Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech English Translation 明白 mìngbai to be clear 位於 wèiyú to be located, to be situated 举 jŭ to cite, to raise 关於 guānyú

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Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech English Translation 报告 bàogào n. report 复印机 fùyìnjī n. copy machine 日报总统新闻照片网络 rìbào n. zŏngtŏng n. xīnwén n. zhàopiàn n. wăngluò n. daily, journal president news photo Internet 地理 dìlĭ n. geography 例子 lìzi n. example, instance 部分 华盛顿 bùfèn n. Huáshèngdùn n. part, section Washington 香港 Xiānggăng n. Hong Kong 广东 Guăngdōng n. Canton 整理 zhĕnglĭ to clean, to organize, to straighten up 休息 xiūxi to take a break, to rest 访问 Făngwèn to pay a visit 缺 quē to lack, to be short of 希望 xīwàng to hope, to wish 懂 dŏng to understand 1

Chinese Words Pinyin Part of Speech English Translation 明白 mìngbai to be clear 位於 wèiyú to be located, to be situated 举 jŭ to cite, to raise 关於 guānyú prep. on, about, concerning 一样 yìyàng adj. the same, similar 复杂 fùzá adj. complicated 地理上 dìlĭ shàng ad geographically 行政上 xìngzhèng shàng ad administratively 那麽 nàme conj. then, so 这麽说 zhème shuō Idiomatic exp. in this way, according to what you say 过一会儿 guòyìhuĭr ad later 东 dōng East 南 nán South 西 xī West 北 bĕi North 东南 dōngnán Southeast 西南 xīnán Southwest 东北 dōngbĕi Northeast 西北 xībĕi Northwest 部 bù suffix (sector) 2

DIALOGUE: Tā Zhèngzài Zhĕnglĭ Fángjiān ne Xuéyou: Xuéyŏu: Xuéyŏu: Rénmĕi: Rénmĕi: Wéi, zhè shì Dīng Rénmĕi de sùshè ma? Hello, is this Renmei Ding s dorm room? Shì a, nĭ zhăo shéi? Yes. Who are you looking for? Wŏ zhăo xiăo Dīng. Tā zài ma? Qĭng tā jiē diànhuà Can I speak to Ding (I m looking for Ding). Is she in? Please ask her to (come to) the phone. Qĭng wèn, nĭ shì shéi? May I ask whom I m speaking to (May I ask who is this?) Wŏ shì Shìhăi. This is Shihai speaking (I m Shihai). Nĭ hăo, Shìhăi. Wŏ shì Xuéyŏu. Xiăo Ding zhèngzài zhĕnglĭ fángjiān ne. Nĭ dĕng yì dĕng. Wŏ qù jiào tā tīng diànhuà. Hi, Shihai. This is Xueyou. Ding is cleaning her room. Just a minute please (please wait a minute). Let me go and ask her to (come to) the phone (let me go and ask her to listen to the phone). Xièxie. Thank you. Wéi, Shìhăi, nĭ hăo. Jīntiān zĕnme yŏu kòng gĕi wŏ dă diànhuà? Nĭ xiànzài zài năr? Hello, Shihai, How are you? How come you have time today to call me? Where are you now? Wŏ zài xuéshēng zhōngxīn. I m in the students center. Zhèngzài nàr xiūxi ma? Are (you) taking a break there? 3

