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CPA Australia Credit Card 澳洲會計師公會信用卡 Become a CPA Australia Credit Cardholder to enjoy a wide range of exclusive privileges. 成為澳洲會計師公會信用卡客戶 專享獨有優惠 Perpetual Annual Fee Waiver 永久豁免年費 Annual fee will be waived perpetually for both principal and supplementary cards. 主卡及附屬卡之年費均獲永久豁免 Double Bonus Points Privilege 雙倍獎分獎賞優惠 Perpetual Annual Fee Waiver 永久豁免年費 Enjoy 2X Bonus Points by using a CPA Australia Credit Card to pay for CPA Australia subscription, examination, and seminar fees over the counter at the CPA Australia Hong Kong office^. 憑澳洲會計師公會信用卡於公會香港辦事處繳付 ^ 會費 考試費及講座費用 可享2x獎分優惠 ^ 1X Bonus Points can be granted for online payments. 網上繳費可享1x獎分優惠

CPA AUSTRALIA CREDIT CARD APPLICATION FORM 澳洲會計師公會信用卡申請表格 ASCPA5930170 To avoid a delay in the processing of your application, please complete all sections below in full using English (BLOCK LETTERS) and in the appropriate box(es). The contact information provided below will be updated in ALL your credit card account(s) and revolving loan account(s) (if any) (excluding corporate credit card account(s)). 以下各項資料必須填寫, 以免延誤處理 申請人必須以英文正楷填寫表格及在適當方格內加上 號 以下所提供之通訊資料將一併更新至申請人所有信用卡賬戶及循環貸款賬戶 ( 如有 )( 公司信用卡賬戶除外 ) CPA AUSTRALIA MEMBERSHIP STATUS 澳洲會計師公會會籍 Please " " your membership status. 請於閣下之會籍類別加上 號 Membership Status 會籍 FCPA (Aust.) CPA (Aust.) ASA CPA Australia Membership No. 澳洲會計師公會會員編號 CHOICE OF CREDIT CARD 申請信用卡產品 Please select your choice of credit card products and in the appropriate box. If you do not specify, you will be assigned the credit card(s) based on your credit limit as granted by BEA. 請選擇信用卡產品及在適當方格內加上 號 如沒有指明, 信用卡類別將根據客戶所獲批核之信用額而定 CPA Australia Visa PLATINUM Card 澳洲會計師公會 Visa 白金卡 CPA Australia UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card 澳洲會計師公會銀聯雙幣白金信用卡 Perpetual Annual Fee Waiver 永久豁免年費 CPA Australia Visa PLATINUM Card and CPA Australia UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card * 澳洲會計師公會 Visa 白金卡及 * 澳洲會計師公會銀聯雙幣白金信用卡 PERSONAL DATA 個人資料 Applicant must be a Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above and member of CPA Australia. 申請人必須為年滿 18 歲之香港居民及澳洲會計師公會會員 Mr. 先生 Mrs. 太太 Ms. 女士 Miss 小姐 Name (In BLOCK LETTERS and must be the same as shown on the identification document provided) 英文姓名 ( 請用正楷填寫並需與你所提交的身份證明文件相同 ) Surname 姓氏 First Name 名字 If your name in English on your Identification document exceeds 19 characters (including spaces), BEA reserves the sole and absolute right to determine the form of the cardholder s name as embossed on the credit card. 如閣下的身份證明文件上之英文姓名 ( 包括空格 ) 超出 19 個字元, 本行保留對刻印於信用卡面上持卡人姓名之式樣的最終決定權 Date of Birth 出生日期 D 日 M 月 Y 年 HKID Card No./Passport No. (Please provide a copy) 香港身份證號碼 / 護照號碼 ( 請附上副本 ) Nationality (Copies of HKID Card, valid passport issued by place of origin, and Hong Kong visa are required for Hong Kong non-permanent residents.) 國籍 ( 如非香港永久居民, 請提供香港身份證 原居地發出的有效護照及香港入境簽證副本 ) Residential Address in English (Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS to avoid postal failure. P.O. boxes and overseas addresses are not accepted. If your permanent address is different from your residential address, please provide permanent address proof in English/Chinese.) 住宅英文地址 ( 為避免郵遞錯誤, 請以正楷填寫 郵政信箱及海外地址恕不接受 如永久地址與住宅地址不同, 請附上英文 / 中文永久地址證明 ) Room 室 Floor 樓 Block 座 Rented 租用 Applicant s Monthly Rent 申請人負責之每月租金 HK$ Mortgaged 按揭 Applicant s Monthly Instalment 申請人負責之每月供款 HK$ Residential Tel. No. 住宅電話號碼 Email Address 電郵地址 Room 室 Road/Street 街道 District 地區 Floor 樓 Block/Building 座 / 大廈 Mobile Phone No. 手提電話號碼 Your BEA Credit Cardholder Agreement (Personal Account), Credit Card Service Guide and ewelcome Letter will be sent separately to this email address. 東亞銀行信用卡持卡人合約 ( 私人賬戶 ), 信用卡服務指南及電子迎新信將會分別發送到此電郵地址 Education Level 教育程度 University or Above 大學或以上 Post Secondary 預科 / 專上學院 OCCUPATION 職業 Secondary Completed 中學畢業 Secondary or Below 中學或以下 Company Name in English (Please specify if applicant is a housewife or a retiree and provide proofs of assets) 受僱公司英文名稱 ( 申請人如為主婦或退休人士, 請註明並提供資產證明 ) Office Address in English (Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS to avoid postal failure. P.O. boxes and overseas addresses are not accepted.) 公司英文地址 ( 為避免郵遞錯誤, 請以正楷填寫 郵政信箱及海外地址恕不接受 ) * BEA may refuse to approve your application and reserve the right to issue CPA Australia Visa PLATINUM Card to you in light of your individual circumstances. 本行有權根據申請人之個別情況拒絕接納其信用卡之申請或保留只批核澳洲會計師公會 Visa 白金卡予客戶 Remark 註 : 1. The minimum annual income of the applicant must be HK$150,000 or above. 申請人之年薪須達 HK$150,000 或以上 2. BEA reserves the sole right to approve or decline any CPA Australia Credit Card(s) application. 本行保留對澳洲會計師公會信用卡申請之最終審批權 Building/Estate 大廈 / 屋苑 Road/Street 街道 District 地區 HK 香港 KLN 九龍 NT 新界 Year(s) of Residence 居住年期 Living with Relatives/Others 與親屬 / 其他人同住 Y 年 Quarters 宿舍 M 月 Owned 自置 HK 香港 KLN 九龍 NT 新界 Office Tel. No. 公司電話號碼 Years of Service 任職年期 Nature of Business 業務性質 Position 職位 Monthly Income (Please provide proofs of income/assets) 每月收入 ( 請附上薪金 / 資產證明 ) HK$

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 其他資料 1. I am a relative of the following director/employee of The Bank of East Asia. 本人為下列東亞銀行董事 / 僱員之親屬 (Name as printed on his/her Identification document) ( 其身份證明文件上之英文姓名 ) Relationship 關係 2. I wish to have ATM facilities on my BEA Credit Card for my BEA Account listed below. (applicable to HKD deposit account only) 本人欲以東亞銀行信用卡透過自動櫃員機一併處理以下之東亞銀行賬戶 ( 只限港元存款賬戶 ) Account No. 賬戶號碼 0 1 5 Statement Savings Account HKD Current Account 儲蓄 ( 結單 ) 賬戶港元往來賬戶 (Statement Savings Account will be considered as the designated account if no instruction is given for the ATM facility.) ( 如未指明, 儲蓄 ( 結單 ) 賬戶將被設定為自動櫃員機服務之指定賬戶 ) 3. Please regard my designated mailing address as 請將本人的通訊地址設定為 Residential Address 住宅地址 Office Address 公司地址 If no instruction is given, the Residential Address will be deemed to be the designated correspondence address for ALL your credit card account(s) and revolving loan account(s) (if any). 如沒有指明, 住宅地址將被設定為閣下所有信用卡賬戶及循環貸款賬戶 ( 如有 ) 的指定通訊地址 I. To help protect the environment, I will obtain and check my credit card statements approved in this application through Cyberbanking, and agree that BEA is not required to provide paper statements. BEA will send a notification email to the email address provided on this application form, and/or the email address for e-statement notifications associated with my existing Cyberbanking account(s) * (if any) when the latest statement is available. 為支持環保, 本人會透過電子網絡銀行服務自行索取及查閱本申請所批核之信用卡結單, 並同意東亞銀行無須提供紙張結單 當最新的結單發出時, 東亞銀行會透過此申請表上填寫的 * 電郵地址, 及 / 或本人現有之電子網絡銀行賬戶內傳送電子結單通知的電郵地址 ( 如有 ), 發出電郵通知 * E-STATEMENT SERVICE 電子結單服務 Only applicable to Private Banking, SupremeGold, Supreme, i-account, principal credit card, revolving loan and Cyberbanking accounts. Joint accounts and MPF accounts are excluded. 