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2015 & 8 th Annual China Medical Device Industry Summit & Exhibition Capitalising on emerging opportunities in China s medical device and healthcare sector 11 th & 12 th June, 2015 Shanghai China Hear Latest Regulatory Changes from Previous & Priority Inviting Keynote Speakers National Health & Family Planning Commission China Food & Drug Administration National Development & Reform Commission Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security State Intellectual Property Office Supported by Shanghai Medical Device Industry Association Shanghai Pudong Medical Equipment Trade Association James Deng Global Vice President & GM Greater China BD Desmond Thio President & Senior Vice President Healthcare Greater China Philips Healthcare Dr. Michael Etter Senior Vice President Medical Affairs Chief Medical Officer, Asia Pacific Fresenius Medical Care Alok Mishra Vice President Asia Pacific Strategic Business Systems Johnson & Johnson Medical Jack Tan Vice President, KA GM Siemens Healthcare Joshua Li Vice President, Endovascular R&D MicroPort And many more China s Most Premier Medical Device Industry Event in 2015 Network with over 150 medical device CEOs, hospital presidents and health authorities at the most successful device industry event in China Obtain first hand information on the latest healthcare reform, device administrative changes, pricing, registration, reimbursement and other key policies in the pipeline Hear exclusive case studies on device innovation, medical affairs, patient access, commercial operations, SFE and winning strategies for medical equipments and devices in a variety of therapeutic areas Find the best solutions to your key challenges to prosper in the next 10 years Conference Roundtable Summit Visit us at

2015 & 8 th Annual Medical Device Industry Summit BACKGROUND Capitalising on New Opportunities in China s Medical Device Industry The world s most populous country, China has been registering doubledigit growth in healthcare for several years. Demand for quality healthcare from a growing middle class and aging population will continue to create tremendous business opportunities for medical device manufacturers of everything from consumables to imaging systems. Behind this picture of dynamic growth opportunities, hurdles remain for China s medical device businesses. Stricter administration, difficult access to insurance, changing demographics and emerging issues brought by the on-going healthcare system reform will all alter the playing field in the next few years This is your best opportunity of the year to meet key officials, industry leaders and KOLs to obtain first hand information on all the recent regulatory changes, new industry trends and successful business strategies for continuous growth and profitability in the industry. Do Not Miss It!! Why Participate in 2015 & 8 th Annual China Medical Device Industry Summit & Exhibition (CMSe 2015)? Unique Meeting Place: CMSe is the only and biggest get-together for high profile medical device companies and policy makers in China and the Asia Pacific region Increasing Your Profits: In response to market volatility and regulatory changes, CMSe helps you find out and use cutting-edge strategies to drive competitive advance in your role for your business Connecting Industry Peers: CMSe connects you with the top domestic and international device CEOs and policy makers among our speakers and delegates to create or revitalise your network of personal contacts Maximising Marketing Exposure: CMse 2015 is the most powerful and effective marketing platform targeting key decision makers from the medical device industry across the region. Who You Will Meet CEOs, Managing Directors, VPs, General Managers, Senior Directors & Heads of From the Following Industry Segments China Strategies & Operations Government/Regulatory Affairs Therapeutic BU Sales, Marketing & Commercial Pricing, Bidding & Market Access Product Line Management Medical Affairs R&D/ Innovation Clinical Operations Channel & Distribution Safety & Production Solutions & Technical Medical Device Manufacturing Medical Device Materials Medical Supply Manufacturing Medical Equipments Medical Device/Supply Distribution Medical Solution Providers Hospital Management Healthcare Institutions Research Institutes Health Associations Insurance Government Authorities Participant Industry Breakdown Participant Geographical Breakdown Others 5% Other Regions 5% Medical Device Distribution 5% Hospitals and Medical Institutions 10% Hospital & Medical Solutions 20% Medical Equipment & Device 40% US & Europe 15% Asia Pacific 20% Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau & Taiwan) 60% Medical Consumables 20%

