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大众旅行社有限公司 KKKP 33 Jalan Tugu, Kampung Air, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (121052-W) 1293 POPULAR EXPRESS TRAVEL SDN BHD www.popularexpress.com 088-221 313 Email : outbound@popularexpress.com Fax: (088) 213 036 PopularExpressTravelSdnBhd Tour Code: 16ERL 10 COUNTRIES Italy, Vatican, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, England 4 star hotel based on final confirmation or similar standard Rome (1N) Florence (1N) Venice Mestre (2N) Innsbruck (1N) Lucerne (2N) Mannheim (1N ) Amsterdam (2N) Paris (2N) London (1N) Local delicacies Traditional Magherita Pizza Gelato Ice-Cream Florentine Steak Lasagna Squid Ink Pasta Pannacotta Tiramisu Local meals include 1 drink (choices: coffee or tea) Swiss Fondue German Knuckle & Black Forest Cake Dutch Stroopwafels Belgian Mussels & Waffle French Escargot Chinese Lobster Noodle London Fish & Chips 1 Kota Kinabalu Transit City Rome Meal on board Depart to Rome, the Eternal City. 2 Arrive Rome Italian lunch+pizza tasting/ Italian dinner The State of the Vatican City (include entrance to Vatican Museum & Sistine Chapel): a landlocked sovereign city-state whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome. Visit St Peter s Square, St Peter s Basilica and view the Apostolic Palace. Rome sightseeing tour to see Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Colosseum (photo-stop), Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps (include Gelato ice-cream). Trevi Fountain

3 Rome (267km) Pisa (84km) Florence (25km) Full breakfast/ Italian lunch+lasagna tasting / Italian Florentine Steak dinner Pisa, a city well-known for its Leaning Tower. Visit Piazza dei Miracoli, a square dominated by four great religious edifices; the Duomo, the Leaning Tower, the Baptistery and the Campo Santo (include return shuttle service). The renaissance city of Florence and visit the Piazza Michelangelo to enjoy the panoramic view of Florence City. Sightseeing tour of Florence to see the Cathedral of Santa Maria Dei Fiore, the Giotto Bell Tower, the Doors of Paradise, the Palazzo Vecchio, the Piazza Della Signoria, the Ponte Vecchio and the Santa Croce Basilica. 4 Florence McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Venice, Mestre Full breakfast/ Italian dinner McArthurGlen Designer Outlet, the biggest outlet in Europe with 180 exclusive of your favourite designer brand stores, shopping turns into something much more than just buying, it turns into an emotion. 5 Venice, Mestre Full breakfast/italian lunch+squid Ink Pasta tasting/dinner Board a private water taxi to San Marco Island. Sightseeing tour of Venice to see the St Mark s Square, the St Mark s Basilica, the Moorish Clock Tower, the Bell Tower, the St Mark & St Theodore s Column, the Doge Palace, the Bridge of Sighs and the Rialto Bridge. Visit the marvellous creation of Venetian glassmaking renowned for its exquisite glassware in the glass blowing factory. If time/weather permits, you may ride on the famous gondola (optional) along the Venice canal or enjoy shopping at local boutiques before returning to the main land. 6 Venice Bolzano Innsbruck (Austria) Full Breakfast/Lunch /Dinner + Folklore Show Tour of Innsbruck Home of Swarovski Kristallwelten, Innsbruck is set picturesquely against the towering Karwendel Mountain. We stroll the old town lined with arcaded shops that dates back to Medieval times to behold the quaint Golden roof' which symbolizes the city. View St. Annes Column and the Arch of 'Tears and joy

7 Innsbruck Vaduz,Liechtstein Lucerne (Lake Lucerne Region), Switzerland Full Breakfast /Chinese lunch/hotel dinner Drive one of the most scenic routes into Switzerland passing the 14 kilometre long Arlberg Tunnel before arriving at famous stamp, Vaduz for a brief stop at the tiny capital of the Liechtenstein 8 Lucerne - Mount Titlis - Lucerne (Lake Lucerne Region) Full Breakfast/Chinese lunch+cheese fondue tasting/dinner We will ascend by cable car ride (subject to weather condition) to the top of Mount Titlis (Include Ice Flyer experience/if unable due to weather or operation, you will receive a Mount Titlis special edition CAP as replacement), which is 3020m above sea level. Visit the Glacie Grotto, a miracle blue glacier with 150meters long corridor. Also experience the Titlis Cliff Walk, the highest suspension bridge in Europe! (The Ice Flyer & Titlis Cliff Walk is subject to weather condition.) A brief walking tour of Lucerne Old Town to see the Chapel Bridge, Lucerne Tower and the Old Town Hall. Photo stop at the Lion Monument, which was carved into a cliff to commemorate the Swiss Guards who lost their lives during the French Revolution. 9 10 Lucerne (Lake Lucerne Region) (52km) Schaffhausen (66km) Lake Titi, Germany (305km) Rhineland Full breakfast/german knuckle lunch/dinner Photo stop at Schaffhausen to admire the awe-inspiring roar of the Rhine Falls. Lake Titi: Visit Drubba Cuckoo Clock for a short demo on how to produce the famous cuckoo clock and enjoy shopping for some local souvenirs. Drive through the fairy-tale Black Forest to Rhineland. Rhineland (506km) Full breakfast/dinner Amsterdam, The Netherlands Rhineland: one of Germany s wine region. Enjoy wine tasting experience and you will have an opportunity to taste some of the region best Drive to Amsterdam, the capital city of Netherlands.