只適用於私人銀行 顯卓理財 至尊理財 i-account 信用卡主卡 循環貸款及電子網絡銀行賬戶, 聯名賬戶及強積金賬戶除外 II. I would like to receive paper statement by mail. A Paper Statement Fee of HK$50 will be charged to each principal card account approved in this application by BEA without prior notice. The Paper Statement Fee of HK$50 will be levied to each principal card account: 本人欲選擇以郵寄形式收取紙張結單 東亞銀行將會在本申請所批核之每個主卡賬戶內收取 HK$50 紙張結單費用而無須事前通知 東亞銀行將在以下情況於每個主卡賬戶收取 HK$50 紙張結單費用 : 1) at the time of account opening (if you opt to receive paper statements); 於開立賬戶時 ( 如客戶選擇收取紙張結單 ); 2) in the account opening month of each subsequent year (if paper statement service remains selected) e.g. if the account was opened in January, the Paper Statement Fee will be levied on the first working day in February each year; 隨後每年的開戶月份 ( 如仍然選擇紙張結單服務 ), 例如..賬戶於 1 月份開立, 東亞銀行將於每年 2 月份的第一個工作天收取紙張結單費用 ; 3) every time you switch from e-statements to paper statements. The fee will be charged in full and can be levied more than once within a year if you switch between the services multiple times. The fee in subsequent years will still be levied annually in the account opening month. 客戶每次由電子結單轉用紙張結單 如客戶於 1 年內多次轉換服務, 東亞銀行將收取多於 1 次費用, 而有關收費不會按比例計算 隨後年費仍將於每年於開戶月份收取 This fee is non-refundable, irrespective of your card usage or the number of paper statements issued in a year. 不論客戶有否使用該信用卡或 1 年內發出紙張結單的數量, 該費用均不會退還 CYBERBANKING BILL PAYMENT SERVICES 電子網絡銀行賬單繳費服務 Regardless of the amount of the approved credit limit, the daily transaction limit of bill payments via Cyberbanking (including the Internet, mobile phone and phone channels) for the following 4 merchant categories is preset at HK$100,000, while that of other categories is preset at HK$20,000. You may login to Cyberbanking to reduce the limit of bill payments or visit any BEA branch in person to increase the limit. 不論獲批核的信用額為多少, 下列四類商戶類別的電子網絡銀行服務 ( 包括互聯網 流動電話及電話 ) 賬單繳費之每日交易限額將預設為 HK$100,000, 而其他商戶類別則預設為 HK$20,000 如欲調低賬單繳費之限額, 請登入電子網絡銀行服務進行更改 ; 而如欲調高此限額, 請親臨任何東亞銀行分行辦理 Government or Statutory Organisation 政府或法定機構 Public Utilities 公用事業機構 Education: Primary or Secondary School 教育: 小學或中學 Education: Post-secondary or Specialised Institution 教育: 專上或專業學府

OVER CREDIT LIMIT FACILITY 超出信貸限額安排 With the Over Credit Limit Facility, you may spend over your credit limit in times of need *. When your current balance exceeds your credit limit, BEA will charge an Over Credit Limit Fee as specified in the Key Facts Statements/Schedule of Fees and Charges on BEA Credit Card Services. Please the box if you do not require this facility: * 超出信貸限額安排讓你於用畢信貸限額後或可繼續進行簽賬 當結欠總額超過信貸限額, 本行將會徵收東亞銀行信用卡資料概覽 / 服務收費概覽上列明的超出信用額費用 如你不需要此安排, 請於空格加上 : Opt Out Over Credit Limit Facility (Note: Upon approval of your application, this choice will also apply to ALL your existing BEA Credit Cards (if any).) 拒絕超出信貸限額安排 ( 註 : 你的申請獲批核後, 此選擇亦將適用於你所有現時持有的東亞銀行信用卡 ( 如有 ) ) * BEA reserves the sole right to determine the over credit limit amount. 超出信貸限額由本行最終決定 DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 所需文件 To ensure that your application is processed promptly, please submit copies of the following documents and the appropriate box(es). Documents supplied including this application form will not be returned. 為確保申請人之申請能盡快獲得處理, 請附寄下列各項證明文件之副本, 並於下列空格內加上 以註明已附之文件, 所有文件連同此申請表格將不獲發還 Copy of your identification document 申請人的身份證明文件副本 For Hong Kong Permanent Residents: 香港永久性居民 : Hong Kong Identity Card copy 香港身份證副本 For Hong Kong Non-Permanent Residents: 香港非永久性居民 : Hong Kong Identity Card copy AND 香港身份證副本 ; 及 Passport OR Other identification document copy * AND * 原居地發出的有效護照或其他身份證明文件副本 ; 及 Hong Kong visa copy 香港入境簽證副本 For Non-Hong Kong Residents: 非香港居民 : Passport OR Other identification document copy * AND * 原居地發出的有效護照或其他身份證明文件副本 ; 及 Hong Kong visa copy 香港入境簽證副本 * Other acceptable identification documents include: 可接受之其他身份證明文件包括 : (i) Exit-Entry Permit for Traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macao 往來港澳通行證 (ii) Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macau (One-way Permit) 前往港澳通行證 ( 單程證 ) (iii) HKSAR Document of Identity for Visa Purposes 香港特別行政區簽證身份書 Any one of the following proofs of income/assets: 以下其中 1 項薪金 / 資產證明 : The latest Income Tax Demand Note or your salary slip showing your name for the past month 附有申請人姓名之最新薪俸稅單或最近 1 個月糧單 Bank statements/passbook records showing your name, account number, and salary entries for the past 3 months 附有申請人姓名 賬戶號碼及薪酬金額的最近 3 個月銀行結單 / 存摺 Your company s business registration certificate and latest tax return, if you are a sole proprietor or a partner of a business 如申請人為獨資經營之東主或公司合夥人, 請附上公司商業登記證及最新稅單 Your proof of assets, if you are a housewife or retiree 如申請人為主婦或退休人士, 請附上資產證明 Proof of residence in English within the past 3 months, e.g. utility bill, bank/credit card statement, or bank-issued letter. 最近 3 個月之英文住址證明, 例如 : 公用服務繳費單 銀行 / 信用卡結單或銀行發出的函件 If your permanent address is different from your residential address, please provide permanent address proof in English/Chinese (e.g. governmentissued photographic driving licence/national identity card containing the permanent address, or bank statements for the past 3 months) 如永久地址與住宅地址不同, 請附上英文 / 中文永久地址證明 ( 例如政府發出 附有永久地址及照片之駕駛執照 / 附有永久地址之身份證, 或最近 3 個月銀行結單 ) Existing BEA customer is not required to provide: (1) HKID Card/ Passport/Other Identification Document copy; (2) proof of residence (if your address is the same as that held in our records) 現有本行客戶無須提供 :(1) 香港身份證 / 護照 / 其他身份證明文件副本 ;(2) 住址證明 ( 如住址與本行記錄相同 ) Remarks 註 : 1. Additional documents may be required for approval of application. 本行可能需要申請人提供額外文件以助批核 2. Application processing will be completed in 10 working days upon receipt of all required documents and information. 申請手續將於收妥所有所需文件及資料後 10 個工作天完成

DECLARATION 聲明 3. I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms 7. I hereby further give my consent to BEA that it may carry out matching and conditions of (a) BEA Credit Cardholder Agreement (Personal Account) procedures such as comparing data of me or other persons for credit 1. I confirm that the information given above is true and complete in every and the Law Compliance Supplement; (b) Terms and Conditions of BEA Credit checking or data verification, whether or not for the purpose of taking material respect and I understand and acknowledge that if I provide any Card Interest-free Instalment Programme; (c) Cash in Hand Programme false or incorrect information hereunder, I may commit criminal offences adverse action against me. Terms and Conditions; (d) Cash in Hand Balance Transfer Programme Terms in relation to deception and/or providing false information under the laws 本人同意東亞銀行可進行核對程序例如對比本人或任何人的資料 and Conditions; and (e) Cash in Hand Statement Instalment Programme of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. I authorise The Bank 作信貸審查或資料驗證而無論其目的是否對本人作出不利行動 Terms and Conditions (all as amended from time to time). of East Asia, Limited ( BEA ) to contact any necessary party for verification or further information at any time, including but without limitation to 本人確認已細閱及明白並同意受不時修訂之 (a) 東亞銀行信用卡 8. I agree that BEA may use information from any credit reference bureau or agency to compare against the data provided by me for credit checking conduct credit checks on my credit information with any credit reference 持卡人合約 ( 私人賬戶 ) 及遵從法律補充條款之條款及細則 and BEA may verify data by making use the information provided by any agency. I authorise BEA to provide such information to CPA Australia, any (b) 東亞銀行信用卡免息分期付款計劃條款及細則 (c) 好用錢 credit reference bureau or agency. agent or contractor so as to offer services and/or privileges to me. 