2015 & 8 th Annual Medical Device Industry Summit AGENDA DAY ONE Thursday 11 th June, 2015 DAY TWO Friday 12 th June, 2015 08.30 Registration & Morning Tea 08.50 Opening Address from the Chairman OPENING REMARK 09.15 Industry Insight: Changing Healthcare Dynamics and Challenges/Opportunities for Commercializing Medical Devices in Asia REGULATORY UPDATE 10.00 New Changes of Hospital Demands, Public Sector Buying & Hospital Tendering of Medical Devices/Consumables in 2015/2016 National Health & Family Planning Commission KEYNOTE ADDRESS 10.30 How to Drive Growth and Enable Innovation in an Environment of Intensifying Supervision and Profit Expectation 11.00 Morning Refreshment & Network Break REGULATORY UPDATE 11.15 China s Medical Device Registration, Administration & Key Enforcement Measures in 2015 / 16 China Food & Drug Administration 11.45 Effective Hospital Access Strategies and SFE Application CEO PANEL 12.15 Key Trends in Healthcare Delivery in China and Impact on Future Medical Device Technology 12.45 Networking Lunch 13.45 Driving Product Development and Innovation: Navigating Stricter Regulations and Overcoming Challenges of Developing and Successfully Bringing to Market 14.00 How to Engage KOLs and Healthcare Professionals in Product Development and Commercialization 14.30 Showcasing Some of the Most Promising Innovations in Medical Device in the Region 15.00 Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Break 15.15 How to Overcome Barriers to Managing Medical Affairs and Clinical Trial Compliance in China 15.45 Latest Device Safety Regulatory Changes and New Reporting/Surveillance Requirements in the Pipeline 16.15 FOCUS TRACKS DIAGNOSTICS DEVICE CARDIOVASCULAR DEVICE ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY DEVICE 17.30 Closing Remarks from the Chair and Close of Day One 08.30 Registration & Morning Tea 08.50 Opening Address from the Chairman REGULATORY UPDATE 09.00 China s Healthcare System Reform and New Policy Incentives for Promoting Health Service Industry National Health and Family Planning Commission 09.30 Key Focus of Device Pricing and Reimbursement Development in 2015 National Development & Reform Commission Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security KEYNOTE ADDRESS 10.00 Managing Your Sales, Distribution and Channel Strategies in the Local Market 10.30 Morning Refreshment & Network Break INDUSTRY BEST PRACTICE 10.45 Bringing Innovative Medical Device to Market: What Works in China 11.15 Building Brands and Reputations in the Device Market 11.45 Physicians' Social Networks as a Strategic New Engagement Channel: Opportunities in China 12.15 Networking Lunch PANEL DISCUSSION 13.15 Opportunities and Strategies for Investment and Collaboration in Medical Device 13.45 Prospect and Practice of Big Data in Healthcare 14.15 Emerging Trends in Medical Device Manufacturing and How to Enhance Capacity to Service the Market 14.45 Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Break REGULATORY FOCUS SESSION 15.00 Clarification and Implementation of UDI in China 15.30 Device Technology Evaluation Focus in 2015-16 16.00 Regulatory Update on Online Sales of Healthcare Products in China 16.30 FOCUS TRACKS IMPLANTABLE & INTERVENTIONAL DEVICE IMAGING DEVICE MEDICAL CONSUMABLES 17.30 Closing Remarks from the Chair and End of Summit

2015 & 8 th Annual China Medical Device Industry Summit & Exhibition SPONSORS Your Organization as Partner of Choice Custom-tailored Marketing Solutions Trade shows are out. Mass marketing is out. Traditional advertising is out. There's a huge shift toward targeted, segmented marketing and THAT is exactly what CMSe provides. If you want access to the top professionals in China s medical device & healthcare industry, invest in CMSe 2015, we can create custom packages for budgets of any size. We promise to deliver results you can measure. As a business to business professional, you recognize how challenging it is to navigate through to the actual decision-makers. Our delicately-designed events attract attendance by top level professionals across industries and functions. CMSe prides itself on delivering content of the highest quality, focusing on business strategy, market share and brand performance. We guarantee: Custom designed packages to match your budget and marketing objectives Face-to-face interaction and networking with top decision makers in a low pressure environment Opportunities to demonstrate your expertise through noncommercial presentations Extensive brand exposure through promotion of your company within an extensive integrated marketing campaign Positioning above your competition Strategically designed exhibit areas for optimum traffic 4 Key Reasons to Sponsor Strategic exposure and branding driven events with access to hundreds of qualified decision makers Effective platform to position products to key decision makers from a target audience in a short period of time Opportunity for face-to-face contact with key buyers at a competitive cost per contact and timely manner Ability to access numerous contacts in an environment conducive to conduct business CMSe 2015 offers solution providers a variety of ways to meet their sales, marketing and business development objectives and to achieve their corporate targets. By concentrating an exhibition, conference and product demonstrations in one place, buyers from the entire region will use this opportunity to improve their awareness of the latest products, services, techniques and trends in their specific sector. CMSe 2015 will assist all attendees in meeting the current and future challenges in the medical device industry. Access to post-conference feedback Our attendees seek your products and services. Together we can provide them with a one-stop-shop for all their marketing and business needs. Book & Secure Your Best Exhibition Area C O N F E R E N C E Coffee, Tea & Refreshment Area Exhibition Area Registration Platinum Booth Gold Booth Silver Booth Exhibitor Booth Elevator Reserved Reserve Your Seats Today Tel: +86 21 5186 0870 Fax: +86 21 6132 7559

