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KNX: 居家及建築控制的世界標準 The worldwide STANDARD for Home and Building Control

KNX is the Standard CENELEC EN 50090 歐洲唯一的居家建築電子系統標準 (HBES) 基於 KNX 標準 CEN EN 13321-1 歐洲建築自動化協定 (European Standard for Building Automation) 基於 KNX 標準 ISO / IEC ISO/IEC 14543-3 世界唯一的居家建築電子系統標準 (HES) 基於 KNX 標準 GB/Z GB/Z 20965 中國居家建築控制系統 基於 KNX 標準 US Standard (ANSI/ASHRAE 135) KNX: 居家及建築控制的世界標準!!

KNX 的優勢

1. 國際標準前景看好 CENELEC, KNX EN50090 CEN KNX EN13321-1/2 ISO/IEC KNX ISO/IEC14543-3 SAC KNX GB/Z20965 ANSI/ASHRAE KNX US ANSI/ASHRAE standard 135 International Standard, therefore future proof Product certification guarantees Interoperability & Interworking KNX stands for high product quality

2. 在此商品認證下, KNX 可保證跨平台之互動操作 不同廠商的不同商品可以達成各式各樣不同的應用 KNX 標章保證規格相容 & 協同運作 KNX 是唯一在全球範圍內對產品, 訓練中心, 及訓練人員給予認證的 HBES 標準. 所有的認證都在第三方中立實驗室中完成 International Standard, therefore future proof Product certification guarantees Interoperability & Interworking KNX stands for high product quality

3. KNX 代表高品質 KNX 在產品生命週期的每一個階段中都要求高度的製程及品質控制. 所有的合格製造商都被要求符合 ISO 9001 International Standard, therefore future proof Product certification guarantees Interoperability & Interworking KNX stands for high product quality

4. 不受製造廠商限制的 ETS 所有 KNX 認證產品都可以藉由單一標準電腦軟體 ETS 進行規劃, 工程, 啟用. ETS 超出製造廠商的限制 : 在此軟體工具之系統整合下可以將所有不同製造廠商生產的產品置於單一的安裝之下. A International unique manufacturer Standard, therefore independent future ETS proof KNX Product can be certification used for all applications guarantees in Interoperability home and building & Interworking control KNX is fit for use in different KNX stands for high product quality kind of buildings

5. KNX 能達成居家建築控制領域中所有您想做的事情 KNX is suitable for all possible applications & functions in home and building control A International unique manufacturer Standard, therefore independent future ETS proof KNX Product can be certification used for all applications guarantees in Interoperability home and building & Interworking control KNX is fit for use in different KNX stands for high product quality kind of buildings

6. KNX 可適用於各種不用的建築 新建或己存在的建築 小型房屋及大型建築 易於擴充及升級至最新的功能及需求 A International unique manufacturer Standard, therefore independent future ETS proof KNX Product can be certification used for all applications guarantees in Interoperability home and building & Interworking control KNX is fit for use in different KNX stands for high product quality kind of buildings

7. KNX 支援不同配置模式 E-mode: 控制者操作配置 S-mode: PC 操作配置 A International KNX unique supports manufacturer Standard, different therefore Configuration independent future Modes ETS proof KNX Product can KNX be certification used supports for all several applications guarantees in Interoperability home Communication and building & Interworking Media control KNX KNX stands KNX is fit for can for use in different high be coupled product quality to kind other of buildings systems

8. KNX 支援數種通訊媒介 雙絞線 (TP) 電源線 (PL) 無線射頻 (RF) IP/Ethernet A International KNX unique supports manufacturer Standard, different therefore Configuration independent future Modes ETS proof KNX Product can KNX be certification used supports for all several applications guarantees in Interoperability home Communication and building & Interworking Media control KNX KNX stands KNX is fit for can for use in different high be coupled product quality to kind other of buildings systems