現金兌現計劃之條款及細則 (d) 好用錢 結餘轉戶計劃之條款本人同意東亞銀行可使用任何信貸資料機構或公司所提供的資料本人證實以上各項資料均屬詳實 本人明白及接受如本人提供及細則 及 (e) 好用錢 結單分期計劃之條款及細則約束 任何不正確或虛假資料, 本人將可能觸犯香港特別行政區有關欺騙及 / 或提供虛假資料之刑事罪行 本人並授權東亞銀行有限公司 ( 東亞銀行 ) 可向任何方面查證或索取更多資料, 包括但不限於任何信貸資料機構索取有關本人之信貸資料以進行信貸審查 本人同意東亞銀行將有關本人的個人資料及信用卡資料提供予澳洲會計師公會 有關的代理人或承包商, 藉此為本人提供各項服務及 / 或優惠 2. I acknowledge and agree that the use of (i) BEA Credit Card; (ii) BEA Credit Card Interest-free Instalment Programme; (iii) The Cash in Hand Programme; (iv) Cash in Hand Balance Transfer Programme; and (v) Cash in Hand Statement Instalment Programme are subject to (a) the BEA Credit Cardholder Agreement (Personal Account) and the Law Compliance Supplement; (b) Terms and Conditions of BEA Credit Card Interest-free Instalment Programme; (c) Cash in Hand Programme Terms and Conditions; (d) Cash in Hand Balance Transfer Programme Terms and Conditions; and (e) Cash in Hand Statement Instalment Programme Terms and Conditions (all as amended from time to time) respectively. I confirm my understanding that I should obtain all the aforesaid Terms and Conditions and Law Compliance Supplement from any of BEA branches or via BEA website at and BEA will send to me by post the latest version of the aforesaid Terms and Conditions and Law Compliance Supplement together with BEA Credit Card account information upon approval of this application. 本人確認及同意 (i) 東亞銀行信用卡 (ii) 東亞銀行信用卡免息分期付款計劃 (iii) 好用錢 現金兌現計劃 (iv) 好用錢 結餘轉戶計劃 及 (v) 好用錢 結單分期計劃之使用, 乃分別受不時修訂之 (a) 東亞銀行信用卡持卡人合約 ( 私人賬戶 ) 及遵從法律補充條款之條款及細則 (b) 東亞銀行信用卡免息分期付款計劃條款及細則 (c) 好用錢 現金兌現計劃之條款及細則 (d) 好用錢 結餘轉戶計劃之條款及細則 及 (e) 好用錢 結單分期計劃之條款及細則約束 本人知悉本人應透過東亞銀行任何分行索閱或於東亞銀行網站 下載上述所有條款及細則及遵從法律補充條款, 而東亞銀行亦會於此申請批核後將最新版本的上述所有條款及細則及遵從法律補充條款隨卡賬戶資料一併寄予本人 4. I understand and agree that BEA has the right not to approve the issuance of the CPA Australia Credit Card without providing reason. The finance charge for the CPA Australia Credit Card is calculated on a daily basis at 2.62% per month for both retail purchases and cash advances, according to the Net Present Value (NPV) Method as specified in the Code of Banking Practice, the Annualised Percentage Rates (APR) for retail purchases and cash advances are 36.43% and 39.38% respectively. If the minimum payment due as specified on the statement is not received by BEA on or before the payment due date, BEA reserves the right to vary or increase the above interest rate to a rate specified by BEA from time to time. 本人明白及同意東亞銀行有權不批核發出澳洲會計師公會信用卡, 而無須申述理由 澳洲會計師公會信用卡之購物簽賬及現金透支財務費用均以月息 2.62 厘按日計算, 根據銀行營運守則訂定之淨值法計算, 其實際年利率分別為 36.43 厘及 39.38 厘 如東亞銀行於到期繳款日或之前仍未收到結單上所示的最低付款額, 東亞銀行有權更改或提高上述之息率至東亞銀行不時指定之息率 5. I confirm that no credit card under my name issued by any financial institutions has been cancelled due to default in payment. I also confirm that I do not have any overdue payment exceeding 30 days in respect of any of my indebtedness (including but not limited to credit cards, mortgages, personal loans and other financial arrangements). I further confirm that no bankruptcy order has ever been made against me and I am neither in the process of petitioning for bankruptcy nor have any intention to do so. 本人確認本人名下由任何金融機構發出之信用卡從沒有因為欠賬而被取消 就本人的任何債務而言 ( 包括但不限於信用卡 物業按揭 私人貸款及其他財務安排 ), 本人確認並沒有拖欠還款超過 30 天 本人再確認本人從沒有被頒佈破產令, 亦沒有向法院申請破產或意圖申請破產 6. I declare and confirm that I am not referred by a third party in relation to this application. I understand that BEA will not accept and proceed this application if it is referred by third party. 本人聲明並確認本申請並不是由第三者轉介 如本申請是經第三者轉介, 本人明白東亞銀行將不會接受及處理本申請 與本人所提供的資料作信貸審查而東亞銀行可以使用任何信貸資料機構或公司所提供的資料去驗證本人所提供的資料 9. I confirm that I have read and understood Summary of Major Terms & Conditions of the BEA Credit Cardholder Agreement (Personal Account). 本人證實本人已參閱及明白東亞銀行信用卡持卡人合約 ( 私人賬戶 ) 主要條款及細則摘要 10. I understand that in the event of any default in payment, unless the amount in default is fully repaid before the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, I shall be liable to have my account data retained by the credit reference agency for a period of up to 5 years after repayment in full. 本人明白如有拖欠還款的情況出現, 除非本人能於欠款日起計 60 天內全數清償所有欠款, 否則信貸資料機構將由本人全數清償欠款之日起計的 5 年內保留有關本人賬戶的資料 11. I further understand that in the event this application is approved, I shall have the right to instruct BEA to request the relevant credit reference agency to delete all my account data in relation to the account upon termination thereof by full repayment provided that there is no default in payment for a period in excess of 60 days on the account within 5 years immediately before account termination. 本人更明白如此申請被成功批核後, 倘若本人的賬戶在結束之前的 5 年內從未出現欠款期超過 60 天的欠款紀錄, 本人有權指示東亞銀行向有關的信貸資料機構要求在該賬戶欠賬全數清還而結束時刪除全部有關本人賬戶的資料 12. I agree to the e-statement service arrangement detailed above. 本人同意以上電子結單服務之安排 13. I confirm that I have read and understood the important notes, declarations, key facts statement, Notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the Terms and Conditions for the Promotional Offer (if applicable) related to this card application and agree to be bound by the same. 本人確認本人已經細閱及明白申請表內所載述的所有重要事項 聲明 信用卡資料概要, 關於個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例的通知及有關推廣優惠的條例及細則 ( 如適用 ) 並同意受其約束

