Copyright 2007 by Jane C. M. Kuo All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electr

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By Jane C. M. Kuo Startup Business Chinese Workbook Cheng & Tsui Company, 2007 8.5 x 11, 240 pp. Paperback ISBN: 0887274749 Price: TBA THIS IS A SAMPLE COPY, NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR SOLD This sample includes: Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Chapters 2 and 7 Please see Table of Contents for a listing of this book s complete content. PUBLICATION DATE: September 2006 To purchase a copy of this book, please visit To request an exam copy of this book, please write Cheng & Tsui Company Tel: 617-988-2401 Fax: 617-426-3669

Copyright 2007 by Jane C. M. Kuo All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, scanning, or any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. 11 10 09 08 07 1 2 3 4 5 Published by Cheng & Tsui Company, Inc. 25 West Street Boston, MA 02111-1213 USA Fax (617) 426-3669 Bringing Asia to the World TM ISBN-13: 978-0-88727-661-3 ISBN-10: 0-88727-661-X Printed in Canada

Contents Unit 1.1 Exchanging Names 1 Unit 1.2 Exchanging Greetings 5 Unit 2.1 Meeting the Company Manager 11 Unit 2.2 Getting to Know the Company Staff 17 Unit 3.1 Marital Status and Family 23 Unit 3.2 Family Members and Relatives 31 Unit 4.1 Company Type 35 Unit 4.2 Company Size 41 Unit 5.1 Inquiring about Someone s Whereabouts 47 Unit 5.2 Inquiring after Someone s Profession 53 Unit 6.1 Setting up an Appointment 59 Unit 6.2 Rescheduling an Appointment 67 Unit 7.1 Visiting a Company for the First Time 75 Unit 7.2 Introducing Products and Plants 81 Unit 8.1 Dining Invitations 87 Unit 8.2 Dining Etiquette 93 Unit 9.1 Nightlife 99 Unit 9.2 Cultural Events 105 Unit 10.1 Asking Directions from Taxi Drivers 111 Unit 10.2 Asking Directions from Pedestrians 117 Unit 11.1 Places for Purchasing Gifts 123 Unit 11.2 Gifts for Others 129 Unit 12.1 Showing Gratitude 137 Unit 12.2 Good-byes and Future Plans 143 Listening Comprehension 149 Startup Business Chinese iii

Unit 2.1 Exercises 1. Listen to the CD and read the following conversations out loud. Then give the English equivalents. 1. A: Nín shì...? B: Wǒ shì gōngsī de jīnglǐ. Wǒ jiào Lǐ Qiáng. Nín guì xìng? A: Wǒ xìng Jiāng. Wǒ jiào Jiāng Wénxìn. 2. A: Tā shì wǒmen gōngsī de Xiè Lǜshī ma? B: Tā bú shì, nèi wèi shì. 3. A: Xǔ Lǜshī shì bú shì Běijīngrén? B: Bú shì, tā shì Nánjīngrén. 4. A: Shǐ Xiānsheng, nín hǎo! Huānyíng nín lái Zhōngguó. Welcome to China. B: Xièxie, hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nín, Liú Jīnglǐ. A: Nín de Zhōngwén hěn hǎo. B: Xièxie. Nín de Yīngwén yě hěn hǎo. A: Nǎli, nǎli. Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.1 11

2. Complete the following conversations using either Chinese characters or pinyin. 1. A: 马先生是? Mǎ Xiānsheng shì? B: 是, 我是北京人 呢? Shì, wǒ shì Běijīngrén. ne? A: 我也 人 Wǒ yě rén. 2. A: 这位是白先生 Zhè wèi shì Bái Xiānsheng. B: 白先生,! 很高兴 Bái Xiānsheng,! Hěn gāoxìng. A: 您好, 我也 Nín hǎo, wǒ yě. 3. A: 那位? Nà wèi? B: 是, 那是我太太 Shì, nà shì wǒ tàitai. A: 她? Tā? B: 她叫李文美 Tā jiào Lǐ Wénměi. 4. A: 这 是我们美国公司的经理, Zhè shì wǒmen Měiguó gōngsī de jīnglǐ,. B: 白先生, 欢迎您 中国 Bái Xiānsheng, huānyíng nín Zhōngguó. 5. A: 您是中国人吗? Nín shì Zhōngguórén ma? B: 是,, 您呢? Shì,, nín ne? A: 我是 Wǒ shì. 6. A: 这是你 小说吗? Zhè shì nǐ xiǎoshuō ma? B: 是, 这是我的 Shì, zhè shì wǒ de. A: 是很好的小说吗? Shì hěn hǎo de xiǎoshuō ma? B:. 12 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.1