Rénmĕi: Rénmĕi: Rénmĕi: Rénmĕi: Rénmĕi: Méiyŏu. Wŏ zhèngzài xiĕ yìpiān guānyú Zhōngguó de bàogào. Xiăng wèn nĭ jĭgè wèntí hăo ma? No. I m writing a report on China. I want to ask you some questions, OK? Méi wèntí kĕshì wŏ xiànzài zhèngzài zhĕnglĭ fángjiān, yìhuĭr cái yŏu kòng. No problem. But I m cleaning my room now, (and I) won t have time until later. Méi guānxì Yìhuĭr, nĭ lái zhèr, hái shì wŏ qù nĭ nàr? That s alright. Later, will you come here or should I go over to your place? Xuéshēng zhōngxīn tài chăo le. Lái wŏ zhèr ba. The students center is too noisy. Come to my place, OK? Nĭ nàr yŏu zhōngguó dìtú ma? Are there any Chinese maps there at your place? Méiyŏu. Zĕnme, nĭ yào yòng Zhōngguó dìtú No. Why, you want to use the map of China? Shìde. Wŏmen qù túshūguăn, zĕnmeyàng? Yes. Let s go to the library. How is that? Xíng. Dōngyà túshūguăn, duì ma? Fine. (We ll go to) the East Asian Library, right? Duì. Wŏ zài f`ùyìnjī pángbiān de nà zhāng zhuōzi dĕng nĭ. Right. I ll wait for you at the table next to the copy machine. Xíng. Xiànzài shí diăn èrshí fēn. Wŏmen shíyīdiăn zài túshūguăn jiàn. Fine. It s 10:20 now. We ll meet at 11:00 at the library. Zàijiàn. See you. 4

Chinese character version of dialogue: 世海 : 喂, 这是丁人美宿舍吗? 学友 : 是啊, 你找谁? 世海 : 我找小丁 她在吗? 请她接电话 学友 : 请问, 你是谁? 世海 : 我是世海 学友 : 你好, 世海 我是学友 小丁正在整理房间呢 你等一等, 我去叫她听电话 世海 : 谢谢 人美 : 喂, 世海, 你好 今天怎麽有空给我打电话? 你现在在哪儿? 世海 : 我在学生中心 人美 : 正在那儿休息吗? 世海 : 没有 我正在写一篇关於中国的报告 想问你几个问题, 好吗? 人美 : 没问题, 可是我现在正在整理房间, 一会儿才有空 世海 : 没关系 一会儿, 你来这儿, 还是我去你那儿? 人美 : 学生中心太吵了 来我这儿吧 世海 : 你那儿有中国地图吗? 人美 : 没有 怎麽, 你要用中国地图? 5

世海 : 是的 我们去图书馆, 怎麽样? 人美 : 行 东亚图书馆, 对吗? 世海 : 对 我在复印机旁边的那张桌子等你 人美 : 行 现在十点二十分 我们十一点在图书馆见 世海 : 再见 Pinyin version of dialogue: Tā Zhèngzài Zhĕnglĭ Fángjiān ne Wéi, zhè shì Dīng Rénmĕi de sùshè ma? Xuéyou: Shì a, nĭ zhăo shéi? Wŏ zhăo xiăo Dīng. Tā zài ma? Qĭng tā jiē diànhuà Xuéyŏu: Qĭng wèn, nĭ shì shéi? Wŏ shì Shìhăi. Xuéyŏu: Nĭ hăo, Shìhăi. Wŏ shì Xuéyŏu. Xiăo Ding zhèngzài zhĕnglĭ fángjiān ne. Nĭ dĕng yì dĕng. Wŏ qù jiào tā tīng diànhuà. Xièxie. Rénmĕi: Wéi, Shìhăi, nĭ hăo. Jīntiān zĕnme yŏu kòng gĕi wŏ dă diànhuà? Nĭ xiànzài zài năr? Wŏ zài xuéshēng zhōngxīn. Rénmĕi: Zhèngzài nàr xiūxi ma? Méiyŏu. Wŏ zhèngzài xiĕ yìpiān guānyú Zhōngguó de bàogào. Xiăng wèn nĭ jĭgè wèntí hăo ma? 6