OPT-OUT FROM USE OF PERSONAL DATA IN DIRECT MARKETING, EXCLUSIVE OF PRIVATE BANKING SERVICES 選擇拒絕在直接促銷中使用個人資料 ( 不包括私人銀行服務 ) The Bank may use your personal data for direct marketing. Please check ( ) the relevant box(es) if you do not wish the Bank to use your personal data for direct marketing (exclusive of direct marketing of private banking services solely rendered to the Private Banking customers of the Bank) through any of the following channels: email text messages (SMS/MMS) direct mail statement inserts phone calls. By not checking ( ) a particular channel, you consent that the Bank can use your personal data for direct marketing through that channel. If you are a Private Banking customer of the Bank and want to opt out from direct marketing activities of private banking services of the Bank, please contact your Relationship Manager. 本行可能會使用你的個人資料作直接促銷 如你不同意本行透過以下任何途徑使用你的個人資料作直接促銷 ( 不包括只提供予本行私人銀行客戶之私人銀行服務直接促銷 ), 請於有關方格填上 : 電郵流動訊息 ( 短訊 / 多媒體訊息 ) 推廣郵件隨結單郵寄之宣傳單張電話 如有任何途徑未有填上, 即表示你同意本行可透過該途徑使用你的個人資料作直接促銷 如你是本行私人銀行客戶及不希望接受本行私人銀行服務之直接促銷活動, 請與閣下之客戶經理聯絡 Please note that your above choice applies to the direct marketing of the classes of products, services and/or subjects as set out in The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Personal Information Collection (Customers) Statement of the Bank ( Statement ). Please also refer to the Statement on the kinds of personal data which may be used in direct marketing and the classes of persons to which your personal data may be provided for them to use in direct marketing. 請注意你以上的選擇適用於就本行的 個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例-個人資料收集 ( 客戶 ) 聲明 ( 該聲明 ) 中所列出的產品 服務及 / 或標的類別的直接促銷 你亦可參閱該聲明以得知在直接促銷中可使用的個人資料的種類, 以及你的個人資料可提供予什麼類別的人士以供該等人士在直接促銷中使用 To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! 借定唔借? 還得到先好借! Provision of personal data to third party for direct marketing: 提供個人資料予第三者作直接促銷 : The Bank may provide your personal data to any other group members of The Bank of East Asia, Limited for their use in direct marketing of banking, insurance, and financial related services and products in return for money or other property. 本行可能會將你的個人資料提供予東亞銀行有限公司其他集團成員作其包括銀行 保險及財務相關服務和產品的直接促銷之用而獲得金錢或其他財產的回報 You should check ( ) this box if you do not wish the Bank to provide your personal data to any other group members of The Bank of East Asia, Limited for their use as stated above. 如你不同意本行提供你的個人資料予東亞銀行有限公司其他集團成員作上述用途, 請於此方格填上 Important Note: 重要提示 : The above represents your present choice as to whether or not to receive direct marketing contact or information which shall become effective and shall replace any choice regarding direct marketing communicated by you to the Bank prior to this application ONLY AFTER successful opening of this account. Accordingly, if you wish the Bank to update your choice in relation to direct marketing arrangement immediately, please contact our branch staff for separate arrangement. 以上代表你目前就是否接收直接促銷聯繫或資訊的選擇, 該選擇只會於此賬戶成功開立後生效, 並將取代你於此申請前向本行表達之任何有關直接促銷的選擇 如你期盼本行立即更新你就直接促銷安排之選擇, 請聯絡本行分行職員作個別安排 X Signature of Applicant 申請人簽署 COL-BR BR PID SID PSIG SSIG MC 5930 CDD Exercise Completed S.V. In the event that the applicant would like to arrange ATM access to his/her BEA account(s) using the credit card, signature in this application form must be the same as the specimen on record for the related account(s). 如申請人選擇以信用卡透過自動櫃員機操作其他東亞銀行賬戶, 申請人於此表格上簽署式樣必須與該賬戶相同 Date 日期 FOR BANK USE ONLY 銀行專用 TR/ERR PSLIP STID PASSBOOK ADD PROOF STATEMENT CK BY SE BOX BOOTH CC179 (07/2017) Customer Services Hotline 客戶服務熱線 : (852) 3608 6628 Fax Applications 傳真申請熱線 : (852) 3608 6418 Mailing Address 郵寄地址 : Central Operations Department, 30/F,BEA Tower, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍觀塘道 418 號創紀之城五期東亞銀行中心 30 樓中央支援部 If applying by fax, please do not submit a duplicate application form. 如傳真申請, 請勿重複郵寄 Issued by The Bank of East Asia, Limited 東亞銀行有限公司刊發

General Terms and Conditions 1. BEA reserves the right to vary or cancel this promotion and/or amend or alter these Terms and Conditions at any time with appropriate notice. BEA reserves the right to demand immediate payment for the outstanding unpaid amount and all interest and other related fees and/or charges forthwith. In the event of any dispute, the decision of BEA shall be final and conclusive. 2. No person other than the cardholder or BEA will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of the BEA Credit Cardholder Agreement (Personal Account). Issued by The Bank of East Asia, Limited 東亞銀行有限公司

Key Facts Statement/Schedule of Fees & Charges on BEA Credit Card Services Effective date: 29 th January, 2018 Interest Rates and Interest Charges Finance Charge for Retail Purchase [Annualised Percentage Rate ( APR ) 1 ] Finance Charge for Cash Advance (APR) 1 Default Finance Charge for Retail Purchase (APR) 1 Default Finance Charge for Cash Advance (APR) 1 Interest Free Period Minimum Payment Due 2 Fees 36.43% (monthly rate at 2.62%) when you open your account and it will be reviewed from time to time. We will not charge you interest if you pay your balance in full by the due date each month. Otherwise, interest will be charged on (i) the unpaid balance from the date of the previous statement on a daily basis until payment in full and (ii) the amount of each new transaction (entered into since the previous statement date) from the date of that new transaction on a daily basis until payment in full. 39.38% (monthly rate at 2.62%) when you open your account and it will be reviewed from time to time. Interest will be charged on the amount of cash advance from the date of the transaction on a daily basis until payment in full. 41.84% (monthly rate at 2.96%) will be applied to your account if you fail to settle the minimum payment due as specified on the Statement on or before the payment due date for 2 consecutive months. The default finance charge will supersede the finance charge for the next Statement period. 45.17% (monthly rate at 2.96%) will be applied to your account if you fail to settle the minimum payment due as specified on the Statement on or before the payment due date for 2 consecutive months. The default finance charge will supersede the finance charge for the next Statement period. Up to 56 days All interest, fees and charges including annual fees that may be charged, plus 1% of outstanding principal (minimum: HK$/CNY50), plus any outstanding minimum payment due and over credit limit amount. Annual Fee 3 (per card) Principal Card Supplementary Card - Classic Card HK$300 HK$150 - Gold Card HK$600 HK$300 - Titanium Card HK$600 HK$300 - PLATINUM Card HK$1,500 HK$800 - JCB PLATINUM Card HK$800 HK$400 - UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card HK$600 HK$300 - Visa Signature Card HK$1,800 HK$900 - Flyer World Mastercard HK$1,800 HK$900 - World Mastercard HK$3,000 HK$1,500 - Corporate Card HK$980 Not applicable Cash Advance Fee 2,4 5% of the Transaction Amount per transaction (minimum: HK$/CNY100) (applicable to cash advance and fund transfer to other BEA accounts) Foreign Currency Transaction Fee 5 Fee relating to Settling Foreign Currency Transaction in Hong Kong Dollars Fee of Transaction in Hong Kong Dollars Incurred Outside of Hong Kong 6 Late Charge 2 Over Credit Limit Fee 2 Returned Cheque Fee/Autopay Reject Fee 2,7 Replacement Card Fee Chargeback Handling Fee 2,8 Charge for Over-the-counter Payment 5,9 1.95% per transaction amount for non-hong Kong dollar transactions made in or outside of Hong Kong (inclusive of a fee charged by Visa/Mastercard/JCB to the Bank, if applicable). Foreign