7. A: 你的英文很好 Nǐ de Yīngwén hěn hǎo. B:. 8. A:?? B: 是, 他是我们公司的经理 Shì, tā shì wǒmen gōngsī de jīnglǐ. A:?? B: 他姓王 Tā xìng Wáng. A:?? B: 他叫王海明 Tā jiào Wáng Hǎimíng. 9. A:?? B: 是, 我是会计师 Shì, wǒ shì kuàijìshī. A: 林先生也是会计师吗? Lín Xiānsheng yě shì kuàijìshī ma? B: 不是, Bú shì,. 10. A:?? B: 我今天很忙 Wǒ jīntiān hěn máng. A: 明天呢? Míngtiān ne? B:. 3. Rearrange the words in parentheses to make meaningful sentences, and then give the English equivalents. Example: 这 (a. 的 b. 你 c. 是 ) 书吗? 这是你的书吗? Is this your book? Zhè (a. de b. nǐ c. shì) shū ma? Zhè shì nǐ de shū ma? Is this your book? 1. 这 (a. 的 b. 他 c. 是 ) 字典吗? Zhè (a. de b. tā c. shì) zìdiǎn ma? Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.1 13

2. 那 (a. 杂志 b. 是 c. 什么 )? Nà (a. zázhì b. shì c. shénme)? 3. 她 (a. 是 b. 也 c. 不 ) 上海人吗? Tā (a. shì b. yě c. bù) Shànghǎirén ma? 4. 这 (a. 您 b. 是 c. 的 ) 电脑吗? Zhè (a. nín b. shì c. de) diànnǎo ma? 5. 他 (a. 很 b. 是 c. 的 d. 好 ) 大夫吗? Tā (a. hěn b. shì c. de d. hǎo) dàifu ma? 6. 那 (a. 白 b. 是 c. 先生 d. 位 e. 的 ) 律师吗? Nà (a. Bái b. shì c. xiānsheng d. wèi e. de) lǜshī ma? 4. Give the Chinese equivalents for the following sentences. 1. What is his wife s last name? 2. What is your manager s name? 3. Is her husband from Nanjing? 4. Is this your company s car? 14 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.1

5. Do you know his wife? 6. He is my colleague, not my classmate. 7. Mr. Bai is the manager of our company. He is very busy. 8. He is neither British nor Canadian. He is American. 9. He is not Japanese. He is Korean. 10. My friend s company is a very large automobile company. 11. Welcome to Shanghai. 12. I saw him yesterday. 13. America is also a very large country. 14. This is our company s lawyer. 15. This is my younger brother. 5. Read the following conversation and then decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F), or inconclusive based on the information given (I). A: Zhè wèi shì wǒmen Měiguó gōngsī de lǜshī, Huáng Xiānsheng. B: Huáng Xiānsheng, nín hǎo, huānyíng nín lái Tiānjīn. A: Hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nǐmen. Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.1 15

B: Wǒ yě hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nǐ. Nǐ de Zhōngwén hěn hǎo. A: Nǎli, Nǎli. 1. ( ) Měiguó gōngsī de lǜshī xìng Wáng. 2. ( ) Huáng Xiānsheng shì kuàijìshī. 3. ( ) Huáng Xiānsheng shì Zhōngguórén. 4. ( ) Huáng Xiānsheng shì Tiānjīnrén. 5. ( ) Huáng Xiānsheng shì Zhōngguó gōngsī de lǜshī. 6. You have just met a new colleague. Introduce your co-workers to him or her, ask where he or she is from and tell him or her where you come from. Then say a few polite expressions. 16 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.1