Rénmĕi: Méi wèntí kĕshì wŏ xiànzài zhèngzài zhĕnglĭ fángjiān, yìhuĭr cái yŏu kòng. Méi guānxì Yìhuĭr, nĭ lái zhèr, hái shì wŏ qù nĭ nàr? Rénmĕi: Xuéshēng zhōngxīn tài chăo le. Lái wŏ zhèr ba. Nĭ nàr yŏu zhōngguó dìtú ma? Rénmĕi: Méiyŏu. Zĕnme, nĭ yào yòng Zhōngguó dìtú Shìde. Wŏmen qù túshūguăn, zĕnmeyàng? Rénmĕi: Xíng. Dōngyà túshūguăn, duì ma? Duì. Wŏ zài f`ùyìnjī pángbiān de nà zhāng zhuōzi dĕng nĭ Rénmĕi: Xíng. Xiànzài shí diăn èrshí fēn. Wŏmen shíyīdiăn zài túshūguăn jiàn. Zàijiàn. English version of dialogue: Shihai: Hello, is this Renmei Ding s dorm room? Xueyou: Yes. Who are you looking for? Shihai: Can I speak to Ding (I m looking for Ding). Is she in? Please ask her to (come to) the phone. Xueyou: May I ask whom I m speaking to (May I ask who is this?) Shihai: This is Shihai speaking (I m Shihai). Xueyou: Hi, Shihai. This is Xueyou. Ding is cleaning her room. Just a minute please (please wait a minute). Let me go and ask her to (come to) the phone (let me go and ask her to listen to the phone). Shihai: Thank you. Renmei: Hello, Shihai, How are you? How come you have time today to call me? Where are you now? 7

Shihai: I m in the students center. Renmei: Are (you) taking a break there? Shihai: No. I m writing a report on China. I want to ask you some questions, OK? Renmei: No problem. But I m cleaning my room now, (and I) won t have time until later. Shihai: That s alright. Later, will you come here or should I go over to your place? Renmei: The students center is too noisy. Come to my place, OK? Shihai: Are there any Chinese maps there at your place? Renmei: No. Why, you want to use the map of China? Shihai: Yes. Let s go to the library. How is that? Renmei: Fine. (We ll go to) the East Asian Library, right? Shihai: Right. I ll wait for you at the table next to the copy machine. Renmei: Fine. It s 10:20 now. We ll meet at 11:00 at the library. Shihai: See you. Exercise, Speech Patterns: 1.THE SUFFIX 部 VS. 边 / 面 : 你知道纽泽西在美国的东部还是西部? 纽泽西不在美国的东部, 也不在美国的西部, 在美国的东北部 Nĭ zhīdao Niŭzéxī zài Mĕiguó de dōngbù hái shì xībù? Niŭzéxī bú zài Mĕiguó de dōngbù,yĕ bú zài Mĕiguó de xībù, zài Mĕiguó de dōngbĕi bù. Do you know whether New Jersey is in the East or in the West of the States? New Jersey never is in the East nor is it in the West of the States. (It) is in the Northeast of the States. 8

法国在英国的南边吗? 我不知道 我们看地图吧 Făguó zài Yīngguó de nánbiānr ma? Wŏ bù zhīdao. Wŏmen kàn dìtú ba. Is France to the south of England? I don t know. Let s look at the map. 我妈妈不喜欢这辆车的内部 可是我不听她的 车的内部漂亮不漂亮没关系 你说, 对吗? Wŏ māma bù xĭhuan zhè liàng chē de nèibù. Kĕshì wŏ bù tīng tā de. Chē de nèibù piàoliang bú piàoliang méi yŏu guānxì. Nĭ shuō duì ba? My mom doesn t like the interior of this car. I did not listen to her opinion. It doesn t matter whether the interior is pretty or not. Do you agree (Do you say am I right)? 我哥哥很喜欢美国西部的电影 他每个月都要看一场 Wŏ gēge hĕn xĭhuan Mĕiguó xībù de diànyĭng. Tā mĕi gè yuè dōu yào kàn yì chăng. My older brother likes very much American Western movies. Every month he wants to see one. 我家在中国的东南部 你家呢? 我家在台南 台南在台湾的南部 那麽, 这麽说, 台北一定在台湾的北部, 台南的北边, 对吗? Wŏ jiā zài Zhōngguó de dōngnán bù. Nĭ jiā ne? Wŏ jiā zài Táinán. Táinán zài Táiwan de nánbù. Nàme, zhème shuō. Táibĕi yídìng zài Táiwan de bĕibù, Táinán de bĕibiān, duì ma? My family is in the Southeast of China. And yours? My family is in Tainan. Tainan is in the South of Taiwan. So, according to what you said, Taibei must be in the North of Taiwan, (and ) to the North of Tainan, right? 这个房子的外部很漂亮, 内部也不错 房子的前边有一个花园, 东边有一个公共健身房 离商店也不远, 很方便 你为什麽不买呢? Zhè ge fángzi de wàibù hĕn piàoliang, nèibù yĕ búcuò. Fángzi de qiánbiān yŏu yí ge huāyuán,dōngbiān yŏu yí ge gōnggòng jiànshēnfáng. Lì shāngdiàn yĕ bù yuăn, hĕn fāngbiàn. Nĭ wèishénme bù măi ne? The exterior of this house is nice, (and ) the interior is not bad either. There is a garden in front of the house, (and) to the east of the house there is a public gym. Also, (it) is not far from the store. (It) is very convenient. Why didn t you buy the house? 9