currency transactions will be converted into Hong Kong dollars at the Visa/Mastercard/JCB exchange rate on the day each transaction is processed, and will include a service charge levied by BEA. The exchange rate is determined on the date that the transaction is processed by Visa/Mastercard/JCB, which may be different from the actual transaction date and therefore subject to market fluctuation. Cardholders may sometimes be offered the option to settle foreign currency transactions in Hong Kong dollars at the point of sale overseas. Such option is a direct arrangement offered by the overseas merchants and not the card issuer. In such cases, Cardholders are reminded to ask the merchants for the foreign currency exchange rates and the percentage of handling fees to be applied before the transactions are entered into since settling foreign currency transactions in Hong Kong dollars may involve a cost higher than the foreign currency transaction handling fee. BEA will charge a markup on the foreign currency transactions in Hong Kong dollars. For the markup detail, please refer to Fee of Transaction in Hong Kong Dollars Incurred Outside of Hong Kong. 1% per transaction amount for Hong Kong dollar transactions made outside of Hong Kong or with any merchant not registered in Hong Kong (e.g. internet transaction). This fee is a reimbursement charge imposed by Visa/Mastercard and will be debited to your account. HK$/CNY350 or the Minimum Payment Due, whichever is lower. HK$/CNY250 per statement cycle HK$/CNY150 each time HK$120 each time HK$/CNY150 HK$40 each transaction per credit card

Bill Settlement Handling Fee (applicable to Banking & Credit Card Services, Credit/Financial Services, and Securities Trading) Courier Service Fees - Local - Overseas - Returned Overseas Courier For Unsuccessful Deliveries Additional Statement Copy Additional Copy of Sales Draft/ Cash Disbursement Draft Issuance of Confirmation Letter Credit Balance Refund Handling Fee 2 5% of the Payment Amount per transaction (minimum: HK$100) - Not applicable - HK$300 - HK$300 HK$50 per copy HK$50 per copy HK$200 per letter HK$/CNY50 each time Remarks: 1. The APR is calculated according to the Net Present Value ( NPV ) Method as specified in the Code of Banking Practice. The APR for cash advances is inclusive of the Cash Advance Fee. 2. Fees and charges for the BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card will be levied to the HKD and RMB accounts separately. Payments for the HKD and RMB account will be denominated in HKD and CNY respectively. 3. A perpetual annual fee waiver will be granted to principal cardholders who maintain a valid designated BEA account (designated accounts include all deposit accounts, mortgage loans, consumer loans, and MPF accounts). The annual fee waiver will also apply to all relevant supplementary cards. 4. If a cash advance is made in Mainland China using the BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card, the transaction and Cash Advance Fee will be settled in CNY and posted to the RMB account of BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card. 5. This fee is not applicable to the BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card. 6. This fee is not applicable to the BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card and BEA JCB PLATINUM Card. 7. If the Late Charge is posted to the BEA Credit Card account, the Returned Cheque Fee/Autopay Reject Fee for the same Statement Cycle will not be levied. 8. A Chargeback Handling Fee will be levied if it is finally proved that the Cardholder is liable for the disputed transaction. 9. The charge will be shown on the next credit card statement. BEA World Mastercard Cardholder is entitled to a waiver of this fee item. The above-mentioned fees and charges and other charges to be imposed in the future (if any) are subject to variations or amendments at BEA s discretion from time to time. Such variations or amendments will be notified by BEA to the Cardholder in any manner BEA deems fit and will become effective pursuant to the relevant terms and conditions of the BEA Credit Cardholder Agreement. Issued by The Bank of East Asia, Limited 東亞銀行有限公司 CC350 (01/2018)

Summary of Major Terms & Conditions of the BEA Credit Cardholder Agreement (Personal Account) (the Agreement ) The Bank of East Asia, Limited ( BEA ) has outlined significant terms and conditions of the Agreement as follows for your particular attention and reference. Please note that the below summarised terms and conditions are for your reference only and you must read the FULL VERSION of the Agreement governing the use of the BEA Credit Card (the Card ). The full version of the Agreement is available at any BEA branch and BEA s website ( Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail. 1. Upon receipt of the Card, you must activate it immediately. The Card is not transferable, and only you may use it. You must safeguard the Card under your personal control and the Personal Identification Number (PIN) and must not disclose the PIN and the Card account number to any other person. If you use other services or facilities in connection with the Card (such as ATM or Cyberbanking), you shall be subject to the terms and conditions for such services or facilities. 2. You must notify BEA immediately of any loss, theft, or disclosure of the PIN to a third party or the loss or theft of the Card as soon as you become aware of such loss, theft or disclosure. 3. Your liability of all losses incurred for any unauthorised transaction(s) before notifying BEA shall not exceed HK$500 or such other amount pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations, or code of practice if there is no fraud nor gross negligence on your part, and you have not provided the Card or the PIN to a third party. Such maximum liability will not cover cash advances, and you shall remain fully liable for any cash advances effected with the use of the PIN. You shall be liable in full without limit for all transactions effected by the use of the Card (whether or not authorised by you) if you fail to fulfil the obligations as set out in this Clause and Clauses 1 and 2 above. 4. The credit limit specified by BEA represents the total amount of credit limit granted to you (including both principal and supplementary cardholder(s), if applicable). You must observe the credit limit assigned to the Card and BEA reserves the right to adjust the credit limit at any time by giving you appropriate notice. You may not use the Card for any transaction that BEA believes or suspects to be directly or indirectly related to gambling or illegal activities. 