11 Amsterdam Full breakfast/dutch lunch/dinner Zaanse Schans: A town famous for its many windmills and see how wooden clogs and Dutch cheese are made in the traditional way. Volendam (Not for Winter): The old fishing village and a land reclamation from a harbour is a popular tourist attraction, well-known for its old fishing boats and the traditional clothing still worn by some residents. It also features a small museum about its history and clothing style (During Tulips season will be replaced by Keukenhof Garden). A Canal tour of Amsterdam to see the Skinning Bridge, Stoppera, Science Museum, harbour, railway station, Tears Tower, Gentleman s Visit the renowned diamond-cutting factory ~ Gassan Diamonds and appreciate the process of turning the rough diamonds into dazzling, exquisitely polished stones. Admire their new breathtaking polishing method Gassan 121 emphasizing the contrast between the light and dark zones of the diamond. After dinner, enjoy your brief walk to see the Dam Square, the National Monument, the Royal Palace and the nearby famously known REDlight District to see the Glass Window alleys. 12 Amsterdam (211km) Brussels, Belgium (308km) Paris, France Full breakfast/belgian lunch+mussels and Waffle/Dinner Brussels: The largest city in Belgium. En-route, stop to view the Futuristic Atomium. Sightseeing tour of Brussels to see the Statue of Mannekin Pis, the Grand Place and a chance to visit the famous Belgian homemade chocolate shop. Paris: the most romantic city in Europe! 13 Paris Full breakfast/thai lunch/french dinner+escargot + 1 class of wine Sightseeing tour of Paris to see the Notre Dame Cathedral, Les Invalides, St Louis Church, Military Academy, Champ de Mars, Trocadero, Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysees, Grand Palace, Petit Palace, Place de la Concorde, Parliament House, Tuilleries Garden, Orsay Museum and Eiffel Tower (admission to level 2). Seine River Cruise (include ticket): A 45 minutes ride will show you most of the Parisian attractions from a different angle. Enjoy your shopping at Galeries Lafayette Departmental Store.

Paris > London 14 Paris (2:30hours) London, England Full breakfast/ Chinese lunch+lobster noodle / English Fish & Chips dinner Eurostar: An experience on the high-speed train to London by crossing the English Channels. Sightseeing tour of London to see the Buckingham Palace, the Trafalgar Square, The Parliament Square, the Westminster Abbey, one of London s most iconic sights ~ The Elizabeth Tower and the Houses of Parliament, the Piccadilly Circus, the London Eye, the St Paul Cathedral, the Tower of London, the Tower Bridge and the City Hall. Enjoy your shopping at Harrods or Oxford Street! 15 16 London Transit City Kota Kinabalu Full breakfast / Meal on board Time to bid farewell to these exciting destinations and bring home wonderful memories of Europe! Arrive Kota Kinabalu