Unit 2.2 Exercises 1. Listen to the CD and read the following sentences out loud. Then give the English equivalents. 1. Qǐng wèn, zhè shì shéi de shū? 2. Zhè shì wǒ de, nà shì tā de. 3. Tā shì shénme dìfang rén? 4. Nǐmen gōngsī de jīnglǐ shì něi guó rén? 5. Něi wèi shì nǐmen de lǎoshī? Zhè wèi shì. 6. Nà wèi xiānsheng shì nǐmen gōngsī de kuàijìshī ma? Bù, tā shì wǒmen de lǜshī. 7. Nǐ huì shuō pǔtōnghuà ma? 8. Rénshìbù de mìshū huì shuō Rìyǔ ma? Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.2 17

9. Tā jiǎng de hěn kuài ma? Bù, tā jiǎng de hěn màn. 10. Shéi zuò Zhōngguócài zuò de hěn hǎo? 2. Answer the questions using the words given in parentheses. 1. A: 谁会说汉语? A: Shéi huì shuō Hànyǔ? B: ( 王太太 ) (Wáng Tàitai) 2. A: 那位先生是谁? A: Nà wèi xiānsheng shì shéi? B: ( 林大夫 ) (Lín Dàifu) 3. A: 胡小姐是谁的秘书? A: Hú Xiǎojie shì shéi de mìshū? B: ( 马律师 ) (Mǎ Lǜshī) 4. A: 请问, 谁是您的秘书? A: Qǐng wèn, shéi shì nín de mìshū? B: ( 丁小姐 ) (Dīng Xiǎojie) 5. A: 请问, 哪位是公司人事部的经理? A: Qǐng wèn, nǎ wèi shì gōngsī rénshìbù de jīnglǐ? B: ( 那位 ) (Nà wèi) 6. A: 请问, 你们公司谁会说英语? A: Qǐng wèn, nǐmen gōngsī shéi huì shuō Yīngyǔ? B: ( 江经理 ) (Jiāng Jīnglǐ) 7. A: 谁是你们公司的会计师? A: Shéi shì nǐmen gōngsī de kuàijìshī? B: ( 林天 ) (Lín Tiān) 8. A: 谁的法语说得很好? A: Shéi de Fǎyǔ shuō de hěn hǎo? B: ( 李经理的太太 ) (Lǐ Jīnglǐ de tàitai) 18 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.2

3. Change the following sentences into questions by replacing the underlined words with appropriate interrogative pronouns. Example: A: 她认识王经理 Tā rènshi Wáng Jīnglǐ. B: 她认识谁? Tā rènshi shéi? 1. A: 她认识王律师 A: Tā rènshi Wáng Lǜshī. B:? 2. A: 他叫黄海 A: Tā jiào Huáng Hǎi. B:? 3. A: 她是法国人 A: Tā shì Fǎguórén. B:? 4. A: 她是天津人吗? A: Tā shì Tiānjīnrén ma? B:? 5. A: 那是他的杂志 A: Nà shì tā de zázhì. B:? 6. A: 那位是他们的同事 A: Nèi wèi shì tāmen de tóngshì. B:? 7. A: 他会说西班牙话 A: Tā huì shuō Xībānyáhuà. B:? 8. A: 他的太太会德语 A: Tā de tàitai huì Déyǔ. B:? 9. A: 林老师的先生的俄语说得很好 A: Lín Lǎoshī de xiānsheng de Éyǔ shuō de hěn hǎo. B:? Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.2 19

4. Insert the words in parentheses into the appropriate places within the sentences, and then give the English equivalents. (Note: some sentences may need to be restructured.) 1. 她写得很好 ( 汉字 ) Tā xiě de hěn hǎo. (Hànzì) 2. 他会说普通话 ( 一点儿 ) Tā huì shuō pǔtōnghuà. (yìdiǎnr) 3. 他打得很好 ( 球 ) Tā dǎ de hěn hǎo. (qiú) 4. 他的秘书打得很快 ( 字 ) Tā de mìshū dǎ de hěn kuài. (zì) 5. 他的太太开得很慢 ( 车 ) Tā de tàitai kāi de hěn màn. (chē) 6. 他看得很快 ( 书 ) Tā kàn de hěn kuài. (shū) 7. 他会做菜 ( 什么 ) Tā huì zuò cài. (shénme) 8. 经理开车吗? ( 什么 ) Jīnglǐ kāi chē ma? (shénme) 5. Create five sentences using 请问 qǐng wèn (note that 请问 must be followed by a question). 1. 2. 3. 20 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.2

