insurance scheme, government programme, public common carrier, travel agent or any other provider of transportation and/or accommodation; 8. failure to obtain a written medical report from the medical practitioner; 9. any expenses incurred for services provided by another party for which the insured person is not liable to pay and/or any expenses already included in the cost of a scheduled insured journey; 10. any loss if the insured person refuses to follow the recommendation of a medical practitioner to return to Hong Kong, or refuses to continue the insured journey whilst the insured person s physical condition at the time of recommendation is fit for travel (applicable to Section 14 Interruption of Trip only); or 11. in respect of losses reimbursed under Section 11 Travel Delay arising from the same cause. Section 15 Missed Event Cover We will reimburse the ticket cost not included in the travel tour package arranged by the travel agent and paid in advance by the insured person s or his/her spouse s or domestic partner s credit card in the event that he/she is unable to utilize such ticket(s) which being tickets to overseas theme parks, or overseas sports events, music or performance events as caused by the following (which must occur within ninety (90) days (except for subparagraphs (iii)) before the departure date of the insured journey): (i) death, serious physical injury or serious illness of the insured person, immediate family member, domestic partner or travel companion; (ii) witness summons, jury service or compulsory quarantine of the insured person; or (iii) mechanical and/or electrical breakdown of the public common carrier occurred before the scheduled start time of the aforesaid event. Section 16 Unauthorized Use of Lost Credit Card We will reimburse the insured person up to the maximum benefits as stated in the table of benefits, for the monetary loss due to unauthorized use of credit card provided that the credit card is accidentally lost when carried with the insured person during the insured journey. Exclusions applicable to Section 16 1. any loss not reported to the local police, or hotel management or public authority within twenty-four (24) hours upon discovery of loss and for which a relevant report is not obtained at the place of loss; 2. loss of credit card not immediately reported to the local branch or agent of the issuing authority; or 3. any unexplained loss or mysterious disappearance. Section 17 Rental Vehicle Excess If the insured person rents a rental vehicle in the course of the insured journey which is involved in a collision whilst under the control of the insured person or such vehicle is stolen or damaged and the rental agreement includes an excess (or deductible or similar condition), we will reimburse the insured person for the rental vehicle excess up to the maximum benefits stated in the table of benefits for the liable loss or damage of the rental vehicle. This benefit cannot be claimed for more than once for any one (1) insured journey. Special Condition for Section 17 The insured person must take relevant comprehensive motor vehicle insurance provided by the rental organization against loss or damage to the rental vehicle during the rental period. Exclusions applicable to Section 17 1. any use of the rental vehicle by the insured person that is in violation of the terms of the rental agreement or applicable comprehensive motor vehicle insurance policy; 2. any condition under the influence of alcohol or drugs of the insured person who is in charge of a rental vehicle; 3. any illegal or unlawful use of the rental vehicle by the insured person during the rental period; 4. the insured person not holding a valid driving license of the country. 4