5. BEA shall not be responsible if the Card is not honoured at any merchant outlets for any reason nor be responsible in any way for any goods or services supplied by the merchants. You must resolve any complaint with the merchant concerned and the existence of any claim or dispute between two of you will not relieve your obligation to settle any sum outstanding to BEA. 6. You must notify BEA of any unauthorised transaction(s) shown on your Card s statement within 60 days from the statement date, failing which, the statement shall be regarded as conclusive. 7. If you use the Card to make auto-payments and the Card has been lost, stolen or terminated, you must immediately inform the merchant(s) concerned to change and/or terminate these auto-payment arrangements. Otherwise, you shall be liable for the full amount of all charges, losses, damages or expenses incurred as a result of your failure to do so. 8. Any foreign currency transaction will be converted into Hong Kong dollars at the card associations (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, JCB, etc.) exchange rate on the date when the transaction is processed by the card associations (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, JCB, etc.), plus a service fee as specified in the Key Facts Statement/Schedule of Fees & Charges on BEA Credit Card Services levied by BEA. However, for BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card, card transaction in Hong Kong dollars will be posted to Hong Kong dollar account while transactions in any currency other than Hong Kong dollar or Renminbi will be converted into Hong Kong dollars based on the exchange rate determined by UnionPay on the date when the transaction is processed and posted to Hong Kong dollar account. Due to the settlement arrangement, some card transactions in Renminbi made by a BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card may be posted to the Hong Kong dollar account if such card transactions are processed by the merchants or financial institutions in Hong Kong dollars, including but not limited to charges incurred through cash advances in Renminbi effected via JETCO ATMs. Apart from the aforesaid circumstances, all the charges denominated in Renminbi that you incur in your card transactions will be posted to the Renminbi account. 9. By using the Card, you must pay all applicable charges and handling fees as specified in the Key Facts Statement/Schedule of Fees & Charges on BEA Credit Card Services for any service associated with it. You must repay the outstanding balance on time to avoid payment of interests and applicable charges. In respect of a BEA UnionPay Dual Currency PLATINUM Credit Card, you must make payments for the Hong Kong dollar account and Renminbi account respectively. BEA will not automatically credit the amount of any excess payment that you make towards settling the Hong Kong dollar account to settle the outstanding balance of the Renminbi account, or vice versa. If you fail to pay any outstanding amount to BEA when due, you shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by BEA in enforcing the terms and conditions and recovering any sum you owe to BEA. 10. Subject to Clause 11 below, if you (as a principal cardholder or supplementary cardholder) owe BEA any money on your Card account, BEA may at any time without prior notice set-off, apply or transfer money from the credit balance in your other accounts maintained with BEA to discharge your liability and to settle such money owing to BEA. 11. While the principal cardholder shall be held liable for all liabilities and amounts owed through the use of the principal card and all supplementary card(s) to BEA, the supplementary cardholder shall only be liable for all liabilities and amounts attributable to the use of his/her card only. 12. Whereas BEA may cancel the Card at any time, you may at any time terminate the use of the Card by returning it and all relevant supplementary card(s) to any BEA branch in person. You (as principal cardholder) or the supplementary cardholder(s) may terminate the use of a supplementary card by returning it to any BEA branch in person. You (as principal cardholder) shall be responsible and liable for the use of the Card and any supplementary card(s) until they are terminated and returned to BEA. 13. BEA reserves the right to alter and amend the terms and conditions as contained in the Agreement subject to a prior notice of not less than 60 days. By continuing to use the Card after the effective date of the changes, you (and the supplementary cardholder, if applicable) shall be deemed to have accepted and agreed to such changes which shall apply to all outstanding balances of the Card account unless the Card is returned to BEA for cancellation prior to the date such changes shall have effect. Issued by The Bank of East Asia, Limited 東亞銀行有限公司

The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Personal Information Collection (Customers) Statement In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ( the Ordinance ), The Bank of East Asia, Limited ( the Bank ) would like to inform you of the following: (1) From time to time, it is necessary for customers to supply the Bank with data in connection with the opening or continuation of accounts and the establishment or continuation of banking facilities or provision of banking and other financial services. (2) Failure to supply such data may result in the Bank being unable to open or continue accounts or establish or continue banking facilities or provide banking and other financial services. (3) It is also the case that data is collected from customers in the ordinary course of the continuation of the banking and other financial relationship, for example, when customers write cheques or deposit money or generally communicate verbally or in writing with the Bank, by means of documentation or telephone recording system as the case may be. (4) The purposes for which data relating to a customer may be used are as follows: (i) processing and considering applications for products and services and the daily operation of products, services and credit facilities provided to customers; (ii) conducting credit checks at the time of application for credit and at the time of regular or special reviews which normally will take place one or more times each year; (iii) creating and maintaining the Bank s credit scoring models; (iv) assisting other financial institutions to conduct credit checks and collect debts; (v) ensuring ongoing credit worthiness of customers; (vi) designing financial services or related products for customers use; (vii) marketing services, products and other subjects (please see further details in paragraph (7) below); (viii) verifying the data or information provided by any other customer or third party; (ix) determining