大众旅行社有限公司 KKKP 33 Jalan Tugu, Kampung Air, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (121052-W) 1293 POPULAR EXPRESS TRAVEL SDN BHD 洲 欧浪漫旅 www.popularexpress.com 088-221 313 Email : outbound@popularexpress.com Fax: (088) 213 036 PopularExpressTravelSdnBhd Tour Code: 16ERL 旅游住宿 4 星级以类似为标 10 国家 罗马 (1 晩 ) 罗伦萨 (1 晩 ) 威尼斯 (2 晩 ) 因斯布鲁克 (1 晩 ) 琉森 (2 晚 ) 曼海姆 (1 晚 ) 阿姆斯特丹 (2 晚 ) 巴黎 (2 晚 ) 伦敦 (1 晚 ) 意大利 梵蒂冈 奥地利 列支敦士登 瑞士 德国 荷兰 比利时 法国 英国 道地美食 传统意大利披萨道地美食! 意大利手工雪糕佛罗伦萨牛排千层面墨鱼汁意粉奶酪提拉米苏 瑞士奶酪火锅德国猪脚和黑森林蛋糕荷兰松饼比利时贻贝和华夫饼法国田螺中式龙虾面英国炸鱼薯条 道地餐饮将包含一杯饮料 ( 选择 : 咖啡或茶 ) 1 亚庇中转城市罗马 机上用餐 出发到罗马 ~ 意大利的首都 2 抵达罗马 意大利午餐 + 披萨 / 意大利晚餐 梵蒂冈城 ( 含梵蒂冈博物馆与西斯廷教堂门票 ): 世界天主教的中心 罗马教廷所在地 穿过圣彼得广场往著名的圣彼得大教堂, 罗马教皇宗座宫的官邸 罗马市区游 : 纳沃纳广场和参观闻名的噴泉, 罗马競技場 ( 拍照留念 ), 游览万神殿, 特萊維噴泉, 西班牙阶梯 ~ 在全欧洲最长和最宽的楼梯 ( 包括意大利手工雪糕 )

3 罗马 (267 公里 ) 比萨 (84 公里 ) 佛罗伦萨 早餐 / 意大利午餐 + 千层面 / 佛罗伦萨牛排晚餐 前往比萨, 见识世界闻名的比萨斜塔 参观由四大宗教建筑组成的奇迹广场 包括比萨斜塔 ~ 一个独立的钟楼, 大教堂, 八角形洗礼堂和坎波桑托墓地 ( 包括来回区间车 ) 文艺复兴时期的佛罗伦萨, 参观米开朗基罗广场城市之旅, 享受佛罗伦萨市的全景 佛罗伦萨市区游 : 游览圣母百花大教堂, 乔托钟楼, 天堂之门, 旧宫, 领主广场, 老桥和佛罗伦萨圣十字教堂 4 佛罗伦萨 ( 公里 ) 购物村 (95 公里 ) 威尼斯 早餐 / 意大利晚餐 塞拉瓦莱购物村, 您将再此发掘将近 180 种著名顶尖品牌专卖店 大家请尽情的疯狂购物吧! 5 威尼斯, 博尔扎诺 早餐 / 意大利午餐 + 墨鱼汁意粉 / 晚餐 乘达私人水上的士到圣马可岛 威尼斯市区游 : 参观圣马克广场, 圣马可大教堂, 摩尔人的钟楼, 大钟楼, 圣马圣西奥多的列和里亚托桥, 总督宫和叹息桥 参观久负盛名的威尼斯玻璃制作厂 ~ 其奇妙的创造, 艳丽色彩雕饰和顶尖技能吹制玻璃 籍此机会观看由大师示范制造玻璃器皿的过程 如果时间或天气允许, 你可乘坐威尼斯特有的狭长小船 ( 自费 ), 随意漫游美丽的威尼斯水乡或逛逛当地的服饰商店 最后, 从圣马可岛乘坐水上德士返回威尼斯码头 6 威尼斯波查諾因斯布鲁克 ( 奥地利 ) 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 + 民俗表演 因斯布鲁克 - 斯华诺斯基水晶世界的故乡 ~ 位于如诗如画 ǃ 嵩入云霄的卡文达山脉, 我们将穿越在老城的商业区, 参观著名地标建筑 金屋顶 ǃ 圣安柱及悲喜门

7 因斯布鲁克 华都 ( 列支敦士登 ) 琉森 ( 卢塞恩湖区 ), 瑞士 中式午餐早餐 / 中式午餐 + 奶酪火锅 / 酒店晚餐 / 酒店晚餐 驱车前往风光明媚的瑞士, 途经长达 14 公里, 贯通奥地利与列支敦士登的阿尔伯隧道 在以邮票闻名的小国列支敦士登的首都华都市稍作停留, 眺望其著名的古堡 8 琉森 - 铁力士山 - 琉森 ( 卢塞恩湖区 ) 早餐 / 中式午餐 + 奶酪火锅 / 晚餐 我们将乘搭缆车 ( 视天气而定 ) 观赏令人惊叹的铁力士山全景 ( 包含冰川飞渡椅, 如没运行将以铁力士山特别版帽子取代 ) 登上山的顶部后, 我们将参观冰洞 ; 冰川洞穴中穿行一个 150 米长下面冰川表面的隧道 行走在铁力士山的悬崖峭壁之上, 感受心跳加速的刺激 这架凌空于冰川之上的悬索桥是铁力士山为瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉最新奉献的极致精彩 此吊桥也被称为 世界上最惊悚的吊桥 ( 冰川飞渡椅及吊桥将视天气而定 ) 9 琉森 ( 卢塞恩湖区 ) (52 公里 ) 沙夫豪森 (66 公里 ) 蒂蒂湖, 德国 (305 公里 ) 莱茵 早餐 / 德国猪脚午餐 / 晚餐 进入沙夫豪森借此机会可体验莱茵河那有如雷鸣般及凛然轰鸣的莱茵瀑布 蒂蒂湖 : 游览和欣赏那诱人的蒂蒂湖景色 前往咕咕钟 ( 布谷鸟钟 ) 工厂参观简短的咕咕钟制作过程, 同时享受购买当地的纪念品 驱车越过德国童话般的黑森林区域 10 莱茵 (506 公里 ) 早餐 / 晚餐 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰 莱茵 : 德国红酒之城 您将拥有机会品尝道地最好的红酒 前往阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰的首都