4. 5. 6. Complete the conversations by creating questions that correspond to the given answers. 1. A:? B: 我认识他 Wǒ rènshi tā. 2. A:? B: 他叫陈文 Tā jiào Chén Wén. 3. A:? B: 他是英国人 Tā shì Yīngguórén. 4. A:? B: 不会, 他不会说上海话 Bú huì, tā bú huì shuō Shànghǎihuà. 5. A:? B: 会, 他会说普通话 Huì, tā huì shuō pǔtōnghuà. 6. A:? B: 说得很好 Shuō de hěn hǎo. 7. Give the Chinese equivalents for the following sentences. 1. This is not my novel. Whose novel is this? 2. What is that? That is a map of Beijing. 3. Who is he? He is Mr. Zhang, I suppose. Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.2 21

4. Who is this company s accountant? 5. What foreign languages can you speak? 6. He walks very quickly. 7. He eats a lot. 8. He is not French, is he? 9. He can also speak a little bit of German. 10. He teaches well. 11. Who is the manager of the Human Resources Department? 12. Can the manager of your company speak Chinese? 13. Our secretary s given name is Jane. She is from Beijing. She speaks English very well. She also types very fast. 22 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 2.2

Unit 7.1 Exercises 1. Complete the following conversations. 1. A: 你今天刚回来吗? Nǐ jīntiān gāng huílai ma? B: 是的, 我今天 回来 Shì de, wǒ jīntiān huílai. A: 你从 回来? Nǐ cóng huílai? B: 我 广东 Wǒ Guǎngdōng. 2. A: 你经常去分公司吗? Nǐ jīngcháng qù fēngōngsī ma? B: 是的, 我 去 Shì de, wǒ qù. A: 你一个月去 次? Nǐ yí ge yuè qù cì? B: 我 去三次 Wǒ qù sān cì. A: 你一次会待? Nǐ yí cì huì dāi? B: 我 会待两天左右 Wǒ huì dài liǎng tiān zuǒyòu. 3. A: 你常来上海吗? Nǐ cháng lái Shànghǎi ma? B: 我不 来 Wǒ bù lái. A: 你这次从 来? Nǐ zhè cì cóng lái? B: 我从天津来 Wǒ cóng Tiānjīn lái. 4. A: 胡先生, 这是我的名片 Hú Xiānsheng, zhè shì wǒ de míngpiàn. B: 这是我的, 请多多 Zhè shì wǒ de, qǐng duō duō. Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.1 77

5. A: 对不起, 我昨天没能来见您 Duìbuqǐ, wǒ zuótiān méi néng lái jiàn nín. B:, 我知道您很忙, Wǒ zhīdào nín hěn máng. 6. A: 他们? Tāmen? B: 他们结婚十三年了 Tāmen jié hūn shísān nián le. 2. Complete the following conversations by using either 来 lái or 去 qù. 1. A: 张经理在吗? Zhāng Jīnglǐ zài ma? B: 他出差 了 Tā chū chāi le. A: 那他什么时候回? Nà tā shénme shíhòu huí? B: 大概下星期五 Dàgài xià xīngqīwǔ. 2. A: 你到家了吗? Nǐ dào jiā le ma? B: 到了, 你什么时候 我家? Dào le, nǐ shénme shíhòu wǒ jiā? A: 我现在就 Wǒ xiànzài jiù. 3. A: 你会 我们这儿开会吗?Nǐ huì wǒmen zhèr kāi huì ma? B: 对不起, 我不能 你们那儿开会 Duìbuqǐ, wǒ bù néng nǐmen nàr kāi huì. 4. A: 今天我有空 Jīntiān wǒ yǒu kòng. B: 那我们 公园玩儿吧 Nà wǒmen gōngyuán wánr ba. 5. A: 你刚到这儿 吗? Nǐ gāng dào zhèr ma? B: 是的, 我刚 Shì de, wǒ gāng. 3. Rearrange each word in parentheses to complete the following sentences. 1. 我回家 ( 三次, 一年, 大概 ) Wǒ huí jiā. (sān cì, yì nián, dàgài) 78 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.1