2015 第八届中国医疗器械行业峰会 探讨全新的医疗政策与环境下医疗器械行业进一步发展的机遇 挑战与制胜策略 2015 年 6 月 11-12 日 中国上海 最新政策法规动态来自 往届及重点邀请主旨演讲嘉宾 卫生和计划生育委员会国家食品药品监督管理总局国家发展和改革委员会人力资源和社会保障部国家知识产权局历届支持机构上海医疗器械行业协会上海浦东医疗器械贸易行业协会 James Deng 全球副总裁兼中国区总经理碧迪医疗 Desmond Thio 高级副总裁兼中国区总裁飞利浦医疗 Michael Etter 博士亚太区高级副总裁兼首席医学官费森尤斯医疗 Alok Mishra 亚太区副总裁强生医疗器械 Jack Tan 副总裁西门子 Joshua Li 血管内治疗研发副总裁微创医疗 以及更多业界精英 2015 年最为重要的医疗器械行业盛会 中国层次最高 最重要的医疗器械行业年度盛会之一 与超过 150 位政企精英直接交流, 探讨当前最令人关注的行业热点问题 获取最新一轮医疗体制改革 医械监管 注册 定价 招标 医保 专利保护及即将出台医械新规的第一手信息 倾听来自全球和中国领先医疗器械企业高管的战略视角 成功策略和极具价值的中国市场案例分析 寻求相互合作的商机, 获得对您企业发展至关重要的全方位信息, 帮助您更好的应对挑战, 把握机遇, 推动企业在中国市场的持续盈利和绩效提升 Conference Roundtable Summit Visit us at

2015 第八届中国医疗器械行业峰会暨展览 会议背景 把握最新医疗改革与医械监管动态探讨推动商业增长和技术创新的制胜战略 中国新一轮医疗体制改革拆资 8500 亿人民币用于改革医疗保障制度, 以实现 90% 以上人口拥有基本医疗保险, 几乎相当于 2005 年中国医疗支出 ( 包括政府和个人 ) 总额 在新医改推动下, 未来中国医疗市场及医械行业将进一步发展, 并会加快其增长速度, 为中国乃至全球的医疗服务和医械厂商带来更加巨大的商业契机 因此, 能够更加深入及了解相关政策 洞悉市场潜力 行业增长趋势及新型的合作模式, 成为整个行业发展的主导 本次会议将是您 2015 年最好的机会, 与超过 150 位全球医械企业 CEO 监管部门高官以及医械行业关键意见领袖进行一对一的直接交流, 以获得第一手成功经验与战略决策, 帮助您最有效的管理中国医疗器械市场当前和未来的各种挑战与机遇, 使您立于不败之地 绝对不容错过! 为什么应该赞助和参与 2015 第八届中国医疗器械行业峰会 (CMSe2015)? 因为 CMSe 峰会是大中华地区最为成功的医械行业年度性峰会, 为参会代表提供最新最前沿的政策导向和市场分析, 以及企业在中国市场应对各种战略营运挑战的最佳实践 因为超过 150 位医械企业高管 监管部门高官以及行业关键意见领袖将汇聚在 CMSe 峰会, 针对新医改下的行业热点问题交换意见, 深入探讨并拓展共同合作的商机 因为 CMSe 峰会是针对来自政府 医疗器械和医疗服务行业决策者的最强有力和有效的营销宣传平台, 帮助企业寻找提升绩效的最新信息 技术和解决方案 谁将参加 负责以下职能领域的首席执行官 董事总经理 副总裁总监 总经理及部门主管 来自以下行业 中国战略 / 营运 政府 / 法规事务 治疗领域 / 业务部门 市场 销售和商业营运 注册 医保及市场准入 产品线管理 医学事务 创新和研发 临床营运 渠道和分销 安全和生产 技术解决方案 医疗器械制造商 医疗器械原料商 医疗用品制造商 医疗器械 / 用品经销商 医疗产业解决方案提供商 医疗产业行业协会 医院及医疗服务机构 医院管理机构 行业研究和咨询 医疗投资机构 医疗保险机构 政府主管部门 参会企业行业细分 参会企业区域细分 医疗投资机构 5% 行业研究 决策 5% 其它地区 5% 亚太地区 20% 医疗解决方案 20% 医疗器械 40% 欧美地区 15% 医疗用品 20% 大中华地区 ( 中国大陆及港澳台地区 )60% 商业研讨 圆桌论坛 行业峰会