11 阿姆斯特丹 早餐 / 荷兰式午餐 / 晚餐 游览桑斯安斯风车村镇, 此地著名于的许多风车, 木鞋和荷兰奶酪都用最传统的方式研制成的 福伦丹 ( 冬季不包含 ) : 一个位于艾瑟尔湖的荷兰传统老渔村 村里的特点是周围的小渔港和无数的旧式小房子, 让你体验荷兰地道的传统文化 ( 郁金香季节将以库肯霍夫郁金香花园代替福伦丹 ) 登上运河游船, 沿着运河, 您将享受阿姆斯特丹最美丽的景点, 如剥皮桥, 歌剧院, 科学博物馆, 港口, 火车站, 眼泪大厦, 绅士运河, 皇帝运河, 王子运河等 参观著名的迦山钻石厂和欣赏钻石切割的过程 从把毛坯钻石的变成耀眼夺目, 精美的磨光的石头, 欣赏令人惊叹的最新抛光方法 迦山 121~ 正是强调钻石光与暗区之间的对比 游览阿姆斯特丹, 参观水坝广场, 位于阿姆斯特丹的历史中心, 国家纪念碑和皇家宫殿的视图 漫步到附近著名的红灯区 12 阿姆斯特丹 (211 公里 ) 布鲁塞尔, 比利时 (308 公里 ) 巴黎, 法国 早餐 / 比利时午餐 + 贻贝和华夫饼 / 晚餐 游览布鲁塞尔, 比利时最大的城市和欧洲联盟的行政中心 途中, 可在未来原子塔拍照留念, 奇异的世界博览会, 象征着欧洲首都所建立的纪念碑 参观著名的比利时自制巧克力店及欣赏面露撒尿小童, 布鲁塞尔的官方象征 前往巴黎 : 欧洲最浪漫的城市! 13 巴黎 早餐 / 泰式午餐 / 法式晚餐 + 田螺 +1 杯葡萄酒 巴黎市区游 : 游览巴黎圣母院大教堂, 市政厅, 巴黎古监狱, 荣军院, 路易斯教堂, 军事科学院, 战神广场, 特罗卡太罗广场, 旋门, 香榭丽舍大街, 大皇宮, 佩蒂特宫, 协和广场, 议会厅, 杜乐丽华园, 国会大厦, 奥赛博物馆和艾菲尔铁塔的第二层楼 船游塞纳河 ( 含船票 ): 体验 45 分钟的船游让你从另一个角度加深对巴黎主要景点的认解 导游将带大家到当地著名的老佛爷百货商场享受对品牌商品的购物乐趣

巴黎 > 伦敦, 英国 14 巴黎 (2:30 小时 ) 伦敦, 英国 早餐 / 中式餐 + 龙虾面 / 英国炸鱼薯条晚餐 乘搭高速火车 ( 欧洲之星 ) 横跨英吉利海峡到达伦敦 伦敦市区游 : 游览白金汉宫, 伊丽莎白塔 ( 大笨钟 ) 和议会两院的皮卡迪利广场, 伦敦眼, 以纪念金禧女王, 特拉法加广场, 国会广场, 威斯敏斯特教堂, 伦敦最具标志性的景点之一 ~ 圣保罗大教堂, 伦敦塔, 塔桥和市政厅 你也可以在牛津大街上尽情享受购物的乐趣 15 伦敦中转城市亚庇 早餐 / 機上用餐 是时候告别这些令人兴奋的目的地, 把欧洲最美好的回忆带回家! 16 抵达亚庇