2. THE PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE 关於 : 他写的这个关於中国经济问题的报告, 怎麽样? 不错 他举的例子都很有意思 Tā xiĕ de zhè ge guānyú Zhōngguó jīngjì wèntì de bàogào, zĕnmeyàng? Búcuò. Tā jŭ de lìzi dōu hĕn yŏu yìsi. What do you think of the report he wrote about the problems of China s economy? Not bad. The examples he cited are all very interesting. 老师, 明天下午三点你有空吗? 有 什麽事儿? 我想问你几个关於欧洲地理的问题 Lăoshī, mìngtiān xiàwŭ sān diăn nĭ yŏu kòng ma? Yŏu. Shénme shìr? Wŏ xiăng wèn nĭ jĭ ge guānyú ōuzhōu dìlĭ de wèntì. Teacher, do you have time at three tomorrow afternoon? Yes. What is it about (what is the matter)? I want to ask you a few questions about the geography of Europe. 这几天我常常看电视 为什麽呢? 因为电视上有很多关於中国的新闻 Zhè jĭ tiān wŏ chángcháng kàn diànshì. Wèishénme ne? Yīnwèi diànshì shàng yŏu hĕn duō guānyú Zhōngguó de xīnwén. These days I watch TV quite often. Why? Because there is quite a lot of news about China on TV. 关於这件事儿, 我们以後再谈吧 Guānyú zhèjiàn shìr, wŏmen yĭhòu zài tán ba. About this matter, let s talk about it again later. 3.THE QUESTION WORD 几 IN A STATEMENT: 我有几本汉语语法书 你要借吗? Wŏ yŏu jĭ bĕn Hànyŭ yŭfă shū. Nĭ yào jiè ma? I have a couple of Chinese grammar books. Do you want to borrow them? 他说他没有几个钱, 所以每天都去学院的食堂工作 Tā shuō tā méiyŏu jĭ ge qián, suŏyĭ mĕitiān dōu dĕi qù xuéyuàn de shìtáng gōngzuò. He said he didn t have too much money. So he had to go to work in the college dining hall everyday. 我妹妹就认识几个汉字, 可是她说她的中文很好 Wŏ mèimei jiù rènshi jĭ ge Hànzì, kĕshì tā shuō tā de Zhōngwén hĕn hăo. My younger sister only knows a few Chinese words, but she says her Chinese is good. 10