2. 林小姐出差 ( 一个月, 大概, 两次 ) Lín Xiǎojie chū chāi. (yí ge yuè, dàgài, liǎng cì) 3. 他去打网球 ( 大概, 一星期, 两, 三, 次 ) Tā qù dǎ wǎngqiú. (dàgài, yì xīngqī, liǎng, sān, cì) 4. 他打电话 ( 差不多, 一天, 五, 四, 次 ) Tā dǎ diànhuà. (chàbuduō, yì tiān, wǔ, sì, cì) 4. Complete the following conversations by using the pattern 多 + Adj. 1. A: 你女儿 了? Nǐ nǚ ér le? B: 十九岁了 Shíjiǔ suì le. 2. A: 你的儿子有? Nǐ de érzi yǒu? B: 他有一米八 Tā yǒu yì mǐ bā. 3. A: 你会在纽约待? Nǐ huì zài Niǔyuē dāi? B: 一星期左右 Yì xīngqī zuǒyòu. 4. A: 电脑市场离这儿有? Diànnǎo Shìchǎng lí zhèr yǒu? B: 差不多一公里 Chàbuduō yì gōnglǐ. 5. A: 你来中国 时间了? Nǐ lái Zhōngguó shíjiān le? B: 我来一年半了 Wǒ lái yì nián bàn le. 5. Rearrange the following words into meaningful sentences. 1. 会李小姐也待上海在一个星期 huì Lǐ Xiǎojie yě dāi Shànghǎi zài yí ge xīngqī Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.1 79

2. 我出差下星期两天要 wǒ chū chāi xiàxīngqī liǎng tiān yào 3. 我明天的要开会一天 wǒ míngtiān de yào kāi huì yì tiān 4. 做六月做他了个会计 zuò liù yuè zuò tā le ge kuàijì 5. 三年了他退休已经 sān nián le tā tuìxiū yǐjīng 6. 大概一个月美国一次来我 dàgài yí ge yuè Měiguó yí cì lái wǒ 7. 您我们来公司的欢迎 nín wǒmen lái gōngsī de huānyíng 8. 多久了李总英文学了的 duō jiǔ le Lǐ Zǒng Yīngwén xué le de 6. Give the Chinese equivalents for the following sentences. 1. He calls his wife once every day. 80 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.1

2. He exercises for 30 minutes every day. 3. He just returned from Guangdong. 4. How many times a week do you buy groceries? 5. How long have you been working for this company? 6. Where will you be going to from New York? 7. Did you just come back from London? 8. Our company s general manager often goes to the branch office in Suzhou on business trips. 9. He went to China on a business trip for five days last month. 10. This is my second trip to Xi an. 7. Introduce yourself to a superior. Tell him or her where you came from, how long you plan to stay, and how often you come to this place to visit. Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.1 81

Unit 7.2 Exercises 1. Choose 几 and 多少 to complete the following questions. 1. 一罐可乐 钱? Yì guàn kělè qián? 2. 你们学校有 学生? Nǐmen xuéxiào yǒu xuésheng? 3. 一星期有 天? Yì xīngqī yǒu tiān? 4. 一年有 天? Yì nián yǒu tiān? 5. 你一年去中国 次? Nǐ yì nián qù Zhōngguó cì? 2. Insert the words in parentheses into the appropriate places within the sentences, and then give the English equivalents. 1. 欢迎您来我们的工厂 ( 参观 ) Huānyíng nín lái wǒmen de gōngchǎng. (cānguān) 2. 有机会我会来 ( 一定 ) Yǒu jīhuì wǒ huì lái. (yídìng) 3. 这个分厂差不多有一千个员工 ( 一共 ) Zhè ge fēnchǎng chàbuduō yǒu yìqiān ge yuángōng. (yígòng) Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.2 83