amounts owed to or by customers; (x) enforcing customers obligations, including but not limited to the collection of amounts outstanding from customers and those providing security for customers obligations; (xi) complying with the obligations, requirements or arrangements for disclosing and using data that apply to the Bank or any of its branches or that it is expected to comply according to: (a) any law binding or applying to it within or outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ( Hong Kong ) existing currently and in the future (e.g. the Inland Revenue Ordinance and its provisions including those concerning automatic exchange of financial account information); (b) any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or selfregulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers within or outside Hong Kong existing currently and in the future (e.g. guidelines or guidance given or issued by the Inland Revenue Department including those concerning automatic exchange of financial account information); (c) any present or future contractual or other commitment with local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers that is assumed by or imposed on the Bank or any of its branches by reason of its financial, commercial, business or other interests or activities in or related to the jurisdiction of the relevant local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authority, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations; (xii) complying with any obligations, requirements, policies, procedures, measures or arrangements for sharing data and information within the group of the Bank and/or any other use of data and information in accordance with any group-wide programmes for compliance with sanctions or prevention or detection of money laundering, terrorist financing or other unlawful activities; (xiii) enabling an actual or proposed assignee of the Bank, or participant or sub-participant of the Bank s rights in respect of the customer to evaluate the transaction intended to be the subject of the assignment, participation or sub-participation; and (xiv) purposes relating thereto. (5) Data held by the Bank relating to a customer will be kept confidential but the Bank may provide such information to the following parties for the purposes set out in paragraph (4) above:- (i) any agent, contractor or third party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment or securities clearing or other services to the Bank in connection with the operation of its business; (ii) any other person under a duty of confidentiality to the Bank including a group company of the Bank which has undertaken to keep such information confidential; (iii) the drawee bank providing a copy of a paid cheque (which may contain information about the payee) to the drawer; (iv) credit reference agencies, and, in the event of default, to debt collection agencies; (v) any person to whom the Bank or any of its branches is under an obligation or otherwise required to make disclosure under the requirements of any law binding on or applying to the Bank or any of its branches, or any disclosure under and for the purposes of any guidelines or guidance given or issued by any legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers with which the Bank or any of its branches are expected to comply, or any disclosure pursuant to any contractual or other commitment of the Bank or any of its branches with local or foreign legal, regulatory, governmental, tax, law enforcement or other authorities, or self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial services providers, all of which may be within or outside Hong Kong and may be existing currently and in the future; (vi) any actual or proposed assignee of the Bank or participant or sub-participant or transferee of the Bank s rights in respect of the customer; and (vii) (a) the Bank s group companies; (b) third party financial institutions, insurers, credit card companies, stored value facilities issuers, merchant acquiring banks or companies, securities and investment services providers; (c) third party reward, loyalty, co-branding and privileges programme providers; (d) co-branding partners of the Bank and the Bank s group companies (the names of such co-branding partners can be found in the application form(s) for the relevant services and products, as the case may be); (e) charitable or non-profit making organisations; and (f) external service providers (including but not limited to mailing houses, telecommunication companies, telemarketing and direct sales agents, call centres, data processing companies and information technology companies) that the Bank engages for the purposes set out in paragraph (4)(vii) above. Such information may be transferred to a place outside Hong Kong. (6) With respect to data in connection with mortgages applied by a customer (whether as a borrower, mortgagor or guarantor and whether in the customer s sole name or in joint names with others) on or after 1 April 2011, the following data relating to the customer (including any updated data of any of the following data from time to time) may be provided by the Bank, on its own behalf and/or as agent, to a credit reference agency: (i) full name; (ii) capacity in respect of each mortgage (as borrower, mortgagor or guarantor, and whether in the customer s sole name or in joint names with others); (iii) Hong Kong Identity Card Number or travel document number; (iv) date of birth; (v) correspondence address;

(vi) mortgage account number in respect of each mortgage; (vii) type of the facility in respect of each mortgage; (viii) mortgage account status in respect of each mortgage (e.g., active, closed, write-off (other than due to a bankruptcy order), write-off due to a bankruptcy order); and (ix) if any, mortgage account closed date in respect of each mortgage. The credit reference agency will use the above data supplied by the Bank for the purposes of compiling a count of the number of mortgages from time to time held by the customer with credit providers in Hong Kong, as borrower, mortgagor or guarantor respectively and whether in the customer s sole name or in joint names with others, for sharing in the consumer credit database of the credit reference agency by credit providers (subject to the requirements of the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data approved and issued under the Ordinance). (7) USE OF DATA IN DIRECT MARKETING The Bank intends to use a customer s data in direct marketing and the Bank requires the customer s consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose. In this connection, please note that: (i) the name, contact details, products and services portfolio