明天你和妈妈去唐人街买什麽? 我不知道妈妈要买什麽 我想买几张中国音乐光碟 Mìngtiān nĭ hé māma qù Tángrén jiē măi shénme? Wŏ bù zhīdao māma yào măi shénme. Wŏ xiăng măi jĭ zhāng Zhōngguó yīnyuè guāngdié. What will you and Mom go to Chinatown tomorrow to buy? I don t know what Mom wants to buy. I want to buy a few Chinese music CD. 4. THE ADVERB 才 : 我十六岁才学英文 所以我的英文不好 请你帮助我, 好吗? Wŏ shìliù suì cái xué yīngwén. Suŏyĭ wŏde yīngwén bù hăo. Qĭng nĭ bāngzhù wŏ hăo ma? I didn t study English until (I was ) sixteen, that s why my English is not good. Would you help me? 我明天下午才有空儿 你自己去纽约, 好吗? Wŏ mìngtiān xiàwŭ cái yŏu kòngr. Nĭ zìjĭ qù Niŭyuē hăo ma? I won t have time until tomorrow afternoon. You go to New York yourself. OK? 一个星期以前我才听说你姐姐去台湾学中文 她好吗? Yí ge xīngqī yĭqiān wŏ cái tīngshuō nĭ jiĕjie qù Tāiwān xué Zhōngwén. Tā hăo ma? I was not told that your sister went to Taiwan to study Chinese until a week ago. How is she doing? 每天你几点起床? 我上午九点起床 九点才起床 太晚了 Mĕitiān nĭ jĭ diăn qĭ chuáng? Wŏ shàngwŭ jiŭ diăn qĭ chuáng. Jiŭ diăn cái qĭ chuáng. Tài wăn le. When do you get up everyday? I got up at nine in the morning. (You don t) get up till nine. (That) is too late. 他这个人真有意思 我告诉他晚会是七点的 可是他现在才来 Tā zhè ge rén zhēn yŏu yìsi. Wŏ gàosu tā wănhuì shì qī diăn de. Kĕshì tā xiànzài cái lái. This guy he is really funny. I told him the party was seven o clock. But he did not show up until now. 11

5. THE PATTERN ( 跟 / 和 )...( 不 ) 一样 : 新总统跟旧总统不一样 新总统年轻, 喜欢上网路, 不喜欢看电视 Xīn zŏngtŏng gēn jiù zŏngtŏng bù yìyàng. Xīn zŏngtŏng niánqīng, xĭhuan shàng wănglù, bù xĭhuan kàn diànshì. The new president is different from the old one. The new president is young. (He) likes to go on the internet, (and he) does not like to watch TV. 美国南部人说的英语为什麽跟美国北部人说的英语不太一样呢? 这个问题很复杂 我们明天上课的时候谈, 好吗? Mĕiguó nánbù rén shuō de Yīngyŭ wèishénme gēn Mĕiguó bĕibù rén shuō de bù tài yìyàng ne? Zhè ge wèntì hĕn fùzá.wŏmen mìngtiān shàngkè de shìhòu tán, hăo ma? Why is the English spoken by the people from the South of the United States not quite the same as that spoken by the people from the North of the United States? This question is quite complicated. We will talk about (it) during the class, OK? 你说这两条裙子一样吗? 我觉得不一样 蓝的这条大, 绿的这条小 可是两条裙子一样长啊! Nĭ shuō zhè liăng tiáo qúnzi yīyàng ma? Wŏ juéde bù yìyàng. Lán de zhè tiáo dà, lǜ de zhètiáo xiăo. Kĕshì liăng tiáo qúnzi yìyàng cháng a. Do you think these two skirts are the same? I don t think (they) are the same. The blue one is big, (and) the green on is small. But the two skirts are the same length! 49 年以前的中国和 49 年以後的中国一样吗? 不完全一样 你怎麽知道? 我们学的课文说以前的中国跟现在的中国不一样大 地理上两个中国不一样, 那麽, 行政上两个中国一样吗? 这个问题不好回答 Yījiŭsìjiŭ nián yĭqián de Zhōngguó hé yījiŭsìjiŭ nián yĭhòu de Zhōngguó yìyàng ma? Bù wánquán yìyàng. Nĭzĕnme zhīdao? Wŏmen xué de kèwén shuō yĭqián de Zhōnguó gēn xiànzài de Zhōngguó bú yìyàng dà. Dìlĭ shàng liăng ge Zhōngguó bù yìyàng, nàme, xìngzhèng shàng liăng ge Zhōngguó yìyàng ma? Zhè ge wèntì bù hăo huìdá. Is China before 49 the same as the one after 49? (It) is not totally the same. How do you know? The text we learn says that China before and China now are not the same size. Geographically, the two Chinas are not the same. Then, administratively, are the two Chinas the same? This question is not easy to answer. 12