4. 我这次是给你们介绍我们的总公司 ( 来 ) Wǒ zhè cì shì gěi nǐmen jièshào wǒmen de zǒnggōngsī. (lái) 5. 这个分厂是去年建的 ( 不 ) Zhè ge fēnchǎng shì qùnián jiàn de. (bù) 3. Complete the following conversations using the 是 的 construction and the hints in parentheses. 1. A: 这本杂志是谁买的 Zhè běn zázhì shì shéi mǎi de. B: ( 我 wǒ) 2. A: 白先生已经回来了 Bái Xiānsheng yǐjīng huílai le. B: 是吗? 他? Shì ma? Tā? A: 是昨天下午回来的 Shì zuótiān xiàwǔ huílai de. 3. A: 我认识马经理 Wǒ rènshi Mǎ Jīnglǐ. B: 是吗? 你们是什么时候认识的? Shì ma? Nǐmen shì shénme shíhòu rènshi de? A: ( 去年 qùnián) 4. A: 你买汽车了吗? Nǐ mǎi qìchē le ma? B: A: 你在哪里买的? Nǐ zài nǎli mǎi de? B: ( 汽车城 qìchēchéng) 5. A: 听说李经理到苏州来了 Tīngshuō Lǐ Jīnglǐ dào Sūzhōu lái le. B: 是吗?? Shì ma?? A: 他是从上海来的 Tā shì cóng Shànghǎi lái de. B: 他是? Tā shì? A: 是上个星期到的 Shì shàng ge xīngqī dào de. 84 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.2

B: 他坐火车来的吗? Tā zuò huǒchē lái de ma? A: 不, ( 开车 ) Bù,. (kāi chē) 4. Rearrange the following words into meaningful sentences. 1. 他火车坐北京不去的是 tā huǒchē zuò Běijīng bù qù de shì 2. 在上海这工厂种生产的是饮料的 zài Shànghǎi zhè gōngchǎng zhǒng shēngchǎn de shì yǐnliào de 3. 张先生感管理对很兴趣工厂的 Zhāng Xiānshēng gǎn guǎnlǐ duì hěn xìngqu gōngchǎng de 4. 哪一个在那个新公司城市是山东的? nǎ yí ge zài nà ge xīn gōngsī chéngshì shì Shāndōng de? 5. 在这生产产品哪儿种是的? zài zhè shēngchǎn chǎnpǐn nǎr zhǒng shì de? 5. Compare the following pairs of sentences and briefly explain in English how they differ in meaning. 1. 他昨天回家了 Tā zuótiān huí jiā le. 他是昨天回家的 Tā shì zuótiān huí jiā de. Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.2 85

2. 他非常紧张 Tā fēicháng jǐnzhāng. 他太紧张了 Tā tài jǐnzhāng le. 3. 他没有开车去杭州 Tā méiyǒu kāi chē qù Hángzhōu. 他不是开车去杭州的 Tā bú shì kāi chē qù Hángzhōu de. 4. 他来了三个星期了 Tā lái le sān ge xīngqī le. 他来了三个星期 Tā lái le sān ge xīngqī. 5. 你是从哪儿去香港的? Nǐ shì cóng nǎr qù Xiānggǎng de? 你是从哪儿来香港的? Nǐ shì cóng nǎr lái Xiānggǎng de? 6. Give the Chinese equivalents for the following sentences. 1. I m very interested in building a new plant in Guangzhou. 2. Are you interested in investing in China? 3. It is so great that they could come help us. 4. The products in that store are too expensive. 5. This (type of) cell phone is not too old. 6. Where did you go after you left Beijing? 86 Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.2

7. Who is the person that called me this morning? 8. Where were these products manufactured? 9. It was last year that he came to China to do business. 10. It was not Mr. Lin who told me. 7. You have a friend who has just formed a joint venture in China. Create a situation asking him when, where, with whom, and why he decided to form this joint venture. (Use the 是 的 construction.) Startup Business Chinese Workbook Unit 7.2 87