9. KNX 可與其它系統相容 KNX 己發展出可以有效執行的技術來支援並完善其它控制系統 可與 KNX 兼容的己有 : BACnet DALI A International KNX unique supports manufacturer Standard, different therefore Configuration independent future Modes ETS proof KNX Product can KNX be certification used supports for all several applications guarantees in Interoperability home Communication and building & Interworking Media control KNX KNX stands KNX is fit for can for use in different high be coupled product quality to kind other of buildings systems

10. 使用 KNX 不受硬體及軟體技術限制 製造商可以自由開發微程序平台或由 KNX 系統平台取得原始碼 使用經 KNX 認證之技術完全沒有任何附加費用! KNX Product KNX can be is independent certification used for all applications guarantees from any in Interoperability hard- home or and software building & Interworking technology control

現況及統計資料 - January 2013

297 KNX Members in 33 countries

297 KNX Members in 33 countries Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China Croatia Denmark Finland France Germany Greece India Israel Italy Japan Saudi Arab. Latvia Norway Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Slovenia S-Korea Spain Switzerland Taiwan Netherlands Turkey UAE UK USA

Evolution of KNX Members 350 300 297 250 247 200 216 175 150 147 100 107 85 78 77 76 84 70 50 28 27 43 31 46 41 0 10 0 0 1 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Fujitsu General Limited is the 300th KNX Member! The 300th!

Albania Egypt Liechtenstein Portugal Algeria Estonia Lithuania Qatar Andorra Ethiopia Luxembourg Réunion Angola Faeroe Islands Macedonia Romania Argentina Finland Malaysia Russian Federation Armenia France Maldives Saudi Arabia Australia French Polynesia Malta Serbia Austria French Southern Territories Martinique Singapore Azerbaijan Georgia Mauritania Slovakia Bahrain Germany Mauritius Slovenia Bangladesh Gibraltar Mexico South Africa Belarus Greece Monaco Spain Belgium Guadeloupe Montenegro Suriname Bolivia Guatemala Morocco Swaziland Bosnia and Herzegovina Hungary Myanmar Sweden Brazil Iceland Namibia Switzerland Brunei Darussalam India Nepal Syria Bulgaria Indonesia Netherlands Taiwan Canada Iran, Islamic Republic of New Caledonia Thailand Chile Ireland New Zealand Tunisia 36414 KNX Partners China Israel Nigeria Turkey China - Hong Kong Italy Norway Ukraine in 119 countries Colombia Jordan Oman United Arab Emirates Costa Rica Kazakhstan Pakistan United Kingdom Croatia Korea, Republic of Palestine United States Cyprus Kosovo Panama Uruguay Czech Republic Kuwait Paraguay Venezuela Denmark Kyrgyzstan Peru Viet Nam Dominican Republic Latvia Philippines Yemen Ecuador Lebanon Poland

36414 KNX Partners in 119 countries

Evolution of KNX Partners 40000 35000 36414 30000 29955 25000 23910 20000 18804 15000 14345 10000 10512 11570 5000 2775 4459 5106 6045 6459 1090 1058 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Argentina Lebanon Australia Macedonia Austria Malaysia Belgium Mexico Brazil Netherlands Chile Norway China Poland China - Hong Kong Portugal Costa Rica Romania Croatia Russian Federation Czech Republic Saudi Arabia Denmark Serbia Egypt Singapore Finland South Africa France Germany Greece Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy 237 Training Centres in 46 countries South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey UAE United Kingdom

237 Training Centres in 46 countries

Evolution of KNX Training Centres 300 250 237 200 197 150 136 163 100 50 0 50 50 before 2000 120 110 101 91 83 86 78 69 59 40 34 27 16 9 10 9 10 9 10 5 3 5 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Austria Netherlands Belgium Poland Chile Portugal Czech Republic Romania Denmark Singapore Finland Slovakia France South Korea Germany Greece Hong Kong 87 Scientific Partners in 26 countries Spain Sweden Switzerland Ireland Turkey Italy United Kingdom