2015 第八届中国医疗器械行业峰会暨展览 初步日程 第一天 2015 年 6 月 11 日星期四第二天 2015 年 6 月 12 日星期五 08.30 签到及早茶 08.30 签到及早茶 08.50 大会主席致开幕词, 会议开始 08.50 大会主席致开幕词, 会议开始 开幕演讲 09.00 中国医疗器械行业 : 未来十年的重要趋势 全新挑战及下一个高盈利增长领域 法规更新 09.30 2015/16 年医院医疗器械与医用耗材需求 配置及招标采购动态国家卫生和计划生育委员会 主旨演讲 10.00 如何在日益严峻的营运环境及不断提升的盈利预期下推动增长及创新 10.30 上午茶及自由交流 法规更新 10.45 医疗器械注册 监管最新要求及 2015 年管理重点国家食品药品监督管理总局 11.15 有效的医院准入和销售团队效力策略 CEO 座谈 11.45 中国医疗服务的主要趋势以及对医疗器械技术未来发展的影响 12.15 午宴 13.30 推动产品研发与创新 : 了解法规变化, 更好的应对医械产品开发与上市的挑战 14.00 如何让关键意见领袖与医务工作者有效参与并推动产品的研发和商业化 14.30 最有前景的医械技术与创新展示 15.00 下午茶及自由交流 15.15 在中国市场应对医学事务和临床试验的挑战 15.45 医械安全法规变化以及不良事件报告 / 监督的最新要求 法规更新 09.00 中国医疗体制改革发展与推动健康服务业相关政策国家卫生和计划生育委员会 09.30 2015 医疗器械定价和医保管理动态国家发展改革委员会人力资源和社会保障部 主旨演讲 10.00 在本土市场管理您的销售和渠道战略 10.30 上午茶及自由交流 10.45 怎样利用医师社交媒体作为战略性的互动渠道 11.15 在医械市场建立品牌和声誉 11.45 创新医械产品的中国市场准入策略 12.15 午宴 嘉宾讨论 13.30 深入探讨医疗器械行业投资与合作的机遇和策略 14.00 大数据在健康领域的应用 14.30 医疗器械制造的未来趋势以及如何有效提升产能以满足市场的需求 15.00 下午茶及自由交流 法规更新 15.30 医疗器械技术审评工作重点 15.50 中国 UDI/GMDN 实施及上市后监管 16.10 中国健康产品线上销售的监管法规更新 16.30 重点研讨 植入介入式器械 16.15 重点研讨 个性化诊断 心血管器械 骨科器械 医疗影响器械 医用耗材 17.30 大会主席总结, 会议结束 17.30 大会主席总结, 第一天会议结束

2015 第八届中国医疗器械行业峰会暨展览 赞助机遇 度身订制的市场推广方案 赞助与展览投资回报最大化 贸易展 大众营销和广告的成效日益降低, 取而代之的是具有针对性的目标市场营销, 而这就是 CMSe2015 峰会可以带给您的独特价值 如果您希望接触到大中华地区乃至亚太区与全球领先医疗器械和医疗服务技术企业的高层管理人员, 请立即参与 CMSe 峰会, 您将获得在预算范围之内的最大商业收获 通过会议全程的战略性市场推广与品牌构建活动接触上千名目标市场高层管理人员 短时间内在目标群体的重要决策者中迅速建立产品定位 作为一名经验丰富的商业人士, 您一定深刻感受到寻找并接触目标市场中的真正决策者所带来的巨大挑战 而 CMSe 峰会正吸引着您目标市场的高层管理人员 CMSe 峰会为您提供 : 度身订制的赞助和参展方案, 满足您的预算与营销目标 安排您与希望遇到的目标市场决策者及政府高官在轻松的氛围下一对一直接交流 通过非商业性的演讲展示您的产品与服务 会议全程的整合营销活动有效提升您的品牌与企业形象 在目标市场中的定位领先于您的竞争者 与重点 ( 潜在 ) 客户进行一对一直接沟通的独特机会 与大量同行精英进行广泛交流并探讨相互合作的宝贵商机 CMSe2015 峰会为医疗器械 医用耗材及医疗解决方案供应商提供与您营销和商业拓展目标市场进行直接沟通的各种有效方式和渠道, 帮助您实现业绩提升 通过将展览 高层峰会以及产品展示完美融合的方式, 来自大中华区和亚太地区的高层目标客户将借助这个机会提升对行业最新产品 服务 技术和趋势的了解 CMse2015 峰会将帮助所有参会者了解市场 拓展客户并掌握应对行业挑战的有效策略 独特设计的展示区域吸引最多参观者 获取会后的客户反馈第一手信息 我们的高层参会人员正在寻找您的产品和服务 您的参与将能 让我们最大化的满足他们所有的市场和商业需求 预留您的展示区域 会 议 咖啡 茶点及自由交流 展示区 签到处 铂金展位黄金展位白银展位参展商展位 电梯 已定展位 席位有限, 预留从速电话 : +86 21 5186 0870 传真 : +86 21 6192 7559