information, transaction pattern and behaviour, financial background and (ii) demographic data of a customer held by the Bank from time to time may be used by the Bank in direct marketing; the following classes of services, products and subjects may be marketed: (a) financial, insurance, credit card, banking and related services and products; (b) reward, loyalty or privileges programmes and related services and products; (c) services and products offered by the Bank s co-branding partners (the names of such co-branding partners can be found in the application form(s) for the relevant services and products, as the case may be); and (d) donations and contributions for charitable and/or non-profit making purposes; (iii) the above services, products and subjects may be provided or (in the case of donations and contributions) solicited by the Bank and/or: (a) the Bank s group companies; (b) third party financial institutions, insurers, credit card companies, securities and investment services providers; (c) third party reward, loyalty, co-branding or privileges programme providers; (d) co-branding partners of the Bank and the Bank s group companies (the names of such co-branding partners can be found in the application form(s) for the relevant services and products, as the case may be); and (e) charitable or non-profit making organisations; (iv) in addition to marketing the above services, products and subjects itself, the Bank also intends to provide the data described in paragraph (7)(i) above to all or any of the persons described in paragraph (7)(iii) above for use by them in marketing those services, products and subjects, and the Bank requires the customer s written consent (which includes an indication of no objection) for that purpose; (v) The Bank may receive money or other property in return for providing the data to the other persons in paragraph (7)(iv) above and, when requesting the customer s consent or no objection as described in paragraph (7)(iv) above, the Bank will inform the customer if it will receive any money or other property in return for providing the data to the other persons. If a customer does not wish the Bank to use or provide to other persons his data for use in direct marketing as described above, the customer may exercise his opt-out right by notifying the Bank. A customer may provide his consent for the Bank to use or provide to other persons his data for use in direct marketing as described above by notifying the Group Data Protection Officer of the Bank (Please see contact details in paragraph (12) below). (8) Under and in accordance with the terms of the Ordinance and the Code of Practice on Consumer Credit Data, any customer has the right:- (i) to check whether the Bank holds data about him and of access to such data; (ii) to require the Bank to correct any data relating to him which is inaccurate; (iii) to ascertain the Bank s policies and practices in relation to data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Bank; (iv) to be informed on request which items of data are routinely disclosed to credit reference agencies or debt collection agencies, and be provided with further information to enable the making of a data access and correction request to the relevant credit reference agency or debt collection agency; and (v) in relation to any account data (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any account repayment data) which has been provided by the Bank to a credit reference agency, to instruct the Bank, upon termination of the account by full repayment, to make a request to the credit reference agency to delete such account data from its database, as long as the instruction is given within five years of termination and at no time did the account have a default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days within five years immediately before account termination. Account repayment data includes amount last due, amount of payment made during the last reporting period (being a period not exceeding 31 days immediately preceding the last contribution of account data by the Bank to a credit reference agency), remaining available credit or outstanding balance and default data (being amount past due and number of days past due, date of settlement of amount past due, and date of final settlement of amount in default lasting in excess of 60 days (if any)). (9) In the event of any default of payment relating to an account, unless the amount in default is fully repaid or written off (other than due to a bankruptcy order) before the expiry of 60 days from the date such default occurred, the account repayment data (as defined in paragraph (8)(v) above) may be retained by the credit reference agency until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default. (10) In the event any amount in an account is written-off due to a bankruptcy order being made against a customer, the account repayment data (as defined in paragraph (8)(v) above) may be retained by the credit reference agency, regardless of whether the account repayment data reveal any default of payment lasting in excess of 60 days, until the expiry of five years from the date of final settlement of the amount in default or the expiry of five years from the date of discharge from a bankruptcy as notified by the customer with evidence to the credit reference agency, whichever is earlier. (11) In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, the Bank has the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of any data access request. (12) The person to whom requests for access to data or correction of data or for information regarding the Bank s privacy policies and practices and kinds of data held are to be addressed is as follows: The Group Data Protection Officer Tel : 3608 3608 The Bank of East Asia, Limited Fax : 3608 6172 10 Des Voeux Road Central Website: Hong Kong (13) The Bank may have obtained a credit report on the customer from a credit reference agency in considering any application for credit. In the event the customer wishes to access the credit report, the Bank will advise the contact details of the relevant credit reference agency. (14) Customers may, at any time, request the Bank cease using their personal data for direct marketing purposes by writing to the Group Data Protection Officer at the address or fax number provided in paragraph (12). (15) After closure of account/termination of service, the Bank shall continue to hold data relating to the customer(s) for a period of seven years or such other period as prescribed by applicable laws and regulations. (16) Nothing in this statement shall limit the rights of customers under the Ordinance. Issued by The Bank of East Asia, Limited 東亞銀行有限公司 (01/2017)