87 Scientific Partners in 26 countries

Evolution of KNX Scientific Partners 100 90 87 80 75 70 69 60 61 50 46 49 40 40 30 33 20 10 11 11 14 25 8 7 6 12 12 12 19 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Austria Belgium CIS and Baltic Croatia Denmark Germany 10 Userclubs and Professionals in 9 countries Spain Sweden The Netherlands

7 Associated Partners

Australia Luxembourg Argentina Middle East Australia New Zealand Austria Norway Baltics Poland Belgium Portugal Bosnia and Herzegovina Russia Brazil Serbia China South Africa Croatia South East Asia Denmark South Korea 36 National Groups Finland France Spain Sweden Germany Switzerland Greece Taiwan Hungary The Netherlands Italy Turkey Ireland United Kingdom

National Groups in 36 countries

Afghanistan Czech Republic Latvia Qatar Albania Denmark Lebanon Réunion Algeria Egypt Liechtenstein Romania Andorra Estonia Lithuania Russian Federation Angola Faeroe Islands Luxembourg San Marino Argentina Finland Macedonia Saudi Arabia Armenia France Malaysia Serbia Australia French Polynesia Maldives Singapore Austria French Southern Territories Malta Slovakia Azerbaijan Gabon Martinique Slovenia Bahrain Georgia Mauritius South Africa Belarus Germany Mexico Spain Belgium Greece Monaco Suriname Belize Guadeloupe Morocco Swaziland Bosnia and Herzegovina Hungary Myanmar Sweden Brazil Iceland Namibia Switzerland British Virgin Islands India Netherlands Syria ETS Licenses sold Bulgaria Indonesia Netherlands Antilles Taiwan Canada Iran, Islamic Republic of New Caledonia Thailand in 108 countries Chile Ireland New Zealand Tunisia China Israel Nigeria Turkey China - Hong Kong Italy Northern Mariana Islands Ukraine China - Macao Japan Norway United Arab Emirates Colombia Jordan Pakistan United Kingdom Costa Rica Kazakhstan Philippines United States Croatia Korea, Republic of Poland Uruguay Cyprus Kuwait Portugal Viet Nam

ETS licenses sold in 108 countries

KNX projects in 106 countries worldwide

297 KNX Members in 33 countries 7035 certified product groups 36414 KNX Partners in 119 countries 237 Training Centers in 46 countries 87 Scientific Partners in 26 countries 10 Userclubs in 9 countries 6 Associated partners 36 National Groups ETS sold in 108 countries

Application areas of KNX

Energy Efficiency with KNX Energy Savings with KNX up to 40 % with KNX shading control up to 50 % with KNX individual room control up to 60 % with KNX lighting control up to 60 % with KNX ventilation control Electricity for the City of Salzburg (Austria) The largest building in the Middle East Oundle School, Peterborough (Great Britain) A family home in low energy standard in Innsbruck (Austria) A new bioclimatic office building in Huesca (Spain) Energy efficiency in Guarda Polytechnic Institute Nerocubo Hotel in Italy Improved energy balance in insurance company (Prague)

From the building to the KNX city A single solution doesn t meet Smart city objectives. Therefore, a KNX city solution shall: be combined interact with Smart Grid offer interfaces to the grid focus on the total building environment Involve all fields which effect living

歐洲智慧型房屋市 場調查 - BSRIA-

歐洲智慧型房屋市場調查 - BSRIA- KNX 系統的智慧型房屋市佔率

歐洲智慧型房屋市場調查 - BSRIA- 在 2011 年, 以 KNX 為基礎的解決方案超過整體市佔率的 70% 在過去三年裡, 其市佔率每年平均都有 3% 的成長, 這顯示 KNX 逐漸增加的重要性 In 2011 the share of KNX-based solutions exceeded 70% of the total market value. In the last three years, the KNX share has been adding three percentage points on average, suggesting the growing importance of KNX ( BSRIA - Smart home market: impressive growth; new opportunities, June 20, 2012)

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