6. THE PROGRESSIVE ASPECT OF AN ACTION: 请问, 小王在吗? 他正在写报告呢 你有事吗? 我想问他几个问题 可是, 他现在正忙, 我一会儿找他 Qĭngwèn, Xiăo Wáng zài ma? Tā zhèngzài xiĕ bàogào ne. Nĭ yŏu shì ma? Wŏ xiăng wèn tā jĭ ge wèntì Kĕshì tā xiànzài zhèng máng, wŏ yìhuĭr zhăo tā. Excuse me, is Wang in? He is writing a report. What s the matter? I want to ask him a few questions. But, he is busy now. I ll come back (look for him) later. 你知道那个在听录音的孩子是谁家的孩子? 我想是老张家的吧 Nĭ zhīdao nà ge zài tīng lùyīn de háizi shì shéi jiā de háizi? Wŏ xiăng shì lăo Zhāng jiā de ba. Do you know whose kid he is, the one who is listening to the tape? I think (he) is the Zhangs. 人美, 你忙什麽呢? 我在整理桌子 你在整理哪张桌子? 门对面的那张 Rénmĕi, nĭ máng shénme ne? Wŏ zài zhĕnglĭ zhuōzi. Nĭ zài zhĕnglĭ nă zhāng zhuōzi? Mén duìmiàn de nà zhāng. Renmei, What are you busy about? I m cleaning the table. Which table are you cleaning? The one across from the door. 世海, 我用一下你的英汉词典, 好吗? 对不起, 我正用呢 Shìhăi, wŏ yòng yìxià nĭ de Hàn-Yīng cìdiăn, hăo ma? Duìbùqĭ, wŏ zhèng yòng ne. Shihai, may I use your Chinese-English dictionary? I m sorry, I m using (it). 昨天我来的时候, 他们正在作作业 我走的时候, 他们还在作作业 Zuótiān wŏ lái de shìhòu, tāmen zhèngzài zuò zuòyè. Wŏ zŏu de shìhòu, tāmen hái zài zuò zuòyè. When I came yesterday, they were doing their homework. When I left, they were still doing their homework. 大哥, 你在听什麽? 我在听新闻 这两天你总是在听新闻 为什麽呢? 这两天, 美国总统来这儿访问 有意思的新闻不少, 所以, 我总是在听新闻 Dàgē, nĭ zài tīng shénme? Wŏ zài tīng xīnwén. Zhè liăng tiān nĭ zŏngshì zài tīng xīnwén. Wèishénme ne? Zhè liăng tiān,mĕiguó zŏngtŏng lái zhèr făngwèn. Yŏu yìsi de xīnwén bù shăo, suŏyĭ wŏ zŏngshì zài tīng xīnwén. Big brother, what are you listening to? I m listening to the news. These two days, you have been listening to the news all the time. Why? These two days, the president of the United States came here for a visit. There is quite a lot of interesting news. So, I m always listening to the news. 13

妈妈, 你在休息吗? 没有, 我在看你姐姐在广东照的那些照片呢 现在的广东跟三年前我们去的那个广东很不一样 真有意思 你也来看看, 好吗? 对不起, 妈妈, 我没空儿 我正在背今天老师教的生词呢 Māma, nĭ zài xiūxi ma? Méiyŏu, wŏ zài kàn nĭ jiĕjie zài Guăngdōng zhào de nàxiē zhàopiàn ne. Xiànzài de Guăngdōng gēn sān nián qián wŏmen qù de nà ge Guăngdōng hĕn bú yìyàng. Zhēn yŏu yìsi. Nĭ yĕ lái kànkan, hăo ma? Duìbùqĭ, māma,wŏ méi kòngr. Wŏ zhèngzài bèi jīntiān lăoshī jiāo de shēng cì ne. Mom, are you resting? No. I m looking at the photos your sister took in Canton. Nowadays Canton is quite different from the one we visited three years ago. (It) is really interesting. Come and take a look, OK? Sorry,mom, I don t have time. I m memorizing the new words the teacher taught today. 14